dry aoo'db ,. lujibek wain.€¦ · j i i 1 i f i 1 r bbbbflbbbbbhhbb '"7 'mm3...

' -- J i I 1 i f i 1 r BBBBflBBBBBHHBB '"7 'mm3 " ... vj;----q,-:- p i'jl''h' -"- "j,,"-;r'-:r' "r """ IBPIljljj '"""'""ZZ ' '''''aaa'etnttaBtaBgaBSEStBm j, --llMMMMtMiMMWBMMMMBMMBMBWaMMMllB Commercial flatters. MBKrfflS DAILT AFrSAL OFFICB, OATCBDAT. Msy 22. 1853. ( COTTOic. We hire no chug to rrpsrt la Use Cotton xaarket; thaxlseja. the rlxrT and the anticipation of even higher water tbaa we bars ye bad this eeason, litre a treaty te make boltera firmer ln tbelr demands. Tie PaircAtM Uri far New Orleini lut rlitt with only 167 bilel of Cotton as her frelsht or thit rtlc!e. The nice Srere42balesate, 25 alio. Staatll, 55 at US, St UK. Total SSI bales, which nterty 250 bales were sow bu oa Thursday evening. Cottox Tie New OfittntJHuruit of Hit 25. re ports: The advices JrU Mjr of WeVUngrou naTe produced so perce ptible effect cn our ma.ktt, and great idaHnes sttH prevsils, with salee ct btreiy 4 600 BeleaatlTreixiaraaaeeiicriincesrerjswerBTiaea. we however rep-.- car tut Qaotatloai : Inferio- r- ...5 a) Mf dllng 11 3, 311 K Ordinary 8 & J Good augoiigx..izmmiz71 Oood Ordmtry.. K16X I Middling Kiir...lJXij Low Middling. JO t I I Pair Sleek cn hand act cleared.. ........."215,075 ArrLrs.... Green, $1 50351 to fi barrel J Dried, 753 H 25. " BAoatKO....Indla,l!,gl7; Kentucky Hind Iotu, UKSlic; Kentucky Power Loon 15317c BEAKX..Whlte, $2t2 25 per bushel. BBOMS....Gontmn, $1 Wpdoreaj riser, $1, JkV W- - BcTrxa....Vmarrr, SOS;5c?a; Goshen, 28J5e. - Blacxiso... .Small hexes, 334a 60 Largo boxes, isoatuso . gross. CATTTX....Bre CtlEe,4S6c oa foot. Cnzxsr... ..Westers Btserre, (ttiud.) Dairy, 15S1SC n. OorTX....Blo afirtaecd to 12!, U; Legxyra noae la market: Jars, 1SS20C 9. CoBS....Xar. 60c 9 ttahB U Backs, CSc; reUB, 6c. COBS XaL....eoSSc fl hashaU CKACKEs....Vater, f I; Batter, t 60 J Soda, $5? Sacar,$IUt Soda, $2 GOflpex. Oaaszxi... JUr,:iS25a. 7 ft. CBiCKZB....tZ$z 609 aotea. rcATnEU....Gooe, 060c 9 ft. OOBOaaE....Vaallta, il3 60 J Cottos, Sl35ceata. Ze....leUXe. 7 doiea. rH....Maclml, halt bWi Ko. 1 ($ 60; this. No. $17 60i bbla Ko. J $11 ; half bbU Ko. 3 (3 60. FLOtTR.... Superfine, Si 63; Kxtra, $S; T. Harrteaa, ' 713? bbl. Xxtra XattTeaaefsee $787 76. O .. ..(rVr box of eort.) French Window, 8x10, f3 SSQt2 60; 13x13, ti 603M; FllUbar(h,SxIO, Jl SIS SS; lOxlS, ts ssts so; Oui'0W7)ES....Xrstacr7 Klie, $1 I637J keri ldalnr,$47SS60. EAT....S30 V too. Eeun. t 35. HlDi3....Drjraat,8Jc 9 ft; Dry Salted, 10K lie; Oreea Salted. eeata. Hoot.. ..On foot t6c; cross, (S. Iaow....Taaese, (Cumberland bar) XKC V ft- - I FeEairlTaala,(mtBTChbar)4iKc.; Castlacs, (hoi low ware) 4 S6e.J MaeUn Castlact. 6&S c :' IJjrx....eoiBiaa, $1 ietl SS beS St. Ceaerlere, 3 00. - . Laax....la krcs,i:x01i T ft ; la barrels, lOSlIe. LxaTHEJU. ..Sales at vheletale ftr Stlrtlax, S3 to 0c; IIaraeas1!StoS7c.; Oak Ssle, Ko. 1, 27c; Hem ccXSif,2s"'tolic.; ft t to dos is; Upper Leather, (27 to $I ft dexra. LuirBi:K....PpUr. fUS9; Cypress, 113; TeJlow Tlne,T9lh, SU; Pb Floorlnc, tro; Clear 'RlUte Tlse. S60; 1st Coamoa riae, Sli; 3ad do, $26. LlQroxs....014 Saarboa ITtlity. $1 60 ft (aBoa ; Old Bye. tt33; 0d Bewrrt, $ltl 60; Iraltatlea, OcA Irtsh, $2; Ttaa's, TThlsky, S922 ; Belter's, V S015c ; Pike's, 2Sc; reach Brandy, $1 7S2; Apple Brandy, l 7St2. Lead.. .. Bar, 7c p ft. 'XoLasscs...lTaaced to 2723: la bbli; calf hMs, i6c. Ken... Jeeaas. 16c ? ft; Alawads, Soft Sheas, 209 Sic; BardSheHs, II 815c XailJ. Jl M9( SS ?t kec OS10SS....21 23tl- V bashel. OrL....Llnieed. S98Sq LardOBtSeett 07; Cattor OB tl 60. ra.rB....'R'rap?!nj,S0c$I ft rein. roBJC....Hoa-roaa- 7VC.H ft; BaTx, $1S)71J Eaci.SKeiOHC , FSTATOES....Irtt&. (1 S5t fctl. RlCE...6c. It ft. KorE....Saadspaa, 7X$SKc; KicfefcBt,gltic. I SALT Inl.ti, 0sarse.I S$t SS; rine $1 60 Setati, tl t 63 for Coarse, sad tl 7il 60 ter rtae, 80Ar....2ar,6ic.-3- t ft. 8TASxn..MS10c ft ft. 8noT....Trop. $2 00; Back, f i H fa f. ba. ' 8ALTr ETUT . . ..ISCOc. . Btojte Wabx...10312Mc t galea. Scaaa Ctalcr, SV 0 ; rn,EV 8v; 7ttr, 7K8; aariSed, HSU'S Maf, 161(; Creihtd, 11MS1C; XVwdered, lS16c9 ft. Sriex3....Pepper,lte.; Otsaases. t15 ; Ctores, Glager, 8; Soice, lttSc fft. STZZI..rbS. 101K. i German, lte.; tiyMih Btteter, 15c; Aawrican BHster, 10c Cast SSc EHEEr....Os fset, t& t& 60 Ba4 ; gw. f7 ft head. StrDS....tHeTer,jtW; BlnsOrass, :og3SS; Straothy,t 6S25; Herdamas, $St2 36; Vaskeet, $2 tVKJtl; OrcsAid, $1 73,3. 6niatxs....$2 69St(. TlS....IlatelS Kr, . C, U S5; X $15 i Block U 45C ? ft. TEA....lsj)erial. 75cS$2; Gsapewdsr, 4SoSl; Teoxx Hyses, 76c.fl 60; Black, IS.$1. TorAOco...Jfis6arl, ateatacky tad Teaaessee, 20 40c ? ft; TlrOata, ? ft. ItriaTOAB.....rsro7rMU7ri8C,7Sc.?t galloa; rare Apple, (lOfbU; ObenUcal, ( 609i6. wheat... .TnetfiTSe. ? bashel. BBrCE )CTI1M.,m. ..JOBS M. tTBBESnET. FDTStUI & &THRESIILY, ""OSWASDING MERCHANTS TSo. 6 Front Street. Hew Orleans, TTTILLpay strict attestaon to. aad forward with cUs- - 11 pates tr goods istnsiea to oar care. KirriTO Missis. Ostesaa & Co.. Mesera. W Cox k Co., Messrs. "W. A TMett tc Co., Messrs. rattea & SmMh. SAM- - rc T Jl AM Is the agent of the abcre basse la this city, aad Is preparrd to make contracta far for ardisg, and to at- tend to all settlements aad ether bailscss at the firm. my21-l- y NEWARK, OHIO. Capital srtocli. - S'ioO.OOO. I AUTTF ACTUHE BS OF Portable & Stationary Engines SAW-MIL- LS ASD GRIST-MILL- S, PORTABLE OR STATIONARY. tbe lont excellence nhicb we bare bed la AFTER TnaeMsery, we don't beslta'e la ssying, thatlt caat beexocBedtnthlsorasyotberooaatry. Oar large site Portable Engines, which are designed for ras-sse- are got up on tbe locomctlre priacipie aad la erer wsy as geod Oar fifteen or twenty horse- power win raa taw-mB- to cat 10 and 12 000 fret of lumber per diy, aad require aa other fuel than about ooe-aa- lf of the stsbs They are rery simple essy to a- -t HaMe to get out of order, aad we win suaraatyte learn any aegre tbst bas any Ingenuity about him st aa, to run tl In eae days time, warraaiea to be wed made aad to make ptvaty of steam OurSaw-Mif- il are ef two kinds, stag e and double, and are got ep vHh all of tbe latest tmoreremeats. TTe do not cee end play to oar arbr, for la tests, we bare found it no ac- count Oar arbors are large JX lacbis dlsmcter. kmg beariars, babbitted with chacgeasle cose feed, statloa-sr- y guide to the saw. Our head -- locks are csnaerted tegetber and erraug-- d m that yon dsu'tbare to torn tbe arrew back to draw the block; It Is arranged with a half aat,' opn the sat and draw it back, thereby eartna a gnat deal of time. They are said tots thebiaiiest bead block that Is la ase; so acknowledged by od Hirers aad aB that bare ased them. ITe don't hesitate ruaraatying them toent 11,000 feet of lumber per dsy, wttb sufficient men to man tbe mill mill; one to raa tbe esrtne, one to teaa tbe ssw, one to tend the bead block, oae to take awsy lumber Treb.retaatest eat UM feet ef weather botrdieg in on boar. Any one wuhBg to puretsse, we win refer them to those that bare seen them ran and timed them caltmc The fssLralag are tbe lowest caib prices at thp : 20 Horse Engine, double mill,) 61x10 ilwl.. ..$5,160 00 15 " ' 62x1 ' stars.... l.50 00 16 " " (ttaglemtll,) 62 stw 1,665 CO 12 " " " 69 ttw 1 626 00 10 " " ' 43 saw 1,400 CO 8 " " far plaatatieB ase, capable of cut-li- from 2 to 3 OOS feet prr day. 40 saw.. 1,200 SO The abore prices taetete belUsg aad erery tLug to complete a ruaainf mitt and englse Address BOBT D. GBAT, Ar-- nt and Master Meeaanlc ComDerdal Hottt, Memyfati, Teaa. gTT t irn ITASJrEB, Treasarer, Newark, Ohio. CEBTXFIOATBS. EICCOB.T SrsiBBs, Fayette County, Teaa., 1 May 1st. 1S51. Mr. B D. Gray, Mtster Machlait asd Agent Newark Kaeblae Works, Ohio Dear Sir : In reply to your faror aa to the Porta We Steam L wtlcb you put an far me at GaBowsy's Swttct, aa tbe Memphis aad Ohio aBroad,37 mftes eut from tbe city, I hare to asy that I am more tbaa p'eased witu the operstioa aad resaTts, aad I takeoosasioa to add that bo St am Ssw-M- erer lntrodaoed, acoareHsg to myiadgmeai, bas erer or caa errer s accessfully eorap-- ti with these mlUs. I bses ta-k-ea apoa mywlf to wttaess several days sawing, and my mifi. with only the power of a 16 bene engta- -, cut la lsrge oak stocks at lee rate of 8 000 feet per dsy, 10 boars, aad la poplar, she cut In half lech bca'ds orer 12.000 per day. Tbe truth Is I fimd that It wtu take two teams almost to keep ber acetag. I conclude by saylag further, that I Kke year ratlls,Bot only for their capscty for sacb profitable results, bet because they are to seat, to liarple aad easily minis ed. la baste, touts, Jtc, H. B. S.'TrTLLlAMS. VcMrsii.Tm.. Msr. About tbe 50 th Afril I waa called oat to GaDoway'a Statloa, about 26 maes rrem inis pisce , wraie inert 1 ..t.itHl tbe fiiw-MI- U of ear townsmsn asd cltlrea. H B S. TTHHiml. Brq., who bas now ruaalag a Siw-M- ur. n n. Orar. maauf actu'ed at Newark Karhlae ITorks Ohio I caa ssy for tbe time of tbe tasahlaery and Its smooth afd strait sawing. I pronouBce It coe of tbe best fo the power used, I am afquilnlea vttb It win besr the dote- -t scrutiny, and la one of tbe raest rapid sswirgtni!is aecocniry. totIS Im 2. W. JONES. SOUTHERN LITERARY Organ and Review, prof. b. n. capers, editor. bare finally been terfected. for the ARRANGEMENTS cf thU Migsxlae, aad we are able to aauounos ie u "T Jcae Tbe copy l already In tbe bands of tbe prlater, ts. wnrt si rairidlT as the itiuleg cf a first number will permit. The Editor deems himself for tunate la aeearrag tae 'rating as io exseniiro c..- - llahmeat of tbs Morning anoieua uompany, n ua mined ficfllUel aad well estabUabed reputation, sruaraatee a s'yle of typography worthy the literary clar-el- er olXtbe work Our friends at home acd abroad win please forward their subscriptions at as eariy a day at practicable, tbat ire miy fix upin tbe tlxe of our edition, tl tbe work will sot be itereeytrped. Tbe pubUcatlta office win be at the Count of the Bulletin Company, IS Mtdissa street, tbe Editorial Boom orer tbe Hirer Bank, cornrr Mala asd Kadlroa streets. Letters msy be addressed to tbe Editor, or to tbe ScBetia Company Tbe following are tbe Terms of Subscription, lnrartably la adrtnee : Clarje copy of tbe Organ aad .. 2 03 e copies " ... 12 00 10 " " ' .. 26 00 to " " " " .. 60 00 ko u i .. 120 CO ,q . " .. 209 0 AtwswlthtoeouaTageaad pttrcaize Satbra lite- rature aad enterprlie, we wHI pustlib ea moderate terms, cdtertiuatntt ef ear Universities, CoHeges and Scbo Is, In the South, tastefully Buttrated aad neatly prtuted on One colored piper, attaeb'd to each aumteT of tbe e. Those wishing th-- lr alnTtlsemrnti to atrear In tbe first number, will pleaas forward tbelrf srors without farther 4elsr. my22-dtws-w Notice ot Dissolution. firm et Jttgemery 4x Joaeg Is tits dsy dlssolr. THE by mutual consent Mr T. S. Tate It authorised aad win take charge of the assets ef tbe bouse tad the Uar.fflUra. TII0S. JONES. WBry7 A.J MONTGOMERT. A J- - MOSTBOMEBT win cootlsue tbe COTTON TACTORAGB AND COMMISSION BUSINESS on hit own account, at tbe tame sttad, Ko. II Midi ion street, cpctitn. taya-l- m Flour. BBLS. Xxtra Family Flour ; 50 75 Soperfiae do. cn Fiae do. For sals by V McCLEaK, - pryje & 7ts Bow. fgloitftarji aitlT financial. HKXrfllS DaILT OFP1CB, I Satchoav. Hay iS. 1663 ( LotnsriLtx. Fno the JoKmaf, llay 24 The The banks Uke all Ih pod that is iffTlsC 'Wejtsattaae to qteU Btileraex-itteg-e at par to H pma. iaalKev.OtlraBa ceauaHy it aieconai 10 par. SEW OALEAMt. Itu Iho Kcoyan. JCsy 21 . The leniEcy of ibe nosey raatket eootmvet tewaidt In ereartng ease Thtre Is agiowlnetctrctlyof pipr 00 iirai, w&Hlt ine onvr tSKt la bsnk an utewise aad bid fair to Ksien rnd-- r th ceeeral ear- - taOBent cf oUigatlons. r.lmsEtmes oatniltg la Sep- tember and CUber caa Udeneat8A8K ftceat . aad Six months lianer at ft. A matiflerahia amaSBt B"atat inc ti Korrasber. December asl Jasnir'. wts aeN at IV Acceptances at longer dales miy be qnotid at 10II. Tne Exehacge ratrket is aa better. Rteillrg was weak- - er, ana ut nry belt names can with dtmcaliy be roues at 103. The extreme rtag tar clear li trom 1S7N to ivoh. aasM drafts with oocoaxrlary erldeoco mere patted at 1074$tO73 There it noiht t do"Bg la rrtrc BistydsybtlUoa KewTork haee been told at a rate t 1H&IX lucent, dlicoaat. Sight U heary at HSH T cuctmai. KEWTOK. Troa the Utretd Vsy24: The pit wekclesedjatabontasltcpead. del! aad flit, so far wit iwi maixei ana financial acaira tcneraur are ceaoeraed. There Is no Hfe la osenected with baiiaesa, and we hire the snsamer near at ban I, with all its nmaHy nafsTorabie laflseaos Bsoa soalatlTe epers k'roi ana sstrraaiHe nsTmnti Ko larwrtanl aetmtr in trade can be look d far nnUl the rail. In Booey But ters mere is nothing to comptals of, except tee eBnaa aecamu'alloa of besvun in the tioIU of oar baak VTm this accnmclallon drat eismenced it wst fcaUed as a itTorabia featare and looked npon sort a sige f taming oronefltr. The itresetlienlnraf Mr bints be large specie reaeree was considered the am two toward a restoratlan of poMlc rosSdeace; asd ss the weekly re- ports showed a weeklr leereiie. the nrentllB lBjBrea- - sioo was that aUrestiteaef Uereraltion wetfd ra49 dlstppear, and that the opeatEg of spring woejd teteg with It adieity ra bntlseM IB this we baee be a par- - bat sun hsee Boreal caase for ItanT of onr most hsairtaBt loterest. hare taacfa InrproTtd Seteralrltsl braacsraot tBdestryhsTe XTtT:. TheusandshaTereturBedtotcapteymeBt at filr wares; uio anaeuga ice progress towsrd ctmptete restorai KB it giasoti 11 la steady, aad npen s. stood bull. A mtre rapu reeorerr mlrbt far tbe rooseat be ra sitltfie- - tory, but It woaM In the end be lets sebitsnUtl. sad In greater danger of rslaptes. TJsrtat fairly uached not- - na. we nare naming 10 rear for many yetrt to oome, 11 prnotnt at Ibe start. EXCU.tGE AXD BA"IK NOTE LIST. COJUXCTXD DULY r TE OATOIO SATISOS IB- - STIT7T10X. Coiiaiul Stiver being fas Standard. Bang of Xemphlt..... pari Biak of 'Con. -- IK to2K di, S athera Bint.. csr Ilk of the Union IK to2H iis Hirer Bint. .......... ptrj Beets Bsck...lK Io2K dls Mil or HesiTesa.... mr Kerchsnts' Bk.l K to 2 V U Uasoa Bink..l toJS dl Ttasers' Bank.I K to I K Oil Baak of Teaa I H U 2 H dls Bk ehattaaoega.l XU3 H dls naaters' U2H dii Farmers' Bsak, Kaoxriue, Citlxena Bank I X to2M4itl IK to2K discoont uom. Banz...lM las els Bask or Middle Teaaessee, Br. of America 1 H to2H' 'ii IK to3K disroani N'tha Bk Teaa IX tt I dii laty Bank, KatbriBe IK to Bulk of Parts IK to IX oil 3H dtsceunt rjacurrrnf eat Foreign Xolet below Bankable Tim&t. Lawrenc-ber- g Bins. .15 die Seal arky Bsnts M to 1 prem SbetayrBle Bank.... 15 cli sute Bk or lad K to I prem sankorxcexrilie.... pari lute Bk or Ohio H to 1 ptem Dindrtdze Baak... ...IS dial Iam Iclini Baks K tot vrem OeoeBaek lSdis Mloais a' d mscoasis.5 dii Baak of KahTtlle....l5 li, AlabamaBanks .. ..tsdul Bsak of Tazewell SO dii Korth CarotiBaB'ks 2s die Bsak of OlalrborBe. . .40 die I Farmers' B'k K. C ..IS dls Baak of Treotoa....40 dii vosth Ctrotea. ..par Bank of Jerr-ra- ....0eHs ueerftafe'd Biais) ....rar NortheraBink Mias.WdMExtbageBaBkarKBB..par hi er xmptre state.. ptr Exchange far CrmcyStSing Rata. New Tork IK prem JCtacteBaU 1 prem PbtUdetcbli t H premjst li. I prem Boston 1 V nrMntBtHlMM 1 r.ram NewOrla 1 K premlimertcia GM 2 rrrm I ......... yironnm.. ............ To my Customers at Large, In Teaaessee, Mississippi, Alabama aad Arkansas, my Debtors sad Creditors, or to wkoerer else thee Pre- - teatt shall came Greetteg: 'Whereas, prlrate matters of so consequence to any oae tare myself, ceased me suddealy to If ire for tbe North, en the 3d ef December, 1SS7, and return te my post oa the 28th of Jaanery, 1R68 these presents are A. to make known that L WILLIAM A. GLIDDOK, Gutta Percha Truss Manufacturer, am agata to be seea at tbi oM stand oa Adams street, stoat and hearty, tad as will ing as erer to attend to ay owa business aad disregard JL' thst of others a point which, were it mne geserally adopted by the masses, weald esbaace the peace of mlad of many. Furthermore, I bare succeeded la eeastractlag aTrass during my abeecee, whereby aay oae, white or black. thin or stout, male or female, absest or present, caa get fitted without sendtag me teetr meaaare, oaly ststtng the sise of the Rupture, aad whether double er ttagla. These Instruments wHI becurered by Tn'caaixed Gutta Fercaa Oetb, a stapeadeas tmproreesest on what I bare briberto ased. Tke Tils i We optBssa et medteal gestle-rae- n, to wton I can refer In tats ctty, li tbe best crite rion la tubttaatittiag tbe fact st ay btriag seeeeeeX laEjakagaTraiattatrrui be tee tains for the preeent aad future reaeratie&a. Also, I woaM beg lean to state tbat, sbeati ssy ese TTI fromaafortuaateaocacsatslesea leg, I eaa SBppiyhiBi J2j with another not ef Sesb, but of steel btmg bees appointed Agent by Mr. Jne F. Ord, et Pbt1a4elpbia. for tbe adjustment aad sile of bis MetaBic Skeletea Leg, Aakle8BBprter, asd aaaierens Surstcal Maeblseryfer tbe Treatmeat et Drfsrmtttes. Specimen of LSS caa be seea at mr eSce, where Inr. pamphlets are dietrfbated gratis. Trasses fitted aad Raptures cared by WILLIAM 4. GLIDDOK, m Adaas street. MesBhta. Teaa. Annual Examination and Com few mencement of LaGratige Syn-odica- l College. PUBUCBetteeisbereeygtrea that the ExsmlsatteB ef the Sesier Olsss for the degree ef B. A., wbt ceat- - mmcc ea Ttjesdat, Juse I, at 9 o'eto-- k a. m , aad If ted csattBae BBtU ceastseted. H Tbe abbbaI Btetac ExamlnatieB et tbe three tewer tbat dieses will brstn ea MONDAY, tbe 2Stb ef Jase, tt 9 tbe ectotk A. tx ., (.ad tbs arbeie week eaestBg wM be ecca aad pled la the examtnttlea. est The exsmmatlea of caadidates fer OsHege wsB be betd en SATtrBBAT, the 3i et lay, at 9 o'eicex A. U. The a ef tbe OeUese Classes wiH be con- - to dactedbyprtBtedqaesUeas, seemltted to tbe stadeuts for tbe ant time after their eatraaee sate tbe exiariaa- - ttoa room, which tbey are te aa-w- 1 wrrttag wttbeet tbe aid et bosks. Betes, rsemaiin'i, other studeats er la aay ether ferm. from The Beard et Trastees sR haM their aaausl meeticg on Satubdat, tbe 21 of July, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. aaa in The exercites ef tbe Anaaal Gammer etaeet will be lc trodnDtd en Sabbath tbe 4th ef July, by a sermon a from Ber. L. J IIalset, D. D., ef LeBlsrltPl, y. patt are Oa MoirOAT, tbe 6th, tbe Saehoreore Prke Dedaaa- - tiea wBtta.epttott lOedeek A. ai., aad geM medals wBl be awsrled to tbe two members et tbe Cists who ihill be adjudge! must ikttfal eedilmers. aaay OaTcESDAT, thefth, the Junior exblbttioa ef rrp-- reeeatatlre rpeakert f rem tbe Pel Ma aad Eaaemiaa St- - eietiet et the OHUge B take pUee at 10 e'eieek A. M. Oa Wecxesoat, the 7th, at 9 o'clock a. it., the tf Commeaeemeus Exercises rrtU bebetd, asd tbe degree win be ceaferred apoa graduates This rrtB be f aHewtd r by tbe exerdies of tbe Iaauguratlea et tbe rreiMeat aad Faculty, craslitlag of aa aidrest br Rer. James Pa ibe, of Somerrttle, Tesa., aad aa address by tbe Pre f ice. sident, Ber. J. IL OUT, D. D. Tbe Adlresa before tbe two Societies ef the CeiHge wBl be deHrered tt a aeirtcr to 8 o'etock r. M., ea Wedsxsd at, 7lb ef July, by Ber. Eixjamiii M. dies of rALMEB. D. D., of Kew Orleaai. La. cured By order ef FacaKy. JNO. K. W4DDEL, Rrccrdisg Secretary. three LaGrange, KsyJ8, 1653. ayM-wtJa- from IHTELLFGEHCE OfflCf I GEXERAL ADYERTISIXG ASD C0L- - wai. LECTISG AGE5CY. very Ia 3klElllLiIi & CO., No. 3 howabd'o sew. TTATTNG eslab isbed oarselTes la tbe sbere balaess. AA e respectfally settclt thepatroaags of the coatma- - tlty. bad Ejttd ceastantly ou baad a fine aad select stock cf KtiTflettes, Periodicals, fce. 53" Refer to Jat E. Merrlmaa. Wm. Tark, T. H tae Trice, Ber Dr. Barbee, Archibald Wright, Esq , Jo eee J no A. Nooe, U Worley PatUrion, M. C GaHawsy, L D. Bucxaey, uuueua (Company, Mcutananaa, Troeasaie was tt DHL ae28-l- y hire FEESH SPKING GOODS! aad I AT B. WALKER & BROS., 79 Front Row, cor. of Adans Street. Ham AND tad J. WALKER & CO., 217 Main Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Halt, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Seep la erery rariety of Rcatly-Mad- e Clotulnp. barerscetred aad art sun recertlag from ear WE manufactory la Phnsdelpbtt, tbe lsrgest aad best seieetrd stock of neb aad fasbseatMe Osetbtac erer are brought to tbe Memphis market. To tho Iiadies. this kept we are nsw oseclng a splendid asaortmeBt ef Foreign aad and Donee KDrr Goods, cmsisUBgef rtcb fancy Dresr that Goods; Double Skirt t all striae tad PsMSkeed Betes la Silk Greaa41ae, fterege, Organd.es and Lawa. Great bargslaa la Black Silk SPRING MANTILLAS. SUk Lace aaa sux an lh: asnoiu. G GODS, to which are lUTlte tbe ttteatl-- a of our caeteaert LINEN GOODS of ah xtsai aiecarosea's jsarxiey-- s aad ether brands. try COTTON GOODS In MasHus and Caabeles et erery trade aad price. We bare a fall stock 1 Freech Em- - broWeri s rery cheap. ntares. Ttoeierr. etc. CBotre styles rrniea jseaaess aad Orgaadies; plitu Ma'liu de Lalos; a fuaiiueef Brussels aad 3Ji uooos. PARAS 1J A fall line of rich Broca4e aad rials Peal t de Soke ted S itin de Chine Paraaelj aad fcbadet. BOOPSEIKTS Extenslre Tsrlttlea. Glsrhams. Calicoes, etc We b.re la store the lsraest and roost ceaptete slock of BOOTS and SHOES. NEGRO BROGANS. EBBSETS, OSNABITRGS, LINSETS, TICKINGS, TBUXKS, CAR by PET BAGS, GENT'S FURNI'HING G0Of3, ttc To Planters and Country Merchants We UTite the particular attnUen ef tbe Raster and Country Merchaeti and Rtrer Traders te oar lmaease and te teferepurchatlBg ettewbere, as we are msaafsc- -. turlug our OolbiBg EXraRftftlT FR THIS MARKET, aad are easbled to sell ear good at EASTERN PRICES. Our stock or KEGRO CLOTHING It urge aad er tbe mostdarabiequalU). B. WALKca tt BROS., 72 Front Row. J. WALKER tt CO., 217 Msla ttreet. Mtnuf tetary Ko. 112 North Third street Ptbs!elfhla. myl6-dl- y BOARDING AND B0ARDIKG HOUSE. cf wiblog t.obtala botrd ia a prlrate PERS0K3 whiBg beardeTS, caa be sup-- nlled by leartng taeir names wnn MERRILL & CO , myJI-l- w 1H Msla itrret. 1 THE QUAKER SOLDIER, A ' nrt Tne BraUsatin'PMVadclpuia A 1 ALSO THE HAND BDT NOT THE HEART, By T. S. Axtbar. Narratives of Remarkable Conrerslens; Tbe TaBew Frigate, Cap t Grant; Tbe Iran Cross, by Sjlranus Cats; Ctprtna, by Reynolds; tmarles Banifird, Capt. Chamter; raeltaO'Tceie's Courtship; Sbsae Path's Wedding, and others can be found at K GEO. FATTISOJT & CO'S- - mj2 JB. m JP1WVE9 GENERAL 8TEA3IBOAT AGEST, "U io. ri siaaison street, myie-dt- m MEMPHIS, TENN. Ply and Mosqruto Traps. tagraloua larentlon bss beea In ase but one THIS bat bas attracted the favorable notice ef tbe t press la an parts or the Union- Can and aee them at my7 INGRAHAM fc LKES. Refrigerators and Ice Boxes. I L'ST rt eel red, a full assortment ef Scboalex't Psteut J Retrlgeraten, which are considered te be the best la as far preterrtij mtaU, resetiilee. butter, aillx. Ax. orawty -- saysj aeuxsei x go. tisttlteans CHEAP STliAal PilllTIIG ESB3L1SHMEHT 15 Madison Street, opposrra thb union sakx. THE ATTZXTION OF Citv and Country Merchants -- AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY, IirespectfnHy called to the naiirpused faculties of the BUMLETJW COSIPAJTT'S CHEAP Printing Establishment, Possessing erery mtdera tmproTement la X" if rJ3 ATidl -t TnSGBH, JiXTKK&lVja I'KCOIIHES, And a ether desirable reqalslies, the Company liprepar. ed to extea to erery description of FROM A CARD TO A BOOK. In the first style of the tit. at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. DESIGNS TOH STORE BIXiLS, Of these we tire tho largest rariety of NEW AND NOVEL DESIGNS. U b. tound la th. State, adapted to erery buitaeas, aad salted to erery taite. It yon require PB.INTINS of any kind, let the Job be large or smaH, weUrlte you to rlslt this estabHshmeat, bellerlBg thst nowhere else wtu you seeore BETTER WORK, BITTEB TREATMENT. OK BETTER TERMS. THE BULLETIN COSirAJfY, Ko It Madliop street. Memphis. Teun Tapestry, Telrct & Brussels Carpet. rpWENTT pieces new and chulce patterns ot Velret jl ana oraneis vtrpet, reenrea this mornln 1. Also, a good aiiortmaat of Burs. Mats, i; . For cod xooda. eneap. call on rmiy61 McErTSVEr i CO. Looking: Glasses. T ATtGB French Plate. Pier aad Mantel LttOEtKO. JLi GLASSES, recetred this week, from KewTork. Pier Olasses, lit serea. eight and sloe feet high, with plain ana oraamea'ai frames, for sale, at New T ork prices scunnir co. BaHetla end Aralsntha Cony. mylt-I- m Sprinff Beds IBkletof SPBtMf BEDS. Just recelred, by L myl lm McCINNBT & CO Patent SprlDjr Bds, A K0THEB lot of Tucker's Pateat Spring Beds, Jntt to UL osna ana rar sale oy mays MCK.IKNET & CO. Carpets Carpets t TTrBarerecelTlBgte-dsy- a cew supply 4 OARPETS, ss csisuag or Tipeeine, urniii, velret IkwVeirets. TareePly. Taptrr Iagrata.Suaerfiae and fiaeCarpeta. Sarlag parchated thsse Carp--ts at the toweas Baisern pnoes, we are easaiea aaa will seu them aa cheap as toy bouse In the Sautti . McatlNNTCTot CO.. myl9-l- m 191 Vi'n street, AtlStin'S IC6 Ore am Tre G 7 ers I rp HE oalT Freeter which caa te guarantlr d as nliablr. JL rrr sale at my7 INGBAITAM &. LEES' Hamper Baskets, FSESH, Oleaa aad Cheap tt jTNGKArtAM h. LEES' Varieties. TP rou want an trttete la Wood and Willow Ware, or iisase smraisuiag ueoas, it cia do asa at lAGRAHAK tt LESS', splS No C Monroe street. Itnire Cleaners. TTtSOlf (be celebrated msaufactory of Morris A New- - sewa. rar sale by apis INGRAuAM tt LEES. Cigars 1 Cigars ! Cigars ! nnn supesior ha tana cigars, far ) UU J ssle low by veuLiu. a L'U., my20-I- 312 Msla street. SOUTHERN DEPOT FOR Celetrated impr.ised Pfrmlua Family and Manufacturing fitenitlililurt 752Vy1y,7 JlllC. I MAIN STREET, MBMPnlS, T IKK, DTIN DEAK, A teat for Singer's Incomparable Sew- - tagMsebines, reepectfulty anBounecs tbat be bas all beea IMoced by tbe eitri-r- d nirr sbochis attending bli effvrts la St. Loels, asd the incr.ailcg demand from Tesaeasee and Arkiness to establish an Ageacy In Mfm- - peil. it ts two yeara stttcs be epfned aa office la St. uca, aad oat er serersl asadrrd Mich In es seed, sot Steele Maculae has erer required repsirti g er filled to greets highest satisfaction Tbe eeaeral remark be- - : I weald not part with my Sewlc g Machine for a tbeessad dotltri If I could ant get l Bother I can't Im- - agiaebewlerergetaloegwltboattt.'' Lidln nolocc- - Hitn tnat ta-- y cauae get their tswleg dsee Relieved fremtbediatger) of the aeedle, d the cxaseqaest tbereea. tbey btve leisare for mere not sgreesM seel mere betltbf ml occupstisa Pltuters de-- dtretkattbey bare saved tbe cost of a Macbiae la weeks Tbe saewresBttks batrj beea made br Hotel keepers Dmeaskers. 'filers, Tlaraf ssm kers. Sboeas- - kers, ac . ttc These who gelt to surebi-- e a Slug--r Sewtsg Mechtse wilt eooa Cod taemselvea behind tbe are. Ne risk Is lBcurred la buvleg a Slager Macbiae, la as i" -- rer. eee is a srrsBtea not te get out er eraer. Bet abased Warranted torn ike perfectly tbe beautt- - tbe intTleck stitch tbst r II! seam bem. P. gather, etc . It adset-- d to all sorts at work, and Is tbe oaly stltcb wBl wither rip nor revel. Warra d ti do tie UgMestaswell work. Tbe attC9ti-.- n rf ledtei It reseeettarty reuuested to tbe new FamPy Bndoir Maebtee, wlicb Is la tbe high style et art, asd li teyeed -n tb' raest bean-tlf- al as well a tbe raest useful Family Mschlae erer la- - Tetnea. Anrl'l'drsceBlInuoa-lyTec-lTe- whether tier trhh onrebsse er te gratify curieslty. E3- - Mscuees sees at KewTork prices with the cost ef iraaspertaiien aeaec rariB-dawi- y BRAGG'S ARCTIC LIXIMENT. lacomparable Llatment, u;on which tbe great THIS ef tbe amlte of all lands now rely for relief tbe psacs ot Rkeumstisra. Neuralgia. Gout. Erysl- - Cancer. Scrofula, Sxalsi, Braises. Baras, Sca'idi. ail CBtaseous ailfei is rsptd'y superseding an ill? Tbe peesrieters glre for the ea- - eearagea-at- ot sufferers. theroUowing memerendua of few ef the wonderful cures effected by It during tbe tew moaths. CertMastes trom tbe parties rimed to tee possession of tbe prenrtesort. but their length arecladi t the paVlesttea of ell but a few. ONE BOVTLK TRIUMPHANT. Mrs. Moat. Ko. 115 Morsaa itre't. St. Louis, harlnr sadbred fo" three years with Rbeuattlsm. end tried preparati-qi- s without effect, was cured by ens filly t Dot tie or Arctic ustmeat PITT THE LITTLE CHILDREN. Calf A MMe daughter ef Mrs Lee. reslting en Lake street. Cbtesgo, wis scalded all erer by tbe epwtttnx ot a kettle antttng water Tbe Arottc Llalment wsa trpltd ac-- erdiSMEtetbe directloaa, aa4"tbe fl- - wis instantly ex- - acted, aad la a few days tbe little sufferer waa well. RESTORED TO BEAUTT. Mrs. George K Taylor, Caasl etreet, K. O bad long sefered from a pi.nfnl aad dlsSguilac erupti-- a oa tbe ef aad by tbe use et ese totfe rf the LlalmeBt was tbe eared, aad restored to br orlglusl besaty. A nORRIBLS TUMOR. Eugene Mallery. Kateses, was three yesrs t be rletlm a berrlble tumoren tbe neek, which reilited ill reme until he tried tbe Arctic Lialoest Three bottlea hla la a lew weeks. WONDERFUL CUBE I Mrs. Bedford. Mobile, wss eatiSaed to ber couch for yiars with sam. palsy, sad after belsg la despair of the fill -- re ef all otb- -r rmedes. was cared by the we Arctic uataeat, ia a nttie ever a mentb. aa AM XFL"SION. MEMPms, Tenn . Ksvember 23. 1SS7. aerebycertirv, that barlug been badly bruised aad sca'ded by be expesstea of e steam bailer, a frlead la- - deced me to try Bragsr's Arctic IJnlm -- t Tbe smsrt lnstaatly extracted freen the fci.di, and In a short time, trl tbe pats was gent from the bruises. two weeks I wss wed, asd abr to resume my busl- aess. HENRT HATERS KILL, ReeWenre J set son street. THE BLIND SEE Webster ClTT Iowa, November . 1857. Da. Baaeo TarSlr: or mere Uan three rearsl been am ctert with Inflimsd eyes, la aa argrarated aad degree tae tried rarleas pbysld.i s aed serersl toBeefiaet; I waa iedueed by Dr. Baem to try Arctic uaimai, aaa ib two meath wn neartv well. My little dsathter w sffilcted I the same man- ner for tbe ssae time, and daring a p Ttlen ot the time entirely blind la oae rye I applied ynur valuabr ueimest and aer eyes are njw fierf cetlr loecd. lbns I, with one two-b- it bHtle. cared aydsugbter'setcs ay em, besides curing tbe rheeaitUm la my back. woasa net ee wueeut year laralssble remedy li my bouse. Tours truly, WM RUSSELL. WEBSTES.OITT, I OWA. November 9tb. 1SS7. I hereby certify thai I am well acauslnted with TO. Rusaetl, a4 wHb tbs aateaisblBg cares be meatlont knew bit ststetaeni t- be strictly true J.J. wadiworth, P. M.. Webster City. GOOD FOR ANIMALS. This lETBtutbte Liniment Is alaoeaulrrefilratloui In curtegtbed 'sees or anlma's aswlta-s- s thefenewlag An certificate: Messrs. J. tt A Araet, and Lynch tt Co., tbe two largest livery itibe. In tbe West, and are generally kaovra throughout tbe United Slatea ST. Louis December 224, 1S47. We. the aadereiraed, barieg usd Brirr'j Arctic Ilnl-- Best, for t number er mealha deer folly testify ti Its superior efflcsc la eating tbe flseates ot herses : so well we taUsfied ef tbe Arctic being tbe best Llalment made, tbst we woeM are no otb- -r We keep and bay for aaaiaberef yaara, exteaslre livery stab'ca la c'ty, aed ceoseojueatly ear experleoce abeut horses their dtsesses is grest, and we cnbesltstlsety say, the nt Is tb only one we bare erer tBni draft jffecHvt. WererdlsUyrecemc-ecdittoa- n Hrery stable keepers tad others having the cut of ben-- s. J. & A ABNOT, LTNCH, ARNOT tt CO., ot Chettnul street. CAUTION. Maay Druggists, having oM -- Jelmeuts cn hand, wHI to sell them to yea aa the beat, but doyoupes-mv-- tv refu- - te perch sse them. Ask for 'BBAGG'S ARCTIC LINIMENT." and take no otbtr. LIBERAL PROPOSITION. Tbepreprleters agree to famish each purchaser of a dollar bottle, with a free subscription to tbe 0. S. Jour- nal, far ese year Tbis Is oae or the b-- et K T. illus- trated papers. A eerlfi-at- eetlui"g lee barter ts the beees ef this proposition. Is eoele-e- d la tbe wrapper treeed erery dettar bottle. Tbe Arctic Limm-- at lpnt apteSSceat M ceat. and Jl bottles. Tbe 61 cent aad tl bottlea eentala 60 and 107 per cat. more Ltalmeat In proportion to their cost, tad -- re t'e Fjr ttle It BSARO & BURROWS, Sc St. Louis, Mc Brtgg't Arctft Llu'ment Is warrsated to KILL THE SCKEW WORM, crereut lh- - attack ot THE BLOW FLT la stock. O. C. HARBIN tt CO.. S. MANSFIELD tt CO.. Tr. P. ARKS WORTH & CO.,B. S. LAKPHIER, Atr.tl, Mem-pbl- s, Tenn. O. O WOODMAK J- - WRIOTIT h CO.. G. K. MOR RISON aad IS. B. WHSELOwK. tt CO.,Agen't. Kew Orleans. ap3-da- NEW PIANOS CHEAP. T-- s ECE1TRD this day 'Mar 18) six more tf those an IV eeuadtd PIANO rOSTBS, Iron tbe manufactory Wm. Kaabe tt Go , Bsltloore Persons la want of superior icatrumtats can Sad term at myl lm MtKINNET ' CO, J'ust Received ftfl CASESGlagtrWlae.justTeceiredaudrorstl by n n. potter. srjli Ko.IT Mala street. f fi RGtEb superior duality Low Grade Tooacco, J J just receiTN ana sr ia.e ay H H. POTTER, mvll 172 Matn street. O 0 1 1 CASKS superior Ale aad rorter. In pints tad cuarts. lust recelred aad for sale br ll. u rtTTTBK, mill IT) Mi la street. BASKET3 ef tbe celebrated Red Seal Cabinet 50 Gbampsgne, just received tad for rtls ly it a nyrrsK, myll 171 Mtln street. A OASES superior Ltmcn Syrup. Inst reclred end t J 17 fsrsaleby u 11 runic, myll 173 Main street. To the Iiadies. jriSa BCUVJ31I , 1S.C VI lB O.M.A(hV. (MWUA, jVX has opeaed ber DRESS- XAKING BOOMS, 116 Mala steeet, opposite Messri. Speed fc Btrsuge's near stars, betweea Union and Monroe streets, aad aoucua s share of public pitronice. mtr2lm Por Sale. A LI CELT KEGRO WOMAN, a fstr Cook, a Wilier and Ireoer, aoent 37 or a years oi agf, aad btr ebBd, 7 years ef age, a likely grrl. Apply at tMs offlot. vT7-- tf For Rent TEST la'Wilker'i block. A !WZ'7 50EUIS0N -- oy7 it Uttim ttreet.. To the Ladies. T&03C of lbs Ladles cf oar city who Intend aiding the P10NKEB BOO' AND X ADDXB COXPaNT, at their Pair aad Btipberry Sapper, to bo gteen faring thoromlog week, are reaaeited to meet at ODD TEL- - LOWS' HALL, oa SATUS.DAT MORKINO at 11 o'clock, far Us purpose of perfecting arrangements therefor. 3. S. CrtADWlDC t R. T. PATTIfON. LoomraltUe myZ7- - J. H. EDM0ND3OH.J n-- n- 1. msv- - .a .e nuiiuwHj"9 Alias uuu vi 11 1 iutii SALLOar cheeks, dall eyt4, a tsngald step, blo'ches dpiiopvitatbftendforhed--uihtprodai- m I the'rlctlm ordyspepils, and all these eaa be rapidly acd dnrably cared by these gentle, bat thorough tad Irre slstihle remedies. Sold tt tho maanf actory, Ko. 80 Maiden Lane, New Tork, aad atl draggUts, tt 26c, C2c, and tl per box or pot Dr. !. HoRtctfer's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, FOB the care of Ferer aad Igae.ls beyond all coatroTer. sy the safest and best remed 1 thtt could he Bled by the afflicted, 'or all dlseaiet of the sbne nttara. The molt rlos&t attacks of this drttdfaldlt case bare ottea beea prereatid by the ase of this reliable remedy. Tho "Bit ters " haTS beea used by the prop'ietor la aa exteailTO ptactire, la ths treatment of Ferer and Acne, for a nam. berofyetrt aad Us wonderfal caratlro pawrrs irewrU known both tolhepres aad the public Those who de sire a thorough renoratlon of their eatlre system? should act fell to use the Bittebj. For sale byBrnggtits, tad detlsrt generslly, eTery where. rayM-'Uwt- To Druggists and the People. TOU ate htreky cautioned sgsinst spurious imitations sgstnst Dr. DlGkath'i Blectsug Oil. ti e shaH prosecute any party who uses our eoyy rlghtel bills. Thli (genalne) Slectric OU has cared the Hijor of Cam. den ef POei and Bb umatlsm ; also, Hoa. John vTOJlim- - smj cf nuutluzlon. Hsa. B XlUiagiurtb, whom It took oT bis crutcliet la oae dty, and more tbaa 700 ethers la Ph'ladelnhla, wbess names bare been published In the Philadelphia Ledger. The vholeiale dealers la Fhlla4clphla woutd not coua- - tenance asy scamp guilty of the rascality of eoutsrf 'it- - iag. Ia Hsrrishurg. John Wyethe, Bsq , the well known Druggist there, caused the arrest aad Impritoumect of i Taientlae, who attempted aa Imltatlm of this ral- - aaMe temeiy. A geatieaan will ins bo la Flttibatgh and wll be able to show the people what power thli Oil bss oTerdlseue tad psln. Filaciral office 29 South Eighth street, Phllsd'lehls. No (genalne) Oil without tbe asms of Dr. DGrstb's Electric Oil bloua la th) bottle, aad tbe written signs- tare of Dr. DeGtstb fc Co. tal B. A. Smith, to Imitate which Is ftly. Prof. Da GBATLT. 1 South Eighth s'eet, PhBa. This Great Bmedy caa be bad of the ageat hero. CnAHDLEB. & CO. Prtoe, 26ceots,60ceatsaadtl. mrl5Iawlw "Death to all Vermin." " COTTAR'S " Bit, Boacb, fcc, EXTERMINATOR COSTAB'S" Bed-bu- g EXTERKIKATOR. COSTAB'S" ELECTRIC POWDER tsrAatt, latects. etc (TheorLT ixrALUBij: BEXXDtEi Tnowa.) Sold ererywhere (DraggUts aid Dealers desiring tm' ,tB tor Cottar's Prlrsta Olrcalar ) gj arrcripiex if.ra. Auil,Alv Tsvar" scaes to aay address la tbe United States, a sufficient quantity fPosttge Paid) to destroy be Terrain on aay Premises. "COSTAR'S'TRIJICIPAI, DEPOT, Ko S83 Broadway, Near Tork. S. MANSFIELD h. CO , Jgeats, mrSSdtw .Memphis, Teaa. Raffo's XeT Ice Crtam Saloon. No. 8 Prorlue a Stewart't ."Block, Cornrr Msla aad CafosoQStretU. ThsSslaoat ef this estabUshmrat bare been fitted up la elrgtat sty, tad lsdles tad geatlemaa win be politely serredwltb Ice Creams, Sodss, Con sctloaery, ttc,la erery rariety acd of the fiaest kladl. Fruits aad fancy articles la grest rariety mi73-l- a Horses and Mules. THOUSANDS of the' e valuable anlnsls are Inst eriry year, from thIr owners not knowing bow to treat tbe rarlous dl'esses they were suffering with, er from uilag Inferior remedies. Thli Is pecaHsr.y so la regsrd to inch diseases as sprinthslt, ipsrin, pole eril, and all sneh as are tbe result of epralus, bruslies, haraess galls, An these dbesje are reasHly curable by the me of terse ptaetratlBg HatmtBt, which is shserbedby tbe pores of the skla, and at oaeedrlrescff tbe bid haawrs tbst feed Amosg a3 tbe ltnlneett that hare erer been Invented, rone pss-e- is tbe peaetrstlre end difi-.sl- prlnolDies to sacb s degree as Da. BBAOO'i Asctic LlBIsf EtCT aaartaCe which Is rapidly drlvlsg i simnar preps nitons out ot tbe maiket. For sale by drusglsti ren -- Title, mylt-dsw- fw Mexican Mustanp Liniment. FB0 It rich aad poor, bond and free; ah colors, grades jr and ceadltleas of life, we bear tie tame ated of pralss awarded this wenierral article. Sores ars healed, pains litre savtd ralusbie auiasls aide uiefnl, tad untdd IBs sssutged by this great medicine wbkb are surprising to the ludgment of mta. Wbst f tally dees require s i tiadird Hnhnrnt Wboev- -r heard of tbe lime er pioloe;t by any other article ? Fee cuti. brulies, sprtitw,rheamttlsm, strslaed bones, ttc. It baa se equsl. Beware ef loltltloos. Tbe ges-ul- ae Muitaxo LntiMEttT Is soM by all respectable n drurtliti inl Hery mea la every towa, pa" Mi aad baa-l- et threugheat North aad South America, Eerc-pe- , aad Itltafis ot tbe Ocean. Buy at caee. BARNES tt PARK, ProurleUrs New Tork. SoM ererywhere tad by S. MANSPIE'.D tt CO. myl dtwtwlm 267 M.ta ttreet. E. F. GOODE & CO., (successors to Thrall tt Co.) WHOLESALE ASD KETAIL DEALERS I' to LIGHT NING SOBS. A rery superler artxl. with ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS. Leave orders with GO0DTXAR, KKAPP & Co., Ko. 4 Foit effiea Block, er addresa E. F. GOODS tt CO., mirllly Memphis, Teen. ef Edmondson & Armstrong, Wholesale and Re tan Dealers la HIDES, OIL JlND LEATHER, W. K0. 217 MAIN STREET, Opposite Court Square Sign of the 3r oldon Stirrup. KEEPcoaitactlr ea bind a fan assortment of artletet Ia their line, ctmelstlcg In part cf French aad American Skins. Hemlock tad Sola Lesther, Skirtings, Harness, Bridle. Wax aad Kip Upper Leather, Enameled tad Pttrnt Leather ot all kladj; Pad, Hsg Chamois, Deer, Lin leg aad Topping Skint Also, t fuU assortment of ftddlert'. Shoemakers' and Tanners' Tools, ttc Saddlery Hardware aad Harnett KouaUngt erery rariety to which we reepectfsSy Invite attention et persocs buying la ear Has. augzo-i- y Bands! Hands t Bands! To WE keep coastaatly oa baad a fan a isortment ef both Maehlae-Strctcb- Leather and ic GIN AND MILL BANDS. all sixes, from two to sixteen laches In width, and is Tl are tbe Agents or tbe sainuf ntureri, can sen them low at tbey raa be foncd in tbe market, aad guarantee them to be et tbs best quality made. To EDMONDSON & ABMCTSOnC, Ko. 247 Msla street. ae90-:- y Elru ot tbaGoMan Stirrup Hides! Hides! Hides! Te WX are prepared at any time to pay tbe HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, In CASH, fas DRY HIDES, SHEEP AND DEER SKINS. Shipments solicited, te which we promise our prompt spedal attentlaa. EDMONDSON It ARMSTRONG, Ko. 247 Mala etreet. aagSO-I- y Sign of the GoMea Stirrup. Saddles, Harness, Bridles, &c 1 WB are now J cat receiving a fresh tad wen selected slock of goods lathis 11ns, such as 3ADDLB3, BRIDLES, HARKESS, COLLARS, HAMIS. WHIPS, WAGON HARNESS, BRIDLE FILLINGS, HORSE C0TOR3, SADDLE BAGS, ETC., ETC., ETC. OP EVERY TARIETT. of which we wl tell st therery lowest market rates. EDMONDSON fc ARMSTRONG, Ko. 247 Mala street, sccSO-l- y Sign of the Golden Stirrup. Prof. Haskell's Electric OH. A supply ot this wonderful Medicine fir tbe cure rf rheumatism, Deafness, Piles, Coras and all nerreai dis- eases. Headaches and Pains, bas beea recelred by HAR BIN fc CO , where It can be obtained. The tuSrrlag should purchase s bottle Immediately. See advertise- ment la another column. Pnor. HAtzxn-- The followlag testimony la f aror Dr. Hasksn's Electric 0U Is tarnished as for pabttca-o- a: raor. BAraxLL Dear Sirs I feel It to bo my doty to utorm the public, through yon, what year wonderful is "Electric OU "baa done tcr my family. My wife has been alarmlugly troubled with tatting ot thewsabtad pslss In the back ted brent. I bought oae bottle of your Oil yesterday, tad ay tbe Is entirely free from pala, tad tends her warmest respects for year success snd prosperity. I bare btd a rheumatic pala Is lay heulders acd arms for a lent time, and la tea minutes tram the time I spatted your Oil, the ptla waa aH f one Is truly awenderfn! rentdy fir an palas, such as we bare been tufferlag with, and I cheerfully glre this tea UoonUletlUeSecta. G. T. SWIFT, Kerrttt House. Sworn tad subscribed before me, this dsy, 24th of July 1357. UBERTT WAITE, Justice ot the Price Such testimony tells aa "o'er Irn tale " worth cel. urans et made certificates an erer the land, tad a Ere it way on. For sale by 8. MANSFIELD fc CO., 367 Miin-l-t. Try It. ye sufTertegaad sffilcted. ccta-daw-ly DR. CAVAlSrATJGHS For the cure of erery form of HEMORRHOIDS, OR PILES; Whether of long standing or recent origin! Internal or External J whether attended with Prolapsus, Hemer- - rhAge, or obstruction; and til by EXTERNAL APPLICATION 1 Ko Internal adjuvants being required la any case, only to regulate tbe Bowels, tf Consupsled, er In Diarrhoea and BTteatery. Alirre number ef throughout tbe country. ef high character and Influence, hare roluntary attested to Its efficacy la tbelr own cases, not ot hearsay, aad whose certUcalea may be seen by reference te tbe pro prietors' publication to be bad of their agents, through, out tbe United States. Price, 21 per Box, retail. Tbe PILH SALTE ti put up In glsst Jin, ladosed In piper borpTcperly ltbtBed, and trill keep any length SI time. JJ- - For isle tn thtt dty by JOHTJOX fc LOItO, Ward fc joais, MAXinELD & CO., H. F. FABSSWORTH, B. S. HcanEi, w. x. Sheltoh, 4 Hestbt Txit. and GeODTZAR KSArFfcCO T. H. OAVAKAUOH fc CO., iy PronrVtora. SU Louis, Me. JVotice between Drt. R3BARS snd THE bas beea dlstj.Trd by mutual contest. Dr. W. H. Hawklas. now perm inertly located, tenders all professional services to the public Office, Immedi ately over me rpnuace, (front roam,) where Es. can be fauna at an luces, eiuryt wjes mitu)oziSJ ff3l. UflSriS) 38uifthtg Materials. a st moors. J. HAUTE AD. B. BAKE?. PLANING MILL AVD Tnnnm Run biivrs MANTLES. MOULDING. XJ too aad WINDOW FR1ME4 and CASINGS CORNICE, BBACstT3,NBWL POSTS, BALUITSIS TUBS1NG sort SCB9LL WORE, of erery rariety. 3S Is OOHIKTG w WEATHER BLABD CE UNO, L4TT1CH SHELVING sod IjTTIWXj3 J3X1, -- ' in kinds, ronsrd or drajaed BaDdert will and It to tb Ir laterest to glre at t call. ainiiBJS, UAUiaauauu , mySS'dtsriwty Seooad street ssntb of Cajoa. lujibek wain. Great Indacement to Builders. LUMBER AT REDUCED PSICSS FOR CASH I W PINE, ropier end Gum Sin, Jolit end Stnd-- iag, Westber-bssrdtE- g sad Ehecttag; Ciy wide, and clear white Pine. Craress and Poplar. 1M and 2 la thick; dreitel, yel.ow. white. Pine, Poplar and Gum Floorings dtssed CetUng. Also a large a rmeatol Shingles aad Lewed sad sawed Cedar, of til sites. AB orders from a distance, tcrsmptnl-- d by ths cash UllVnJ il ............ 1,UMJ m,. Biiicre, soutb side txutrt unaax wasntngioa sirrei CCIS ly Jl M. WUHHAJ1. JLUJfLBER VWltn. J. H. MULFOHD. Sash, Door and Blind Q ASH. Doors. BSIads aaMouldlag kept oa btad and U made to order. Also, DOORS AND WINDOW FRAMES, Worked Floorings, Ceilings, And all other machine work la bis line will b tarnlshac to Baud ers cn short notice. CONTRACTS OK BUILDING TAEEK. Office and Manaf sctory oa Adams street. netrKemchl tsa untnesion uauruaa Depot, siempnii, Teun. tTii-i- y f ainiiitpni) gsUljitcrturt HOUSE, SIGJT AND DECORATIVE PAINTING Glass Staining. Gilding, &c. W. H. PASSMORE. TN returning bit t Inceretbanki for the rery liberal pat. jl Tontge Descwea on aim luce nil residence in Mem. phis, would infirm the cituens thst bo is prepared tt all times to make TIMS for tbe comcletlos of work la ths aore of bis builaeis. In a tiyio mil wm mtiaiaia uiennauii repatatloa already gaineu sri &isciiy. Store Ko. 2. S.ewalt tt Prartae's Block. Mila street. below Unioe. K. B. I hire sncceeted la enrarlnl the serrices of oa er the best practical psluters to the country, Mr. ROBEBTt, late of KewTork, as ferrmin, toasilitmsln carrytag on tae eustaes In a manner that will glre per' ftct rstiifaction to all parties. ma-a- ir w. u. passmohe. B. B. M1LLEB JOS. T1KH. MEW PAINT SHOP. Miller & pimm, On Mcnroo Street, BETWEEN MAIN AND SECOND. ITTILL be fousd la readiness to do 81GK, tad all the f s oner oraacscs or. PaintiDir, urnnmentintr, SlarblintTt n rain In rr. F.tc. At such time aad manner is will lniure ths most perfect isuirsciua so erery taaie aaa circumstances. ARTISTS Of superior talent are attached to our establishment, saeb as are rarely erer f end combined la any oae shop la the Southern or Wntera country, tad btrs been sccurtd tt treaeaoout exseaso uur .. Gliding on Glass, Is equsl to toy. la the United States; COMMON SICNS, Of all descriptions furnished in a few boars notice. Perseasl atte tloi glrea to our work, both la Oraa. mental and ITouse Palntlcg. aplS-2- m P H. HAMMERSKOLD & CO., Architects, civil Engineers and surveyors, Office on Madia v street, over Gsyoso Savings Bank, MEMPHIS TENN.. A BE now prepsred to lurnlib deilgns for. aad snpertn-- J 1 wTKi tne erection et duouo or urlvito bnlMinri.i ehnrch- -, stores, store fixtures, ttc Th-- y will a re give ibelr ttentlon to any work comleg ander the head of Civil Engineering or Surveying, either In town or CMBtry Any description of Architectural Easlneerlug, Meehanlcal Drawings executed with sn aecarscy aad rritaeil not to be snrpassed la thli country Deslcas aad working drawlags far dwel lnx b.-i- ti or other betMlag-inth- e country so executed that any lntclll-ge- at aecro csrpcater can follow hem. Deilrai rr Tomb. Ce- - atanbs. Taolts, ttc , uanag nmextuiire oea'inca with rasauf sctUTS at the North and We.t. ther caa furnish anr deccrlntLnn.pT-A- n Freats.BAlceales Wladow Guards, ttc. ttc . at reduced prices. ntrEBExcEi : Hoa A. B Liagstreet L L D. : Hon. Rbirte. !ii . Sam Tate Ban Pre Hnt Memphis aad Cbarle.ton BHI-ea- d ; Col. W. M S ocktoi ; Dr J. C. Miniagtoa ; Ceckrel, ej. T. J Finnic, Em. f Gta. G. D Mitceell ; J. McKeerer, Ei Office hjurs from 9 a it to 'p. sr., tal from 2 r- - M. to' " anll-l- n HOUSE, SIGX, ilVD 0RSAMESTAL PAINTING, DE00EATING, &c. W. H. PASSMORE this method ot lnf ermlog the cltlxent of Mea. pbttbatbehaspennaaeatlr sealed bhunirtn. carry oa the abore buitaeas, and aasurta those who mayfaTorblmwttb tbelr patronage that an work ea. trustedtoblrnvrinbarehlastrlctPERSnNAT. atttiv. TION. lathe seiectloa aad preparatloa of tbe material. . .c it.ct3i exreuteon or tne wort, fie be spared en bis part to glre satisfaction aad perform tbe work thoroughly, and at tbe same time to salt the taste of the most fastidious. His teat eaijcilewe warrants him tn saying tbat his ooatracts win be coma! ltd with to tbe entire utlifirtki. those .vho miy pitronUe hlra. They may, slso rest assareu tast any work aadtrtaken by him will be prompt- ly conducted. For qnalUeatlctns.b begs leave to refer to Ibe renew- ing persocs : Cspt. O. B. Church, Cspt. T. KewetL Mr. rooley, cspt. J. Goalee. Capt, Alfeo, Mr. O. Piffler onur aaca ci anettoa'a urug atote mrzsly A FOIVTJUiE OF 70,000 DOLLARS TO BE HAD FOR TEN DOLLARS. SWAN & GO.'S E0TTERIES Authorized by tho State of Georgia. THE following Scheme win be drawn by S. Swan fc Managers of tbe Snirti Itim Ttt-- r each of their Single Number Lotteries for Jnme tSSS, at AUGUSTA. Ga.. la nubile, under it tendesceof Commlbloaers. OZiASS lOi be drawn In tbe City of Augusta, Georgia, In nillc, es SATUBDAT, Jane 6, 1S6S. OTjASS 18, be drawn In the city cf Augusta, Georgia, la public, oa SATUBDAT, Juno 12, 1853. CTi.&S 20. be dran In the cty ot Aagusta, Georgia, tn public oa SATUBDAT, June I, 1553. be drswn In tbe dty ef Augusta, Georgia, in public, on k,. u ""a . , . uu. ao, loro, on tue piaa or Single JSPimibers G,48S ZxrlsioEt !! Nearly Ono Prizo to Every ITino xicnet8. MAGItflFICEIVjT SCHEME. TO BE DBAW9 EACH SATURDAY IN JUNE. Prise of.. 70,000 4 Prists of....... 00 10,000 4 " " 800 10 000 4 u it 700 6,000 4 ' " ... 600 4.000 60 ' 600 2,000 60 M " 100 1,600 100 " " 125 1,000 230 ' 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 rrises et $t00 Aprox'tlng to $70,030 rrixa are I, COO 4 100 20,000 1,200 4 200 ' 10.000 800 4 125 6,000 " 600 4 100 ' 4,000 " 400 4 75 ' 1,000 " 100 4 60 1,500 " 200 8,000 20 are.. .100,008 6,486 pities amounting to..... ... ........,23o,Ooe Whole Tickets, 810; Halres, 85 00; taiuarEurn, sn ou, PI.ATT OF THE LOTTERV. Tbe Numbers Iron 1 to 60,000, corresponding with these Numbers oa tbe Tickets printed en separate slips of pa per, are enctrtiea viu uuu uu .iujcs ana piscea in one wheel. Tbe Crst 457 Prises, similarly printed aad encircled, are placed In another wheel. Tbe wbeele are then rerolred, aad a number la drawn Mm tbe wheel of number!, tad tt tbe same time a Prise drawn from the other wheel. The Kumber and Prize drawn oat are opened aad exhibited to tbe audience, aad regtaUred by the ixmmuiiccrn i tue rrue oeing placed against tae J. umoer urawu. im. operation is repeated until in are arawu Ob. ArrnoxiHATiox Pbizej. The two preceding aad tbs two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Priaes win be entitled v the 33 Apsrsxlnutloa Prtxee For example: If Ticket No 11240 draws the $70 uOOPrixe, numbered U24S. 1124. 112SI. 112S2. wiu each be entitled ta $100. If Ticket No. 650 diawa the m osa Prtit. those TicietsnumDereuoia.oi. o&I.etA win each be entitled to $100, and toon according to tbe above scheme. y The 6,000 Frixee cf $50 win be determined by tie last figure of tbe number tbat draws tbe $78,000 Prise, Far extap.fi, u tmarauti luisuiiig su.uwi'rize Ii with No. 1. then til the Tickets where tbe number ends In 1 win be entitled to $20. If tbe Number eadt with No. 2, then tn tne Tickets wnere tae number ends n 1 wtu be entitled to $20, and te an to 0. Certificates et Packages will be told at tbe following rates, which ta the risk : Certificate of rackageof 10 Whole Tickets D0 eo " lOHalf Moo " 1 Quarter " 20 00 10 Eighth " io on Inosderisf Tlckettor Certificates, enclose the money to oarasurea. torus itcaets oroeroa,oa receiptor which they win be f srwarded by first mail, rarchasers caa bare Tickets emtlng tn say figure they may deslruats. The lilt cf driwa numbers and prises win be forward ed to purchasers immeaisiay srcer tu drawing. rarchaaers wUl please write their signatures pltia, and give tbelr Post Office, County and State. 13 Remember tbat erery Frlre It drawn aad' payable la full without deduction. CS AH Prises ef $1,000 aad under, paid Immediately after tbe drawing other Prises at tie usual time of lalrtyaayt. T All communications strictly confidential. Andreaa orders tor Tickets or Certificates te 8. SWAN fc CO., Augusta, Gt. JJ FeTtont residing nest Montsomery, Ala., or AU lints, Ga., caa bare their order fined, and tare thn. by addressing S. Swsn fc Co. tt either of those title.. ' rrAUstof the numbers that are drawn (mm tt. wheel, with tbe amount of tbe prise that each one It en-- uuea u, wui oepuousuw axier erery drawing la tbe fol- lowlag naners : Kew Orleans Delta. Mobile rwi.w Charleston Standard, Nashrffle Gatette, Atlanta Intd'ji ran, ..(. " n-- jj iij ows, tiaraaaaa Morning News, Richmond Dispatch, Kew Tork Dispatch, Panl-dl- (Miss.) CUrioa, Augusta (Ot.) ConitltaUoaallit and aad Llltlt Bock (Aik ) True Democrat. mr26 A WANT SUPPLIED. QTETNSOK opect bit LUNCH SOUSE and LAGER sj tsn.BAuiua' Where hit frleads aad tbe pablic w I' aad tbe choicest wines. Liquors, EagUsb rotter and Scotch Ales, Lager Beer, fce. A fine Lunch will be i erred ap erery morning it 10 o'clock. Ltacn erery ereuinr, welch Babbit acd Tea, tan. t - Ko. S Baakr trecno, JcfiS BBJ'A old office. "Come ese, come tn." . OK r ? - " fgliscdlatiEouSe FOB TIIIRT5T DAYS I 850,000 WORTH OF IE X Jk.T& OS ADD FINE FURNITURE AT COST! s. AHweaewnsreiBCoarssoterec- - WL lion a lsrge tad tpacteat r B H 'PSE. two hundred feet t ijeen and fear stories htfb. situated ea Uulta street, a few doors from our present .land. w. wUlseHatAOIUALCOST FOR CASH, eronsbort time. lor ctty tseeptaaeet. our Imnncie stocx ot Pianos, Carpets, Curtain Goods. and Fine Furniture Wa Invite aR te rail, befirre purcba-tc- g elsewbere, ai we are deteral ed to cloee out ear prsseat stack te sire trouble tn Bstrlag it. Dea't forget tae cetner or atia and Union streets. myll-I- m GEO flahebtt a bbo. For Snlc. A FIRST RATH COOK, WASHER AND IRON- - m a.aa. Appryte K. HAWKS, '1 mi8-l- 194 tad 2C6 Mala street For Rent. A FINE office, sltaated ea Bl'k Ariaue, , XX very desirable for a Physician o. Lswyer- J X. OQADWIUK, rsjl Madison it., corner of Bank Arenae. DU. ORVHiliE R. EAULY fLiteef Mlillsiiort 1 looated psnaaaeotly la Mempbls. oSers bts HATING serrteet to Us etliras ted le the sirrosudleg coaetry. Special atteatlon wpl be given U Obstetrical cases tad aB diseases ot women aad caa rfren. Reildence on the corner or Dernanao street aao Brown's Avenue. Offis 28 Msdltoa itrtct my2 ly DR. JAMES 91. KEliliERt T) ESPCTFULt.T offers his nrerwsloaal serrices ta tbe IV ctlxeos of Memphis aaa its nctaixy. His resideace is oaMccau street, next to taat or a. Tf. Diuz.111 Office In Greentsw't BuUdleg Main It net. Sauth cf Ualoa, tecoad 11 or. bere he may be round at sit heart. unices professionally ntarea jnniT-oi- r DB. B. L. IiASKY, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher, Wasblagtoa Street, between Mala tad Second, MBMPHIS, TENN. Office hours from 1 to o'clock, a af ., tad front 2 to 4 ceeocx, r. af . rpaANXrUL for tbe kind patronage heretofore ex- - 1 tended to me, I take pleasure to Inform my custom ers aad the public ia general, that It Is not my la 'en I Ion to Iters this dir. as bas beea reported, sad that I am erer ready to attend to all cases of lateraal aad external ataeases, and that I am pr pared to uadertate the most difficult Boerstlees aad accoachmrats, aad tbst I do sot oe calomel or aay preparatloa of mercury la diseases wnsterer. Secret dlsessef sre cured la my o a method, la such manner as not to Interfere with ho buslaess of the pa tient, and that I r not ase any mercury In tbe treat- - meat or tie same. For the followlag Bheamstlsm, Athritli, Keuralgla, Nervous Headacbe aad Tootharhe. Faralysla. Drrpepsla. Torpldlty oa tbe Lirer, Sptaal Carrature and Weakaes., uienae utsesaes. Hipp, Tumor atdbs or watte swen log. Deafness, as well aa all dlteeaet of theE-- e aad Ear, Ameaorrboea. Chkroils. Sterility. Spermatorrhoea, ttc. ttc oraar disease tbat reqaire aa entire rexulattoa ef tbe fluid aad nerreaa srstem, I ate the Msgaeto-Electr- ir treatmeat. wbseb is universally known for Its crsctlca. bultr After t practice ef tea years tt Staff Physician and Director of serersl hospitals la Germany, and eight years practise la tbe United States my at a Phytldsa. Sarreoo aad Accoucher is tufficeatly eattb- - itsaea at to ase aorartBer comment. defa-daw- lr DI Tt T. -- ATRT In County Court of Shelby CorB- - tys Tenn. nay Term, 18 George Winchester adata- - utrator of Siml O. Bil-- 1 lard, deceased, Iretttlaa to sH Betl Estate ri. to pay Gestt Fsaule O. BlHird. J t appearing from affidarlt filed In this cans that the defendant. Fannie O. Ballard. Is a of the State ot Tennescee, It Is therefore ordered that putties- - tioa oe mace rr tniny days tn the MemphU DAILT Ar-- rl At. reoulrtng i d d feadaut to be snd Senear before the Judge rf the County Ooart of aald esanly, at the nest term ef slid cjurl, to be botdea at tilrich ea UO.S'D T, tbe 7tb dty cf Juae next, asd plead answer or demur to' said petltkn. or tbe "irae win be taken aa esnfeiscd, aad set far besritg ex pirte JOHN P. TREZ STANT, Cetk. By Jotns H. Harrison, D. C. myi-t- THE SOUTHERN CITIZEN, Is pubHsbed we-k-ly at KKOI CILLE, TENN., by John niilchel & Tm. G. Swan. At $2 per annum, or $1 far six months, paya ble invariably- - in advance. TR-- MITCIIEL hi. teg eaaeBced iatbe2Stbaam-lVXb- er if the paper, a serfs o Litters addressed to Hoa Alexaxdeb. H. Stefhess. ef Georgia which, when oeaettted. will rureub ta eatlre bliUry of Tne iristi Troubles ot 1848, With tb-- tr Caa.ea aad Coneaeaees Tbe SOUTHERN r.rnzew wtn be the mt ing to both Americaa asd Irh read rs. Betides these eea'rtbuileBi from Mr Mfchel. ts- - Sodthebs Citi-izr- x will continue te bare Hi aiaal iaeo ity et original matter unoo poll Ilea' ind hfr ry utdctt prepsret by hhn. Tb clrcuUtiea Iboeeb large and ceaitantly the P oerlet rs bsve tboegkt wni be much mere extezded by aa aaBoeareaest la tt It 'era GomBBDtea'iene withreml tiMmty bealdreiidto MiTCHELttStrAie KacxvlUe, Teaaessee, or to asytf :e r .iswrog Agents: H G Coartrn.y tt Co . Cbtrlestan. Seexk Carollat. Tbomts B O'OoeBsr, Saaaeaah, Georgia. J O Morgaa. New Orleans, I8UUm. s A. Gentrr. Btcbsesd, Tirglala. Alexander Adamsoa Wath'aglen City. Tsl'lmc-t-t Turn t. rieel jut Ohio. P M Htverty. IIOFoib-astpet- , N.wTrrk. s. H GoetxH.llDia bin str-e- t. Mobile, Aubaaa. u-- nj n uaTi.,MtsHiie BaitdiBg, Msntgimery, AIs. Rosf fcTaucer. 121 Ks-sa- street. New Tork. iuor4r dealer en'r upon f.rorsbie terms Jsms McGlen. 121 K'iru-- y s'reet, San Fraacltco. dots ef Ten will be safpiied with the Paper for SIS. myl-dS- a MORE THAN 500,000 BOTTLES SOLD IN THE Hew England States HV OSE YEAR. rprJK RKSfORATIVBof Prof. O.J Wcod far rej Urine X balr periectly sad peraaBeatte, bas aerer ret bad a rival, Tolame after vol a me might be given f rem all part, ef tbe world aed trees tbe most InuMgeat to prove tbst It Is a pert tt Restorative 1 but read tbt circu- lar and yes caunet deabt ; read also tbe feBowlsg. Tbe HAIR People bare for ceatrrlee been sffilcted wHbbtldbeali.aadtbeonlyrtaedy. beretafere known, ha .been those ab.ntnable wigs By a recent discovery of Wood these trtklei are bettg fast dispensed with, bat a treit atay persoas still natralxe them, Ir caase they hare beea to oftea laposed upon by tlalr Ten let of difrennt klodi. Toallsash psrioss we esraestty make tbe requeit tbat tbey will try eace agsla. for tn Wood's Rest retire tber is Be sscb thing ilfill We krtew of a lady who was baM, who ased tbe article a snert time and tier bead ts covered enepteteiy wtb the tlules' aid Best betatiral carl. iBtglnable We kaow fenmeroas cass where hair wst riowy fi'Mng out hlch Is restond la gresterperfe tlea tbaa It ertr bad beeoeere It ts also wtthoa! doubt oeeef the best arUdesfar keep ing the bslr tn good conditiea, makleg it sett aad glos-y- , resovlng daadrefi, and bis proved Itself the greatest enemy ta all the Hit 'hit hair is heir to. It Is Ibe Sale ct every one to Imerreve tbelr persona: appearance 'bough ime aa differ la regard to the ways of rtelig ; but -- very oae win admit that a beautiful head ef balr either la asa er wstata, It ta obj-- much to be deilred, and tlere are no that should be left ac J tried to ehtaln such s eeaiMerallon. Woman's Advo cite, Philadelphia. CocnoCTor, Ohio, November 17.1856. O. J. Wood fc Co Gents : As Ibarebeeaeagaged la seffloc your Hair Reiterative tbe lart sessoa for o e or your local areata. R. M. naeksa, aad hiVnt erperl-encad,t- he benefielsl efT'Cts ot It mysHf. I would Ills to obtatatn agency for tbeS'ateef Obieer seme State In tbe West, should yon wlb te msks such an arraage-raea- t. ss IsracoUTlnced fiere Is Betbfng equal tolttn the United Stat-s- . tor restoring tbe bslr. I hire bea eagagdla tbe drag business for sereral years, aad bare said virions preparatient rer tee ntlr. but hire round BotblngtbstrestereslbosecTttlreorgiBSor larlrerstes the scsln as wen as youri. being fully CABrlnced tbst yourrestorsllre Is wbst yea 11 pitas at tt lo be. I wsa'd lltetoengsgola theiileof It. fori srasaUsfied It auit seB. Tours truly. S. T. STOCKMAN. Watlasd. Mass . Feb ,5 IS57. Tfef O. J. Wood tt Go Gent l : Htrlag rallied the good effects of your Bslr "eiterttlve I wtih ts itate, that Cndlat my bil- - growtug thin, at well at gray, 1 rulMsMfoa what I real tad betra to try tne br van to nremH-i- ts srowb and change Its color as was la youth, bother which It bas effected completely. In the oferatlee I bsre nied ne'riy three boittte. Tears, ttc , JAMBS KRANCI3. u. n uuu ot uu., rropnvuFT.. ... oti".j i ., (In the greet N T. Wire Rilling Establishment.) and 114 Market st'ect, St Loeia. Mo. sTJAnd w br an enmruCTita. mirn-q.weo.- ir Sheriff's Sale. IT virtue of 'h" lo lowlni extcaHeas Issued from the I Law Side cf tht ComnK. Law aad Cbsncery Court tbe City ot Memphis an n Judgments of record therein axalnstDsvtd McComb, No. 21, March term, 187, issued onjudmeat In firoref Ben Johaos, rea- - dered M.rcb C. 1257, fir 234 ebt, aad $ 15 costs. Ke. 129 November term 1857 lssaed en judgment In fsror or Roberson, Dennett tt 0 , reedere 10th November lS57.rorSi.I9124dt.aadSIloocosti. no i7Djovee- - ber term I3t7 in rarer ef Micy, on Julgment renderrd 12tb November, 1S17, fo $ II debt, and to cou. 2. O. lto, at area term is ia rsvor ot Mosrs Greeawiod. oa Jedam-- at Msrcb 5th, 1SSS tS Udett tad (8 15C-- U Ko. ISO, attrch term, ISS oa ledgmest reeaeredfisth Msrcb, 1859. 1 f.roro'J M. BelfettCe. fr 1763 n dect. snd ti 40 Twill on the 36 th J ONE NEXT, la fro.t cf the stierifi-- s ira- - Haoitoa street, in tae ctty or atempuv sen to ths llthett MUerf jr can, the folk) vlns real estate lt. Ose parrel or let el ground slUatid la tbentyi.r vempbls eatbaert) eideer OrertjnAT- - ecue, or Adami stie t extended, st tbe point oi iBierteeuo-- . en tbeeaitsHeof Orteau street, with tbe aorih tide of idirai street, lit nkl sTeen? ) msnug toease rs.twaroiy aieBE toe stna nsi er Aaams sireet, 6t feet to a state. Irence northwtrd'y parallel with Or leans sireet ifto fe--t ; theece wsaiwsrely piralltl with Adamsstreet I feet to -- beea tsldeot Orems street: thence taa'bwtrdly la a right line to tve bet Inning teiug part o' is-- let Ko 00' aa laid d nra sn tbe din of the dty of M tnpoli. Also, aaotber groaad sl- - uatm ta lan city or Messpait. f roatlax oa Jackson street, commend g n Jscksea street at a stake 17 feet eit cf tbe Ditat of latert a' lan of tbe west - We af Third street, wll h the south sMe of Jtctsu ttreet run ning laeece westwtraiy sleag tbe south itde et Jscksoo ttreet 33 feet to a stake : to-n- -i at right tntels to Jack on ttreet sonutwardJy parslsH with Thirl allrr. 47 teet mereorleis toapoet ft earner with oae Sclsn and ate Carter;) Ihenee para'lel with Jsiksoa aad Cummerce tA, midway bet aad 17 feet s thence northwardly tea straight una to the ftlnilBg a mrt o' orlilntl ut i i- - lua aown on tee pua ef tbe ctty of Memphis ais ..aaoiuer portion or ssrt ut or ISO bearrted as fol lows: BeglaaUga- - lb Bertbwest et otra'r of stld lot the Intersection of Jteksen ttreet tad Third tier : bean etslwtrdly tlor g th .oath trie of Jtck.oa it.e-- t ix tret: tnenre soatawareiy at rlsbt aades with Jaci- - aoa ttreet t4It fe-- tbsece nrsllrl with Jt kt a ttreet 71 teet te Third alley beaca aortbwirdl t with ".Id alley In ast-sK- Hneio tne berfntar. levied on aa tbe property or Divtd McOnnb ts tttlsfy tbe abort meuuon"Q Bevntbl. tswrut hours my55 d.wlw BOT L umitw s. n Thresliing Heaping MACHINES. TTTB have en band a limply et these mst tpprored VY Mschlnes and wt would sogtrst to grain growers thst tbe dentin 3 ut them asoat carrett uoi is great-- r thin can be surpllet. Those thertrare who desire te re- ceive ece or both Machines, weald de well to send tbelr orders st occe lo as tbst they msy receive a reiutle go mi Resper or Thresher Ur tbe prefect aeaaoa, Trms caia. aajwhu, uhisiao. et vj. my21- - lawlo . p. f BARRELS superior Champagne Cider, wtrriated . 1 1 1 ' ta keen tarcet. lsit recelred and far sale bv ' ' U. II. FOTTSB,. . Mtt . -- r, rt. .... r. tr", sv.M-o.- , TO ilEUCIlAKTJr. OUR STOCK IS KOW FULL IN Every department AND ASSOETMBHT COHPIiIlTE. yoa a're preparca ana aiipoira looey rr cash, IF eaIlarxuswlll4oyeagxd. my21da v COST! G&.SHI COST I CASE I COOT New Goods ! ive-- Goods AUMVALOP A LARGE LOT OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY aOO'DB suc.t -- DRESS SILKS, PLAIN BEREGES, JACONET ROPES, BEREGE ROBES, ORGANDIE ROBES, CHEAP LAWNS, ate. te. Aad a general aasertmei tt et STAPLE AND FASGY D.ur GOODS, wbleb we si test off tt- - Oosa-- t for O It For thirty dsvs If you waat bsrgstas. saeb as were cerer before boeibt e wsat aeaey. traiVB US A C ALL - -- C P. 3. Ocoee and Daadriige Monty tatea at par. SMITH WICK, SKEKD fc CO., Kagtrsay't Block, Mala It., bslew DsMea, raylt tf IEW GOOD'S. April, 1S5S. J. L. TAYLOR, RESPECTFULLY Arinoixnces to Hi3 Friends AND THE JP URL, XC THAT 13 NOW RECEIVING A VERi" General Assortment OF AND FANCY GOODS EMBRACING DRESS GOODS IN-SI- LK, ORGANDIE, BEREGE, JAC0NT, LA SYLPHIDE, &C-- , &.C. 10,000 Yards FRENCH, ENGLISH AAD AMERICAN PRINTS, LAWNS AND GINGHAMS, SHEETINGS, , SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES, 'STRIPES, &C. JACONET, SWISS, CAMBRIC, PLAID, tC. DIMITIES, CORDS, SKIRTINGS, eAs HOOPS. Clotliiii g-- , FOR MEN, yODTHS, BOYS AND CHILDHEN. MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS, ef COLLARS, CRAVATS, TIES, SCARFS, DRAWERS, TJVDERSHIRTS, HALF HOSE.tC. BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, GAITERS, OXFORD TIES, BOOTEES, BUSKINS, EV GREAT TARIETT. HITS. MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SOFT AND STRAW LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, PLAIN AND COLORED. UMBlt ELLAS, PARASOLS, HANDKERCHIEFS, BELTS, LADIES' AND MISSES' UNDERSHIRTS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, RIBBONS, Fa&cy Articles AND SMALL GOODS , WHICH ARE OFFERED LOW FOR CASH! OR ON TIME TO PUNCTUAL PAYEES ONLY. 18 STREET, NEAR VORSHAM HOUSE. mylS-dt- w NEW GOODS! POPE & BROS., Are bow ia receiptor teen stB4M "teet of SPRING SUMiER GOODS SILK. GRENADINE. BEREGE, And ORGANDIE ROBES, DOUBLE ROBES & AOUELLE. SnSBROZDZiRTJBa, In setts of MecbHn, Point, and Hon! ton ..aces. Real Thread Lace Shawls, &c. White Goods, Lilnens. e&c. French Jaconets and Lawns, At sis teen acd twelve cents per yard. Erery thing ln proportion. 225 Msla street, mvl.2m Memphis, Tenn. Easle aed Enquirer copy. GREAT IKDIjCEMEXTS AT THE HI a 8,000 yards of DBESS SILKS, Of erery description At redsced prices. 4ifb Tl W. B a T7 tTi tc nnTftic of st At rery lew prices. IiAWlTS, OBQAHIjIES, BEBEGE3, By tb yard from 10 cents upwards. We commence te reduce tbe prices on tbe shore Goods On the first of May, to snd continue dtrlnetke sessoa. ts we with to reduce ear ktk of Goods. WewcaldpolttelyreeuesttbeLadiesto can aad buy bsrgalat at be E. BARLNDS & CO., It ayl-t- t 222 MAIN STREET. DR. W. T. BAILEY. (Lata of Ssutb Carolina,) Having located permanently tn tbe City ot iTomphis, bis services to tbe Public in tbe rarrous OFFERS ef his profession. Special attention paid to Obstetrics and Diseases of Women in general. OFFICE. IM MAIN STREET, Over the store ot Winston, Churchill fc Co. Jsnta imu ICE CRE&I JL. ROCCO, XCTo. S320 IVIVxItt. iStx-oot- . bext leare to tnfirm tbe Ladlet aad LROCCO ot Memphis aad vicinity, that bis ICE CUE Am SALOON Is now open tor tbe receptlsn ot Vl'ltors. aad wm be pleased to see hit oM aad arw customers. Ht hat rut received a new Soda Water Apparatus and Porce- lain Fountains. Aad Is prepared to manufacture a pure irt.de tf sou -- a. w i" 33 -- rt ALSO MAK UF ACTURER or P CONFECTIONER, aim cca-e- r ia all kinds or Green anil. Dry Fruits, PRESERVES, PICKLES. NUTS. OYSTERS. . aAUUliMta, SDU1UH ALK AND LON DON PORTER. WINES, COR- - . .DIALS ANP CJGASS. t .mylafia isnllanwuse aJ. x. Boat.rso.r. ........... UOB1SSOX fc YOIjIXG, COTTON FACTORS, Regular Memphis and XasliTille Real Estate and Produce Brokers, GENERAL ACENTS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &C., No. 26 Madison Street Dp Stairs. TscXomTaliljss, "JCottti t WB btve this day aaseeUted wHb at In tbe Laud 4r"T0uslBest w. X ARIGK. Fraattst, BoHvar CUtl. KU1. tain .uf ull Vil.imi . ... - .in wm oe BOBINSONtt TOUbG. "ar v ARICK. ....,. Frentlia. Mtamslr-o- L . . A.,, Ulf mtWIDC. 1U , 1.'... ..l. -- . .aregM tt country, for sale. i.tOOacres six Ml., from r..c.u wV Mrr, W 81 WatKOl t9 ftmOa... frern the Ml.sis.lpe4, a B.r.r tT 60 aces caeoOOsf vbtet. l. --.- .7 . th,M MU.Iepi tePbineea ;,. Y:;'.""""" I tOO icrr. 150 of wbleli - H ... . deadeaed, rreatlet ea tbe. MhsissiBOi nTer ia Chicot eaeety. Arkaasas aw acres I COOof vhleb It deadened kaieeaadexttadlex acre,, tk.Trirt mi fr.S. til ttlistsstsp river, whleh .ih v..., ..TJ to sen parchaters. " lioa ab at 760 r,f whl.t, I. w u, . w.k ..... or earnest loo seme twe re raHe. trm u vi7.i..iri. ires, snd Maliguou-- , to , rallread la Chlirt I T?T' after tbe i.tof Ja'y wt I bare the tea county, dl, m,., of i rt.o,u u.,r u.ii rjo- - ROBINSON. TOUNG fc ARICK. tpl-- lf 34 Madisea street. H. F, 'ARNSW0RTH& CO.. wholesale Dm rrnriero AND i is i from now T iriww .- , . , . . .. Jl iVtVrVtllZ.l - Z; 1 J .r. ,a ym'wmMf iiwta sruxes out - our prices trereiwntMe; and tberAXI' IJLl 1 aitsoee trarsTByAtszD. I" CALL AND SEE FIVR T.X-'TT- BvniTPT A BEAUTIFUL article of our owa maaaf seture. war-- XA. raated not ta eonttln any ef those poisonous artlele, contained la thit which la asaaSy bran kt here. I' aake. a deHcioai. cooling bererage, to ab this mma or tae year J nit try It I For sale at wholesale or retail by H. F FABK3W0BTH fc. CO., 77 o1 FTMit Row FINE TEAS! A LARGS assortment, narcbased before be lata rue a. Is Teas, for sale rery low, atwbeleaaleer retail, by n. w. riasasuaiu tt w,., 7e v 1 SVnnt Bnr. 500 POUNDS Cream Tartar, for aale by augS H P. FARNS WORTH, tt CO. Qn BAGS Black repper, for sale by L S H. F. FABNSWORTH fc CO. CIGARS C0,000, apsrered breads, tor sale by H F FARNS trOBTH fc CO. 5fl KEGS Newcastle S. C. Soda, for ssle by H. F FARNSWriRTH tt CO. 20 BARBELS Copperas, P. fc W . for sale by aneS H F. FARNS WORTH tt CO. 10 CARROTS Oil Tit net, for sale by aaeS H. F FARNS WORTH fc CO. I 300 BHSnELSSwestFuUtort rersaleby BOTH tt MILLER. GOLD PEW MAlsTJFACTOBY. T. II. HOSKINS, SSThlrd-Stre- tt, between MarW and Jeffersen LOOlSVlLUt, KT.. rFFESS to the pabile GeM Prns ef bis own mannfae- - V tare at wholesale aad retail, warranted eoual to anr cxaoe tn ta- - coun rr GOLD PENS SEPAIRVD AND SBPOINTBD. OM Pens seat by mill sccompisied with SO cents la money or stamps, will be repaired aad returned by aext aaE. feblC-daw- ly THE lalVEU PREPARED BY DR. SANDFORD. Componridcd Entirely froraGnmsi oeeef tbb"ru-gttr- e tad Lirer XedtdBes bow rl be4e Ibe Beetle, tat acts ! a Cathartic, east r. atsbltr. sad mere effeetaal tbaa aay other medicine kaewa It is act only a CstbartM. bet a User remedy, aetteg first en tbe User te elect its merted rattler, to. a eatbeite.aehaBdbewelitartrTv .iff that natter, th't teesme'tsb.Bg two panrioet eaetBalr. witb at aay of tbe ptsBfel teetincs la tbe operallea of aest Ostbarflee. It .t'enslheae tbe tystea attee same time bst It pergt it ; aad when taken da'lr la moderate dates, will strengthen tad kabd It ap with Banna! rsp- - Bvsiy. Tbe Lrvxnls oae of tbe .prteereal regataurs of th baataa body ; aad wben tt j perfora He raactleas well be sowers of the intern I tire fefcty sVrel-pe- d. The itemsebls aaMtnH'erydrpndeBtentnhes!tbrBI actional tbe Lirer far tbeJp-ope- e perterrAtnee of It I h... I.. . h ..V . .. .M . V . .. tre tt faaK, tad tb.tr.wbste -- yttra teSera tn I tBiuence or en ergsa-- - -r- e wrHtmi cess- - ete -- o itsautr- - riri-- . jiiea-e- s n teat orvan. one of tbe btt7mtde It bit ttady. la a of raretBsBtwea-.t- y years, to find seme re- medy wherewith te tbe maaydTtage mea' towoten it I. 'ti- - mo. la tt lait found, aay eetrebledwbUr-w-E COMrutisr. to any I f He te a' baa bat t a bottle, aad caaTlc-- sua t. fwrt.19 TbeseGems reaere aH, ba mttr frem ri- w- rtrrinis ' " tBnrww. a Dtinyj bow atte, trtfert'tec eaoslsg foed te d'g-- st well, roim"ow'THE ULOOBt glrlng tone I sad 'th to 1 kt wb le,- - tn icb leery, remorlag tbe eaee or he dtjea er-e-ft aa a ruHcsl cur BltLIOgs ATTlCkttre, .cured aad wbtt Is ertCTCIrTEO by the tie tf the Liteb. ImriarnATOB. Oe dose tfter citing Itiumeteat te reHere the ttomseb tad prerest ttC2 'rem rising aadsoBr- - Ing. Pair eae dese takea. be fyt fore retlrmg prerentt NlHTMABr. r- -n Only ne dose taken et Walght, loasent tbe bowels gn ryiBd cores CosTtT-Hnrs- i. O" dese taken titer, , etch meal wHI cute Os de of two tea- -, "Vpoonlals will slwiys re 8 1 ox Headache. Oae b4sle taken for re- - mile obt. rvctless remove tbe eaeae et tbe nVeaie, tad mike a perfect rare Oaty eae dose ImmedtaOtelvrelleTesCBOUC, wblst 0o4e-- e eftea repeated ts a sate cere for OneLZ-s- a Mobbss. aad apre-v.atl- ef CnobEBA. Oaty eaebastie la aeeded- 1- twWeetreeH eg See system Ibeeasctsef ss One bot'le taken fer"jABTtrrtCE, reraeres tB iiHsvmese er cnnat.nl coter trea the ika. Oae ese tsken asherrJttae b"ere ea'Kg tires rlger te tbe trset'te aad askee feed dstt wea. Oae e often repeated 2 cu-r- CrboisicDiax-BoiAlal- it worst f"rat. while So Mm tod Bow- - XL. eeaetalats yield alrmestte tbe flnt dote Oae or two dset eresc-'tttac- kt eaaaed by Worms In etren; there it Botarer safer, er apeedter reaedvra the world, tt lt,orer fsflt A few bottlea caret br exrltlag tbe aaseraaeata. JJL We "ake pleasure In rreaaadlag thit medMae ts a prerecllre for Feteb aid nrJE Cmu.FEY.CK. aad an Fetors of a Bitv-ioc- s Trn. It ocmles Mh cr-- talatr. tod tboasaeds are winiag te teetlry to Its wond- - VTTBl virtO-- 1U WRO rSE IT ARE OITIWa TBEIR UTJA5I stent tbstimsxt is it fator XT Mix water in the Motrrn witb the I- - noeitATort. Atn twAixosr both Toatrrrrra. THE ItirEU IWIGOltATOR 'iaseienttflaHca! I sror rr. and Is dally working cures aletett tea great tebeltere. it cares as If bymagie, eren tbe first djie tivteg ben. fit, sad teldoa more thsn rne bottle Is recelred te ear- - anv kind o' Lirrn nt. frea tee worst Jiundlre or Dyspepeta t" a com mon nra-scs- mot waiensre ue retancsTBDISEAtzri Lives. 0KB 30LLAR PRR BOTTLB-J- DR. SANFOBD, Preprletor IIS Broadway, New Tork. And retilrd by aR Dragxista. SMlaMea-'btib- S MAKSFIBLD fc CO., JOHNSON fc LONG BOEHHAV i, b SOLLAIVI) BITTERS TER CZLBBRATED HOLLAND BJDCECT FOR STSKSSbIl, disease of the hdsi?i3, LIVER OOM PLAINT, WEAKKE3S OF AKY B3ND, FKySt? AND AGUE. And tbe Ttriout tffsctlons eonisciuent upMt a dl .ordered STOMACH OR LITER, as ladlgestlon. Acidity of tbe Slsmseb, Ceetcky SUCH Heartburns, Los ot Appetite, Deipansency, Cotttrenets, B'tad aad Bleeding Piles. In aB Kerresa, Rheumatic aad Neuralgic AfiectJoaa, It baa ta aameroas Initances prored highly beneficial, and ln others effected decided cure. This Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared oa strict- ly tfter tbe master of th. celeb riled Hebiad Profettor. Boerbare. Beeaato of lta greet lac-ces-s la most of tbe European Slatea, Its Introduction late tbe United States waa tntendH mere especlttry for these oer fatberlsnd scattered here aad there orer the face this mtshty country. Meeting with greaf success arseeg them, I now offer to the American people, know- ing tbat Its truly wonderful medietas! virtues must be scknowledzed. It la partsealarry recommended ta those persons whose ceastltatlensraty have beea Impaired by ths cor tlnaous ase of ardeat spirits, or other forms ot diaslpation Gea.reHy lastaattaeoea ln enact. It find Its way directly tbe fit of Ufa. thriHIng and. eulckenlng erery aerre, raising up the droop tag spirit, sad, ln fact, infusing new health and rigor In tbe system. Notice Whoever expects to fin I this abevertge win dlsappotated t bat ta tbe slrk, weak and lew spirited, win prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed et sin- gular remedial properties. CAUTION. The great popultrity of this delightful Aroma bas In- duced maay Imitations, which tbe public should guard agahwt purchasing Be not persuaded to bay anything else aattl yes have given Boerhare'a Hot and Bitter a lair rial Oae bottle win convince you bow Infinitely superior it la to aR ttese Imitations. KXSotd at $1 per bottle, or six bottlea for $5, by tbe Sole Proprietors. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., &CO., MABTTTACTCBniO Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH PA. S. MANSFISLD tt rr , Ageata for Memphis Sold ) by n F. FARNSWORTH, WARD fc JOKES and JOHNSON fc LONG, and Druggists generally ValnaWe Properly FOR S&IjE. RESIDENCE, kaowa as tbe Cherry properly, on l on oocivyitrre., ioi lou teeto, ju. Building lot oa Msla street near corner or Union. Two lota on Malt ttreet below Beat BatUlag lot, corner Shelby aad Talbet. 73 by L0 fee' Six acres, ln lets tv salt purebaaers, acar Memphis and Three acres, f roe tlag Landerd i!e. Two K. 1 Ct ton Sheds, near Memphis acd Charleston iuuresa vepat. Ruldac and Ice, four acres, east of Mrs. Dawson. Four teres. ntr Cotton Fsctetr, and eight aat) Otar Dr. Gilbert's Infirmary. Residence, corner Titce and DrSoto streets, kuovrn ta u. nkhiii property Twtlrei and a halt acres. nearEbnwoad Cemeterr. Tery fine mldence and thirty acres, near Xlmwued tmcterf. Floe ruldence and teren acres, near Dr. Gnaert's. Four rl tntatlona. lmprored. mar Ltconla. Arkausaa. Four bund red and twenty acres, good restaeace, ttc, S maes east or stempnis. Mocb of the ahore property wDl be sold on lorg time. er excaaagea larotner proprrry. ROBINSON fc TOUNG, Beat Xstaie Brokers, 54 Madison street, up stairs. mj5 John Brown. TTfrri-ZI- x THB COMMERCIAL HOTEL- - ts prepared to j waitoatBagansisasawita nusaia'awa nrrpara- - TjFty asa e cx iuM s u. uu, jhm a-- i tr jiwur.. r r " Lesres ai abore erery 1HURSDAT at 2 p. X. 3. O. CUKE ..N D. Eixiarr. Master. rpH" steamer J O Cine. Tt D Bill J. ett. Mi ter. win ear a. ib re -- r. eryTfURSDAT. at 2 o deck r M- - bbib- -. pert and pas.engrs en rer oa tfeh flet host learlac it th. ib t- - ime p mitfrtey hi uoLusi pastigt rrea Jt p' ts se Nsthvt&s. For freight or pssi sse spy ea beard arte THUS. H WILLIAMS fc CO . A rents. arW-'- t M. 1H ward's Bow. OLD LI5E. - - - - OLD LISE. XT. &. 2VIga.il Stottraor, 0 eaedtreguUrlytlNiielenwlih TJ S.MatlsU-m- . ere SAM HALE snd LA KG LET for Wbtte river, snd steamer. ARtAKSAS. S. H. TtXTKXR tad ovbsrt far Arkaasss Hvsr. Lesres erery M0NDAT tad TRIBAT. KATE FRXSBEE. K. M. MiSOsT, Mater A G FOLSXR. Qerk. Sasi Wood aad Lamar H abmstz ad, a tirfi. TTATING obtained tbe Matt Caetrset iiajllssas- - AA from Hemnets to KpMeea reeis aext rear years, this aae, fs' veeateg steaaer. with recet improvem-.ts.- 1 vrbtck msk hT eaual la every retpeetee say aew tM am-- er sew n at, wui leare reguiarlr aa abore, aad KtpoHea "ry TITESD AT aed SATUBDAT. I win shortly pi ice aBotber food beat la tbs trsde, te leare eee pert twite a week, tbat giving te my M the pebUc gereraBy aa aeeestaodailea I packet, fear Hat a week, aad .oHett rrera lBm eesntnaance of their rarert. IMS sae wm I " regaPirty far the next fear years, 'egardte..cf tbe eyptiea. JOHN T SHISUT s3Tkls eseket bsa tbe excretive rirht nest tbe ""r," Ter MaM tte to Issue tbroagb I'm. of Lading I ''"tet. or Through Tlrkete tepti-eager- s Wbete stjbrerjib Tleketa .'or Tslsht er ptisaagert WILL NOt BS BB. f IONIZE by aay ether real. 0-T- h wsaU or an delag besiees wrtb tbls Mae wsB wir try sleadd se. ayix-s- r IHemphls and St. Louis Packet, JA TIES II. L.TJCAS. D. H riLTER. barlBg Jest VJrSSPoo, V CAPT tbe ei'e. lre rretlrt oa fit teeLacis wbteii re 'era ber 'Be ef tbe. I ave- -t cneferttbe aad ceaavdloea pa seagerb tt.fieat la e,a.te..r- i- ef .be bak.tieea bssbbeeotertaletferthe Meeabtsmere sat aad the trtrerter now e la r ner 1 teaed fr m 'Ms cttr baa Meerdbta te9iseebp.ekst sBer-ae- r In sSe trade, where aerebaau aad sbseeeri eaa rery aa B ber reastn- - praia'ntly. and any batBe-- t eotra ledsebersbaal have tbe atteetjen ef ber prompt asd eaetent oa ers. Psrttes sr siren te fitttag ereets Tbe Last. wHIt-ir- e rwrt. Loon aad aattetsranltate negate eaTlTXSDAr. the 25ih Isstaat Ferfrvlabter paaiage apply ea board rr te A. T LATALLZTTB fc CO.. A recti, ay tf Car Froa' Bw aad reetr s'r-- t. IXDEPESDEST PEOPLE'S LISE ! Steamer D-nl- Boone, A. S HANCOCK JCaster. "ITTILL leare Memphis every MONDAT II at e orefoe, p S.WY .Ircrr. tad irr've at Tickiburg oa Wedsesdsy san4Bcat7e'ctk. sad leave at 12 a sc.. asd arrive it Memshts Pridsy Btevaeag ss 7 eeetecx. aad ar tsrN.potern ai 2 n'eV'k tin. dsr antr-e- c at K.rt-e- a at 7 o'et ck Saturday moretBg sad Ke ssae d.y for htemphts a' 12 e'de a a. at . maklag eeaasetssee at TsrksbargwltbB.Prosd ts KewOrl-.- B- sad at oa wm Arkiaaaa snd White Rlrrr MsH Beats AM basiewteMifidedte hie beat wM be promptly attended te. bestog by strict atteatlsa te merft ,nd r. eetve a share f patronage. JAMES F. SMITH, mvll At-n- t. For TViilie Kiver via IfapoIeoB rpn eevr tad spleadie ra.seegr psek- - i et.W A Eaves Tin Wiekte. aat- - ter. Gee. P Dewees. eierk, w tl Vara for teeahjTe ted at nt rm-ti- ate landtags er-r- y sryrSjfgDAT, at S o'eeek r. If. For ffetgat er passsgs ippiyna .rt er te J. H WILLIAMS CO., No 2 Hward't Beer. S. W PA 'HE, my4 Ko 17 Madison ttreet. For Louisville. Leaves at 3 o'clock, precisely, Regular Friday Packet: THB SPLENDID LOW.VRESSrrRX STEAMER, SOU THERJPER. GEO W. TRIPLE TT. Muter AROHITl. OTX. MEMPHIS, pasetaaly erery k. LEAVES at 2 o'clock r sr , for (i4Wifataal LOUHtTILLI. sad an arBetpal wir .yHtg laadSBrs: makes lmmedtste snd areiOB------sss- Bevlen with tbe Monday morning mill bsata laeebSvra-d- er sad Trleg-sp- b Ne 1, ftr Ctnciaaatl : tbesee wtsk aB tNereHiate Railroad Beate. t TORK. BS tbst, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON 4KTT, PmSBBBGH. WHEBLINO, BUFFALti, CLETX-LAN- aae aB Bittern T.wsa aed Ottis At Csiro aad Msued Oltr. eeeseeta wHS tbe MtM Betk. for St Louis ; tt Ptdecab, with Kasbr4Be tad TH-e.- ee river Paekete. ITTereasb Tieketa tsteed ea beard, er at tae era" office, where p an ef Cabta caa be seea and Beees ee cared la tdraace. JAS. F. SMITH. Ate. apt if Ke. IS Front Bew. Meaybtt. A Card. rr answer ta a cal male te a- - through year eoeamsa, a aaesber .f tbe thtpperi I wsB pat ay bear, aba BHOCTiw, IstbeMrap It .trl Kew 0 etas trade as a rrgnfar Satarday Packet, leivieg MiapM' fry tMer-at- te Saturday. 9. SMXDLET- - Uf gUUr 316(31)111 313-- 1 AOW UIieaBS ititttjta atj- - tta nt7om ai jam. a CHOCTAW ,. Smevlet. Matter, rpBT4 See tad freight Btekct X wUltrrtveTburKltT April lit tsd learea. aeeve oa SITCR94T AprMld tearBw erery alternate Si'ur day. ShecT mtr r ly apoa th- - r--n 'tm IHytJtr sbh ict'l. rermifhtorpsasase. aspty Btrarel.rse arS-l- f a. T. LAVAI.tTTB fc 00. Agents. TheMempMS and NeW Orlf clllf REGTJL.4R PACKET I,E, CONSISTING of slxarit diss ttetmers, BBserptsted watera In atl quill let os d eree te tbecontfer aed pf iter- - of trsv-te-rs tre arraarrd te tear- - Meapbla aad N Oriesas emy MOKBAT, WZDKSSBAT sad FBI DAT a' S Of OCX T. X. ftg : OX MONDAYS. BEN. TRANKIK, Cspt 3 V CLAXT. NEBRASKA. Cset A. B IBTIX. OJT TTE3NESDAS. JOHN SIMOKDS, Cspt. a R. CBtrsert. INGOMAB, Cspt J W GotLXZ. OS FRIDAYS. H. X. W HILL. Cspt T H. Newell. ' BELFASC. Cspt Way. Wbat. Tsese beast 99 their up t'lpe connect wttb tae Bag-roa- dt tt Meaebbt. slso wttb first site i packets fsr St. Louis aad Leutsrlslt. For any ea eeaeeratBA' them, apply to 3. J. BA WI INCS Sec'r, Ko. 21 Mesby tt Heat's BsMtag, or J H FR2LGH. Ag-- Office aader St Chariss Hotel, Kew Orleans. aarl7-4- a IS57. 185S. REGULAR MONDAY PACKET. U. S. 3IAIL LIG11TSIXG LISE STEA5IEB ALVIN ADAMS. WM LAMB, Master..... ......HOLLIDAT. Oltrx. T RATES Memphis erery Msadsy. tt 1 . J vbocm p. as., tea arrrves at uuro ta ttae to connect wttb trtisi rer tbe Norm . aad East. Leaves Calr for LonisvHle every Tuesdsy Leav- -t Leabrrltle far Memphis every FrMsy. Lesv t Cairo rer Merapbit every Sunday. Tali boat mat fa place o' tbe Northerner, and tt eere-- etally adapted ta this trade, basing saperler accoaae-datje- nt for tbe ena'ort of passeagert. Tbe trareJtBg pubtlc can upon thl boat learlog paectaaBy tt tbe boar, and maklnr tb regular time at adTtrtised. THUS H WILLIAHBttCO Axeats. ray No 1 Hewhsd'a Bevr. mJetc IrraiigemenZ. Ulfmphls, Napoleon and Tickburg fia 0. S. Mill PACKETS. Connecting with the Thlte and Arkansas River Packets, THROUGH TO ALL POINTS ON WHITE RITKt KATE FRISBEE R.M. Maiok, CaBtak DANIEL BOONE A. S. Hancock, - THESE iptesdrd fast running pasieastriteamen btT rate aa arrangement to remain ceraaaecstr in th above trade. Passengers tadSblppere ntty rery on punctuality Is all tbtext confided to either ot these boats hptng by strict attention te bullae is, te give satisfaction to lb- - pubtlc The KATH FRISBBB leaves Memphis every FBIDAT, at 2 o'etock r M. Retaratag, tetrtt Tlckibarg erefy MONDAT. tt 12 o'clock if. The DANIEL BOON lures Mearsnlt every MONDAT tt 2 o'clock p. k. Returning, leaves Tleksbarg eTery FRIDAT at 12 tt AP easlsm attended to, aad contracta made on board, or tt tbe office of A. T LaraHette fc Co. W W. HODGB at CO.. Agents. 65 Frost Bow. er LATAILSTTB fc DATIDSON. Agents, isn!4 61 Front Row. For Kent. rpHK good Store Hcuse, form-rl- y rcrepied by . uiv no. ss ji.atam str et. Also a dea rabie DweHlnx H.uss. convenient te business, limited on Seal street. For terms spply te Saml. Putnam, or to CAPSTBS tt SMITH, mvIS us Mala street. Ml! . FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS OK A MORTGAGE OK IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TTKDSR rent for 21.000 far twelve or eighteen L men ths; a liberal price wiube paid. Apply for tae same of the party and location 'of prop-rt- y at tbe editorial rocmt of the Appeal 0810 R. E ORNE'S LAND OFFICE. A T0SE3T Aa HUNT'S BLOCK No. 14 Lands tn tbe LVX Chkkasaw and River counties, ta Mississippi, Plantations In Mississippi and Arkansas, City Lou, lm- prored aad unimproved ta Memphis aad laburbt, al wars on hand asd for sale apTT-l- y COALeilCOAL. 10 STEAMBOAT Ml TO WHO SI IT 3IAY C0CEBN WEbtreettabHsbedat Baton Rouge a Coal Depot, steamers at tb low- est rates, aad roost coareulent 'orra ftr expedition la sealing Wewmturrilsheoalon decked coil float., and when the weather win admit, tow witb upward bound iteamers. We are the owners et those celebrated Coal Mints sit- uated in Virginia, known aa tbe Mtsoa Hty Mines ted. havt purchased a powerful it-i- m tag expressly for the purpo.eof tewtngeoaitothtt place. We hive recelv-- d one tow ot SO 000 barrcle and tre prepared to furnish steamers, tad are expecting toother antral ef SOoOS more by tbeSS'b tart , and win csBttnae ta lecelve Hke amounts moetbly se lontfaaTSe rtrer wST admit ot tow. laglttdedbtrset. We ten by tbe barrel, tnd to those who bare sotesg snfiredbyaeaaremeat snd bare aat scruples In rela- tion to tbe measure, we say to such to measure our baxea, calculate for themielres and psy only for thst which, they receive Sbonld our enterprise sue eel wewtflet-taMl- ih other deptts at coarse artrt. tnd thereby rerolutlootrs tbe entire system of cotliag On Depot here fret tne laedlug In treat of the bar racks, tad ear price IS cents per btrrel. Ta tbe regular paeksts, vre would lay, glre ut eae faS and then decide for yourselves. LOTELLfcFATKX, Bston Bong- -, April 15 1S5 tu24.w LOLA 1.AYAJS UIB4B ST0BEI MAD 130 N STBEBT TOilAS CAUBOIvJA. topub lerysnneuacetoblt HAStbebooor to tboee who Bke a eeedClgsr that, ln obedieace to tbe rrowlag waa't of the cay. be basopeiied a NEW CIGAR SWBB. la the baWtacre. eeatly occupied by Ibe Soutbera Bank on Midlson street, between Main and Frent Row. TbeptWle need Goods I shaH present. It wsB be sufficient to say. tbst this estibllihment, aa at my other store, gentlemen wffl alwtyt be plea My IfaTura corespondents are reliable, an consawertaad sVaJsrA wbobcnormwMbtbstrpatnnage.wW atwsyt Sad at taeir eomatand sil tie caolca brands kaotm tat be trade, G J. CASDONA. -- sara

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Page 1: DRY aOO'DB ,. lujibek wain.€¦ · J i I 1 i f i 1 r BBBBflBBBBBHHBB '"7 'mm3 "... vj;----q,-:-p i'jl''h'-"-"j,,"-;r'-:r' "rIBPIljljj """ '"""'""ZZ ' j,--llMMMMtMiMMWBMMMMBMMBMBWaMMMllB

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BBBBflBBBBBHHBB '"7 'mm3 " ...vj;----q,-:- p i'jl''h' -"-"j,,"-;r'-:r' "r"""IBPIljljj

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'''''aaa'etnttaBtaBgaBSEStBmj, --llMMMMtMiMMWBMMMMBMMBMBWaMMMllB

Commercial flatters.MBKrfflS DAILT AFrSAL OFFICB,

OATCBDAT. Msy 22. 1853. (COTTOic. We hire no chug to rrpsrt la Use Cotton

xaarket; thaxlseja. the rlxrT and the anticipation of even

higher water tbaa we bars ye bad this eeason, litre atreaty te make boltera firmer ln tbelr demands. TiePaircAtM Uri far New Orleini lut rlitt with only 167

bilel of Cotton as her frelsht or thit rtlc!e. The niceSrere42balesate, 25 alio. Staatll, 55 at US, StUK. Total SSI bales, which nterty 250 bales were sow

bu oa Thursday evening.Cottox Tie New OfittntJHuruit of Hit 25. re

ports: The advices JrU Mjr of WeVUngrou naTeproduced so perce ptible effect cn our ma.ktt, and great

idaHnes sttH prevsils, with salee ct btreiy 4 600BeleaatlTreixiaraaaeeiicriincesrerjswerBTiaea. wehowever rep-.- car tut Qaotatloai :

Inferio- r- ...5 a) Mfdllng 11 3, 311 KOrdinary 8 & J Good augoiigx..izmmiz71Oood Ordmtry.. K16X I Middling Kiir...lJXijLow Middling. JO t I I PairSleek cn hand act cleared.. ........."215,075

ArrLrs.... Green, $1 50351 to fi barrel J Dried,

753H 25." BAoatKO....Indla,l!,gl7; Kentucky Hind Iotu,

UKSlic; Kentucky Power Loon 15317cBEAKX..Whlte, $2t2 25 per bushel.BBOMS....Gontmn, $1 Wpdoreaj riser, $1,

JkV W-- BcTrxa....Vmarrr, SOS;5c?a; Goshen, 28J5e.- Blacxiso... .Small hexes, 334a 60 Largo boxes,

isoatuso . gross.CATTTX....Bre CtlEe,4S6c oa foot.

Cnzxsr... ..Westers Btserre, (ttiud.) Dairy, 15S1SC

n. OorTX....Blo afirtaecd to 12!, U; Legxyra noae lamarket: Jars, 1SS20C 9.CoBS....Xar. 60c 9 ttahB U Backs, CSc; reUB,6c.COBS XaL....eoSSc fl hashaU

CKACKEs....Vater, f I; Batter, t 60 J Soda, $5?Sacar,$IUt Soda, $2 GOflpex.

Oaaszxi... JUr,:iS25a. 7 ft.CBiCKZB....tZ$z 609 aotea.rcATnEU....Gooe, 060c 9 ft.OOBOaaE....Vaallta, il3 60 J Cottos, Sl35ceata.Ze....leUXe. 7 doiea.rH....Maclml, halt bWi Ko. 1 ($ 60; this. No.

$17 60i bbla Ko. J $11 ; half bbU Ko. 3 (3 60.

FLOtTR.... Superfine, Si 63; Kxtra, $S; T. Harrteaa,' 713? bbl. Xxtra XattTeaaefsee $787 76.

O .. ..(rVr box of eort.) French Window, 8x10,

f3 SSQt2 60; 13x13, ti 603M; FllUbar(h,SxIO, JlSIS SS; lOxlS, ts ssts so;

Oui'0W7)ES....Xrstacr7 Klie, $1 I637J kerildalnr,$47SS60.

EAT....S30 V too. Eeun. t 35.HlDi3....Drjraat,8Jc 9 ft; Dry Salted, 10K

lie; Oreea Salted. eeata.Hoot.. ..On foot t6c; cross, (S.Iaow....Taaese, (Cumberland bar) XKC V ft- -

I FeEairlTaala,(mtBTChbar)4iKc.; Castlacs, (hoi

low ware) 4 S6e.J MaeUn Castlact. 6&S c:' IJjrx....eoiBiaa, $1 ietl SS beS St. Ceaerlere,

3 00.- . Laax....la krcs,i:x01i T ft ; la barrels, lOSlIe.

LxaTHEJU. ..Sales at vheletale ftr Stlrtlax, S3 to0c; IIaraeas1!StoS7c.; Oak Ssle, Ko. 1, 27c; HemccXSif,2s"'tolic.; ft t to dos

is; Upper Leather, (27 to $I ft dexra.LuirBi:K....PpUr. fUS9; Cypress, 113; TeJlow

Tlne,T9lh, SU; Pb Floorlnc, tro; Clear 'RlUteTlse. S60; 1st Coamoa riae, Sli; 3ad do, $26.

LlQroxs....014 Saarboa ITtlity. $1 60 ft (aBoa ;Old Bye. tt33; 0d Bewrrt, $ltl 60; Iraltatlea,

OcA Irtsh, $2; Ttaa's, TThlsky, S922 ; Belter's,V S015c ; Pike's, 2Sc; reach Brandy, $1 7S2; Apple

Brandy, l 7St2.Lead.. ..Bar, 7c p ft.

'XoLasscs...lTaaced to 2723: la bbli; calf hMs,

i6c.Ken... Jeeaas. 16c ? ft; Alawads, Soft Sheas, 209

Sic; BardSheHs, II 815cXailJ. Jl M9( SS ?t kecOS10SS....21 23tl- V bashel.OrL....Llnieed. S98Sq LardOBtSeett 07; Cattor

OB tl 60.

ra.rB....'R'rap?!nj,S0c$I ft rein.roBJC....Hoa-roaa- 7VC.H ft; BaTx, $1S)71J

Eaci.SKeiOHC ,FSTATOES....Irtt&. (1 S5t fctl.

RlCE...6c. It ft.KorE....Saadspaa, 7X$SKc; KicfefcBt,gltic.

I SALT Inl.ti, 0sarse.I S$t SS; rine $1 60

Setati, tl t 63 for Coarse, sad tl 7il 60 terrtae,

80Ar....2ar,6ic.-3- t ft.8TASxn..MS10c ft ft.8noT....Trop. $2 00; Back, f i H fa f. ba.


8ALTr ETUT . . ..ISCOc. .

Btojte Wabx...10312Mc t galea.Scaaa Ctalcr, SV 0 ; rn,EV 8v; 7ttr,

7K8; aariSed, HSU'S Maf, 161(; Creihtd,11MS1C; XVwdered, lS16c9 ft.

Sriex3....Pepper,lte.; Otsaases. t15 ; Ctores,Glager, 8; Soice, lttSc fft.

STZZI..rbS. 101K. i German, lte.;tiyMih Btteter, 15c; Aawrican BHster, 10c Cast SScEHEEr....Os fset, t& t& 60 Ba4 ; gw. f7 ft

head.StrDS....tHeTer,jtW; BlnsOrass, :og3SS;

Straothy,t 6S25; Herdamas, $St2 36; Vaskeet,$2 tVKJtl; OrcsAid, $1 73,3.

6niatxs....$2 69St(.TlS....IlatelS Kr, . C, U S5; X $15 i Block U

45C ? ft.TEA....lsj)erial. 75cS$2; Gsapewdsr, 4SoSl;

Teoxx Hyses, 76c.fl 60; Black, IS.$1.TorAOco...Jfis6arl, ateatacky tad Teaaessee, 20

40c ? ft; TlrOata,? ft.

ItriaTOAB.....rsro7rMU7ri8C,7Sc.?t galloa; rareApple, (lOfbU; ObenUcal, ( 609i6.

wheat... .TnetfiTSe. ? bashel.


""OSWASDING MERCHANTSTSo. 6 Front Street. Hew Orleans,

TTTILLpay strict attestaon to. aad forward with cUs- -11 pates tr goods istnsiea to oar care.KirriTO Missis. Ostesaa & Co.. Mesera. W Cox k

Co., Messrs. "W. A TMett tc Co., Messrs. rattea &SmMh.

SAM- - rc T Jl A MIs the agent of the abcre basse la this city, aad Is

preparrd to make contracta far for ardisg, and to at-

tend to all settlements aad ether bailscss at the firm.my21-l- y

NEWARK, OHIO.Capital srtocli. - S'ioO.OOO.

I AUTTF ACTUHEBS OFPortable & Stationary Engines


PORTABLE OR STATIONARY.tbe lont excellence nhicb we bare bed laAFTER TnaeMsery, we don't beslta'e la ssying,

thatlt caat beexocBedtnthlsorasyotberooaatry. Oarlarge site Portable Engines, which are designed for ras-sse-

are got up on tbe locomctlre priacipieaad la erer wsy as geod Oar fifteen or twenty horse-power win raa taw-mB- to cat 10 and 12 000 fret oflumber per diy, aad require aa other fuel than aboutooe-aa- lf of the stsbs They are rery simple essy to

a- -t HaMe to get out of order, aad we winsuaraatyte learn any aegre tbst bas any Ingenuityabout him st aa, to run tl In eae days time, warraaieato be wed made aad to make ptvaty of steam OurSaw-Mif- il

are ef two kinds, stag e and double, and are got epvHh all of tbe latest tmoreremeats. TTe do not cee endplay to oar arbr, for la tests, we bare found it no ac-count Oar arbors are large JX lacbis dlsmcter. kmgbeariars, babbitted with chacgeasle cose feed, statloa-sr- y

guide to the saw.Our head -- locks are csnaerted tegetber and erraug-- d

m that yon dsu'tbare to torn tbe arrew back to drawthe block; It Is arranged with a half aat,' opn the satand draw it back, thereby eartna a gnat deal of time.They are said tots thebiaiiest bead block that Is la ase;so acknowledged by od Hirers aad aB that bare asedthem.

ITe don't hesitate ruaraatying them toent 11,000 feetof lumber per dsy, wttb sufficient men to man tbe mill

mill; oneto raa tbe esrtne, one to teaa tbe ssw, one to tend thebead block, oae to take awsy lumber Treb.retaatesteat UM feet ef weather botrdieg in on boar. Anyone wuhBg to puretsse, we win refer them to thosethat bare seen them ran and timed them caltmc

The fssLralag are tbe lowest caib prices at thp :

20 Horse Engine, double mill,) 61x10 ilwl.. ..$5,160 0015 " ' 62x1 ' stars.... l.50 0016 " " (ttaglemtll,) 62 stw 1,665 CO

12 " " " 69 ttw 1 626 0010 " " ' 43 saw 1,400 CO

8 " " far plaatatieB ase, capable of cut-li-

from 2 to 3 OOS feet prr day. 40 saw.. 1,200 SOThe abore prices taetete belUsg aad erery tLug to

complete a ruaainf mitt and englse AddressBOBT D. GBAT,

Ar--nt and Master MeeaanlcComDerdal Hottt, Memyfati, Teaa.

gTT t irn ITASJrEB, Treasarer, Newark, Ohio.

CEBTXFIOATBS.EICCOB.T SrsiBBs, Fayette County, Teaa., 1

May 1st. 1S51.Mr. B D. Gray, Mtster Machlait asd Agent Newark

Kaeblae Works, Ohio Dear Sir : In reply to your faroraa to the Porta We Steam L wtlcb you put an farme at GaBowsy's Swttct, aa tbe Memphis aad Ohio

aBroad,37 mftes eut from tbe city, I hare to asy that Iam more tbaa p'eased witu the operstioa aad resaTts,aad I takeoosasioa to add that bo St am Ssw-M- ererlntrodaoed, acoareHsg to myiadgmeai, bas erer or caaerrer s accessfully eorap-- ti with these mlUs. I bses ta-k-ea

apoa mywlf to wttaess several days sawing, and mymifi. with only the power of a 16 bene engta- -, cut lalsrge oak stocks at lee rate of 8 000 feet per dsy, 10boars, aad la poplar, she cut In half lech bca'ds orer12.000 per day. Tbe truth Is I fimd that It wtu take twoteams almost to keep ber acetag. I conclude by saylagfurther, that I Kke year ratlls,Bot only for their capsctyfor sacb profitable results, bet because they are to seat,to liarple aad easily minis ed.

la baste, touts, Jtc,H. B. S.'TrTLLlAMS.

VcMrsii.Tm.. Msr.About tbe 50 th Afril I waa called oat to GaDoway'a

Statloa, about 26 maes rrem inis pisce , wraie inert 1..t.itHl tbe fiiw-MI- U of ear townsmsn asd cltlrea. H BS. TTHHiml. Brq., who bas now ruaalag a Siw-M-

ur. n n. Orar. maauf actu'ed at Newark KarhlaeITorks Ohio I caa ssy for tbe time of tbetasahlaery and Its smooth afd strait sawing. I pronouBce

It coe of tbe best fo the power used, I am afquilnleavttb It win besr the dote- -t scrutiny, and la one of tberaest rapid sswirgtni!is aecocniry.

totIS Im 2. W. JONES.


prof. b. n. capers, editor.bare finally been terfected. for the

ARRANGEMENTS cf thU Migsxlae, aad we

are able to aauounos ie u "TJcae Tbe copy l already In tbe bands of tbe prlater,ts. wnrt si rairidlT as the itiuleg cf a

first number will permit. The Editor deems himself fortunate la aeearrag tae 'rating as io exseniiro c..- -llahmeat of tbs Morning anoieua uompany, n ua

mined ficfllUel aad well estabUabed reputation,sruaraatee a s'yle of typography worthy the literary clar-el- er

olXtbe workOur friends at home acd abroad win please forward

their subscriptions at as eariy a day at practicable, tbatire miy fix upin tbe tlxe of our edition, tl tbe work willsot be itereeytrped.

Tbe pubUcatlta office win be at the Count ofthe Bulletin Company, IS Mtdissa street, tbe EditorialBoom orer tbe Hirer Bank, cornrr Mala asd Kadlroastreets. Letters msy be addressed to tbe Editor, or to tbeScBetia Company Tbe following are tbe

Terms of Subscription, lnrartably la adrtnee :

Clarje copy of tbe Organ aad .. 2 03e copies " ... 12 00

10 " " ' .. 26 00to " " " " .. 60 00ko u i .. 120 CO

,q . " .. 209 0AtwswlthtoeouaTageaad pttrcaize Satbra lite-

rature aad enterprlie, we wHI pustlib ea moderate terms,cdtertiuatntt ef ear Universities, CoHeges and Scbo Is,In the South, tastefully Buttrated aad neatly prtuted onOne colored piper, attaeb'd to each aumteT of tbe e.

Those wishing th-- lr alnTtlsemrnti to atrear Intbe first number, will pleaas forward tbelrf srors withoutfarther 4elsr. my22-dtws-w

Notice ot Dissolution.firm et Jttgemery 4x Joaeg Is tits dsy dlssolr.

THE by mutual consent Mr T. S. Tate It authorisedaad win take charge of the assets ef tbe bouse tad

the Uar.fflUra. TII0S. JONES.WBry7 A.J MONTGOMERT.

A J- - MOSTBOMEBT win cootlsue tbe COTTONTACTORAGB AND COMMISSION BUSINESS on hitown account, at tbe tame sttad, Ko. II Midi ion street,cpctitn. taya-l- m

Flour.BBLS. Xxtra Family Flour ;50 75 Soperfiae do.cn Fiae do. For sals by

V McCLEaK, -

pryje & 7ts Bow.

fgloitftarji aitlT financial.HKXrfllS DaILT OFP1CB, I

Satchoav. Hay iS. 1663 (LotnsriLtx. Fno the JoKmaf, llay 24 The

The banks Uke all Ihpod that is iffTlsC 'Wejtsattaae to qteU Btileraex-itteg-e

at par to H pma. iaalKev.OtlraBa ceauaHy itaieconai 10 par.

SEW OALEAMt. Itu Iho Kcoyan. JCsy 21 . TheleniEcy of ibe nosey raatket eootmvet tewaidt Inereartng ease Thtre Is agiowlnetctrctlyof pipr 00

iirai, w&Hlt ine onvr tSKt la bsnk an utewiseaad bid fair to Ksien rnd-- r th ceeeral ear--

taOBent cf oUigatlons. r.lmsEtmes oatniltg la Sep-tember and CUber caa Udeneat8A8K ftceat . aadSix months lianer at ft. A matiflerahia amaSBt B"atatinc ti Korrasber. December asl Jasnir'. wts aeN atIV Acceptances at longer dales miy be qnotid at10II.

Tne Exehacge ratrket is aa better. Rteillrg was weak- -er, ana ut nry belt names can with dtmcaliy be rouesat 103. The extreme rtag tar clear li trom 1S7N toivoh. aasM drafts with oocoaxrlary erldeoco merepatted at 1074$tO73 There it noiht t do"Bg la rrtrcBistydsybtlUoa KewTork haee been told at a ratet 1H&IX lucent, dlicoaat. Sight U heary at HSH

T cuctmai.KEWTOK. Troa the Utretd Vsy24: The pit

wekclesedjatabontasltcpead. del! aad flit, so farwit iwi maixei ana financial acaira tcneraur are

ceaoeraed. There Is no Hfe la osenected withbaiiaesa, and we hire the snsamer near at ban I, with allits nmaHy nafsTorabie laflseaos Bsoa soalatlTe epersk'roi ana sstrraaiHe nsTmnti Ko larwrtanl aetmtrin trade can be look d far nnUl the rail. In Booey Butters mere is nothing to comptals of, except tee eBnaaaecamu'alloa of besvun in the tioIU of oar baakVTm this accnmclallon drat eismenced it wst fcaUed asa itTorabia featare and looked npon sort a sige ftaming oronefltr. The itresetlienlnraf Mr bints be

large specie reaeree was considered the am two towarda restoratlan of poMlc rosSdeace; asd ss the weekly re-ports showed a weeklr leereiie. the nrentllB lBjBrea- -sioo was that aUrestiteaef Uereraltion wetfd ra49dlstppear, and that the opeatEg of spring woejd tetegwith It adieity ra bntlseM IB this we baee be a par- -

bat sun hsee Boreal caase forItanT of onr most hsairtaBt loterest. hare

taacfa InrproTtd Seteralrltsl braacsraot tBdestryhsTeXTtT:.TheusandshaTereturBedtotcapteymeBt at filr wares;uio anaeuga ice progress towsrd ctmptete restorai KB itgiasoti 11 la steady, aad npen s. stood bull. A mtrerapu reeorerr mlrbt far tbe rooseat be ra sitltfie- -tory, but It woaM In the end be lets sebitsnUtl. sad Ingreater danger of rslaptes. TJsrtat fairly uached not- -

na. we nare naming 10 rear for many yetrt to oome, 11prnotnt at Ibe start.


STIT7T10X.Coiiaiul Stiver being fas Standard.

Bang of Xemphlt..... pari Biak of 'Con. --IK to2K di,S athera Bint.. csr Ilk of the Union IK to2H iisHirer Bint. .......... ptrj Beets Bsck...lK Io2K dlsMil or HesiTesa.... mr Kerchsnts' Bk.l K to 2 V UUasoa Bink..l toJS dl Ttasers' Bank.I K to I K OilBaak of Teaa I H U 2 H dls Bk ehattaaoega.l XU3 H dlsnaaters' U2H dii Farmers' Bsak, Kaoxriue,Citlxena Bank I X to2M4itl IK to2K discoontuom. Banz...lM las els Bask or Middle Teaaessee,Br. of America 1 H to2H' 'ii IK to3K disroaniN'tha Bk Teaa I X tt I dii laty Bank, KatbriBe IK toBulk of Parts IK to IX oil 3 H dtsceuntrjacurrrnf eat Foreign Xolet below Bankable Tim&t.Lawrenc-ber- g Bins. .15 die Seal arky Bsnts M to 1 premSbetayrBle Bank.... 15 cli sute Bk or lad K to I premsankorxcexrilie.... pari lute Bk or Ohio H to 1 ptemDindrtdze Baak... ...IS dial Iam Iclini Baks K tot vremOeoeBaek lSdis Mloais a' d mscoasis.5 diiBaak ofKahTtlle....l5 li, AlabamaBanks .. ..tsdulBsak of Tazewell SO dii Korth CarotiBaB'ks 2 s dieBsak of OlalrborBe. . .40 die I Farmers' B'k K. C ..IS dlsBaak of Treotoa....40 dii vosth Ctrotea. ..parBank of Jerr-ra- ....0eHs ueerftafe'd Biais) ....rarNortheraBink Mias.WdMExtbageBaBkarKBB..parhi er xmptre state.. ptr

Exchange far CrmcyStSing Rata.New Tork IK prem JCtacteBaU 1 premPbtUdetcbli t H premjst li. I premBoston 1 V nrMntBtHlMM 1 r.ramNewOrla 1 K premlimertcia GM 2 rrrm I

......... yironnm.. ............

To my Customers at Large,In Teaaessee, Mississippi, Alabama aad Arkansas, my

Debtors sad Creditors, or to wkoerer else thee Pre- -teatt shall came Greetteg:'Whereas, prlrate matters of so consequence to any

oae tare myself, ceased me suddealy to If ire for tbeNorth, en the 3d ef December, 1SS7, and return te mypost oa the 28th of Jaanery, 1R68 these presents are A.to make known that L WILLIAM A. GLIDDOK, GuttaPercha Truss Manufacturer, am agata to be seea at tbioM stand oa Adams street, stoat and hearty, tad as willing as erer to attend to ay owa business aad disregard

JL'thst of others a point which, were it mne geserallyadopted by the masses, weald esbaace the peace of mladof many.

Furthermore, I bare succeeded la eeastractlag aTrassduring my abeecee, whereby aay oae, white or black.thin or stout, male or female, absest or present, caa getfitted without sendtag me teetr meaaare, oaly ststtng thesise of the Rupture, aad whether double er ttagla.These Instruments wHI becurered by Tn'caaixed GuttaFercaa Oetb, a stapeadeas tmproreesest on what I barebriberto ased. Tke Tils iWe optBssa et medteal gestle-rae- n,

to wton I can refer In tats ctty, li tbe best criterion la tubttaatittiag tbe fact st ay btriag seeeeeeXlaEjakagaTraiattatrrui be tee tains for the preeentaad future reaeratie&a.

Also, I woaM beg lean to state tbat, sbeati ssy ese TTIfromaafortuaateaocacsatslesea leg, I eaa SBppiyhiBi J2jwith another not ef Sesb, but of steel btmg beesappointed Agent by Mr. Jne F. Ord, et Pbt1a4elpbia. fortbe adjustment aad sile of bis MetaBic Skeletea Leg,Aakle8BBprter, asd aaaierens Surstcal Maeblseryfertbe Treatmeat et Drfsrmtttes.

Specimen of LSS caa be seea at mr eSce, where Inr.pamphlets are dietrfbated gratis.

Trasses fitted aad Raptures cared byWILLIAM 4. GLIDDOK,

m Adaas street. MesBhta. Teaa.

Annual Examination and Comfewmencement of LaGratige Syn-odica- l

College.PUBUCBetteeisbereeygtrea that the ExsmlsatteB

ef the Sesier Olsss for the degree ef B. A., wbt ceat- -

mmcc ea Ttjesdat, Juse I, at 9 o'eto-- k a. m , aad Ifted

csattBae BBtU ceastseted. HTbe abbbaI Btetac ExamlnatieB et tbe three tewer tbat

dieses will brstn ea MONDAY, tbe 2Stb ef Jase, tt 9tbe

ectotk A. tx ., (.ad tbs arbeie week eaestBg wM be ecca aadpled la the examtnttlea. est

The exsmmatlea of caadidates fer OsHege wsB be betden SATtrBBAT, the 3i et lay, at 9 o'eicex A. U.

The a ef tbe OeUese Classes wiH be con-- todactedbyprtBtedqaesUeas, seemltted to tbe stadeutsfor tbe ant time after their eatraaee sate tbe exiariaa- -

ttoa room, which tbey are te aa-w- 1 wrrttag wttbeettbe aid et bosks. Betes, rsemaiin'i, other studeats er laaay ether ferm. from

The Beard et Trastees sR haM their aaausl meeticgon Satubdat, tbe 21 of July, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. aaa

inThe exercites ef tbe Anaaal Gammer etaeet will be lctrodnDtd en Sabbath tbe 4th ef July, by a sermon afrom Ber. L. J IIalset, D. D., ef LeBlsrltPl, y. patt

areOa MoirOAT, tbe 6th, tbe Saehoreore Prke Dedaaa- -

tiea wBtta.epttott lOedeek A. ai., aad geM medalswBl be awsrled to tbe two members et tbe Cists whoihill be adjudge! must ikttfal eedilmers. aaay

OaTcESDAT, thefth, the Junior exblbttioa ef rrp--reeeatatlre rpeakert frem tbe Pel Ma aad Eaaemiaa St- -eietiet et the OHUge B take pUee at 10 e'eieek A. M.

Oa Wecxesoat, the 7th, at 9 o'clock a. it., the tfCommeaeemeus Exercises rrtU bebetd, asd tbe degree

win be ceaferred apoa graduates This rrtB be faHewtd rby tbe exerdies of tbe Iaauguratlea et tbe rreiMeataad Faculty, craslitlag of aa aidrest br Rer. JamesPa ibe, of Somerrttle, Tesa., aad aa address by tbe Pre

f ice.sident, Ber. J. IL OUT, D. D.

Tbe Adlresa before tbe two Societies ef theCeiHge wBl be deHrered tt a aeirtcr to 8 o'etock r. M.,ea Wedsxsd at, 7lb ef July, by Ber. Eixjamiii M. dies


rALMEB. D. D., of Kew Orleaai. La. curedBy order ef FacaKy. JNO. K. W4DDEL,

Rrccrdisg Secretary.threeLaGrange, KsyJ8, 1653. ayM-wtJa-




3klElllLiIi & CO.,No. 3 howabd'o sew.

TTATTNG eslab isbed oarselTes la tbe sbere balaess.AA e respectfally settclt thepatroaags of the coatma- -tlty. bad

Ejttd ceastantly ou baad a fine aad select stock cfKtiTflettes, Periodicals, fce.

53" Refer to Jat E. Merrlmaa. Wm. Tark, T. H taeTrice, Ber Dr. Barbee, Archibald Wright, Esq , JoeeeJno A. Nooe, U Worley PatUrion, M. C GaHawsy, LD. Bucxaey, uuueua (Company, Mcutananaa, Troeasaie wastt DHL ae28-l- y



B. WALKER & BROS.,79 Front Row, cor. of Adans Street. Ham

AND tad

J. WALKER & CO.,217 Main Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Halt,Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers

Seepla erery rariety of

Rcatly-Mad- e Clotulnp.barerscetred aad art sun recertlag from earWEmanufactory la Phnsdelpbtt, tbe lsrgest aad best

seieetrd stock of neb aad fasbseatMe Osetbtac erer arebrought to tbe Memphis market.

To tho Iiadies. thiskept

we are nsw oseclng a splendid asaortmeBt ef Foreign aadand Donee KDrr Goods, cmsisUBgef rtcb fancy Dresr thatGoods; Double Skirt t all striae tad PsMSkeed Betesla Silk Greaa41ae, fterege, Organd.es and Lawa. Greatbargslaa la Black Silk SPRING MANTILLAS. SUkLace aaa sux an lh: asnoiu.

G GODS, to which are lUTlte tbettteatl-- a of our caeteaert

LINEN GOODS of ah xtsai aiecarosea's jsarxiey-- s

aad ether brands. tryCOTTON GOODS In MasHus and Caabeles et erery

trade aad price. We bare a fall stock 1 Freech Em- -broWeri s rery cheap.

ntares. Ttoeierr. etc. CBotre styles rrniea jseaaessaad Orgaadies; plitu Ma'liu de Lalos; a fuaiiueefBrussels aad 3Ji uooos.

PARAS 1J A fall line of rich Broca4e aad rialsPeal t de Soke ted S itin de Chine Paraaelj aad fcbadet.

BOOPSEIKTS Extenslre Tsrlttlea.Glsrhams. Calicoes, etcWe b.re la store the lsraest and roost ceaptete slock


We UTite the particular attnUen ef tbe Raster andCountry Merchaeti and Rtrer Traders te oar lmaease andte teferepurchatlBg ettewbere, as we are msaafsc--.

turlug our OolbiBg EXraRftftlT FR THIS MARKET,aad are easbled to sell ear good at EASTERN PRICES.Our stock or KEGRO CLOTHING It urge aad er tbemostdarabiequalU). B. WALKca tt BROS.,

72 Front Row.J. WALKER tt CO.,

217 Msla ttreet.Mtnuf tetary Ko. 112 North Third street

Ptbs!elfhla. myl6-dl- y

BOARDING AND B0ARDIKG HOUSE. cfwiblog t.obtala botrd ia a prlrate

PERS0K3 whiBg beardeTS, caa be sup--nlled by leartng taeir names wnn

MERRILL & CO ,myJI-l- w 1H Msla itrret. 1



Tne BraUsatin'PMVadclpuia A1



Narratives of Remarkable Conrerslens;Tbe TaBew Frigate, Cap t Grant;Tbe Iran Cross, by Sjlranus Cats;Ctprtna, by Reynolds;tmarles Banifird, Capt. Chamter;raeltaO'Tceie's Courtship;Sbsae Path's Wedding, and others can be found at K




io. ri siaaison street,myie-dt- m MEMPHIS, TENN.

Ply and Mosqruto Traps.tagraloua larentlon bss beea In ase but oneTHIS bat bas attracted the favorable notice ef tbe tpress la an parts or the Union- Can and aee them at


Refrigerators and Ice Boxes.I L'ST rt eel red, a full assortment ef Scboalex't PsteutJ Retrlgeraten, which are considered te be the best laas far preterrtij mtaU, resetiilee. butter, aillx. Ax.orawty -- saysj aeuxsei x go.



15 Madison Street,opposrra thb union sakx.


Citv and Country Merchants--AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY,

IirespectfnHy called to the naiirpused faculties of theBUMLETJW COSIPAJTT'S

CHEAPPrinting Establishment,

Possessing erery mtdera tmproTement laX" if rJ3 ATidl -t TnSGBH,


And a ether desirable reqalslies, the Company liprepar.ed to extea to erery description of

FROM A CARD TO A BOOK.In the first style of the tit. at the


Of these we tire tho largest rariety of

NEW AND NOVEL DESIGNS.U b. tound la th. State, adapted

to erery buitaeas, aad salted to erery taite.It yon require PB.INTINS of any kind, let the Job be

large or smaH, weUrlte you to rlslt this estabHshmeat,bellerlBg thst nowhere else wtu you seeore BETTERWORK, BITTEB TREATMENT. OK BETTER TERMS.

THE BULLETIN COSirAJfY,Ko It Madliop street. Memphis. Teun

Tapestry, Telrct & Brussels Carpet.rpWENTT pieces new and chulce patterns ot Velretjl ana oraneis vtrpet, reenrea this mornln 1. Also,

a good aiiortmaat of Burs. Mats, i; . For cod xooda.eneap. call on rmiy61 McErTSVEr i CO.

Looking: Glasses.T ATtGB French Plate. Pier aad Mantel LttOEtKO.JLi GLASSES, recetred this week, from KewTork. PierOlasses, lit serea. eight and sloe feet high, with plainana oraamea'ai frames, for sale, at New T ork prices

scunnir co.BaHetla end Aralsntha Cony. mylt-I- m

Sprinff BedsIBkletof SPBtMf BEDS. Just recelred, by

L myl lm McCINNBT & CO

Patent SprlDjr Bds,A K0THEB lot of Tucker's Pateat Spring Beds, Jntt to

UL osna ana rar sale oymays MCK.IKNET & CO.

Carpets Carpets tTTrBarerecelTlBgte-dsy- a cew supply 4 OARPETS,s s csisuag or Tipeeine, urniii, velret

IkwVeirets. TareePly. Taptrr Iagrata.Suaerfiae andfiaeCarpeta. Sarlag parchated thsse Carp--ts at thetoweas Baisern pnoes, we are easaiea aaa will seu themaa cheap as toy bouse In the Sautti .

McatlNNTCTot CO..myl9-l- m 191 Vi'n street,

AtlStin'S IC6 Ore am Tre G 7 ers I

rpHE oalT Freeter which caa te guarantlr d as nliablr.JL rrr sale at


Hamper Baskets,FSESH, Oleaa aad Cheap tt


Varieties.TP rou want an trttete la Wood and Willow Ware, or

iisase smraisuiag ueoas, it cia do asa atlAGRAHAK tt LESS',

splS No C Monroe street.

Itnire Cleaners.TTtSOlf (be celebrated msaufactory of Morris A New- -

sewa. rar sale byapis INGRAuAM tt LEES.

Cigars 1 Cigars ! Cigars !

nnn supesior hatana cigars, far) UU J ssle low by veuLiu. a L'U.,

my20-I- 312 Msla street.


Celetrated impr.ised PfrmluaFamily and Manufacturing

fitenitlililurt 752Vy1y,7 JlllC. I

MAIN STREET, MBMPnlS, T IKK,DTIN DEAK, A teat for Singer's Incomparable Sew- -tagMsebines, reepectfulty anBounecs tbat be bas all

beea IMoced by tbe eitri-r- d nirr sbochis attending blieffvrts la St. Loels, asd the incr.ailcg demand fromTesaeasee and Arkiness to establish an Ageacy In Mfm- -peil. it ts two yeara stttcs be epfned aa office la St.uca, aad oat er serersl asadrrd Mich In es seed, sotSteele Maculae has erer required repsirti g er filled togreets highest satisfaction Tbe eeaeral remark be--

: I weald not part with my Sewlc g Machine for atbeessad dotltri If I could ant get lBother I can't Im- -agiaebewlerergetaloegwltboattt.'' Lidln nolocc- -

Hitn tnat ta--y cauae get their tswleg dseeRelieved fremtbediatger) of the aeedle, d the

cxaseqaest tbereea. tbey btve leisare for mere notsgreesM seel mere betltbf ml occupstisa Pltuters de--dtretkattbey bare saved tbe cost of a Macbiae la

weeks Tbe saewresBttks batrj beea made br Hotelkeepers Dmeaskers. 'filers, Tlaraf ssm kers. Sboeas- -kers, ac . ttc These who gelt to surebi-- e a Slug--rSewtsg Mechtse wilt eooa Cod taemselvea behind tbe are.

Ne risk Is lBcurred la buvleg a Slager Macbiae, la asi" --rer. eee is a srrsBtea not te get out er eraer.

Bet abased Warranted torn ike perfectly tbe beautt- - tbeintTleck stitch tbst r II! seam bem. P. gather, etc .It adset-- d to all sorts at work, and Is tbe oaly stltcb

wBl wither rip nor revel. Warra d ti do tieUgMestaswell work. Tbe attC9ti-.- n rf

ledtei It reseeettarty reuuested to tbe new FamPyBndoir Maebtee, wlicb Is la tbe high

style et art, asd li teyeed -n tb' raest bean-tlf- al

as well a tbe raest useful Family Mschlae erer la--Tetnea.

Anrl'l'drsceBlInuoa-lyTec-lTe- whether tier trhhonrebsse er te gratify curieslty.

E3- - Mscuees sees at KewTork prices with the cost efiraaspertaiien aeaec rariB-dawi- y

BRAGG'S ARCTIC LIXIMENT.lacomparable Llatment, u;on which tbe greatTHIS ef tbe amlte of all lands now rely for relief

tbe psacs ot Rkeumstisra. Neuralgia. Gout. Erysl--Cancer. Scrofula, Sxalsi, Braises. Baras, Sca'idi.

ail CBtaseous ailfei is rsptd'y superseding anill? Tbe peesrieters glre for the ea- -

eearagea-at- ot sufferers. theroUowing memerendua offew ef the wonderful cures effected by It during tbe

tew moaths. CertMastes trom tbe parties rimedto tee possession of tbe prenrtesort. but their length

arecladi t the paVlesttea of ell but a few.ONE BOVTLK TRIUMPHANT.

Mrs. Moat. Ko. 115 Morsaa itre't. St. Louis, harlnrsadbred fo" three years with Rbeuattlsm. end tried

preparati-qi- s without effect, was cured by ens fillyt Dot tie or Arctic ustmeat

PITT THE LITTLE CHILDREN. CalfA MMe daughter ef Mrs Lee. reslting en Lake street.Cbtesgo, wis scalded all erer by tbe epwtttnx ot a kettle

antttng water Tbe Arottc Llalment wsa trpltd ac--erdiSMEtetbe directloaa, aa4"tbe fl- - wis instantly ex--

acted, aad la a few days tbe little sufferer waa well.RESTORED TO BEAUTT.

Mrs. George K Taylor, Caasl etreet, K. O bad longsefered from a pi.nfnl aad dlsSguilac erupti-- a oa tbe ef

aad by tbe use et ese totfe rf the LlalmeBt was tbeeared, aad restored to br orlglusl besaty.A nORRIBLS TUMOR.

Eugene Mallery. Kateses, was three yesrs t be rletlma berrlble tumoren tbe neek, which reilited ill reme

until he tried tbe Arctic Lialoest Three bottleahla la a lew weeks.

WONDERFUL CUBE IMrs. Bedford. Mobile, wss eatiSaed to ber couch for

yiars with sam. palsy, sad after belsg la despair ofthe fill -- re ef all otb- -r rmedes. was cared by the we

Arctic uataeat, ia a nttie ever a mentb. aaAM XFL"SION.

MEMPms, Tenn . Ksvember 23. 1SS7.aerebycertirv, that barlug been badly bruised aad

sca'ded by be expesstea of e steam bailer, a frlead la--deced me to try Bragsr's Arctic IJnlm --t Tbe smsrt

lnstaatly extracted freen the fci.di, and In ashort time, trl tbe pats was gent from the bruises.

two weeks I wss wed, asd abr to resume my busl-aess. HENRT HATERS KILL,

ReeWenre J set son street.THE BLIND SEE

Webster ClTT Iowa, November . 1857.Da. Baaeo TarSlr: or mere Uan three rearsl

been am ctert with Inflimsd eyes, la aa argrarated aaddegree tae tried rarleas pbysld.i s aed serersl

toBeefiaet; I waa iedueed by Dr. Baem to tryArctic uaimai, aaa ib two meath wn neartv

well. M y little dsathter w sffilcted I the same man-ner for tbe ssae time, and daring a p Ttlen ot the time

entirely blind la oae rye I applied ynur valuabrueimest and aer eyes are njw fierf cetlr loecd. lbns

I, with one two-b- it bHtle. cared aydsugbter'setcsay em, besides curing tbe rheeaitUm la my back.

woasa net ee wueeut year laralssble remedy li mybouse. Tours truly, WM RUSSELL.

WEBSTES.OITT, I OWA. November 9tb. 1SS7.I hereby certify thai I am well acauslnted with TO.

Rusaetl, a4 wHb tbs aateaisblBg cares be meatlontknew bit ststetaeni t- be strictly true

J.J. wadiworth, P. M.. Webster City.GOOD FOR ANIMALS.

This lETBtutbte Liniment Is alaoeaulrrefilratloui Incurtegtbed 'sees or anlma's aswlta-s- s thefenewlag Ancertificate: Messrs. J. tt A Araet, and Lynch tt Co.,

tbe two largest livery itibe. In tbe West, and aregenerally kaovra throughout tbe United Slatea

ST. Louis December 224, 1S47.We. the aadereiraed, barieg usd Brirr'j Arctic Ilnl--

Best, for t number er mealha deer folly testify ti Itssuperior efflcsc la eating tbe flseates ot herses : so well

we taUsfied ef tbe Arctic being tbe best Llalmentmade, tbst we woeM are no otb- -r We keep and bay

for aaaiaberef yaara, exteaslre livery stab'ca lac'ty, aed ceoseojueatly ear experleoce abeut horsestheir dtsesses is grest, and we cnbesltstlsety say,the nt Is tb only one we bare erer

tBni draft jffecHvt. WererdlsUyrecemc-ecdittoa- n

Hrery stable keepers tad others having the cut ofben-- s. J. & A ABNOT,

LTNCH, ARNOT tt CO., otChettnul street.

CAUTION.Maay Druggists, having oM --Jelmeuts cn hand, wHI

to sell them to yea aa the beat, but doyoupes-mv-- tv

refu- - te perch sse them. Ask for 'BBAGG'SARCTIC LINIMENT." and take no otbtr.

LIBERAL PROPOSITION.Tbepreprleters agree to famish each purchaser of a

dollar bottle, with a free subscription to tbe 0. S. Jour-nal, far ese year Tbis Is oae or the b--et K T. illus-trated papers. A eerlfi-at- eetlui"g lee barter ts thebeees ef this proposition. Is eoele-e- d la tbe wrappertreeed erery dettar bottle. Tbe Arctic Limm-- at lpntapteSSceat M ceat. and Jl bottles. Tbe 61 cent aad tlbottlea eentala 60 and 107 per cat. more Ltalmeat Inproportion to their cost, tad -- re t'e Fjr ttle It

BSARO & BURROWS,Sc St. Louis, Mc

Brtgg't Arctft Llu'ment Is warrsated toKILL THE SCKEW WORM,

crereut lh-- attack ot THE BLOW FLT la stock.O. C. HARBIN tt CO.. S. MANSFIELD tt CO.. Tr. P.

ARKS WORTH & CO.,B. S. LAKPHIER, Atr.tl, Mem-pbl- s,


RISON aad IS. B. WHSELOwK. tt CO.,Agen't. KewOrleans. ap3-da-

NEW PIANOS CHEAP.T--s ECE1TRD this day 'Mar 18) six more tf those anIV eeuadtd PIANO rOSTBS, Iron tbe manufactory

Wm. Kaabe tt Go , Bsltloore Persons la want ofsuperior icatrumtats can Sad term at

myl lm MtKINNET ' CO,

J'ust Receivedftfl CASESGlagtrWlae.justTeceiredaudrorstl

by n n. potter.srjli Ko.IT Mala street.

f fi RGtEb superior duality Low Grade Tooacco,J J just receiTN ana sr ia.e ay

H H. POTTER,mvll 172 Matn street.

O 0 1 1 CASKS superior Ale aad rorter. In pints tadcuarts. lust recelred aad for sale br

ll. u rtTTTBK,mill IT) Mi la street.

BASKET3 ef tbe celebrated Red Seal Cabinet50 Gbampsgne, just received tad for rtls lyit a nyrrsK,

myll 171 Mtln street.

A OASES superior Ltmcn Syrup. Inst reclred end tJ 17 fsrsaleby u 11 runic,myll 173 Main street.

To the Iiadies.jriSa BCUVJ31I , 1S.C VI lB O.M.A(hV. (MWUA,

jVX has opeaed ber DRESS- XAKING BOOMS, 116Mala steeet, opposite Messri. Speed fc Btrsuge's nearstars, betweea Union and Monroe streets, aad aoucua sshare of public pitronice. mtr2lm

Por Sale.A LI CELT KEGRO WOMAN, a fstr Cook, a

Wilier and Ireoer, aoent 37 or a years oiagf, aad btr ebBd, 7 years ef age, a likely grrl.

Apply at tMs offlot. vT7-- tf

For RentTEST la'Wilker'i block.A !WZ'7 50EUIS0N --

oy7 itUttim ttreet..

To the Ladies.T&03C of lbs Ladles cf oar city who Intend aiding the

P10NKEB BOO' AND X ADDXB COXPaNT,at their Pair aad Btipberry Sapper, to bo gteen faringthoromlog week, are reaaeited to meet at ODD TEL--LOWS' HALL, oa SATUS.DAT MORKINO at 11 o'clock,

far Us purpose of perfecting arrangements therefor.3. S. CrtADWlDC tR. T. PATTIfON. LoomraltUe

myZ7- - J. H. EDM0ND3OH.Jn-- n- 1. msv- - .a .enuiiuwHj"9 Alias uuu vi 11 1 iutii

SALLOar cheeks, dall eyt4, a tsngald step, blo'chesdpiiopvitatbftendforhed--uihtprodai- m

I the'rlctlm ordyspepils, and all these eaa be rapidly acddnrably cared by these gentle, bat thorough tad Irreslstihle remedies.

Sold tt tho maanf actory, Ko. 80 Maiden Lane, New

Tork, aad atl draggUts, tt 26c, C2c, and tl per boxor pot

Dr. !. HoRtctfer's CelebratedStomach Bitters,

FOB the care of Ferer aad Igae.ls beyond all coatroTer.sy the safest and best remed 1 thtt could he Bled by theafflicted, 'or all dlseaiet of the sbne nttara. The moltrlos&t attacks of this drttdfaldlt case bare ottea beea

prereatid by the ase of this reliable remedy. Tho "Bitters " haTS beea used by the prop'ietor la aa exteailTO

ptactire, la ths treatment of Ferer and Acne, for a nam.

berofyetrt aad Us wonderfal caratlro pawrrs irewrUknown both tolhepres aad the public Those who de

sire a thorough renoratlon of their eatlre system? should

act fell to use the Bittebj.For sale byBrnggtits, tad detlsrt generslly, eTery

where. rayM-'Uwt-

To Druggists and the People.TOU ate htreky cautioned sgsinst spurious imitations

sgstnst Dr. DlGkath'i Blectsug Oil. ti e shaH

prosecute any party who uses our eoyy rlghtel bills.

Thli (genalne) Slectric OU has cared the Hijor of Cam.

den ef POei and Bb umatlsm ; also, Hoa. John vTOJlim- -smj cf nuutluzlon. Hsa. B XlUiagiurtb, whom It took

oT bis crutcliet la oae dty, and more tbaa 700 ethers laPh'ladelnhla, wbess names bare been published In thePhiladelphia Ledger.

The vholeiale dealers la Fhlla4clphla woutd not coua- -tenance asy scamp guilty of the rascality of eoutsrf 'it--iag. Ia Hsrrishurg. John Wyethe, Bsq , the well knownDruggist there, caused the arrest aad Impritoumect of

i Taientlae, who attempted aa Imltatlm of this ral--aaMe temeiy. A geatieaan will ins bo la Flttibatghand wll be able to show the people what power thli Oil

bss oTerdlseue tad psln.Filaciral office 29 South Eighth street, Phllsd'lehls.

No (genalne) Oil without tbe asms of Dr. DGrstb'sElectric Oil bloua la th) bottle, aad tbe written signs-

tare of Dr. DeGtstb fc Co. tal B. A. Smith, to Imitatewhich Is ftly. Prof. Da GBATLT.

1 South Eighth s'eet, PhBa.This Great Bmedy caa be bad of the ageat hero.

CnAHDLEB. & CO. Prtoe, 26ceots,60ceatsaadtl.mrl5Iawlw

"Death to all Vermin."" COTTAR'S " Bit, Boacb, fcc, EXTERMINATOR


etc(TheorLT ixrALUBij: BEXXDtEi Tnowa.)

Sold ererywhere (DraggUts aid Dealers desiring

tm' ,tB tor Cottar's Prlrsta Olrcalar )

gj arrcripiex if.ra. Auil,Alv Tsvar" scaesto aay address la tbe United States, a sufficient quantityfPosttge Paid) to destroy be Terrain on aay Premises.

"COSTAR'S'TRIJICIPAI, DEPOT,Ko S83 Broadway, Near Tork.

S. MANSFIELD h. CO , Jgeats,mrSSdtw .Memphis, Teaa.

Raffo's XeT Ice Crtam Saloon.No. 8 Prorlue a Stewart't ."Block, Cornrr Msla aad


ThsSslaoat ef this estabUshmrat bare been fitted up

la elrgtat sty, tad lsdles tad geatlemaa win be politely

serredwltb Ice Creams, Sodss, Con sctloaery, ttc,laerery rariety acd of the fiaest kladl. Fruits aad fancy

articles la grest rariety mi73-l- a

Horses and Mules.THOUSANDS of the' e valuable anlnsls are Inst eriry

year, from thIr owners not knowing bow to treat tberarlous dl'esses they were suffering with, er from uilagInferior remedies. Thli Is pecaHsr.y so la regsrd to inchdiseases as sprinthslt, ipsrin, pole eril, and all sneh asare tbe result of epralus, bruslies, haraess galls,

An these dbesje are reasHly curable by the me of terseptaetratlBg HatmtBt, which is shserbedby tbe pores of

the skla, and at oaeedrlrescff tbe bid haawrs tbst feedAmosg a3 tbe ltnlneett that

hare erer been Invented, rone pss-e- is tbe peaetrstlreend difi-.sl- prlnolDies to sacb s degree as Da. BBAOO'i

Asctic LlBIsf EtCT aaartaCe which Is rapidly drlvlsgi

simnar preps nitons out ot tbe maiket.For sale by drusglsti ren --Title, mylt-dsw- fw

Mexican Mustanp Liniment.FB0 It rich aad poor, bond and free; ah colors, grades jr

and ceadltleas of life, we bear tie tame ated of pralssawarded this wenierral article. Sores ars healed, pains

litre savtd ralusbie auiasls aide uiefnl, taduntdd IBs sssutged by this great medicine wbkb aresurprising to the ludgment of mta. Wbst ftally dees

require s i tiadird Hnhnrnt Wboev--r heard of tbelime er pioloe;t by any other article ? Fee cuti.brulies, sprtitw,rheamttlsm, strslaed bones,ttc. It baa se equsl. Beware ef loltltloos. Tbe ges-ul- ae

Muitaxo LntiMEttT Is soM by all respectable ndrurtliti inl Hery mea la every towa, pa" Mi aad baa-l- et

threugheat North aad South America, Eerc-pe- , aadItltafis ot tbe Ocean. Buy at caee.

BARNES tt PARK,ProurleUrs New Tork.

SoM ererywhere tad by S. MANSPIE'.D tt CO.myl dtwtwlm 267 M.ta ttreet.

E. F. GOODE & CO.,(successors to Thrall tt Co.)


LIGHT NING SOBS.A rery superler artxl. with


Foit effiea Block, er addresaE. F. GOODS tt CO.,

mirllly Memphis, Teen. ef

Edmondson & Armstrong,Wholesale and Re tan Dealers la



Opposite Court Square Sign of the3r oldon Stirrup.KEEPcoaitactlr ea bind a fan assortment of artletet Ia

their line, ctmelstlcg In part cf French aad AmericanSkins. Hemlock tad Sola Lesther,

Skirtings, Harness, Bridle. Wax aad Kip Upper Leather,Enameled tad Pttrnt Leather ot all kladj; Pad, HsgChamois, Deer, Lin leg aad Topping Skint Also, t fuUassortment of ftddlert'. Shoemakers' and Tanners'Tools, ttc Saddlery Hardware aad Harnett KouaUngt

erery rariety to which we reepectfsSy Inviteattention et persocs buying la ear Has.

augzo-i- y

Bands! Hands t Bands! ToWE keep coastaatly oa baad a fan a isortment ef bothMaehlae-Strctcb- Leather and ic

GIN AND MILL BANDS.all sixes, from two to sixteen laches In width, and is Tlare tbe Agents or tbe sainuf ntureri, can sen them

low at tbey raa be foncd in tbe market, aad guaranteethem to be et tbs best quality made. To

EDMONDSON & ABMCTSOnC,Ko. 247 Msla street.

ae90-:- y Elru ot tbaGoMan Stirrup

Hides! Hides! Hides! Te

WX are prepared at any time to pay tbe HIGHESTMARKET PRICES, In CASH, fasDRY HIDES, SHEEP AND DEER SKINS.

Shipments solicited, te which we promise our promptspedal attentlaa.

EDMONDSON It ARMSTRONG,Ko. 247 Mala etreet.

aagSO-I- y Sign of the GoMea Stirrup.

Saddles, Harness, Bridles, &c1WB are now Jcat receiving a fresh tad wen selected

slock of goods lathis 11ns, such as3ADDLB3, BRIDLES,




of which we wl tell st therery lowest market rates.EDMONDSON fc ARMSTRONG,

Ko. 247 Mala street,sccSO-l- y Sign of the Golden Stirrup.

Prof. Haskell's Electric OH.A supply ot this wonderful Medicine fir tbe cure rf

rheumatism, Deafness, Piles, Coras and all nerreai dis-

eases. Headaches and Pains, bas beea recelred by HARBIN fc CO , where It can be obtained. The tuSrrlagshould purchase s bottle Immediately. See advertise-ment la another column.

Pnor. HAtzxn-- The followlag testimony la farorDr. Hasksn's Electric 0U Is tarnished as for pabttca-o- a:

raor. BAraxLL Dear Sirs I feel It to bo my doty toutorm the public, through yon, what year wonderful is"Electric OU "baa done tcr my family. My wife hasbeen alarmlugly troubled with tatting ot thewsabtadpslss In the back ted brent. I bought oae bottle ofyour Oil yesterday, tad ay tbe Is entirely free frompala, tad tends her warmest respects for year successsnd prosperity. I bare btd a rheumatic pala Is layheulders acd arms for a lent time, and la tea minutes

tram the time I spatted your Oil, the ptla waa aH foneIs truly awenderfn! rentdy fir an palas, such as we

bare been tufferlag with, and I cheerfully glre this teaUoonUletlUeSecta.

G. T. SWIFT, Kerrttt House.Sworn tad subscribed before me, this dsy, 24th of July

1357. UBERTT WAITE, Justice ot the PriceSuch testimony tells aa "o'er Irn tale " worth cel.

urans et made certificates an erer the land, tad a Ere itway on.

For sale by 8. MANSFIELD fc CO., 367 Miin-l-t.Try It. ye sufTertegaad sffilcted. ccta-daw-ly


For the cure of erery form of

HEMORRHOIDS, OR PILES;Whether of long standing or recent origin! Internal orExternal J whether attended with Prolapsus, Hemer- -rhAge, or obstruction; and til by


Ko Internal adjuvants being required la any case, only toregulate tbe Bowels, tf Consupsled, er In Diarrhoea andBTteatery.

Alirre number ef throughout tbe country.ef high character and Influence, hare roluntary attestedto Its efficacy la tbelr own cases, not ot hearsay, aadwhose certUcalea may be seen by reference te tbe proprietors' publication to be bad of their agents, through,out tbe United States.

Price, 21 per Box, retail.Tbe PILH SALTE ti put up In glsst Jin, ladosed Inpiper borpTcperly ltbtBed, and trill keep any length

SI time.JJ--For isle tn thtt dty by

JOHTJOX fc LOItO,Ward fc joais,MAXinELD & CO.,H. F. FABSSWORTH,B. S. HcanEi,w. x. Sheltoh,

4 Hestbt Txit. andGeODTZAR KSArFfcCO

T. H. OAVAKAUOH fc CO.,iy PronrVtora. SU Louis, Me.

JVoticebetween Drt. R3BARS sndTHE bas beea dlstj.Trd by mutual contest.

Dr. W. H. Hawklas. now perm inertly located, tendersall professional services to the public Office, Immediately over me rpnuace, (front roam,) where Es. can befauna at an luces, eiuryt wjes mitu)oziSJ ff3l.UflSriS)

38uifthtg Materials.a st moors. J. HAUTE AD. B. BAKE?.





sod IjTTIWXj3 J3X1,-- ' in kinds, ronsrd or drajaed

BaDdert will and It to tb Ir laterest to glre at t call.ainiiBJS, UAUiaauauu ,

mySS'dtsriwty Seooad street ssntb of Cajoa.

lujibek wain.Great Indacement to Builders.


W PINE, ropier end Gum Sin, Jolit end Stnd--

iag, Westber-bssrdtE- g sad Ehecttag; Ciy wide,and clear white Pine. Craress and Poplar. 1M and 2 lathick; dreitel, yel.ow. white. Pine, Poplar and GumFloorings dtssed CetUng. Also a large a rmeatolShingles aad Lewed sad sawed Cedar, of til sites. ABorders from a distance, tcrsmptnl-- d by ths cashUllVnJ il ............ 1,UMJ m,.

Biiicre, soutb side txutrt unaax wasntngioa sirreiCCIS ly Jl M. WUHHAJ1.


Sash, Door and BlindQ ASH. Doors. BSIads aaMouldlag kept oa btad andU made to order. Also,


Worked Floorings, Ceilings,And all other machine work la bis line will b tarnlshacto Baud ers cn short notice.

CONTRACTS OK BUILDING TAEEK.Office and Manaf sctory oa Adams street. netrKemchl

tsa untnesion uauruaa Depot, siempnii, Teun.tTii-i- y

fainiiitpni) gsUljitcrturt


DECORATIVE PAINTINGGlass Staining. Gilding, &c.

W. H. PASSMORE.TN returning bit t Inceretbanki for the rery liberal pat.jl Tontge Descwea on aim luce nil residence in Mem.phis, would infirm the cituens thst bo is prepared ttall times to make TIMS for tbe comcletlosof work la ths aore of bis builaeis. In atiyio mil wm mtiaiaia uiennauii repatatloa alreadygaineu sri &isciiy.

Store Ko. 2. S.ewalt tt Prartae's Block. Mila street.below Unioe.

K. B. I hire sncceeted la enrarlnl the serrices ofoa er the best practical psluters to the country, Mr.ROBEBTt, late of KewTork, as ferrmin, toasilitmslncarrytag on tae eustaes In a manner that will glre per'ftct rstiifaction to all parties.

ma-a- ir w. u. passmohe.B. B. M1LLEB JOS. T1KH.

MEW PAINT SHOP.Miller & pimm,


ITTILL be fousd la readiness to do 81GK, tad all thef s oner oraacscs or.


SlarblintTtnrain In rr. F.tc.At such time aad manner is will lniure ths most perfectisuirsciua so erery taaie aaa circumstances.

ARTISTSOf superior talent are attached to our establishment, saebas are rarely erer fend combined la any oae shop la theSouthern or Wntera country, tad btrs been sccurtd tt

treaeaoout exseaso uur.. Gliding on Glass,

Is equsl to toy. la the United States;

COMMON SICNS,Of all descriptions furnished in a few boars notice.

Perseasl atte tloi glrea to our work, both la Oraa.mental and ITouse Palntlcg. aplS-2- m

P H. HAMMERSKOLD & CO.,Architects, civil Engineers andsurveyors,

Office on Madia v street, over Gsyoso Savings Bank,MEMPHIS TENN..

A BE now prepsred to lurnlib deilgns for. aad snpertn-- J1 wTKi tne erection et duouo or urlvito bnlMinri.i

ehnrch- -, stores, store fixtures, ttc Th--y will a re giveibelr ttentlon to any work comleg ander the head ofCivil Engineering or Surveying, either In town orCMBtry Any description of Architectural Easlneerlug,

Meehanlcal Drawings executed with sn aecarscy aadrritaeil not to be snrpassed la thli country Deslcasaad working drawlags far dwel lnx b.-i- ti or otherbetMlag-inth- e country so executed that any lntclll-ge- at

aecro csrpcater can follow hem. Deilrai rrTomb. Ce- - atanbs. Taolts, ttc ,

uanag nmextuiire oea'inca with rasauf sctUTS at theNorth and We.t. ther caa furnish anr deccrlntLnn.pT-A- nFreats.BAlceales Wladow Guards, ttc. ttc . at reducedprices.

ntrEBExcEi :Hoa A. B Liagstreet L L D. : Hon. Rbirte. !ii .

Sam Tate Ban Pre Hnt Memphis aad Cbarle.tonBHI-ea- d ; Col. W. M S ocktoi ; Dr J. C. Miniagtoa ;

Ceckrel, ej. T. J Finnic, Em. f Gta. G. DMitceell ; J. McKeerer, EiOffice hjurs from 9 a it to 'p. sr., tal from 2 r- - M.to' " anll-l-n


W. H. PASSMOREthis method ot lnfermlog the cltlxent of Mea.pbttbatbehaspennaaeatlr sealed bhunirtn.carry oa the abore buitaeas, and aasurta those who

mayfaTorblmwttb tbelr patronage that an work ea.trustedtoblrnvrinbarehlastrlctPERSnNAT. atttiv.TION. lathe seiectloa aad preparatloa of tbe material.. .c it.ct3i exreuteon or tne wort, fie

be spared en bis part to glre satisfaction aadperform tbe work thoroughly, and at tbe same time tosalt the taste of the most fastidious.

His teat eaijcilewe warrants him tn saying tbat hisooatracts win be coma! ltd with to tbe entire utlifirtki.

those .vho miy pitronUe hlra. They may, slso restassareu tast any work aadtrtaken by him will be prompt-ly conducted.

For qnalUeatlctns.b begs leave to refer to Ibe renew-ing persocs : Cspt. O. B. Church, Cspt. T. KewetL Mr.

rooley, cspt. J. Goalee. Capt, Alfeo, Mr. O. Piffleronur aaca ci anettoa'a urug atote mrzsly



SWAN & GO.'S E0TTERIESAuthorized by tho State of Georgia.

THE following Scheme win be drawn by S. Swan fcManagers of tbe Snirti Itim Ttt-- r

each of their Single Number Lotteries for JnmetSSS, at AUGUSTA. Ga.. la nubile, under ittendesceof Commlbloaers.

OZiASS lOibe drawn In tbe City of Augusta, Georgia, In nillc,es SATUBDAT, Jane 6, 1S6S.

OTjASS 18,be drawn In the city cf Augusta, Georgia, la public, oa

SATUBDAT, Juno 12, 1853.

CTi.&S 20.be dran In the cty ot Aagusta, Georgia, tn public oa

SATUBDAT, June I, 1553.

be drswn In tbe dty ef Augusta, Georgia, in public, onk,. u ""a . , . uu. ao, loro, on tue piaa or

Single JSPimibersG,48S ZxrlsioEt ! !

Nearly Ono Prizo to Every ITinoxicnet8.


EACH SATURDAY IN JUNE.Prise of.. 70,000 4 Prists of....... 00

10,000 4 " " 80010 000 4 u it 7006,000 4 ' " ... 6004.000 60 ' 6002,000 60 M " 1001,600 100 " " 1251,000 230 ' 100

APPROXIMATION PRIZES.4 rrises et $t00 Aprox'tlng to $70,030 rrixa are I,COO

4 100 20,000 1,2004 200 ' 10.000 8004 125 6,000 " 6004 100 ' 4,000 " 4004 75 ' 1,000 " 1004 60 1,500 " 200

8,000 20 are.. .100,008

6,486 pities amounting to..... ... ........,23o,OoeWhole Tickets, 810; Halres, 85 00;

taiuarEurn, sn ou,

PI.ATT OF THE LOTTERV.Tbe Numbers Iron 1 to 60,000, corresponding with these

Numbers oa tbe Tickets printed en separate slips of paper, are enctrtiea viu uuu uu .iujcs ana piscea in onewheel.

Tbe Crst 457 Prises, similarly printed aad encircled, areplaced In another wheel.

Tbe wbeele are then rerolred, aad a number la drawnMm tbe wheel of number!, tad tt tbe same time a Prise

drawn from the other wheel. The Kumber and Prizedrawn oat are opened aad exhibited to tbe audience, aadregtaUred by the ixmmuiiccrn i tue rrue oeing placedagainst tae J. umoer urawu. im. operation is repeateduntil in are arawu Ob.

ArrnoxiHATiox Pbizej. The two preceding aad tbstwo succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7Priaes win be entitled v the 33 Apsrsxlnutloa PrtxeeFor example: If Ticket No 11240 draws the $70 uOOPrixe,

numbered U24S. 1124. 112SI. 112S2. wiueach be entitled ta $100. If Ticket No. 650 diawa the

m osa Prtit. those TicietsnumDereuoia.oi. o&I.etAwin each be entitled to $100, and toon according to tbeabove scheme.y The 6,000 Frixee cf $50 win be determined by tielast figure of tbe number tbat draws tbe $78,000 Prise,Far extap.fi, u tmarauti luisuiiig su.uwi'rize

Ii with No. 1. then til the Tickets where tbe numberends In 1 win be entitled to $20. If tbe Number eadtwith No. 2, then tn tne Tickets wnere tae number endsn 1 wtu be entitled to $20, and te an to 0.

Certificates et Packages will be told at tbe followingrates, which ta the risk :Certificate of rackageof 10 Whole Tickets D0 eo

" lOHalf Moo" 1 Quarter " 20 0010 Eighth " io on

Inosderisf Tlckettor Certificates, enclose the moneyto oarasurea. torus itcaets oroeroa,oa receiptor whichthey win be f srwarded by first mail, rarchasers caabare Tickets emtlng tn say figure they may deslruats.

The lilt cf driwa numbers and prises win be forwarded to purchasers immeaisiay srcer tu drawing.

rarchaaers wUl please write their signatures pltia, andgive tbelr Post Office, County and State.

13 Remember tbat erery Frlre It drawn aad' payablela full without deduction.

CS AH Prises ef $1,000 aad under, paid Immediatelyafter tbe drawing other Prises at tie usual time oflalrtyaayt.

T All communications strictly confidential.Andreaa orders tor Tickets or Certificates te

8. SWAN fc CO., Augusta, Gt.JJ FeTtont residing nest Montsomery, Ala., or AU

lints, Ga., caa bare their order fined, and tare thn.by addressing S. Swsn fc Co. tt either of those title.. '

rrAUstof the numbers that are drawn (mm tt.wheel, with tbe amount of tbe prise that each one It en--uuea u, wui oepuousuw axier erery drawing la tbe fol-lowlag naners : Kew Orleans Delta. Mobile rwi.wCharleston Standard, Nashrffle Gatette, Atlanta Intd'jiran, ..(. " n-- jj iij ows, tiaraaaaa MorningNews, Richmond Dispatch, Kew Tork Dispatch, Panl-dl-

(Miss.) CUrioa, Augusta (Ot.) ConitltaUoaallitand aad Llltlt Bock (Aik ) True Democrat. mr26


QTETNSOK opect bit LUNCH SOUSE and LAGERsj tsn.BAuiua'

Where hit f rleads aad tbe pablic w I' aad tbe choicestwines. Liquors, EagUsb rotter and Scotch Ales, LagerBeer, fce.

A fine Lunch will be ierred ap erery morning it 10o'clock. Ltacn erery ereuinr, welch Babbit acd Tea,tan. t -

Ko. S Baakr trecno, JcfiS BBJ'A old office. "Comeese, come tn." .

OK r ? - "



850,000 WORTHOF



s. AHweaewnsreiBCoarssoterec- -WL lion a lsrge tad tpacteat r B

H 'PSE. two hundred feett ijeen and fear stories htfb. situated

ea Uulta street, a few doors from our present .land. w.

wUlseHatAOIUALCOST FOR CASH, eronsbort time.lor ctty tseeptaaeet. our Imnncie stocx ot


Curtain Goods.and Fine Furniture

Wa Invite aR te rail, befirre purcba-tc- g elsewbere, aiwe are deteral ed to cloee out ear prsseat stack te siretrouble tn Bstrlag it. Dea't forget tae cetner or atiaand Union streets.

myll-I- m GEO flahebtt a bbo.


a.aa. AppryteK. HAWKS, '1mi8-l- 194 tad 2C6 Mala street

For Rent.A FINE office, sltaated ea Bl'k Ariaue, ,

XX very desirable for a Physician o. Lswyer-J X. OQADWIUK,

rsjl Madison it., corner of Bank Arenae.

DU. ORVHiliE R. EAULYfLiteef Mlillsiiort 1

looated psnaaaeotly la Mempbls. oSers btsHATING serrteet to Us etliras ted lethe sirrosudleg coaetry. Special atteatlon wpl be givenU Obstetrical cases tad aB diseases ot women aad caarfren.

Reildence on the corner or Dernanao street aaoBrown's Avenue. Offis 28 Msdltoa itrtct my2 ly

DR. JAMES 91. KEliliERtT) ESPCTFULt.T offers his nrerwsloaal serrices ta tbeIV ctlxeos of Memphis aaa its nctaixy.

His resideace is oaMccau street, next to taat or a.Tf. Diuz.111

Office In Greentsw't BuUdleg Main It net. Sauth cfUaloa, tecoad 11 or. bere he may be round at sit heart.unices professionally ntarea jnniT-oi- r

DB. B. L. IiASKY,Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher,

Wasblagtoa Street, between Mala tad Second,

MBMPHIS, TENN.Office hours from 1 to o'clock, a af., tad front 2 to 4

ceeocx, r. af .

rpaANXrUL for tbe kind patronage heretofore ex--1 tended to me, I take pleasure to Inform my custom

ers aad the public ia general, that It Is not my la 'en I Ionto Iters this dir. as bas beea reported, sad that I amerer ready to attend to all cases of lateraal aad externalataeases, and that I am pr pared to uadertate the mostdifficult Boerstlees aad accoachmrats, aad tbst I do sotoe calomel or aay preparatloa of mercury la diseaseswnsterer.

Secret dlsessef sre cured la my o a method, la suchmanner as not to Interfere with ho buslaess of the patient, and that I r not ase any mercury In tbe treat- -meat or tie same.

For the followlag Bheamstlsm, Athritli, Keuralgla,Nervous Headacbe aad Tootharhe. Faralysla. Drrpepsla.Torpldlty oa tbe Lirer, Sptaal Carrature and Weakaes.,uienae utsesaes. Hipp, Tumor atdbs or watte swenlog. Deafness, as well aa all dlteeaet of theE-- e aad Ear,Ameaorrboea. Chkroils. Sterility. Spermatorrhoea, ttc.ttc oraar disease tbat reqaire aa entire rexulattoa eftbe fluid aad nerreaa srstem, I ate the Msgaeto-Electr- ir

treatmeat. wbseb is universally known for Its crsctlca.bultr

After t practice ef tea years tt Staff Physician andDirector of serersl hospitals la Germany, and eightyears practise la tbe United States my at aPhytldsa. Sarreoo aad Accoucher is tufficeatly eattb- -itsaea at to ase aorartBer comment.

defa-daw- lr DI Tt T. -- ATRT

In County Court of Shelby CorB- -tys Tenn. nay Term, 18

George Winchester adata- -utrator of Siml O. Bil-- 1lard, deceased, Iretttlaa to sH Betl Estate

ri. to pay GesttFsaule O. BlHird. J

t appearing from affidarlt filed In this cans that thedefendant. Fannie O. Ballard. Is a of the

State ot Tennescee, It Is therefore ordered that putties- -tioa oe mace rr tniny days tn the MemphU DAILT Ar-- rl

At. reoulrtng i d d feadaut to be snd Senear beforethe Judge rf the County Ooart of aald esanly, at the nestterm ef slid cjurl, to be botdea at tilrich ea UO.S'D T,tbe 7tb dty cf Juae next, asd plead answer or demur to'said petltkn. or tbe "irae win be taken aa esnfeiscd, aadset far besritg ex pirte

JOHN P. TREZ STANT, Cetk.By Jotns H. Harrison, D. C. myi-t-


John niilchel & Tm. G. Swan.At $2 per annum, or $1 far six months, paya

ble invariably- - in advance.TR-- MITCIIEL hi. teg eaaeBced iatbe2Stbaam-lVXb- er

if the paper, a serfs o Litters addressed toHoa Alexaxdeb. H. Stefhess. ef Georgia

which, when oeaettted. will rureub ta eatlre bliUry ofTne iristi Troubles ot 1848,

With tb--tr Caa.ea aad ConeaeaeesTbe SOUTHERN r.rnzew wtn be the mting to both Americaa asd Irh read rs. Betides these

eea'rtbuileBi from Mr Mfchel. ts-- Sodthebs Citi-izr- xwill continue te bare Hi aiaal iaeo ity et original

matter unoo poll Ilea' ind hfr ry utdctt prepsret byhhn. Tb clrcuUtiea Iboeeb large and ceaitantly

the P oerlet rs bsve tboegkt wni be muchmere extezded by aa aaBoeareaest la tt It 'era

GomBBDtea'iene withreml tiMmty bealdreiidtoMiTCHELttStrAie KacxvlUe, Teaaessee, or to asytf

:e r .iswrog Agents:H G Coartrn.y tt Co . Cbtrlestan. Seexk Carollat.Tbomts B O'OoeBsr, Saaaeaah, Georgia.J O Morgaa. New Orleans, I8UUm.

s A. Gentrr. Btcbsesd, Tirglala.Alexander Adamsoa Wath'aglen City.Tsl'lmc-t-t Turn t. rieel jut Ohio.P M Htverty. IIOFoib-astpet- , N.wTrrk.s. H GoetxH.llDia bin str-e- t. Mobile, Aubaaa.u-- nj n uaTi.,MtsHiie BaitdiBg, Msntgimery, AIs.Rosf fcTaucer. 121 Ks-sa- street. New Tork. iuor4r

dealer en'r upon f.rorsbie termsJsms McGlen. 121 K'iru-- y s'reet, San Fraacltco.dots ef Ten will be safpiied with the Paper for SIS.myl-dS- a


Hew England StatesHV OSE YEAR.

rprJK RKSfORATIVBof Prof. O.J Wcod far rej UrineX balr periectly sad peraaBeatte, bas aerer ret

bad a rival, Tolame after vol ame might be given fremall part, ef tbe world aed trees tbe most InuMgeat toprove tbst It Is a pert tt Restorative 1 but read tbt circu-lar and yes caunet deabt ; read also tbe feBowlsg.

Tbe HAIR People bare for ceatrrlee been sffilctedwHbbtldbeali.aadtbeonlyrtaedy. beretafere known,ha .been those ab.ntnable wigs By a recent discovery of

Wood these trtklei are bettg fast dispensedwith, bat a treit atay persoas still natralxe them, Ircaase they hare beea to oftea laposed upon by tlalr Tenlet of difrennt klodi. Toallsash psrioss we esraesttymake tbe requeit tbat tbey will try eace agsla. for tnWood's Rest retire tber is Be sscb thing ilfill Wekrtew of a lady who was baM, who ased tbe article asnert time and tier bead ts covered enepteteiy wtb thetlules' aid Best betatiral carl. iBtglnable We kaow

fenmeroas cass where hair wst riowy fi'Mng outhlch Is restond la gresterperfe tlea tbaa It ertr bad

beeoeereIt ts also wtthoa! doubt oeeef the best arUdesfar keep

ing the bslr tn good conditiea, makleg it sett aad glos-y- ,resovlng daadrefi, and bis proved Itself the greatestenemy ta all the Hit 'hit hair is heir to.

It Is Ibe Sale ct every one to Imerreve tbelr persona:appearance 'bough ime aa differ la regard to the waysof rtelig ; but --very oae win admit that a beautiful headef balr either la asa er wstata, It ta obj-- much to bedeilred, and tlere are no that should be left ac Jtried to ehtaln such s eeaiMerallon. Woman's Advocite, Philadelphia.

CocnoCTor, Ohio, November 17.1856.O. J. Wood fc Co Gents : As Ibarebeeaeagaged la

seffloc your Hair Reiterative tbe lart sessoa for o e oryour local areata. R. M. naeksa, aad hiVnt erperl-encad,t- he

benefielsl efT'Cts ot It mysHf. I would Ills toobtatatn agency for tbeS'ateef Obieer seme State Intbe West, should yon wlb te msks such an arraage-raea- t.

ss IsracoUTlnced fiere Is Betbfng equal tolttnthe United Stat-s- . tor restoring tbe bslr. I hire beaeagagdla tbe drag business for sereral years, aad baresaid virions preparatient rer tee ntlr. but hire roundBotblngtbstrestereslbosecTttlreorgiBSor larlrerstesthe scsln as wen as youri. being fully CABrlnced tbstyourrestorsllre Is wbst yea 11 pitas at tt lo be. I wsa'dlltetoengsgola theiileof It. fori srasaUsfied It auitseB. Tours truly.


Watlasd. Mass . Feb , 5 IS57.Tfef O. J. Wood tt Go Gent l : Htrlag rallied the

good effects of your Bslr "eiterttlve I wtih ts itate,that Cndlat my bil- - growtug thin, at well at gray, 1

rulMsMfoa what I real tad betra to try tnebr van to nremH-i- ts srowb and change

Its color as was la youth, bother which It bas effectedcompletely. In the oferatlee I bsre nied ne'riy threeboittte. Tears, ttc ,

JAMBS KRANCI3.u. n uuu ot uu., rropnvuFT.. ... oti".j i .,

(In the greet N T. Wire Rilling Establishment.) and 114Market st'ect, St Loeia. Mo.

sTJAnd w br an enmruCTita. mirn-q.weo.- ir

Sheriff's Sale.IT virtue of 'h" lo lowlni extcaHeas Issued from theI Law Side cf tht ComnK. Law aad Cbsncery Courttbe City ot Memphis an n Judgments of record therein

axalnstDsvtd McComb, No. 21, March term,187, issued onjudmeat In firoref Ben Johaos, rea--dered M.rcb C. 1257, fir 234 ebt, aad $ 15 costs. Ke.129 November term 1857 lssaed en judgment In fsroror Roberson, Dennett tt 0 , reedere 10th NovemberlS57.rorSi.I9124dt.aadSIloocosti. no i7Djovee- -ber term I3t7 in rarer ef Micy, on Julgmentrenderrd 12tb November, 1S17, fo $ II debt, and

to cou. 2. O. lto, at area term is ia rsvor otMosrs Greeawiod. oa Jedam-- at Msrcb 5th,1SSS tS Udett tad (8 15C-- U Ko. ISO, attrchterm, ISS oa ledgmest reeaeredfisth Msrcb, 1859. 1

f.roro'J M. BelfettCe. fr 1763 n dect. snd ti 40Twill on the 36 th J ONE NEXT, la fro.t cf the

stierifi-- s ira-- Haoitoa street, in tae ctty or atempuvsen to ths llthett MUerf jr can, the folk)vlnsreal estate lt. Ose parrel or let el ground slUatidla tbentyi.r vempbls eatbaert) eideer OrertjnAT--ecue, or Adami stie t extended, st tbe pointoi iBierteeuo-- . en tbeeaitsHeof Orteau street, with tbeaorih tide of idirai street, lit nkl sTeen? ) msnugtoease rs.twaroiy aieBE toe stna nsi er Aaams sireet,6t feet to a state. Irence northwtrd'y parallel with Or

leans sireet ifto fe--t ; theece wsaiwsrely piralltl withAdamsstreet I feet to -- beea tsldeot Orems street:thence taa'bwtrdly la a right line to tve bet Inning teiug

part o' is-- let Ko 00' aa laid d nra sn tbe din ofthe dty of M tnpoli. Also, aaotber groaad sl- -uatm ta lan city or Messpait. froatlax oa Jacksonstreet, commend g n Jscksea street at a stake 17 feet

eit cf tbe Ditat of latert a' lan of tbe west - We afThird street, wll h the south sMe of Jtctsu ttreet running laeece westwtraiy sleag tbe south itde et Jscksoottreet 33 feet to a stake : to-n--i at right tntels to Jackon ttreet sonutwardJy parslsH with Thirl allrr. 47 teet

mereorleis toapoet ft earner with oae Sclsn and ateCarter;) Ihenee para'lel with Jsiksoa aad Cummerce tA,midway bet aad 17 feet s thence northwardlytea straight una to the ftlnilBg a mrt o' orlilntlut i i-- lua aown on tee pua ef tbe ctty of Memphisais ..aaoiuer portion or ssrt ut or ISO bearrted as follows: BeglaaUga- - lb Bertbwest et otra'r of stld lot

the Intersection of Jteksen ttreet tad Third tier :bean etslwtrdly tlor g th .oath trie of Jtck.oa it.e-- tix tret: tnenre soatawareiy at rlsbt aades with Jaci- -

aoa ttreet t4It fe-- tbsece nrsllrl withJt kt a ttreet 71 teet te Third alley beaca aortbwirdl twith ".Id alley In ast-sK- Hneio tne berfntar. leviedon aa tbe property or Divtd McOnnb ts tttlsfy tbe abortmeuuon"Q Bevntbl. tswrut hours

my55 d.wlw BOT L umitw s. n

Thresliing Heaping

MACHINES.TTTB have en band a limply et these mst tpproredVY Mschlnes and wt would sogtrst to grain growersthst tbe dentin 3 ut them asoat carrett uoi is great-- r

thin can be surpllet. Those thertrare who desire te re-

ceive ece or both Machines, weald de well to send tbelrorders st occe lo as tbst they msy receive a reiutlego mi Resper or Thresher Ur tbe prefect aeaaoa,

Trms caia. aajwhu, uhisiao. et vj.my21- - lawlo .

p. f BARRELS superior Champagne Cider, wtrriated. 1 1 1 ' ta keen tarcet. lsit recelred and far sale bv' ' U. II. FOTTSB,. .

Mtt . --r, rt. .... r.tr", sv.M-o.- ,



Every departmentAND

ASSOETMBHT COHPIiIlTE.yoa a're preparca ana aiipoira looey rr cash,IFeaIlarxuswlll4oyeagxd.


New Goods ! ive-- GoodsAUMVALOP A LARGE LOT OF


DRY aOO'DBsuc.t --




Aad a general aasertmei tt etSTAPLE AND FASGY D.ur GOODS,

wbleb we si test off tt--

Oosa-- t for O ItFor thirty dsvs If you waat bsrgstas. saeb as were

cerer before boeibt e wsat aeaey.

traiVB US A C ALL - --CP. 3. Ocoee and Daadriige Monty tatea at par.

SMITH WICK, SKEKD fc CO.,Kagtrsay't Block, Mala It., bslew DsMea,raylt tf


April, 1S5S.


Arinoixnces to Hi3 FriendsAND



General AssortmentOF






10,000 YardsFRENCH,








HOOPS.Clotliiii g--,













Fa&cy ArticlesAND






Are bow ia receiptor teen stB4M "teet of





In setts of MecbHn, Point, and Hon! ton ..aces.

Real Thread Lace Shawls, &c.

White Goods, Lilnens. e&c.French Jaconets and Lawns,

At sis teen acd twelve cents per yard.Erery thing ln proportion. 225 Msla street,mvl.2m Memphis, Tenn.Easle aed Enquirer copy.


8,000 yards of DBESS SILKS,Of erery description At redsced prices.

4ifb Tl W. B a T7 tTi tc nnTftic ofst

At rery lew prices.

IiAWlTS, OBQAHIjIES, BEBEGE3,By tb yard from 10 cents upwards.

We commence te reduce tbe prices on tbe shore Goods

On the first of May, to

snd continue dtrlnetke sessoa. ts we with to reduce earktk of Goods. WewcaldpolttelyreeuesttbeLadiesto

can aad buy bsrgalat at be


ayl-t- t 222 MAIN STREET.

DR. W. T. BAILEY.(Lata of Ssutb Carolina,)

Having located permanently tn tbe City ot

iTomphis,bis services to tbe Public in tbe rarrous

OFFERS ef his profession. Special attention paid to

Obstetrics and Diseases of Women in general.OFFICE. IM MAIN STREET,

Over the store ot Winston, Churchill fc Co.Jsnta imu


JL. ROCCO,XCTo. S320 IVIVxItt. iStx-oot- .

bext leare to tnfirm tbe Ladlet aadLROCCO ot Memphis aad vicinity, that bis

ICE CUE Am SALOONIs now open tor tbe receptlsn ot Vl'ltors. aad wm bepleased to see hit oM aad arw customers. Ht hat rutreceived a new

Soda Water Apparatus and Porce-lain Fountains.

Aad Is prepared to manufacture a pure irt.de tfsou --a. w i" 33 --rtALSO MAK UF ACTURER or


CONFECTIONER,aim cca-e- r ia all kinds or



.DIALS ANP CJGASS. t.mylafia

isnllanwuseaJ. x. Boat.rso.r. ...........UOB1SSOX fc YOIjIXG,COTTON FACTORS,

Regular Memphis and XasliTille

Real Estate and Produce Brokers,GENERAL ACENTS,

COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &C.,No. 26 Madison Street Dp Stairs.

TscXomTaliljss, "JCottti t

WB btve this day aaseeUted wHb at In tbe Laud4r"T0uslBest w. X ARIGK. Fraattst, BoHvarCUtl. KU1. tain .uf ull Vil.imi . ...

- .in wm oeBOBINSONtt TOUbG. "ar v ARICK.....,. Frentlia. Mtamslr-o- L

. . A.,, Ulf mtWIDC. 1U , 1.'... ..l. -- ..aregM tt country, for sale.

i.tOOacres six Ml., from r..c.u

wV Mrr, W 81 WatKOl t9 ftmOa...frern the Ml.sis.lpe4, a B.r.r tT60 aces caeoOOsf vbtet. l. --.- .7 .

th,M MU.Iepi tePbineea ;,. Y:;'."""""I tOO icrr. 150 of wbleli - H ... .

deadeaed, rreatlet ea tbe. MhsissiBOi nTer ia Chicoteaeety. Arkaasasaw acres I COOof vhleb It deadenedkaieeaadexttadlex acre,, tk.Trirt mi fr.S. tilttlistsstsp river, whleh .ih v..., ..TJto sen parchaters. "

lioa ab at 760 r,f whl.t, I. w u, . w.k .....or earnest loo seme twe re raHe. trm u vi7.i..iri.ires, snd Maliguou-- ,

to , rallread la Chlirt I T?T' after tbe i.tof Ja'y wt I bare the teacounty, dl, m,., of i rt.o,u u.,r u.ii rjo- -ROBINSON. TOUNG fc ARICK.tpl-- lf 34 Madisea street.


wholesale DmrrnrieroAND

i is i from nowT iriww . - , . , . . ..Jl iVtVrVtllZ.l- Z; 1 J .r. ,a ym'wmMf iiwta sruxes out- our prices trereiwntMe; and tberAXI'

IJLl 1 aitsoee trarsTByAtszD.I" CALL AND SEE

FIVR T.X-'TT- BvniTPTA BEAUTIFUL article of our owa maaaf seture. war--

XA. raated not ta eonttln any ef those poisonous artlele,contained la thit which la asaaSy bran kt here. I'aake. a deHcioai. cooling bererage, to ab thismma or tae year Jnit try It I

For sale at wholesale or retail byH. F FABK3W0BTH fc. CO.,

77 o 1 FTMit Row

FINE TEAS!A LARGS assortment, narcbased before be lata ruea. Is Teas, for sale rery low, atwbeleaaleer retail, by

n. w. riasasuaiu tt w,.,7e v 1 SVnnt Bnr.

500 POUNDS Cream Tartar, for aale byaugS H P. FARNS WORTH, tt CO.

Qn BAGS Black repper, for sale byL S H. F. FABNSWORTH fc CO.

CIGARS C0,000, apsrered breads, tor sale byH F FARNS trOBTH fc CO.

5fl KEGS Newcastle S. C. Soda, for ssle byH. F FARNSWriRTH tt CO.

20 BARBELS Copperas, P. fc W . for sale byaneS H F. FARNS WORTH tt CO.

10 CARROTS Oil Tit net, for sale byaaeS H. F FARNS WORTH fc CO.


300 BHSnELSSwestFuUtort rersalebyBOTH tt MILLER.


SSThlrd-Stre- tt, between MarW and JeffersenLOOlSVlLUt, KT..

rFFESS to the pabile GeM Prns ef bis own mannfae- -V tare at wholesale aad retail, warranted eoual to anrcxaoe tn ta-- coun rr

GOLD PENS SEPAIRVD AND SBPOINTBD.OM Pens seat by mill sccompisied with SO cents la

money or stamps, will be repaired aad returned by aextaaE. feblC-daw- ly



Componridcd Entirely froraGnmsioeeef tbb"ru-gttr- e tad Lirer XedtdBes bowrlbe4e Ibe Beetle, tat acts ! a Cathartic, east r.

atsbltr. sad mere effeetaal tbaa aay other medicinekaewa It is act only a CstbartM. bet a User remedy,aetteg first en tbe User te elect its merted rattler, to. aeatbeite.aehaBdbewelitartrTv .iff that natter, th'tteesme'tsb.Bg two panrioet eaetBalr. witb at aay oftbe ptsBfel teetincs la tbe operallea of aestOstbarflee. It .t'enslheae tbe tystea attee same timebst It pergt it ; aad when taken da'lr la moderate

dates, will strengthen tad kabd It ap with Banna! rsp--Bvsiy.

Tbe Lrvxnls oae of tbe .prteereal regataurs of thbaataa body ; aad wben tt j perfora He raactleas wellbe sowers of the intern I tire fefcty sVrel-pe- d. The

itemsebls aaMtnH'erydrpndeBtentnhes!tbrBIactional tbe Lirer far tbeJp-ope- e perterrAtnee of It Ih...I.. . h ..V . .. .M .V . ..

tre tt faaK, tad tb.tr.wbste --yttra teSera tn I

tBiuence or en ergsa-- - -r-e wrHtmi cess- -ete -- o itsautr- - riri-- . jiiea-e- s n teat orvan.one of tbe btt7mtde It bit ttady. la a

of raretBsBtwea-.t- y years, to find seme re-medy wherewith te tbe maaydTtagemea' towoten it I. 'ti-- mo.

la tt lait found, aayeetrebledwbUr-w-E COMrutisr. to any I

f He te a' baa bat t a bottle, aad caaTlc--sua t. fwrt.19

TbeseGems reaere aH, ba mttr frem

ri-w- rtrrinis ' " tBnrww. a Dtinyj bowatte, trtfert'tec eaoslsg foed te

d'g-- st well, roim"ow'THE ULOOBt glrlng tone I

sad 'th to 1 kt wb le,- - tn icb leery, remorlag tbeeaee or he dtjea er-e-ft aa a ruHcsl cur

BltLIOgs ATTlCkttre, .cured aad wbtt IsertCTCIrTEO by the tie tf the Liteb.ImriarnATOB.

Oe dose tfter citing Itiumeteat te reHere thettomseb tad prerest ttC2 'rem rising aadsoBr- -Ing.

Pair eae dese takea. be fyt fore retlrmg prerenttNlHTMABr. r--n

Only ne dose taken et Walght, loasent tbe bowelsgn ryiBd cores CosTtT-Hnrs- i.

O" dese taken titer, , etch meal wHI cute

Os de of two tea- -, "Vpoonlals will slwiys re

8 1 ox Headache.Oae b4sle taken for re-- mile obt. rvctless remove

tbe eaeae et tbe nVeaie, tad mike a perfect rareOaty eae dose ImmedtaOtelvrelleTesCBOUC,

wblst0o4e--e eftea repeated ts a sate cere for OneLZ-s- a

Mobbss. aad apre-v.atl- ef CnobEBA.Oaty eaebastie la aeeded- 1- twWeetreeH eg See system

Ibeeasctsef ss

One bot'le taken fer"jABTtrrtCE, reraeres tBiiHsvmese er cnnat.nl coter trea the ika.

Oae ese tsken asherrJttae b"ere ea'Kg tiresrlger te tbe trset'te aad askee feed dstt wea.

Oae e often repeated 2 cu-r- CrboisicDiax-BoiAlal- itworst f"rat. while So Mm tod Bow--

XL. eeaetalats yield alrmestte tbe flnt doteOae or two dset eresc-'tttac- kt eaaaed by Worms

In etren; there it Botarer safer, er apeedterreaedvra the world, tt lt,orer fsflt

A few bottlea caret br exrltlag tbeaaseraaeata. JJL

We "ake pleasure In rreaaadlag thit medMae ts aprerecllre for Feteb aid nrJE Cmu.FEY.CK. aadan Fetors of a Bitv-ioc- s Trn. It ocmles Mh cr--talatr. tod tboasaeds are winiag te teetlry to Its wond- -VTTBl virtO--

1U WRO rSE IT ARE OITIWa TBEIR UTJA5Istent tbstimsxt is it fatorXT Mix water in the Motrrn witb the I- -noeitATort. Atn twAixosr both Toatrrrrra.

THE ItirEU IWIGOltATOR'iaseienttflaHca! I sror rr. and Is dally workingcures aletett tea great tebeltere. it cares as If bymagie,eren tbe first djie tivteg ben. fit, sad teldoa more thsnrne bottle Is recelred te ear-- anv kind o' Lirrn nt.

frea tee worst Jiundlre or Dyspepeta t" a common nra-scs- mot waiensre ue retancsTBDISEAtzriLives.


DR. SANFOBD, PreprletorIIS Broadway, New Tork.

And retilrd by aR Dragxista.SMlaMea-'btib- S MAKSFIBLD fc CO.,




STSKSSbIl,disease of the hdsi?i3,


FKySt? AND AGUE.And tbe Ttriout tffsctlons eonisciuent upMt a dl .ordered

STOMACH OR LITER,as ladlgestlon. Acidity of tbe Slsmseb, Ceetcky

SUCH Heartburns, Los ot Appetite, Deipansency,Cotttrenets, B'tad aad Bleeding Piles. In aB Kerresa,Rheumatic aad Neuralgic AfiectJoaa, It baa ta aameroasInitances prored highly beneficial, and ln others effected

decided cure.This Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared oa strict-

ly tfter tbe master of th. celeb riledHebiad Profettor. Boerbare. Beeaato of lta greet lac-ces-s

la most of tbe European Slatea, Its Introduction latetbe United States waa tntendH mere especlttry for these

oer fatberlsnd scattered here aad there orer the facethis mtshty country. Meeting with greaf success

arseeg them, I now offer to the American people, know-ing tbat Its truly wonderful medietas! virtues must bescknowledzed.

It la partsealarry recommended ta those persons whoseceastltatlensraty have beea Impaired by ths cor tlnaousase of ardeat spirits, or other forms ot diaslpationGea.reHy lastaattaeoea ln enact. It find Its way directly

tbe fit of Ufa. thriHIng and. eulckenlng erery aerre,raising up the droop tag spirit, sad, ln fact, infusing newhealth and rigor In tbe system.

Notice Whoever expects to fin I this abevertge windlsappotated t bat ta tbe slrk, weak and lew spirited,win prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed et sin-

gular remedial properties.

CAUTION.The great popultrity of this delightful Aroma bas In-

duced maay Imitations, which tbe public should guardagahwt purchasing Be not persuaded to bay anythingelse aattl yes have given Boerhare'a Hot and Bitter alair rial Oae bottle win convince you bow Infinitelysuperior it la to aR ttese Imitations.

KXSotd at $1 per bottle, or six bottlea for $5, by tbeSole Proprietors.


Pharmaceutists and Chemists,PITTSBURGH PA.

S. MANSFISLD tt rr , Ageata for Memphis Sold) by n F. FARNSWORTH, WARD fc JOKES and

JOHNSON fc LONG, and Druggists generally

ValnaWe ProperlyFOR S&IjE.

RESIDENCE, kaowa as tbe Cherry properly, onl on oocivyitrre., ioi lou teeto, ju.

Building lot oa Msla street near corner or Union.Two lota on Malt ttreet below BeatBatUlag lot, corner Shelby aad Talbet. 73 by L0 fee'Six acres, ln lets tv salt purebaaers, acar Memphis and

Three acres, froe tlag Landerd i!e.Two K. 1 Ctton Sheds, near Memphis acd Charleston

iuuresa vepat.Ruldac and Ice, four acres, east of Mrs. Dawson.Four teres. ntr Cotton Fsctetr, and eight aat) Otar

Dr. Gilbert's Infirmary.Residence, corner Titce and DrSoto streets, kuovrn tau. nkhiii propertyTwtlrei and a halt acres. nearEbnwoad Cemeterr.Tery fine mldence and thirty acres, near Xlmwued

tmcterf.Floe ruldence and teren acres, near Dr. Gnaert's.Four rl tntatlona. lmprored. mar Ltconla. Arkausaa.Four bund red and twenty acres, good restaeace, ttc, S

maes east or stempnis.Mocb of the ahore property wDl be sold on lorg time.

er excaaagea larotner proprrry.ROBINSON fc TOUNG,

Beat Xstaie Brokers, 54 Madison street, up stairs.mj5

John Brown.TTfrri-ZI- x THB COMMERCIAL HOTEL- - ts prepared toj waitoatBagansisasawita nusaia'awa nrrpara- -TjFty asa e cx iuM s u.uu, jhm

a-- i tr jiwur.. r r "

Lesres ai abore erery 1HURSDAT at 2 p. X.3. O. CUKE ..N D. Eixiarr. Master.rpH" steamer J O Cine. Tt D BillJ. ett. Mi ter. win ear a. ib re --r.

eryTfURSDAT. at 2 o deck r M- - bbib--.

pert and pas.engrs en rer oa tfehflet host learlac it th. i b t-- ime p mitfrtey

hi uoLusi pastigt rrea Jt p' ts se Nsthvt&s.For freight or pssi sse spy ea beard arte

THUS. H WILLIAMS fc CO . A rents.arW-'- t M. 1 H ward's Bow.

OLD LI5E. - - - - OLD LISE.XT. &. 2VIga.il Stottraor,0 eaedtreguUrlytlNiielenwlih TJ S.MatlsU-m- .

ere SAM HALE snd LA KG LET for Wbtte river, sndsteamer. ARtAKSAS. S. H. TtXTKXR tad ovbsrt farArkaasss Hvsr.

Lesres erery M0NDAT tad TRIBAT.


Sasi Wood aad Lamar H abmstz ad, a tirfi.TTATING obtained tbe Matt Caetrset iiajllssas- -

AA from Hemnets to KpMeea reeisaext rear years, this aae, fs' veeategsteaaer. with recet improvem-.ts.- 1vrbtck msk hT eaual la every retpeetee say aew tM am--er sew n at, wui leare reguiarlr aa abore, aad KtpoHea"ry TITESD AT aed SATUBDAT.

I win shortly pi ice aBotber food beat la tbs trsde,te leare eee pert twite a week, tbat giving te my

M the pebUc gereraBy aa aeeestaodaileaI packet, fear Hat a week, aad .oHett

rrera lBm eesntnaance of their rarert. IMS sae wmI " regaPirty far the next fear years, 'egardte..cf tbeeyptiea. JOHN T SHISUT

s3Tkls eseket bsa tbe excretive rirht nest tbe""r," Ter MaM tte to Issue tbroagb I'm. of Lading

I ''"tet. or Through Tlrkete tepti-eager- s Wbete

stjbrerjib Tleketa .'or Tslsht er ptisaagert WILLNOt BS BB. f IONIZE by aay ether real.

0-T- h wsaU or an delag besiees wrtb tbls Mae wsBwir try sleadd se. ayix-s- r

IHemphls and St. Louis Packet,JA TIES II. L.TJCAS.

D. H riLTER. barlBg Jest VJrSSPoo, VCAPT tbe ei'e. lre rretlrt oa fitteeLacis wbteii re 'era ber 'Be ef tbe.

I ave- -t cneferttbe aad ceaavdloea paseagerb tt.fieat la e,a.te..r- i- ef .be bak.tieea

bssbbeeotertaletferthe Meeabtsmere sat aad thetrtrerter now e la r ner 1 teaed fr m 'Ms cttr baaMeerdbta te9iseebp.ekst sBer-ae- r In sSe trade,where aerebaau aad sbseeeri eaa rery aa B ber reastn--

praia'ntly. and any batBe-- t eotra ledsebersbaalhave tbe atteetjen ef ber prompt asd eaetent oa ers.Psrttes sr siren te fitttag ereets

Tbe Last. wHIt-ir- e rwrt. Loon aad aattetsranltatenegate eaTlTXSDAr. the 25ih Isstaat Ferfrvlabterpaaiage apply ea board rr te

A. T LATALLZTTB fc CO.. A recti,ay tf Car Froa' Bw aad reetr s'r-- t.


Steamer D-nl- Boone,A. S HANCOCK JCaster."ITTILL leare Memphis every MONDAT

II at e orefoe, p S.WY .Ircrr.tad irr've at Tickiburg oa Wedsesdsysan4Bcat7e'ctk. sad leave at 12 asc.. asd arrive it Memshts Pridsy Btevaeag ss 7 eeetecx.aad ar tsrN.potern ai 2 n'eV'k tin. dsr antr-e- c atK.rt-e-a at 7 o'et ck Saturday moretBg sad Ke ssaed.y for htemphts a' 12 e'de a a. at . maklag eeaasetsseeat TsrksbargwltbB.Prosd ts KewOrl-.- B- sad at oa

wm Arkiaaaa snd White Rlrrr MsH Beats AMbasiewteMifidedte hie beat wM be promptly attendedte. bestog by strict atteatlsa te merft ,nd r. eetve a sharef patronage. JAMES F. SMITH,mvll At-n- t.

For TViilie Kiver via IfapoIeoBrpn eevr tad spleadie ra.seegr psek- -i et.W A Eaves Tin Wiekte. aat- -ter. Gee. P Dewees. eierk, w tl Vara forteeahjTe ted at nt rm-ti- ate landtagser-r- y sryrSjfgDAT, at S o'eeek r. If.

For ffetgat er passsgs ippiyna .rt er teJ. H WILLIAMS CO.,

No 2 Hward't Beer.S. W PA 'HE,

my4 Ko 17 Madison ttreet.

For Louisville.Leaves at 3 o'clock, precisely,



MEMPHIS, pasetaaly erery k.LEAVES at 2 o'clock r sr , for (i4WifataalLOUHtTILLI. sad an arBetpal wir .yHtglaadSBrs: makes lmmedtste snd areiOB------sss-

Bevlen with tbe Monday morning mill bsata laeebSvra-d- er

sad Trleg-sp- b Ne 1, ftr Ctnciaaatl : tbesee wtsk aBtNereHiate Railroad Beate. t TORK. BS tbst,PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON 4KTT,PmSBBBGH. WHEBLINO, BUFFALti, CLETX-LAN-

aae aB Bittern T.wsa aed OttisAt Csiro aad Msued Oltr. eeeseeta wHS tbe MtM

Betk. for St Louis ; tt Ptdecab, with Kasbr4Be tadTH-e.- ee river Paekete.

ITTereasb Tieketa tsteed ea beard, er at tae era"office, where p an ef Cabta caa be seea and Beees eecared la tdraace. JAS. F. SMITH. Ate.apt if Ke. IS Front Bew. Meaybtt.

A Card.rr answer ta a cal male te a-- through year eoeamsa,

a aaesber .f tbe thtpperi I wsB pat ay bear, abaBHOCTiw, IstbeMrap It .trl Kew 0 etas trade as arrgnfar Satarday Packet, leivieg MiapM' fry tMer-at- te

Saturday. 9. SMXDLET- -

UfgUUr 316(31)111 313-- 1 AOW UIieaBSititttjta atj-- tta nt7omai jam. a

CHOCTAW ,. Smevlet. Matter,rpBT4 See tad freight BtekctX wUltrrtveTburKltT April lit tsd

learea. aeeve oa SITCR94T AprMldtearBw erery alternate Si'urday. ShecT mtr r ly apoa th-- r--n 'tm IHytJtr sbh

ict'l. rermifhtorpsasase. aspty Btrarel.rsearS-l-f a. T. LAVAI.tTTB fc 00. Agents.

TheMempMS and NeW Orlf clllf

REGTJL.4R PACKET I,E,CONSISTING of slxarit diss ttetmers, BBserptsted

watera In atl quill let os d eree tetbecontfer aed pf iter-- of trsv-te-rs tre arraarrd tetear-- Meapbla aad N Oriesas emy MOKBAT,WZDKSSBAT sad FBI DAT a' S Of OCX T. X. ftg :



OS FRIDAYS.H. X. W HILL. Cspt T H. Newell. 'BELFASC. Cspt Way. Wbat.Tsese beast 99 their up t'lpe connect wttb tae Bag-roa- dt

tt Meaebbt. slso wttb first site i packets fsr St.Louis aad Leutsrlslt. For any ea eeaeeratBA'them, apply to 3. J. BA WI INCS Sec'r,

Ko. 21 Mesby tt Heat's BsMtag,or J H FR2LGH. Ag--

Office aader St Chariss Hotel, Kew Orleans.aarl7-4- a



WM LAMB, Master..... ......HOLLIDAT. Oltrx.T RATES Memphis erery Msadsy. tt 1. J vbocm p. as., tea arrrves at uuro tattae to connect wttb trtisi rer tbe Norm .aad East.

Leaves Calr for LonisvHle every TuesdsyLeav- -t Leabrrltle far Memphis every FrMsy.Lesv t Cairo rer Merapbit every Sunday.Tali boat mat fa place o' tbe Northerner, and tt eere--

etally adapted ta this trade, basing saperler accoaae-datje- nt

for tbe ena'ort of passeagert. Tbe trareJtBgpubtlc can upon thl boat learlog paectaaBy tttbe boar, and maklnr tb regular time at adTtrtised.

THUS H WILLIAHBttCO Axeats.ray No 1 Hewhsd'a Bevr.

mJetc IrraiigemenZ.Ulfmphls, Napoleon and Tickburg


0. S. Mill PACKETS.Connecting with the Thlte and

Arkansas River Packets,THROUGH TO ALL POINTS ON WHITE RITKtKATE FRISBEE R.M. Maiok, CaBtakDANIEL BOONE A. S. Hancock, -THESE iptesdrd fast running pasieastriteamen btT

rate aa arrangement to remain ceraaaecstrin th above trade. Passengers tadSblppere ntty reryon punctuality Is all tbtext confided to either ot theseboats hptng by strict attention te bullae is, te givesatisfaction to lb-- pubtlc

The KATH FRISBBB leaves Memphis every FBIDAT,at 2 o'etock r M. Retaratag, tetrtt Tlckibarg erefyMONDAT. tt 12 o'clock if.

The DANIEL BOON lures Mearsnlt every MONDATtt 2 o'clock p. k. Returning, leaves Tleksbarg eTeryFRIDAT at 12 tt

AP easlsm attended to, aad contracta made on board,or tt tbe office of A. T LaraHette fc Co.

W W. HODGB at CO.. Agents.65 Frost Bow.

er LATAILSTTB fc DATIDSON. Agents,isn!4 61 Front Row.

For Kent.rpHK good Store Hcuse, form-rl- y rcrepied by .

uiv no. ss ji.atam str et.Also a dea rabie DweHlnx H.uss. convenient tebusiness, limited on Seal street. For termsspply te Saml. Putnam, or to

CAPSTBS tt SMITH,mvIS us Mala street.



IMPROVED REAL ESTATE.TTKDSR rent for 21.000 far twelve or eighteenL men ths; a liberal price wiube paid. Apply fortae same of the party and location 'of prop-rt-y at tbeeditorial rocmt of the Appeal 0810

R. E ORNE'S LAND OFFICE.A T0SE3T Aa HUNT'S BLOCK No. 14 Lands tn tbeLVX Chkkasaw and River counties, ta Mississippi,Plantations In Mississippi and Arkansas, City Lou, lm-prored aad unimproved ta Memphis aad laburbt, alwars on hand asd for sale apTT-l-y


TO WHO SI IT 3IAY C0CEBNWEbtreettabHsbedat Baton Rouge a Coal Depot,

steamers at tb low-est rates, aad roost coareulent 'orra ftr expedition lasealing Wewmturrilsheoalon decked coil float., andwhen the weather win admit, tow witb upward bounditeamers.

We are the owners et those celebrated Coal Mints sit-uated in Virginia, known aa tbe Mtsoa Hty Mines ted.havt purchased a powerful it-i- m tag expressly for thepurpo.eof tewtngeoaitothtt place. We hive recelv-- done tow ot SO 000 barrcle and tre prepared to furnishsteamers, tad are expecting toother antral ef SOoOSmore by tbeSS'b tart , and win csBttnae ta lecelve Hkeamounts moetbly se lontfaaTSe rtrer wST admit ot tow.laglttdedbtrset.

We ten by tbe barrel, tnd to those who bare sotesgsnfiredbyaeaaremeat snd bare aat scruples In rela-tion to tbe measure, we say to such to measure our baxea,calculate for themielres and psy only for thst which,they receive Sbonld our enterprise sue eel wewtflet-taMl- ih

other deptts at coarse artrt. tndthereby rerolutlootrs tbe entire system of cotliag

On Depot here fret tne laedlug In treat of the barracks, tad ear price IS cents per btrrel.

Ta tbe regular paeksts, vre would lay, glre ut eae faSand then decide for yourselves.

LOTELLfcFATKX,Bston Bong- -, April 15 1S5 tu24.w


TOilAS CAUBOIvJA.topub lerysnneuacetoblt

HAStbebooor to tboee who Bke a eeedClgsrthat, ln obedieace to tbe rrowlag waa't of the cay. bebasopeiied a NEW CIGAR SWBB. la the baWtacre.eeatly occupied by Ibe Soutbera Bank on Midlson street,between Main and Frent Row. TbeptWle need

Goods I shaH present. It wsB besufficient to say. tbst this estibllihment, aa at my otherstore, gentlemen wffl alwtyt be plea My IfaTuracorespondents are reliable, an consawertaad sVaJsrAwbobcnormwMbtbstrpatnnage.wW atwsyt Sad attaeir eomatand sil tie caolca brands kaotm tat be trade,


-- sara