drugs; a substance which, when taken, affects the body or the mind prescription drugs; drugs legally...

Drugs Intro

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Drugs Intro

What are the Key Terms?

Drugs; A substance which, when taken, affects the body or the mind

Prescription Drugs; Drugs legally obtained only with a doctor’s consent

Drug Abuse; Using drugs in a way that harms the user

Illegal Drugs; Drugs which are illegal to possess, sell or use, put into three classifications according to their potential harm and addictiveness

What are the Key Terms?

Social Drugs; Legal drugs which are still addictive, such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, etc.

Solvents are household chemicals that give off fumes, such as glue, hairspray and paint, which are inhaled for drug-like effects.


There are three kinds of drug classifications; these are Class A, B and C.

The most harmful of these substances are put into class A, they are usually very addictive as well, the least harmful and addictive are in Class C.

Class A drugs – Heroin, LSD (Acid), Cocaine

Class B drugs – Speed, Cannabis Class C – Steroids, Tranquillisers

Class A drugs have the severest punishment - up to life imprisonment for supply



A mild simulant that is a legal drug. Can be addictive and cause problems with sleeping and panic attacks.

People suffer from withdrawal of caffeine – headaches – irritability – anxiety and depression


Originally Classified as B then moved to C in 2004 but in 2009 Class B drug – stronger forms (skunk) have lead to it being classified as a more dangerous drug


Danger of cancer as with tobacco

Feelings of Paranoia

Has its health issues – 1000 people per year develop psychotic illnesses – mental health issues

Many chemicals are now being mixed with Cannabis

Gateway to other drugs

Some people consider that cannabis causes less problems than legal drugs like alcohol

Also is used in medicinal purposes to help relieve pain and suffering

Would stop illegal trading on the streets


Dangers of Social Drugs

Alcohol and nicotine are classed as social drugs. Sale is restricted to people over 18

Tobacco causes lung cancer and heart disease

120 000 people die a year due to smoking

Nicotine and alcohol is very dangerous for unborn or young children

30 000 deaths are a result of alcohol in the UK

Alcohol causes liver and heart disease

Both drugs are addictive

Excessive use of alcohol results in anti social behaviour such as violence

Dangers of Social Drugs

Why use drugs?



Social – peer pressure

Enjoy the taste - fun

Pubs / Clubs social scene




Peer Pressure

Illegal Drugs


Progression from other substances

Crisis and Escape

Peer Pressure – Social and enjoyment

Why use drugs?

Christianity and Smoking


Some Christians do smoke, but it is not something that is encouraged

A healthy lifestyle is much preferred and the dangers of passive smoking are also recognized.

Christianity and Smoking

There isn’t any direct teaching on the subject in the bible, but Christians are taught to be faithful stewards and those who are in need.

It is recognized that some people are addicted to nicotine and find it very difficult to stop smoking.

Islam and Smoking


During the fasting of Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to smoke, but there isn’t a verse in the Qur’an that actually says that smoking is forbidden.

Islam and Smoking

Muhammad said ‘anyone who believes in Allah and the last day should not hurt his neighbour’

 This is seen as a warning that Allah

will judge smokers on any damage they have caused others as a result of smoke.

Islam and Smoking

It is wrong for a Muslim to smoke in the presence of non-smokers in a public place.

In the Qur’an Allah says ‘do not with your own hands contribute to your destruction.’

Christianity and Alcohol

Some Christians are tee-totallers (Salvation Army.) They have made the decision not to drink alcohol at all.

In the 19th century Christians supported organizations like the Band of Hope, which encouraged men not to waste their money on getting drunk.

Christianity and Alcohol

Many other Christians believe in moderate drinking. They are careful not to drink too much and avoid getting drunk.

It is recognized that excessive drinking causes people to do things which they otherwise would not do.

Christianity and Alcohol

But some see nothing wrong with drinking some alcohol. Jesus drank wine, and at the wedding he turned water into wine.

At the last supper Jesus told his followers to share bread and wine as they remember him, and Paul encourages timothy to take wine for medical reasons.

Islam and Alcohol

When Islam first started alcohol was fairly widely drunk however Muslims now believe that the harm it causes is far greater than any good that comes out of it.

Over time, more and more restrictions on drinking alcohol were introduced until finally its use for social drinking was

banned altogether – Haram meaning forbidden

Islam and Alcohol

Alcohol makes your mind unfit to worship Allah

“Believers, wine is devised by Satan. Avoid it, so that you may prosper.”

Christianity and Drugs

Christians are very concerned about drugs – they believe should glorify God in their bodies

“You are God’s


Christianity and Drugs

Believe in the sanctity of life, every person is valuable to God and Jesus died to save people, however bad they might be

Jackie Pullenger – a Christian who spent 30 years helping heroin users in Hong Kong


Rastafarians believe the bible gives them permission to smoke cannabis. God created herbs and plants.

Mainstream Christians are against this.

Christianity and Drugs

Christians offer love and compassion to drug users – salvation army do lots work with drug users

Parable of Good Samaritan encourages them to help and Jesus’ teaching “love your neighbour”

Islam and Drugs

Anything that affects the mind is not allowed in Islam.

Drugs such as heroin cocaine opium are forbidden

Islam and Drugs

Any drug that acts as an “escape” (LSD ) is forbidden

The penalty for taking drugs in a Muslim country is a public flogging

Islam and Drugs

Muslims will be judged on their

actions on the day of judgement by Allah –

Anyone that has caused suffering (e.g. drug smugglers) could face eternal torment in hell

Islam and Drugs

The taking of performance enhancing drugs is seen as cheating and dishonourable