drinking water treatment plants water adventure of İstanbul

Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure of İstanbul

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Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure of İstanbul. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

Drinking Water Treatment Plants

Water Adventure of


Page 2: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul


İstanbul acquiring water city identity with

Bosphorus and Golden Horn has experienced

serious water troubles from time to time since

it is far away drinking water sources and the

population of city has been increasing as the

day goes on. Rulers of each civilization

established in İstanbul were dealt with solving

the water problem of the city. Large water

pipelines were built; huge cisterns were built

during Roman Period to bring water to the

historical peninsula. In adition to repairing

water ways during Ottoman Period, new water

sources were searched and water trouble of

the city was terminated for that period

Page 3: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

İstanbul grew increasingly. Its borders

extended. Villages transformed into towns,

towns transformed into almost big cities. In

parallel with it, since necessary

investments could not be done, the water

trouble of the city increased extremely

people waited in water queues with drums.

İSKİ got into the act to terminate ill

fortune of İstanbul.

İSKİ built damns, huge water

pipelines, treatment plants equipped

with the cutting-edge technology,

water tanks, elevation centers and

thousands of kilometer drinking water

supply network to bring new water

sources to İstanbul.

One of the most important parts of

this adventure meeting the people of

İstanbul with drinkable, abundant and

healthy water is Kağıthane Drinking

Water Treatment Plants. We made a

research trip to water treatment

plants where water comes to our


Page 4: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

Water is supplied to Kağıthane Drinking Water Treatment Plants established on the back of Kağıthane district being one of the historical regions of İstanbul from Terkos Lake and Alibeyköy Dams.

Aeration Unit

The first unit that raw water taken from the dam and lake enters to the plants is the Aeration Unit.

Pre-Ozonization Unit

Microorganisms in the water in Pre-Ozonization Unit are eliminated and taste and odor in water are corrected.

Raw Water Inlet Construction

Water is taken to Raw Water Inlet Construction of the plant via steel water pipelines of 2200 mm. Following pre-chlorination here water is passed through water energy break wall.

Page 5: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

Fast Mixing Unit Slow mixing Unit

Substances with colloidal structure being of negative load in fast Mixing Construction are mixed with positive loaded Aluminum Sulphate ions added to the water homogeneously.

Setting Unit

Colloidal substances loads of which

are neutralized in fast mixer with the

effect of Aluminum Sulphate are

taken to mixing unit to become ball.

Water is mixed slowly and colloidal

substances are met each other.

Setting unit is the section where colloidal materials being flock in slow mixing unit and being in the raw water is seperated from water.


Page 6: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

The water coming from

setting is conveyed to filter

unit after being chlorinated in

four seperate channels. The

purpose of chlorination is to

provide manganese oxidation

and to prevent chlorine by

products formation.

There are 20 fast sand filters each one of which consists of two divisions and being 108 m2 surface areas. There is sand with 1 m height and 0,8-1,25 mm diameter performing filtration process.

The system suspending the sand is porous concrete obtained from the gravel and cement mixture. Filters blocked are subjected to backwash operation by applying air and water from the lower part.


Filtration Unit

Page 7: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

Clean Water Tank

The purified water

coming from the

Filter Unit is taken

to 15000 m3 and

30000 m3 clean

water reservoirs

after being subject

to final chlorinationNETWORK

After clarified water in Kağıthane Drinking Water Treatment Plants is collected in reservoirs, it

is supplied to the supply network .

And, this is the

last of the

adventure of

water up to our


Clean water reservoir

Our School

Page 8: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

We got Kağıthane Water Treatment

Plants’ water quality reports. The

reports prove that the result is

healthy and drinkable water. The

healthy and drinkable water

travels a long way to come to our

school from Kağıthane Water

Treatment Plants. So how can we

be stil sure of the drinking quality

of water, coming from the taps in

our school.

We searched and learned that the

pipes in İstanbul were changed

into polyethylene 2002. The pipes

in the location of our school and

inside the school were changed

into polyethylene in 2006. But our

school’s conctruction is very old

and therefore there are some iron

pipes that couldn’t be changed.

We don’t drink water from the taps

and the school pay money for

spring water stored in carboys.

Are these carboys healthy ?

We won’t be able to test every

carboy, so

our aim is to obtain healthy

drinkable tap water in our school.

Page 9: Drinking Water Treatment Plants Water Adventure  of İstanbul

In our research trip to İSKİ Water Treatment

Plants, we are thankful to environmental

engineer Nazlı Sezin Korkut and machine

technician Yavuz Karaca’ for their interest to

our project and the help for the information.