dream symbols

HYPERSPACE L-1 Universal Symbols Aspects of the Self as Dream Symbols MIND Father = The old conscious mind, physical body and outer life circumstance. The one which preceded or “begat” the one you have today. Your waking life experiences one generation back from the present Yesterday’s memories of events. Mother = The older subconscious mind, emotional body and inner life circumstance. The one which preceded or “begat” the one you have today. Your conclusions, imaginations and emotional memories of yesterday that make you who you are today. This is related to “within” the mind/self where the mind identifies its “existence” as being focused when we are in introspective mode, whereas the “father” is related to the physical environment that the mind exists within, and IDENTIFIES itself with, when it is conscious and what we call awake. A Man and Wife (or couple) = These in many cases are substitutes for Father and Mother. Many times a dream setting or “stage”, as I call them, will require someone other than Father and Mother…someone you knew who had “specific” characteristics that the dream in indicating. In this case the subconscious simply calls in different “actors” who might fit the setting better. Gender attritutes apply respectively to which part of your mind/self/life is being shown. Past, present and future. If the couple is older they represent on experiences/memories. If they are contemporary with you, they represent your own “actual” of your possible “optional” experiences. If they are younger they represent your present and immediate future condition…the one that is developing now.

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a presentation about dreams interpretation


Page 1: Dream Symbols


Universal SymbolsAspects of the Self as Dream Symbols


Father = The old conscious mind, physical body and outer life circumstance. The one which preceded or “begat” the one you have today. Your waking life experiences one generation back from the present Yesterday’s memories of events.

Mother = The older subconscious mind, emotional body and inner life circumstance. The one which preceded or “begat” the one you have today. Your conclusions, imaginations and emotional memories of yesterday that make you who you are today. This is related to “within” the mind/self where the mind identifies its “existence” as being focused when we are in introspective mode, whereas the “father” is related to the physical environment that the mind exists within, and IDENTIFIES itself with, when it is conscious and what we call awake.

A Man and Wife (or couple) = These in many cases are substitutes for Father and Mother. Many times a dream setting or “stage”, as I call them, will require someone other than Father and Mother…someone you knew who had “specific” characteristics that the dream in indicating. In this case the subconscious simply calls in different “actors” who might fit the setting better. Gender attritutes apply respectively to which part of your mind/self/life is being shown. Past, present and future.

If the couple is older they represent on experiences/memories. If they are contemporary with you, they represent your own “actual” of your possible “optional” experiences. If they are younger they represent your present and immediate future condition…the one that is developing now.

A Brother and Sister = Indicates a current state of your being as opposed to the father/mother, which was what came before now. Gender attritutes apply respectively to which part of your mind/self/life is being shown. Brother and Sister represent your current generation, so they would indicate the present.

A Man = The active principal of force…The conscious mind…especially if he seems associated with the left in some way or seems logical or analytical about the situation or is very macho. Also can represent the physical body or the present physical life circumstances.

A Woman = The subconscious mind especially of she seems associated with the right in some way or seems very emotional (cold or hot) or creative in the situation or is very feminine. Also can represent the emotional body or the present mental life circumstances. A new woman, for instance, can represent a new mental/emotional condition of your awareness.

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The “Old or Ancient One” = Could be a grandparent but most likely an unknown old man or woman representing the wisdom of the superconscious level. This is a representation of your own ideals…your own authority and your own judge. Ideals seem to formed at a very young age. Perhaps we are born with them. But the mindset that we had when we were “as little children” is represented by a diametrically opposed dream symbol…an aged, wise person. This is what we are all seeking to be conscious of again.

Chlid, Children, Baby = thoughts, ideas or situations which are the expression of the creativity of your mind.

Young Girl = a present and/or immediate future “state” of subconscious, inner, emotial circumstances which have already been programmed and which you are going into.

Young Boy = a present and/or immediate future “state” of conscious, outer life, circumstances which you are going into.

SPIRIT(Superconscious Mind)

The Christ = The perfection of knowledge about the self and the spiritual truths imprinted in the Superconscious level of being and waiting to be awakened by the will. Activation of this into the awareness system opens a development toward eventual access to complete dominion of the conscious mind (will) over materiality.

Water = Spirit, energy of the superconscious mind which flows through the subconscious mind on its way to our conscious awareness of it. IT IS OBJECTIFIED IN YOUR LIFE AS EMOTION. Could be good or bad. Water leaking, rain (like raining on your parade, getting soaked), storms and floods is bad or negative spirit. It indicates a problem. Water or other liquids being consumed is partaking of spiritual advice from the superconscious (drinking a glass of water, or even a coke or some refreshment) or is indicative of the desire for raising the awareness of the emotional feelings. In other words when water is behaving normally, it indicates good spirits and when it is abnormal, it means problems with the spirit…as shown to our conscious awareness through and by the subconscious emotions. (See Cup or Drinking Glass)

Washing, Bathing, Showering = Cleansing Self (subconscious memories) with ideals of the spirits or superconscious, which eventually has the effect of also cleansing the outer body.Cleansing…releasing…our emotions. Allowing them to flow so that they may cleanse us externally in the waking life experience. This could apply to bodily health that emotions can affect.

Ocean = The Great Spirit, the Infinite, God, the First Cause, the Creator, The Primal Force, you get the idea. The fountain source and ultimate destination of all water (spirit).

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As spirit becomes manifested in life…it objectifies inside us as emotion. Therefore water equals emotion or feeling.

Fountain or Spring = Spirit flowing out into life.

River = Your individual life emotions and the memories of them, running back to its source. It is the journey of the soul through eternity on its way back to its creator. The river behind is the past. Ahead is the future.

Log Jam on River = A stage in life where many downed trees (karma [memory] from both your present life and/or your past lives) will hold up your journey. They are blocking emotions. And negative, blocking emotions MUST be cleansed from the subconscious minds in other for positive spirit energy to flow, and physical/mental/spiritual health ensue.

Diamonds, Crystals & Precious Stones = Illumination of superconscious truths, spiritual “jewels” of everlasting truth, wisdom. These all “transmit” light. They don’t block it as an opaque object would. Light is awareness. Thus they allow higher awareness to flow through to our lower perceptions.

Metal = based on spiritual or superconscious information or truths that are exemplified in material life. For instance, “testing one’s metal” is essentially testing one’s spiritual, emotional and physical aptitude.

Dam = a blockage of disbelief or misunderstanding of spiritual Self’s ideals or principles on the emotional river of life.

White Water or Rapids = Thrilling ride. Scary but emotionally enjoyable learning spiritual secrets of the superconscious pattern.

Locks in a Waterway = a temporary spiritual condition of feeling entrapped of stagnated necessary to change to a new emotional level in your journey on the “river of your life”.

Muddy Water = Unclear spiritual principles…thus unclear emotions. Information from the superconscious which does not compute with how the conscious mind has judged the experience of its outer life. The subconscious is seeking to clear up the misunderstanding.

Navy and Naval Personnel or Uniforms = spiritual guides or principles from the superconscious being exhibited in the subconscious. The Navy, like the whale, are masters of the sea of emotions. They could be likened to the security forces attempting to keep peace within the subconscious.

Clear Water = The opposite of muddy. Clear transmits light, which is awareness.

Wind = Changes. The winds of change.

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House of the SELF

Air Conditioner = Making the heat of life more bearable. Comfort. Cooling down. Slowing down.

Balcony or Veranda = overview of your mind and/or life or situation.

Basement or Cave Under the House = Relating to the hidden superconscious as in Back Yard.

Bathroom = Where you cleanse yourself, reprogramming the subconscious.

Bedroom (Back) = Deeper levels of what your mind is occupied with. Or something not so evident. A bed you have lain in or will lie in next.

Bedroom (Front) = What your mind is occupied with currently which others can sense in you and you are acutely aware of. You lie in the bed you made for yourself by your past choices and actions.

Cabinets and Drawers = the accumulation of experiences. The storage place of your talents, skills and knowledge.

Closet = things that are stored in the Self and not in plain view or being used at present. Could be talents, abilities, memories, etc. Could be attributes from even past lives.

Cooking = Preparing a new “recipe” or plan which you will use in your approach to life. Gestating an idea which is to sustain you.

Construction = Adding new levels or rooms to the mind. Adding memories and new conclusions to the database of the subconscious mind.

Countertop = Food preparation. This is where you mix it up and get it ready to bring into the world of conscious living.

Curtains, Blinds = hidden things. Usually you are denying seeing something. Denial stage. If you’re looking out, it represents viewing the situation from mental levels or you could be trying to hide behind them. They represent the “veil” of obscurity which usually divides the levels of mind from awareness of each other and thus our full awareness from the truth.

Decorating = Same as construction but putting the finishing touches on to make it personally satisfying in the life.

Destruction or Demolition = Tearing down old concepts. Indicates major changes in thinking or in our outer life situation and could also indicate health conditions (emotional or physical).

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Door = Movement, or action of the self toward change of focus from one awareness level to another. A door, like a bridge, is representative of crossing over into a new environment.

Freezer = that which has been put aside for use or interaction with later. “On ice”. Savings account of something. Something latent but not currently expressed. Some potential.

Front Porch = Personality. That part of your mind which you show to others.

Garage = The area related to a feeling of security (vehicle).

Glass Partition or Door(s) = Indicates the adjoining of two levels of mind which can observe each other in operation.

Hall = That which leads to all possibilities in your Self. Your connection to all of the rooms of possibility and memory that you have built in your life and lives.

Heater = turning up the heat on some aspect. Could result in discomfort.

House = Your mind and self…all levels of it.

Keys = the keys to unlocking understanding of self and its relation to a subject.

Kitchen = the place where you prepare your ideas which are the mental food of life and thus represent what you will become.

Lamps, Lights = Illumination (understanding) which allows you to “see” truths, or not, depending on condition.

Living Room = The part of your inner self nearest to others. People sense this part of you. It is usually next to the front door.

Mailbox = messages to or from others. Sometimes means something you will receive in life. Can also represent telepathy between persons or chairvoyance of one person.

Mirror = seeing the Self from another vantage point. A reverse image. Also represents hindsight….looking back and within…to see the tracks of the past and how they led to the present. The male conscious mind and female subconscious mind are mirror images of each other….reversed images.

Rearranging furniture = sorting out priorities and conclusions within the mind.

Refrigerator = this is similar to “Freezer” but possibly not as long term.

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Second floor = 2nd stage of mind’s awareness or “higher awareness” level of the subconscious. First floor would indicate the base level of emotional awareness and self focus.

Shelf = Display of whatever is on it to your mind.

Side Porch = additional areas of understanding which can be seen by your neighbors (other people). These might relate to recognition of souls from past life relations with them. Also relates to a “sideline” or something different from the ordinary in your waking life.

Stairs = Going to a higher level or awareness or lower depending on direction. Growth in a positive direction.

Stove = Cooking up ideas, recipes, plans to use in your life.

Table = This is partaking of the food prepared earlier. Reaping the result of whether it was good or bad.

Telephone = communication with others or messages from the higher level of Self (Superconscious)…often indicating telepathic contact.

Thermostat = that which you adjust the comfort level of self with.

Third floor = 3rd stage of mind or superconscious OVERVIEW of the inner mind. Sometimes this is open to the sky or is a white and/or oval room. These are further indicators of spiritual influence within the mental self.

Toilet = feeling degraded and in need of internal cleansing and relief.

Window = how your mind sees others or the world or how the world lets light into your mind. A back window would give a view of your own superconscious-propably through memories of the past. A side window could be a awareness of past life memory relating to close relationships. Or being able to see something from a “new aspect”… or something that is not everday but is a “sidelight”.

Yard (Back) = superconscious. The hidden history of the behind the mind. Your personal space where the world of your spirit interfaces with the world of your emotions and memories. The “back fence”, if present, is separating your present “personal” self from the conglomerate selves you have been. Separates the individual space from the collective space.

Yard (Front) = your personal space in the objective world. Where you operate. Your conscious life and mind.

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Yard (side) = Your mental space in the world of thought. Not out front. Optional and sidelined issues.

Animals as Dream Symbols

***On all of these be sure to check for colloquialismsSuch as “cunning as a fox” of “fat as a pig”.

Bull = Could relate to a “bunch of bull” or relate to the cattle symbol depending on how it is used.

Bear = Burden, unpredictable raw power, grouchiness, rugged, tough

Bee = Honey Bee-the worker (“Busy as a bee”). Bumblebee, Wasp, etc. could represent pests or irritating circumstances.

Dog = In my case, with no children of my own, it definitely represents my responsibilities or sense of responsibility. I have to provide for the dog. In my job they represent clients. How it responds to me in the dream relates to how I am handling the responsibility. Dog also represents man’s best friend but can turn on him.

Cat = Am still working on this one. Most probably relates to independence because of their independent nature. Might relate to sex in some way also. Of course, if you’re a cat owner and don’t have children it could represent your responsibilities in the same way as the dog above.

Cattle = People as a society, the “herd” mentality.

Chicken = chicken, afraid.

Cow = see “Cattle”

Deer = gentle, timidity, swiftness.

Dove = Peace, love(cooing love birds).

Eagle = Spiritual heights, master of the air, freedom. Mastery of 3 dimensional space.

Feathers = Symbols of attainment or mastery of superconscious truths.

Fish = Spiritual denizens (ourselves) in their primitive state i.e. before evolutionary spiritual development in the earth.

Fox = cunning, clever, master of the analytical mind.

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Geese and Ducks = Migratory birds which imprint on, flock and follow the leader or peer group. Same as Cattle.

Goat =surefootedness.

Gorilla = primitive development, immature intelligence.

Insects = little annoyances in life, pests.

Lamb = the innocent sacrifice.

Lion = karma. The power of the past to affect you. Past lives or past life. It is the king of the beasts on the earth, as is karma, which is nothing more than your programming or memory.

Lizard = unfounded fear, not poisonous, but primitive emotion none the less.

Locusts = shedding of skin of old self in order to grow. Could also be snake shedding skin.

Monkey = Like gorilla but more frivolous and not as dangerous.

Owl = wise, especially related to dreams or the unknown since they are night creatures.

Pig = gluttony. Has also represented a person’s view of society, as gluttons for money or sensation.

Polar Bear = Burden caused by isolation (north). Financial debt.

Puppies = New responsibilities.

Rabbit = fertility, extremely fast multiplication.

Raven or Blackbird = Symbol of the hidden secrets of the superconscious coming to you in dreams. It is the “soul” or “dead” in many cultures. Elijah, the prophet, was fed “bread and meat” by ravens in the wilderness. Beatles’ song “Blackbird singing in the dead of night”. Moody Blues include it in their work also.

Sheep = see “Lamb” but they are also flocking animals which could indicate groups or masses of humanity. Cultural or peer groups. Associations.

Snake = Can represent fears. Can also relate to awakening of kundalini since it can cause great fear and it has been portrayed by every culture as the snake. Also called the devil associated with the knowledge good and evil which is what kundalini creates when it rises…it displays the spiritual pattern of perfection to an imperfect mind (good and evil). A “2 dimensional creature” … which moves like sine waves resembling our models of

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the duality principle of electrical flow…as in the medical symbol, the caduceus. As a reptile, it is the first creature to emerge from the “sea” of emotion-based existence to the “land” of physicality. Here it is associated with the first chakra…where lies the colled creative power of life.

Shark (also Crocodile & Alligator) = great big primitive fear with teeth.

Spider = Busy as a spider, entrapment.

Spider web = feeling trapped of laying out a net. Could also be “web of deceit” or intrique.

Swan = The most graceful and beautiful of birds. The epitome of. Swan song.

Tiger = a powerful creature. The stripes indicate mistrust or opposites. It could turn on you. Can also indicate a powerfully tortured soul because of the stripes. Black for the bad times, gold for the good. Relates to the third chakra.

Whale = the spiritual Self. The superconscious mind. Master of the ocean (universal spirit). The master of emotions. The whale is an evolved denizen of the deep…not a fish but a mammal. So I think it represents an evolved emotional body. Or the “intelligence” level of the emotional body.

Colors and Shapes as Dream Symbols


White = Purity. It is made up of all color therefore is complete.

Black = The Hidden. Ignorance. Absence of white. Mystery.

Red = The most physical or active of color _ slowest frequency of the visible light spectrum. Life force, power, anger, violence, stimulant, danger, stop. Full of life. Relating to conscious existence. Hot.

Yellow = Sunshine. Bright and cheery. Caution. Coward (yellow). Associated with fear. Creativity from intuitive forces or illumination. Warm.

Blue = Spiritual, calm, moody (feeling blue), tranquilizer. Associated with will power or control of self. Cool to cold.

Orange = combination of red and yellow. Active and creative. Frenzy of activity. Sour and sweet combined as in the taste of the fruit of the orange. Warm to hot.

Green = Blue combined with yellow. The tranquil spirit of blue with the cheery creativity of yellow. A balanced color denoting health. The color of regeneration and

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growth. Harmony. Ugly shades of green which almost make you sick are the opposite and can indicate pessimism and deceit. Cool and warm depending on hue.

Purple = combination of red and blue. The highest vibration (fastest frequency) of the visible light spectrum. Denotes knowledge of the spiritual in conscious existence. The color of earthly rule – royalty. Cool and warm depending on hue.

Silver = Spiritual truths. Intuitive from the superconscious. The moon relating to the subconscious reflecting the light of the superconscious. Often associated with nautical things in my dreams which also are spiritual truths. Cool.

Gold = The overcomer of the earth. The crown. The superconscious spiritual truths brought into reality of conscious life in the earth. Symbol of the higher self. Sun’s direct illumination. Superconscious spiritual truths coming unfiltered and unreflected by sunconscious directly into consciousness. “Fruits of the spirit” manifesting on earth. Warm.

Brown = Fertile, organic, pratical. That which is not pretty in itself but out of which beauty can grow.

Pink = Joy, Love. Warm.


Square = representing the earthy or conscious aspect of existence. Four winds. Four corners of heaven. Also represents going nowhere. Like a baseball field, it starts and ends at the same place. In my dreams it represents a seeming waste of time but one that leads to a rounding of the square which is a symbol of perfection. In other words by completing the square the imperfect is perfected. There is pessimism and boredom associated with the endeavor. Colloquialism: “filling squares”

Circle = see zero under numbers

Triangle = The whole of the 3 part self. Trinity.

Straight line = movement in time and space.

Cross = The descent of the superconscious into matter or the conscious world. Spirit becoming matter. Vertical line is Infinite spirit and horizontal line is finite consciousness in the world of physical matter.

Star with 5 points = The five senses, five being the number of man’s consciousness. Alchemist used it as fire, air, earth and water ruled by mind (the top point). Jesus hanging on the cross is another representation of the five….four directions of the cross, plus the physical body of man… to signify “overcoming” of earthly influence. The star partakes of this “overcoming” or “becoming-fully-knowledgeable-about-materiality” symbol.

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Back to Index

Bicycle = balance or unbalance. Takes personal effort and learned skill to make it work.

Brakes = Necessary if needed to change direction in life… related to some aspect of security.

Bridge = Crossing to a new level of understanding and a new place in life.

Bumps or Hills in the Road = obstacles which you must ascend or become more to get through.

Bus = common carrier. Going with the flow. Someone else doing the driving.

Car = Relating to your feeling of security or lack of it in life. The type, color, condition, speed, power, direction of movement, and whose driving are all significant factors. These same factors apply to the truck “In the drivers seat”, taking control of the situation.

Convertible = different things at different times, versatile. Relating to security.

Dips or Holes in the Road = obstacles on your path which you must descend or become less to get through.

Electrical System = Your life energy being used to maintain feeling of security and comfort.

Gasoline = Can be fuel or hope to continue life’s journey. But usually means volatile emotions (liquid).

Helicopter = Relates to very versatile and rapidly changing circumstances….often confidence levels. Rapid ups and downs. Related to rescue of the situation.

Keys = the keys to your creating a feeling of security or harmony in your life.

Mechanic = Repair of personal security.

Motorcycle = sense of power and freedom relating to security and being in control. Also relates balance or lack of it.

Mirror (Rear View Mirror) = Seeing life in retrospect. Look back in memory to see your path taken. Viewing the “tracks” of your past to see how you got here. Reflecting on the past.

Road = Your path in life. See “Directions”.

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Ship or Boat = your transportation through life relating to spiritual, emotional and/or financial matters. They are interconnected since you can’t be in high spirits when you lack the necessities of life. But anything which creates an emotional platform, such as the condition of the physical health, could be implied. The boat is either on a river (your individual spiritual/emotional path) or in a sea (the universal spirit) with no direction of flow.

Sports Car = sense of adventure and/or freedom relating to security

Stationwagon = Domestic security

Steering Wheel = Your ability to steer your life. Control over security. How you deal with your fears to keep your faith or confidence on track.

Traffic = Frustration and delay.

Train or Railroad Track = Circumstances in life over which you have no control. It must run on tracks in an established format. It is the relationship of yourself to the rest of humanity. An unconventional person will constantly be crossing the track at right angles.

Tricycle = the bicycle but with the added stability (3rd wheel) of the superconscious levels of the Self.

Truck = Relating to employment or job. Work vehicle.

Windshield = Condition of it shows how you view your present & future related to the car symbol. How you project or invision your where you are headed.

Miscellaneous Dream Symbols

Altar = sacrifice

Antiques of Artifacts = old truths, talents, drawbacks, etc. of Self which you rehabilitate or discover anew.

Archaeology = searching for truths, digging up the past memories

Bathing or Showering = Cleansing the body or mind with pure/clean emotions. Also see “Urinating”.

Business Card = similar to wallet but relating to business identity. Fame or reknown.

Bread = “Staff of Life”. Food for mind, Body, Spirit.

Briers = painful and possibly confusing entanglements as occurs when perfection enters non-perfection.

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The Christ symbol of the crown of thorns. Entrapement.

Camping, Tent, Apartment, Hotel, Motel, Mobile Home = all indicate a temporary state of mind and life which you will move through. You are only there for the learning experience.

Cartoon = the subconscious mind sees our waking life as a cartoon with us being the characters. Just as when awake the conscious mind sees our dream as “not real”, when asleep the subconscious mind is dominant and sees our waking life as “not real”… a cartoon, soap opera movie, which is a facsimile of reality.

Children = creative ideas/expressions/manifestations of yourself.

The Child = the “new” you because of some development

Coat = comfort, protection related to self identity

Columns = support legs to hold up something. Two stone columns in the distance indicate a portal or doorway to the future. Single columns could represent strength or an object of worship or memorial.

Cops, Police and Deputies = guards who keep order in the subconscious. Their job is to function as an inhibitor or resistance to change. They usually cooperate with you though. You only see them as authority figures who might prevent you from going forward but once you persist with your intention they seem to help.

Crashing a plane = loss of faith or confidence

Cup or Drinking Glass = entertaining or partaking of spiritual truths from superconscious to quench thirst for knowledge and truth. Refreshing self.

Death = similar to fire. Death of the old programming brings room for the new program.

Diamonds = illumination of superconscious truths. Transmits pure light of awareness.

Directions = There are six basic directions…north, south, east, west, up and down. North is the difficult place. South is the easy place. East is going back to where we’ve been…retardation. West is moving forward…progress. Up is ascending in awareness and is usually more difficult. Down is descending in awareness and is usually easy to slide into. But the upward climb could also simply mean difficulty…and the downward slide could mean ease. Forward, like west, is progress. Backward, like East, is retardation. In some cases backward and forward can represent time flow from the past to the future. Left and right can also mean this. In western culture things move from left to right, so left would be the past and right, the future. This should all be considered in the context of the dream.

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Earthquake =your foundation shaken.

Empty Fields = the subconscious ready for planting ideas and programming. When you return later and it is all grown up with flowers, trees or weeds, it represents your set of memory complexes or karma. What is produced in the field relates to growth… depending on the state of it or what it is.

Falling = loss of faith or confidence

Festival = celebration

Fire = the cleanser or purifier. Relates to “getting something started or going”. Can sometimes relate to romance. Means activation or setting something into motion.

Firetruck = Indicates something is already happening. Something exciting and activating. Something cleansing. Possibly something painful also that needs to be stopped…the fire put out. Could relate to romance or any newly activated idea.

Flashlight and Headlights = focused illumination of your path or goal.

Flowers = friends and personal relationships

Flying = confidence

Fruit = the results of an action. Karma. Cause and effect.

Garbage or Trash = That is the un-truths and complexes found in the subconscious which are being culled out or need to be.

Gateways & Doorways = crossing into new territory having completed the traversing of the old territory.

Gift = surprise unveiling of something unknown.

Grass = pertaining to foundation and circumstances of material life, trappings possessions. Needs cultivating/trimming/care.

Gun = taking aim. Attempting to score a hit.

Hair = pertaining to mental

Hat = mental identification of attainment

Injury = self punishment. Could also be a health warning since the subconscious knows the condition of every cell in your body.

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Island = very similar to mountain, if not identical. Isolated but surrounded by emotion (water). Being in a state of emotional isolation with little “firm” or “reality” ground to stand on.

Jeans = informal and being individual rather than conforming.

Knife = cutting the cord or apron strings. This is used to indicate a change which entails reprogramming of the subconscious by severing the old program, feeling or belief and inputting a new one. Cutting the old self away from the new one. Not being tied to old beliefs.

Ladder = to evolve upward. Your path of ascent through understanding the various levels of a situation. If it is a metal ladder, it is based on spiritual or superconscious information or truths. Ladder of success. Wood probably relates more to success in the conscious world.

Lamp or Light Fixture = illumination. Able to see what formerly was in darkness. Understanding.

Light = same as “Lamp”

Logs = those past Selves which are being cut down or eliminated by new growths. This indicates a clearing of karma or the soul’s memory. The information (wood, lumber) can be used to construct the new you.

Lumber = see “Wood” Meat /+/= strong sustenance relating to concepts or truths. The main course. Milk /+/= watered down truth or immature understanding.

Magazine = Your life as a lot of different stories. Since it is printed material it also is precognitive and not just something mental or spiritual.

Metal = based on spiritual or superconscious information or truths.

Moon = ever changing, reflective of the “true” light of superconscious. Represents the feminine, subconscious mind. Also the force of love….emotion. “She” is our “light” of awareness when we are in dreaming and other creative states. Relates to the Mother. The receptive/passive force.

Movie = Same as television

Mountain = isolation, retiring from the fray of active live to contemplate.

Naked = looking at the essential self and if concerned or embarrassed means you are seacrching for an indetity in life. If in the presence of others it shows that you cannot hide the condition of your essential self from the various aspects of Self. (“The Naked Truth”)

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Need for clothes (identity). This is about self awareness…your own belief about who you are.

Newspaper = Daily life.

No Pants or Looking for Pants = Not in control.

Nudity = whatever is represented by the nude person is devoid of an identity.

Nurse = the healer and comforter in Self

Pachinko Game Machine = an endeavor where no skill will help and you are at the mercy of destiny because there are no flippers. Purely chance. A draw of the cards would indicate the same.

Pants = being in control of your life and destiny. “Wearing the pants”. Possibly a male symbol only.

Parachute = protection or alternate plan

Pinball Game Machine = an endeavor which looks like a gamble but over which you have some control and can use skill to succeed.

Pipes = Similar to wire in that they are conduits for superconscious truths and energy.

Photos, Photographers, Cameras = indicate the process the development ongoing to bring superconscious truths into conscious awareness.

Pregnancy = new idea or situation. Could be precognitive of new developments.

Plastic = not genuine, false Prison = trapped or confined by circumstances. Only understanding and reprogramming of the subconscious can free you.

Radio, Stereo or Music = the background of the superconscious constantly being shown in your dreams.All you have to do is tune in. Divine influences of superconscious information.

Rain = cleaning by the spiritual self. Indicates some from of debasement such as financial hardship or loss of something or someone which results in sorrow.

Rocks = obstacles in the life or to understanding

Rose = troubles turned into beauty. Overcoming trials and pain. Love with it’s beauty and its thorns.

Sand =poor foundation to build on.

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Soap Opera = the subconscious mind sees our waking life as a soap opera with us being the characters.

Nurse = the healer and comforter in Self

Scissors = similar to knife

Severe storm = similar to tornado but representing extremely difficult time period. Your spirit is dampened. Emotions put to the test.

Shoes = on the move, moving from or to something. Type of shoes indicate how.

Shotgun or Machine Gun = Not taking aim but trying multiple approaches to hopefully score a hit.

Shooting or Bullet Holes = warnings

Sliding = out of control and possibly dangerous

Skin = the façade or outer shell of the Self. Shedding skin indicates growth.

Slippers = passive movement. In the mind (house) only. Snow, Ice.

Cold = associated with feelings of isolation or withdrawal or missing out on the warmth of life. See ‘directions’-‘north’.

Soap =cleansing or purification of Self

Sponge = that which absorbs or soaks up things.

Stone = symbol of everlasting and unchanging quality of the subconscious if not reprogrammed. Only metal, symbol of the superconscious, is strong enough to reshape it. White stones or cleaning stones represent the purified subconscious which is harmonized with the superconscious. Can be “stepping” stone or “Stumbling” stone.

Strong Winds = strong changes

Sun = strength, life, waking consciousness. Conscious mind. Also life-giving and light giving force of superconscious awareness. Relates to the Father or active force.

Target = same as gun.

Television, Movie, Videotape = This is your conscious life. The superconscious sees it as a parody because it knows itself to be the true life. Indicates that the event portrayed will definitely come to pass in your conscious existence in the world. In other words

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precognitive information. The script has already been written for its projection into the material world.

Teeth = relating to speech

Thorns = troubles

Toilet = deprecated self image and need to improve it.

Tornado = extreme confusion and disruption.

Tree = the complete Self in one incarnation.

Trees = past lives or memories past Selves in past incarnations and earlier models of yourself in this one.

Umbrella = protection or alternate plan

Uniform = conformity to society

Urinating = cleansing of self internally of emotional waste-by gaining awareness and application of the pattern of the superconscious. If in the presence of others it shows that you cannot hide the condition of your essential self from the various aspects of Self.

Video = see television

Vine = all things in the Self are connected and interelated. All of your past, including past lives, combine to make up your current Self.

Volcano = something both terrifying and magnificent fixing to erupt. It will create a new you if it doesn’t destroy you. That is the carrot and the stick of the growth and development of the Self. The Creator and Destroyer as one force. It is essentially the cleansing/creating fire from within the “womb” of the earth.

Waitress or Stewardess = those who serve you spiritual truths from the superconscious as you travel through life experience. Possibly the aid of discarnate who aid those in body as in the ‘guardian angel’.

Wallet = identity, authentication, authorization

Well = source of water or spirit indicating the flow of information from the superconscious

Wheelbarrow = 3 legs indicate trinity of 3 levels of the Self used to transport a heavy load.

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Wire/conduit/tubing/pipes = The lines of communication from spirit or superconscious levels. They bring the energy of life and the truths. What shape are they in?

Wood or Lumber = construction material made of the “Tree” and all past life “Trees”… of the Self, i.e., your talents, knowledge, skills, ideals, etc.