dream fair - eck-ca.org · h. arold. k. lemp t. he. s. piritual. l. eader of. e. ckankar. p. ublic....

Redwood City eCkankaR CenteR 2009 BRoadway (at Main) Redwood City, Ca 94063 (650) 568-3209 Woodside Rd. 280 FReeway sand Hill Page Mill Middlefield Rd. UniveRsity stanfoRd 101 FReeway el CaMino veteRans Blvd. JeffeRson Middlefield BRoadWay Woodside Rd. Main el CaMino 101 FReeway < San FRanCiSCo - San JoSe > FoR MoRe inFoRMation: e-Mail: RwC_inFo@eCk-Ca.oRg ViSit: www.eCk-Ca.oRg Forwarding & Address Correction Requested The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not neces- sarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2011 ECKANKAR. All rights re- served. The terms ECKAN- KAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL & VAIRAGI, among others, are trade- marks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 U.S.A. Published by the California Satsang Society, Inc., a Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. Unless otherwise noted, photos copyright © 2004- 2011 Doug Brightwell or Bree Renz. Photo of Harold Klemp by Robert Huntley. Other photos contrib- uted by local ECKists. HaRold kleMp tHe sPiRitUal leadeR of eCkankaR puBliC eVentS & SeRViCeS at tHe Redwood City eCk CenteR What is Eckankar? E ckankar teaches that there is an audible life current known as the ECK, or Holy Spirit, that connects each of us with the heart of God. We can experience the ECK as Light and Sound.Through study and practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, we learn to recognize the Light and Sound of God as It touches our lives and brings increased divine love. The spiritual leader of Eckankar is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. The Mahanta is the inner, or spiritual, form of the Living ECK Master. The Mahanta gives inner guidance through dreams, Soul Travel, and the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Harold Klemp’s inspiring talks and writings, and his practical approach to spirituality, help thousands of people worldwide find greater freedom, wisdom, and love. His teachings uplift and help people recognize their own experiences with the Light and Sound of God. Try a Spiritual Exercise S piritual exercises help open your heart to God’s love and the presence of the Holy Spirit (which can be perceived as the Light and Sound of God, or simply a feeling of love). Eckankar offers more than one hundred different spiritual exercises to help you experience more love, joy, and spiritual freedom. One of the simplest spiritual exercises is to sing HU (pronounced like the word hue). With eyes closed, sit in a quiet place and fill your heart with love. Sing HU on one long, steady note while sending love to God. After a few minutes, listen and perceive ways God’s love returns to you as either divine Light, Sound, or a feeling of love. HU brings freshness to life by helping you be a happier person. HU is an ancient name for God. It’s also a nondenominational form of prayer and a love song to God that everyone can use privately, regardless of religious affiliation or spiritual belief. weekdayS: Mon,tHuR, FRi 11:00 – 1:00 pM eVeningS daily: 5:30 – 7:30pM, weekendS: wHeneVeR poSSiBle FoR eVentS FRee SuBSCRiptionS FoR tHe puBliC neWsletteR RwC-newSetteR@eCk-Ca.oRg event annoUnCeMents via e-Mail RwC_eVentS@eCk-Ca.oRg “Our dreams prepare us for many future possibilities. We can then decide which future path we want to take.” Harold Klemp tHe language oF Soul p.67 auguSt 2012 Explore • Experience • Expand Public Events Spiritual Discussion Wednesday, August 1, 15 & 29 7:30 – 8:30 pm Community HU Song Friday, August 3, 7:30 – 8:00 pm Sunday, August 12, 10:00 –10:30 am at the ECK Center Tuesday, August 28, 7:30 – 8:00 pm San Carlos Library, 10 Elm Steet Spiritual Tools for Everyday Life Saturday, August 4 4:00 – 5:00 pm Book Discussion: The Call of Soul Wednesday, August 8 & 22 7:30 – 8:30 pm ECK Worship Service Sunday, August 12 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Dream Fair Saturday, August 18 3:00 – 5:30 pm Palo Alto Festival of the Arts ECK Booth Saturday & Sunday, August 25 & 26 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturday, August 18, 3:00 – 5:30 pm Dream Fair Join in on this fun, interactive event and explore the many facets of dreaming. The rooms are set up in stations, each with activities to try. You’ll meet others interested in dreams, and can move about the rooms at your own pace. At the stations you can: • Open Your Dream Worlds. Learn tips and techniques to remember your dreams. • Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams. Learn ways to interpret your dreams. • Wake Up to Waking Dreams. Find help in your everyday life. • Get Help in Your Dreams. Learn how to work with the Dream Master and dream guides. • Dream Travel to Soul Travel. Learn how to consciously direct the course of your dreams. • Create a Dream Collage. Bring home images of experiences you would like to have in your dreams and everyday life. This event is free. All dreamers are welcome!

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Page 1: Dream Fair - eck-ca.org · H. aRold. k. leMp t. He. s. PiRitUal. l. eadeR of. e. CkankaR. p. uBliC. e. VentS & S. eRViCeS at tHe. R. edwood. C. ity. eCk C. enteR. What is Eckankar?

Redwood City eCkankaR CenteR 2009 BRoadway (at Main) Redwood City, Ca 94063

(650) 568-3209






280 FReeway


d H



e M


Middlefield Rd.






101 FReeway

el CaMinoveteRans Blvd.











el CaMino

101 FReeway

< San FRanCiSCo - San JoSe >

FoR MoRe inFoRMation:

e-Mail: [email protected]

ViSit: www.eCk-Ca.oRg

Forwarding & Address Correction Requested

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not neces-sarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2011 ECKANKAR. All rights re-served. The terms ECKAN-KAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL & VAIRAGI, among others, are trade-marks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 U.S.A. Published by the California Satsang Society, Inc., a Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. Unless otherwise noted, photos copyright © 2004-2011 Doug Brightwell or Bree Renz. Photo of Harold Klemp by Robert Huntley. Other photos contr ib -uted by loca l ECKis t s .

HaRold kleMptHe sPiRitUal leadeR of eCkankaR

puBliC eVentS & SeRViCeS at tHe Redwood City eCk CenteR

What is Eckankar?

Eckankar teaches that there is an audible life current known as the ECK, or Holy Spirit, that

connects each of us with the heart of God. We can experience the ECK as Light and Sound. Through study and practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, we learn to recognize the Light and Sound of God as It touches our lives and brings increased divine love.

The spiritual leader of Eckankar is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. The Mahanta is the inner, or spiritual, form of the Living ECK Master. The Mahanta gives inner guidance through dreams, Soul Travel, and the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Harold Klemp’s inspiring talks and writings, and his practical approach to spirituality, help thousands of people worldwide find greater freedom, wisdom, and love. His teachings uplift and help people recognize their own experiences with the Light and Sound of God.

Try a Spiritual Exercise

Spiritual exercises help open your heart to God’s love and the presence of the Holy Spirit (which

can be perceived as the Light and Sound of God, or simply a feeling of love). Eckankar offers more than one hundred different spiritual exercises to help you experience more love, joy, and spiritual freedom.

One of the simplest spiritual exercises is to sing HU (pronounced like the word hue). With eyes closed, sit in a quiet place and fill your heart with love. Sing HU on one long, steady note while sending love to God. After a few minutes, listen and perceive ways God’s love returns to you as either divine Light, Sound, or a feeling of love.

HU brings freshness to life by helping you be a happier person. HU is an ancient name for God. It’s also a nondenominational form of prayer and a love song to God that everyone can use privately, regardless of religious affiliation or spiritual belief.

weekdayS: Mon,tHuR, FRi 11:00 – 1:00 pMeVeningS daily: 5:30 – 7:30pM, weekendS:wHeneVeR poSSiBle FoR eVentS

FRee SuBSCRiptionS FoR tHe puBliC

[email protected]

event annoUnCeMents via [email protected]

“Our dreams

prepare us for

many future

possibilities. We

can then decide

which future path

we want to take.”

—Harold Klemp

tHe language oF Soul


auguSt 2012

Explore • Experience • Expand

Public EventsSpiritual DiscussionWednesday, August 1, 15 & 297:30 – 8:30 pm

Community HU SongFriday, August 3, 7:30 – 8:00 pmSunday, August 12, 10:00 –10:30 amat the ECK Center

Tuesday, August 28, 7:30 – 8:00 pmSan Carlos Library, 10 Elm Steet

Spiritual Tools for Everyday LifeSaturday, August 4 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Book Discussion: The Call of SoulWednesday, August 8 & 227:30 – 8:30 pm

ECK Worship ServiceSunday, August 1211:00 am – 12:00 pm

Dream FairSaturday, August 183:00 – 5:30 pm

Palo Alto Festival of the Arts ECK BoothSaturday & Sunday, August 25 & 2610:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday, August 18, 3:00 – 5:30 pm

Dream Fair

Join in on this fun, interactive event and explore the many facets of dreaming. The rooms are set up in stations, each with activities to try. You’ll meet others interested in dreams, and can move about the rooms at your own pace.

At the stations you can:

• Open Your Dream Worlds. Learn tips and techniques to remember your dreams.

• Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams. Learn ways to interpret your dreams.

• Wake Up to Waking Dreams. Find help in your everyday life.

• Get Help in Your Dreams. Learn how to work with the Dream Master and dream guides.

• Dream Travel to Soul Travel. Learn how to consciously direct the course of your dreams.

• Create a Dream Collage. Bring home images of experiences you would like to have in your dreams and everyday life.

This event is free. All dreamers are welcome!

Page 2: Dream Fair - eck-ca.org · H. aRold. k. leMp t. He. s. PiRitUal. l. eadeR of. e. CkankaR. p. uBliC. e. VentS & S. eRViCeS at tHe. R. edwood. C. ity. eCk C. enteR. What is Eckankar?

Redwood City eCk CenteR

ReSouRCeS FoR tHe puBliC

The Center is open to serve the San Francisco Peninsula

community with the following resources.


The bookstore stocks a full inventory of Eckankar books and tapes for purchase. Several titles

are in Spanish.

FRee eCkankaR BookS

Is Life A Random Walk? and ECKANKAR – Ancient Wisdom for

Today are available in both English & Spanish at no charge. You may pick them up at the ECK Center,

or download them from:


Book and tape liBRaRy

For on-site use, the Center offers a complete library of books,

audio tapes, and videotapes. It contains all ECK books currently

in print, and over 50 hours of talks by Harold Klemp. The public is invited to use the library during

drop-in hours.

ClaSSeS and SeMinaRS

Join others in exploring Eckankar through an introductory event. The Center hosts the Bay Area

ECK Worship Service on the 2nd Sunday of each month, in addition to a variety of classes, workshops & afternoon seminars. Upcoming

events are listed at the Center, in this newsletter, and in e-mail

announcements. Intro events are always free to the public.

FRee newSletteR

Subscriptions to the Call of Soul newsletter are free to the public.

To start, stop, or change your subscription, please submit your

name, address, and phone by calling or visiting the Center, or via e-mail to [email protected]

e-Mail eVent notiCeS

If you’d like to receive e-mail announcements about

upcoming events, please send your request to

[email protected]

pRiVaCy poliCy

We value your privacy. We never share or sell personal information

and will use it only for your newsletter or e-mail subscription.

Make This Lifetime Count!

Each lifetime is a precious opportunity. To live a happier, more fulfilled life. To experience more divine love. To find your way back home to God.

Make it count.

Of all the teachings on earth today, Eckankar offers the most direct teaching on the Light and Sound of God. For people who experience these twin pillars of God, life becomes fresh and new again.

The Redwood City ECK Center is a spiritual resource on your journey home to God. The classes and workshops provide a loving, open environment that can help you reclaim your awareness as Soul and renew your connection with God.

Membership In Eckankar

Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, can help you find answers to your deepest spiritual questions. Through ECK Worship Services, books and book discussion classes, workshops, and seminars, you will find new ways to unfold spiritually.

Membership in Eckankar is available for those who wish to take their spiritual studies further. Members receive printed monthly lessons from the spiritual leader of Eckankar, Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. These lessons can be studied privately at home or with others in spiritual study (Satsang) classes.

For more information:


1-800-LOVE GOD

Eckankar Information, Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000.

HU: A Love Song to God

This audio CD presents spiritual exercises and wisdom from Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, including a dream technique. Each exercise is designed to help you uplift your spiritual consciousness.

Included on the disc is a 20 minute recording of 5,000 people singing HU. You can sing HU along with this uplifting musical sound or listen to it to help attune yourself to the ever-present reality of God in your life.

This CD is available for listening or purchase at the Redwood City ECK Center.

—Harold Klemp, HU, The Most Beautiful Prayer, page 58

“If you want to lift yourself to a higher state of consciousness—so that the political issues, the family issues, the social issues of the day do not throw you out of balance, so that you can find a happier, more contented life while you’re living here—sing HU, the most beautiful prayer.”

Community HU Song

“Do the best you can. Be the best you can. That’s the bottom line. Because in trying to do and be the best, you are trying to express a quality of God, the divine nature. You’re trying to be the highest it’s possible to be.”

-Harold Klemp, Truth Has No Secrets, p 92.

Sunday, August 1211:00 am – 12:00 pm

“What do you seek? Whatever it is, you have your own name for it—truth, peace, love, happiness, freedom—but something inside you holds to a hope that there is an answer to life’s endless twists and turns. Somewhere there is a divine sense, a purpose. You just want to know what it is.”

Join in these lively discussions based on the book, The Call of Soul. Topics include: • A Guide to the most secret part of yourself • Stumbling blocks or stepping stones? • Use your creative abilities • Train your imaginationYou are welcome to come to any or all sessions.

The Call of Soul ClassWednesdays, August 8 & 22 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Spiritual DiscussionWednesdays, August 1, 15, 29 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Explore a spiritual topic with other participants in a lively discussion. Feel free to ask questions, share experiences or just listen. August 1 Making Better Choices August 15 Have You Had a Spiritual Experience

August 29 What is Life Teaching Me Now?

You are welcome to come to any or all sessions.

W e invite you to join us in trying this simple 20-minute spiritual exercise, our community

HU Song. HU (pronounced like the word hue), is an ancient name for God. It is a gift from God to each person, to each soul, regardless of their religious beliefs or spiritual path. We are offering the HU Song to the community because it can bring peace and serenity to your life, give you a break from the hustle-bustle, technological world, and help you realize that you are Soul.

Friday, August 3, 7:30 – 8:00 pmSunday, August 12, 10:00 – 10:30 am

Tuesday, August 28, 7:30 – 8:30 pmSan Carlos Library, 610 Elm St

You are a spiritual being. HU is for everyone.

Wednesday, August 8 & 22, 7:30 – 8:30 pm

ECK Worship ServiceOfficiator: Kimberly YoungBe Your Best and Highest Self

Everyone is welcomed to participate in the ECK Worship Service at the Redwood City ECK

Center–a monthly spiritual service that focuses on a special topic to help you, Soul, take your next step on the path to God.

The service begins with a short reading from the writings of ECKANKAR. Then everyone is invited to sing the sacred word HU as a love song to God, followed by a video clip of Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar. Small group discussions and/or creative arts are often included to provide additional spiritual upliftment and nourishment for all.

Spiritual Tools for Everyday LifeSaturday, August 44:00 – 5:00 pm

Would you Like to solve problems from inside out? Break habits that are no longer servng you? Enjoy greater self-confidence? Experience more freedom and joy in your life? Join us and learn tips and techniques that can help you create a happier, more fulfilling life.