drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Drakenstein Year 3 • Friday 14 June 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365 In the latest Paarl Post: ) Municipal mur- der suspect in court ) Man arrested for cop’s murder ) Electricity shock for businesses ) Happy Father’s Day Vroue is sterk 3 Barefoot Day 6 Junior soccer kicks off 8 Bowy House is excited to announce the evo- lution of the Bowy House programme with the help of their partner, Drakenstein Palli- ative Hospice. Bowy House, established by Hester Velds- man, has been providing residential care for some of the most vulnerable children in our district under the age of six for the last ten years. The success of anti-retroviral therapy and the Department of Social Development’s pre- ferred approach of keeping children in families and in the community has provided the oppor- tunity to expand their approach to care. This new approach will facilitate the Bowy House children to go home. “We are relocating the Bowy House pro- gramme to the Butterfly House Community Re- source Centre situated in the community of Fairyland. Caring with the family and estab- lishing opportunities for families to gain the necessary support, skills and resources to en- sure that the children get the best possible fam- ily care, is our aim,” said Aletia Grundling, CEO of Monte Christo Miqlat. “The Monte Christo Miqlat (MCM) vision of Living and experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven through a life of faith in action is the impetus behind our four community transformation fo- cus areas in Drakenstein, of which Bowy House is one.” The programmes at MCM concentrate on de- livering community development initiatives, supported by donations from local and interna- tional churches, businesses and individual benefactors. “With our new approach to Bowy, we aim to build a cushion of sustainable support around each child’s home to ensure healthy families. The focus will remain vulnerable pre- school children (Bowy and Drakenstein Pallia- tive Hospice children) and their families. We are developing a holistic care plan for each child that will be implemented and monitored by a TAC (Team Around the Child) including professional nurses (at home and at Butterfly House), a doctor, social workers, home-based care workers, youth and childcare workers, an occupational therapist and volunteers.” This family-centred approach will include regular home visits, and programmes will be offered for primary caregivers, the children and siblings. The Bowy children will attend daily programmes at Butterfly House. They welcome volunteers to join this initia- tive. To ensure the sustainability of Bowy, they need regular funding to help provide food, pro- fessional skills, home visits, transport and quality toys and equipment. Contact them on 021 872 5580 or aletiagrun- [email protected] or visit www.mcm- miqlat.com. BOWY HOUSE FINDS NEW HOME: The chil- dren of Bowy House will start their educa- tional programmes at Butterfly House in Greenfields, Paarl-East, from Tuesday 18 June for three days per week. From left ready to welcome the chil- dren are, Elizabeth Scrimgeour (CEO of Drakenstein Palliative Hospice), Aletia Grun- dling (CEO of Monte Christo and Miqlat) and Elïose Cronje (Resource Centre coordinator at Drakenstein Pallative Hospice). PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES Bowy House flutters to Butterfly Butterfly House

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Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013


Page 1: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013



Year 3 • Friday 14 June 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

In the latest Paarl Post:) Municipal mur-der suspect incourt

) Man arrestedfor cop’s murder

) Electricity shockfor businesses

) Happy Father’sDay

Vroue is sterk 3

Barefoot Day 6

Junior soccer kicks off 8

BowyHouse is excited toannounce theevo-lution of the BowyHouse programmewiththehelpoftheirpartner,DrakensteinPalli-ative Hospice.

Bowy House, established by Hester Velds-man, has been providing residential care forsome of the most vulnerable children in ourdistrict under the age of six for the last tenyears.The success of anti-retroviral therapy and

the Department of Social Development’s pre-ferredapproachofkeepingchildreninfamiliesand in the community has provided the oppor-tunity to expand their approach to care. Thisnew approach will facilitate the Bowy Housechildren to go home.“We are relocating the Bowy House pro-

grammetotheButterflyHouseCommunityRe-source Centre situated in the community ofFairyland. Caring with the family and estab-

lishing opportunities for families to gain thenecessary support, skills and resources to en-sure that the childrenget thebest possible fam-ily care, is our aim,” said Aletia Grundling,CEO of Monte Christo Miqlat.“The Monte Christo Miqlat (MCM) vision of

Livingandexperiencing theKingdomofHeaventhrough a life of faith in action is the impetusbehindour fourcommunity transformation fo-cusareasinDrakenstein,ofwhichBowyHouseis one.”The programmes atMCMconcentrate on de-

livering community development initiatives,supportedbydonations fromlocaland interna-tional churches, businesses and individualbenefactors.“With our new approach to Bowy, we aim

to build a cushion of sustainable supportaround each child’s home to ensure healthyfamilies.The focuswill remainvulnerablepre-school children (BowyandDrakensteinPallia-

tive Hospice children) and their families. Weare developing a holistic care plan for eachchild that will be implemented and monitoredby a TAC (Team Around the Child) includingprofessional nurses (at home and at ButterflyHouse), a doctor, social workers, home-basedcareworkers, youth and childcareworkers, anoccupational therapist and volunteers.”This family-centred approach will include

regular home visits, and programmes will beoffered for primary caregivers, the childrenand siblings. The Bowy children will attenddaily programmes at Butterfly House.They welcome volunteers to join this initia-

tive.Toensure the sustainabilityofBowy, theyneed regular funding to help provide food, pro-fessional skills, home visits, transport andquality toys and equipment.

Contact them on 021 872 5580 or [email protected] or visit www.mcm-miqlat.com.

BOWY HOUSE FINDSNEW HOME: The chil-dren of Bowy Housewill start their educa-tional programmes atButterfly House inGreenfields, Paarl-East,from Tuesday 18 Junefor three days perweek. From left readyto welcome the chil-dren are, ElizabethScrimgeour (CEO ofDrakenstein PalliativeHospice), Aletia Grun-dling (CEO of MonteChristo and Miqlat) andElïose Cronje (ResourceCentre coordinator atDrakenstein PallativeHospice).PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Bowy House flutters toButterflyButterfly House

Page 2: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

Drakenstein Gazette Entertainment - Vermaak Friday 14 June 20132

14-16 June) Fietna Lekke Jy, an Afrikaans comedycan be seen at Artscape. The play is set inthe Boland in the 1980s. It is about the truefriendship of three boys who grew up in arural environment where culture and poli-tics had a huge influence on their upbring-ing.These boys share similar identity crisesthat were ignored in the community. The“Fietna” stories, (gossip or trouble stories)still prevail in communities today. Ticketscost R60. Book at Artscape Dial-A-Seat at021 421 7695 or Computicket.

19 Junie) Alle oudstudente vanCharlestonHill Se-kondêre Skool word genooi na ’n vergade-ring om 19:00 by die skool. Vir navrae, ska-kel Anthony Meyer by 021 862 0212.

23 Junie) Blouvlei Primêre Skool hou ’n Gospel-middag ten bate van hul 50ste jaar feesvie-ring om 15:00 by Leeuwrivier. Kaartjies isR20.Verskillendegroepeenindividuelesangersgaan deelneem. Vir navrae bel LeonidaSaim by 021 864 2110 of 083 680 8081.

30 Junie) Die Tulips-klopse vergader om 14:00 bydiehuisvanMoosduToit inPelikaanstraat44 in Weltevrede. Belangstellendes is wel-kom om die vergadering by te woon.

Come and enjoy aPre-Ramadaan Fair

A Pre-Ramadaan Fair, hosted by Mahadul Ma-drasah, will take place on 29 June from 10:00–16:00 at Al Mahadul Islam Masjid, LappertStreet, Charleston Hill, Paarl.Stallswill be available at R150 for the sale and

offering of “boeka treats”, as well as any otherhome trades.Therewillalsobeanumberofprizestobewon.For more information phone 082 533 5364.

Bake a cupcake inaid of NationalEpilepsy WeekEveryyearNationalEpilepsyWeekiscel-ebrated to raise awareness about epilep-sy,andthisyearitwillbecelebratedfrom17–23 June with a cupcake challenge.

The aim is to create public awarenessthrough fun and challenging activities. Youcan participate by baking and icing a cup-cake, taking a picture of it, sharing it on theorganisation’s socialmedia sites and gettingyour friends to vote for your entry.If you are not a baker, you can also show

your support by wearing something red ontheday.Paintyournails redandputonsomered lipstick to get into the spirit of things.Download your own “Licence to Chill” for

the right to chill for 15 minutes on NationalEpilepsyDay (21 June) to think about peoplewith epilepsy.Epilepsy is a neurological condition char-

acterisedbyunusualelectricalactivityinthebrain. Even though it is the most commonneurological condition in theworld, it is stillvery much misunderstood.

The main aim of the week is also to raiseawarenessaboutepilepsytodispel themythsand social stigmas attached to the condition.Limited public understanding of the condi-tion contributes to stigmatisation throughnegative attitudes towards people with epi-lepsy.Such stigmatisation leads to discrimina-

tionandcanhaveanegativeeffect onseizurecontrol and thus the quality of life of peoplewith epilepsy.“National Epilepsy Week focuses on edu-

cating the public about the rights of peoplewith epilepsy. We decided on this theme toencourage people to question their own atti-tudes about the condition as this would in-creaseopportunities for the inclusionandin-tegrationofpeoplewithepilepsy,”saysMari-na Clarke, national director of EpilepsySouth Africa.For more information about Epilepsy

South Africa and National Epilepsy Week,contact the organisation on 0860 374 537 orvisit www.epilepsy.org.za.

Inligting gedeel oor depressie by tienersDie Depressie-bewusmakingsprojek Paarl seondersteuningsgroep bied ’n bewusmaking-sessie op Maandag 17 Junie om 10:00 aan bydie Orleansvale Primêre Skool in Chicago.Alleouersentienerswatbelangstelworduit-

genooi om te kom luister na praatjies oor hoeomdepressie en bipolêre versteurings by jong-mense te identifiseer en te hanteer.

Daar sal ookgeselswordoordie voorkomingvan selfmoord by tieners.Die koste beloop R30 vir volwassenes en R15

vir skoliere en sluit ligte verversings in.Vir navrae, bel Neil de Kock by 084 886 3129

of stuur e-pos na [email protected] ’n beperkte aantal sitplekke is beskik-


GELUKKIGE WENNER: Ingrid Daniels van Maasdorps-traat, Paarl-Oos, is die gelukkigeDrakenstein Gazette-wenner van die boek Die heel eerste soen.


Buitepasiënt-behandeling vir alkohol- endwelmmisbruik vir almal beskikbaarTradisioneel was die behandelingsopsies viralkohol- en dwelmmisbruik en afhanklikheidbeperk tot binnepasiënt-behandeling, alge-meen bekend as “rehab”,maar nou kanmensewat afhanklik van dwelms of alkohol is, buite-behandeling ontvang.Vir die huisvrou of mamet verpligtinge, die

studentwatmoetaanhouklassebywoonenstu-deerofdiewerkendemanenvrouwatasgevolgvanwerkverpligtingeenomgeld teverdienniekanweggaanvirbehandelingnie,veralasdaarook nie mediese of psigiatriese indikasies iswat opname in ’n hospitaal of sentrum vereis

nie, is daar nou ook die opsie van buitepasiënt-behandeling beskikbaar.Die Matrix Intensiewe Buitepasiënt-Alko-

hol- en Dwelmbehandelingsprogram is ’n er-kende nagevorste en bewysgedrewe programwaarin pasiënte behandelingsessies drie maalper week bywoon en steeds sosiaal en ekono-mies aktief bly in hul gemeenskappe, werk-plekke en families.Hierdie programword aangebied by Scienza

in die Paarl. Vir meer inligting, bel PierreLouw by 083 283 5278 of besoek www.scien-za.co.za.

PRETWIEL-BOEKE: Twee opvoedkundige pretboeke, met ’n pretwiel wat kan draai, is spesiaalontwerp om kinders op ’n prettige manier te laat leer. Dié boeke, Pretwiel Syfers en Pre-twiel Kleure, word uitgegee deur Human & Rousseau en die illustreerder is Marie Allen. ’nDrakenstein Gazette-leser kan die boeke wen deur hul naam en die naam van die illu-streerder te SMS na 32365 voor 12:00 op Maandag 17 Junie.

Inleidende argiefwerksessie by Taalmonument’n Inleidende argiefwerksessie, geskik vir bi-bliotekarisse, museum- en erfenisbeamptes,dokumentering- enargief-assistente,wordvanDinsdag 27 Augustus tot Donderdag 29 Augus-tus by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument in diePaarl aangebied.Die fasiliteerder PétriaMarais is ’n gekwali-

fiseerde argivarismet baie jare ervaring in dieveld van rekordbestuur en argivering.Sy het deur haar werk as konsultant, navor-

ser, erfenisbeampte, projekleier en afrigterontdek dat dit noodsaaklik en belangrik is virbibilioteke,dokumentesentrums,museumsen

ander verwante dissiplines om saam te werken meer te leer oor argivering.“Personeel wat nie argivarisopleiding ont-

vang het nie, word dikwels aan die diep kantingegooi om na hul organisasies se ongepubli-seerde dokumentversamelings om te sien.Hierdie inleidende driedaagse werksessie

sal aan alle inligtingsbeamptes die nodige op-leiding verskaf,” het Mara gesê.Geen vooraf kennis word benodig om die

werkswinkel by te woon nie.Die slypskool sluit praktiese sessies in en fo-

kus op onderwerpe soos die verskille tussen

biblioteke, argiewe en dokumentesentrums,insameling en aanwins, waardebepaling (in-sluitende die waarde van rekords asook af-skryf-instruksies), sortering en rangskikking,beskrywing/indeksering, bewaring, die ramp-bestuurplan en wenke oor die ontsluiting vanargiewe.Die kursusfooi is R2 000 per persoon en kos-

tes sluit ’n ligte middagete en koffie/tee in.Vir meer inligting oor die argiefwerkswin-

kel, bel gerus vir Amira Clayton by 021 8634809/0543 of e-pos haar by [email protected].

Page 3: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 14 June 2013 3

Vroue is sterk, hulle kanopstaan teen mishandelingLIEZL DAVIDS

“Almal het gesê jy bly teruggaanna hom toe en jy bly kla, maarniemand het verstaan hoekomnie,”

So vertel ’n vrou en ma wat deurhaarmanmishandel is ennouskui-ling vind in ’n plek van veiligheidvir vroue en kinders is.

Dié ma van een kind, wat ano-niemwil bly, vertel dat synooit kondink dat haar lewe met die liefdevan haar lewe so sou uitdraai nie.

“Ons was vir jare gelukkig saamen het later getrou en eers daarnahet die seerkry begin. Hy het begintik gebruik, maar vir my gesê dat ditnet een keer was en dat dit nie onshuwelik sou beïnvloed nie.”

Sy vertel dat hy aan die begin self vir sydwelmsbetaalhet,maar toehysywerkverloorhet moes sy vir hom geld gee en dit is toe datdie mishandeling begin het.

“Ek moes alles met my salaris koop en noggeld gee vir sy dwelms ook. En as daar nie geldwas nie, moes ek by mense gaan geld leen het.”

Sy vertel dat sy en haar kind eers geduriguitgeskel is, sy was finansieel misbruik en toéhet hy haar begin slaan.

“Net een keer het hy my in my gesig geslaan,maar verder net op my lyf. Jou liggaam raaklater gewoond daaraan. Jy berei jou voor virwat gaan kom.”

Sy het vir ’n tyd weggebreek van hom af,maar het besluit om weer te probeer en kortvoor lank het die mishandeling voortgegaan –so erg dat sy ’n saak by die polisie teen homgaan maak het. Sy het ná die hofsaak weer te-ruggegaan, maar het nou besluit dat sy genoeggehad het.

Oor hoekom sy teruggegaan het sê sy: “Ek

het teruggegaan sodat my kind skool toe kongaan. Ek het nooit uit liefde teruggegaan nie,meer uit vrees, want as ek nie saam met homwas nie, het hy ons gedurig met die dood ge-dreig.”

“Nou dat ons uit die situasie is, glimlag mykind weer. Hy speel weer en kan openlik metmy praat.

“Ek het geleer ’n mens het ’n keuse, moeniestil bly nie. As jy nie met mense wil praat nie,gaan op jou knieë en praat met God.”

Haar advies aan ander vroue is: “Maak jouhart sterk. As jy kinders het, dink aan jou kin-ders.Kinderskanhulselfblameerinso ’nsitua-sie. Maak ’n besluit, jy kan daar uit, want jyverdien beter.”

Sysêmetdiehulpvanmaatskaplike werkerskon sy ’n nuwe uitkyk op die lewe kry.

“Nou dat ek terug kyk is ek spyt dat ek nielankal uit die situasie gekom het nie, want ekweet nou ek verdien soveel beter, ek verdiengeluk.

“Almal verdien om gelukkig te wees.”

Jy kan jouself verlos van mishandeling. FOTO: VERSKAF

Om uit die strik van die skuld te komHallo Klara

Metvandagsehoëlewenskostesen talle ander versoekings, is eknou platsak.

Ekbesefdatekteveelskuldaan-gegaan het, maar die ander pro-bleem hiermee is dat omdat ek nienoumeermaandeliksmetmygeldkan uit kom nie, juis weens skuld,dan maak ek net nog skuld.

Hoe kom ek uit hierdie bosekringloop?


Hi MaryJa, jy is in ’n moeilike strik vas-

gevang. Maar moenie alleen voelnie. Daar is talle mense wat pre-sies in dieselfde bootjie as jy is -endiegoeienuusis,metdissiplineen uithouvermoë, kan jy hier uitkom.

So, wat kan jy daaromtrent doen?) Aanvaar jou situasie en kyk die probleem

indieoë.Moenieweghardloopvandie werklikheid nie.

) Deel jou situasie met naastes.Dithelpnieomineensaamheidenafsondering ’n oplossing te pro-beer vind nie.

) Beëindig alle winkelrekenin-ge en sny jou kredietkaart op.

) Krydanonmiddellikkundigeadvies en hulp. Selfs jou bank salvir jou kan raad gee. Daar sal goedgekykwordnajouinkomsteenjouskuld en jou adviseur behoort virjou rigting te gee oor hoe om jouskuld redelik af te betaal, terwyljy genoeg fondse het om maande-liks te oorleef.

Jy gaan vir ’n ruk lank sukkel,maar daar is lig aan die einde vandie tonnel.

Die groot geheim is om hiernanie weer in dieselfde strik te trap nie. Hopelikleer die meeste mense uit hul foute.

Sterkte, Klara


KLARASkryf gerus vir Klara by

[email protected],

SMS 32365faks 086 559 9644 of

lewer ’n brief af by

Newstraat 1A, Paarl.

Page 4: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

Drakenstein Gazette Recipes - Resepte Friday 14 June 20134

Wees ’n GazetteEntrepreneurMaak jy Mbekwe-ni Muffins of Chi-cago Sweets? Ófdalk Klein Dra-kenstein Koekiesóf BlikkiesdorpBeelde?

Die DrakensteinGazette wil weetvan alle entrepre-neurs wat uit hulhuise interessanteen unieke besighe-de bedryf en goede-re vervaardig.In vandag se moeilike ekonomie

is die antwoord op werkloosheidomjoueiebesigheidtebedryf.Hier-deurskep jynienetvir jouselfwerknie, maar vir ander ook.

Stuur vir ons ’nbeskrywing van joubedryf, of kom sienons daaroor. Aandie einde van elkemaande sal die Ga-zette Entrepreneurvan die Maand ge-kiesword.Hiervoorkry die wenner ’npromosie-artikel indieDrakenstein Ga-zette, asook ’n ad-vertensie om sy ofhaar besigheid ’nhupstoot te gee.

Om in te skryf, of vir verdere in-ligting, skakel 021 870 4614, [email protected] of be-soek ons kantoor by Newstraat 1a,Paarl.

You theentrepreneurDAVID MALHERBE

Annually we see news coverage on TVof the boat race between theuniversitiesof Oxford and Cambridge on the riverThames in Britain. Next year’s race willbe the 160th.This is a race for long boats with eight

paddlers andanavigator each, racingonflat water over a distance of 6,8 km.On the other hand we have white-wa-

ter paddling and rafting where you al-mostriskyour lifegoingdowntherapidsin the river.Our present-day business environ-

ment is often described as permanentwhite water. Therefore to manage yourbusinessinanOxfordtoCambridgeway,while you are competing onwhite waterwill not make your business succeed.We live in times of incredible change

where most of our securities of the pastno longerexist.Yearsagothevalueof therand and interest rates were secure.Nowadays the value of the rand changes

daily and the fuel price monthly, whilethe Reserve Bank Committee regularlydecides on the interest rate. Amidst allof this and much other insecurity weneed to carry onand even growourbusi-nesses.But there are always things that never

change and you still need to practise,practise and practise.Business owners nowadays face chal-

lenges our forefathers never evendreamtof,yetwestillneedtomanageourbusinesses and staff well. We still needto domarketing and have good adminis-tration and financial systems in place.Thesebasic aspects of business should

be like a changeless core in your busi-ness. If these are well established, it iseasier to adapt a business to the presentwhite-water environment.The next couple of weeks we will take

a look at some of these basic elementsthatneedtobeinplaceineverybusiness.We cannot calm the waters, but we canmodify the boat andbetter our skills andfitness and thus keep our businessesafloat and win the race.David Malherbe and Dewald Scholtz

will discuss this topic in more detailMonday evening from 19:00 till 20:00 onRadioKC107.7FMintheprogrammeYouthe Entrepreneur.

Business ownersnowadays facechallenges our

forefathersnever evendreamt of. ””““

Page 5: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

Drakenstein GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieFriday 14 June 2013 5

Page 6: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

Drakenstein Gazette Classifieds Friday 14 June 20136



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Support National

Barefoot DayBarefoot DayThe Put Foot Founda-tion announced thatTuesday18JunewillbethefirstofficialNation-al Barefoot Day. AllSouth Africans areasked to go barefoot tohighlight the plight ofunderprivileged chil-dren in South Africa,and to commemorateYouth Month.

The Put Foot Founda-tion has become synony-mous with giving chil-dren hope, pride and dig-nity through the gift of abrand new pair of schoolshoes.Throughthis simpleact children inneedareable to play, learn and have fun. The NationalBarefootDayhas been created tohighlight theimpact of not having the basics, in this casea pair of school shoes.Walking to school in the height of winter istraumatic and the embarrassment of not hav-ing shoes overshadows the necessity to learn.Daryn Hillhouse, Put Foot Foundation

Chairman, has chal-lenged all SouthAfricansto go barefoot on this dayfor an hour or a few min-utes, to experience whatmillions of young chil-dren in our country haveto deal with every day, tofully understand the ex-tent of the problemand toshow their support.Those participatingcan pledge their supporton www.nationalbare-footday.com.“We want to create amovement, and more im-portantlywewant to helpput brand new pairs of100% leather locally pro-

duced school shoes on the feet of every needychild in South Africa,” is what Hillhouse en-visage.Supporters of the National Barefoot Day,who have registered on the official website,can donate to the Put Foot Foundation or vol-unteer their time for one of the national shoedrops taking place at schools across South Af-rica.

MAGIES VOL: Een van die viersopkombuise in Wyk 25 wordaan huis van Carol Linee (regs)gehou waar hulle Dinsdae enDonderdae om 15:00 kos geeaan minderbevoorregte inwonersin dié gebied. Die sopkombuiseis deel van Wyk 25 se projekte.Bykans 250 inwoners word metkos bedien by Linee se huis. FO-TO: LIEZL DAVIDS

SERTIFIKATE VIR REKENAARKURSUS: Die Rekenaarsentrum van Charleston Hill Sekondêre Skoolhet sertifikate oorhandig aan lede van die gemeenskap wat hul Microsoft 2010-kursus voltooi het.Agter (van links) is Sharon Joshua, Mandy Davis, Angelo Abrahams, Yolandi Daniels en LuzaanSmith; (voor) Christina van Rooyen, Gailian Opperman, Morraton Abrahams (instrukteur), Kim Jacobsen Athalie Isaacs. Afwesig: Brian Jafhta.

SPORTS DAY FOR FARM WORK-ERS: The Western Cape provin-cial government together withDrakenstein Municipality recentlyhad a sports day for farm work-ers at Dal Josaphat Stadium.Farm workers from all over theWestern Cape participated inthe sports day and councillorsConrad Poole, deputy executivemayor (left) and Felix Cupidoalso took part in some of thedifferent sport codes.

Page 7: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013

Drakenstein GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenFriday 14 June 2013 7

Wil jy ’n loodgieter word?As loodgieter jouberoep is, spesia-liseer jy in die installering en on-derhoud van waterwerke, riool-werke, dreine en ander pyplei-ding.

Die woord loodgieter dateer uitdie Romeinse Ryk en verwys nadie giet van stroke lood en loodpy-pe. Vandag word lood egter niemeer gebruik nie, omdat dit giftigis. Moderne pype word hoofsaak-lik van plastiek of koper vervaar-dig (albei roes nie).

Tipiese take wat ’n loodgieterverrig, sluit in: installering vankrane, pypeendreine; skoonmaakvan dreine en verstopte pype; op-spoor en herstel van lekkasies; in-stallering van warmwatersilin-ders (soos geisers).

Mense wat die beroep oorweeg,moet hardwerkend wees, nie deurvreemde reuke afgesit word nie,bereid wees om in vuil plekke inte kruip, en verstaan hoe dreine-ring en waterdruk werk.

’n Loodgieter herstelverstopte pype.

Wat doen ’n elektrisiën?Die elektrisiën-beroep behels dieaanlê enondersteuningvandie in-frastruktuur wat nodig is vir dievoorsiening van elektrisiteit.

Daar is twee soorte elektrisiëns:lae spanning- en hoogspanning-elektrisiëns.Van0–1 000voltwordas lae spanning geklassifiseer(huishoudelike toestelle, ligte enhuise se bedrading), terwyl 1 000–288 000 volt as hoogspanning ge-klassifiseer word (masjinerie infabrieke en kragdrade).

Die werk van ’n elektrisiën kangevaarlik wees en spesiale maat-reëls en deeglikheid word vereisom veilige werksomstandighedete verseker.

Die ure van elektrisiëns kan on-gereeld wees omdat onderhoud ennood-herstelwerk dikwels in dienag,oornawekeofopopenbareva-kansiedae gedoen word.

Die beroep word oorwegenddeur mans beoefen, hoewel vrouedit ook soms aanpak.

Hier installeer ’n elektri-siën ’n elektriese opwek-ker.

Page 8: Drakenstein gazette 14 junie 2013


Year 3 • Vrydag 14 Junie 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Blues gly amper teenStones in modderbadLaer Paarl (Blues) het Saterdag amper symosesteëgekom,toehulleingureweerteen’n begeesterde span van Riverstones testaan gekom het. Blues was net-net baas enkon die wedstryd uiteindelik met 18-16wen.

BlueshetaanvanklikgoedbeginenRiversto-nes onder geweldige druk gesit. Humeure hetby tye gelyk of dit gaan handuit ruk, maar dieskeidsregter het hom egter goed van sy taakgekwytomniediewedstryd te laatontaardnie.Riverstones boer in Blues se kwartgebiedmaar laat die bal val, wat deur Gueron Kulsenopgeraap word wat uit sy eie kwart gebied on-der sy teenstanders uithardloop om onder diepale tegaandruk.BjornWicklowvoegdie tweepunte by om die telling 7-0 in Blues se guns temaak.Blues wat noumet alle mag aanval hardloopmet elke bal wat hulle kry en Donnie Frede-ricks gaan druk nadat hy skoon onder Rivers-tones se manne uithardloop vir ’n welverdien-de drie. Wicklow skop die doelskop mis en dietelling bly 12-0. Ná ongedissiplineerde speldeur Blues kry Riverstones ’n strafskop wathulle drie punte besorg. Met rustyd wat aan-breekkryRiverstonesweer ’n strafskopnáon-

kantspel deur Blues en die telling skuif na 12-6in Blues se guns.Ná rustyd begin Riverstones se groter voor-spelers egter beheer oor die wedstryd neem enBlues word met mening terug gedryf.Een van Riverstones se spelers kry ’n rooi-kaart ná die skeidsregter hulle herhaaldelikgewaarsku het. Met Riverstones wat nou metveertien man speel, is hulle steeds die bestespan op die veld en gaan druk ’n driewat meerdruk op Blues plaas. Ná onkantspel deur Ri-verstonesisditWicklowwat ’nstrafskopoorsiten die telling skuif aanna 15-6 inBlues se guns.Rivestones antwoord onmiddellik met ’ndrie en die telling is nou 15-11 ná die doelskopmis is. Wicklow skop nog ’n strafskop oor entelling is nou 18-11 in Blues se guns. Met nogtien minute speeltyd oor is dit Rivestones watnou op Blues se doellyn boer en aanval na aan-val van stapel stuur. Riverstones se voorspe-lers hanteer goed en gaan druk, maar die doel-skop is mis.Met die eindfluitjiewat blaas is ditBlueswatasemhaal endiewedstrydmet 18-16wen.Bluessalegterhardermoetwerkashulleaskampioe-ne van die Paarl-streek gekroon wil word.Blues se tweede-spanwen 15-7 en derde-span20-3.

PLOETER DEURDIE WATER: YoungStandards het Sa-terdag in diestormweer teenWindmeul Unitedgespeel. Hier speeldie derde spanneteen mekaar.Young Standardswas te sterk enhet die wedstryd60-0 gewen.FOTO: ERNEST KILO-WAN

JUNIOR SOCCER LEAGUE: A juniorsoccer league kicked off at the Man-yano Centre in central Paarl. Heretwo u.11 teams are competing forthe ball. Rooibell A (white kit) wonthe game against Galacticos (bluekit) 4-1. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

VEG OM DIE BAL: Sondag is nog ’n rondte vrouesokkerwedstryde gespeel by die Monte Christo-velde. Hierspeel Paarl United teen Ambassadors. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN