draft copy updated 12-16- · pdf filethose who want to go into ministry as their vocation....

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 1 ________________________________________________________ The Mission of Parkview Baptist School, in partnership with the church and community, is to seek first the Kingdom of God while providing students with a college-preparatory, Christ-centered education that allows them to grow and mature in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and Man. _______________________________________________________ DRAFT COPY – UPDATED 12-16-2014 Isaiah 40:31 “…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

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Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 1


The Mission of Parkview Baptist School, in partnership with the

church and community, is to seek first the Kingdom of God while

providing students with a college-preparatory, Christ-centered

education that allows them to grow and mature in wisdom, in

stature, and in favor with God and Man.



Isaiah 40:31

“…but those who hope in the LORD

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 2

Portrait of a PBS Graduate

If PBS successfully executes the mission, what is the result? We believe that PBS will

develop and change those who attend PBS and embrace its precepts to be better prepared for

success. This encompasses success in college, in their community, in their family, in their church and

throughout their lives. They should be seen as leaders in their circles of influence. They will have the

ethical, moral, and intellectual foundation to make the correct decisions when the need arises.

In order to achieve these results the PBS graduate should be:

Committed to a biblically focused lifestyle

Able to articulate the personal/ethical implications of lifelong faith commitment

Ready to perform with distinction at the next academic level

Conversant with the ethical implications of the school mission statement

Committed to community service principles

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 3

Introduction to the Strategic Plan

arkview Baptist School has recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. PBS is seen as a

leader in many ways in the greater Baton Rouge area. There are opportunities for every

student to participate and grow in sports, spirit groups, academic honors and AP classes,

art, drama, robotics, and community service. But there are still opportunities to build on its

successes in all the areas that are required to produce a graduate with the characteristics delineated


The theme for the future is An Assumption of Excellence. What does this mean? It

means that in all things that Parkview Baptist School attempts, there should always be the

assumption that

There should be no half efforts. All faculty, staff, students, church members, and others involved in

Parkview Baptist School should always ask themselves, is this the best? If not, why is it being done?

The Bible does not set the bar half way.


each and everything done will be done in

an excellent manner.

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 4


Expectations and actions set the standard of performance. Students should meet or exceed high

standards in our core areas – Abundant Life, Academics, Arts and Athletics.

These standards should also apply to coaches, staff, and parents. Teachers and

coaches are the primary contact points with students during the school day and potentially the

greatest influence on what is expected of the student.

We must continue to strive to recruit and keep the best teachers and coaches in each

subject who are also superb role models for our students.

This Strategic Plan addresses several topics that support

Our Goals fall into three categories:

Christian Abundant Life

Academic Excellence

Supporting the Future

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 5

Major Goals

Christian Abundant Life

To prepare students for a post-PBS life by instilling and practicing Christian values congruent with the

PBS mission and values.

Academic Excellence

To prepare students for colleges of the future and preparing our top students to excel.

Support for the Future

To prepare for the future needs of Parkview Baptist School.

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 6

Christian Abundant Life

The goal of this focus area is to prepare students for a post-PBS life by instilling and

practicing Christian values congruent with the PBS mission and values.

Overarching Goal: Identify opportunities for significant and sustained contributions to the

community for obligatory participation by students.

GOAL Progress Report as of Fall, 2014

I. This should be an integrated escalating skill

building program with grade level appropriate

opportunities from K to 12th grade. It should not

be a series of one offs that change every year.

Ideally, sustained partnerships are established with

groups such as Habitat for Humanity that are

ongoing for many years.

High School - High School instituted an

intentional Community Service graduation

requirement. This initiative is led by Mrs. Patsy

DeShazo, Community Service Coordinator.

Click here for the Community Service

Graduation Requirements.

Elementary - Elementary students took trips to

nursing homes and provided grits, socks and

scarves to the homeless community.

II. Institute a tracking system for mandatory

participation of community service participation.

Middle and High School - PBS purchased

Naviance Software through the Eagle Annual

Fund. Naviance includes a community service

tracker that students can include in their

academic portfolio.

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 7

Overarching Goal: Develop in conjunction with the Parkview Baptist Church an outreach

program to enrich opportunities for students and their families to participate in church activities.

GOAL Progress Report as of Fall, 2014

I. Develop in

conjunction with the

Parkview Baptist

Church an outreach

program to enrich

opportunities for

students and their

families to

participate in church


High School - High School Spirit teams provide harvest bags for PBC ministries. High School – High School students serve at PBC Fall Festival Middle School – Middle School Ministry Skills Students lead worship and chapel weekly for Parkview Baptist Church Preschool All School – Close communication between PBC Children’s Minister and Youth Minister regarding chapel, retreats, etc All School – School students and families collect Operation Christmas Child boxes to deliver to PBC All School – PBS Director of Educational Operations attends weekly PBC Staff meetings and functions and liaision between school and church All School – PBC Members visit new PBS families

Overarching Goal: Develop and implement a strengthened spiritual curriculum

GOAL Progress Report as of Fall, 2014

I. Develop and implement dynamic

chapel experiences planned over

the year to build upon the

previous chapels.

Early Childhood – Chapel proceeds in chronological order through the Bible. Middle School – Jonathan White serves as K-12 worship leaders and plans all Elementary and Middle School chapel. Middle and High School – Added an additional Spiritual Emphasis Week on Spring with an intentional theme and speaker High School – PBS often invites guest speakers from PBC to speak in Bible Classes. Ministry Skills/Sports Ministry classes for those who want to go into Ministry as their vocation. Mission Projects and Trips implemented in Spring 2014.

II. Special chapels that strongly

encourage family attendance.

Early Childhood and Elementary – 2nd grade Christmas program will be held in conjunction with a Wednesday night PBC service.

III. Continue to strengthen Bible

classes and curriculum and


Early Childhood and Elementary – Both Early Childhood and Elementary start each day with their Bible lesson. High School - High school Bible Department will begin to look at vertical alignment of Bible curriculum throughout grade levels. Standard curriculum will be developed for high school Bible and Bible teaching assignments will be intentional with most qualified teachers; not those who simply have a slot in their schedule.

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 8

Academic Excellence

s a college preparatory school, we must continue to adapt to prepare our students for

the colleges of the future. This entails keeping ahead of technology, strong testing and

performance measurement programs to gauge how successful our programs are in

preparing our students. This also requires measuring how well they perform after entering college

and being able to help them prepare for, select, enter, and succeed in an appropriate university of

their choice that meshes with their needs and capabilities. For An Assumption of Excellence we

must also be able to prepare our top students to excel.

Overarching Goal: prepare our students for the colleges of the future.

GOAL Progress Report as of

Fall, 2014

I. Continue to recruit, hire and retain the best teachers.

1. Teachers with academically superior mastery

of their subject matter

2. Teachers who fit into the culture of PBS and

embody our values. Identify areas where PBS

is weak and remedy the situation.

High School – Department Chairs participate in the hiring process and have input on final decision.

II. Continue to develop programs that require critical

thinking and problem solving instead of rote

memorization and regurgitation. Success in college

and career now and in the future require the trained

ability to address and solve problems.

I. Use metrics to evaluate success of programs as

they are introduced.

Elementary - Implemented Reading Wonders curriculum to provide a systematic approach to developing critical reading skills. Implemented Go Math to develop a deeper understanding of math using critical thinking and problem solving.


Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 9

III. Develop and implement a comprehensive

college selection program that begins in

middle school to prepare students for

college tests such as the PSAT/NMSQT,

ACT, SAT, and AP courses

Successful outcome should be more

National Merit Scholars and more

entry into schools of choice for


High School – ACT Prep class instituted as part of the schedule in Fall of 2012 Elementary - Spring 2013- administered ERB to second and third graders which is a highly respected standardized test that has high correlations to college readiness. Spring 2014- will administer ACT Aspire. The first test to begin tracking the path to college readiness in the upper elementary grades through early high school years. This will be highly useful longitudinal data to aid in preparing our students for college readiness. Early Childhood – Implement new Kindergarten admissions test with higher academic standards.

IV. Maintain cutting edge technology

This is a given for children today and

is a needed qualifier as they enter

workplace and college

High School - High School maintains a successful 1:1

laptop program.

Elementary and Early Childhood - Classroom sets of

iPads are available in every classroom

V. Develop a cutting edge, pro-active, step

by step program that begins to advise

students in middle school about college

selection and help match students with an

appropriate college in or out of state.

Encourage students to strive to apply

and be accepted at the top

universities in the country. This

success will enhance PBS’s ability to

attract students and staff.

Middle School – Spring 2015 - Naviance software will be implemented in Middle School “Life 101” Dr. Ron Moss led college readiness professional development for teachers. Middle School Division Head and Dean of Students attended Liberty University training regarding college admissions process to present to 8th graders what their focus should be. 8th grade implemented High School credit courses.

VI. Have superb opportunities for every

student in sports, arts and academics.

I. Continue to target recruiting top

coaches in each sport for female and

male sports to develop strong

competitive programs.

II. Target and develop intellectually

rigorous and cutting edge outside

programs such as Robotics to

supplement classroom efforts.

High School – Annual Awards Program, National Merit/AP Scholars published in newspaper. Middle School and High School – Award winning Robotics team Elementary – Egale of the Month awards, MobyMax, Presidential Physical Fitness, Duke TIP Talent Search, Jump Rope for Heart All School – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media outlets regularly highlight student accomplishments.

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 10

III. Celebrate exemplary success in

academic, sports, community service

and other areas in a school wide

recognition ceremony or banquet.

Target recognition of national level

successes and set example for other

students to strive for.

All School – Livestream and recorded LiveStream programs and presentations available on school website (athletic events, awards programs, parent presentations, etc)


he goal of this endeavor is to prepare for the future needs of PBS. PBS finances are

supported primarily by the tuition that students’ families pay. Many other private

schools in the nation require annual donations or external support to achieve a break-

even position. We do not.

In the Baton Rouge area our tuition is in the middle range of private schools as we

continue to strive to make our school accessible to a range of families at different economic levels.

This is good in many ways but it restricts our ability to do some things that will benefit the school.

We have recently begun an annual fund effort in order to meet some unfulfilled needs identified by

the school and by the parents giving to the fund. We have already begun to see the fruits of that

labor and it will continue next year. The PTF has been and continues to be a valuable asset to the

school as it raises and donates extra funds to the school for special projects that it has identified in

conjunction with the school administration.


Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 11

Overarching Goal: Excellent Facilities

GOAL Progress Report as of

Fall, 2014

I. PBS must develop a Facilities master plan that addresses space needs for classrooms, sports, security, and other needs such as major capital or maintenance.

a. We recommend bringing in an outside firm to do this with experience in this area in order to get an objective and professional perspective.

b. The PBC must be involved as well as facilities planning is a joint effort.

c. Cafeteria and food service may be one area of focus

d. We recommend this be completed by January 2013 in order to incorporate any critical items into the tuition and fundraising for the 2013-2014 academic year.

All School – Interviewed architectural firms; narrowed to two firms and voted on one. Long range planning committee for school and church work closely together.

Overarching Goal: Enhance Development Endeavors

GOAL Progress Report as of Fall, 2014

I. Continue to educate and publicize reasons for Development efforts a. Increase targeted marketing budget and

efforts to recruit students to reasonable levels

b. Begin to expand and fund an endowment i. Target Endowment level for 2015? ii. Define broadly what it will be for?

Intentional Open Houses, Come and Play Day for PreK/K students, Shadow Day for 5th-10th grade Parent Ambassadors used for Word of Mouth Marketing plan Within Reach program for qualified, mission appropriate students Hired Director of Marketing and Enrollment with a team of four focused on Marketing, Admissions, Media, Communications and Constituent Relations

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 12

Overarching Goal: Communication

GOAL Progress Report as of Fall, 2014

I. Develop a rolling 3 year tuition plan

a. Inform the PBS community and the potential

PBS community about strategic plan, master

facilities plan, financial and tuition plans

b. Increase involvement of PBS Parents,

Alumni, church community, businesses, etc.

i. Work hours by parents on worthy


c. Establish an Advisory Committee composed

of PBS Parents to meet with the PBS BOD

periodically [2-3X year?] to give ideas and be

a communication conduit from the BOD to

the parents

Combined weekly Division Head Newsletters

to alleviate multiple sources of communication

Bi-Weekly Parkview Strong newsletter (goes to

PBC church members and community

members) – focused solely on Good News of

Parkview Baptist

Bi-Weekly Superintendent’s Blog (goes to PBC

church members and community members)

Parkview Baptist School Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Approved by the PBS Board of Directors June 21, 2012 – Page 13


BS is at a decision point in its growth. Does it continue on a path that is reactive to the

environment or do we make the move to become highly pro-active and help take the

school to where it should be? An organization that does not grow in achievement and

excellence will become stagnant and go backwards. Such an organization cannot be

dynamic nor can it be a leader.

PBS must be pro-active and take its fate in its own hands. This can be done by

putting a vision in place and unleashing the creativity and power to succeed that is in its staff,

teachers, students, parents and Parkview Baptist Church.