draconic templates for pathfinder


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Here are several templates for making your Pathfinder dragons (including those for Council of Wyrms) more like those of myth and legend. Using this paper you can make wingless knuckers, limbless orms, dragons with venomous blood, wyvern dragons, and winged serpent dragons among many others. There are even tips on mixing templates to make such mythical horrors as the Avatar of Dahak and the real Tarasque.


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Table of Contents


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IntroductionAmphiptere: winged serpentine dragons

Adult Forest Dragon AmphiptereKnucker: classic flightless dragons

Ancient Brass Dragon KnuckerLindorm: wingless bipedal dragons

Young Sea Dragon LindormLithe Dragon: slim serpentine dragons

Adult Lithe Copper DragonMassive Dragon: burly heavily-built dragons

Ancient Massive Gold DragonMulti-Headed Dragon: dragons with multiple heads

Ancient Multi-headed Red DragonMulti-Limbed Dragon: dragons with many legs

Young Multi-limbed Cloud DragonMulti-Tailed Dragon: dragons with more than one tail

Ancient Multi-tailed Green DragonMulti-Winged Dragon: dragons with more than two wings

Young Faerie Kin Silver DragonOrm: snake-like dragons

Old Magma Dragon OrmVirulent Dragon: dragon’s filled with corrosive blood and poison

Wyvern Dragon: dragons with only two limbsYoung Brass Wyvern Dragon

Examples of Combining TemplatesAvatar of DahakBruyn’s Locust DragonThe PeludaOrochi The Tarasque


Dragons, although highly varied in bone structure, limbs, wings, scale color, and even head count, could not conceivably have such bizarre frames.

“Dragons: Lexicon Triumvirate” by Kenneth Che-Tew Eng

Draconic Templates


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This book will give a variety of simple templates usable for any type of dragon. These templates will give more variety to dragons without the GM needing to concoct yet another species of dragon for his game world. Pathfinder already suffers from dragon overpopulation so these templates will transform even a single dragon type into all the forms mentioned in mythology. These templates were created by me and any similarity to another template located in another source is purely coincidental. All of these templates can be considered either inherited (the dragon was born that way) or acquired (a wizard did it) depending on your campaign. .

For simplicities sake the example monsters will use those in the Pathfinder Bestiaries, In this way one can directly compare the original dragon with the one modified by the template. In all cases I tried to make the template as manageable as possible to make monster creation as simple as possible for the Game Master. One difference from the original dragon is that the bonus for the Multiattack feat IS applied to the sample creature even when it was not applied in the base creature.

All of these templates are open content and may be freely used for any Pathfinder game but I doubt if many GMs will let you apply them to your Council of Wyrms character.



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Amphipteres are a variety of dragon that has wings but no legs. They tend to be less massive than typical dragons, appearing to be a winged serpent with draconian features. Amphipteres may have feathered or leathery wings.

Creating an Amphiptere

“Amphiptere” is a template that may be added to any winged dragon. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes... CR: Same as the base creature minus four, recalculate experience as normal.

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature minus 5 hit dice.

Speed: Same as the base creature -10 for land movement. Increase any flight maneuverability by one step (good to perfect, average to good, poor to average and clumsy to poor). If the dragon has no flight movement it gains one (and wings if necessary) at a speed typical of a dragon its size.

Attacks: Same as the base creature but due to the lack of limbs the dragon lacks any attack using claws or kicking motions. Minus 2 from attack bonus and remove any Multiattack bonuses.

Damage: Same as base creature but no claw damage due to the lack of limbs.

Special Attacks: same as the base creature plus the following abilities:

Improved Grab (Ex) if an amphiptere obtains a successful bite attack on a creature at least one size level smaller than itself than the dragon not only deals normal damage but can then attempt a Grapple attack as a free action without triggering an attack of opportunity. The dragon can then choose to constrict or simply hold its opponent. If the latter than the dragon tales a -20 penalty on grapple checks but is not considered grappled itself.

Constrict (Ex): with a grapple attack upon a single opponent of at least one size category smaller than itself, an amphiptere can coil its body around the victim and constrict. Constriction deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to the claw damage dealt by a normal dragon of the amphiptere’s size. The dragon can inflict damage in the same round as the initial grapple attack and thereafter the dragon has the option to conduct the grapple normally inflicting constriction damage each round the victim remains grappled.

Attributes: Reduce Strength by 4.

Base Attacks: change Base Atk to reflect new Hit Dice. Increase CMB and CMD by +3 to reflect the new HD and ability scores, amphipteres cannot be tripped.

Feats: Same as the base creature. Feats requiring hands, claws, or feet cannot be taken. Amphipteres cannot choose Multiattack or snatch as they lack limbs and this feat must be replaced with another. Recommended replacement feats are Acrobatics, Flyby Attack, Hover, and Wingover. Any Acrobatics bonus will be to the fly skill only as an amphiptere cannot jump.

Skills: Same as the base creature but if fly is not available than replace one land-based skill with Fly at the same level

Souring over the jungle ruins is a beautiful sight, a serpentine dragon the color of the forest reflected off clouds with vast feathered wings that spread like a rainbow.


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XP 6,400 LG Huge dragon (air)Init +4; Senses cloud sight, dragon senses; Perception +30 Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 23) Defense AC 29, touch 8, flat-footed 29 (+22 natural, –2 size)Hp 151 (11d12+80)Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +17DR 5/magic; Immune electricity, poison, sleep; SR 24 OffenceSpeed 30 ft, fly 200 ft. (perfect) Melee bite +20 (2d8+9/19–20), gore +20 (2d6+9), tail slap +15 (2d6+9)Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite and gore)Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, 12d8 electricity damage, DC 23), crush (DC 23, 2d8+9), improved grab, constrict Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +21) at will—detect evil, feather fall, gust of wind (DC 17)Spells known (CL 7th; concentration +12) 3rd (5/day)—blink, lightning bolt (DC 18), 2nd (7/day)—glitterdust (DC 17), invisibility, resist energy 1st (8/day)—endure elements, expeditious retreat, magic missile, obscuring mist, shocking grasp 0 (at will)—detect magic, disrupt undead, mage hand, mending, message, ray of frost, read magicStatistics Str 23, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 23, Cha 20 Base Atk +11; CMB +29; CMD 39 (can’t be tripped) Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Skill Focus (Perception)Skills Acrobatics +19 (+23 when flying), Diplomacy +24, Fly +19, Heal +24, Knowledge (arcana, geography, religion) +24, Perception +30, Perform (sing) +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +24Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, SylvanSQ borne aloft, change shape



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Knuckers, also known as Drakes, are wingless versions of normal quadrupedal dragons. They resemble a dragon of the usual type in every way except that their limbs are longer and their wings are either absent or reduced to vestigial ‘fins’ useless for flight. This template may also be used for dragons that have somehow injured or lost their wings in some accident.

Creating a knucker

“Knucker” is a template that may be added to any dragon that normally has four legs and wings. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes.

Speed: Increase the base creature’s land speed by 10 and remove the flight movement rating. For dragons that have lost their wings in an accident simply leave the creatures land speed as it is.

Attacks: Same as the base creature but remove any associated with wings or flight.

Damage: as the base creature but remove any associated with wings or flight.

Feats: Same as base creature except that feats associated with wings or flight must be replaced. Common replacements are Improved Natural Armor, Iron Will, Lunge, and Nimble Moves. Any Acrobatics bonus will be to the jump skill only as a knucker cannot fly.

Skills: remove the Fly Skill and replace with another skill. All Fly acrobatics bonuses become Jump.

The approaching monster is a green dragon but it lacks the wings and has longer limbs than a typical member of that breed.

ADULT GREEN DRAGON KNUCKER CR 12XP 19,200 LE Huge dragon (air) Init +0; Senses dragon senses; Perception +25Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 20)Defense AC 27, touch 8, flat-footed 27; (+19 natural, -2 Size) hp 172 (15d12+75) fort +14, Ref +9, Will +14 DR 5/magic; Immune acid, paralysis, sleep; SR 23Offence Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ftMelee bite +21 (2d8+12/19–20), 2 claws +21 (2d6+8/19–20), tail slap +16 (2d6+12) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 22, 12d6 acid), crush (Small creatures, DC 22, 2d8+12)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th) At will—charm person (DC 14), entangle (DC 14), suggestion (DC 16) Spells known (CL 5th) 2nd (5/day)—alter self, mirror image 1st (7/day)—shield, silent image (DC 14), summon monster I, ventriloquism (DC 14) 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitationStatistics Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Base Atk +15; CMB +25; CMD 35 (39 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (bite, claws), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack)


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Skills Climb +18, Knowledge (arcane) +21, Knowledge (nature) +21, Perception +25, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +10, Survival +21, Swim +34, Use Magic Device +21 Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, SylvanSQ trackless step, water breathing, woodland stride


Lindorms are dragons with two legs and are either wingless or have tiny, useless, fin-like wings. In general form they can resemble either a wingless wyvern or a monstrous snake with two stubby legs and a dragon’s head. Lindorms are particularly common in Norse mythos but many other legends depict dragons of this type.

Creating a Lindorm

“Lindorm” is a template that may be added to any dragon with four or two legs and wings (classic or wyvern type). Dragons that are already built like lindorms such as the Linnorms in Bestiary 3 cannot take the Lindorm template. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

CR: same as the base creature minus one (-1), recalculate experience as normal.

Initiative: minus 1 to account for the new Dexterity modifier.

Armor Class: minus one to account for the new Dexterity modifier.

Saves: minus one from Reflex saves to account for new Dexterity modifier.

Speed: Decrease the base creature’s land speed by 10 and remove any flight speed.

Attacks: Same as the base creature but remove any associated with wings or flight. There is only a single claw attack per round as the dragon must stand on the other foot.


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Damage: as the base creature but remove any associated with wings or flight and reduce claw damage by one dice.

Special Attacks: same as the base creature but remove any associated with wings or flight.

Abilities: Decrease Dex by -2.

Base Attack Bonuses: Reduce CMD by one. Remove any trip bonus for being four legged.

Feats: Same as base creature but any associated with flight must be replaced. Lindorms favor dodge and improved natural armor instead.

The aquamarine dragon crawls up the beach dragging serpentine hindquarters behind it like some form of scale covered seal.

YOUNG BRINE DRAGON LINDORM CR 6XP 2,400 LN Medium dragon (water) Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +12Defense AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 10; (+10 natural) hp 68 (8d12+16)Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7 Immune acid, paralysis, sleepOffence Speed 50 ft., swim 60 ft.Melee bite +15 (1d8+10), 1 claw +15 (1d4+7)Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. line, 6d6 acid, DC 16)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +9) At will—obscuring mist, speak with animals (fish only) Spells known (CL 1st; concentration +2) 1st (4/day)—color spray (DC 12), touch of the sea* 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitationStatistics Str 24, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 13Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 25 Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Power Attack, Skill Focus (swim) Skills Diplomacy +12, Fly +12, Heal +12, Knowledge (nature) +13, Perception +12, Sense Motive +12, Survival +12, Swim +29Languages Aquan, Common, DraconicSQ water breathing,



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Lithe dragons are slimmer, longer, more serpentine versions of normal dragons. They have longer necks, short yet delicate limbs, and elongated bodies. If a normal dragon has a feline grace a lithe dragon will remind onlookers of a serpent when it moves, gliding along with a bounding slithering gait.

Creating a Lithe Dragon

“Lithe dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon that does not have the massive template. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

CR: same as the base creature minus one (-1), recalculate experience as normal.

Initiative: add +3 to account for the new dexterity bonus

Armor Class: add +3 to AC to account for the new dexterity bonus. Add Dexterity bonus to Flat Footed AC (see Special Attacks below).

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature minus 2 hit dice.

Saves: add +3 to Reflex saves to account for the new Dexterity bonus.

Speed: Same as the base creature but increase any flight maneuverability by one step (good to perfect, average to good, poor to average and clumsy to poor).

Damage: Decrease all damage ratings (except for the breath weapon) by one die type (for example bite 4d6 becomes 4d4) and reduce attack and damage bonuses by 2 to reflect the new strength modifier.

Space: Same as the base creature but due to the lithe dragon’s relatively longer neck its bite reach is increased to 10 feet for a Medium dragon, 15 feet for a large dragon, 20 feet for a huge dragon, 30 feet for a Gargantuan dragon, and 40 feet for a Colossal dragon.

Special Attacks: same as the base creature plus the following special abilities that reflect the dragons grace, quickness, and lighter mass.

Long Tail (Ex): The lithe dragon has a particularly long tail that increases its tail slap reach to 20 feet in a Large dragon, 30 feet in a Huge dragon, 40 feet in a Gargantuan dragon, and 60 feet in a Colossal dragon. The Tail Sweep radius also increased to 40 feet in a Gargantuan dragon and 60 feet in Colossal ones.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): because of its flexibility and speed the lithe dragon retains its dexterity bonus to Armor Class even when Flat Footed.

Abilities: Increase Dex +6 and Decrease Str by -4.

Base Attack Bonuses: change Base Atk to new HD, minus 4 from CMB and minus 3 from CMD to reflect the new HD, Str and Dex scores.

Skills: Skills remain the same as the base creature but modify skills based on Dexterity by +3 and Strength by -2 to reflect the new ability modifiers.

The copper dragon ridden by the sorceress is sleek and elongated, more like an Imperial dragon from the East than a metallic dragon from the west.


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ADULT COPPER LITHE DRAGON CR 11 XP 12,800 CG Large dragon (earth)Init +8; Senses dragon senses; Perception +22Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 21)Defense AC 32, touch 10, flat-footed 31; (+4 Dex, +19 natural, -1 Size) hp 159 (13d12+75) Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +13 Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge; DR 5/magic; Immune acid, paralysis, sleep; SR 23Offence Speed 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (average); climb stoneMelee bite +19 (2d4+8/19–20), 2 claws +19 (1d6+5/19–20), 2 wings +14 (1d4+1), tail +14 (1d6+8)Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, DC 22, 12d6 acid), slow breath, long tail. At will—grease (DC 15), hideous laughter (DC 16), stone shape Spells known (CL 7th) 3rd (5/day)—dispel magic, major image (DC 17) 2nd (7/day)—glitterdust (DC 16), invisibility, phantom trap 1st (7/day)—alarm, identify, magic missile, shield, silent image (DC 15) 0 (at will)—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 14), light, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic

Statistics Str 21, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18Base Atk +13; CMB +19; CMD 31 (35 vs. trip) Feats Combat Expertise, Greater Trip, Improved Critical (bite, claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Bluff +22, Craft (traps) +28, Diplomacy +22, Fly +16, Perception +22, Perform (comedy) +19, Sense Motive +22, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +18, Use Magic Device +22 Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Halfling SQ trap master



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Massive dragons are larger, tougher, more muscular versions of normal dragons. They have shorter necks, massive limbs, and heavy bodies. If a normal dragon has a feline grace a massive dragon will remind onlookers of a bear or rhinoceros when it moves, deliberate and clumsy yet full of power.

Creating a Massive Dragon

“Massive dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon that does not have the lithe template. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

CR: Increase CR by one and recalculate experience as normal

Initiative: reduce by 2 due to the new Dexterity bonus.

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature plus 2 hit dice recalculate constitution hp bonus as normal

Saves: add +1 to Fortitude and -2 to Reflex saves to reflect the new Constitution and Dexterity modifiers.

Speed: Same as the base creature but reduce any flight maneuverability by one step (good to average, average to poor, and poor to clumsy).

Damage: Increase all damage ratings (except for the breath weapon) by one die type (so claw 2d6 becomes claw 2d8) and increase any attack and damage bonuses by +3 to reflect the new Strength modifier.

Space: Same as the base creature except that because of the dragon’s relatively short neck its bite reach is reduced to 5 feet for a Large dragon, 10 feet for a Huge one, 15 feet for a Gargantuan one, and 20 feet for a Colossal one.

Special Attacks: same as the base creature plus choose one of the following special abilities to reflect the dragons larger size and mass.

Natural Armor (Ex): The massive dragon has an armored shell like a turtle that gains it a +2 natural bonus to AC (in additional to all other natural bonuses).

Rend (Ex): (Prerequisite: A dragon must have 2 front claw attacks to have this ability, dragons cannot rend with their hind talons.) If the dragon hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This automatically deals double the dragon’s claw damage plus the dragon’s Strength bonus.

Swallow Whole (Ex): (Prerequisite: A dragon must be of Huge size or larger to have this ability.) The dragon can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Medium or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d6+6 points of crushing damage plus 1d8+4 points of acid damage per round from the dragon’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out using claws or a light slashing weapon by dealing 25 points of damage to the dragon’s digestive tract (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The dragon’s gullet can hold two Medium-size, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6 and Con by +2. Decrease Dex to -4.

Base Attack Bonus: Change Base Atk to new HD, add +5 to CMB and add +3 CMD to reflect the new HD, Strength and Dexterity modifiers.

Skills: Same as base creature but modify skill bonuses based on Strength by +3, Constitution by +1, and Dexterity by -2 to reflect the new attribute bonuses.


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Feats: Same as base creature. Dragons with Weapon Finesse (natural weapon) lose this feat if their Strength is higher than their Dexterity.

The dragons golden form is massively muscled, more like a monstrous lizard than a snake, with huge fore claws and a thick powerful neck...

ADULT GOLD MASSIVE DRAGON CR 16XP 76,800 LG Huge dragon (fire) Init -2; Senses dragon senses; Perception +30Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 24)Defense AC 30, touch 8, flat-footed 30; (+22 natural, -2 Size) hp 270 (20d12+140) Fort +18, Ref +9, Will +18 DR 5/magic; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 26Offence Speed 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy); swim 60 ftMelee bite +29 (2d10+18/19–20), 2 claws +29 (2d8+13/19–20), 2 wings +27 (1d10+8), tail +27 (2d8+18)Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 25, 12d10 fire), crush, rend +29 (4d8+13), weakening breathSpell-Like Abilities (CL 18th) At will—bless, daylight, detect evil Spells known (CL 7th) 3rd (5/day)—dispel magic, prayer 2nd (7/day)—aid, cure moderate wounds (DC 17), resist energy 1st (7/day)—alarm, divine favor, mage armor, shield, shield of faith 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, mending, stabilize, 3 moreStatistics Str 37, Dex 6, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Base Atk +20; CMB +35; CMD 43 (47 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Critical Focus, Extend Spell, Improved Critical (bite, claw), Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Diplomacy +26, Fly +13, Heal +26, Knowledge (arcana, local, nobility, religion) +26, Perception +30, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +26, Swim +42Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, and 3 moreSQ change shape, detect gems, fast flight, luck



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Multi-headed dragons are dragons that have more than one head. Such dragons may be the spawn of Tiamat, have hydra blood, or simply be freaks of nature.

Creating a multi-headed dragon

“Multi-headed Dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon that normally only has a single head. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

CR: Same as the base creature but add +1 for every two heads and change experience as normal.

AC: As the base creature but natural armor increases by +1.

Attacks: The dragon gains one an extra bite attack per extra head in addition to the base creature’s normal attacks.

Special Attacks: same as the base creature plus the following:

Multiple Attacks (Ex): In addition to its normal attacks, multi-headed dragons may make a single bite attack with each head per round at any creature within reach; attacks do not have to target the same opponent. If the base creature has other attacks that are based on the head (such as a gore or breath attack), it gains the ability to use that attack for each head as well. A multi-headed dragon cannot bite and use another attack with the same head in a given round.

Multiple Heads (Ex): A multi-headed dragon gains from 1 to 8 heads in addition to its original head. It can be killed by severing every one of its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must make a successful sunder combat maneuver with a slashing weapon. (The player should declare where the attack is aimed before making the attack roll.) Making a sunder attempt provokes an attack of opportunity unless the attacker has the Improved Sunder feat. An opponent can strike at a multi-headed dragon’s heads from any position in which he could strike at the dragon itself, since the heads writhe and whip about in combat.

Each of the dragon’s heads has hit points equal to the creature’s full normal hit point total divided by its total number of heads. Thus, if a six-headed dragon has 135 hp, a single blow dealing 22 or more points of damage severs a head (135 ÷ 6 = 22.5, rounded down to 22). Losing a head deals damage to the dragon’s body equal to half the head’s full normal hit point total. A natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. Of course, the dragon can no longer attack with a severed head, but suffers no other penalties. If all heads are sundered than the dragon instantly dies.

A multi-headed dragon’s body can be slain just like any other creature and any attack that is not (or cannot be) an attempt to sunder a head affects the body. For example, area effects deal damage to the body, not to the heads. Targeted magical effects cannot sever a head (and thus must be directed at the body) unless they deal slashing damage and could be used to make a sunder attempt. Spells such as finger of death and slay living kill a multi-headed dragon outright if they succeed.

Wishbone Attack (Ex) if the multi-headed dragon scores two bite attacks on the same target in the same round than the dragon can perform a wishbone attack. In this attack the dragon will grip the victim with both sets of jaws and attempt to rip the target in half. If the victim fails a reflex check (same DC as the dragon’s breath weapon save) he fails to slip out of the dragon’s grip and automatically takes an extra 2d6+ the dragon’s Strength bonus in points of damage from the ripping jaws.

Skills: Same as base creature except that the dragon gains a +2 bonus to Perception checks due to their multiple heads.


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Feats: Same as base creature except that the multi-headed dragon must have Combat reflexes and Multiattack. I they do not already have those feats than they replace other feats. Combat reflexes allows the dragon to use each of its heads for attacks of opportunity each round, but no more than one attack per opponent

SQ: add multi-headed

The golden-red dragon perches upon the cliff like a horrid eagle, its three heads peering about with watchful eyes...

ADULT RED THREE-HEADED DRAGON CR 15XP 51,200 LE Huge dragon (fire) Init +0; Senses dragon senses, smoke vision; Perception +25Aura fire (5 ft., 1d6 fire), frightful presence (180 ft., DC 21) Defense AC 30, touch 8, flat-footed 30; (+22 natural, -2 Size) hp 212 (17d12+102)Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +15 DR 5/magic; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 25Offence Speed 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)Melee 3 bites +25 (2d8+15), 2 claws +25 (2d6+10), 2 wings +23 (1d8+5), tail slap +23 (2d6+15) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 24, 12d10 fire), crush, multiple attacks, multiple heads, wishbone attack (DC 24, 2d6+15) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th) At will—detect magic, pyrotechnics (DC 15), suggestion (DC 16) Spells known (CL 7th) 3rd (5/day)—dispel magic, haste 2nd (7/day)—invisibility, resist energy, see invisibility 1st (7/day)—alarm, grease (DC 14), magic missile, shield, true strike 0 (at will)—arcane mark, light, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magicStatistics Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Base Atk +17; CMB +29; CMD 39 (43 vs. trip) Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital StrikeSkills Appraise +23, Bluff +23, Fly +12, Intimidate +23, Knowledge(arcana) +23, Perception +25, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +23, Stealth +12 Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, OrcSQ multi-headed


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Multi-limbed dragons are dragons that have more than four legs. Such dragons, sometimes called centipede dragons, can have as many as fourteen limbs (10 extra limbs) of which at least half are fore-feet.

Creating a multi-limbed dragon

“Multi-limbed Dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon that normally has limbs. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

CR: same as the base creature but for two additional limbs add +2, for 2-8 extra limbs add +2, and for more than eight extra limbs add +3, recalculate experience as normal.

Speed: the dragon gains up to four extra hind limbs. To determine the number randomly roll 1d6 for the number of extra hind-limbs. 1-2 equals no extra back legs, 3-4 equals two extra hind legs and 5-6 equals’ four extra rear claws. Each pair of extra legs increases land speed by 10.

Melee: the dragon gains up to six extra front limbs. To determine the number randomly roll 1d6 for the number of extra fore-limbs. 1-2 equals two extra front claws and 4-5 equals four extra fore-claws, and 6 is equal to six extra limbs. Each extra front claw can do a claw attack for normal claw damage for a dragon of its size even if the dragon does not normally have claw attacks.

Feats: centipede dragons always have the Multiattack feat, if the base dragon did not already have this feat than it replaces another feat.

The colorful sky-blue dragon coils about the thick cliff-side tree holding on with fourteen legs like an immense centipede...

YOUNG FOURTEEN LEGGED CLOUD DRAGON CR 12XP 19,200 N Large dragon (air)Init +0; Senses dragon senses, mist vision; Perception +16Defense AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20; (+11 natural, -1 Size) hp 95 (10d12+30) Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10 Immune electricity, paralysis, sleepOffence Speed 80 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor); swim 40 ftMelee bite +13 (2d6+6), 4 claws +14 (1d8+4), 2 wings +11 (1d6+2), tail slap +11 (1d8+6) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, 6d8 electricity, DC 18) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +12) At will—fog cloud, obscuring mistStatistics Str 18, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 15 Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip) Feats Dazzling Display, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Weapon Focus (claws)Skills Appraise +14, Diplomacy +21, Fly +7, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (planes) +14, Perception +16, Stealth +9, Swim +12 Languages Auran, Draconic


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Multi-tailed dragons are dragons in which the tail splits into two or more tips. As the dragon grows these tendrils grow longer until they resemble a nest of withering serpents behind the dragon.

Creating a multi-tailed dragon

“Multi-tailed Dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon. a multi-tailed dragon’s tail splits into 2d6 separate tendrils. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

CR: Same as the base creature but add +1 and change experience as normal.

Melee: The dragon has all the normal attacks possessed by the base creature in addition to the following.

Tail Slap (Ex) the dragon gains a tail slap attack even if it does not normally have one or has yet to attain the proper age to use the attack. Dragons of tiny or small size do 1d4 points of damage while those of medium size do 1d6 points of damage. Dragons of larger sizes do the amount of damage given under Dragon in Bestiary one.

The dragon can slap one foe each round with each tendril. A tail slap is a secondary attack that deals the indicated damage plus 1-1/2 times the dragon’s Strength bonus (this is an exception to the normal secondary attack rules).

Special Attacks: The dragon has all the normal attacks possessed by the base creature in addition to the following.

Improved Grab (Ex) if a multi-tailed dragon obtains a successful tail slap attack on a creature at least one size level smaller than itself than the dragon not only deals normal damage but can then attempt a Grapple attack as a free action without triggering an attack of opportunity. The dragon can then choose to inflict another tail slap, bite or claw the victim. For each tail slap that strikes the victim gets a -1 penalty to escape the dragon’s grapple and the dragon has a +1 bonus to bonus to strike for each round the victim remains grappled.

A multi-tailed dragon can strike a single creature with up to four tails and more than one target can be grappled at one time, though a bite or claw attack can only be inflicted on one victim at a time. Each tail can take an amount of damage equal to the dragon’s strength bonus before being severed and none of this damage applies the dragon’s hit point total. Severed tendrils regenerate in about a week.

Feats: If the dragon does not have the feat Multiattack than he gains it and it replaces an already existing feat.

According to the local legend Zmei Gorynych, son of Baba Yaga, differs from most of his kind in having twelve tails. If this is sp than the sea green, three headed monstrosity before you is certainly him...

TWELVE-TAILED GORYNYCH CR 16XP 76,800 CE Huge dragonInit +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, true seeing; Perception +23


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Defense AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 26; (+2 Dex, +18 natural, -2 Size) hp 212 (17d12+102) regeneration 5 (acid)Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +15 DR 10/lawful; Immune fire, paralysis, poison, sleep; SR 26Offence Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (poor); swim 50 ftMelee 3 bites +24 (2d8+8), 2 claws +23 (1d8+8), 12 tail slaps +21 (2d6+8)Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft. cone, 5d6 fire, Reflex DC 24 for half, usable every 1d4 rounds), Improved GrabSpell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +19) Constant—true seeing At will—charm person (DC 15), dancing lights, message 3/day—alter self, bestow curse (DC 18), greater dispel magic 1/day—lesser geas (DC 18), limited wish, mislead (DC 20)Statistics Str 27, Dex 15, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 18 Base Atk +17; CMB +27; CMD 39 Feats Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Stand Still, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Fly +7, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (nature) +14, Perception +23, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +14, Swim +24Languages Common, Draconic, SylvanSQ multi-headed


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Multi-winged dragons are dragons that have more than two wings. Such dragons are astonishingly fast and nimble fliers. In mythology both the ‘winged serpents out of Egypt’ and China’s singing serpents had multiple wings.

Creating a multi-winged dragon

“Multi-winged Dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon that normally has wings. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

Speed: the dragon gains up to eight extra wings. To randomly determine the number of extra wings possessed by the dragon roll 1d6. 1-2 equals two extra wings; 3-4 equals four extra wings, a 5 equals six extra wings, and a 6 equals eight extra wings. For every set of extra wings increase the dragon’s fl speed by 50 feet and increase maneuverability by one (good to perfect, average to good, poor to average and clumsy to poor) to represent the dragons aerial prowess.

Melee: the dragon gains an extra wing attacks for each pair of extra wings. Each wing claw can do a claw attack for normal claw damage to a target positioned near the dragon’s side.

Feats: these dragons always have the Hover feat, if the base dragon did not already have this feat than it replaces another feat.

Skills: These dragons always have the fly skill at Dex or better, If the dragon does not have the fly skill than it replaces another (preferably Dex based) skill at the same level.

YOUNG FOUR-WINGED SILVER DRAGON CR 10XP 9,600 LG Large dragon (cold) Init +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +17Defense AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 21; (+1 Dex, +12 natural, –1 size) hp 104 (11d12+33) fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12 Immune acid, cold, paralysis, sleep Weaknesses vulnerability to fireOffence Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (good); cloudwalking, graceful flightMelee bite +16 (2d6+7), 2 claws +15 (1d8+5), 4 wings +13 (1d6+2), tail +13 (1d8+7)Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft. cone, DC 18, 6d8 cold), paralyzing breathSpell-Like Abilities (CL 11th)

At will—detect evil Spells known (CL 1st)

1st (4/day)—alarm, true strike


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0 (at will)—detect magic, light, message, read magicStatistics Str 21, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) Feats Hover, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Acrobatics +12, Diplomacy +17, Fly +13, Heal +17, Intimidate +17, Know. (local) +17, Perception +17, S. Motive +17, Spellcraft +17 Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant SQ change shape


Orms are a mutated form variety of dragon with neither wings nor legs. In form almost appears to be a gigantic slimy snake with draconian features. Orms may be found in all mythologies.

Creating an Orm

“Orm” is a template that may be added to any dragon. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

Speed: minus -10 on the base creatures land movement and remove any flight movement rate.

Melee: remove all of the base creature’s attacks except for Bite, Gore, Tail Slap, and Tail Sweep.

Special Attacks: same as the base creature but minus any involving limbs or wings (see melee) and add on the following abilities:

Improved Grab (Ex) if an orm obtains a successful bite attack on a creature at least one size level smaller than itself than the dragon not only deals normal damage but can then attempt a Grapple attack as a free action without triggering an attack of opportunity. The dragon can then choose to constrict or simply hold its opponent. If the latter than the dragon tales a -20 penalty on grapple checks but is not considered grappled itself.

Constrict (Ex): with a grapple attack upon a single opponent of at least one size category smaller than itself, an orm can coil its body around the victim and constrict. Constriction deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to the claw damage dealt by a normal dragon of the orm’s size. The dragon can inflict damage in the same round as the initial grapple attack and thereafter the dragon has the option to conduct the grapple normally inflicting constriction damage each round the victim remains grappled.

Feats: Same as the base creature. Feats requiring hands, claws, feet, or wings cannot be taken. Orms cannot choose Multiattack or snatch as they lack limbs. Improved critical using the claws or tail should be changed to Improved critical (constrict).

Skills: same as the base creature but remove any jump bonus to Acrobatics, and replace Slight of Hand and Fly with another skill. Orms favor Swim (str) and Stealth (dex) but any skills may be chosen. Consider any skill already possessed by that dragon type to be Class Skills and all others to be Non-Class skills for determining new skill levels.


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The creature that slithers from the lava resembles a vast limbless serpent with a horned head, it slithers forward dripping drops of magma and roars...

ADULT MAGMA DRAGON ORM CR 14XP 19,200 CE large dragon (fire)Init +2; Senses dragon senses; Perception +22Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 20)Defense AC 30, touch 11, flat-footed 28 (++2 Dex, +19 natural, –1 size)hp 172 (15d12+75) Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +15DR 5/magic; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 23 Weaknesses vulnerable to coldOffence Speed 30 ftMelee bite +22 (2d6+12/19–20 plus 6 fire), tail slap +17 (1d8+12) Space 10 ft, Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft. cone, DC 22, 12d6 fire), constrict (medium-sized or smaller, 1d8+8/19–20), improved grabSpell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +18) At will—burning hands (DC 14), scorching ray, wall of fire Spells known CL 7th; concentration +10) 3rd (5/day)—dispel magic, fireball (DC 16) 2nd (7/day)—dust of twilight*, flaming sphere (DC 15), glitterdust (DC 15), scorching ray, 1st (7/day)—feather fall, flare burst* (DC 14), grease (DC 14), shield, true strike 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 13), detect magic, detect poison, open/ close, read magic, spark*, touch of fatigue.Statistics Str 27, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 17Base Atk +25; CMB +24; CMD 35 (39 vs. trip) Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (constrict), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +15, Appraise + 13, Climb +26, Escape Artist +16, Intimidate +21, Perception +22, Sense Motive +22, Stealth +15, Survival +19, Swim +26Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, IgnanSQ superheated



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Mother Tiamat, who fashioned all things, contributed an indomitable weapon: she bore giant snakes, sharp of claw and unsparing of fang. She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood; she cloaked these ferocious dragons with fearsome ways, made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike. Now whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!

- Enuma Elish (Babylonian Creation Myth)

Many legends tell of dragons with acid slime for blood and poisonous spines, tail stings, or bites. This template creates just such a dragon.

Creating a Virulent Dragon

“Virulent dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon to give it the ‘venomous’ ichors mentioned in myth. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes... CR: Same as the base creature plus one, recalculate experience as normal.

Defensive Abilities: an envenomed dragon has all the defenses of the base creature and gains the following traits.

Poison Immunity (Ex) Virulent dragons are immune to all poisons.

Toxic Blood (Ex) the dragon’s blood is acidic and poisonous making it hazardous to other beings. Any creature that cuts a virulent dragon with a hand-held weapon (such as a sword) must make a reflex save (DC 10 + the dragon’s age category) or be splashed with the blood. Any creature that bites the dragon is automatically poisoned as well. Damage is 1d4 constitution.

Special Attacks: The dragon possesses all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following...

Poison (Ex) The dragon has a poisonous bite, quills, or scorpion-like sting (choose one). Injury poison; save as dragon’s breath weapon (or DC 17 if dragon has no breath); frequency 1/ round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based

Slimy Poison (Ex) The dragon secretes a snail-like slime that constantly oozes out of the skin. This slime slowly poisons any plants it touches causing them to wither and die. Virulent dragon lairs thus are easily identified from the barren soil around the cave or lake the dragon dwells in. If a person or animal touches this slime (such as with an attack with bare hands) it acts as a contact poison doing an initial amount of damage equal to 2d4 Str and secondary damage 4d4 Str. The save is constitution based and the Fortitude DC is equal to the dragon’s HD.

The black dragon crawls forward, venomous ichors dripping from its flesh...

ADULT VIRULENT BLACK DRAGON CR 13XP 25,600 CE Large dragon (water) Init +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +24Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 19)Defense AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 27; (+1 Dex, +18 natural, -1 Size) hp 161 (14d12+70) Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +12DR 5/magic; Immune acid, paralysis, poison, sleep; SR 22


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Special Defenses: Toxic Blood (reflex DC 16, 1d4 Con damage)Offence Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor); swim 60 ftMelee bite +21 (2d6+10), 2 claws +20 (1d8+7), 2 wings +15 (1d6+3), tail sting +15 (1d8+10 + poison) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, DC 22, 12d6 acid), Corrupt Water, Poison (successful tail attack, DC 22, 1/ round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution damage; cure 2 consecutive saves), Slimy Poison (touch with bare flesh only, DC 14, 2d4 Str/4d4 Str). Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th) At will—darkness (60-ft. radiusSpells known (CL 3rd) 1st (6/day)—alarm, mage armor, obscuring mist 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, mending, message, read magicStatistics Str 25, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 14 Base Atk +14; CMB +24; CMD 33 (37 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite)Skills Fly +12, Handle Animal +16, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Perception +24, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +17, Swim +32 Languages Common, Draconic, GiantSQ speak with reptiles, swamp stride, water breathing


Wyverns-dragons are a mutated form variety of dragon that has no front claws. In shape it looks like an immense wyvern with a breath weapon. Wyvern Dragons have specialized tails armed with sharp quills. Wyverns may be found in all mythologies.

Creating a Wyvern-Dragon

“Wyvern-dragon” is a template that may be added to any dragon with four legs and two wings. The dragon’s Type and statistics remain the same except for the following changes...

Hit Dice: as that of the base creature -1.

Speed: as the base creature but reduce land speed by 10.

Melee: as the base creature but remove claw attacks and add the following ability...

Tail Slap (Ex) the dragon gains a tail slap attack even if it does not normally have one or has yet to attain the proper age to use the attack. Dragons of tiny or small size do 1d4 points of damage while those of medium size do 1d6 points of damage. Dragons of larger sizes do the amount of damage given under Dragon in Bestiary one

Special Attacks: same as the base creature and add the following abilities:

Long Tail (Ex): The wyvern-dragon has a particularly long tail that is so flexible it can strike to the front of the dragon as well as to the rear and sides.


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Tail Spikes (Ex): The wyvern-dragon has a tail that ends in porcupine-like spines. These tail quills do an extra amount of damage with a tail slap or they may be shot like arrows using the normal tail slap bonus using the statistics found in the chart below. Shot quills grow back in about a week.

Dragon’s Size

Range Quill Damage

# of quills shot per round

Total amount of quills

Tiny 30 1 1 4Small 40 1d2 2 6

Medium 60 1d4 3 8Large 80 1d6 4 10Huge 100 1d8 5 12

Gargantuan 120 1d10 6 14Colossal 140 2d6 7 16

Rake (Ex): a flying wyvern-dragon can rake with both hind claws for normal claw damage. It cannot rake while standing on the ground as it must balance on both legs to keep from toppling over.

Feats: Same as the base creature but any weapon focusing on the claws should be changed to the tail.

ANCIENT BRASS WYVERN DRAGON CR 16XP 76,800CG Huge dragon (fire) Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +34Aura fire (10 ft., 1d6 fire), frightful presence (300 ft., DC 26)Defense AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 38; (+30 natural, -2 Size) hp 290 (21d12+154) Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +18 DR 15/magic; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 27 Weaknesses vulnerability to coldOffence Speed 50 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)Melee bite +31 (2d8+16), 2 wings +29 (1d8+5), tail slap +29 (2d6+16)Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, DC 28, 20d4 fire), crush, desert wind, long tail, rake +31 (2d6+11), sandstorm, sleep breath, tail spikes + 29 (1d8, range 100 ft, 5 quills/round, 12 quills total)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22nd) At will—control weather, control winds, endure elements, speak with animals, suggestion (DC 18) Spells known (CL 15th) 7th (4/day)—g. teleport, power word blind 6th (6/day)—forceful hand, geas, greater dispel magic, 5th (7/day)—contact other plane, dominate person (DC 22), mirage arcana 4th (7/day)—charm monster (DC 21), confusion (DC 21), dimensional anchor, locate creature 3rd (7/day)—displacement, heroism, hold person (DC 20), tongues 2nd (7/day)—alter self, detect thoughts (DC 17), locate object, resist energy, see invisibility 1st (8/day)—alarm, charm person (DC 18), protection from evil, shield, ventriloquism 0 (at will)—arcane


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mark, dancing lights, d. magic, d. poison, ghost sound (DC 15), mage hand, message, prestidigitation, r. magicStatistics Str 33, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Base Atk +22; CMB +35; CMD 45 (49 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Greater Spell Focus (enchant), Hover, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (enchant), Vital Strike Skills Bluff +30, Diplomacy +30, Fly +17, Heal +30, Knowledge (local, history) +30, Linguistics +30, Perception +34, Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft +30, Survival +30 Languages Common, Draconic, plus any 22 others SQ move sand

Examples of Combining TemplatesIt is pretty simple to combine these templates to create just about any dragon found in mythology. Some templates contradict each other and should never be applied to the same animal unless circumstances are very unusual. In any case I recommend combining templates in the following order...

A: Choose your dragon’s mass template:None (your dragon is as graceful as a big cat)Lithe Template (elongated, snake-like dragon)Massive Template (short-necked, burly, bear-like dragon)

B: Choose a basic body shape template:None (the dragon remains the same form it originally was, usually a classic dragon)Amphiptere Template (winged serpent)Knucker Template (wingless dragon)Lindorm Template (wingless but with only two legs)Orm Template (legless and wingless like a huge snake)Wyvern-Dragon Template (two legs but winged)

These body shapes cannot be mixed; one must only apply one to a single dragon with the exception of the knucker template which can also be used to depict a winged dragon grounded by injury.

B: choose one or more horrible features Template, most of these can be mixed or matched:

None (what you already got is good enough)Multi-headed Dragon (two to nine headed dragons)Multi-limbed Dragons (centipede dragons, can only be normal dragons or knuckers)Multi-tailed Dragon (up to a dozen tentacle-like tail tips)Multi-Winged (a dragon with four or more wings, can only be normal dragons, amphipteres, or wyvern-dragons.Virulent (dragons full of poisonous blood and slime)

To show the possibilities of using multiple templates to create unique dragons I am going to recreate five famous dragons from mythology; the avatar of Dahak, Bruyn’s locust dragon. The Peluda, the Tarasque, and Japan’s Orochi.


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Standing before you is a three headed monstrosity of a dragon. Black of scale with a scorpion’s tail and three heads, the central one shaped like a demonic human face and the others looking more like skulls than those of a true dragon. From the cut your sword gave it’s shoulder drips not blood but scorpions, snakes, and foul poison. In horror you realize you are looking upon Azihi Dahaki the black dragon that acts as the avatar of Dahak, draconian god of death and destruction!

Azhi Dahaki was the name for Dahak in Persian mythology and is a good example of combining multiple templates. It is nothing more than an ancient black dragon with the giant, fiendish, many-headed, and virulent templates added to it in that order.

ANCIENT, GIANT, VIRULENT, FIENDISH, 3-HEADED BLACK DRAGONCR 20XP 614,400 CE Gargantuan dragon (water) Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +36Aura frightful presence (300 ft., DC 25)Defense AC 41, touch 8, flat-footed 40; (+34 natural, -2 Size, -1 Dex) hp 297 (22d12+154)Fort +22, Ref +12, Will +18 DR 15/magic, cold, & fire, DR 10/good; Immune acid, paralysis, poison, sleep; SR 27Special Defenses: Toxic Blood (DC 20, 1d4 Con)Offence Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor); swim 60 ftMelee 3 bites +32 (2d10+18 plus 4d6 acid), 2 claws +33 (2d8+11), 2 wings +31 (1d10+5), tail sting +31 (2d8+16)Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks acid pool (50-ft. radius), acidic bite, breath weapon (100-ft. line, DC 28, 20d6 acid), corrupt water, crush, multiple attacks, multiple heads, poison (tail attack, DC 28, 1/round for 6 rounds, 1d4 Con, cure 2 consecutive saves), slimy poison (touch with bare flesh only, DC 22, 2d4 Str/4d4 Str), smite good 1/day (swift action, +4 to attack rolls, +22 damage), wishbone (DC 28, 2d6 +13)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22nd) At will—darkness (100-ft. radius), insect plague, plant growth Spells known (CL 11th) 5th (4/day)—cone of cold (DC 19), wall of force 4th (7/day)—arcane eye, black tentacles, dimension door, 3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, heroism, hold person (DC 17), slow (DC 17) 2nd (7/day)—blur, glitterdust (DC 16), invisibility, summon swarm, whispering wind 1st (7/day)—alarm, mage armor, magic missile, obscuring mist, true strike 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, light, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, resistanceStatistics Str 37, Dex 8, Con 29, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 18 Base Atk +22; CMB +35; CMD 46 (50 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite)Skills Fly +16, Handle Animal +26, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (arcana) +29, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (geography) +29, Perception +36, Spellcraft +29, Stealth +22, Swim +46Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, OrcSQ multi-headed, speak with reptiles, swamp stride, water breathing


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A tiny, chubby, dragon with a lobster-like carapace, six pairs of moth wings and six legs lands among the insects that crawl across the forest floor.

The Faerie Dragon of Bestiary 3 is one of the most familiar sights in modern fantasy. However it’s first appearance in literature was in an engraving from 1594 by Nicolaes de Bruyn in a series of prints entitled 'Pictures of Flying Creatures of Varied Kinds'. Dubbed the locust dragon; the six winged, six limbed creature actually has the wings, antennae, and the mouthparts of a moth and the fish-like tail back armor of a crayfish.

MASSIVE 6 LEGGED, 6 WINGED FAERIE DRAGON CR 4XP 1,200 CG Tiny dragon Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8Defense AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15; (+3 Dex, Dodge +1, +4 natural, +2 Size) hp 42 (5d12+10) Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5 Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 13Offence Speed 30 ft., fly 160 ft. (perfect); swim 30 ftMelee bite +7 (1d4+2), 2 claws + 5 (1d3+2)Space: 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.Special Attacks breath weapon (5-ft. cone, euphoria, Fort DC 12 negates, usable every 1d4 roundsSpell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +6) 3/day—greater invisibility (self only)Spells known (CL 3rd; concentration +6) 1st (6/day)—grease (DC 14), silent image (DC 14), sleep (DC 14) 0 (at will)—dancing lights, flare (DC 13), ghost sound (DC 13), mage hand, open/close.Statistics Str 15, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16 Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip) Feats Acrobatics, Hover, MultiattackSkills Acrobatics +6 (-2 when jumping), Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Fly +23, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +15, Swim +16, Use Magic Device +9Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.


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A monstrous form slithers from the lake, an albino serpent with eight heads and eight tails that is so huge that its gigantic body seems to cover the hills and an entire forest grows upon its back.

The Dragon of Koshi is multi-headed and multi-tailed dragon from Japanese mythology. It is most famous for being the dragon that was tricked into getting drunk upon saki before being slain by the hero Takehaya Susanowo who found the Imperial Sword of Japan lodged in one of it’s tails.

ANCIENT EIGHT-HEADED & EIGHT-TAILED FOREST DRAGON ORMCR 23 XP 819,200 CE Gargantuan dragon (earth) Init +3;Senses dragon senses, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +35Aura frightful presence (300 ft., DC 29)Defense AC 40, touch 5, flat-footed 40; (–1 Dex, +35 natural, –4 size)hp 387 (25d12+225) Fort +22, Ref +13, Will +21 DR 10/adamantine; Immune paralysis, poison, sleep; SR 30 OffenceSpeed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 30 ft.Melee 8 bites +36 (4d6+19/19–20), gore +34 (2d8+19), tail slap +32 (2d8+19)Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with bite and gore)Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. cone, 20d6 piercing damage, DC 32), constrict (on successful grapple, 2d8+13 bludgeoning damage), crush (DC 32, 2d8+19), destructive crush, improved grab (on successful tail slap dragon may choose to constrict or do a melee attack at +1 per successful tail slap attack up to a total of +8, victim is -1 to escape the grapple or each tail holding him to a maximum of -8), multiple attacks (bite), multiple heads, tail sweep (2d6+19, DC 35), wishbone (DC 32, 2d6+13) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th; concentration +30) At will—animate plants, entangle (DC 16), blight (DC 20), pass without trace, tree strideSpells known (CL 15th; concentration +20) 7th (4/day)—power word blind, waves of exhaustion (DC 22) 6th (6/day)—acid fog, disintegrate (DC 21), move earth 5th (7/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 20), cloudkill (DC 20), feeblemind (DC 20), passwall 4th (7/day)—bestow curse (DC 19), charm monster (DC 19), solid fog, stone shape 3rd (7/day)—lightning bolt (DC 18), wind wall, slow (DC 18), stinking cloud (DC 18) 2nd (7/day)—fog cloud, glitterdust, hideous laughter, invisibility, touch of idiocy 1st (8/day)—hypnotism (DC 16), obscuring mist, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 16), shield 0 (at-will)—dancing lights, daze (DC 15), detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigueStatistics Str 37, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Base Atk +25; CMB +42; CMD 51 (55 vs. trip) Feats: Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Greater Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)Skills Acrobatics +25 (+29 when flying), Bluff +35, Climb +47, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +28, Fly +0, Intimidate +33, Knowledge (arcana, nature) +31, Perception +35, Spellcraft +33, Stealth +25, Survival +29Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Sylvan, Terran SQ change shape, multi-headed, sound imitation, woodland stride


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The dragon crawls forward on four legs, instead of wings its back is covered in needle-like spines that ripple in the breeze like spring grass and the tail drags behind it oozing a toxic slime...

The Peluda was a French dragon that was a typical green except for its lack of wings and back covered in poisonous porcupine-like quills. Some stories say it shot its quills but, as porcupines were said to do the same thing but in reality do not, I omitted that here and just made it an adult green dragon with the knucker and virulent templates. For a quill shooting version just add the special attack from the wyvern-dragon template and increase CR by one.

ADULT VIRULENT GREEN KNUCKER DRAGON CR 13XP 25,600 LE Huge dragon (air) Init +0; Senses dragon senses; Perception +25Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 20)Defense AC 27, touch 8, flat-footed 27; (+19 natural, -2 Size) hp 172 (15d12+75) fort +14, Ref +9, Will +14 DR 5/magic; Immune acid, paralysis, poison, sleep; SR 23Special Defenses: Toxic Blood (DC 16, 1d4 Con)Offence Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ftMelee bite +21 (2d8+12/19–20), 2 claws +21 (2d6+8/19–20), tail slap +16 (2d6+12) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 22, 12d6 acid), crush (Small creatures, DC 22, 2d8+12), poison quills on body (DC 22, 1 round for 6 rounds, 1d4 Con, cure is two consecutive saves), Slimy Poison (bare skin only, DC 15, 2d4 Str and secondary damage 4d4 Str)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th) At will—charm person (DC 14), entangle (DC 14), suggestion (DC 16) Spells known (CL 5th) 2nd (5/day)—alter self, mirror image 1st (7/day)—shield, silent image (DC 14), summon monster I, ventriloquism (DC 14) 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitationStatistics Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Base Atk +15; CMB +25; CMD 35 (39 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (bite, claws), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack)Skills Climb +18, Knowledge (arcane) +21, Knowledge (nature) +21, Perception +25, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +10, Survival +21, Swim +34, Use Magic Device +21 Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, SylvanSQ trackless step, water breathing, woodland stride


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The creature that crawls from the river looks like an immense red turtle with the tawny head of a lion and six thick clawed legs. As it approaches a torrent of fire erupts from its leonine jaws.

The Tarasque of French lore is a very different beast than the “Tarrasque” of Pathfinder but shares its glutinous appetite. An ox-sized tubby beast with six bear-like legs, a leonine mane, and armored like a turtle, it was subdued and tamed by Saint Martha before being beaten to death by villagers. Here it is depicted as a young red dragon with the massive, knucker, and multi-limbed templates.

YOUNG MASSIVE SIX-LIMBED RED KNUCKER DRAGON CR 13XP 9,600 CE Large dragon (fire) Init -1; Senses dragon senses, smoke vision; Perception +15Defense AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 21; (+1Dex, +14 natural, -1 Size) hp 149 (13d12+65)Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +10 Immune fire, paralysis, sleepWeaknesses vulnerability to coldSpecial Defenses: natural armor +2Offence Speed 50 ft.Melee bite +20 (2d8+13), 4 claws +20 (1d10+10), tail slap +18 (1d10+13)Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (5 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft. cone, DC 19, 6d10 fire)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th) At will—detect magic Spells known (CL 1st) 1st (3/day)—shield, true strike 0 (at will)—mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magicStatistics Str 31, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Base Atk +13; CMB +24; CMD 33 (37 vs. trip) Feats Cleave, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Appraise +15, Bluff +15, Intimidate +15, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +9, Swim +20Languages Common, Draconic


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This chapter gives quick charts to easily convert the dragons of the above templates without having to access several books. Here is a quick ability score chart and a CR to experience chart as well as a short summary of skills and their relevant attributes.

Quick Ability Score Chart

Ability Score Modifier Ability Score

Modifier Ability Score


1 -5 16-17 +3 32-33 +112-3 -4 18-19 +4 34-35 +124-5 -3 20-21 +5 36-37 +136-7 -2 22-23 +6 38-39 +148-9 -1 24-15 +7 40-41 +15

10-11 0 26-27 +8 42-43 +1612-13 +1 28-29 +9 44-45 +1714-15 +2 30-31 +10 etc

Quick Experience Chart

CR Total Xp CR

Total Xp

½ 200 13 25,6001 400 14 38,4002 600 15 51,2003 800 16 76,8004 1,200 17 102,4005 1,600 18 153,6006 2,400 19 204,8007 3,200 20 614,4008 4,800 21 409,6009 6,400 22 614,40010 9,600 23 819,20011 12,800 24 1,228,400


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12 19,200 25 1,638,400

Skills Involving Str & Dex

Strength DexterityClimb AcrobaticsSwim Disable Device

DisguiseEscape Artist


Slight of HandStealth



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Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document. ©2000. Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. ©2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4, © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen RadneyMacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork Shaw, and Russ Taylor.

Creature Collection 111: Savage Bestiary, © 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.