dr. sudeep k.c.. acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. etiology: infants and child...


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Page 1: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:



Page 2: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:

Acute suppurative otitis Media

•Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms.

•Etiology:• Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group . • • Routes of infection: Via Eustachian tube(Most common route)Via External earBlood borne

Page 3: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


Recurrent attacks of common cold , URTI, measles , Diptheria, whooping cough.Infections of tonsils and adenoids.Chronic rhinitis and sinusitisNasal allergyTumours of nasopharynx , packing of nose

Page 4: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


Streptococcus pneumoniae – 30%Haemophilus influenza-20% Moraxella catarrhalis -12%Other organisms : streptococus pyogenes, staph. aureus , pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Page 5: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:

Pathology and clinical features:

1)Stage of tubal occlusion: Oedema and hyperemia of nasopharyngeal end of Eustachian tube blocks the tube negative intra tympanic pressureretraction of TM.


Deafness and ear ache , no fever.


TM is retracted with shortening of handle of malleus and loss of the light reflex.

Page 6: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:

2)STAGE OF PRE-SUPPURATION: prolonged tubal occlusioninvasion of tympanic cavity by pyogenic organism causing hyperaemia of its lininginflamatory exduate appearTM congested.

Symptoms: Marked ear ache that disturbs sleep.Deafness and tinnitus.High fever.

Signs: Congestion of pars tensa , cart wheel apperance of TM, finally it get uniformly red.

Page 7: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:

3)STAGE OF SUPPURATION:This is marked by formation of pus in middle ear and mastoid air cells.TM starts bulging to a point of rupture.

Symptoms: Excruciating Ear ache.Increasing Deafness.High fever with vomiting and even convulsion.

Signs:Tm is red and bulging with loss of landmarks .Handle of malleus is engulfed by swollen and protuding TM.yellow spot is seen where rupture is imminent.x-ray mastoid show clouding of air cells.

Page 8: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


TM ruptures with release of pus and subsidence of symptoms . Inflammatory process begins to resolve.

Symptoms:With evacuation of pus Earache is relieved , fever comes down .

Signs:External auditory canalcontain blood tinged or mucopurulent discharge.Perforation on TM .

Page 9: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


If the virulence of organism is high or resistance of patient is poor , resolution may not take place and disease spreads beyond middle ear.

Page 10: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


1)Antibacterial Therapy: It is indicated in all cases with fever and severe ear ache.It should be continued at least for 10 days.

2)Decongestant nasal drops: Ephedrine , oxy or xylo metazoline.

3)Oral nasal decongestant : Pseudoephedrine 30 mg twice daily .or combination of decongestant with anti histamin.

Page 11: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:

4)Analgesics and antipyretics:

5)Ear toilet:

6)Dry local heat:

7)Myringotomy : It is incising drum to evacuate pus .


a)Drum is bulging and there is acute pain.

b)Incomplete resolution despite antibiotics when drum remain full with persistent conductive deafness.

c)Persistent effusion beyond 12 weeks

Page 12: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


insidious condition characterized by accumulation of non purulent effusion in middle ear cleft.

Page 13: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


1)Malfunctioning of Eustachian tube:

2)Increased secretory activity of middle ear mucosa:

Page 14: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


1)Malfunctioning of Eustachian tube : The causes are Adenoid hyperplasia.Chronic sinusitis and rhinitisChronic tonsillitisTumours of nasopharynx 2)Allergy 3)Unresolved otitis media 4)Viral infections

Page 15: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


Symptoms : The disease affects 5-8 yrs of age.Hearing lossDelayed and defective speechMild ear ache

Otoscopic findings:

TM is often dull and opaque with loss of light reflex .a) It may appear yellow , grey or bluish colour . B)Thin leash of blood vessel is seen along handle of malleus and periphery of TM . C)Retraction of TM with Air fluid level .Mobility of TM get restricted .

Page 16: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:


A)Medical DecongestantsAnti allergic MeasuresAntibioticsMiddle ear aeration

Page 17: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:

B)Surgical: Myringotomy and aspiration of fluidGrommet insertionTympanotomy or cortical matoidectomySurgical treatment of causative factor

Page 18: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection:
Page 19: DR. SUDEEP K.C.. Acute inflammation of middle ear by pyogenic organisms. Etiology: Infants and child of lower socioeconomic group. Routes of infection: