dr simon barton - student feedback

Dr Simon Barton Student Feedback and Testimonies “Simon is a dynamic and engaging lecturer who consistently imparts difficult and complex information in a way that is accessible for students of all abilities. He excels at giving students both the opportunities and the confidence to engage critically with challenging primary and secondary material, while constantly motivating us to develop and express our ideas more fully. Simon is perhaps the most approachable lecturer in the University of Salford’s English department, and he is thought very highly of by myself and my fellow students.” Lisa Marie Donlan, 2013-2016 “I have had Dr. Simon Barton teach me in both Modernism and Postmodernism modules during my third and final year at Salford University. Simon is an excellent teacher, and it is of no surprise to myself that some of my best academic work has been a product of my engagement with Simon's seminars. It is evident from the available seminar material and its delivery that Simon is both enthusiastic and knowledgeable in regards to the prevalent concerns and critical debates that encompass these literary movements. At the beginning of each seminar, Simon spends five to ten minutes recapping our previous discussion in case any questions need addressing, and after each seminar Simon sends everyone a summary email that details the main points of our discussion. In addition, Simon provides physical sheets of text that typically have detailed lists of secondary reading material. In my experience, I have found that myself and others have benefited greatly from his summary emails, if not at first, the value of such emails become apparent when preparing from an assessment or exam. What I am also pleased about in having Simon as a teacher is his approachability. For some students who are shy, it is sometimes difficult to verbally 1

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Dr Simon BartonStudent Feedback and Testimonies

“Simon is a dynamic and engaging lecturer who consistently imparts difficult and complex information in a way that is accessible for students of all abilities. He excels at giving students both the opportunities and the confidence to engage critically with challenging primary and secondary material, while constantly motivating us to develop and express our ideas more fully. Simon is perhaps the most approachable lecturer in the University of Salford’s English department, and he is thought very highly of by myself and my fellow students.” Lisa Marie Donlan, 2013-2016

“I have had Dr. Simon Barton teach me in both Modernism and Postmodernism modules during my third and final year at Salford University. Simon is an excellent teacher, and it is of no surprise to myself that some of my best academic work has been a product of my engagement with Simon's seminars. It is evident from the available seminar material and its delivery that Simon is both enthusiastic and knowledgeable in regards to the prevalent concerns and critical debates that encompass these literary movements.

At the beginning of each seminar, Simon spends five to ten minutes recapping our previous discussion in case any questions need addressing, and after each seminar Simon sends everyone a summary email that details the main points of our discussion. In addition, Simon provides physical sheets of text that typically have detailed lists of secondary reading material. In my experience, I have found that myself and others have benefited greatly from his summary emails, if not at first, the value of such emails become apparent when preparing from an assessment or exam.

What I am also pleased about in having Simon as a teacher is his approachability. For some students who are shy, it is sometimes difficult to verbally articulate a concern regarding assessments or when attempting to determine what is expected of you, especially within a large group of other students, therefore it was very reassuring to have Simon welcome email communication as this in particular has enabled me to get to the root of my concerns. Simon clearly takes his time to carefully address any confusion I have – even after four long-winded emails of panic he still encouraged my questions, and consequently I was able to maintain a positive level of confidence when it eventually came down to presenting what I had learnt.” Zak Saleh 2013-2016

“In both Modernism and Postmodernism Simon has always presented new and often difficult concepts in an engaging and interesting manner, encouraging students to explore theories, allowing for a greater understanding of the texts on the modules. I have always been impressed with the way in which Simon approaches his work and his enthusiasm for his chosen subjects is evident. Simons seminars are relaxed and informative and he introduces interesting ideas, creating lively debates, encouraging students to interact and take the lead in discussions. Simon supports students by offering the names of literary critics and provides ideas on secondary reading and this has encouraged me to engage in independent research. I have always found Simon to be quick to respond to any email queries and he shows a willingness to meet up and talk through any issues relating to assessments and exams, offering objective and


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useful feedback.” Rachel Parkinson 2013-2016 “Simon was honestly one of the best lecturer’s and seminar tutors I had as an

undergraduate. His interactive teaching style made difficult topics (particularly within the postmodernism module) more approachable. What I most enjoyed about his classes was how everyone participated - we felt more comfortable with the material and the environment that was created, which led to many invaluable group discussions. Simon always went the extra mile by putting on extra sessions towards exams and being a constant help via email and meetings. He ensured that we all had a fantastic student experience as well as being able to fully engage with the module.” Naqqash Khalid, 2011-2014

“Simon was my seminar lecturer for modules across my third and final year at university. I really enjoyed every single seminar I attended that Simon led because he would engage us in deep and poignant conversations about the books that we were studying. I always felt that when I left his seminars that I was motivated to go and find out more about the books because he had opened my eyes to how interesting the book was. Also, Simon was always more than willing to suggest further reading and help with planning essays etc; he was also willing to have none university related conversations out of his own free time which showed that he really cared about us as individuals.” Jannatul Ahmed, 2011-2014

“In my three years studying English Literature and Creative writing at the University of Salford, I was taught by Simon on the following modules: Narrative Fiction and the Novel during first year and Postmodernism in third year. Simon’s teaching style is engaging, clear, and concise. Simon constantly challenges his students by posing labyrinthine questions about texts, opening up many brain-frazzling, but nonetheless amusing and insightful classroom debates. It is obvious Simon has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to enlightening the class with complex theories, especially concerning Barthes, Baudrillard, or Derrida. After each seminar, Simon would send a re-cap email; Simon’s essay feedback is always constructive and punctual; also, most importantly, Simon prioritised his students’ needs by hosting revision sessions in his personal time. Ultimately, Simon’s passion for literature nourished his Salford undergrads with academic food-for-thought, and for that reason, students would prosper under his guidance.” Gabriella Tavini, 2012-2015

“Simon’s teaching style is dynamic and enthusiastic which makes a huge difference to my approach to his lectures and seminars. There’s nothing worse than a silent classroom, but Simon’s wit combined with some thought provoking questions ensure that this situation never happens, seminars are always engaging and everybody is given an equal opportunity to speak and express their opinions. Simon makes the class really gel together and the atmosphere is always relaxed which makes discussions about the set text easy. He always goes the extra mile for his students creating recap and revision resources, and is prompt at replying to emails when his students are in dire straits. I have to thank Simon for making my final year at university the most fun and academically rewarding of them all – even if his seminars were first thing on a Thursday morning.” Robyn Mealor, 2012-2015

“Simon taught me in lectures and seminars, both of which he kept interesting, engaging and informative  through incorporating different activities, making his classes enjoyable and suitable for all types of learners. Simon is very approachable as a tutor and can always respond to questions with a full and in


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depth answer, showing his knowledge and passion for the subject and teaching. During the time Simon taught me, he showed clear dedication to his work, going above and beyond his duties as he offered to help me on my dissertation when my dissertation supervisor took annual leave. Simon was spoken highly of across all his modules during staff-student committee meetings, and I am sure both staff and students will be sad to see him leave Salford.” Emma Barnes, 2012-2015

“I think you are a brilliant lecturer, you always take the time to explain points to us and give us examples of what you're trying to explain. You are clear and precise with your seminars and it really helps that you give us all recap emails from previous classes. Overall you're very approachable and I feel very comfortable asking questions without thinking it isn't relevant.” Hannah Rae Mooney, 2012-2015 

"Simon is a fantastic lecturer. His lectures are informative, engaging, interesting and also contain an element of fun. His seminars are always well structured, with a handout to take away. The seminars also allow for discussion, allowing members of the group to bounce ideas off each other. Simon also sends recap emails which help to cement the key ideas of the texts, theories and concepts we have studied. He is very approachable and always goes above and beyond to help with any problems a student has. He always works hard to ensure everything has been understood. He has been a brilliant lecturer and tutor and has really helped me to improve during my studies." Rebecca Morrissey, 2012-2015

“Simon, as both a lecturer and seminar tutor, was fantastic. He took the time to explain the key terms and ideas of Postmodernism, returning to these as necessary to fully ground our understanding. As a seminar tutor Simon always took the time to explain any lecture content which had not been understood and answer questions which arose from this. Over the course of the module, dealing with difficult concepts at times, Simon fully engaged us and provided explanations and ideas which added to our knowledge of Postmodernism. Throughout the module we were able to contact Simon via email, twitter or meetings in order to discuss assignments, exams or general concerns regarding the course; his knowledge and obvious love of the subject made him invaluable to our learning.” Amy Denton, 2012-2015

“Simon Barton is an excellent lecturer. His lectures are to the point and successfully delivered. Simon manages to keep us students successfully engaged with his lectures, which I think is key for any lecturer.” Khadijah Hussain, 2012-2015

“First and foremost I would like I thank you for helping me throughout two of the hardest modules I have ever studied (Modernism and Postmodernism). You were by far the best seminar tutor I had within the three years of my degree because you explored within great depth topics/subjects that were challenging but you conveyed/taught the information through a simple way. Also, the recap emails are brilliant, I think every single lecturer/seminar teacher should do it because they're so helpful. I genuinely believe that having you as my modernism/postmodernism seminar teacher is the reason why I achieved such high grades because your teaching strategy is brilliant and your a very approachable person too. No other lecturer/seminar teacher has put in so much time and effort into the students' work and understanding of a topic as much as you have and for that, I am truly grateful. You are a credit to the


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university and you should be proud of what you have achieved thus far!” Laura Jayne Spencer, 2012-2015

“Simon is one of the very few tutors that is willing to go the extra mile for his students. He will not leave you alone until he has done everything within his capability to make you understand the lecture, whether he had to stay after the lecture to help you or send out re-caps of the seminar classes. Postmodernism has been so difficult for me in the past but Simon really helped me grasp the module and challenge it which is also a reflection of his passion for the subject. I felt that Simon approached his lectures/seminars in an innovative manner giving us a very new and fresh learning experience which has really stood out for me during my university life. I will always be grateful for the 3-4 hour revision classes and all the extra time he put into helping me during this module. I can honestly say that it is Simon's teaching that is the reason that I felt comfortable walking into an exam.” Somayya Mirza, 2012-2015

“Simon is a great lecturer who goes out of his way to ensure all his students achieve the best they can. I always left the lecture feeling satisfied and appreciative with Simon’s in depth approach to teaching. During his own time, he would email a summary of the lecture which provided the possibility to read over missed notes and ensure everyone had the time to understand the information given. Therefore you feel he truly wanted every student to not just pass but achieve their desired result. I was very lucky to have Simon as my lecturer and it is truly down to him that I will be graduating this year.” Aisha Younus, 2012-2015

"Dr Barton is an approachable and knowledgeable lecturer who always manages to make his lectures both engaging and accessible. He is always willing to go to extra lengths to ensure his students have a good understanding of the material." Rhys Howell, 2012-2015

“Simon’s consistent teaching methods and enthusiastic approach ensure that lectures and seminars are delivered to students in a positive and professional manner. His seminars and lectures highlight each point of discussion, involving student interaction on a personal yet professional level, and reinforcing ideas and perspectives studied within the module. Following each seminar, individual students received ‘Re-cap’ emails in order to strengthen our understanding of the module which was extremely supportive during essay assessments and exam revision. Simon responds to student emails promptly and effectively, giving detailed and helpful advice and guidance.

My essay feedback from Simon was particularly detailed, explaining what I needed to do in order to achieve a higher mark which was fundamental when revising for an exam. The essay was marked thoroughly, with a lot of time taken to ensure it was assessed correctly and professionally.

Simon goes above and beyond his role as a lecturer, assisting students whenever and wherever possible. Leading up to our final exam, Simon utilised his own time purely for his students by holding group discussions in order to debate Postmodern themes and perspectives. This reinforced ideas of the module allowing us to interpret and tackle any questions that we may have any problems with.

Simon has allowed me to thoroughly enjoy my final semester at the University of Salford and would be a credit to any organisation or institution. His consistent teaching style and personal qualities make him an asset as a


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lecturer, combining a professional and highly intellectual style, with a friendly and approachable manner.” Carly Vause, 2012-2015

□ “Simon Barton has been my tutor for the third year of my BA English Literature degree; during which time I have always looked forward to his lectures because he is an engaging and enthusiastic lecturer. Simon’s lectures excel at breaking down the more complex concepts in a manner that makes them interesting and easier to understand. His seminars have been consistently beneficial to my studies over the past year as they gave us a chance to work through the issues presented in the lecture in a less formal setting. Simon’s seminars invite lively discussion and provide a productive and enjoyable atmosphere that is conducive to learning. He is also approachable and always willing to spend a bit of extra time with any of his students that need to go over a topic again and is quick with feedback and email responses.” Adele Casey. 2012-2015

□ “Simon is an incredible lecturer who makes every lecture and seminar interesting and enjoyable, and has the ability to present the materials in clear way, very helpful, always there and is ready to explain things that could be hard to understand. He demonstrates an expert knowledge in each subject, makes every single class highly interesting and fun at the same time.” Ashaa Al-Khalidi, 2012-2015

□ “It was an absolute pleasure to have Simon as our lecturer in the final year of university. Simon is knowledgeable and incredibly passionate about the subject he teaches. In fact, my final year at university was all the more fruitful and enjoyable because Simon was completely down-to-earth and genuinely cared about his students well being and the progress we were making. Not only was he approachable, but he also understood the needs of his students and made sure to make his lectures and seminars clear and understandable. He always went that extra-mile to make sure all his students understood the content of the lesson. Simon's passion for teaching English has certainly inspired me to pursue my dream in teaching English too.'' Khadiza Bibi, 2011-2014