dr. program arranged y. m. c. a. . for gym...

ASSOOIA The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVll-NEW SERIES VOL, n IOWA CITY, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1917 NUMBER 11 THE CAMP DODGER EDITED BY fORrlER UNIVERSITY STUDENT I TENNIS MEET is TO BE SUCCESfUL ; KLINGAMAN IS MADE '('ourts A 1'0 In }Jxrollcnt Condjtlon I EDt'. C "TION HE A D AT and Srll1'oooel' Looks [01' LUI'go lJ 1\ a Nmnber of Entl·ants. BIG MILITARY CAMP Notice of the fall tennis tourna- "SCOOp" Fairall Editor-in-Chief ment. open to all men of the Un i- of First Military Newspaper of Present War. Extension Division Leader Will Represent the Colleges of District at Camp Dodge. versity has been posted at the mens gymnasium by Director E. G. Schroe- del'. The tournament will be in both CIRCULATION IN CHARGE OF MILLER ' singles and doubles and should have IN CONfERENCE AT MINNEAPOLIS a lar ge field of entrants. he declared Old Gold Circulation Man Handles Same Position on the Camp News Sheet. yesterday. Those wishing to enter the tourna- ment are asked to sign the card post- ed at the rear of the mens gymna- The first issue of the Camp Dodge sitlm. The matches will start Monday Dean of Education Sets Out Need For Education in Cantonments Throughout the Country O. E. Klingaman. head of the ex- DOCTOR SHERBON GOES TO KANSAS fOOTBALL MEN SENT I\ic(liral DIrector in Department of Phys ical Educat.lon-Wns in Rllilrond Wreck Friends of Dr, Florence Sherbon will be interested in learning that she is connected with the department of physical education. as medical di- tectoI'. in the University of Kansas. at Lawrence. Dr. Sherban was in Iowa City on Saturday arranging for the removal of her household goods. While enroute to Lawrence. Sunday her train was wrecked. a broken rail THROUGH DRIVING DRILL YESTERDAY Stiffest Scrimma.ge Of Season Marks Last Night's Work On Iowa Field SCRUBS FORCE VARSITY TO LIMIT Second String Squad, Aided By Work Of Helwig, Prove Worthy Opposition running through two of the PulI- "See that you put U over." was the is out. Edited by La'Wrence R. Fair- and who care to enter must tension division has been selected by mans. serio{Js injury resulted to all of University newspaper fame, register before Saturday night. The thi s official organ of the 88th divi s- courts are all in excellent condition the state board of education to act any of the passengers. command of head coach Howard Jones as he drove the squad through the last few minutes of the stilJest work-out the men have under-gone th us far this season. For over halt an hour the first and second strings were thrown at each other in a gruel- ling scrimmage. and when the men mill as educational director at the Des ---1--- ion of the United States National and tbe entrance registraUon " army Is livIng up to its motto. probably be large. "Like Hs army. First In the Field." ---1--- M(llville II. Miller, former circula- tion manager of the Old Gold. a former daily. is clrcula lion manager of tbe new paper. PROGRAM ARRANGED . fOR GYM CLASSES Schroeder Outlines Year's Worl{ for Men- Hygiene Lectures This Week. Moines cantonment. In such capacUy he will represent all the universi- ties and in the territory which 'amp Dodge serves. Works With Y. l\[. Thc educational work of the or- gllnlzatlon of which the State Uni- ver!!ity man Is head and of the Y. M. 'c. A. wlll be coordinated. The nart of the Y. M, A, will be to learn from the encampod men their edu DR. COLGROVE WILL ADDRESS Y. M. C. A. were finally sent to their lockers they President of Sister College to carried numerous signs of the strug- Speak at First Meeting of gle. It was a long strenuous contUct Men's Association, In which practically every member of .the squad in the end found a well President Colgrove of Upper Iowa tor his energies. Hni·vers lty has been selected from the This four-paged. eight-columned shel't covers every phase of soMier life In the camp from the forty hours of intensive training weekly to a rhythmic farewell to the old Jersey row by th camp poet. cati(lnal wl'nts. 'rhe ctuo l admlnii>- membe rs of the Upper Iowa con- Helwig 1\ Find Real work of the year at the trntion of III will be en T11e life history of Major General 'm"'n's "ynlnasl'llm stal't.ed Monday 0 h ... .. '!rely In Ule hand" t e unlversi - Plummer, commander-in-ehlef of the mornln". All men 11 a" lllg nrork l'n I d I division, Is a feature of the .. ." t e8 an colleges workmg t Hough Mr. that department reported for rlasReH first i ss ue . A description of the new at that time. When the Y. M. C. A. lta8 reporter ' arti llery range is given together with th The tlrl:lt \\ct>l{ wl1l be given over If) l1'1t a nur.iber of men want explanation of the rolling bar - pllyslc'1 1 examinations of lile men as "I It 1 tl rag e system of firing whirh haR bel'D they r('port for classes. and to a Adopted by the United States army, 'If'ries of lectureR on p('rso nnl and Seventy-two field guns will be a part "'. Illnnsiunl hygiene. Next week :l ta 'c ,. rone 1. or ar HIlC c, 0)' .'lfing, 11'. duty wil' to R{,.fl to the obtaining oC in<!trur I'" 0, (l'U Ill!' dif"t'f('n' "011 tTl'S In III tpt'r\fol'Y {lr from iimOn" "" :1,1 II''':!!I' j ,' nllild r"J''lnce as s peaker at the opening of Chief among the pleasant surprises 1]0 Y. M .C. A. tonight at 7 o'clock at of the afternoon's work, was the un- 'l hall. Special mUSic has been covering of Helwig. a tall, agile. and l";r' (\ed for the meeting. hitherto untried lineman. whose 'r. has had long ex- steller defensive play against the var- '1' re wltll Rt udentfl as a leading s ity opposItion brought high commen- I·· member of the Iowa State dations from the coaches. Cumber- ":>rhers' College. lIe Is the only tand, also, whose wOl'k at cen.tel' h-ae. 1 ",I h the ministerial profes- 'lot been very satisfactory. did well ')'1 ttl h01d the preRidency of any when shifted to defensive guard. ·,..t hO!lIflt college in Iowa . Jenkins. the veteran field T>:'al '1nd Kenneth Colgrove, sons ge neral. was on the sIde-lines for the , of the equipment oLthe division. 24 will be talren up with the or which wj.]J be the largest field guns j),{'lminl'tlonR Cor freshmen and jll- ' In the service anrl which throw nloy' f'ngl n eers. \lrS of the Y. M (' A. will he user] flh!'lls s ix inrhes In diameter, ') 'rector K G. Schroed r plans to "or Cl08S rooms. , '1'0 tlold d<.'grees Crvlll tlrst time this being deprived _ ...... Tf 11;vl'r'lity. In the educational 'If the practice by .... ore shoulder. In 1"1'. ('01 g rove Is widely known TTowever the Injury is not thought to One of the strongest football teams give sbort talks to aU classes every (10('. to. li'meJ\!lolis i\fl' rrJlIll':!lnlan lett lasl fOl in the middle west could be devel- two weeks during tlle year. oned at the camp In a few days' no- The program for the year's work where he will cani" tlce to The Camp Dodger. About has been definitely m'1.ppod out and "'th of the University ( half of tho famous Minnesota team witb possibly a few changes will . be of last year and numerous men from as follows : YaJ(', rornell and Nebraska aggre- Llbel'al arts fres men-first quar- gntlons Ilro in the camp, ter- military \Vorl{, l11CIU(ll1'g 1I11lr;' n ow to Rnlllte, whom to salut • a ing onrl tho UH!' of the b:'),o11l't; RE'r Ic g('lnd to explatn the emblems that ')no quarter gymnoRlul11 nrc used to denote officers' rank arE' fldl'd (1lIrtrlor amonl!' tlle roatures articles in vol 'w,,),; fourth quarter-trnrl. work. um 1. number I of the tralnlln /! '1r will (al' e reC'uln r gnl1':1 Pllmp pnppr. A m1\ltary expert on \ ' or' nlolll! ml1l1l1r'" • ·'.c; f h t1'<1 p'1per will answer all questions r r 'll htlt wi I 11:)'" t11 " C' """'nint'; the army. A camp B. L. rlt01rp of :Hlv(lnCPll f!\\:l mmll ''':, bo,' 'l' . I' 'S rnlumn e ntlt! d GaR Rombs. hr:, fonrlo/?, 01' W1'r!lfJI 11'" fnr '11''1111'('- ".' 1'11 llrl'al< upon the read er with ond some tor. Th l1 Il1nlor '''J force. Th rnmp Dodger Is publi shed on -- 1 -- MPTRODIST r ASTORS HOLDING CONFERENCr. will follow thp 'mme r 'lIIr Re of ")"lrllc" lion RA th(> SlJ11holJ1flre lIbl'r".l I rts I1lPn. 'linn Intn, Ih('l ;\finnesota Publir ,., f I, r '111 mission and the art I. "f'I,I"lIt oj' the University of 'or' e nt plans for the great 11:1 'f"" 1'1'1'''. Mihneapolls h "'0 tn 1 rh·lna. TIL. to meet til I' Id en t or the University of Ill ! '. (I '11sC1l8S tho matter. Within n time a lIleeting of all the col In the territory contribllti .. 11 to the If)\\'fl cantonment w1l1 b (" '1Ir'l oncl flnn l and COl11plptA plow 'OJ' the ol'p;a I) Ization for mobllizlnr "(ltl("l tll"l1 11 l' 'r.o nrrOR 'If this mil l !1Pctil7n will bo made . "Tllp"r three Ill10cls fa' Niuentlon In the 0 00' W. F. HII <81"11 of the college of ed uca tlon rlrtlln ef! yesterday. "Tbl' ro h the Immediate need. surh as thl' tI'P('hlll/." of rradlnp and wrl,ting to tl Itp of flE'verf\1 text books . bo anything very serious. and be will " i'! hoo)". "The Te'lch er aod School" rloubtless be back In his customary "HI had e:cep tionally large sales .The '1 osltion tomol'l'ow. Justin, who c1rlr\,.'l' t'lllight will b <.' l ubstltuted at quarter-back on the ro' Cha llenge to Young Men ." ----- 1----- s!'rn TO r. VE ADDRESSES "a rsHy. made a creditable showing l ltbougb plainly evidencing his lack experience. The varsity line-up. with the ex- Tnllhillty J ,or!ltr At Is f'llu'l lng COIl'lldera hi TI'olible. "e ption of a few slight changes. re- to J1l'llned Intact throughout. and was composed of the same men who have held down these positions for several days past. The line was an exact <:!tU f!pnts are registered by Regls- duplicate. with Reed and Bender at 'I' n. ('. Dorcas to Ree that his ends. McNicholS and Hunzelman " "'I hRR rorrect addressos and tele- tackles. Kelley and Johnson I/ot 11011ll nnmbers. In many cases stu- guards. and Block in the center. In nts hove moved from the address the backfield. Capt. Davis and Hamll- ,:t I't the time of regl stratf.on. Con- ton occupied their customary posi- 'lIAlon has also arisen. he declares. IV the Inability to locat e freshmen ho registered by mall or before hey were permanently located . Tho registrar's office Is dependant Ipoll ' students for obtaining the (Continued on page three) --1-- Thrre will ho mnch comprli'lo11 In lrv mnnRlllm worl, this YWH'. A 11 ' work will J<.'acl to "nwetA" In which mombers of a ll classes will take part. --1-- 11I(,l'oto, or thn tr'l('hln g of French or )roper addresses and num- STEEL TOO HIGH TO BUILD ARMORY NOW Number of Preachers From Iowa District Meet in Iowa City This Week. mnthNllat!cs to those who h(>rs for tbe students' directory which --- Y. W. i\IJ;JWrll\'(l '1'ONJ(lIl'f 11 I'd theRo flll bJ('cts In thoir re gular will be publlsbed in the near futur . Present Extremely High Prices Tho OI'Rt mE'otlng of thp Y. W. ( 1. A. ellltll1S; till' noeel or rocrenUnn. for tho Onty one directory is t.ssued during of Materials Said to Malte wi']) hI' held tonight In Cl oft hall. RO)cJll11'l1 ar Ilkoly to have their the yoar and it Is Important to the Building Inadvisable. I rowa rlty and tho Unlvorslty "a r o Tltlfl wi ll he th(\ nnn ll ni a nt>va I'vrnln'R anel OIHl or two of their l't tud nt that the proper information - __ "osts to some two or thl ' 0 hundr d 1))1' tlng nIHI \\Ill bp rontlnctr 'l hy OVEl '"ffOfllonnR to thClllR tvos; and tl1 bo printed. Otherwise, there will be The appropriation for the $126.000 M tlIodlBt mlnlRters of th lIP)1(\1' of tho lown. glrlA who attpnr1l>tl thp : nr(,fl 1'01' Otting mon for a re-as!'I lml- no nd of inconvenience for him. drill shed to be constructed south Jf)wa district who nr holdln tholr In t Gl'n va conforenre, nOl'nlre (,Olo, l lttllOll Illtn ('Iviltan life r the war The postmaster has also called U1)- of the men's gymnasium. has been Annual conferenc her this w ek. l(nthrrln 'Powns mI, Mary Anderson, ' III OVI1r." on the students to furnish mall ad - abandoned because of the high price 1 It ('ommonc!1(1 ye terday and will cou- Vlolpt nlakely and May Dysert. I 1\\.J,(,ltfly nt Wm'k dresses. This applies not only to of ateel. It bas been found that the tinlte until October 1. Tho 111 Hngs ---1 --- Thn Unlvorslty. under thA Rupor- flt udentR this fall but at every sub- cost of the building at the ' present I will bo held in the Methodist church. + -1- viRion of Olroctor Klingaman. 113 pro- Yl>sterday was devotod to an ex- I NOTlnl) TO II a sot of t .200 lantern s1Jd s IlIl1'pn t!on of candidates for or(Hna- ". +. fo b II scel In connectio n wllh lec- Ih11. The Rov. Matthow J. Tr n ry 11 stllrl ntR who ar I'pqulr rl to ' tlll'OK 01\ tho prOMent war In lDurope, n" rhlrngo. a member of the board ta1.e mtlltllry Instructlo!\ onrl who 1'h(l Htntp hOI rtl of t'ducatio n has also !toq nent change of address durIng the year. --1-- during prioe of steel will be greater than the building Is worth. Several meetings ot the board ot NEW INSTRUOTOR ATiLED dlreotors of tht.s appropriation have l r. M, Levin. a Harvard graduate. been held,' Means have been dls- "" "'nnday schools. and D. D, Forsyth hav(I not l' porteel at th olllce of th o 'r,- IVl1Il tho Rtot UutvorsHy's ext n- Is to start work next wook as an ad- oussed as to the best way ot meeting . • Phllac) Iphla. corr s ponding s c- I cOml11nndllnt and Ol1(1d ou on roll - sion dlvl,,1 J1 IIJ)(>rty to give corr08- el1Uonal instructor in the departm nt the difficulty. but no plan waa found l''1 h ry of t11 hoarcl of hom missions moot r[\l'd will ('\0 80 at onco. Y'JO nrl nc , ttllly to the soldiers at of nomance languages. to be worth considering. -tonss- " "(\ the main speakors of th day. I Andrew '. Wright romp OO(]gA. Other unlversltl 8 Miss Franchere. who · has been quentlyall planll for the IIhed wlll be 1118ho" Richard J. Cooke of Hel -I Captain U. 8. Army: Retlrod will probably do the same tblng. flC- helping in the department, Is to be I dropped unlells the price of .teel la na, Montana, wtll arrive toda1 • I Commandant I cording to Mr, KlIngama.n. an UI •• tant. I lowered. , . .. I I f I

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Page 1: DR. PROGRAM ARRANGED Y. M. C. A. . fOR GYM CLASSESdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1917/di1917-09-26.pdf · ASSOOIA The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa ----~===== VOL


The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa ----~==============================================



I TENNIS MEET is TO BE SUCCESfUL ; KLINGAMAN IS MADE '('ourts A 1'0 In }Jxrollcnt Condjtlon I EDt'. C "TION HE A D AT

and Srll1'oooel' Looks [01' LUI'go lJ 1\ ~ a Nmnber of Entl·ants. BIG MILITARY CAMP

Notice of the fall tennis tourna­"SCOOp" Fairall Editor-in-Chief ment. open to all men of the Un i­

of First Military Newspaper of Present War.

Extension Division Leader Will Represent the Colleges of District at Camp Dodge.

versity has been posted at the mens gymnasium by Director E. G. Schroe-del'. The tournament will be in both

CIRCULATION IN CHARGE OF MILLER 'singles and doubles and should have IN CONfERENCE AT MINNEAPOLIS a large field of entrants. he declared

• Old Gold Circulation Man Handles Same Position on the Camp

News Sheet.


Those wishing to enter the tourna­ment are asked to sign the card post­ed at the rear of the mens gymna-

The first issue of the Camp Dodge sitlm. The matches will start Monday

Dean of Education Sets Out Need For Education in Cantonments

Throughout the Country

O. E. Klingaman. head of the ex­


Phys ical Educat.lon-Wns in

Rllilrond Wreck

Friends of Dr, Florence Sherbon

will be interested in learning that

she is connected with the department

of physical education. as medical di­

tectoI'. in the University of Kansas.

at Lawrence. Dr. Sherban was in

Iowa City on Saturday arranging for

the removal of her household goods.

While enroute to Lawrence. Sunday

her train was wrecked. a broken rail


Stiffest Scrimma.ge Of Season Marks Last Night's Work

On Iowa Field


Second String Squad, Aided By Work Of Helwig, Prove

Worthy Opposition

running through two of the PulI- "See that you put U over." was the is out. Edited by La'Wrence R. Fair- and tho~e who care to enter must

tension division has been selected by mans. N~ serio{Js injury resulted to all of University newspaper fame, register before Saturday night. The this official organ of the 88th divis- courts are all in excellent condition the state board of education to act any of the passengers.

command of head coach Howard Jones as he drove the squad through the last few minutes of the stilJest work-out the men have under-gone thus far this season. For over halt an hour the first and second strings

were thrown at each other in a gruel­ling scrimmage. and when the men

mill as educational director at the Des ---1---ion of the United States National and tbe entrance registraUon " army Is livIng up to its m otto. probably be large.

"Like Hs army. First In the Field." ---1---M(llville II. Miller, former circula­

tion manager of the Old Gold. a former Un~versity daily. is clrcula lion manager of tbe new paper.


Schroeder Outlines Year's Worl{ for Men- Hygiene Lectures

This Week.

Moines cantonment. In such capacUy he will represent all the universi­ties and col1e~es in the territory which 'amp Dodge serves.

Works With Y. l\[.

Thc educational work of the or-gllnlzatlon of which the State Uni­ver!!ity man Is head and of the Y. M. 'c. A. wlll be coordinated. The nart of the Y. M, ~. A, will be to learn from the encampod men their edu


were finally sent to their lockers they President of Sister College to carried numerous signs of the strug-

Speak at First Meeting of gle. It was a long strenuous contUct Men's Association,

In which practically every member of .the squad in the end found a well

President Colgrove of Upper Iowa tor his energies.

Hni·verslty has been selected from the

This four-paged. eight-columned shel't covers every phase of soMier life In the camp from the forty hours of intensive training weekly to

a rhythmic farewell to the old Jersey row by th camp poet.

cati(lnal wl'nts. 'rhe ctuo l admlnii>- members of the Upper Iowa con- Helwig 1\ Find Real work of the year at the trntion of III iD!~truction will be en

T11e life history of Major General 'm"'n's "ynlnasl'llm stal't.ed Monday 0 h ... .. '!rely In Ule hand" o~ t e unlversi-Plummer, commander-in-ehlef of the mornln". All men 11a" lll g nrork l'n I d I division , Is a feature of the

.. ." t e8 an colleges workmg t Hough Mr. that department reported for rlasReH

first issue. A description of the new at that time. When the Y. M. C. A. lta8 reporter'

artillery range is given together with

th The tlrl:lt \\ct>l{ wl1l be given over If) l1'1t a r~rl:1ln nur.iber of men want

explanation of the rolling bar- pllyslc'11 examinations of lile men as • "I It 1 tl rage system of firing whirh haR bel'D they r('port for classes. and to a

Adopted by the United States army, 'If'ries of lectureR on p('rsonnl and Seventy-two field guns will be a part "'. Illnnsiunl hygiene. Next week

:l ta 'c ,. rone 1. or ar HIlC c, 0)'

.'lfing, 11'. J(]lnp'~ 1l11n's duty wil'

to R{,.fl to the obtaining oC in<!trur I'" 0, (l'U Ill!' dif"t'f('n' "011 tTl'S In III

:lrtnt'lr~1 tpt'r\fol'Y {lr from iimOn"

"" :1,1 II''':!!I' j ,' '~IllJl. nllild

r"J''lnce as speaker at the opening of Chief among the pleasant surprises

1]0 Y. M .C. A . tonight at 7 o'clock at of the afternoon's work, was the un-

'l n~e hall. Special mUSic has been covering of Helwig. a tall, agile. and l";r' (\ed for the meeting. hitherto untried lineman. whose

'r. ~olgrove has had long ex- steller defensive play against the var-• '1' re wltll Rtudentfl as a leading sity opposItion brought high commen­

I·· member of the Iowa State dations from the coaches. Cumber­

":>rhers' College. lIe Is the only tand, also, whose wOl'k at cen.tel' h-ae.

1 ",I h the ministerial profes- 'lot been very satisfactory. did well ')'1 ttl h01d the preRidency of any when shifted to defensive guard.

·,..t hO!lIflt college in Iowa. Jenkins. the veteran Ha.wk~re field T>:'al '1nd Kenneth Colgrove, sons general. was on the sIde-lines for the


of the equipment oLthe division. 24 will be talren up with the s\\'immin~ or which wj.]J be the largest field guns j),{'lminl'tlonR Cor freshmen and jll­

'In the service anrl which throw nloy' f'ngl neers. • \lrS of the Y. M (' A. will he user]

flh!'lls s ix inrhes In diameter, ') 'rector K G. Schroed r plans to "or Cl08S rooms. , '1'0 prp'~ident , tlold d<.'grees Crvlll tlrst time this sea.so~ being deprived _ ...... .,..,..~

Tf11;vl'r'lity. In the educational 'If the practice by .... ore shoulder. ~ In 1"1'. ('01 grove Is widely known TTowever the Injury is not thought to One of the strongest football teams give sbort talks to aU classes every

(10('. to. li'meJ\!lolis i\fl' rrJlIll':!lnlan lett lasl ni~ht fOl

in the middle west could be devel- two weeks during tlle year.

oned at the camp In a few days' no- The program for the year's work "~!lJneapol!s where he will cani"

tlce to The Camp Dodger. About has been definitely m'1.ppod out and "'th (\fIi('lal~ of the University (

half of tho famous Minnesota team witb possibly a few changes will . be of last year and numerous men from as follows :

YaJ(', rornell and Nebraska aggre- Llbel'al arts fres men-first quar-gntlons Ilro in the camp, ter- military \Vorl{, l11CIU(ll1'g 1I11lr;'

n ow to Rnlllte, whom to salut • a ing onrl tho UH!' of the b:'),o11l't; RE'r Icg('lnd to explatn the emblems that ')no quarter gymnoRlul11 nrc used to denote officers' rank arE' fldl'd (1lIrtrlor

amonl!' tlle roatures articles in vol 'w,,),; fourth quarter-trnrl. work.

um 1. number I of the tralnlln /! '1r ~homore' will (al' e reC'uln r gnl1':1

Pllmp pnppr. A m1\ltary expert on ~hlm \ 'or' nlolll! ml1l1l1r'" • ·'.c; f h

t1'<1 p'1per will answer all questions r r 'll ~f'1I1p!llf'r, htlt wi I 11:)'" t11 "

C' """'nint'; the army. A camp B. L. rlt01rp of :Hlv(lnCPll f!\\:l mmll ''':, bo,' 'l' . I' 'S ~ rnlumn entlt! d GaR Rombs. hr:, fonrlo/?, 01' W1'r!lfJI 11'" fnr '11''1111'('-

".' 1'11 llrl'al< upon the read er with ond some tor. Th l1 Il1nlor e'tdr.!'l'r~ '''J force.

Th rnmp Dodger Is published on



will follow thp 'mme r 'lIIrRe of ")"lrllc"

lion RA th(> SlJ11holJ1flre lIbl'r".l I rts


'linn Intn, Ih('l ;\finnesota Publir ,., f I, r '111 mission and the art I.

"f'I,I"lIt oj' the University of 'or'

"N;~ ent plans for the great 11:1

'f"" 1'1'1'''. l~r(lm Mihneapolls h

~i11 "'0 tn 1 rh·lna. TIL. to meet til • I' Id en t or the University of Ill!

'. • (I '11sC1l8S tho matter. Within

n ~"ort time a lIleeting of all the col In the territory contribllti

.. 11 to the If)\\'fl cantonment w1l1 b

("'1Ir'l oncl flnnl and COl11plptA plow

'OJ' the ol'p;a I) Ization for mobllizlnr "(ltl("l tll"l1 11 l' 'r.o nrrOR 'If this mil l

'1:~' !1Pctil7n will bo made. "Tllp"r ~I' three ~ro'1t Ill10cls fa'

Niuentlon In the cantonrnpnt~." 0 00'

W. F. HII <81"11 of the college of ed uca

tlon rlrtllnef! yesterday. "Tbl'ro h

the Immediate need. surh as thl' tI'P('hlll/." of rradlnp and wrl,ting to tl

Itp 'l1'h~r of flE'verf\1 text books. bo anything very serious. and be will " i'! hoo)". "The Te'lcher aod School" rloubtless be back In his customary "HI had e:ceptionally large sales .The '1osltion tomol'l'ow. Justin, who

~ c1rlr\,.'l' t'lllight will b<.' l ubstltuted at quarter-back on the

ro' ;~'q Challenge to Young Men." ~ -----1-----


"arsHy. made a creditable showing l ltbougb plainly evidencing his lack ~ f experience.

The varsity line-up. with the ex-

Tnllhillty J ,or!ltr At IId('nt~ Is f'llu'l lng

COIl'lldera hi TI'olible.

"eption of a few slight changes. re­to J1l'llned Intact throughout. and was

composed of the same men who have held down these positions for several

days past. The line was an exact <:!tU f!pnts are registered by Regls- duplicate. with Reed and Bender at 'I' n. ('. Dorcas to Ree that his ends. McNicholS and Hunzelman ~t

" "'I hRR rorrect addressos and tele- tackles. Kelley and Johnson I/ot 11011ll nnmbers. In many cases stu- guards. and Block in the center. In

n ts hove moved from the address the backfield. Capt. Davis and Hamll­,:t I't the time of regls tratf.on. Con- ton occupied their customary posi-

'lIAlon has also arisen. he declares. IV the Inability to locate freshmen ho registered by mall or before

hey were permanently located .

Tho registrar's office Is dependant Ipoll ' students for obtaining the

(Continued on page three)

--1--Thrre will ho mnch comprli'lo11 In

lrv mnnRlllm worl, this YWH'. A 11

'work will J<.'acl to "nwetA" In which mombers of a ll classes will take part.

--1--11I(,l'oto, or thn tr'l('hln g of French or )roper addresses and telephon~ num-


T.n,.~1' Number of Preachers From T~ner Iowa District Meet in

Iowa City This Week.

ltl~hor mnthNllat!cs to those who h(>rs for tbe students' directory which ---Y. W. i\IJ;JWrll\'(l '1'ONJ(lIl'f 11 I'd theRo flll bJ('cts In thoir regular will be publlsbed in the near futur . Present Extremely High Prices

Tho OI'Rt mE'otlng of thp Y. W. (1. A. ellltll1S; till' noeel or rocrenUnn. for tho Onty one directory is t.ssued during of Materials Said to Malte wi']) hI' held tonight In Cl oft hall. RO)cJll11'l1 ar Ilkoly to have their the yoar and it Is Important to the Building Inadvisable.

I rowa rlty and tho Unlvorslty "aro Tltlfl wi ll he th(\ nnn ll ni a nt>va I'vrnln'R anel OIHl or two of their l't tud nt that the proper information - __

"osts to some two or thl' 0 hundr d 1))1' tlng nIHI \\Ill bp rontlnctr 'l hy OVEl '"ffOfllonnR to thClllR tvos; and tl1 bo printed. Otherwise, there will be The appropriation for the $126.000 M tlIodlBt mlnlRters of th lIP)1(\1' of tho lown. glrlA who attpnr1l>tl thp : nr(,fl 1'01' Otting mon for a re-as!'I lml- no nd of inconvenience for him. drill shed to be constructed south

Jf)wa district who nr holdln tholr In t Gl'n va conforenre, nOl'nlre (,Olo, l lttllOll Illtn ('Iviltan life a~t r the war The postmaster has also called U1)- of the men's gymnasium. has been

Annual conferenc her this w ek. l(nthrrln 'Powns mI, Mary Anderson, ' III OVI1r." on the students to furnish mall ad- abandoned because of the high price 1

It ('ommonc!1(1 ye terday and will cou- Vlolpt nlakely and May Dysert. I 1\\.J,(,ltfly nt Wm'k dresses. This applies not only to of ateel. It bas been found that the

tinlte until October 1. Tho 111 Hngs ---1--- Thn Unlvorslty. under thA Rupor- fltudentR this fall but at every sub- cost of the building at the ' present I

will bo held in the Methodist church. + -1- viRion of Olroctor Klingaman. 113 pro-

Yl>sterday was devotod to an ex- I NOTlnl) TO (1A1H~TA II pllrln~ a sot of t .200 lantern s1Jd s IlIl1'pnt!on of candidates for or(Hna- ". +. fo b II scel In connection wllh lec-

Ih11. The Rov. Matthow J. Tr n ry 11 stllrl ntR who ar I'pqulr rl to ' tlll'OK 01\ tho prOMent war In lDurope,

n" rhlrngo. a member of the board ta1.e mtlltllry Instructlo!\ onrl who 1'h(l Htntp hOI rtl of t'ducation has also

!toqnent change of address durIng the year.


during prioe of steel will be greater than the

building Is worth.

Several meetings ot the board ot NEW INSTRUOTOR ATiLED dlreotors of tht.s appropriation havel

r. M, Levin. a Harvard graduate. been held,' Means have been dls-"" "'nnday schools. and D. D, Forsyth hav(I not l' porteel at th olllce of th o 'r,- IVl1Il tho Rtot UutvorsHy's ext n- Is to start work next wook as an ad- oussed as to the best way ot meeting . • Phllac) Iphla. corr sponding s c- I cOml11nndllnt and Ol1(1d ou on roll - sion dlvl,,1 J1 IIJ)(>rty to give corr08- el1Uonal instructor in the departm nt the difficulty. but no plan waa found l''1h ry of t11 hoarcl of hom missions moot r[\l'd will ('\0 80 at onco. Y'JO nrl nc , ttllly to the soldiers at of nomance languages. to be worth considering. -tonss-

" "(\ the main speakors of th day. I Andrew '. Wright romp OO(]gA. Other unlversltl 8 Miss Franchere. who · has been quentlyall planll for the IIhed wlll be

1118ho" Richard J. Cooke of Hel -I Captain U. 8. Army: Retlrod will probably do the same tblng. flC- helping in the department, Is to be I dropped unlells the price of .teel la

na, Montana, wtll arrive toda1 • I Commandant I cording to Mr, KlIngama.n. an UI •• tant. I lowered. , .

.. I




Page 2: DR. PROGRAM ARRANGED Y. M. C. A. . fOR GYM CLASSESdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1917/di1917-09-26.pdf · ASSOOIA The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa ----~===== VOL

PAGE TWO THE DAILY lOW AN ... STATE UNIVERSITY OF lOW A. Wednesdn.y, September 26, 191'T

THE DAILY IOWAN which /l. third or the first year men The Corn Belt Publishers says: early date. I getting your paper, we want to kno'll and a sl\ll smaller percentage ot the Schools of journalism are being We feel sure that you are ready about It, and we assure you that We

The StudeDt Newspapc!' ot thc Stnt~ : o!lhom(\re~ participate may have es~abllshed In nearly all of the states and willing to do your share, and will do our very best to have these UnJvenJty of Iowa. Bome tradlUonal value. But the In connection with state colleges. In i h~t ' 011 nre waltln,:: to be solicited . ~!r'l{lIl1ons remedied.

knowledge of the present Un lversf.ty 'almost every such school the work is W\I1 yoU not aid us, e 00.1 l110.Jgj}'\ 'rhe Business Man'lgoment. PubU.b~ mornlngl, except Monday, by Tbe Dally Iowa Publlsblng Company at student of anything that savors of along the line or training studentll you have not been approached by

208 80utb Cllnton Street, Iowa City. tradition Is very limited. tor good and el'fective journallstloc l one of the Iowan agents. I

btered .. eeeond elall matter at tbe post The Item at the head of this col- work, and The Corn Belt Publisher If yOU have already subscribed" olllee of Iowa City, lows. Whel Y W et umn describing an old custom at the notes with pleasure that the educa-' and have had any irregularities In 1 e OU 81

8ubeerlpUoD rate $2.1lO per yetlr if jlald U I It f I dl 1 ht h tl I t ti I d ff before Oetober 1~, 1017; after that fS.OO. n ver~ yon ana m g ave on a so runs 0 prac ca an e ec-

BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. B. Weller, ohalrman, Harold Ston­er, eecretary, M. F . Boyd, R. W. Clearman, Vergil Hancher, H. H.

been Clipped from perhaps a dozen Ove business methods In conducting of The Dally Iowan 's exchange list, the newspaper business. We have for the practice Is common. There yet to learn of one of tbese schools have b en sporadf.c attempts, usually of journalism that Is not working arising from practical joke motives, directly for the Interests of newspaper Newcomb, E. S. Smith.

W. Barl Ball EdItor.tn.Ohle! to have freshmen at Iowa wear green 'publishers and we are pleased to of-IL O. Hammer Bll81nees l\fanager caps, but the attempts have been fer testimony in their behalf and en-

(lltelf to be Announced October 1~ .) without lasting effect., courage their work in every way.

OUR SnORT mnNGS "A It I tbe law lind custom at Univ r It for very mcmher of the fr sflmllll clll. s to wellr tile official green cal) very time he al>I>CIlrS on th Universltr cam pus, th clll s of 1021 ,,111 take not! and app Ill' on th campus In th Ir green C.IlIlS at onoo."

This nthnont, expre. sed by til Trll<Utlons Conullittec, blls boon cllrrled out by the flrst-year men of th past. _Every freshman Is th refor OA1'OCtc<1

to dl pIny his loyalty to his c1uss and his r(',<I}lect for th(' trndltiOllS of tho UnJv rslty hy IlPJlellrlng

The wearing of canes by seniors Two or the greatest institutions of was begun In the college of law last Iowa are doing grand work along year. It was commendable In Its this line, and we have recently bad effect. A slmllar custom extending occasion to personally note the work to the seniors of all colleges would done in the .state of Minnesota at the have the same Infiuence on the Unl- Un iversity School of Journalism. versity as a whole and would be an Kansas has a splendid school of jour­admirable l!tep toward binding the 'nalism and has been doing effecUve parts of the Institution 1nto one stable work for a long time, and the news object. It would mean not that the papers in Nebraska are dOing a great wearer was a senior in the college deal now to encourage the establlsh­of engineering or the colJege of law ment of a school of journalism In con­but that h was a senior In tne Unl- nection with the State University at versity. It would be changing the Lincoln." admirable step toward bl.ndlng the May this spirit of cooperation con-scope of the enterprise from the tlnue. provincial t othe universal. clal to the universlal.


Immoc:Uatcly In tho olTklnl elll· These concrete examples are not One thousand subscriptions! blelll.-Tndhma Stuclent. Bugge ted with a specific recommen- Like all other things, The Dally It would not be egotism for an dation that they be introduced. They Iowan will be more or less al!ected

Iowa student to assert unblushingly might be suitable. but there are a by the exigencies of the times. The that his university Is one or the best hundred others that would have the management this year is leaving In the land. It WOUld', however, be same Influence In breaking down the nothing undone in an effort to make childIshness tor him to deny the lines between the colleges of the this year's paper the best ever. But, p slblllty of bett rment In any of University. Hazing wou ld be most In order to make the publication suc­the essentials of the Un~v rslty's be- cleslrable If it did not carry with It cessful we will need a larger number Ing. What appears to The Daily an abundance of odiOUS immediate of subscribers than The Daily Iowan Iowan to be the most striking or al1 consequences. They would more has previously had. of the shortcomings here is a de- than counteract its traditional value. It is manifestly Impossible for the clded lack of unity In tIle Institution. To effect such a unity as The management to personally Interview There Is too much college and not Dally Iowan suggests, there should everyone of the three thousand stu­enough UniversIty; thore Is too much be an active all-University organlza- dents in the University regarding fraternity and literary society and tlon. This group of representatives their subscrj.ption. We ask your co­not enough Iowa. The whole d~ffl- from all the colleges could work out operation in this matter, and assure culty t~ :I. sentence lies in the fact a plan for creating traditions and you of prompt attention if you phone that interest In organizations within other machInery which would pro- or send In your subscription, either , the University J;fI-ve effected a subor- mote remarkably the interests of the to th DUBin. offie6, or at tire- 001-dlnatlon of s udent Interests in the University. torlal rooms, Room 8, L. A. The UnIversity as a whole. ---1--- special subscription rate expires Oct-

One ot thEe' unifying agents at any RECOGNITION ober 16th, and it is to your Interest

TO RENT THAT ROOM Try a want ad In

THE DAILY IOWAN It is I'cud by ever,.

UNIVERSITY STUDENT 2"6c for 3 Insertions of twelve

words. Other prices on applica­tion at business office.

Expert Shoemakers will reo pair your shoes within 15

minutes Make your old shoes as good

as new.


125 S. Dubuque Phone Red 440

Special Sale!!!

THEME PAPE 500 Sheets for 75 cents


NOTE BOOK- l'u1l500 Sheets, Plain or Ruled $1.00

TYPEWRITER PAPERr--Full 500 Sheets .... $1.00


UNIVERSITY TYPEWRITE co. Phone maeIH49:1:.--26-i-~-South Clinton St.


Institution Is its athleti~ teams. At No greater recognition can come that you attend to thj.s matter at an ,,~. =========================== Iowa we bave athletics and they are to a department of journalism in a probably doing more today to nur- university than from the newspaper ture an Iowa spIrit (tor unity and men of the state itself. It is th~s

Iowa spirit are synonymous) than type of recognition that comes equal­any other agent. Another Item with Iy to the Instructional stal'f In jour­no negligIble tendency toward the nalism at both Ames and the Unt­creation of oneness In the Institu- verslty from the Corn Belt Publisher tlon Is forensl<: In all of Its forms. In Its last issue. Publfcations should, and doubt- This official publication of the less do, have a tendency to weld the newspaper men of this section takes Btudent body. ~nto account the good that can be

But the one great factor which done to the state press through the means more than all others to east- practical instruction In writing and ern colleges and to many middle edltlng. This expt;essiotl shows that western colleges, tradition, Is woeful- the Corn Belt Publisher is alive and Iy lacking at Iowa. No one will thoroughly In advance or the times; question the traditional worth of the ' It sees the movement to Improve tbe Old Capitol,. and the annual fresh- publishing business In the state of man Bophomore push ball contest at Iowa.

A Real Pipe lor

College Men The.! are two of the

24 J)Opular ahapea ill which you can set the

Stratford tLOOwup

W'D C 'Hand MaJe tl.&O.ncI up

Each a' fine pi\,e, with aterlibg ailver ~ and vuleanite bit • Leadins dealer. ill town carry a fuJI a.. IOrtment. Select your favorite Ilyle.

WM.DEMUTII&CO. N_York IV...,I. ".,...,,.,.. ~ ... ,....,....

:::::rOCloc::=::::aoaOOr::lo===:::::rOClO=====SHOClOC' ;==::zpOClO=====OClOc::=~

! RE E t o D !THE SPDAibSCriPtion Rate for I D . I 0

~ will close I ~ October 1 th

I Ii

! ~

See the agent or phone your paper started nowe

18 5 an Pay your



any time before Octob~r 1 th, to the agent r at business office at 208 So. Clinton St. or at Ro n A. Bldg. After October 15, the price will be $3.00.

# -

Did you ever stop to think that The DAILY lOW AN makes a fine letter home?

Besides, in order to have a successful year, The lOW AN must have one thousand subscrib~rs.

Are You Doing Your Share?


====-oaOII::=:::::I7'01:l0====:a .... 0-====:::::IoaO-====-·01ll0, .. ' _==:ao_o'--~


Page 3: DR. PROGRAM ARRANGED Y. M. C. A. . fOR GYM CLASSESdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1917/di1917-09-26.pdf · ASSOOIA The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa ----~===== VOL

,er 26, 1917

rant to know you that We

o have these


Wait rs will reo 'ithin 15

s as good


e Red 440


d $1.00

.. $1.00




t t

O. makes



t I o



Wednesd!IY, September 26,1917 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. I .' PAGBTBRElI , ~------- -

Hotel Jefferson •

Dancing Party (Informal)

Every Friday Evening Fit'st Party, Ii'I'iday, eptembe[' 28th.

9 P. M. until Midnight

Dancing and other entertainment featurCfl in th e Main Dining Room !>ituatcd on the Rccond floor. All th(' latest noveltiefl will bc distributcd as well as appt'opt'iate favors to all the ladies.

JJight Lunches, Chafing Di 'h Specialties, Special Rca Food Menu and Soft Dl'inks will be serveu to thofle \\'ho desire at popular prices.

Cover Charge $1.00 Per Couple Phone yom reservation!> early as we have accommodations for a limited nUllIber only.

s. • • om

Keep ),lour soldier or

sailor boy sUPplied.

Give him the (astina

refreshment. the pro­

tection a!!ainst thirst. the help to appetite

and di2es(ton afforded

by Wrii!1 ),I"s.

Ws an outsfandina feature of tha war­"All the tlritish Army

Is chewlna If."


Racine's . Cigar

~;+¥19~:·>t··:-·:·;:S:-:·':·~·+7:*l~~9:$;~~~ I her masters degree. She has been

t S ·et d P I +~~ apPointed research assis tant in the t oct y an ersona " botany laboratory.

::~:~~:~:~:-.:...c4+-:-:~!-: .... :++lt 1~ :g!~~fu'1-7:~!';~++~ Gail Hum bert, last year's grad uate,

positions, and the development of the next few days, will largely determine the men who can successfully wear the Gold and Black.

Is assist ing In the history department ---1---Dr. C. B. Penrose of Independence, and working for her master's degree.

demonstrator in the co llege of dent- Sylvia Cochrane who was gradua­Istry, Is ill in the UniverSity hos- ted from the University last June Is


pilal. teaching English at New Hampton. Tne University Is to .obse"e Iowa Roscoe E. Stewart and Robert G. Edl.tll Hilton and Annette Ander- Day, Friday, Oct. 6. As yet nothing

Odie, of Spencer, graduates of the son both last year's graduates, are definite has been settled in re~ard to college of mediCine, are now sta- teaching In Goldfield. Miss Hilton Is the program for the day . . T4e com­tioned at Camp Dodge. principal of the high school, and Miss mlttee .In charge consists of: Profes-

The Phi Delta Chi fraternity gave Anderson Is teaching English and sors F. E. Horack, H. F. Gqodrlch, A. a recption to the freshman pharmlcs Latin. H. Ford, R. A. Kuever, and Forest last night at their chapter house. Ruth Horton, L. A. '17, is teaching C. Ensign. Features of the day will

Mildred MI.Jler is 111 in the Unl- In the Iowa Falls schools. probably include addresses by #lome versity hospital. Florence Swanson, L. A. '17, Is prominent persons, but the committee

S. L. Freeman, freshman medical teaching science In the Traer high has not taken any detintte action on student, Is going to St. Louis, where school. the matter. he has been offered a position in Minnie Frydenborg, Dent. '17, the ---1---chemistry. He will continue his only girl In the senior dental class of C. N. Updegraff, Law '16, leaves work there. last year, Is practicing dentistry at today for Baton Rouge, where he is

Ellen O'Brian, who was graduated last June in home economics at the University, is teachl·ng home econom­Ics In the high school at Lucas.

Elaine McKee of Stewart is direc-

Newall, Reinder Van Deest, pharmacy '17,/

is a registered pharmacist at Sioux Center.

to teach law in the state university. -+--1--­

OAMPBELI;FARNHAM G. Leslie Fa.rnha.m ~ Payette,

Alpha Tau Omega announces the Idaho, a graduate in the college of tor of public school music in the pledging of the following men: liberal arts last year, and Hazel schools of West L~erty. Campbell or Highland Park, were

Ivan J. Wieland, Red Oak; Maur· Lillian A. Burne~t, liberal arts married September 11 by Judge De ice K. Foote, Burlington; Harold M.

(reshman, has gone home on account Heatte, Gilmore City; John N. Russ, Graff of the Polk county district of illness. court.

Barbara Wight, liberal arts fresh-man, has Jeft (or home on account of the illness of her mother.

Norma. Haller of Estherville, who was grad uated from the univerSity hst June. is doing graduate work for

---Th~;(!trL ---~ • ·'l.HlC wl1cre they

play the picture"

T. ( • ;\ i

V ol l' 1 .; ... .., J.. ~

.~ OJ. 11 '\ .f ~.l v\J in

" 1 . ~ " j I t.. ·\,~i,~·lJ.0n

al>l~'(" .. ':'~., Y pnrl c. i "'{ {l

'fomorrow IlI.l. y .Ie tJOllL.V lez .

In , T; e 'Jreater

Law" t,DMISSION tl ,.ud 10 Cents

--- -_._--. -- .. -------Dental lnlirmnry

'1'1\(, (,lillicH I hOllI'S fol' 1>('111:11 Infil'll1nl')" New \)pufal BlIildillg, Co llcgt' (J Dl'llt is! 1')" beg-inlling ,';11111'1 1".', HeplcJllher ~~lHl. 1!)] 7.

Clinics,-M01ldll~'H, 10 A. M. to

'5 P. M. '['llPHdIlYS, 1 to 5 P. M. W('dll('f-"Hlnys, 10 A. M. to

f> P. M.. 'l'hlll'Rdnys, 10 A. M. to ;:, P. M. \"l'idnYIi, 1 to 5 P. M. H dll1'dH~' R, 9 A. M. to

5 P. M.


Iowa Falls. Mr. Farnham was with the Jones

--1-- Chautauqua Circuit during this sum-FOOTBALL MEN SENT mer. Mrs. Farnham was graduated

THROUGH DRIVING DRILL from the Higl\land Park college of (f'ontlnued from page one) tousic in 1916 and was also with the

i~ns. with NUfl,:..,t at left balf-back Jones Chautauqua circuit this sum-[l.nd Justin at quarter. mer. They wlll make their home in

R('rubs Play Well Knoxville.

()npoqed to this, was an eleven ============== WANTED-Student to work morn­

IICh gave It worthy competition in ings from 7: 30 to 9 and Saturday.

, ·cn ; department. Aschenbrenner, Golden Eagle. tf

'1(1 (' ulver, and Jensen performed

,', .1 t the extremltles of the line WANTED-Room-ma.te by young , c1~vcrting ends runs, and in this lady very desirable room and sleep-

"" °hly IIssls ted by the conSistent ing porth. 924 Iowa Ave. Mrs. E. L. ,;.~ rmanrc of Bleeker and Green- Wei-dner. is

Ii t thp. right guard, Helwig , )'1"d uJ' a, 'he star of the scrub de- LOST-Pair of glasses in black case. .,. ~ time ~nd again breaking Return to office of Dean of Women. .

"", '\ "a iling the varsity backs FOR RENT-Furnished room, I • '1'1 " or Dcrimmage al· Jingle or double, hot wa.ter heat, .eo­

,', . ')·~r-lr.' and Cumberland at ond house west or <lental building. 11 ··"rc 'llso ably f1alllked by

~., I, left. FOR RENT- 7 room Flat Bloom

-, c"'c\\ Kent's backfield Terrace No.2, phone 3711

r1 ·11 t'lr) I·meli~ht, 111- 1f"'OUND-Fountaln pen and Y. book.

" -o:']"h I' nos~ing great-r' : '''i, c"'ccllvpness. The FOR RENT-Rooma, all mo4ern.

, .' ~ ""u('r INI by Corn· close In. 317 So. ~dle. Pbone .,.' 'I 1l1:gl,am at full-back, and Black 311. U

, '\ '1. ond Drummond performing Wanted-A studellt lirl to ..... :ti Vf'<\. Pilrticularly did they ex·

, 'l' ,'WOl h. the varsity be. In general house work for boaI"d an4 ~ .'l)le tn complet,. lJut one forward room. Mrs. Ill. LaU6l',~ aa. 1Il...1ow.

.. f1nr!"~ Ihn ('ntire !'IeRslon. Avenue.

8nhstlftlt lOllS, too frequent to be W ANTED--lrurnlabe4 I'OOma 'or c(,l1mtely noted. were mnde by tbe Ught housekeeping In m048I'D ILOUM

~('!" : (''lcl particularly was tMs by faculty man and wife. Inquire at " ·,r',,1' 'he flrst twenty minutes, Iowan oUice.

• '1 ~ ra!'\Pf .Tack Watson contln. -

., ..... "N! cd ont those physlcally un- ROOM FOR RElNT- Everythiq I. for fnrthpr work, and replaced modern, 313 N Linn St., Phone 814 ~ " '11 f '1h mnteorlal. 'V'tl' crimmage practice In pro· LOST-Pair of no Be glasses In ease.

\'r~s m ('arnest. no longer w1l1 In· Finder please call Phone '08, or : 'pallle men be able to maintain their bring to Iowan office.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , LADIES ALL LEATHER 9INO.B



14 South Dubuque Street. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . .

- PllONE11-If it'B BoUed a.nd wrinkled


Where good fellows like to linger longer

Billiard Parlors Up-Stairs T. DELL KELLEY


f end. He i.

October. ime until

Page 4: DR. PROGRAM ARRANGED Y. M. C. A. . fOR GYM CLASSESdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1917/di1917-09-26.pdf · ASSOOIA The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa ----~===== VOL



a chance no greater than In hazardous the wounds ate In the top of the Island, San Francisco, to accompany conditions at home. head, sj.mply scalp woun~s. Practl- Madam Ross, who Is to gi>ve a con-

Mr. Babson' conclusions are based cally speaking, a wound Is either fatal cort for the bors at the naval traln­on the mortality figures of the or slight, with but few In between lng camp there.

TYPWRITERS The National Touch Metbod and new Underwoods for stu­dent use lit less than regular renlnl cost. After six months you get a credit refund for every cent paid. Sec Ollr agent at the Y. M. O. A., or at the University Typewriter Co. 21 1h

French army for the full three years these two extremes." Miss Jones Is known to the majo.-ity of upper classmen of lhe unlver Wellesley Man Gives Figures to of war, and attention Is called to the ---1---

Show that Morality Rate is I fact that pr sent fighting is not re- + ... oJ- site as "Kate" Jones, or to the sopho It I I h tl b I omore and J'unlor girls as "the girl Usually Over Estimated su ng n anyw ere near Ie num er AI N'T IT A GRAND j

of deaths recorded for the first two I ANI) GIJORIOUS FEELlN who used to play for 'gym' ". She 1«

H In the western part of the country ac-Roger Babson, the eminent sta- years. e says: • S. ClInlon St. companying Madam Ilo's, a noted so-Of Wellesley, has gather d the fol- "Most of the wounds sURtained In Isn 't It a grand nd glorious feel

a - lolst of Seattle, In her concerts. On ~,.~'J ION ., 'n 1'18'1' lowIng figures from a close study of the trenches are clean cut and of

Ing when you are miles away from her trip to tbe naval tralnmg camp such a nature that a few weeks In home and there suddenly appears be-

ASSOCIATION war casualties:

and during her stay at Great Island, Fourteen men of every fifteen have the hospital make the subject as fit fore you someone whom you saw Miss Jones Is to be accompanied by '[l~; ';r :"C>~;le,~ "1I 01 ZI:l.U CI .

been safe so far. as ever. Only 300,000 French sol- once back in your home town or two guards, a rather thrilling exper-Under present conditions, where diers have been discharged on ac- state? This is probably the sensation ience for the aye rage girl.

man power Is being conserved, no count of wounds during the three which some ot our former universi ty ---1---more than one In thirty Is killed. years of the war. boys will experience next Sunday COMPLETE PLANS FOR

Eat at the Only one man In 500 loses a limb- "Fighting In the trenches, most of I when Kathryn Jones arrives at Great FIRST JAPANESE PAR'l'Y

All ,women of the University w\l1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I gather In the liber~ ar~ dr~w~g room for the first annual Chawa



, We hay only 011 ohject hel'e; to buy, HOll, serve, so as to give you satisfaction.

You judge f"om the te. t of wear how wcll we do it ; money cheerfully refunded.


Our young men's popular store

The T' iliad, a hI slIccrSs of Bremers' comes from the ullCJuest ioned Rtyle leadel'Jlip; and the intelli­grn t, e,"perfs rvice \\'e give. \Ve have onJy best qualitieR in rIot he~ j and the best and latest and most efl'crt ivo styles.

Suits and ove!'soats which present all the new late idens fOl' yOllng JUen at pl'ices that are real economy.

$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $35

You'll not ~nd such an exhibit of these superior suits and O\'Cl'coat anywhere in the country. We otTe!' you distinct ion, dignity, quality, with the beRt f'ty le. Wr otTer yon valucs 110t to be found any, ",here Ise. The greatest po. sible mOlley's \l'orth.

~fL-------------________ ~

Phoenix Silk Hose for men and women 55c, 85e $1.10

Golden Eagle Outfitters for Men from Head to Foot


Wwal Friday evening at 7: 3 O. In I the drawing room a brief reception

will be held . Mrs. Walter A. Jessup, Mrs. G. F. Kay, Dean Anna M. I

Klingenhagen, Miss Ward all , Mrs. I W. R. Whltels, Miss Mary Andersen, Bernice Cole, Gladys Coon, Jean Moore, and Veronica Murphl[ will stand in the receiving line.

The real event of the evening will be the big Japanese parade. Every girl of last year wlll find as her part­nE'r either a first year girl or a rac­ulty woman for the parade. Carry-

I ing lighted Japanese lanterns they \VIII march around the campus and finally reach the women's gymna­sl·um where the remainder of the ev­elling w11l be spent in games.



The Largest Restaurant in

the City

$3.00 MEAL TICKET $2.50

Coffee, Cakes and syrup 10e

from 5 to 10 a, m.

COME THIS EVENING ~ ___ ---:,--___ --' Singers among University men are

directed to tbe fact that tryouts for -======--.--:--:7:=:-:::=-=­the Men's Glee club wiII be held In I r,!~~~~~~=~~==~ the school of music tonight at 7

o'clock. Candidates are reC]uested by Prof.

W. E. Hays, head of the school of music and director of the Glee club,

to rotrV t':ho!l' name.'l IV \WI n1Il.ceJn the music conservatory today.




~ ~ The swimming pool In the men's

gymnasium will be open for use the latter part of this weelt. Trouble at the heating plant prevented earlier openin g aecordln!!" to E. G. SChrON1E'f .


T H E tlon quallty -u

equalled for Imoothnel8. uni­formity of gradlng and durabUity.

17 black degrees. from 68 softelt to to 9H hardest, Bnd hard and medium (indeUble) copy­Ing. Loo~ Jor the dbt{n~ lioe VENUS finbh/

=::::IOJ::aO===::a4~n::lOI)C:lo:C==:::IC:U:::10)C::::==::::I O=O,.-="'-·' = OClOII:C==:.::I'OClOI=====

It wlJ1 be open to all men who have lockers from 2 : 30 to 6 o'clocl: 011 all week days; Classes will be held in the pool every morning trom 10 to 12 o'clock.

I!,~~~: I

The Best. Way to reach all the students every day

is through

THE DAILY IOWAN Read Daily by Three Thousand Students

Advertising rates upon application at the busfne~s office.

208 South Clinton Street


~ o

--1--I.illian Oldaker, L. A. '17, Is em­

J110yed as bookeeper for the Mutual T.,lfe Insurance company at D s Moines.

with five VENUS Dl'1Iwlnil P "ella, Holder and VENUS Eraeer

nt 11'11.. Wrill 'or It.

D --1--

American Lead Pencil Co. ::l> FlfthAn., N. Y.

Dept. J

T'II .1ta VENUS E,_p. 100. Mol. In 12 .Is... $2.00"., 60 ...

~o Ina Gourley of Ottumwa and M'1bel

Wenklng of Mapletown are ill lu th('

IlTniVersity hospital.

------------------------------------------------------01 -D: 0


II i ~ I

. II



It burns with a long, hot flame It leaves little ash It is free from olinker It is moderate in prioe

Make sure of getting your supply at once,








GI l Jones Leo Forma~



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In II. co varsity fo tile gymn about five signal drl [0 obtain a s Jlpper~

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