dr. pramod khargonekar professor university of florida

Dr. Pramod Khargonekar Professor University of Florida

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Dr. Pramod KhargonekarProfessorUniversity of Florida

Page 2: Dr. Pramod Khargonekar Professor University of Florida

Pramod P. Khargonekar

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Smart Grid and Integration of Renewable Energy

Impact of the Southeast in the World's Renewable Energy Future

SEC SymposiumAtlanta, GA

February 12, 2013

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AcknowledgementsJoint work with E. Bitar (Cornell), K. Poolla & P. Varaiya (Berkeley), E. Bayenes (Valladolid), R. Rajgopal (Stanford), M. Fang (Florida), …

Support from NSF and Florida Energy Systems Consortium

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Electric Grid - Background

Smart Grid

Renewable Generation

Grid Integration


Future Directions


Focus on system operations, not on specific hardware technologies

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High voltage transmission network is a mesh network

Distribution networks are largely radial networks

(Socio-economic-technical) Dynamic system with phenomena at many time-scales

Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years

Geographically distributed yet tightly interconnected

Electric energy storage is very expensive and nearly impossible

Energy produced must equal energy consumed on a second-by-second basis – power balance

A complex hierarchical distributed control system has evolved over the years to ensure stability and

performance of the large scale networked power system

Electric Grid Characteristics

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Power BalancePower balance – balance power generation and consumption on a second-by-second basis

Main Approach: adjust supply to meet demand with reliability

Natural uncertainty in consumption [load]

Use of reserve capacity to manage uncertainty and contingencies

Day-ahead – hourly schedules, one day ahead

Real-time – 5 minute schedules, 15 minutes ahead

Automatic generation control using system frequency

Deregulation of the electricity sector – unique mix of engineering and economics

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Smart Grid =Power Grid + Sensors +

Communications+ Computation + Control

Source: DOE

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Smart Grid is a Vision

“a stronger, smarter, more efficient electricity infrastructure that will

encourage growth in renewable energy sources, empower consumers to reduce their energy use, and lay the foundation

for sustained, long-term economic expansion”

Steven Chu, U.S. Energy Secretary, 2009

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Renewable Electricity Production






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Source: EPRI

Mismatch Between Production and Consumption

Missing Link: Transmission Capacity

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US Wind Capacity

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US PV Installation

Source: IREC USA

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Renewable Electricity Generation

Source: EIA

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Power output varies in all time frames:







Variability of Wind and SolarSource: CAISO

Intermittency, uncontrollability, and uncertainty - principal causes of difficulty at the operational

level in integration of wind and solar into the grid.

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Source: Integration of Renewable Resources at 20% RPS, CAISO, 2010

Large ramps, up and down,pose particular difficulties

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Uncertainty – reliable predictions of power output are hard, particularly day ahead

Uncontrollability – power output cannot be controlled as desired

Intermittency – even if we could predict perfectly, the power output is inherently variable

Variable Generation captures all three aspects into a single phrase

Variability – Three Distinct Issues

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Regulatory guidelines require periodic assessment and multi-year planning to ensure sufficient generation capacity to meet demand

LOLP - 1 day in 10 years criterion (p=0.9997)

Resource Adequacy (RA) requirements; capacity markets

Particularly challenging in deregulated markets

Capacity credit

Nameplate capacity fraction for meeting RA requirements

Several probabilistic analysis techniques for CC calculation

What is the capacity credit of VG (wind)?

~PJM, MISO – 13%, NYISO – 10% (summer), SPP – 10%, E.ON – 8%, …

Could be even less at deep penetration

What are the impacts on power system planning?

How much traditional generation can be displaced by VG?

What happens at deep penetration of VG?

Capacity Credit

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Better forecasts are extremely valuable

Prediction error decreases with horizon

Forecast of wind velocity or solar flux – numerical weather prediction models

Conversion of wind velocity or solar flux into electric power

Use of neural networks and statistical forecasting methods

Natural opportunity for nonlinear estimation methods enabled by sensors and communications

Event detection methodologies to predict the timing and magnitude of ramp events



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Renewable IntegrationMany large scale studies have been conducted in the last few years

Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS)

Western Wind and Solar Integration Study (WWSIS)

CAISO Integration Studies

Integration of Variable Generation Task Force (IVGTF)

NREL Studies, European projects, …

General conclusions: With sufficient transmission capacity, we can go up to 20-30% renewable electricity with significant impacts on power systems operations – implications for:

Markets, reserves, balancing areas, flexibility of production stack, fast ramping resources, storage, adjustable demand, ….

This is the focus of our work

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Large simulation studies to estimate the impact of 20% and 33% RPS

Load following reserves:

2,292 MW in 2006 - 3,207 MW in 2012 - 4,423 MW in 2020

Up regulation reserves

277 MW in 2006 - 512 MW in 2012 - 1,135 MW in 2020


Is there a more rigorous method for estimating the additional reserves?

Are there techniques to reduce the need for these additional reserves?

Will/should renewable producers be required to provide their own reserves?

California Results

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Wind power is taken to be a discrete-time stochastic process

Normalized to name-plate capacity:

CDF of the wind power process:

Time averaged CDF:

Wind Power Model

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Two settlement market

Wind producer offers a contract for constant power C in the DAM at price p

Imbalance prices in the real-time market: q shortfall price, l excess price

Imbalance prices q and l are taken to be random variables while p is assumed to be known

Market Model

Contract, CWind power w

Forward day-ahead market Real-time market


time1 T

p (q, l)

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Profit Function

Energy shortfall

Energy excess

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Assumptions: (1) Wind power producer is a price taker

(2) Wind power and prices are uncorrelated

Optimal Policy is a Quantile Policy

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Source: Electrical Storage Association

Topic of intense research worldwideWill have a major impact on Renewables and electric transport

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Energy Storage Model


Stored energy dissipation - aInjection and extraction efficiency – hinj, hext

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Same two settlement market as before

At each time instant, we can choose to inject energy into or extract energy from the storage device to maximize the net profit:

Optimal Contract with Storage

S = net injection = Pinj - PextStorage operation policy = g

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Admissible policies: all feedback policies that depend on the past values of w and e

Lemma: Greedy policy, g*, is optimal.

Theorem: J(g*, C) is concave in C.

Theorem: Optimal profit is a concave, monotone non-decreasing function of the storage size .



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Consider a collection of geographically dispersed VG producers.

Intuition: Averaging can reduce variability


Can a group of wind power producers increase their collective profits by aggregating and offering their power output as a single entity?

What profit sharing policy will ensure that the individual producers cooperate?

Benefits of Aggregation

Bayens et al. CDC’2011

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Current: adjust the generation to meet random demand

Future: adjust demand to meet random generation

Flexible Demand: heating, air-conditioning, refrigeration, water heaters, EVs, …

These are energy consumers, not power consumers


How can we optimize aggregate and optimize flexibility of large numbers of individual flexible loads?

How can sensing and communications be used for distributed control of flexible loads?

What incentive and pricing mechanisms will be effective in getting consumers to participate in adjustable demand programs?

How can these distributed resources be integrated into power system operations with large RG penetration?

Paradigm Change

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Large numbers of solar, wind, CHP, and micro-generators in the distribution system

Adjustable demand, electric vehicles


Sensing, communications, computing, control (SG)


What is the optimal, scalable, control and communications architecture to control such a large scale distributed power system?

How can we do this while respecting the legacy centralized grid and minimize the need for additional reserves?

What level of renewable penetration can be achieved in such a distributed scenario?


GRIP: Grid with Intelligent Periphery

Coordinated aggregation & control using smart grid sensing, communications, computation, and control

Distributed Renewable Generation

Bakken et al, SmartGridCom’2011

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E. Bitar, A. Giani, R. Rajagopal, D. Varagnolo, P. P. Khargonekar, K. Poolla, P. P. Varaiya, “Optimal Contracts for Wind Power Producers in Electricity Markets,” Proc. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1919-1926, 2010.

E. Bitar, R. Rajagopal, P. P. Khargonekar, and K. Poolla, “Optimal Bidding Strategies for Wind Power Producers: the Role of Reserve Margins and Energy Storage,” Proc. American Control Conference, pp. , June 2011.

E. Bitar, P. P. Khargonekar, and K. Poolla, “Systems and Control Opportunities in Smart Grid and Renewable Integration,” Proc. 2011 IFAC World Congress, Milan, ITALY.

D. Bakken, A. Bose, K. M. Chandy, P. P. Khargonekar, A. Kuh, S. Low, A. von Meier, K. Poolla, P. P. Varaiya, and F. Wu, “GRIP – Grids with Intelligent Periphery: Control Architectures for Grid2050,” Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm, 2011.

A. Giani, E. Bitar, M. Garcia, M. McQueen, P. P. Khargonekar, and K. Poolla, “Smart Grid Data Integrity Attacks: Characterizations and Countermeasures,” Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm, 2011

E. Baeyens, E. Bitar, P. P. Khargonekar, and K. Poolla, “Wind Energy Aggregation: A Coalitional Game Approach,” Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2011.

E. Bitar, K. Poolla, P. P. Khargonekar, R. Rajgopal, P. Varaiya, and F. Wu, “Selling Random Energy,” Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, 2012.

E. Bitar, R. Rajagopal, P. P. Khargonekar, K. R. Poolla, and P. Varaiya, “Bringing Wind Energy to Market,” submitted for publication to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Our Publications

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Dr. Pramod KhargonekarProfessorUniversity of Florida