dr philleval211


Upload: phill-alexander

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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What were your two or three favorite parts of class? Why did you like those the most?

What were the two or three

worst parts of class? Why? How

could they be better?

With a summer online class, it can be hard to get a lot of interactivity.

I hope the daily questions helped.

Did it feel like you got enough peer and instructor feedback?

I chose this summer to have everything major due at the end instead

of asking for your projects during the

term. Did you like that? Did it work well for


What didn’t we get to that you wish we had?

Why? Where would you have put it?

If you had to describe class as

a game, what would it be, and


Equate Dr. Phill to a boss. Then to an NPC. Why?

What items would he drop?

Describe class as a narratologist.

Then as a Ludologist.

Imagine that the entire class– these last 6 weeks– was a quest-line. Equate your grade/what you’ve learned to an item. What’d you earn?

You’re sitting in an inn in some random RPG. You hear an adventurer claiming that a Doctor Phillip of the Kingdom of Immz has offered to send her on a epic quest for glory. What advice do you offer?