dr demartini featured article in succeed magazine

Date : October, 01 , 2008 Publication : Succeed Page Number: 46-47 www.succeed.co.za 771022W19007 1 buslness'without OCTOBER 2008 R18.00 (incl. VAT) Other countries R15.78(excl. tax) - tips from entrepreneurs who have done it 080 10 • Businesswoman of the year John Demartini on success • 4 stages of a franchisee's life Profitable pizza Reana wins with skincare %4aJfc Page 3/3

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Simply asking for what we want is not enough. We need to be in a state of fulfilment when we ask.


Date : October, 01 , 2008 Publication : Succeed Page Number: 46-47




OCTOBER 2008 R18.00 (incl. VAT) Other countries R15.78(excl. tax)

- tips from entrepreneurs who have done it

0 8 0 10

• Businesswoman of the year John Demartini on success

• 4 stages of a franchisee's life ► Profitable pizza • Reana wins with skincare


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Date : October, 01 , 2008 Publication : Succeed Page Number: 46-47

Law of attraction

somehow different, or opposites, according to Demartini. This distinction is an illusion. This belief is often what keeps us from attracting material wealth into our lives.

Deep down we believe that if we acquire wealth, our spiritual life will suffer. "Some people outwardly acknowledge their desire for great wealth but feel inwardly guilty about acquiring it. This inner conflict between 'heavenly' good and 'hellish' profit stunts their growth in both spiritual and material matters, creating an almost incapacitating poverty complex that blocks future opportunities."

"Some people outwardly

acknowledge their

desire for great wealth but feel inwardly guilty about acquiring it"

existence and out beyond the farthest galaxies, every energy exchange maintains a conservation or perfect balance between give and take."

Nothing is really created or destroyed, and nothing is ever gained or lost. Everything is simply transformed. "Every time you try to step outside this law and try to receive something for nothing, or try to give something for nothing, you oppose the very forces of nature," says Demartini. "By bringing into balance acts of giving and receiving between yourself and others, you come into alignment with the conserving power of the universe and magical things start to happen."

According to Demartini it is wise to give and receive fairly, equitably, and simultaneously. "You need to ask, how can I give others what they would love while simultaneously receiving what I would love. How can I fulfil both of us? Ask yourself these questions daily and you will be on your way to receiving an entirely new and more empowered life."

Love and appreciation are powerful magnetic forces. If you do not know how to love and appreciate wealth, if you unconsciously resist and mistrust it by misunderstanding its true nature, you will not attract it. "But when you transcend any limiting illusions about wealth, and embrace it as a manifestation of spirit-matter, it walks right up and offers itself to you.

The secret to wealth and fulfilment is to understand that spirit and matter are one. "You would be wise to make your spiritual life a business and your business life a spiritual experience. In other words, incorporate your heart, mind, and soul into your business. Put your spirit into your work. Pour on your inspiration."

Another hurdle in the way of achieving our goals is the internal struggle between our desires to give and to receive. "Deep inside, people believe that it is better to give to others than to themselves. They have yet to learn how to integrate the two sides into one balanced whole that would enable them to build solid financial foundations. Just as a nation's economy needs both supply and demand sides to function, so too must individuals learn to give and receive. When the two are brought consciously into balance, they unleash exceptional power."

We believe that it is more honourable to give than to receive but this defies a profound universal law, the Law of Equilibrium, also known in science as the Law of Conservation. "From the quantum world within the atom to the atmosphere of human

"When giving and receiving are

consciously brought into balance, they

unleash exceptional power"

"You either attract abundance into your life or you keep it away, depending on how you think and feel. If you would love to get to heaven, you would be wise to learn how to love and appreciate spiritual matter, including its earthly form called wealth." D

About Dr John Demartini Dr John Demartini is a professional speaker, author and business consultant. His clients range from Wall Street financiers and executives to actors and sport personalities. He is the author of The breakthrough experience and founder of the Concourse of Wisdom School of Philosophy and Healing.

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Date : October, 01 , 2008 Publication : Succeed Page Number: 46-47

Law of attraction

The ultimate secret to

Simply asking for what we want is not enough. We need to be in a state of fulfilment when we ask.

by Chantel Oosthuysen

y~ his book, How to make one hell of a profit and still get I to heaven, Dr John Demartini explains that when we

are in 'heaven', we attract the things we want into our lives with ease.

Heaven is a heartfelt state of appreciation, fulfilment and presence. "This means being in the here and now, and not in the future with an imagined fear of the past with remembered guilt," says Demartini.

This heartfelt state arises from a feeling of balance, harmony and order. "When you know that everything around you and within you is in a state of order, you feel grateful and fulfilled. You think and act with grace and poise, and you live with love and appreciation. This is a powerfully creative and magnetic state in which to be. You draw entirely different circumstances and opportunities into your life, including greater financial abundance."

"Love and appreciation are

powerfully creative and magnetic states

in which to be"

Hell is just the opposite where our lives are filled with chaos, and we feel unfulfilled and powerless. "At such times you repel people and opportunities, you imagine that you are struggling in hell."

Both heaven and hell are states of mind, one with order and the other with chaos. "The most exciting part is that you have the ability to choose which of these states you want to live in."

According to Demartini, one of the great secrets of the universe is that everything is in perfect order already. "The

only thing keeping you out of heaven, with all its spiritual and material bounties, is a lack of awareness and appreciation of that divine order."

When you appreciate your life, it suddenly increases or appreciates in value. "Through such appreciation, your station in life is automatically elevated."

There are, however, some major blocks in attracting what it is you want. The first is the widespread spiritual and business belief that formless spirit and form-full matter are

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