dowsers society of nsw inc. newsletter april... · 2017. 7. 27. · dowsers society of nsw inc....

Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter April 2010 Vol 22 Issue 4 Table of Contents 2 Speaker for April 18th, 2010 - Suzanne Naseby 3 From the President 4 Treasurer Report 5 Ley, Sacred Sites & Beer Lines 7 Do you Know Jesus Well? 8 Object Found - Dowsing by Telephone 12 A Matter of Perception 13 Beginner’s Dowsing Seminar 15 Bull’s Eyes 17 Register of Dowsers 18 Installing LOVE, With Tech Support 20 The Easter Egg Origin 22 Library News 23 Speaker for May 16th, 2010 - Simon Blow Views expressed in articles are the opinion of the individual writer only, not necessarily the collective view of the Society.

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Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.NewsletterApril 2010

Vol 22 Issue 4

Table of Contents

2 Speaker for April 18th, 2010 - Suzanne Naseby3 From the President4 Treasurer Report5 Ley, Sacred Sites & Beer Lines7 Do you Know Jesus Well?8 Object Found - Dowsing by Telephone12 A Matter of Perception13 Beginner’s Dowsing Seminar15 Bull’s Eyes17 Register of Dowsers18 Installing LOVE, With Tech Support20 The Easter Egg Origin22 Library News23 Speaker for May 16th, 2010 - Simon Blow

Views expressed in articles are the opinion of the individual writeronly, not necessarily the collective view of the Society.

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2 Dowsers Society of NSW – April 2010

Suzanne Naseby - Shamanic Pathways

ShamanicPathways: Modern Menand Women walking an Ancient

Path. Suzanne Naseby is apsychotherapist with a deep connectto nature and ceremony. She has beenrunning WytchyWays Workshopssince 2001 and in that time she hasoffered many public as well as privaterituals, teaching circles and co-facilitated workshops on a wide rangeof spiritual themes. Suzanne is anartist who draws inspiration andguidance from her life experience as well as her connection tocommunity, nature, art, dance movement and her sense of theDivine.

Shamanism is the original religion. The ‘rediscovery’ of shamanicpractice may be one of the most important spiritual developmentsof our era. Yeshi and Suzanne have developed ShamanicPathwaysfrom their combined years of experience and take great pleasure inguiding others who seek a deeper connection with nature.

In this talk Suzanne Naseby will share her personal practise ofincorporating the traditional way of the shaman with creative andintuitive ways of bringing wellbeing, guidance, empowerment andthe expansion of consciousness in her life and inspiring others ontheir own path of the shaman.

Speaker for April 18th, 2010

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Dowsers Society of NSW – April 2010 3

From the President

Our AGM last month went off without a hitch and Stafford Lowe, ourReturning Officer, had an easy job announcing the new Council

Officers and Members who were unopposed.

They are:a. President Noel Jordanb. Vice-President Guy Kramhoftc. Vice-President Gordon Marshalld. Secretary Francois Capmeile. Treasurer Maxine Simosf. Committee Member Jim Pennycookg. Committee Member Marilyn Smithh. Committee Member Gisela Volklandg. Committee Member Erica Schiller

We have an exciting year planned with seminars which will stretch you all,field trips to hone your spatial and earth energy skills, lovely speakers onvaried subjects, and changes to the way we run our meetings to make themmore relevant and responsive. Following afternoon tea there will be practicaldowsing exercises with experienced dowsers for those who need it. You canstill chat to your friends and make new ones, if you prefer.

We need members who have special knowledge of web sites to come forwardand join our Editorial Web Board. If you’re an experienced dowser andwant your name on the REGISTER OF DOWSERS please read the articleand send us your particulars.

I wish you all a happy, joyful and productive year of dowsing. Make sureyou have plenty of fun too!

Best wishes Noel

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Treasurer’s Report 2009

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Leys, Sacred Sites and Beer LinesA Visionary Landscape, touching on Alfred Watkins’ work as a beer salesman. Asthe publication date for the BSD newsaletter is April 1, we thought this might godown a treat.

Since the publication of Alfred Watkins’ book, ‘The Old Straight Track’,in 1925, it has been known that pre•reformation churches, standing

stones, holy wells and other ancient sacred sites formed linear patterns onthe landscape, now known as leys.

To the academic world, leys are a questionable phenomenon, a source ofconstant controversy. To the mystic, they are no enigma. They are pathwaysof the planetary life force, the Earth Spirit, which often manifests as anapparition of a goddess or white lady at significant nodal points along theirlength. Such apparitions, it is believed, gave rise to the sacred places whichmark leys. Shortly after the publication of ‘The Old Straight Track’, a second,less well known book came out, dealing with a related phenomenon. It wasWilfred Atkins’ book, ‘The Wibbly Wobbly Way’.

AAAAAvvvvvebureburebureburebury Hy Hy Hy Hy Hengeengeengeengeenge

Atkins had noticed that some leys notonly included monasteries, abbeys andother sacred sites where beer is brewed,but ancient public houses where it isconsumed.He suggested that Britain’spubs have their own ley system of BeerLines. Its centre is at Avebury Henge,Europe’s largest megalithic stone circle,or to be more precise, at The Red Lion,which stands at the centre of the circle.Radiating out from here is a networkof Beer Leys linking pubs across thelength and breadth of the land.

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If this is correct, our oldest pubs were built upon ancient sacred placesalong the leys. They are power•points in the world grid where we can pluginto the cosmic mains and our spiritual source. The Beer Leys which linkthem form part of the sacred landscape of Britain. Beer Leys are not straightlike Alfred Watkins’ leys. They meander wonkily across the landscape frompub to pub, like a drunk on a night out.

Atkins was quick to point out that this perfectly represents the influence ofbeer on the ley line system. However, it also mirrors the findings ofexperienced dowsers who have made a lengthy investigation of Britain’slongest alignment, the Michael line, which runs right across the countrylinking a line of St Michael’s churches from St Michael’s Mount in Cornwallto Norfolk. They discovered that the Michael line actually contains twodowsable energy polarities which weave and meander around each otherin exactly the same way as Wilf ’s Beer Lines.

Michael and Wilf (Sorry Harmish!)Michael and Wilf (Sorry Harmish!)Michael and Wilf (Sorry Harmish!)Michael and Wilf (Sorry Harmish!)Michael and Wilf (Sorry Harmish!)

Incidentally, the Michael line crosses one of Wilf ’s lines at Avebury. Theexact spot is marked by a huge stone with a seat carved into it. It is a greatplace to carry a beer from The Red Lion, as the stone faces the mid- day sunat its zenith and can be a very empowering place to sit (please remember totake your beer glass back to the pub afterwards). Dowsers have much successin tracing these energy lines, so it is worth learning their techniques to findthe most powerful places to attune to your beer. ‘Beer energy nodes.’

If you have developed a degree of sensitivity, you will feel the energy of beerlines as a distinctly wobbly sensation as if you have just had a bottle ofStoudt’s Abbey Triple (9%) on an empty stomach. When you find a reallystrong power point, you may suddenly find yourself incapable of standingand be caught up in a swirling vortex of energy that throws you to theground. and breadth of the land.

Once you have identified a suitable spot, remain spread•eagled on theground like a starfish and attune to it. Ignore passing comments like “Earth-

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Do you know Jesus Well?

A group of British dowsers decided to explore the site of the Jesus Wellbetween Rock and Polzeath on the north coast of Cornwall. They

found a ley line running across the well and two water lines crossing andmeeting at the well.

At least five energy lines cross and mingle at the well site, which producean energy spiral that almost encircles the protective wall. As with such anobviously powerful place they asked if there was a ‘manifestation’ of thetype sometimes detected by Hamish Miller - and they were rewardedwith the discovery of a twelve pointed star shape. Physically the place waswell care for and in another time would have been, a pilgrimage site ofsome significance.

A lady stopped to talk to the dowsers and to ask about dowsing. She toldus that a relative of hers, who lived locally, had once been asked by acouple of ‘hippies’, “Do you know Jesus Well?”

To which she had replied “Not intimately!”

Dowsing can be fun!

hugger” or “p***•artist”. Lie there until the dizziness wears off, then you canconnect to the Earth’s power pulse and expand your consciousness to thatof the planet. When you are at one with the planet, your aura will beroughly 25,000 miles in diameter. You will have grown in spiritual statureaccordingly.

Reprinted from the Journal of the British Society of Dowsers, April 2009

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Object Found - Dowsing by Telephoneby Jasun Light reprinted from the American Society of Dowsers,

Volume 48 - No. 2 - Spring 2008

Anyone who ever doubted the validity of dowsing for lost objects, letthis true story eliminate those doubts once and for all. I write this story

to open dowsers’ minds to the infinite possibilities that dowsing holds, solong as we approach it with the utmost respect, responsibility, and reverence.

I am a novice at dowsing. Four or five years ago I heard a few recordings byHarold McCoy, and later went to a beginners workshop led by Walt Woods.Dowsing was something that intrigued me from the start. Initially, though,I thought of it as an interesting topic for investigation, but not a practice Iwas interested in pursuing myself. Not, that is, until I lost something veryprecious and dear to me. It was a one of a kind rock artifact, a natural objectI found in Colorado some twenty years ago, an object I had lovingly polishedfor hours on end.

From time to time I had been attendingmy local dowsing chapter meetings tofind out what they might have to sayabout higher levels of consciousness.Being a big fan of psychology,philosophy, and mysticism, I found thedowsing community to be friendly andvery open to “rubber-neckers” likemyself, who stick their necks inside themeetings to see what is going on, yet

haven’t plucked up enough courage to jump in feet first.

Well, all that changed because of my missing rock treasure. You see, sometwo and a half years ago, I changed residences. I put some of my possessionsin storage, and kept many precious things at my apartment, including myrock piece and quite a number of books.

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Then one day, it occurred to me that it had been some time since I had seenmy rock object. Where was it? Was it in storage? Did my ex-wife have it? Ifit was in my apartment, why couldn’t I find it? I looked high and low fortwo or three days, everywhere “important” where I would keep such avaluable object. Where could it be? My frustration mounted.

Then I remembered. I should get a dowser to find it. I got out my addressbook and made some initial enquiries, asking for the name of a dowser whospecialises in finding lost objects. The answer was a nice lady by the nameof Marge Hefty. I had spoken with her occasionally at the chapter meetings,but still, I barely knew her. I gave her a call.

“Hi Marge, you may not remember me, but this is Jasun Light. I was wonderingif you could please do me a huge favor, and dowse for a lost object for me? It holdsa lot of emotional and sentimental value for me, and I don’t know where it is. Itcould be at my ex-wife’s house, it could be at my place, I really don’t know. Canyou please help me?”

“Hang on, let me get my pendulum,” Marge replied. Then she asked herDowsing System, “May I, Can I, Should I”, Yes, yes, and yes.

Marge came back on the phone. “OK, I can do it, just tell me how big it is.”I told her, “It’s only about half the size of the palm of your hand”. (That was theonly information I gave her about what it was).

Then, while working over the phone, Marge proceeded to ask her DowsingSystem a series of questions. “Is it at his ex-wife’s house?” No. “Is it at hisapartment?” Yes. “Is it in his living room? “ No. “Is it in his dining room?” No.“Is it in his kitchen?” No. “Is it in the spare bedroom?” No. “Is it in his masterbedroom?” Yes. Then she asked me where the door was to the bedroom. Itold her it was in the Southeast corner of the master bedroom.

Marge continued asking her Dowsing System, “ Is it on the East wall?” No.“Is it on the West wall?” No. “Is it on the North wall?” No. “Is it on the Southwall?” Yes. “Is it on the floor?” No. “Is it one foot off of the floor?” No. “Is it two

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feet off of the floor?” Yes. Marge stopped the Dowsing session, and told mewhat she found out. “Your lost object is in your master bedroom, on the Southwall, two feet above the floor.” I thanked her, and told her that if it was there,I would send her a bouquet of flowers. I relaxed myself, to take my mindoff of it for a while. And then about 15 minutes later, I was ready to go havea look.

I went into the master bedroom. On the South side of the wall, there is anightstand, which is about two feet tall. There on the nightstand was a hugepile of books, probably twenty or more, all piled up. I slowly removed thebooks, one by one. And there, on the nightstand, at the bottom of the pile,was my rock object! My jaw-dropped open, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Oh my God!” I was speechless. Needless to say, I was on my knees sayinga silent prayer of thanks and extreme gratitude to the Field of InfiniteIntelligence that makes dowsing possible. After I had managed to integratewhat actually had just happened, I let myself calm down for ten minutes,then called Marge Hefty back on the phone and said, “Oh My God, Thankyou, thank you, thank you!” My gratitude to Marge was deeper than merewords could express.

I asked her how it works. She gave me a brief explanation, saying that mysuperconscious mind knew where it was all along. She simply and politelyasked her superconscious mind to communicate with mine, and her DowsingSystem gave her the answers through the micro movements of her fingersand the physical evidence of the pendulum, swinging in the correct direction.Several leading dowsers have told me that there is nothing mysterious aboutit. It is simply another normal altered state of consciousness in which thebrain is operating simultaneously across all brain wave frequencies, andworking in a zone of optimum performance. This altered state is somethingthat anyone can learn to utilize with practice and profound humility.

Being a novice at dowsing, I am not about to try to explain anythingfurther than that. All I know is that dowsing works! And for any skepticsout there, all they need is to experience it first hand, and they will fall silent.

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I always believed that dowsing works. Now I know it works because I havefirst hand experience.

I have taken a serious interest in dowsing, attending the Southwest DowsingConference, held in Flagstaff Arizona in 2007, and making some newfriends within the dowsing community. I want to develop my own dowsingskills, but only with the greatest respect, responsibility, and reverence forthis awesome gift from the universe.

I know I have only had a glimpse of what dowsing can do. But I firmlybelieve the amount of help we can receive from the Field of InfiniteIntelligence is limited only by our beliefs and our capacity to ask the properquestions on behalf and for the benefit of all creation.

Here’s my call to action to anyone who reads this article: ask your DowsingSystem to help you and others, and start teaching these skills to the youngergeneration so that we can bring new disciples into this ancient art. And letus pray that they will use it with the highest of ethics to build a better worldfor all.

Quote of the dayPeople often say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and

I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.

This empowers us to find beauty in placeswhere others have not dared to look,

including inside ourselves.

- Salma Hayek

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A Matter of Perception

The following is a transcript of an actual radio conversation in October1995 between a U.S. Navy ship and the British authorities off the

Scottish north coast. The transcript was released by the Ministry ofDefence on 10th October 1995.

British: Please divert your course 15 degrees to South to avoid collision.

U.S. Navy: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to North toavoid collision.

British: Negative. You will have to divert your course to South to avoid acollision.

U.S. Navy: This is the Captain of the U.S. Navy Ship. I say again, divertYOUR course.

British: Negative. I say again, you will have to divert YOUR course.


British: WE ARE A LIGHTHOUSE, F*** OFF......

From South Australian Trailer Boat Club Inc., Newsletter January 2010

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Beginners’ Dowsing SeminarThe Society is holding another Beginners’ Seminar

on Sunday 2nd May 2010to be presented by Colin and Julie Zwan.

The Seminar is open to all, members and non-members.Non-members will have an opportunity to join

the Society on the day, at a $20 discount.Participants will receive a comprehensive manual.

Morning and Afternoon Tea are included. Please bring your own water and lunch.

Cafes are also available nearby.

Beginners’ Dowsing SeminarRegistration Form

I would like to register for the Beginners’ Dowsing Seminar on 2/5/10



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14 Dowsers Society of NSW – April 2010

Please make Cheque* or Money Order* payable toDowsers Society of NSW Inc.Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.

Forward payment with this completed form to:Maxine Simos,

2/225 Carrington Road,COOGEE NSW 2034.

Tel: 02 9665 0496 Mob: 0416 037 054


Please detach this form from the newsletter to register

SSSSSeminar Location: eminar Location: eminar Location: eminar Location: eminar Location: Hunters Hill Community Centre, 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill, Sydney.

Registration: Registration: Registration: Registration: Registration: 9:30am (for 10am start) to 4pm

Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: $120 members or $140 for non-members

Seminar Coordinator:Seminar Coordinator:Seminar Coordinator:Seminar Coordinator:Seminar Coordinator: Maxine Simoscontactable on 02 9665 0496 or 0416 037 054

Bus services:Bus services:Bus services:Bus services:Bus services:From city: Bus # 501 from Central to Rozelle, then # 506 to Hunters Hill

or # 506 from Circular Quay.From Chatswood :# 536

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Bull’s-Eye!by Jim Kuebelbeck reprinted from The American Society of Dowsers

Volume 48 - No. 2 - Spring 2008

About ten years ago, I was asked to locate a drilling site (by dowsing) fora rural family who already had well dug on their property. The well

produced only a marginal water supply, and for years, especially in dryseasons, water usage had to be carefully managed. They were building anew home and realized they would need a more productive water source.The property was located in an area known for difficulty in locatingsatisfactory groundwater supplies. Two dry holes had recently been drilledon the property, and the well driller suggested that the owner call us to tryto locate a suitable drilling site.

Using the dowsing methods we had developed over the years, we could findonly one live-water flow on the property. We followed the path of this flowand marked it on the surface as it meandered across the property. We selecteda specific site where we believed a satisfactory well could be drilled. Beforewe left the property, we told the landowner to permanently mark the sitebecause, in my judgment, it seemed to be the only promising site I couldfind.

We always keep detailed records of every dowsing job. Two years later,however, while paging through some of my old records, I discovered that Ihad never recorded the results of the drilling on this particular piece ofproperty. I decided to call the landowner and ask about the well. “Youknow” he said, “after you were here we began to get more rain, and we decidedto use the old well after all. We figured we could always drill a new well if we hadto. Since then, except for a few times, we’ve always had enough water for the newhouse, and we’ve been getting by okay”.

I thanked him for the information and made a note of it in my files. Threemore years passed. One day in early spring he called again, and asked if I

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could come out to his property andlocate another drilling site, becausethe dug well was no longerproviding enough water for thehouse and he now had to drill a well.I asked if he had marked the site Ipreviously selected, because thatwas the only promising site I couldfind at the time. He told me he hadmarked the site by driving a heavy

wooden stake into the ground, but with all the excavating for the newhome, it must have been moved or buried. I told him I would return as soonas possible. When I arrived at the farm some days later, I discovered thateverything had changed. The new house was under construction, but manyof the old farm buildings had been torn down, and new sheds had beenbuilt.

I spent a few minutes trying my best to recall my previous visit. To savesome time, I asked if he remembered generally where the site was that Iselected previously. He said he had a rough idea, but couldn’t be sure, becausethey had changed everything around, (including the original location forthe new house).

I started to work in the yard area, and soon found what seemed to be a goodlive-water flow and began to mark it out on the surface. As I was working,he told me he didn’t think my markings were anywhere near what I hadfound before, which puzzled me. Groundwater flows never move. I wasconfident I was sensing what I usually look for, but he persisted by saying,“I know this isn’t anywhere near where you found it last time!” I told him thatfrom past experience, I had never known a live-water flow to move and thatI didn’t have any good explanation for what I was now finding.

The winter snows were fast disappearing at the time, and the ground wasbeginning to thaw. After working for a while, I decided to follow my instincts,

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and selected a new drilling site. I spray painted a blue circle on the groundand told him to mark the site in such a way that the markings would not belost again. He told me to wait right there.

Coming back with a spade, he told me it would be permanently marked“this time by digging a hole in the ground”! Shoving the spade into the softmuddy ground he encountered a small rock, or what he thought was arock, and tried to dig it out. His next words were, “well, I’ll be damned! Thisis the stake I put in the ground the last time you were here!” He couldn’t believeit, and neither could I.

A good well was drilled a few days later. I will bet, however, that he still tellsthis story to anyone who’ll listen. I seldom miss, but if I were Robin Hood,I would consider this the arrow that split the arrow in the bull’s eye.

Register of DowsersWould you like to be listed as an active dowser

who can undertake dowsing services?

The Society is occasionally asked for dowsing and clearing services. Sofar these have mainly been referred to long-standing members, but we

would like to compile a list of members who may be available for dowsingservices, and who may charge fees for them.

You will need to be a competent dowser and a person of upright character.

If so, please leave your contact details with the President or Secretary.

Please note: The Society cannot take responsibility for activities by itsmembers.

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Installing LOVE / With Tech Support

- Tech Support: Yes, ... how can I help you?

- Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to installLOVE. Can you guide me through the process?

- Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

- Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. Whatdo I do first?

- Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you locatedyour Heart?

- Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Isit okay to install Love while they are running?

- Tech Support: What programs are running?

- Customer: Let's see... I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge,and Resentment running right now.

- Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt fromyour current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memorybut it will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually overrideLow Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem.However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment.Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can youturn those off?

- Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

- Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invokeForgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge andResentment have been completely erased.

- Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is thatnormal?

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- Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program.You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get theupgrades.

- Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error -Program will not run on external components.” What should I do?

- Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set upto run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. Innon-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself beforeyou can Love others.

- Customer: So, what should I do?

- Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the followingfiles: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge yourLimitations.

- Customer: Okay, done.

- Tech Support: Now, copy them to the ‘My Heart’ directory. The systemwill overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faultyprogramming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from alldirectories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completelygone and never comes back.

- Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile isplaying on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copyingthemselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?

- Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventuallyeverything gets it at the proper time. So LOVE is installed and running.One more thing before we hang up. LOVE is Freeware. Be sure to giveit and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn shareit with others and return some cool modules back to you.

- Customer: Thank you, so much !

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Trevor Harding who had printed the newsletter for us for the last fewyears has agreed to continue printing it, as we could not find anyoneelse suitable for this demanding technical job.

On behalf of the Society, the Editorial Board wants to express theirgratitude to Trevor for continuing to accept this responsibility andfor his commitment to the Society.

A Big Thank You

The Eastern tradition relates, that afterthe Ascension, Mary Magdalene

travelled to Rome and she was admitted tothe court of Tiberius Caesar because of herhigh social standing.

She proclaimed to him about Christ’sResurrection. She used an egg as a symbol ofthe Resurrection. Tiberius responded that noone could rise from the dead, anymore thanthe egg she held could turn red.

Miraculously, the egg immediately began to turn red as testimony to herwords, which is why red eggs have been exchanged at Easter for centuriesin the Byzantine East.

From this came the custom of giving each other eggs at Easter.

The Easter Egg Origin

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What’s on This Month“““““Angelic Connection Angelic Connection Angelic Connection Angelic Connection Angelic Connection WWWWWorororororkshopkshopkshopkshopkshop””””” by Kayt Raymond, an internantionalspeaker with extraordinary stories. April 16th and 18th, come and delightin the company of Angels and Archangels.

Contact 07-5545-3650 [email protected]

'D'D'D'D'Dooooowsing for Hwsing for Hwsing for Hwsing for Hwsing for Harmonyarmonyarmonyarmonyarmony' weekend certificate course with Alanna MoorePort MacquarieMay 15th - 16th 2010A practical, hands-on course with international teacher Alanna MooreDay One - (10 - 4.30pm) 'Dowsing for Health'Day Two - (10 - 4.30pm) 'Dowsing Earth Harmony' (see full program onthe Workshops pages of the Geomantica website).Bookings - Maggie ph 02 65812924or email - [email protected].

GGGGGeomantica woreomantica woreomantica woreomantica woreomantica workshopskshopskshopskshopskshops (Alanna Moore's Geomancy and Dowsing andPeter Cowman's Living Architecture etc.) are potentially happening at thefollowing times/places -Sydney October 2 & 3 - Alanna Moore will be available, but a hostis required!

What’s Not on This MonthWe promised a short article on saving electrical power. Instead we preferedto wait, so we could ask Norman Dodge to write the article himself. Normanpromised to write it for us and it should be ready for next month’s newsletter.

Our apologies for the delay. The Editorial Board

Page 22: Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter April... · 2017. 7. 27. · Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter April 2010 Vol 22 Issue 4 Table of Contents 2 Speaker for April 18th, 2010

22 Dowsers Society of NSW – April 2010

Library News from Marilyn Smith

Interesting websites:The Norway Spiral

Avoid Genetically modified foods

An amazing test

The Carbone sense coalition

Happy Easter to All!

Page 23: Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter April... · 2017. 7. 27. · Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter April 2010 Vol 22 Issue 4 Table of Contents 2 Speaker for April 18th, 2010

Dowsers Society of NSW – April 2010 23

Speaker for May 16th, 2010Simon Blow

Qigong – Improving your quality of life.

Qigong (Chi-Kung) has been usedfor thousands of years to help

improve people’s quality of life; it’s a partof the holistic system of TraditionalChinese Medicine (TCM). Thedynamic forms and stillness meditationhelp regulate the meridian system,releasing stress, increase health andlongevity as well as developing spiritualperception and awareness.

Simon Blow had a near fatal accident at the age of nineteen led Simonto investigate various methods of healing and rejuvenation. A path hehas been on for over twenty five years.

He is a Sydney-based master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leadingregular classes for beginning and continuing students since 1992.Simon has received training and certification from Traditional ChineseMedical Hospitals and Taoist Monasteries in China and has beengiven authority to share these techniques.

He has received World Health Organisation Certification in MedicalQigong clinical practice from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He hasbeen initiated into Dragon Gate Taoism and given the name of XinSi, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a Standing Council Memberof the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing.