
ZoTalityJuly 19, 2015

Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) driven

Connections, Alliances, Marriage and Matchmaking From A-to-Z


The Vision

Leverage the time-tested belief of over 1 billion Hindus in Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) and as well capitalize on the young demographics of India (with 500 million below the age of 30) to become not only the single largest player in the online social networking, matrimony and dating market spaces but also capture the associated Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) related eCommerce market in India.


The Business

ZoTality, Inc. leverages the deep rooted belief of Indians in Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) to build and manage professional, social, romantic and matrimonial alliances through relations driven interpersonal predictions which are seamlessly tied to its eCommerce store for astrological guidance and services from qualified (with a minimum of Master’s degree in Jyotish) Jyotishis (astrologers

practicing predictive Indian astrology).


Company Overview

• A Delaware registered company with business presence and operations outsourced to India

• President Naresh Belwal has extensive management, marketing, finance and capital markets experience

• 9 employees


The First Mover Advantages

• The only company to use relationship based and customized birth chart driven astrological predictions and compatibility evaluations to bring people together for social networking and dating and marriage.

• Utilizes Synastary of Astrology (Guna Milap) and other Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) considerations for compatibility analysis.

The Zotality Difference


Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) is an absolute no brainer for commanding attention of the masses in India

• Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) is, and has been, a way of life in India for over 3000 years;

• In Jyotish, the birth chart (Kundali) is the map of a person’s past Karma, and

• Belief in Karma is indisputable and irrefutable with over a billion people, comprising of Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains!

• Jyotish (predictive Indian astrology) is that one common and extremely popular pan Indian platform which cuts across the divisive lines of community, region, language, and caste and appeals equally to all.

Why Jyotish (Indian Astrology)?


Jyotish is an absolute no brainer for commanding attention of the masses in India

• Jyotishis (astrologers) are consulted for important occasion such as starting a business, moving into a house, naming a child, signing documents , etc.

• Jyotish offers direct answers to specific questions; therefore, about a million+ mundane queries are put to Jyotishis (astrologers) each day in India!

• Queries such as, will my father recover from illness? Will I pass in exams? What are the chances of getting a job? When will I get married? Will our marriage last? Etc.

• Jyotishis (astrologers), who are also Hindu priests, set auspicious dates and conduct ceremonies for weddings and perform remedial measures to correct planetary afflictions and marital, business and partnership related compatibility mismatches.

Why Jyotish (Indian Astrology)?


The matrimonial market in India is a giant sized low hanging fruit which relies heavily on Jyotish, and Jyotishis (practitioners of predictive Indian astrology) who are also Hindu priests

• India’s population is 1.2 billion and about 1 billion follow the Hindu faith.

• 50% Indians, and about 500 million Hindus, are below 30 years of age!

• Compatibility analysis based on the Synastary of Astrology (Guna Milap) is a pre-requisite for formalization of a Hindu wedding.

• Over 320 million Hindus are to marry in 15 years in India!

• Guna Milap and detailed Birth-Chart matching are considered important factors contributing to the abysmally low divorce rate of about 1% !

• The Indian wedding industry is pegged at US $40 Billion and growing.

Why the Matrimonial Market?


India is now ready for its very own, home grown, social network

• Russia has Vkontakte with 200+ million users. Spain its Tuenti, Poland its, Netherland its

• In Asia, China has its QQ 784+ million users and Qzone 597+ million; Japan its Mixi 25+ and Mobage 40+ million; and South Korea its Cyworld

• However, India with its 5000 years old unique culture, about 270 million Internet users, and 870+ million mobile subscribers has no established home-grown social network because of

a. India’s extensive diversity with hundreds of languagesb. Hundreds of communities, ethnic divides and its divisive caste system

But Jyotish is the Pan Indian belief system which appeals to all & transcends all divides;Therefore, Jyotish is the key to a pan Indian social network.

Why the Social Networking Site?


• Utilizes Predictive Astrological Content familiar to most of the world’s 1 billion Hindus

• Comprises of three business lines as three separate sites; (a), (b), (c )

• Multiple revenue sources and related eCommerce offering as integral and inseparable part of all three sites

• Subscription based recurring revenues stream

Zotality’s Unique Features


• About 1 billion Hindus worldwide and 50% of those are below 30 years of age

• The wedding industry in India is $40 billion annually with 20% year-on-year growth

• The eCommerce market in India was at Rs. 81,525 Crores (about $13.5 Billion) in 2014 and is to rise another 33% in 2015 as per the joint report by IAMAI & IMRB Int’l.

• Over 320 million Indians are to be married over the next 15 years! Online matrimonial industry is expected to grow at 30% each year for the next 20 years

• The Synastary of Astrology for compatibility evaluation and as well complete horoscope matching is a pre-requisite for formalization of a Hindu marriage

• Astrology is used by people worldwide to help guide their life decisions and in India it is simply a way of life

• 50% of all Americans look at their daily horoscopes. 60% Britons read their horoscopes regularly and 75 million users of Astrology in the U.S. alone

• Mobile phone dating marketing $1.3 billion in 2013

Immediate Market Size and Opportunity


Target Market by Segment

For age 30 to 65 ZoTality will be a go-to destination for connecting astrologically and for karma based holistic perspective on life in general

Under 30 Age Group = 500+ million in the U.S & India alone


Ads - much like other social and professional networking communities• Self Serve Ads: Displayed in the sidebar of most pages

eCommerce (ZoStore)• Readings – personalized annual and life reading by experts. • Gem Stones – Sale of occasion, purpose and birth-stones, etc. ($15 billion industry) • Wedding related ($40 billion market) – arrangement of Hindu priests, astrologically

auspicious jewelry, items related to performance of prayers and rituals • Astrology books & other material• Services of Hindu priests, who are generally Jyotishis (astrologers) also, for

conducting religious ceremonies, prayers and rituals

Ask ZoTish (ZoStore) (Practical Predictive Astrology) • Fee based consultation on specific issues such as health, job, etc. and calculation

of astrologically auspicious times for product launch, marriage, opening ceremony, partnership-matching and more

Recurring Subscription based Revenues • Online Matrimonial Business • Online Dating Business

Multiple Sources of Revenue


• Astrology woven into everyday life of nearly 1 billion Hindus

• Young Indian population, with about 500 million Indians below 30 years of age… Therefore lots of marriages over the next 20 years

• All sites enjoy the “First Mover Advantage” in being the very first in birth-chart astrology driven social networking, matrimony and dating

• Multiple revenue sources result in lack of dependency on just advertisement as a source of revenues

• Recurring revenue sources

• Astrology coupled with marriage and wedding related eCommerce is a powerful combination for the huge Indian marketplace

Key Investment Considerations


• Released, an astrology driven matrimonial site for the Indian marketplace

• Achieved, in test marketing campaigns, a ridiculously low member acquisition cost per member of less than $0.25 for the matrimonial site

• Released, in May 2015, the revised beta version of its astrology driven and relations based social networking site

•, the astrology driven dating site for the Indian and as well as American marketplaces is to be released within 90 days of receipts of funds

•, the integrated eCommerce store offering related products and services is to be released within 120 days of receipt of funds

• Revenue generation from paid subscriptions at Kundali Matrimony and ZoMatch is expected within 4 months of receipt of funds

• Revenue generation from sale of products and services at the ZoStore is expected within 6 months of receipt of funds



• Ground floor opportunity to be an early investor in dynamic world-wide dating, matchmaking and social media play

• Significant short-term and Long-Term Upside

• Rapid Membership and Revenue Growth expected during first 12-24 months

Investment Opportunity


• Phase 1: $750,000 a. Start PCAOB financial audits for 31 December 2013, and 2014b. Begin membership drive for, and c. Complete development of Jyotish driven dating site for the

Indian and as well as the US & European marketsd. Launch eCommerce stores e. Develop mobile sites for social networking and matrimonyf. Generate revenues

• Phase II: Between $7.5 Million & $25 Milliona. Develop and launch mobile app for the social networking site, ZoTality b. Develop and launch mobile apps for dating site & matrimony

site KundaliMatrimony.comc. Ramp up memberships, paid subscriptions and revenues

d. Achieve profitability e. Position as the Go-To destination for not only Jyotish services

and products but also services offered by Hindu priests.

The Initial Investment Opportunity


Naresh BelwalFounder & President India : +91 9410394425 | USA: 1-484-661-1518 | Skype: naresh.b5 | email: [email protected]

ZoTality, Inc. is the brainchild of Mr. Belwal. Mr. Belwal is also an Officer and Director at Brainybrawn, Inc. (USA). Prior to launching Brainybrawn he headed investment banking services at US Securities & Futures Corp., a broker-dealer and investment-banking firm located on Wall Street. He was also Vice President Marketing at Spencer Trask Securities and Berkeley Securities Inc., and began his career in the brokerage industry at Lehman Brothers, Inc. His experience in the finance and brokerage industry covered all stages of processes involved in evaluating, structuring, and closing financing proposal; and also hand-holding and guiding early stage and small companies with planning product-mix, marketing and sales push, management restructuring, and in evaluating and structuring mergers and acquisition transactions. Mr. Belwal holds an MBA in finance from Pace University, New York. Mr. Belwal is a visionary with a keen eye for emerging trends and an acute understanding of what is required for a developing company to be successful.

Experienced Management Team

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