Page 1: ZMET Technique- Nescafé coffee, Brand Management Assignment

zmet technique




Page 2: ZMET Technique- Nescafé coffee, Brand Management Assignment


The Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET) is a patented market research tool that elicits both conscious and especially unconscious thoughts by exploring people's non-literal or metaphoric expressions. Research study participants are usually asked to collect a set of pictures that represent their thoughts and feelings about the topic of interest. The goal of the ZMET interviews and analysis is to uncover the relevant fundamental structures that guide people’s thinking about a topic.

ZMET research was critical to the launch of the odor-removing spray, Febreze by Procter & Gamble.

ZMET has been used in academic and not-for-profit environments to study a range of topics including the experience of attending a county fair, mountain biking, how women recover from substance abuse, the relationship between video game players and their avatars, how Americans are dealing with the economic crisis, and the value of an insight in the workplace.


Step 1: Storytelling

Participant was asked to describe the feeling that he relates with the brand and to find out images that represent those feelings.

Picture 1: Helping to stay awake at night Picture 2: Stress reliever after a tiring day


Page 3: ZMET Technique- Nescafé coffee, Brand Management Assignment

Picture 3: Best drink to socialize with friends Picture 4: Helps to relax while reading a book

Picture 5: Caffeine boost Picture 6: Everyday addiction

Picture 7: Aroma of rich coffee beans Picture 8: Makes me feel happy after having a

cup of coffee


Page 4: ZMET Technique- Nescafé coffee, Brand Management Assignment

Picture 9: Sense of social status Picture 10: Best way to ask a girl out on a date

Picture 11: Makes me feel like I’m at a Café Picture 12: Makes me look cook and matured

Step 2: Missed issues and images

Participant was asked to describe any issues he was unable to find, to describe a picture representing the issue and explain its relevance.

The participant responded that he was unable to pictorially depict the Premium-ness of the brand compared to other coffee makers and also the richness in flavor of the coffee. The way sipping a cup of Nescafe coffee awakened all his senses and gave a special feeling was hard to be captured in an image.

Step 3 & Step 4: Sorting Task & Construct Elicitation

Participant was asked to sort pictures into meaningful piles and to provide a descriptive label for each pile, thereby establishing major themes and also to make relationships between pairs of images.

Pile 1: Pictures 2, 4 & 8 can be clubbed together as all of them depict the sense of relaxation and happiness one gets from drinking coffee.


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Pile 2: Picture 9 & 12 can be grouped together as both of them portray an upper class lifestyle and also enhance the social status and coolness of the person having this particular brand of coffee

Pile 3: Picture 5 & 6 look similar as both of them are related to the caffeine addiction that coffee is famous for.

Pile 4: Picture 3 & 10 can be grouped together as both of them showcase a social setup where one haves a quality time with friends and loved ones over a cup of coffee.

Pile 5: Picture 1 is unrelated to any of the other pictures.

Step 5: Most Representative Picture

Participant was asked to select the picture most representative of the brand’s image.

The respondent selected Picture 9 as the most representative of the brand and products image as he feels that Nescafe is made from the best of the coffee beans. It is a Premium coffee which is a signage to others that they are able to afford coffee at such price points; hence gratifying them with a sense of social status.

Step 6: Opposite Image

Participants were asked to describe pictures that represent the opposite of the brand’s image.


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The opposite representation of the product was given by the image of a group of people exercising who after getting tired and worked out would consume anything from water to a fresh juice or a cold drink to quench their thirst.

Step 7: Sensory Images

Participants were asked to use other senses (touch, taste, smell, color and emotional feeling) to describe what does and does not represent the concept being explored.


Touch Smooth Rough

Taste Bitter Sour

Smell Rich Coffee Floral

Color Brown White

Emotional Feeling Happiness Sadness

Step 8: The Mental Map

The participant was invited to create a map or a “causal model” using the constructs that were elicited.


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Step 9: The Summary Image

Participants were asked to create a summary image or montage using his/her own images to express important issues.

The summary image created was of that in which the participant is asking a girl out on a date where they both go to a Café and relax and have a deep meaningful conversation over a cup of coffee.

Step 10: The Vignette

Participants were asked to create a vignette or short video to communication important issues related to the subject topic.

“Every Saturday evening, I’d invite over some of the biggest celebrities of B-Town to my home to have a chat over a cup of rich Nescafé coffee. The invited guests would get a break from their busy lives and relax and open up about themselves over a cup of Nescafé coffee; the guests as well as the coffee both being very classy and sassy. We’d gossip about everything and anything related to Bollywood and have a wonderful time.“

Ah! Only if I were the great Karan Johar to host such people at my beautiful studio.


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