
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

February 10, 2019

Welcome to all who enter God’s house today. At Zion we gather to be fed and refreshed by God’s Word and nourished by His Sacraments. Such gracious gifts of God are given freely to bring us the forgiveness of all our sins, and the life and salvation we all need. We ask all to please sign the Friendship pads in the pews during the Offering, and if you are a guest to also sign the guestbook located in the Narthex.

Assisting in Worship today: Elder: Gene Stueven Acolyte: Dale Schmidt Ushers: Ken Truenow, Rick Miller, Keith Fischer, Clifford Hinz

Organist: Kathy Murphy

Greeter: Melanie Klein and Judy Lusti

Altar Committee: Heather Bursch and Amanda Berndt

Zion Prayer Partners: Glenda (320-274-8599) or Pat (320-963-5389)

Altar Flowers: To order flowers for the altar to honor any occasion call Myra (320-224-2985). A calendar to sign up for a specific Sunday is located in the Church Office. Those In Our Prayers: + Shirley Fischer at St. Benedicts for rehab. + Linda Truenow who had successful surgery.

Sunday Bible Class: ~ “Luke” Chapter 9 of Luke is where Jesus is now putting more responsibility

upon the apostles as he sends them out. They were given a challenge while going out to proclaim the gospel to others. It is

after this that Jesus then feeds the 5,000. This will be the focus of our study this week. Sunday School today: Today in Sunday School the children will study “The Temptation of Jesus.” Like us, Jesus was tempted by Satan to sin. Yet, for us, He overcame all temptation because we cannot. In your family discussions consider asking, “How are we tempted to rely on ourselves and trust in our powers?”

This Week at Zion

February 10 – February 17

Today: Worship Service 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Bible Class 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

Monday: Busy Needles 9:00 a.m.

Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.


Wednesday: Confirmation 5:30-7:00 p.m.

Thursday: No Bible Class

Friday: Church closed


Next Sunday: Worship/Communion 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Bible Class 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

Pastor Queck and Kathy will be on vacation from Thursday, February 14 to Tuesday, February 19. Pastor Nerud of Concordia-Fairhaven

will be available for any pastoral emergency needs at 320-236-7550.

Last Week at Zion: 02/03/19: Attendance: 136

Offering: General Fund: $4,638.00

Sunday School: $40.00 Memorial Fund: $45.00

Thursday Bible Class: There will be no Thursday Bible Class this week as Pastor will be on vacation.

Ladies Evening Bible Study: ~ Wednesday, February 20 @ 7pm

All the women of the congregation are invited for an hour of study

and discussion on the topic: “The glorious creation of mankind and

his importance to God.” It is an important topic especially in light

of the efforts to belittle life through abortion, infanticide, and


Order of Worship

February 10, 2019

Ringing of the Bell/Welcome

Hymn #507, “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Liturgy: Matins

Opening Versicles: p. 219


Venite: p. 220

Psalm 138: see insert


Common Responsory: p. 221

Hymn #853, “How Clear Is Our

Vocation, Lord”



Hymn #688, “Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Says


Prayers: pp. 227 - 228

Benediction: p. 228

Hymn #850, “God of Grace and

God of Glory”

“Lost & Found” Box: Please check the Lost & Found box in the church office. Lots of items – gloves, hats, scarves, and coats; adults and children’s. If not claimed by February 17, items will be donated to the Free Store. Thank you.

Notes of Thanks:

Thank you for your cards, letters, and thoughts and prayers during my ongoing health issues. Also thank you to Pastor Queck for your visits and LWML for your kindness. – Sue Mueller

I want to thank LWML for the beautiful lap quilt and for cards and get well wishes from everyone. – Joyce Boon

The Lutheran Hour Rally Celebration: The Minnesota South District of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League is hosting an ‘old-fashioned’ Lutheran Hour Rally on Sunday, March 17, 2019, 4 p.m. at Hosanna Lutheran Church, 105 Hosanna Street, Mankato, MN. More information about the Rally and convention as well as registration details, please call Rev. Greg Heidorn at 507-273-8546.

Ash Wednesday will soon be upon us (March 6). It would be wonderful if we could continue our Soup Supper that evening prior to the 7:00 worship service. If anyone would be willing to help put it together, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.

Cancer Research Fund Raising: Our confirmands are raising money to be used for cancer research for children as a part of a school project. A freewill offering can be placed in the designated box in the Narthex this Sunday.

The People of Christ’s Passion Lenten Devotions: Each year the season of Lent reminds us that God did a marvelous work through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus. This year our Lenten devotions will again help prepare our hearts as we focus on God’s supreme act of love and forgiveness through Jesus. Written by Dr. Kari Vo, LHM’s theological writer, these devotions show God at work through the centuries, as He slowly and patiently unfolds His divine plan of redemption, casting it with characters and events which eventually led to the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus. Pick up a copy today on the table in the Narthex or a downloadable version is available at

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