Page 1: Zeus nad the rise of the olympians preview

Illustrated by JAYAKRISHNAN K. P.


Page 2: Zeus nad the rise of the olympians preview

The kingdom of Greece—in the time of legends and fables.

Good morning, all my bright-eyed

students! Let us take our seats. Quickly now.


Father Zeus has granted us a

beautiful morning. Clearly his thunderbolt is not

in hand.

Excellent. Excellent. Well, I have

a wonderful story to tell you today, children. A

wonderful story!

So, is everyone ready

to start the day?

Yes, Lady Demiarties.

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Now, I know that you have all been learning

a variety of subjects from your teachers. I know how much you all enjoy Lady Ziomis’s

Geography lessons.

Well, today, I am here to tell you how

we have come to be. Our history and our culture are

extremely important, children.

It will be discussed long after

we have turned to dust. And it is important that you understand where

we come from.

I speak of Ares and Athena. Of

Poseidon and Dionysus. Gods of incredible


The powers of our pantheon are

to be respected and, when necessary, feared. We pay

them homage for good reason.

But how did our gods—the

Olympians—come to power?

And you can grumble all you like about Ephimetres’s

Math classes. But we all know that he is a wonderful teacher.

Now, I am sure that your parents

have taught you all about the rulers of

our world.

Do you mean the noble emperors,

Lady Demiarties?

No, no. Not the kings or the

emperors, but the true masters—the gods

that reside on Mount Olympus.

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The Olympians were not always the

masters of creation, and their ascension to

power can perhaps be attributed to one

god alone.

He is the Storm Lord. Ruler of

the Sky and the Weather. Infamous for his terrible

lightning bolt.

Our existence is because of the great and mighty


But he is also the great dispenser of justice. He rules over all of mankind, and over

all of Olympus.

I am speaking,

of course, of Zeus.

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To truly understand Zeus’s story, we have to go back. Back to a time long

before humans walked the earth.

It was a time of devastating earthquakes and explosive volcanoes

when ghastly creatures stalked the land.

The rulers of this era were powers from the forgotten ages. The names of most

of whom have been lost to memory.

But we do know that their leaders were the sky god Ouranos and his

wife, the earth goddess Gaea.


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Ouranos ruled the sky and commanded the storms.

He reveled in the power of thunder and lightning, of the wind and the rain.

While Ouranos controlled the sky, Gaea controlled

the earth. She cared much for her land and wanted

her children to walk upon it.

But Ouranos would play with his storms, giving little care to the

lands below, and seemed to care even less about his children.

The offspring of the first union of Ouranos and Gaea—the

progeny of Earth and Sky—could only be described as horrors.

Unintentionally. As a potter’s first clay pot is not always a work of art, similarly Ouranos and Gaea’s first children were… less than beautiful.

In fact, ‘monsters’ would be too nice a word to describe them!

They created monsters, Lady Demiarties?

Behold the power of



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In the time of myths and legends.

His name still echoes through history. From his throne high on Mount Olympus, the mighty and powerful Zeus reigned over ancient

Greece with his fellow Olympians. Feared for his lightning bolt, but loved for his compassion for humanity, Zeus

ushered in an era of peace and prosperity.

Zeus did not always sit upon the throne of the king, and his ascension topower was not an easy one. Young and ambitious, Zeus gained power

and position by waging a terrible war that threatened to destroy the entire world. And his opponent in this battle for all existence was none other than his own father, Cronus.

Listen to Lady Demiarties as she narrates the tale of adventure andexcitement—the tale of the origin of the Olympians and

the legend of the Storm Lord.


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