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Group # 2Annary Guevarra (Studio Newscaster) Charlene Angeles (Studio News Caster) Mariella Sabino (Outside Newscaster) Raffy So (Outside Newscaster) Elijah Calip (Zeus) Raymond Ladrera (Mercury)

Theodore Delas Alas (Poseidon) Isabienne Arcado (Demeter) Kathleen Pondevida (Aphrodite)Raymond Crisostomo (Paris) Enrico Viado (Dionysus)

4 th Year St. Albert the [email protected] Greek TV


Good Morning HEBREWS this is NOBLE GREEK TV, This week weakening news is

making me dang hot, hotter than the weather cause by Apollo, Is it really true that Zeusis avenging Trojan War because of never ending increase of our population? Let’s hearthe news to Raffy So, Raffy?

Raffy: Yes Annary , the trending news that had been a week’s best iss was destined tobe true; I’m here with Mr. Zeus to tell the cause of this.

: Good Morning Mr. Zeus it’s my pleasure to personally talk to you right now.

Zeus (Elijah): Good Morning Raffy it’s also nice to have me here in your show.

Raffy: Uhm Mr. Zeus, is the news about the Trojan War true?

Zeus (Elijah): Yes the news was merely true, I’m proclaiming to avenge Trojan War andbeing the leader of the gods, I’m concern about the future of the next generationbecause of the insufficient supply of or resources which will provide all our needs.

Raffy: Why do you think that this is the best solution for the current problem of this worldtoday? And where will it be held?

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Zeus (Elijah): It will be held in Troy, this is the best solution because I do know thatpeople in this world of different troops were the one who made the agreement of thesurprising issue, which will be the cause of Trojan War.

Raffy: What?! A surprising issue?

Zeus (Elijah): Yes, everyone will soon know it when the right time will come.

Raffy: Such a mystery hh? Thank you for your time Mr. Zeus, but I’m afraid this on what it may cause *fake laugh*. Back to studio.


For sports news, Mercury won a trophy last July 15 for being a defendingchampion in track and field, before the game started, the announcer represent thecontestants. Mercury was not there, so the audience was looking for him and they areworried about Mercury. A few seconds left, the game started but still Mercury is not onthe field. When the contestants hear the *BANG!* of the gun, they started running forthe finish line but suddenly Mercury was landing on the field wearing his winged sandalsand he was the first one to go to the finish line. Let us see what was the reaction of theaudience and the other contestants... Live on the Olympia, Greece, Mariella Sabino.

Mariella: Thank you Mariella, now let us see what was the reaction of the audience.

Hi! What’s your name pls?

Kathleen: I’m Kathleen.

Mariella : So Kathleen, What can you say about Mercury for being late in the game?

Kathleen: He is so fast, knowing that the other contestants are close enough to the finishline; he was able to win this game. Keep it up Mercury!

Mariella: Thank you, now let us see what was the reaction of one of the contestant ofthe game.

Mariella to Mercury (Raymond): What was the first thing that comes to your mind whenyou knew that Mercury is not able to be here on the start of the game?

Mercury (Raymond): Well, I am so confident to win but while I’m running and I was theone who is close enough to the finish line, Mer cury take over and win. It’s okay for mebecause I know I give all the effort to win. Congratulations Bro!

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Mariella: Thank you for that.This time, let us know why Mercury is late for the big event of his life.

Mariella to Mercury (Raymond): Hi Mercury, why are you late in this game? Knowingthat your fans are waiting and so excited to see you playing.

Mercury (Raymond): They are not the one who is excited *laughing* I slept latebecause I’m so excited and nervous for this game then I jus t woke at 7 and we all knowthat the start of the game is 8. I just want to apologize to my fans for being late andthank you for supporting me. I love you all lovies. *wink*

Mariella: Thank you Mercury , Once again congratulations for winingAnd now we know all the reactions of the people who watch the game, and I

may say that when you are watching the game you will get nervous and you will onlysay *WEW! INTENSE* *laugh* back to you Annary.

Annary: Up next is the weather news oh em! This hotness is killing me and anotherproblem that our world is facing right now when Noble Greek TV returns.


Annary: And we’re back, as I said earlier here is Poseidon with the weather forecast.

Poseidon (Theo): It is going to be…….

(A thunderbolt attacked Poseidon in the air)

Zeus (Elijah): Foolish brother how about we play with these mere mortals

Poseidon (Theo): Not today Zeus can’t you see I’m busy with my work

(Zeus then throws another thunderbolt at Poseidon and in anger he fights Zeus)

(Thunder storms then began to roar the sea turned furious and they fought each otherlike children)

Annary: So as we can see from those two, we will be expecting heavy rains thisweekend so don’t forget your weapons during these bad days.

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Poseidon (Theodore): The world is at crisis no crops are growing, the people andanimals are dying because of hunger the reason for this calamity might be answeredby Demeter the goddess of harvest here she is now with me at the studio; So tell me

what is happening how and why couldn’t you stop this crisis ?

Demeter (Isabienne): Ohh how I wish that I can help you with all these problems but I just can’t for you see I am looking for my daughter Persephone I love her so much that Iwill do anything to find her Persephone… Persephone… where are you?? Please comeout…

Poseidon (Theodore): You heard it here folks now the main question is where isPersephone??? for information just dial 0927372052 and 7185423. Now we are here for ashort break, up next is the Showb iz News of “THE WORLD’S HANDSOME GUY?” whenNoble Greek TV returns.


So much for tragedy news but this really tore me, according to my sourceAphrodite was deeply inlove with Paris and know for them off officially dating couple,but then for a long time people says that it was just for a public display of being apublic figure, in the report of our source Aphrodite went to Paris always late at night butthen he would always tell Aphrodite to back off because he was busy or because hewas doing something. After a while, a servant came in and told Paris that he was beingsummoned by Dionysus. Later that night, Aphrodite decided to push herself Paris so shecame to their chamber and saw something unexplainable, she saw Paris Torridly kissingDionysus and was about to do that “thing”, when they realized that Aphrodite wasthere watching them, so they immediately dispersed each other’s embrace. Aphroditewas so shocked that she can’t say a thing; she can’t believe that all this t ime, thereason why she can’t seduce Paris was because he was a GAY!! , but then Parisexclaimed that they we’re gone drunk because of too much wine that Dionysus hadoffered him. Oh em gy, I still can’t believe this shocking revelation, the most handsomeguy in this earth is a gay? I pity the perfect and compatible genes if we ever be well I’m

just kidding hahahaha.

Mariella: Good morning Philippines! We are here live in Petra Tou Romiou with our

beautiful guest, Ms. Aphrodite!

Aphrodite (Kathleen): Hi everyone and hello to you.

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Mariella: So, how are you, Aphrodite?

Aphrodite (Kathleen): I'm fine, doing great.

Mariella: Oh, I see. You’re getting thinner, feeling a little stressed?

Aphrodite (Kathleen): Uhhmm, yeah, quite of.

Mariella: Let’s talk abou t it and be straight to the point, what did you feel when you find

out that Paris was actually a gay?

Aphrodite (Kathleen): I was really shocked. I don't know what to do; I can't even say a

thing. It’s so disastrous; I was actually hoping to be Paris' girl anytime soon. But after

finding out what they are actually doing behind my back, I was quite ashamed of

myself wanting someone like him. Like, I didn’t feel that he was actually a gay...

Mariella: What did he say after the incident? Did you guys talk to each other after that?

Aphrodite (Kathleen): We did, but it felt awkward so we didn't talk much. We just greeteach other now, exchanging hi and hellos.

Mariella: Is that all what happened to you guys after the incident?

Aphrodite (Kathleen): We, of course, trying to avoid each other, which is really hard

thing to do especially our set of friends is same. It was really difficult to accept it, until

now, I still can’t believe that he was really a gay. I didn’t know that I was that dense.

Mariella: Well, same here! But we know that you’re a strong girl, you can endure it


Aphrodite (Kathleen) : Thank you, I hope so.

Mariella: Just smile and think happy thoughts. Thank you for allowing us to interview you.

Aphrodite (Kathleen: No big deal, anything.

Mariella: Okay let’s end it here. Thank you so much for listening! I hope you guys can

accept what happened to Paris and thanks again, Aphrodite, chin up! Good bye and

you’ll find your true love in the right time , in t he right place, and with the right person.

So that’s all for today, enjoy your weekend HEBREWS and we’ll surely see you again

next week for hotter issues.

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