Page 1: Zero Waste Scotland Zero Waste Town Development Fund Stage ... · This is the postal address that Zero Waste Scotland will use to contact your organisation with regards to the application

3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


Zero Waste Scotland

Zero Waste Town Development Fund

Stage 1 – Initial Project Proposal

Application Form


Please refer to the ‘Guidance Document’ and ‘Notes for Completing the Application Form’ (i.e. ‘Notes’) that are issued for this Fund to assist you with this application form. The ‘Guidance Document’ provides an overview of the Fund and what it is aiming to achieve. The ‘Notes’ provide more detail on what to include for each section of this application form and the level of detail that is expected for each section.

For administration use

Application number

Date received

Zero Waste Scotland

Ground Floor, Moray House, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


SECTION 1: Organisation details – who are you?

This section is used to tell us about your organisation.

Name of Organisation Provide the name of the organisation applying for this fund, or the name of the lead organisation if applying as

part of a consortium. This lead organisation will be the legal entity that a grant agreement will be issued to if successful.

Contact Address This is the postal address that Zero Waste Scotland will use to contact your organisation with regards to the

application as needed.

Contact details

Name and role within the organisation of the person dealing with this application This should be the person that Zero Waste Scotland will contact in relation to all aspects of this application. This does not need to be someone that would work on this project if the application is successful.

Tel No: Of contact Mobile: Of contact above

E-mail address:

Of the contact person who is dealing with this application. This is the email address that Zero Waste Scotland will use to contact your organisation regarding this application.

Address (if different from above):

This is the postal address that Zero Waste Scotland will use to contact the lead person that is

dealing with this application as needed.

Organisation Trading Name (if different from above)

If the organisation trades under a different name state it here.

Organisation's registered address (if different from above

This should be the address at which your organisation is registered to, if different from the contact address.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


Organisation Status – please indicate the legal status of your organisation. Please note that only registered organisations can apply

Private Limited Company YES/NO Delete as appropriate.

Registered Charity or SCIO YES/NO Delete as appropriate.

Community Interest Company YES/NO Delete as appropriate.

Date organisation registered Provide the date that the organisation started.

Company/charitable organisation registration number(s) Provide numbers as appropriate.

Number of employees (full time equivalents) State the number of FTE currently working for this organisation.

Turnover £ as at last audited accounts State the value of the turnover for this organisation

Balance sheet £ as at last audited accounts State the value on the balance sheet of the turnover for this organisation

Date of last audited accounts or management accounts

Provide the date Month / Year of the last set of

audited accounts or if your organisation has not been trading sufficient time, a set of

management accounts.

Are you proposing a collaborative venture? YES/NO Delete as appropriate if you are

submitting a consortia bid.

If you are applying as the lead partner in this application, please give the names of the other organisations that you intend to work with.

Complete only if applying as the lead organisation of a consortia bid. Detail the other organisations that compose the consortium bid. If you are applying as an individual organisation, please state "Not Applicable" in this section.

If you are a member of a network(s) please identify these below

List the names of any member networks that your organisation belongs to. If you are applying as an individual organisation, please state "Not Applicable" in this section.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


SECTION 2: Track record with behaviour change – what have

you done before?

This section will be used in part to mark against the evaluation criteria: Organisation’s track record in leading effective behaviour change work (Weighting 20%) Ability to demonstrate working with local government, businesses and the community

(Weighting 10%)

Summary of track record in behaviour change: Provide a concise description in summary of the most relevant and the best examples of where your organisation has delivered projects that are focused or contain elements of behaviour change at the community level. (max 500 words)

Use this section to provide an overview of the past work that you have done in relation to driving behaviour change. This does not have to be in relation to waste or sustainability issues. Look to include an overview of what you were looking to achieve, what you did, where and when as well as any details of changes that you were able to witness or think took place.

Example of behaviour change project: Complete the following table to provide some basic information on two previous behaviour change projects that your organisation has delivered.

Example 1: Name of previous project:

Provide the official name or working title of an exemplar project involving behaviour change

Community location – where was this project delivered: Who were you looking to influence?

Community size – what was the population of engaged: An approximate number is sufficient.

Project aims – what was this looking to achieve:

Provide a quick overview of what this project was looking to achieve – where there any specific targets that you were working towards.

Project delivery – what did you do as part of this project:

Give a quick overview of what you did as part of this project in an attempt to change behaviours.

Difference made – outline what this project achieved:

Outline the difference that your project made. If there were any tangible impacts made do list these and include any additional changes that this project helped to achieve.

Example 2: Name of previous project:

As example 1 but for a second project if you have one to list. Leave blank if not available.

Community location – where was this project delivered: See guidance for example 1

Community size – what was the population of engaged: See guidance for example 1

Project aims – what was this looking to achieve:

See guidance for example 1

Project delivery – what did you do as part of this project:

See guidance for example 1

Difference made – outline what this project achieved:

See guidance for example 1

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


SECTION 3: Background on the proposed Zero Waste Town

community – why this community?

This section is to capture some background information on the community that is being proposed for the Zero Waste Town fund. It will be used in part to mark against the evaluation criteria:

Potential impact demonstrated by the community in which the applicant is based to achieve the highest levels of recycling, food waste reduction, re-use and resource efficiency (Weighting 25%)

Background information on the community being proposed to become a Zero Waste Town

Name of the community:

This should be the name normally used for the community identified.

Population of community:

An approximate value would be sufficient.

Geographical location: Provide a description of where this community is physically located. This should include the Local Authority plus a relevant description as to the constraints to the area covered by this project.

Within this section outline the physical location of the community so that we can easily identify where this is located. In the description that is used to indicate the boundaries of the area covered whether this is expressed in either postcode area, electoral wards, any other geographical unit or it can simply be referred to as the area constrained by a set of different physical boundaries e.g. coastline, river, roads etc.

Community characteristics: Provide an outline of the characteristics of the community that is being proposed for a Zero Waste Town.

Within this section provide a description of the key characteristics of the community that has been identified. This can include an outline of factors such as the social and economic demographic for the community, the range of land uses, housing stock, industry and businesses within the community identified. You can also include an outline of any other key characteristics of the community that are worth noting and highlighting.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


SECTION 4: Vision for the Zero Waste Town – what is your

grand plan?

This section will be used in part to mark against the evaluation criteria:

Quality of the project outline and creativity of initial proposals (Weighting 25%)

Ability to demonstrate working with local government, business and the community (Weighting 10%)

Aspirations for 2020: Provide an outline as to what the Zero Waste Town community proposed here would be like in April 2020. Spell out the vision you have for this community and what you would be achieved if your project received the full allocation of funding and support under this programme. The vision at this stage can be aspirational and does not need to be fully scoped out. During the second stage of the application processes those that are successful will receive funding to develop the proposals for the project streams that would make up this Zero Waste Town. (max 1,000 words) Use this section to highlight and showcase what your vision is for the community identified in Section 3 above. This is the chance for you to excite the panel assessors with regards to the desire, enthusiasm and aspiration that you hold for making this community into a Zero Waste Town. Outline what you would do with the full funding available to deliver a Zero Waste Town. This is based on the assumption that you were successful with both this stage in the application process and also successful following the production of the feasibility study involved in stage 2 of the application process. Give a concise overview of what you would look to deliver to make your community a Zero Waste Town. There are a number of different areas that your proposal could look to address which could include but not be limited to the following areas:

Recycling – how would you look to engage and enthuse the population of the community to embrace and make the most of recycling facilities available?

Re-use and repair – what would you look to do that would encourage the wide adoption of behaviours and practices that relate to the re-use and repair of materials?

Food waste prevention and recycling – as a key priority going forward what would you plan to do around engagement and adoption of behaviours associated with food waste prevention and the recycling of unavoidable food waste?

Resource efficiency – how would you look to encourage the adoption of resource efficient practices primarily within the SME sector within your community?

Circular economy – are there any ways in which you see the ability for your community to embrace and make the most of circular economy opportunities?

At this stage in the application process it is acknowledged that you will not be in a position to be able to provide a proposal that is fully scoped out. You just need to indicate the proposals that you have based on the insight that you currently have.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


Partnership working: To achieve your vision please outline the types of partnerships you will need to form, how you will form them and what they will achieve.

Being able to work in partnership with others will be important to the success of this project. In this part state the partnerships that you think would be key to delivering a Zero Waste Town community. What individuals or organisations would you expect to form a partnership with, what would be the nature of that partnership and what would this look to achieve? For those that you identify detail if you are currently in partnership with them in any format and give an outline for how you would look to form new partnerships.

Creating a legacy/Sustainability: Outline how you would look to create a legacy from the Zero Waste Town project so that the benefits of a fully delivered project would last beyond March 2020 i.e. the end of the full funding period for projects successful after stage 2.

If your project is ultimately successful it will look to foster and result in a range of positive changes to behaviour during the funded period. Being able to ensure that the benefits from this investment continue after the funding has finished is important. Outline how you see the benefits from this proposal being able to extend beyond the funding period.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


SECTION 5: Undertaking the feasibility study – what will you

do for stage 2?

If you are successful in this application you will be awarded up to £15,000 to undertake a feasibility study to see if the vision you have for a Zero Waste Town, outlined in section 4 above, is viable and what would be needed to turn that vision into reality. In this part of the application form you are invited to give an overview of how you will go about further developing your proposal and undertaking the feasibility study on your vision for a Zero Waste Town. This section will be used in part to mark against the evaluation criteria:

Quality of the project outline and creativity of initial proposals (Weighting 25%)

Strength of the applicant’s ability to deliver the project within the required period and beyond (Weighting 20%)

Strategy for developing a full project proposal: How would you use the £15,000 available for a feasibility study to develop your project? Outline what would intend to do and the deliverables that will be produced as a result of the investment in developing a full project proposal. Provide some examples of how you will communicate your plans within your community as part of stage 2 of the application process? (max 1,000 words) Within this section you need to outline what you are going to do as part of stage 2 of the application process. As

part of stage 2 you would receive funding to enable you to undertake a feasibility study and community

consultation exercise to see whether the vision you have as outlined above in section 4 is realistic.

The strategy for developing a full proposal should include detailed plans for the activities that would be undertaken to produce the full project proposal. This should involve detailing;

What activities will be undertaken

When will these be undertaken

Who will be involved in each element – specify if you intent to appoint any specialist contractors to

provide input into this process.

The deliverables will be the tangible things that you will look to have as a direct result of completing a full

project proposal. There may be different deliverables produced along the course of this stage and you should indicate what you are looking to produce with the funding available under stage 2.

A communication strategy would be expected as part of the stage 2 process. You should look to include details

of how you would communicate throughout the stage 2 process with the community of the Zero Waste Town.

Provide details of any community consultation activities that are proposed.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


SECTION 6: Financial information for completing your

feasibility study – how much will it cost to do Stage 2?

If you are successful in this application you will be invited to undertake the feasibility study as outlined in Section 5 above to investigate options on how to make the vision you have for a Zero Waste Town a reality. In this part of the application form you are to provide details that relate to the costs involved in undertaking this feasibility study and the associated activity as part of the next stage of the application process. There is a maximum of £15,000 that will be available for successful applicants that are invited to undertake a feasibility study as part of Stage 2 of this application process. This section will be used in part to mark against the evaluation criteria:

Value for money in the delivery of stage 2 ‘Full Project Proposal’ of the application process (Weighting 10%)

Total Project Costs excluding recoverable VAT for undertaking Stage 2 – Full Project Proposal for a Zero Waste Town community.

This value should not exceed £15,000 excluding recoverable VAT as that is the maximum value of a grant agreement that would be issued to undertake stage 2 of the application.

Type of Project Expenditure and Value: Please provide details of the type of expenditure you are planning to claim support for. Type of Project Expenditure Note that the ZWS contribution will

be up to a maximum of £15,000

Total Project Costs (£) excluding recoverable VAT

Support requested from ZWS (£) excluding

recoverable VAT

Provide an outline for each cost type on This is the total costs for each item This is the value that ZWS

a separate line. We should be able to will pay and you will claim.

identify what the total project costs

stated above are to be paid on.

Total Project Cost £


Sub-contractors: Detail the nature of any sub-contractors that will be used to deliver this project. Include services procured and contract value.

If you are contracting others to deliver parts of this project provide details here.

Other EU funding: By signing this Outline Project Proposal Form I confirm that no European Union (EU) funding from other sources has previously been received in relation to the proposed project and I understand that at no time in the future, if our organisation is successful in being granted ZWS funding, can EU funding be applied for that is specific to the proposed project and this would be a condition of contract.

Provide details of your co-funding arrangements. Apart from land and buildings, under ERDF funding no other in-kind contributions are eligible.

Provide a letter of intent or

details of any potential arrangements you propose

to put in place if the value of

the feasibility study is going to be more than £15,000.

Yes / No

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


Are you VAT registered? Delete as appropriate

VAT registration number

State n/a if you are not VAT registered.

Do you have audited accounts for the previous 3 years’ trading? If so please append them.

Yes / No

Delete as appropriate

Project Milestones: please set out the key stages of project delivery in table below for stage two of this application process.

Milestone Ref.

Output milestone – description Completion date


01 Indicate the key milestones that will be completed for £

02 Stage 2 and date for each along with associated cost. £

03 This Milestone schedule would be used to shape when £

04 your project would paid under stage 2 if successful £

05 £

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SECTION 7: Supplementary information – what else do we

need to know?

If you have any other relevant information you would like to add to support your proposal, please include it here or as an attachment. (max 500 words)

This space allows you to capture and communicate anything that is missing from the other sections and will help to strengthen your case for funding to under Stage 2 of the application process for delivering a Zero Waste Town project.

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SECTION 8: State Aid (Please do not complete Option A if Option B applies.) OPTION A: State Aid De Minimis Declaration – for completion only if your project is not exempt from State Aid Regulations.

If your project is not exempt from State Aid Regulations, you are being considered for support under the De Minimis Regulation (Commission Regulation 1407/2013). This may allow single undertaking1 to receive up to €200,000 (cash grant equivalent) of state aid over a 3-year fiscal period. The sterling equivalent is calculated using the Commission exchange rate applicable on the written date of offer of the de minimis funding. To establish whether you are eligible to receive de minimis aid you must declare the full amount of de minimis aid which you have already been granted during the previous two fiscal years of your organisation and the current fiscal year. Potentially any assistance you may have received from a public body might be a de minimis aid. This could be from central, regional, devolved governments or agencies or a local council. The following is not a comprehensive list of all possible forms of aid. However, it should give you an indication of common forms of aid Forms of possible aid: • State grants; • interest rate relief; • tax relief; • tax credits; • State guarantees or holdings; • State provision of goods or services on preferential terms; • direct subsidies; • tax exemptions; • preferential interest rates; • guarantees of loans on especially favourable terms; • acquisition of land or buildings either gratuitously or on favourable terms; • provision of goods and services on preferential terms; • indemnities against operating losses; • reimbursement of costs in the event of success; • State guarantees, whether direct or indirect, to credit operations preferential re-discount rates; • dividend guarantees; • preferential public ordering; • reduction of, or exemption from, charges or taxes, including accelerated depreciation and the reduction of social contributions; • deferred collection of fiscal or social contributions; • assistance financed by special levies;

1 "Single undertaking" includes, for the purposes of the Regulation, all enterprises having at least one of the following relationships with each other: a) one enterprise has a majority of the shareholders' or members' voting rights in another enterprise;

b) one enterprise has the right to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the administrative,

management or supervisory body of another enterprise;

c) one enterprise has the right to exercise a dominant influence on another enterprise pursuant to a contract

entered into with that enterprise or to a provision in its memorandum or articles of association;

d) one enterprise which is a shareholder in or member of another enterprise, controls alone, pursuant to an

agreement with other shareholders in or members of that enterprise, a majority of shareholders' or members'

voting rights in that enterprise.

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


Please note, there are current restrictions for de minimis support for following sectors/activities which are subject to special procedures and require permission of the relevant department of the Scottish Government:

- Fisheries - Transport Sector - Import/Exporting activities. - Agriculture, other than marketing of processed products

You should have received a letter informing you if you were given assistance under the de minimis regulation. If you are not sure whether or not any public assistance you have received is de minimis aid, please contact the body which granted the assistance to clarify this and then provide information about all forms of public assistance you have received in the in the last three fiscal years (or pending) within the table below, and read and sign the de minimis declaration. Please attach a separate sheet if necessary.

Source of public funding De minimis? (Yes / No) Date received (or applied for if pending)

Amount received/pending (£)


Declaration I understand that my application for support from Zero Waste Scotland is governed by the European Community rules on State Aid, and is being considered under De Minimis Aid and that, therefore, my application must satisfy the conditions of the De Minimis rule. I further understand that aid that exceeds the De Minimis rule is illegal aid, which I may be required to repay. I confirm that I have detailed above the total amount of all forms of aid received by us in the past 3 fiscal years, or currently pending, and I acknowledge that Zero Waste Scotland may use this information to make its own determination as to whether or not my application meets the conditions of the De Minimis rule.

Please sign the de minimis declaration (for and on behalf of your organisation). If you have not received any previous De Minimis funding please still sign below to declare this. The signatory must be an officer of the company with the authority to bind the organisation in legal agreements.

_________________________________________________________________________ I declare that the information in this application is complete and accurate: Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of Responsible Person: …………………………………………………………………… Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………

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3RS008 Zero Waste Town – Stage 1 Application Form (Notes)


(Please do not complete Option B if Option A applies.) OPTION B: State Aid Exemption Declaration – for completion only if your project is exempt from State Aid Regulations. (Please do not complete Option A if Option B applies to your project) If you declare that your project is exempt from the European Commission’s State Aid Regulations you must complete this form and return it to Zero Waste Scotland. DECLARATION For State Aid to be present, four tests set by the EC must be met. If there is strong evidence that at least one of these tests is not met, then there is unlikely to be State aid present. Zero Waste Scotland believes that any grant given out as part of this Programme will automatically fulfil two of the tests. The tests are: 1. There has been an intervention by the State or through State resources which can take a variety of forms (e.g. grants). This test is automatically met as the grant funding we award is ultimately a resource of the public sector. 2. The intervention gives the recipient an advantage on a selective basis, for example to specific companies or industry sectors, or to companies located in specific regions Again, this test is automatically met because the grants we award are selective in nature and alleviate the beneficiary of costs it would have to bear from its own resources. This provides the beneficiary with an economic advantage as a result of those costs being met by public funds. 3. Competition has been or may be distorted Please tick this box if you can confirm that if a potential customer did not use your goods or services, they could buy an alternative from elsewhere. 4. The intervention is likely to affect trade between Member States. An advantage which is likely to affect competition from other member states by placing this good/service on a market. Please describe the geographical location in which the service will be provided. Please tick this box if you can confirm that the product or service could not be traded between EU member states and no non-UK EU-owned businesses offer similar goods or services in your location:

Further information on the State aid tests is available on the website of the Scottish Government’s State Aid Unit – , and on the website of the European Commission - By ticking any of the above boxes you are declaring that you do not believe that any funds awarded to you by this Programme will amount to State Aid. Please note that the European Court has sole competence on the presence (or otherwise) of State aid and without any State Aid cover there is an inherent level of risk attached to any grant delivered in that way. If your organisation receives funds through Zero Waste Scotland's implementation fund and it is subsequently decided by the European Court that State Aid is present, your organisation may be required to repay the funds received with interest.

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Please tick this box to confirm that you have read and understood the guidance notes on State Aid provided within this section (please take legal advice if unsure): I declare that the information in this application is complete and accurate. The signatory must be an officer of the company with the authority to bind the organisation in legal agreements. Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of Responsible Person: …………………………………………………………………… Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Job Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Section 9: Disclosure of Information I declare that:

The information given on this form and in any other documentation that supports this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that, where any materially misleading statements (whether deliberate or accidental) are

given at any stage during the application process, or where any material information is knowingly

withheld, this could (at the discretion of Zero Waste Scotland) render my application invalid and any funds received will be liable for repayment.

I confirm that my organisation will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that any funding

received will not be misused or misappropriated in any way. In the event of a fraud, I understand that Zero Waste Scotland may take legal action to recover any misappropriated funds.

I agree that the information supplied on this form, including individual contact information, will be used to chart the success of the project and for Zero Waste Scotland monitoring purposes.

I agree to provide access to the pilot project data, and understand these data may be used to

prepare press releases and best practice cases studies to encourage replication of the pilot projects

across Scotland.

To be signed by person completing this form


Print Name:


Name of Organisation:


To be signed by a Senior Manager (for example Head of Service, Company Director)


Print Name:


Contact email address and phone number


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Section 10: Confidential Information Zero Waste Scotland agrees that, except as otherwise agreed in any grant agreement between Zero Waste Scotland Ltd (the legal entity which whom any contracts will be entered into) and the

Applicant, the Confidential Information contained is and shall remain the exclusive property of the

Applicant, which retains all intellectual property and proprietary rights in the Confidential Information and in all physical manifestations of it.

Section 11: Disclaimer The decision whether or not to offer funding support to any potential recipient rests solely with Zero

Waste Scotland and Zero Waste Scotland disclaims all liability arising from the failure of any applicant to secure funding. Zero Waste Scotland shall not be required to provide reasons for any decision to

refuse to award funding to any particular applicant. Furthermore Zero Waste Scotland disclaims all responsibility for consequences arising from advice given or equipment procured. This provision shall

apply whether the advice or equipment is given by Zero Waste Scotland directly or by contractors

appointed by the recipients using funding supplied by Zero Waste Scotland. Successful applicants will be required to share information regarding the provision of funding with Zero Waste Scotland.

Applicants applying for grants from Zero Waste Scotland are asked to note the information contained

within this disclaimer before deciding whether or not to apply for funding.



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