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!!!A facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods. Cars, trains, buses, and planes aren't the only way to get around a country. From the Bamboo Train in Cambodia to the Rail Cart in the the Philippines to the Couch Bike in Canada, here are ten unique modes of transportation from around the world.!

!Cycling!Lightweight, two-wheeled, steerable machine that is propelled by the rider. The wheels are mounted in a metal frame, and the front wheel is held in a movable fork. The rider sits on a saddle and steers with handlebars attached to the fork, propelling the bicycle with two pedals attached to cranks that turn a chainwheel. An endless chain transmits power from the chainwheel to a sprocket on the back wheel. Which people use this vehicle to transport themselves to another place, its more freely and controllable. Its the best way to pass through all type of vehicle when you facing the traffic jam problem.!!Human Powered Rickshaws!Kyoto, Japan!!While urbanization across Asia has mostly done away with this traditional form of transportation, you can still find them used in certain areas where cars are not accessible in Kyoto, Japan, as well as in some parts of India. According to Kelvin Lim of BootsnAll, many rickshaw "drivers" wear a special foot-glove that helps them travel through various types of terrain without slipping.!!Hybrids car!A vehicle is a hybrid if it utilizes more than one form of onboard energy to achieve propulsion. In practice, that means a hybrid will have a traditional internal-combustion engine and a fuel tank, as well as one or more electric motors and a battery pack.!!Hybrid cars are sometimes mistakenly confused with electric vehicles. Hybrids are most often gasoline-burning machines that utilize their electric bits to collect and reuse energy that normally goes to waste in standard cars. Theoretically, diesel-electric hybrids would be even more fuel-


ENBE | Final Project | Part A - Report | The Future City Representation

Page 2: Zelos 2.4(2)

efficient, but hybrid systems and diesel engines both represent extra cost. So far, installing both in the same vehicle has proven to be prohibitively expensive.!!Elephant !India and Asia!!In India and many places in South East Asia, an elephant is not only an animal but also a mode of transport. When I was Vietnam I actually went on an elephant ride with a local school owner named Roy who explained to me that "in many Asian countries we use animals to help with labor". While once used to carry the wealthy around, today exploring a country on the back of an elephant is a big tourist attraction.!!Habal Habal !Philippines, Asia!!The Habal Habal is a unique motorcycle that can seat many people. The simpler versions seat 4-5 people, with a seat that extends over the back wheel, while the more complex type of Habal Habal can seat up to thirteen people and their luggage with the addition of wooden planks acting as benches.!!Reed Boat!Lake Titicana, Peru !!Lake Titicana stretches across the countries of Peru and Bolivia and is home to many floating villages around Southern Peru. These villages are inhabited by the Uro people, who use natural resources, like reed, to construct homes and boats. The boats are light but resiliant and, built in the shape of a dragon, are said to have been used by the anicent Incas to ward off evil spirits.!!

ENBE | Final Project | Part A - Report | The Future City Representation

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