  • 7/28/2019 Zard a Bbq Catering Menu


    Specialty MeatS

    Sliced MeatS SMoked to

    perfection and hand Sliced

    Bf, Ha, Tuy, P, Sausag

    Burnt endSChus f bf a ha i a thic, ich sauc,slightly cha a s t pfcti.

    pulled pork

    $14.95 LB

    half chicken $8.25


    full SlaB $20.95

    Short end

    long end


    the picnicSlic bf, ha a tuy,l faus ba bas,ha cl sla, ptatsala, ba, ba-b-q sauc,ic cl sh ill picls

    $8.75 PerSon

    chicken coMBoFsh, juicy chic, slicbf, ha a tuy,l faus ba bas,ha cl sla, ptatsala, ba, ba-b-q sauc, iccl sh ill picls

    $10.50 PerSon

    the riBcoMBoJuicy, t ibs, slic

    bf, ha a tuy,l faus ba bas,ha cl sla, ptatsala, ba,ba-b-q sauc, ic clsh ill picls

    $11.50 PerSon

    Plats a plasticaa iclu allp ps plas.

    Bar-B-Q feaStBut s (chus f bfa ha i a thic, ich sauc,

    slightly cha a st pfcti), t, flafulibs, fsh, juicy chic,slic bf, ha & tuy,l faus ba bas,ha cl sla, ptatsala, ba, ba-b-q sauc, iccl sh ill picls

    $13.50 PerSon

    Pics subjct t chag ithut tic. All s a subjct tstat sals tax, hich is t iclu i ths pics. 09/12

    MiSSouriBlue SpringS

    (816) 229-9999


    (913) 492-2330


    5 dayS notice reQuired

    VegetaBle platterGa fsh gtablss ith a cayach ip.

    $60.00 SmL$70.00 med$80.00 LrG

    ServeS 20ServeS 40

    ServeS 60

    aSSorted cheeSetrayAsst flas, cuba/ slic. (Cacst iclu)

    $70.00 SmL$80.00 med$90.00 LrG

    ServeS 20ServeS 40

    ServeS 60

    freSh fruit trayA lightful bl fasst sasal fuitss ith a cachs fuit ip.

    $70.00 SmL$80.00 med$90.00 LrG

    ServeS 20ServeS 40

    ServeS 60

    Mini SandiwcheSmat f yu chic - Bf, Ha,Tuy, P Sausag

    $2.50 eACH

    BeVerageSoutSide catering

    Ca sa, bttl at $.99 eACH

    Ic Ta (St ust) La

    $.50 PerSon

    Chic f TIc Ta La

    $.65 PerSon

    all you can drink

    (Aailabl ly i Zaa Baqut r)A aity f sft is, it sftis, la a ic ta

    $2.29 PerSon


    Fsh Bi Ci $.99 eACH

    Ci Tay $45.00 ServeS 50

    Brown Bag SpecialSandwich of choice

    Bf, Ha, Tuy, P Sausag

    Side of choice

    Ba bas, cl sla ptat sala

    Als iclus Lays oigial Ptat Chips, ba-b-qsauc, ic cl sh ill picl a plastica.

    $8.69 PerSon$9.49 w/CookIe


    Ba-B-Q Bas, Cl Sla,Ptat Sala, ChsyC, Chsy PtatBa, mac & Chs

    $5.25 PnT$8.95 QrT$15.95 1/2 GAL$28.95 GAL

    ServeS 2-3, SLAw 4-6ServeS 4-6, SLAw 8-10

    ServeS 10-15, SLAw 30-35

    ServeS 25-30 SLAw 60-65

    zarda Bar-B-Q Sauceoigial, mil, St Hicy,Bl & Spicy, kC Classic

    $3.25 BTL$6.09 1/2 GAL$10.79 GAL

  • 7/28/2019 Zard a Bbq Catering Menu


    MiSSouriBlue SpringS

    (816) 229-9999


    (913) 492-2330


    MiSSouriBlue SpringS

    (816) 229-9999


    (913) 492-2330

    how to order

    1. Call th lcati ast t yu t.Blu Spigs, missui: (816) 229-9999Lxa, kasas: (913) 492-2330

    2. Slct a u pla a la cat its f u bchu lt f u catig aags hlp yu ci.

    3. B ppa t iscuss th at, lcati, ubi attac a th sig ti f th t.

    4. Sit bac a b a gust at yu fucti!

    catering policieS

    rsatis a a at th ti f big. Yu ill bas t stiat th ub f gusts f yu t.

    Cfiati f yu catig ill b by ph a a fial hacut ill t

    b a t ays pi t yu t.

    Baqut r plicis ay by lcati.

    Payts ay b a by cash, cit ca busiss chc a a u th ay f yu t.

    dliy & St-Up is aailabl a ill b qut a p basis. Plats a Plasticaiclu all p ps u plas.

    If dliy & St-Up is chs, yu ill ci hu f sig ti ith Zaa staff aquipt. Aitial hus f s ig ti a

    aailabl a at $25 p hu p ply.

    All catig s a subjct t kasas missuisals tax, hich is t iclu i th pics.

    legendary hickorySMoked Bar-B-QYu ca jy Zaa Ba-B-Q f yu i tight, yu fficpicic, a faily gathig a iptat busiss tig.Zaas slcti f s ats a faus ba basa alays a fait. A faily taiti sic 1976.

    SerVing groupS of 10 to 10,000w ca pi ythig: tts, tabls, chais,cplt plac sttigs a !

    zarda BanQuet rooMn a plac f a tig paty? Zaa has baquts i bth f u stauats, ach ith piatsatig, z ai, lightig a tpatu ctl.

    pleaSe call our catering Manager

    for a free eStiMate on cateringor uSing a zarda BanQuet rooM!

    W W W .Z A R D A

    . C O M

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