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Caching and Synchronization in Flex


Zachary PinterSenior DeveloperEffectiveUI360Flex

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The ProblemCommon application data shown in multiple views, being manipulated by multiple users at roughly the same time.


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GoalsFetch entities only once and only as needed.

One definitive instance of a server-side entity.

Update all relevant views when the server sends notice that an entity has changed.

Server-side agnostic.


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What’s the strategy?Store all fetched entities in a single cache (Dictionary).

Bind the views to the cache.


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What about memory use?


public class WeakReference{ private var dic:Dictionary; public function WeakReference(obj:*) { dic = new Dictionary(true); dic[obj] = 1; } public function getValue():* { for (var item:* in dic) { return item; } return null; }



Allows cache values to be garbage-collected if they’re not being referenced anywhere else.

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The CacheHow do we add an entity to the cache?


public class EntityCache{ public function updateEntity(entity:BaseVO, ...):BaseVO { //... }}

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Recurse through properties

UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” address: AddressVO id: 2 line1: “4444 W 44th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”


EntityCache 1: UserVO 2: AddressVO

Adding a user to the cache also adds its address.

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Recurse through properties

UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO id: 2 label: “home” line1: “4444 W 44th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]


EntityCache 1: UserVO 2: AddressVO 3: AddressVO

Arrays behave the same way

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Finding an object’s propertiesSpring Actionscript (formally Prana)


var type:Type = Type.forName(classname); for each (var accessor:Accessor in type.accessors) { if (accessor.isStatic == false && == "readwrite") { result.push(; }}return result;

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Finding an object’s propertiesSource generator


public class UserVO extends BaseVO { public var username : String; public var firstname : String; public var lastname : String; public var address : AddressVO;

override public function getProperties():Array { return super.getProperties().concat("username","firstname","lastname","address"); }}

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Updating the cacheWhat if the entity is already in the cache?


EntityCache 1: UserVO(instance A) id: 1 firstname: “Robert” lastname: “Smith”

EntityCache.updateEntity( UserVO(instance B) id: 1 firstname: “Bob” lastname: “Smith” )

EntityCache 1: UserVO(instance A) id: 1 firstname: “Bob” lastname: “Smith”

Copy the properties from instance B into instance A

Leave instance A in the cache

Discard instance B

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Updating the cacheWhat about arrays?


EntityCache UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “4444 W 44th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

EntityCache.updateEntity( AddressVO(instance B) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “3333 W 33rd Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” )

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Updating the cacheWhat about arrays?


UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “3333 W 33rd Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

Since we update the existing instance, all references to it will see the update.

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Updating the CacheThe flip side


UserVO id: 5 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance B) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “6666 W 66th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

EntityCache AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”

Your cache already has an AddressVO with id 2 in it, and you add a new UserVO to the cache that references an updated instance of the AddressVO

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Updating the Cache


UserVO id: 5 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “6666 W 66th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

EntityCache AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “6666 W 66th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”

The AddressVO in the cache is updated and the AddressVO in UserVO.addresses is replaced with the instance from the cache.

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Updating the Cache


if (obj is Array) { var arr:Array = obj as Array; for (var i:int=0;i<arr.length;i++) { if (arr[i] is BaseVO) { var res:BaseVO = updateEntity(arr[i] as BaseVO,...); if (res != null) arr[i] = res; } }}

Code looks something like this...

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Updating the Cache


if (obj is ArrayCollection) { var ac:ArrayCollection = obj as ArrayCollection; ac.disableAutoUpdate(); for (i=0;i<ac.length;i++) { if (ac.getItemAt(i) is BaseVO) { var res:BaseVO = updateEntity(ac.getItemAt(i) as BaseVO,...); if (res != null) { ac.setItemAt(res,i); } } } ac.enableAutoUpdate();}

ArrayCollection’s are slightly trickier

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Now that we’ve added an entity to the cache...

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The CacheHow do we get an entity?

What happens if we ask for an entity that isn’t in the cache?


public class EntityCache{

public function getEntity(id:String):EntityWrapper { //... } }

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EntityWrapperWhen requesting an entity, a wrapper object is returned.

If that object is in the cache, EntityWrapper.entity will have a value.

If the object is not in the cache, EntityWrapper.entity will be null and a call to fetch the entity will be queued.


[Bindable]public class EntityWrapper{ public var entityId:String; public var entity:BaseVO; public function EntityWrapper(id:String) { entityId = id; } }

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Using the Cache


<mx:Label text="Username: {userWrapper.entity.username}"/>

userWrapper = cache.getEntity(userid.text);

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Using the Cache - List RenderersBenefits‣ Faster initial query since you’re only grabbing the id’s‣ Rows are lazy-fetched as you scroll

Drawbacks‣ Sorting has to be handled by the server


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Using the Cache - List RenderersWhat’s the code for the item renderer look like?


override public function set data(val:Object):void { if(val != data){ if (!val) { wrapper = null; } else { wrapper = cache.getEntity(val); } = val; }}

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Serverside ConsiderationsWhat does this require of your backend infrastructure?‣ Globally unique keys (or a way to fake it)‣ Ability to get an entity by its key‣ Ability to query for entities and only return their keys (used by lazy lists)

Perks:‣ Versioned entities‣ Get multiple entities in a single call by passing multiple keys


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Dictionary KeysOnly one cache, need to prevent collisions

Some Options:‣ Globally unique sequence across all tables (UserVO with id 1, AddressVO with id 2)‣ UUID’s (great for generating new id’s flex-side)‣ Combine type with id (“UserVO-1”, “AddressVO-1”)


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Thanks!Zachary Pinter

Twitter: zpinter


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