
Assembly Today THE POINTER \

Assembly Monday


Series III Vol. XII No. 22 Stevens Point, Wis., March 24, 1938 Price 7 Cents

Prof. Michelsen Host To Bandmasters ~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0

Initiation Services Close IAssemh!y To Feature

Greek fledging Period A p,·!~!~~a(ca~i~i,~;!~se~~1~!j~ • • of gy l'oscopes or tops by C. E.

Pan-Hellemc Dance 'I'. S111ith, i\lJ's. F. ~ - Spindler, ,To ll<'S ll'ill be presented at an as-and )lrs. E. r,. Kutal. sembly cntertamment l\[onday

Follows lnl.t1·at1•on 'J'he SOr<, l'it.v cO IOl'S, old l'OSC lllOl'ning at 10 o'clock . 'fhe ap­lllld blue n,·edominated in the parntns "·ith which Ur. Jones

The emi-annual Pan-Hellenic centcl'picce of sp l'i ng flo\\'et·s. shows the pl'inciplcs of the gy l'o-fu l'mal dance i I the '!'mining Each of I he new m<> mbel's \\'US scopes is some of th e most ela­school gymnasium on Saturday l)l'Cscntcd \\'ith a,i Atncl'ica.n bol'at c and expensiYc IIO\\' 011 dis­cvening, March 19, topped oti Beauty l'USP accol'ding- to a trndi - piny. The demonstration and Ice­the secon d semestc l' pl edging tion of th e SO l'ot·ity . 'J'h e nell' tul'c is bound to meet the whole pel'iod of the Gl'cek social ol'gani- membcl'S are: Eil een Hose of 'le- hea r ted appt·oyaJ of th e studen t zations, a nd gave the ncll' rn em- ,·1•11s Point. )Iildrrd Unyant of body. b.el's of the fraternit ies and SO l'ol'i- _\Jmond , .\lal'y ,\11 11 · Glc·eson 01 ---------ttes a chance to get used to be111g (;,.een Bay. ·a,.fnelita \\ il'kns of themselves agau, m the presence I Ed.,ar. anti La Ra e \\'in ch of ot' t he older acti\'es. A good s ized J )[a~·shl'i Id. crowd of Greeks and their invi ted Omega Mu Chi guests a ttended the dance. Nor- The new mem be l's of Ome<>·t

Amateurs Star In Speech Class Plays

man Hinkley an d his Castilians Mu Chi sorority " ·e J'c ini t iated ".'i't played . . • a candlelight ceremony, pres ided W ednesday, )[a rch tll'enty-third

P1·.eced1ng the dunce .Satu r,lay over by ,Tcun Rcdemann, in a pri- Prof. Le land ~I. Durrouglts' . pccch

Formal Banquet At Hotel Whiting Sat. Eve. Saturday and Sunday, March 26

and 27, the Wisconsin Bandmas­ters' Associat ion will hold its spring meeting in Stevens Point with Professor Peter J. Michelsen as host, assis ted by .members of Alpha Kappa Rho, honorary mu­sic fraternity. This will be the se­cond meeting of the organization, the other having been held in Koh­ler, Wisconsin , last fall , when the association ll'as organized.

Formal Banquet Saturday forenoon will be given

over to reh·ea rsal with the college band fo r t hose bandmasters who a1·rive ea rly. , aturrlay afternoon registrntion will be held and t he bandmasters will hold a closed meeting. 'l'he bandmasters will be

(Continued on puge 2, Col. 4)

evening formal m1t1at1on ce rc- ,·u te room at Ilotd \Vhitin " class presented two one act pla~·s monies and ba11c111ets were held "' ' It an e . " a bl Jun1·or ffiah Inter by t he organizations. (Continu,•J on page ·I, col. I) : vcnmo ssem y. ~ •

Tau Gamma Beta. '!'he fi rst " 'l'h c Valiant" por t ray-Tau Gamma Beta. Sorot·ity .held Nixon Speaks cd a scene in a Con necticut ,p rison. Class Debate April I

cand leligh t initiation se'?vices and T R '/ .L ·.r· James Duecker played the part o{ it s· .formal dinner in a privat<· I. 0 UTQ lTe the convict fo realistil!' fashiort.:, 'l'he Junior High School p upils din ing room of Hote l Whiting-. D,·. Nixon spoke to the Rural Lois P ed en starred as Josephine are more than busy these days. Eth el McDonald conducted th e Lil'e Club on his experi ences a t Paris. Jerry Krembs made an ex- This \l'ec1< will dec ide the city bus­ce remony and presided a t. the the Chil licothe Reformat ory on cellent warden, whi le Kenneth ketball cham pionship. dinner. .\londay night. Dr. 1 ixon \\' as Thompson was a c redit to the Last Friday the debaters to re-

After the dinner , talks were affiliHted ll'ith this ins titution church as Fathc,· Daley. present each c lass were chosen. g iven by the pa t ronesses Mr:. E. about th1·ce years before coming "Helena 's Husband", a Greek April first marks the date of the

to C . .'. 1'. C. He was Direc tor of farce, sent the audience into ~ales inter-c lass debate. The eigh th and Education at thP federal refo rma- o[ lau::rhtct·. Lawrence Jozwiak as ninth g rade will debate, "Resolved ton·. t he fair H elena, Vernon Henricks t hat the Congress of the United Michelsen Attends

Bandmasters' Meeting Prof. P ete r J. Michelsen le ft

Monday to attend the annual meeting of th e American Band­maste rs' Association at Champai n. Jllinois.

This organization, though it is American, includes th e leadin~ bandmasters of the 1rnrld. It s members are chosen by very rigid i: xamination and requirement, thus limiting its membership to ba ndmasters who a re the bes t in the profession . Bes ides our .\lr. Michelsen the Association in­cludes such famous names as Ed­win Frank Goldman who di rects the famous Goldman Band on the Mall in New York during the summer, Frank Sim of the ' · Arm­co' ' Band, Herbert Clarke, the famous cornetist who has written many solos for brass instruments a nd composed some of the nation's leading ma.rehes, A. A. Harding of the U. of Illinois and Ray Dvo­rak of the U. of Wisconsin. The late John Phillip Sousa was hon­orary life p~sident of the Asso­ciation.

l'ommunity s inging \\'as Jed by ns l\fenclaus, Francis Purcell as States shou ld appropriate eight Louis Hame. 'l'esmu, and -Joe Bloom as Paris million dollars more for defense."

A \'OCal duet L.,· Lila Wilkins I were rffcetivel.,· played. Cli fford 'l'he eighth grade team will uphold and La Ra e Winch. . Spra~ue was admirabl.v adapted the affirmative. J\Iiss Hanson is in

Heading by Vivian Rn<lkt- . to his part , that of the ph iloso- genera l charge of Junior High Tap dance b~· Ooroth.,· Cook. , pher. debat.e.

Department Of Student Personnel Completes Survey

An interes ti ng sun·ry J,a s j 11st been co u,pl <•ted l>y the Depart­ment of ::;tudrnt l'erso111u•I. Valuabl!' clatn co nc<'l'llin::r s tudent acti vi­ties at. f'. . T. ('. has been brought to ligh t .

About a mouth af:!'O a preliminary s11rvc·~· \\'HS made under th <' direction of :\Jr . . Jenkins. This deal t exel usi\'elv ll'ith fr eshmen. One hundred fifty-six quest ionna ires were submitted. Of 1hat number s ixty-eight answered that they \\'(•re not partici pating in any activ ity.

All Activities Not Inclnded With this as a basis. another questionna ire was prepared and

st udents were asked to chc•ck each of the fo lloll'iu g acti\'it;es in which they were participating at the time :

Athletics, Photo Club, Band, Glee Club, Girls Chorus, Rural Life Chorus, Dramatics, D ebate. Other speech acti vity, Crea tive <lancing, Jris staff, Pointer staff, Ra<!io staff.

It should be no ted that the above li st rloes not include all activi­ties, but it does include those activities which supposedly require talent of their participant~. No attempt was made to include depart-1:1ental or social organizations. All of these, of course, might be in­cluded in a more comprehensive survey.

(Continued on page 2, Cot. I)

T o-morrow at eleven o'clock a dcc lamation contest will be held in th e assembly room of the Mary D. Bradford ,Junior High , choo l. Visitors are welcome.

Miss Davidson Guest Speaker Of W. A. A.

Th e W. A. A. will hold its sec­ond <linnet· at the Gingham 'l'ea Room Friday evening at 6 :00 o'clock. Th e <linnet· will be car­ried out in a theme of green and white or St. Patrick idea. After the dinner we have a speaker, l\liss Davidson from Sweden, ·Who is on a World Fellowship tour. Sh e wilt speak of sports, educa­tion , and life in the places a.bout the world she has visited, especial­ly Europe. The lecture and movies will be held in Mr. Watson's room immediately after the dinner. Everyone is invited to attend.

.\ ...



Published \Veokly excep't holid":iys and ex amination periods, nt Stevens P oin: by the stude nts of the Cent ral Wisco nsin State 'l'co.chers College. Subseription Price $:!.00 per year. '

Entered a.., socond-c1nss matter May 2G, 1027, at the post offi ce o.t Stc \~cns Point, \Visconsin, under t he Act of March 3, 1879.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in -chief 'fh{'o. J. l(cttc r1, JG Norm:i1 A \·e., Phone 1G03JX Assistant Editor ......... .. . .. ..... . .... . . ... ..... . .. . .. . . Ucarborn SpinJlcr Sports Editor ....... . . ................... .. . .. .. .. ......... . . 11:irold .Uregne \V. A. A. Notes ...... .. .. . ..... . ... . ..... ............ . ..... Eleanore rrhcisen Nows Sta.ff . ... Kathryn Beche r, Gr:iovillc Zimmer, Jim \Valch, Margaret ~filler Society Ed itor ..... . . . . .. . ...... . . . . . .............. . . .... .. )farjorie Rogers Proof Reade rs ........ . ..... ..... . . .......... .. Ade lin e Goetsch , B il ccn .Marx Typis ts .. . ... . . .. . . . . . . )l :irg:i ret ltuchti, Iren e Stautfachcr, Lois Geu c Pc<lcn

BUSINF.SS STAFF Bus incs:-1 M n11t1.gc r . .. . .. . ..... .. . ..... W111. Lar ::10 11 , :!~5 Al g:oma1 J>honc Ht.ii -\\' Circulation Ma nager . . .. . .. . ....... . ................ . ....... . .. J esse C.a:ikcy t\ ss.i~ta nt .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. , ...... . .. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Pct •rson, J1111c .Joh11:t011, .Uoruthy t'ook Faculty Ad vi:iCr .. . ......... . · ....... .. ..... . . . .. . l<ayrnuu \l )I. H.1ghtscl 1

Pointer Office Phone 156-1 College Office Information. Phone 22-:l


Assembly Features "Wild Life" Lecture

This \\' Cl' k has bcc11 proclai m d Wild Li fe Hcstorat ion W eek. '.!'he as·cmb ly program th is morn ing at ten \\'ill J'catm·c a W ild L ife lee­r nrc. The lcc tut·c \\'ill be accom­pa11i ecl by slid s. 'l'hr pro:; ra111 was a 1·1·a ngcd and spo11 so1·ccl by C. S. ' I'. G."s a rdclll 1·011. crva1io n­ist, 1'1·01'. lo'. J. 8c l1111ce<·kle.

S t 11 d!'11ls arc u,·l!ed lo attrncl th t· a,sembl\' . 0111· 1·pade1·s \\'ill ag'l't'C that tin• title ' ' W ild Life'' sou nds intPl'l'sti11µ- .


College Honors War Veterans

J\ 11 ho11;.rh 0111· c·ol lPgt• i~ a to 111 -

rn 1·a I i,·<1I.,· .,·01111µ- Ont· i i ll' (•HSllrP. ii !'t• \\' 11·;idition:-.. 0111• or tht·lll wa~

\r (• \\'('l't' int1•1·p ... f•d 10 IIOlt.' till' l' t":H tl ts or tlil· acti vity ~lll'V t'.)' as 111 a11il't':'\I la:-:t \\'t'PI\. 1·« ·JH1rt"d !' is,· 11·!11•r ,• i1 tl1t• Po i111 1•1· ,· ol11 11111s. S tml,·11 t acli\'ily at l'. S. rr. ( '. is a fi l· ld that 1u1,· ,,·l,JI n·t·1·iv1• :'\ludv. Pn,1\·s:-.or .h •11k i11s and Thi• S\'Cflll d rloo r main <;O t'l'id or tliosP who a:,,,Sistl'd him i


11 111aldn~ 11! <· :-.:ir·,·t,;. an· to IH' co 11 J! rat11 la t <'1 l. ,\·a ll l>t•; a 1,r~o nzt• tnh lC't. l·1

n •sh-lll(·id,•111a lly . \\'r hop<' 1hat in illl." 1'111111·,· sur\'cys co 11 d11c!<'d ,il on_g 1111'11 us,rnll,· 1· t•,HI it \\'ith curious

· I b J I) J PH"Prnf•ss. · whil1• llJJJ>c1·c lassmrn IJ1is li111• 101;1~ ,·o-op,· 1· ,11i,,11 II ill · l)l' /,!l\'!'11 h,,· I II' Stlld(·llt Ol ," . It .. .n•u lu·lp j 11 i l1t· pi·, ,,,,111 :-. i1 r·vpy .' pass by st•c 111·p i11 th f' k 11 ow lt.>cl!! l'

------------ .. r \\'hat is lh1•1·enn ll'l'it ti•n. SPRING IS IN THE AIR !!!!!! · I 1917 in Memoriam 1918

:,.;1111· that Spr in:; ha, h,•,•11 ol'fiei,11!,,· ll' <'le0111l'd . its ;11'l'i ,·al ll' ill To th<' Bo,·. ol' t his school •11 l'a11 wa1·111 ,,·l•a t hl·r. Til l· ;11Tival nf wa r 111 ,,·t·alhl•1·. s 1111ny skit•s. a \ \.ho .,,; ,·r lh l'i t· Jin•:-. l!l'l' l'll cil 111p11~ .. and 11·arn1 h1·,•r1.,•s ll' ill u1:i ng i11_t o 1hr lift• o r all 1h"I l·'nr l•~·t• l•do 111 •s ca ns«' . :-.i11d c11 ts ot 11!1s ·olkg-t.• a vn1·u·d t·,1111p lC' x1ty ol t• 111 o t 1011s and prob- · I" , ('Ii· ..

1, ,J· ,. , . .

1<'111:. It is a 1·,·co"11i z•d fact th a1 such is tlH· casr . for school tcacl, r rs , , r_x ,lll r, , rec , It_,. Ir, 111., A. ,11l <H'l'J' thi~ cou~try 11U,•111p1. at th is ti 111 e of th ,·_.,·<·ar. to make plans ~

1<?,.11.11 ~<·1·-.• ,~l<>rtho ld '',''?c; I. ,Jo ~111

111 11H'l'I and O\' l' l'l'0111:· . 111 som.- d ~' g-1·t1 l'. tht .. t.· 11 1o t 1u1u1l 1111nd-sP1 " l11cli · c1 till. I uton 1,L . Ir< ,ln chlin. i, prnd111·,·d IJ\· th<· 1·011ditio 11 s 1111•11ti<Hll'd ahO\' l'. 1:<'st,• ,· l' rt<· r~on . l·,d\\'11rd :\ Jach.

Th,· \\'a tc0

hr111 st11d,·11t. tlw \\'id,•-all'ake cnllt•l{r 1tia11 or ll' Cl ll lll ll l_lan·11 c•'. i. Sti·,11•1d. D.01\lid , Wa,tr. i:-; . 1,y 1hi ..; ti11H·. quit,\ aw:11·t.• of ~pri11g's tll'Vas tating- l..'ff<·cts. aud har,;. C, t·<:i·gi' (, . ~l ut nish. S . I · ~ -in JH O:'\I i11:'\ l:111 (·t•:-.. 1H·1·p111·1·d lii111sC'lf or li (• rs t.•li' ;i..; mu<:h c1s po.siUlt.·. _l• .. a ·Ii y Pa r 0 11 th e. !'it'\'l'lltt·enth Tltp th1111:,:htr111 s111 d ,·11t \\'ho 1·,•aliz,·s 1h ,• da11g1·1· ol' .. ~n.ri 11g-J ,·vl·r" of ~larl·h a bon•t n<'t !' pla c_cd 11n­;1 11d n•ali x,·s his ()\I' ll SIISt(•J)rir,ilit ,v has. l' \'l' II at this earl.,· part -ol' !ht•' ,L,·.1·11pa th thP tahk·t. _!'h t• _I IO\\' l' rs :,.1•1 1tt•:--r1•r. 111,1dl' gn·,1t i11 ro:icls 0 11 !hp pil1• of tt• 1·111 papt·rs . Ol'al r e p o 1·!-.:. 1ii1s .~· pc1 r \\' Pl't' St {l r·tl111g- 111•· th (' J1 ' and such t ri\' ia as iii' k 11 011·, Ii,• al11·ad . Th t> r <•al stud •nt has h<'~II lo,·,, J111 t·~s. Sorn<' l'lo\\'('J' artist had in d11 strio11sl.,· «·ng"a!!t'd in h11ilding a so lid t'ot111datio11 in th e s 11•ds co111hi11,•d Easl<'I' lilli cs ,11 1d p ink ht· is 1aki11µ-. k11nwi11~ !' 1111 Wl'II \\'hen warm weat hf' r br i ngs that snapdra!!<HlK d,•ligh tt'lll r,• .. linl! or l!issit 11 d .. ll'hich " ." a ll IHJ\'l' ,·xper i,•11 ced , ht• Kill ed In Action

March N, 1938

(Co~ ~~ ?r!!1:! ~~Jot 4) g uests of Mrs. ;\[i chelsen for t he afternoon.

Sat u1·da y eveni ng a fo rma l bn11-q11 et for membet·s of W. 13. A. and thei1· g ue ts, visitiug ba ndmasters and members o[ the ·ollc"e band, will he held at the H otel Whiting. l• ollo \\'ing the banquet, the H ote l dining room \\'ill uc open fo r danc­ing. J\Insic will be furnis hed by the 'a:ti I ia ns.

'untl11 y rn ornin g bandmasters ll'ho ll'ill direct th (• lll' tc rn oon con­tert \\'ill rehearse with the band .

l:; unday afternoon at three o·,·lu<.:k the 'entrn l :::ltat c 'l'eachc1·s l'u ll c" C t'on ·ert Band w ill bl• pre­sl'lll<'d playing the folloll'i11g prn­g 1·am: \\". It .\ . . \fa rch .. . .. !:Ht.• i1111wtz- Wc ht.•r

tlirf'ctor, 'I' . . \ . ' t l'i11 111c 1z l-:g-1110111 • • • •• • . ••• . • lkcthon: 11

Uirl'l'lor, E .. l!. )l oo n1 <·:, hi11 ~ ...... .. ....... . . . , . n. Gi ll<.·tto

tli n •dor, ll 1..•11r,\· \\" i11;,;ai1c r

l-:i11zugs1u:1rs,·h 'th•r Bojurt•11

.... . .. .. ........ . Juha 11 11 ll a.lvorscn clin·,·to.-, .Jas. Bcridm

:Sct·o ud Xon,egi:rn R hap!-ody .... . . . . ... . ..•••. J,'. )l. Chri ~li:111 :-1('11

tlirt•c·to r, I' . . r. )l id1el!'il'11 l 11dia11 l.un· Call .. . ... . ....... F ri111 I

,lirt.•t· l or., .\ h•x Jo:1111 :1

Buildt•r:- of Yuuth Ovl· r tnrc .... Ql.\' l' il tlirct· tor, l'ap't. (.'ha~. O'Nl'i l

<.'hi1111·:-- o r l. iht•r1 y ) l arch ... . Gold111 :rn director. l•: rn l'St \\' c h r r

~I radC' l la O\'crlurc . . . . . . . Von l•'lotow dirl'rtor, Eddi r ~l cars

Vi111':t11di :1 . . .•. , ••. Sihcli ns dirt•t·tor, J. l'au l , ' cl1c•11k

1111 roduetiou 10 'l'hi rd Art of .. ... . . l ,11 Jw n~ri11 , . , .. . .. . , . ... , , . \\" as11 cr

din•c lor, Jb,v lh·ornk ('o lo:i!-lc 11111 On:rtu r · .. . ... 1)(' Lnnl<'tC'r

lll!" ·;) tlirtc•lor, I I. J·:. Krlll' J.:"e r \ "oit·t• uf th, (Jun :-- .. .. . . .. .. K. Alford

tlirct'lor, K .J. Sarfto ll Soldirr of Forlunc . ... ...... Jl iltlrc lh

dirc,~ , o r, E. II. Zo il t'I Ciril,iril, i111 )I Hrd1 .... .. .. . K. Alford

11:ll . ha,·,, 110 dt•sir,• to \\'o r k. h,•nt· t· th<' in rl' nl i\'e to bu ild 110\\' so tlJ;Jt i:1 1h,• ,·11<! h,· <·a1111ot h:il'l' hi, props knrlt·k rd l'rom 11nde1· him.

)l :i1·ch sr vP11i rP 11th is th r birth- ,lircctor, Sandy Smith ""·'' or Hrx ('hnrl rs lk1·ck lcr of On Wisl'onsi n ... , . .. , , , . . . , , .. Punt,,·

:-,; j!!IIS of sp1·i11g- tll't"' t'V(' ll 110\\' \'i:'\l hll.'. \\"hi!(' it is11 't th e f)ll l'J)OS('

,11· 1hi-. l0dito1"ial 10 pok,• 1'1111 ;it 1lit• frailtirs of ll11mnn 11r1tur(• . Wt' rn ny . 11(' \' t.Ttitl·lt·ss. s111i l(• at 1h1• sn11wti1 11 l'S ant 11:-.i ng si:.d1t of co11pl(•!i in thr ha ll. l·nuplt•s 011 tlH· ..;tail's. co11pl t.1S loit<' l'i11 g- (' \' C' rywh C're. ~H d -t•.,· t•( l. 111no11-st1·11l·k. ··sunk .... \ t h-ast w ,• s1 11ile until \\"P Hl' P so s truck 011r­· 1·il·,.,. 1:nr afll·1· all. isn't t his a 11at111·al rrac ti o11: isn 't this th t• "na­?111·,· of tl1t• l,,•.1s1··: \\'hy la1t!!'h. llw11!

Tltt.· dur i:-. 1101 ., ·l•t at lta11d wlt<•rt sl l•rping 011 tlH' g-n· r n carn pus t · .111 h1· :-.11hs1it11tt·d for f.!Oi11~ to <·l:1-;sl':'\ . K nowing- "·liat th <" f'11t111· <· hold,. k11'>11·i11l! lro\\' i111',·iiabl<· it all is. lt•I l 'S. as s t11d r 11ts in ('OL­LF.U E ad 1u1\\' to upho ld 0111· 011·11 sta11di11:,r. k<·l'p ou r heads abo\'«' 11·ati·r. \\'hil<· th t·n· is ,ti ll i<·<' :11ul s11 0\\' ll'l us lrn ck le d0 \\'11 to 11·0J'k. L,•1 IIS l'l'l'JHII'(' fo 1· a tOllllltOII ('llt'III~'; lrt IIS do 011 1' \\·ork 110\\'. f'nr it i, t.·0111111011 k11nwl1•dµ-l ' that :'\O Win~ tht• srrds ol' protrasti11atio11 in lliP Pat'! .,· ~pl'in~ nwa tl :'\ 011lr 0111• 1Jii11~. r·c•aµinJ.! · a II Hl'\' l' :-.t of pi nk :-:lips wh t·11 .J1 11u• finally arriv t>s.


<:r,111 1011 . 11 1• was c•n 1·o ll Pd as a tlin·c·1ur-11cw pr{'sid1· 11t

, t11d c•111 d11ri11:.:· th<· l!l lG-Hl l 'i 1111d 'l'h. Chnrl <• t· mcn,bcrs of the or-19 17-1!)) 8 !w hoo l ,\' . . lfe was n :.rnnizati ou are: 1111•111 IH· r o f' tlH· Sati onal G11a1"d. In his junior year al t hr a[!e of tll' en- ,J oseph lfr1·gci111. Handy . 'mith . t.1·-!111·,·c Ht'X t• nli s t,·tl. , <·i·rrnl l!oy H,·rn~lc· I: .'\ . IC Bra h1 ustrd1 . 111 onth. lat e,· his 11 a111c \\'a s rrco,·d- lla i·~t·.,· h. h.t'ltCl!CJ·, Joseph Gi­t•d 011 thr cas11a lh· li sts " k ill ,·d in l!<1llt 1, ~ld\\'a11k ec; Haymond I•'. ad ion.·, B1·r«·k lc·,: 11·as th,· rirst or l>vo1·ak. Madison ; l't·tl'r ~l il·lu·l ­th ,· ,t11d t•11ts of Jiw school to IIH'C I s".11 ·. Ht1·,·<·11s l' ~ in t ; J,;<Jdic l\foa1·s. dca th OIi 1111• ha ti I(• l'it·l<l. \Ii h,tr\\'at Cl' ; h. C .. \I OO l'C. Applc-

i\ 11d so l'ach , ... ,11. f'l oll·r , .. 011 t hrl ton , -1 . Pa11l ,' chr nk. Green Hay : Sl·1·t•nt<·1•11tl, of\J,i ,· ·h U<'a/trihult• llr. ~·' l'll nk ~laye r. U. ' 1·afton .. T heo. to \_St c111rn et1. , ll a rtford; llcnry

" H,•x ('ha,·1,•s ll<·eckl,•r" W_msa uer. !(oh lcr ; E rn est \ Vehc,·. I' \I 1 1- I \\i;11 1p11 n : b . ,J. !';a r tell J anesvi ll e : •111· 11 · ,11 ·<· 1 '· 18!):; Alex. E1111a , \\' rst De Pr ,·e · Etl"ill'

Di rd Oc·l nlll't' I !J 18 in S<' r"i«· e " . I l. Zolre l. H,ipon. Wisconsi.n. ~

(('011ti1111(·tl fro111 p:1!.!t' 1. C'ol. :! ,:: )

.\ 11:-.w1 ·1·, i11 t lit• ...,,,n·p,· wi·r t· n·t·, 1in·d t'ro111 fo 11r i \ " stndt>nt .... . Tl1t• tlistriliution i ... ..i:-. l'ollo\\'s :

~lilil'I•. Or _th,• llllllll1<•1· ll'ho il llS\\' r l'l'd ahCJ11 I ·10 <'i,, have 11 0 J)ll l' li cipat itH I J11 111tli·r d :ind l'if'- 111 a<·t l\ ;1" ''· " 11 «1 J!hl : •ho~t 10% of !Ir r tota l 11u111b ,,. arr cngag-etl in

11101·1) 1lia11 l\,·o .a~·t.1nt11•s. :JO% of tlw s tudtints Ul'(l eng aged in ci t h<'r Activitic!; Fre~hmcn Sophomore Junior

II 711 ti:! :!Ii

17 1ifl ~I :: ,1 :.::: l!•

,; \I,


Senior I~ J!I


. Total lO llt· (JI' two iU:tJ \' IIH·S.

Ii~ 1

. ·.· F rou~ tili..; ,1 1n·,·., ,~·li icli i_-; ,1 _ lllt ' J:<· , ;1111 pJing we t, conclud (' 14 ,_ 1.,.,1.,1 thc110 11 l!h. ·:111d.,·.01 ih1· dts11·1 h11t1u11 or ~tndents ' t ime in extra ­

~1, c·u n·1t·11l ar .,:1l·l.1v 1t11·;,,, 1111u(11 lw ,r1•JI wor·tli while." was th e stutenH'III \ I~ ~~,,~n,. a uthor o l' th 1, s 111·,·<·y.

... 0 l

4GO Welsby ~t[ANERs


On Clothinr For Students J11 ,11 n111tarixi11g: 'l'hrr~ n1·r abou t thrrc fo 11rths of the st ud ent s

:md 11h 11: thr ~Hill<' p,'r<·ent a[!e ol' rach clns~ nns\\' r·rin:;: th ,· quest ion-

PROMPT SERVICE Phone 688 and Faculty

. 450 Main Street

• ,\[arch 24, ·1988 THE POINTER II

Osh.kosh All-Stars Edwards Rings Trackmen Hold

Up 27 Points SH9~Ts do~;_ ; ; ~ ;~~~~;:t,:~1~ Tr~~!~~pt~0;!~:~~

Central State's cagers were p QR T were the participants Y tenson and Rav Grandkoski have taken into camp by the Oshkosh 2. What is a stynii e in gol f? s ta rt ed to round into shape in .All-Stars, champions of the W est- 'I'h e Os hko.-h All-Stars put on a 3. What is an Eagle? anti cipation of an extens ive meet ,· rn Division of the National Pro- fine exhibition of ball playing last 4. What is th e bigge t crowd schedule wi t h the other T eachers fC'Ssional Basketball L eague, t o Sunday .. . . It's no wonde r they to attend .in outdoor boxing oll eg es in th e sta t e. hri. t enson t he tune of 60-27. wer e champions of their divi sion. match and who wer e the par- is a c hampion at th e half-mile and

Lou Darling's collection of . . . Ed Muller, All-American ticipants ? C:randkoski runs them into th e " ia nts was away a nd above super- g uartl from :\la rquet t e, ran 1 he 5. ,vha t is t he pena lty for a " round in th () mil e. io,· to a fighting Pointet· quintet t eam from hi s guard pos ition . . .- . hurdle r t o ki ck o,·er an oppo- The o ther cnndidates arc Rotlg- · IJ~cause of their heig ht and ball- Le Hor Edwards ma.kes bask et s nent 's hurdle ? ei· Ber nste in , sho t put nud javelin, hooting ability. Coa ch Kotal 's with eith er hi s righ t or left hand 6. " 'ho holds the r eco rd in Jim Duecker, javelin , and LaVem

prnteges did a fine j ob· of hund li:ng and can sure drop them in.... the 16 pound shot put Y Van Dyke, mi le. Other mell" in he •pelle t but the opponents' d e- Whil e warmin:.r np before th e 7. How many million d ollar schoo l " ·ho have hig h school r cp n-l'llSC was virtuall~· impre:.rnable l!Um P. on se ,·ernl occasions he gate. did D empsey draw ? ta t ious arc Don J ohns ton, po le

and the fe w shots that the local would set the ball in the bask rt. Wlto holds the record fo r niult, and Rube Belon g ia and hoy did get wer e hurri ed 01· from . . . Hay Davis, captain of the scoring in college basketball ? F'red Nimz, high jnmpe1·s. vay out yonder. I , Yiscons in foot ball team in 19:l:i, !l . " 'ho is th world 's profes- Any men who a r c interes ted in

(.c Hoy Eclwa1:ds, un All -America ~ nc•v er played a minute d uring th e sional t ennis playert trying ou t for the tra ck te1!

111 ,. 11 te r from K entucky, was Ihl' n ar bu t was neverth eless de- 10. Wh ere will th e biggest s hould r eport at th e coac h, . office ndiv iclual high scorer o[ the game ~lared in elig ible for further co rn- purse golf t oul'llament be held for quipmen t. W ork outs are vit h 27 points, rack ed up on li p etit ion .. . . Ott the opening kick- '--=a=n=d=" ·=h=a=t=i=s=t=h=e=p=u=rs=·e=!===~· held every night aft e ,· school. ·iP ld " Oal s and 3 free throws. lie o ff of the , ' outh Da kota game, he ,. s und°oubtedly th e best bas ketbal- was inj111·ed and had to be carried er to e,·e 1· visit our fnir c ity., his off th e fi e ld ... . However, one of ,Ja ,vin" doing a fin e job of ex- th e t eams was o ffside so th ei·

', 1la ini1~g why he took the sco l'ing ki cked off again.. . . lhcrcfol'e ·rown in tl)e Pro L eague. D,n·i s hadn ' t pl ayed any football

Chet Rinka and Don Johnst on in that game because th e cl ock eel the Pointer scol'ing on t, a nd was started O\'er a gain .. .. Ccn -

1 points l'espectively. Both men tral State could ha ve a "oocl track ·'-,,,.,.-,----,-,---~~-:-:--:--.:--' ilavecl fin e "'ames John~1.on show- team if the men had a littl e snp- The Gr eek dance last Salunlay ni.r" th e A ll~Stal's' a fan cy bi t of pol'! . .. thel'e are many po_tcntial evening wa s a success, judg ing b,,· lrib blin" aJ1d 011 o ne occas ion champions in schoo l a ncl ,nth th e reports . . .. Cong ratul11tions arc in wssing


up his guard with ritli c- wr·ath e r so mild. ther could e~si- order fot· th e new members of Jlo us ease. I~· l in to shape befo r e th e first sororities and fraternities . . . .

The lineups : mee t. . . . Chri s t~nson '.111d G_rantl- Have you heard: that ' l'ed's g irl Stevens Point.-27 l'G l'T Pl' koski., are both stars Ill then· re- iviis" i, e re ·· for · th e week-end ?

• O • t Boll n1 n11 ( '\' as' l1 e haJJPY !) . .. Tha t R.uth Warn er, f ..... . .. . . , . . . .. - - spec! 1 Ye e,·en s. . . . 1 c

Hi11kx , f · . .... . . . .... ... . .. 4 o O ha Yin" won stat e tit It's whil e in Nason was also hom e fo r t he l! i,hup, r . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . o n t hi"h ~sc hoo l.. .. Coach Kotal is week-end ?. . . Tha t some Green Jaaska, r . . . . . . . . . , ..... . 0 o n pl~nnin:.r on rnnnin:t off an in t ra - Day gals were in th e Poin t Sun-S,·hneidcr, f . . . .. . ... • ... . u o u 11111ml bask etball t oul'll ey next day afternoon Y • •• 'l'hat Dor othy 1·a 11 Dyke, r .. ... • . . . . . . . . o II o week .. . . 12 members of the squad Larson has the measles? . . . ln th e ;>;in,z, ., ... . . . .... . . . . . . , .o o II will caJ lain the t eams.. . . s pring a young man 's fan cy li1?h t-J.uenscr, c .... . .... ... . . . 0 o o ly turn . t o th irnghts of love. llow

B 'T' '/16 f true this s tatement is at C. S . T. Jl,.Jongin, C . • ••.. . . • . •. ... o O

l axers .I O 1r.1ee C . .. . ;I/ow tha t H ell " eek is •10



, g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~ :i 4

OYer we a g ain see som e of our Bandow, g . .. . . . . . .. .... -~ 0 4 La Crosse April 1 social freshm r n walking and talk -!-ieff'crn, g · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · .O O O j

11n, with their "steadies" .. . .

Ol k, g . . . . . ... ..• . . .. ... .. o o o The boxing squad und er the ~ , [ C I I \"I Ba sk etball is over but that doesn t Buh:in, " . . .. . . .... .. .. . .. ti O O direction o 'one 1 111nan '• up-

0 • h t · m ean . t hat the athletes a rc ~l 1·Gui re, u . . . .. • . . .. . ... . 0 o O JJle is workin g- out e ve_ rr n1g tn 1

, ti t l ~ b cl thrnugh- ll'at c , em 011 1c ra c c Sn, iih, g . . . . .. •. .. , ..... . 0 o O preparation for a . ox111g ~ar to . ltl S k. f ti I t ti

- - - be he ld here Apl'II ], a i:ra1nst La J'1 e . . . . peu · 1111? o a 1 e es, 1c f I coed s see m to be d oing 0 . K .

Oshkosh~ ~~ l'~ ;; \~'::1:i~;g f~!1,.,f \,:1;rep~~~~r;~

1f~~ Wit h t ennis ra cket s in hand th ey ·11 · t ti are . tarting to s ll'ing it in a big .ld:1111s, f .. ... . .. • . .. ... . :1 :; I t h,• bouts, a nd 11'1 go 111 o te

I b cl

· ·· Tl J t way .. .. From a ll report s t 1e an J-;\"end, en, f . . . . . .... . . .. . o I - rin " in <>ood cond1t 1on. te ion s p eo pl e had a grea t trip- ,~·e he_ar Prcbo, ki, f .. ...... . . . . . . I o J ha,; . alt been arra nged a.nd I,a

I G ,, ti

1 0 t e

l"a ndc r Mculc11 , f .. . . . . .. . :: J :1 {'rossc ll'ill br ing a t ea m of ap- t tat reen uay ll' llS I C av l'I -town-wonder why . lf y ou're

J·:,1wnrds, c . . ........ .. . . ,~ ·• :l proximately eig ht men. II . t e t c I ,ve Stt""est )'OU ~t ullcr, g .. . . . . . .. .. ..... , o ., I.a Crosse has a strong SfJUad r ea Y 111 er s l . · 00 •

11 :o mman, g .. .... ... . ... -~ o _ and a ll of the bouts arc expectc <l ask "Hink" or "Sw1n~" ... .

J.i nd•kcy, g . . . .... . . . . . . -~ u 1 to b,• c lose. Several" new _men _are _ - - expee lr d t o box fo r th e first tJJne ~:; 10 tu for( '. S. T. C. n t this cart! .





THE MAN WHO ACHIEVES ls th e 111a11 who sa ,·es a_nd works a llll helps hi s commu1111 y a ll he can . :-.: o matte r wha t th e a mount-11·e wa nt your acco unt.


C1pilll & Sarpl11 $112,111 L A R GEST I N PORT AGE COUNT Y


$1.50 $2.25


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COLLEGE Easily Accessible. Expense Relat ively Low. Locat ion Unsurpassed fo r H ealth ­ful ness. An In fl uence as we ll as a School. C redits Accepted at all Universi­ties. Degree Courses for all Teachers. S p e c i a 1 Traini n g .Jo, Hom e Eco­nomics and ' Rural E duca­t ion. Send fo r Literatu re.


Prudent Logic And th e re wns th e Sl'c1t s111:rn wh o

boug ht only one spu r. li e fi gured tha t i f one s id o of the hor:tc wcut th~ oth e r o th er wu. s sure to fo llow.

Mention· "The Pointer"

Quality Merchandise AT


Courteous and Efficient Service Equals Satisfaction

Abo • Co• pl•t• Line ol

Fresh Fruit ind Vecetabl11


Free Delivery

Phone 289


Greek Initiation (Continued fro m page l, col. 2)

The dinner in the Club dining room of t he botel fo llowed the ceremony. The table was decorat­ed w it h spring f lowers, and ea ch new member was presented a corsage of r o es and sweet p ea .

B esides a number of a lumnae of t he soror ity, t he guests included :\Irs. P a lmer 'l'ay lor and Mrs. C. IL 'ashin , pa t ronesses, i1.i ss Ed­na Carl sten, fac ul ty ad vise r and Mrs. E . A. Schwalm , and Mrs. Ha rold 'l'olo, honora ry members. a nd Miss Susan Colma n. 'l'a lks were g iven by l\Irs. Cashin , )Iiss Colma n and l\Ii ss Ca rl s ten.

A1111 ouncemenl was made at th e d inner of t he ori g ina tion of a new radi t ion in the sornrit y. E ach

semester, t he new member with t he highest scolasti c a verage will be p resen ted with an honor p in. a j eweled so rori ty pin wi th a '3 :? ua rd . which ~he may wrar un t il th e nex t fo rma l initia ti on. The firs t one to rece iY e t hi s ho nor is ~[i ss Dorothv La rson of S tevens Point. ll"h o ~o uld not be present brcausr of illn ess. bu t wi ll be ini t iatNl late r .

Th e othe,· ne ll" members a r r: ;\l a r jor ie Ja cobs. Coramae Ander­son. a nd Nancy te in er of Ste vens P oin t; Eva Rae Han.on of Am­hers t , ;\1 aq.:are t Rucht i of Lodi . :\larga rel Da,·ics of Wild Rose. Betty Smith o f Gill et t, Ka the1·ine Piehl o f' Rhin elander . 'fhelma Ba ierl of :--ekoosn . and Bet ty Wa r ren of Bara boo.

Phi Sigma. Epsilon


Band Returns - From Week Tour

1fombers of Central S ta t e 'feacl1ers College Concert Band directed by Professor P eter J. Michelsen r eturned Friday night from a successful week's tour of t he Eastern section of Wisconsin. 'l'his is the annual trip taken by thi s orga nization which each year brin gs mor e recognition to Cen­tra l Sta te .

'l'he reper toire of the band was ex te ns ive a nd many di f fi cult con­ce r ts were per fo rmed, nil very successfull y .

Mixed Chorus Adds Variety S1icc ia l n umbers which added

v111·ict.,: and grace to the programs were g iven by E ylccne Atkins, so­p rano so lois t. i\l a rguerit e Adams, ba r itone horn so loist . Frederi ck Parfre.v, piccolo soloist , K E>nneth 8tora ndt , clarinet soloist, Evely n Schwinge l, ma r imba solois t , and :\l iss Schwingel and wfargnret )I iller who played marimba duets.

'l'he ba nd was changed to a con­cert orchest ra which a ccompa nied l\T iss Atkins ' solos. A mixed chor ­ns a lso added va riety to the pro­grams. ~-~-------Miss Nuck Elected

Pep Club Prexy At the last mee ting of th e Pep

Club the o ffi ce rs fo r the ensuing yea r were chosen: ;\Tyrlle Nnck . . . .. . . .. Presid ent Retty Smith .. . .. Vice President L a Nore Olesen .. . .. .

ANSWERS: To Sport Quiz

1. 'l.'he seeond Dempsey, Tunney fight with a gate of $2,658,668.

2. It is when an opponent's ball is blocking the path t o the hole.

3. Two under par for one hole. 4. The Dempsey-Tunney fight

wi th n crowd of 120,757. 5. lie is disqualified from the

race. 6. J ack 'l'orrei1ec.

7. (5) 8. Hank Suistti !l. Ellsworth Vines 10. 'l'oronto. Canada. $12,500.

Y .. W.C.A. Y. W. C. A. will meet 'l'hursday

ni gh t, at 7 ;30, in the rec reation room at Nelson Hall. L et's all turn out and see if we can make use of the rnluabl e suggestions made by Mrs. Fairchild . And by the way, t hosp of you who weren' t there missed .an interesting di scussion.


TYPEWRITERS Sold on easy monthly



March 24, 1938

SJocking wrinkles, ru1Js ,md such, Will n<fltr h<Jp 'fOUr dallbook much.

Lillle lad'Y, why don'l 'fOU

Do whal other smart gals do-

Buy Belle - Sharmeer STOCKINGS

in your own leg size

O ur exclusive Belk-Shamuers are individually sized in width as well as in length from top to roe. Ask for your leg size by name. Brtv for smalls, l\loditt for mediums, D11chw for calls, Cla.IJic for plumps.

$1.00 to $1.35 a pair Others priced from 59c per pair

~ Phone 30 The fra tern it,· house of Phi

S igmu Epsil on ;,·as t he scene of thr ini tiation an d banqw:~ wlMc h followed. At the di nner Profes­sors -K 1'. S mit h. L . ~I. Bur­r ou:rh s. and r' . .J . Schm eeckle spoke. l'residrnt Hobert Kreil­lrn mp presided .

. . . .. . Secreta ry and Treasurer The members of the club arc

urgrd to watch our· bulletin board fo r importa nt notices .' l llJll C' rOl!S. '-------------....: '---------------.: plans are being made fo1~ the rest of thi s y ea r an d the fa ll season.

:\[r . Burroughs was made a n honorarv member of t he fratnni­ty. Th e· nC'w members include; William Mill er. W a lte r Bretzke, Pa t K ennedy , Homan Baker . and i\Ia n-in Fryer of ' tevens P oint, :slorman .J aco bson of Ne lsonvill e. C: nrdn n ll aferbecker of .(nti r:o. anrl Donald ,\ braha mson of 8 par-t11 .

Chi Delta. Rho Init iat ion of th e new members

of Ch i Delta Hho fra te rni ty was held i11 the frate rn ity house, wit h Vice-President Ed Duggan con­duct in g-.

'l'he d in n<• r was helcl at Hotel \\'hi t ing in the ma in d ining roo m. with Hay W eing-n rt ner pres iding in t he absencr of Ah· in Bucholz. president.

Bes ides a lumni . guests fo r the even irt~ were l' rof Pssors Oeor~(' ('. .\ llez. IC :\T. Ri gh tse ll. and :slorma n E. K nntzen. a1HI :\[r. E. A. Schwahn.

Th ere were no main speakers at t he d inner , but each one pre-sent gave a short ta lk . .

tr rn ity are : Robert Lar on. Jack 'l'aylor, J ack Vincent, and H enry \Varner of Stevens P oint, \Va rren L eRoux of Pla infield , Neal Brown. of Alm ond, .James Beals of Unity, Trum an J ohnston of Abbotsford, Arthur Sta pel of Spencer and Ray Wiers ig o f Colby. B runner of Custer , who was un­abl e to be p resent, will be initint. ed later.

On the

college campus

at the

Spring Dance

for "Tops" in



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Mention "The Pointer FORD V-8

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