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Yuri, Logic, and Computer Science

Andreas Blass1, Nachum Dershowitz2, and Wolfgang Reisig3

1 Mathematics Department, University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI 48109–1043, U.S.A.

2 School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel3 Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Institut fur Informatik, Unter den Linden 6,

10099 Berlin, Germany

Yuri Gurevich was born on May 7, 1940, in Nikolayev, Ukraine, which wasa part of Soviet Union at the time. A year later, World War II reached theSoviet Union, and Yuri’s father was assigned to work in a tank body factorynear Stalingrad. So that’s where Yuri spent the second year of his life, untilthe battle of Stalingrad forced the family, except for his father, to flee. Theirhome was destroyed by bombing only hours after they left. But fleeing involvedcrossing the burning Volga and then traveling in a vastly overcrowded train, inwhich many of the refugees died; in fact, Yuri was told later that he was theonly survivor among children of his age. His mother decided that they had toleave the train, and the family lived for two years in Uzbekistan. In May 1944,the family reunited in Chelyabinsk, in the Ural Mountains, where the tank bodyfactory had moved in the meantime, and that is where Yuri attended elementaryand high school.

An anecdote from his school days (recorded in [123]4) can serve as a premoni-tion of the attention to resources that later flowered in Yuri’s work on complexitytheory. To prove some theorem about triangles, the teacher began with “Takeanother triangle such that . . . .” Yuri asked, “Where does another triangle comefrom? What if there are no more triangles?” (commenting later that shortageswere common in those days). For the sake of completeness, we also record theteacher’s answer, “Shut up.”

After graduating from high school, Yuri spent three semesters at the Chelya-binsk Polytechnik. Because of a dissatisfaction with the high ratio of memoriza-tion to knowledge in the engineering program, Yuri left after a year and a halfand enrolled in Ural State University to study mathematics.

Yuri obtained four academic degrees associated with Ural State University:his master’s degree in 1962, his candidate’s degree (equivalent to the WesternPh.D.) in 1964, his doctorate (similar to habilitation, but essentially guarantee-ing an appointment as full professor) in 1968, and an honorary doctorate in 2005.At Ural State University, Yuri ran a flourishing logic seminar, and he foundeda Mathematical Winter School that is still functioning today. It should also benoted that the four-year interval between the candidate’s and doctor’s degreeswas unusually short.

4 Numerical references are to the annotated bibliography in this volume; they matchthe numbering on Yuri’s web site.

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That four-year interval contained some very important non-academic events.Yuri and Zoe were married in March 1965, and their twin daughters, Hava andNaomi, were born in October 1966.

As mentioned above, once he had his doctorate (in the Russian sense), Yuriwould ordinarily get a professorship, but a glance at his curriculum vitae showsthat he overshot a bit, becoming not only a professor but chair of the Mathemat-ics Department at the National Economy Institute in Sverdlovsk in 1969. Thisdoes not indicate a great enthusiasm for administrative work; in fact, thoughhe’s very good at administration, Yuri is not very fond of it. Nor does it indicategreat interest in economics. What made this appointment extremely attractiveis that it provided an apartment – a very important benefit in the Soviet Union,especially for a man with a young family.

Because of the political situation in the Soviet Union, Yuri and Zoe decidedto move to Israel. That rather dangerous journey took them to Krasnodar andthen to Tbilisi, the capital of beautiful and hospitable Georgia. Eventually theyemigrated to Israel in October 1973.

During the period from his master’s degree until his departure from theSoviet Union, Yuri established himself as a first-rate algebraist and logician.Already in his master’s thesis [1], he solved an open problem in group theory,but his most important work from this period, at the interface of logic andalgebra, concerned ordered abelian groups. His 1964 thesis for the candidate’sdegree [3] proved the decidability of the first-order theory of these groups; laterhe obtained decidability of the richer theory that includes quantification notonly over elements but also over convex subgroups. This richer theory includesessentially all the questions that had attracted the attention of researchers inordered abelian groups. It is fair to say that this work [19,25] of Yuri’s subsumedthat entire field.

In addition to this work on ordered abelian groups, Yuri made fundamen-tal contributions to the decision problem for first-order logic. In particular, hecompleted [6,7,13] the analysis of decidability of classes of first-order formulasof the form “specified quantifier prefix and specified vocabulary.” Yuri’s workfrom that period contains other contributions, for example the undecidability ofthe first-order theory of lattice-ordered abelian groups [9], but there is also animportant but non-technical contribution that must be mentioned here.

We quote part of a toast offered by Yuri’s first Ph.D. student, AlexanderLivchak, at a 2010 anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Mathematics of theUral State University:

Gurevich taught us to think freely. It was helpful that his specialty waslogic – the science of proofs. He tried unobtrusively to impress upon usthat the final judgment is ours and not that of the Central Committeeof the Communist Party or that of Marx–Engels.It all started with a seminar on axiomatic set theory. The idea of awinter school was born there. The schedule of the Winter Math Schoolincluded not only studies but also mandatory daily skiing and variousentertainment activities. For example, Gurevich liked debates a la me-

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dieval scholastic disputes. He would volunteer to argue any ridiculousand obviously false thesis of our choice in order to demonstrate the artof arguing. Therein lay his secret “counter-revolutionary Zionist” (in theterminology of the time) plot: to teach us to argue, doubt, prove, refute.In general to teach us to think independently.

Yuri lived in Israel from 1973 to 1981, teaching at Ben-Gurion University ofthe Negev in Beer-Sheva, except for leaves of absence spent at Simon Fraser Uni-versity in Vancouver, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Bowling GreenState University in Ohio. Very soon after his arrival in Israel, he impressed peo-ple by solving several problems posed by Saharon Shelah. This work and otherresults from his Israeli period concerned the monadic theory of linear orders,either in general or in the context of specific linear orders like the real line. Oneof these results is that, if the continuum hypothesis holds, the countability ofsubsets of the real line can be defined in monadic second-order logic. That workled to the first of numerous deep joint papers with Shelah. It also led to con-nections with the theory of ordered (non-abelian) groups, especially groups ofautomorphisms of linear orders.

Another major contribution from Yuri’s Israeli period (although the pa-per [40] was prepared and published after Yuri was in the U.S.) is the Gurevich-Harrington theorem. This theorem concerns the existence of winning strategies incertain infinite games. In various contexts (mostly in topology) people had con-sidered strategies that look only at the opponent’s immediately previous move(rather than the whole history of the play) or a fixed number of previous moves.Yuri and Leo Harrington showed that, for many games, the winning player hasa strategy that remembers, at any stage, only finitely much information fromthe past, though there is no bound on how long ago that information mighthave appeared. They used this result to greatly simplify the hardest part ofMichael Rabin’s proof of the decidability of the monadic theory of two successorfunctions.

Yuri spent the academic year 1981–82 as a visiting professor at Bowling GreenState University in Ohio, which was at that time a major center of research onordered groups; Andrew Glass and Charles Holland were on the faculty there. Inaddition to research on ordered groups, Yuri resumed thinking about computerscience, which he had already been interested in even in the Soviet Union. Hesought a computer science position in Israel or the U.S.

In 1982, Yuri accepted an appointment as professor of computer science5

at the University of Michigan.6 Yuri took his conversion to computer science

5 Technically, he was professor of Computer and Communication Sciences since thatwas the name of the department. A subsequent reorganization put him and hisfellow computer scientists into the engineering college, in the Computer Science andEngineering Division of the Department of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience. He now holds the title of Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science.

6 An observation by Andreas Blass: The angriest I’ve ever seen Andrew Glass is whenhe talked about Bowling Green’s failure to make a serious effort to keep Yuri.

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seriously. He did not just write mathematics papers with a computer science fa-cade. Although he finished various mathematical projects, he immediately beganthinking deeply about computational issues and making significant contributionsto his new field. Furthermore, with the enthusiasm of a new convert, he beganthe difficult project of trying to convert Andreas Blass to computer science. Theproject didn’t entirely succeed; Blass still claims to be a set-theorist, but hecertainly learned a great deal of computer science from Yuri.

Yuri’s contributions to computer science span a vast part of that field, and wecan mention only a few of them here. First, there are many results in complexitytheory, but to appreciate this part of Yuri’s work it is necessary to take intoaccount the great variety of topics that fall under this heading. There is tradi-tional complexity theory, largely directed toward the P vs. NP question but alsocovering many other aspects of polynomial-time computation. But there is alsoa strong connection to probabilistic issues, both in connection with the use ofrandomness in computation and in connection with average-case (as opposed toworst-case) complexity of algorithms. Yuri made important contributions in allthese areas, including good explanations of Leonid Levin’s theory of average-casecomplexity and natural complete problems for this theory. He also investigatedfar stricter resource bounds, including linear time, and in a joint paper [82] withShelah showed that the notion of “linear times polylog time” is remarkably ro-bust across different models of computation as long as one excludes ordinaryTuring machines.

A second broad area of Yuri’s research in computer science is connectionsbetween computation and logic, and this, too, spans several sub-areas. A partic-ularly important contribution is Yuri’s emphasis on the computational relevanceof finite structures. Classical logic is greatly changed by restricting attentionto finite structures, mainly because the compactness theorem, one of the chieftraditional tools, becomes false in this context. Although there had certainlybeen earlier work on finite structures, Yuri’s papers [60] and [74] led to a majorincrease of interest and activity in this field. Yuri also formulated in [74] themain open problem about the connection between logic and complexity, namelyhis conjecture that there is no logic that exactly captures polynomial time com-putability on unordered structures. (Part of the contribution here is making theconjecture precise by saying what should be meant by a “logic” in this context.)

Yuri’s contributions to the interface between logic and computer science alsoinclude studies of Hoare logic and (motivated by better compatibility with Hoarelogic) existential fixed-point logic. Another of Yuri’s contributions is the intro-duction, in joint work with Erich Gradel [109], of metafinite model theory, inwhich models are primarily finite but are allowed to have a secondary, infinitepart so that such operations as counting can be accommodated in a natural way.

We should also mention here Yuri’s “Logic in Computer Science” columnin the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.Here we find not only a great number of interesting columns written by Yurihimself and exploring the most diverse areas that could fit under the “logicand computer science” heading, often in the form of a Socratic dialogue with

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his friend and disciple, “Quisani,” but also columns that he solicited from otherexperts. The columns, later collected along with other BEATCS material in threebooks titled Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science7 make fascinatingreading. They are not all just surveys either; Yuri sometimes used the columnto present his new results. An outstanding example is [131], in which he provesthat, if we could compute, in polynomial time, a complete isomorphism invariantfor graphs, then we could also compute in polynomial time, from any graph asinput, a standard representative (a canonical form) of its isomorphism class.

In terms of subsequent impact, Yuri’s biggest achievement during his Michi-gan period was the invention of abstract state machines8 (ASMs) and the ASMthesis. ASMs are an extraordinarily clean and general model of computation.Here “clean” means that ASMs have a simple, unambiguous semantics; “general”means that they can easily simulate a huge variety of computations, ranging fromhigh-level algorithms down to hardware. Yuri proposed the “ASM thesis” thatevery algorithm can be faithfully represented, at its natural level of abstraction,by an ASM. Initial support for the thesis came from numerous case studies, inwhich Yuri, his students, and others gave ASM descriptions of a wide variety ofsoftware and hardware systems as well as abstract algortihms. Later, supportcame from rigorous proofs, but this is getting ahead of the story.

In 1998, Yuri joined Microsoft Research as a senior researcher, with the jobof bringing ASMs into the real world of large-scale software development. Themove from Michigan to Microsoft happened remarkably fast; the decision wasmade in August and involved getting a leave of absence from Michigan for thefall semester, which begins in early September. Fortunately, the relevant admin-istrators at Michigan granted the leave, fully expecting that Yuri would soonreturn, especially because his job at Microsoft involved building a new researchgroup from scratch. But Yuri handled his new administrative duties well, hiringseveral first-rate researchers, and he really enjoyed (and continues to enjoy) theknowledge that his work is having an impact on real computing. So, after twoyears on leave from Michigan, he officially retired. He has now been a professoremeritus for ten years.

Among Yuri’s many contributions while at Microsoft, we describe just a few,of which several involve ASMs. Perhaps the most surprising is his discoverythat, in certain contexts, the ASM thesis can actually be proved. In [141], Yuripresented some simple, natural postulates about sequential, non-interactive al-gorithms; argued that they are satisfied by anything that one would intuitivelyconsider to be such an algorithm; and then proved that anything satisfying thepostulates is equivalent, in a very strong sense, to an ASM (of a particular sort).That result has since been extended to parallel algorithms in [157-1,157-2], tointeractive sequential algorithms in [166,170,171,176,182], and to a notion ofequivalence that keeps track of exactly which part of the state is relevant ateach step in [201].

7 Edited by G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, and (for the last two) G. Paun; published byWorld Scientific in 1993, 2001, and 2004.

8 Originally called “dynamic structures” and subsequently “evolving algebras.”

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A second, quite different, use of ASMs occurs in describing “choiceless poly-nomial time” computation. Here, the input to a computation is an unorderedstructure, and the computation is allowed to use parallelism and essentially ar-bitrary data structures, but it is not allowed to make arbitrary choices of el-ements (or, equivalently, to linearly order the input structure). This concept,originally introduced with quite a complicated definition by Shelah, turned outto be equivalent to computation by a rather standard sort of ASM over a struc-ture consisting of the original input plus all hereditarily finite sets over it. Thehereditarily finite sets capture the arbitrary data structures, and the ASMs takecare of the rest of the computational issues. By itself, choiceless polynomial timeis rather weak; it can’t even count [120]. But when extended by counting, it isa surprisingly strong logic [150] and in fact is one of very few logics that mightpossibly capture polynomial-time computation on unordered structures (thoughthat seems very unlikely).

Yet another use of ASMs is the proof of Church’s thesis [188] on the basis ofnatural assumptions about computability.

Another aspect of Yuri’s contribution to computer science is that he ac-curately assesses the quality of people’s work and acts on the basis of thatassessment. We omit the negative examples, to avoid unnecessary controversy,but describe one positive example, as seen by Blass. Ben Rossman, while tak-ing a year off after finishing his undergraduate degree, solved an old problemof Yuri’s and sent him the solution. Many people, getting a rather difficult-to-read manuscript, out of the blue, from someone with no credentials, would beinclined to ignore it, but Yuri read it carefully, decided it was correct, and toldBlass about it enthusiastically. Not long afterward, Yuri, Rossman, and Blasswere all at a LICS conference, and Rossman, who had met Blass a few monthsearlier at another conference but had not yet met Yuri, mentioned to Blass thathe was looking for something interesting to do in the following summer. Blassimmediately thought of Microsoft Research, but not of Yuri’s group, which wasat that time heavily engaged in very applied work, far from Rossman’s theoret-ical interests. But there might be a possibility of an internship with Microsoft’sTheory Group, so Blass suggested that Rossman check with Yuri about thatpossibility. Yuri promptly offered Rossman a visiting position in his group, andthis unusual investment in theory paid off in several significant contributions byRossman to the group’s work [169,176,182].

Among Yuri’s other recent technical contributions are work on efficient filetransfer [183,190], on software testing [154,160,163,173], on security assessment[202], and on decentralized authorization [191,198,200].

There is a great deal more to be said about Yuri’s work, in both mathematicsand computer science, his generosity toward colleagues and students, and hisamazing energy level. But this is being written while the rest of this volume isready to go to the publisher, so we’ll stop here. Some more information can befound in Jan Van den Bussche’s contribution to this volume, and an indicationof the community’s admiration for Yuri can be inferred from the size of thisvolume.

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Annotated List of Publicationsof Yuri Gurevich

The following list of publications and annotations is derived from Yuri Gure-vich’s website,1 .


BEATCS = Bulletin of the European Associationfor Theoretical Computer Science

JSL = Journal of Symbolic LogicLNCS = Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceMSR-TR-Y-N = Microsoft Research Technical Report number N of year YACM ToCL = ACM Transactions of Computation LogicDoklady = Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR

(Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences)

0. Egon Borger, Erich Gradel, Yuri Gurevich: The Classical Decision Problem.Springer Verlag, Perspectives in Mathematical Logic, 1997. Second printing,Springer Verlag, 2001. Review in Journal of Logic, Language and Information8:4 (1999), 478–481. Review in ACM SIGACT News 35:1 (March 2004), 4–7.

The classical decision problem is (in its modern meaning) the problem ofclassifying fragments of first-order logic with respect to the decidability and com-plexity of the satisfiability problem as well as the satisfiability problem over finitedomains. The results and methods employed are used in logic, computer scienceand artificial intelligence.

The book gives the most complete and comprehensive treatment of the classicaldecision problem to date, and includes an annotated bibliography of 549 items.Much of the material is published for the first time in book form; this includesthe classifiability theory, the classification of the so-called standard fragments,and the analysis of the reduction method. Many proofs have been simplified andthere are many new results and proofs.

1. Yuri Gurevich: Groups covered by proper characteristic subgroups. Trans. of UralUniversity 4:1 (1963), 32–39 (Russian, Master Thesis)

2. Yuri Gurevich, Ali I. Kokorin: Universal equivalence of ordered abelian groups.Algebra and Logic 2:1 (1963), 37–39 (Russian)

We prove that no universal first-order property distinguishes between any twoordered abelian groups.

3. Yuri Gurevich: Elementary properties of ordered abelian groups. Algebra andLogic 3:1 (1964), 5–39 (Russian, Ph.D. Thesis)

We classify ordered abelian groups by first-order properties. Using that classifi-cation, we prove that the first-order theory of ordered abelian groups is decidable;this answers a question of Alfred Tarski.

1 The editors thank Zoe Gurevich for her help.

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3a. Yuri Gurevich: Elementary properties of ordered abelian groups. AMS Transla-tions 46 (1965), 165–192

This is an English translation of [3].

4. Yuri Gurevich: Existential interpretation. Algebra and Logic 4:4 (1965), 71–85(Russian)

We introduce a method of existential interpretation, and we use the methodto prove the undecidability of fragments of the form ∃r∀∗ of various popularfirst-order theories.

5. Yuri Gurevich: On the decision problem for pure predicate logic. Doklady 166(1966), 1032–1034 (Russian)

The ∀∃∀∃∗ fragment of pure predicate logic with one binary and some numberk of unary predicates is proven to be a conservative reduction class. Supersededby [6].

5a. Yuri Gurevich: On the decision problem for pure predicate logic. Soviet Mathe-matics 7 (1966), 217–219

This is an English translation of [5].

6. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for predicate logic. Doklady 168 (1966),510–511 (Russian)

The ∀∃∀∃∗ fragment of pure predicate logic with one binary and no unarypredicates is a conservative reduction class and therefore undecidable for satis-fiability and for finite satisfiability. This completes the solution of the classicaldecision problem for pure predicate logic: the prefix-vocabulary classes of purepredicate logic are fully classified into decidable and undecidable. See a morecomplete exposition in [7].

6a. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for predicate logic. Soviet Mathematics 7(1966), 669–670

This is an English translation of [6].

7. Yuri Gurevich: Recognizing satisfiability of predicate formulas. Algebra and Logic5:2 (1966), 25–35 (Russian)

This is a detailed exposition of the results announced in [6].

8. Yuri Gurevich: The word problem for some classes of semigroups. Algebra andLogic 5:2 (1966), 25–35 (Russian)

The word problem for finite semigroups is the following decision problem:given some number n of word pairs (u1, v1), ..., (un, vn) and an additional wordpair (u0, v0), decide whether the n equations u1 = v1, ..., un = vn imply theadditional equation u0 = v0 in all finite semigroups. We prove that the wordproblem for finite semigroups is undecidable. In fact, the undecidability resultholds for a particular premise E = (u1 = v1 and ... and un = vn). Furthermore,this particular E can be chosen so that the following are recursively inseparable:– {(u0, v0) : E implies u0 = v0 in every periodic semigroup},– {(u0, v0) : E fails to imply u0 = v0 in some finite semigroup}.

The paper contains some additional undecidability results.

9. Yuri Gurevich: Hereditary undecidability of the theory of lattice-ordered abeliangroups. Algebra and Logic 6:1 (1967), 45–62 (Russian)

Delimiting the decidability result of [3] for linearly ordered abelian groups andanswering Malcev’s question, we prove the theorem in the title.

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10. Yuri Gurevich: Lattice-ordered abelian groups and K-lineals. Doklady 175 (1967),1213–1215 (Russian)

10a. Yuri Gurevich: Lattice-ordered abelian groups and K-lineals. Soviet Mathematics8 (1967), 987–989

This is an English translation of [10].

11. Yuri Gurevich: A new decision procedure for the theory of ordered abelian groups.Algebra and Logic 6:5 (1967), 5–6 (Russian)

12. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for some algebraic theories. Doctor ofPhysico-Mathematical Sciences Thesis, Sverdlovsk, USSR, 1968 (Russian)

13. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for logic of predicates and operations. Al-gebra and Logic 8 (1969), 284–308 (Russian)

The article consists of two chapters. In the first part of the first chapter, theauthor rediscovers well-partial-orderings and well-quasi-orderings, which he callstight partial orders and tight quasi-orders, and develops a theory of such orderings.(In this connection, it may be appropriate to point out Joseph B. Kruskal’s article“The theory of well-quasi-ordering: A frequently discovered concept” in J. Comb.Theory A, vol. 13 (1972), 297–305.) To understand the idea behind the term“tight”, think of a boot: you cannot move your foot far down or sidewise – onlyup. This is similar to tight partial orders where infinite sequences have no infinitedescending subsequences, no infinite antichains, but always have infinite ascendingsubsequences.

In the second part of the first chapter, the author applies the theory of tightorders to prove a classifiability theorem for prefix-vocabulary classes of first-orderlogic. The main part of the classifiability theorem is that the partial order of prefix-vocabulary classes (ordered by inclusion) is tight. But there is an additional usefulpart of the classifiability theorem, about the form of the minimal classes outsidea downward closed collection, e.g. the minimal classes that are undecidable in oneway or another.

In the second chapter, the author completes the decision problem for (theprefix-vocabulary fragments of) pure logic of predicates and functions, thoughthe treatment of the most difficult decidable class is deferred to [18]. In par-ticular, the classes [∀2,(0,1),(1)] and [∀2,(1),(0,1)] are proved to be conservativereduction classes. (This abstract is written in January 2006.)

13a. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for logic of predicates and operations. Al-gebra and Logic 8 (1969), 160–174 (English)

This is an English translation of [13].

14. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for decision problems. Algebra and Logic 8(1969), 640–642 (Russian)

Consider the collection D of first-order formulas α such that the first-ordertheory with axiom α is decidable. It is proven that D is neither r.e. nor co-r.e.(The second part had been known earlier.)

14a. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for decision problems. Algebra and Logic 8(1969), 362–363 (English)

This is an English translation of [14].

15. Yuri Gurevich: Minsky machines and the ∀∃∀&∃∗ case of the decision problem.Trans. of Ural University 7:3 (1970), 77–83 (Russian)

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An observation that Minsky machines may be more convenient than Turingmachines for reduction purposes is illustrated by simplifying the proof from [7]that some [∀∃∀&∃∗,(k,1)] is a reduction class.

16. Yuri Gurevich, Igor O. Koriakov: A remark on Berger’s paper on the dominoproblem. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 13 (1972), 459–463 (Russian)

Berger proved that the decision problem for the unrestricted tiling problem(a.k.a. the unrestricted domino problem) is undecidable. We strengthen Berger’sresult. The following two collection of domino sets are recursively inseparable:

(1) those that can tile the plane periodically (equivalently, can tile a torus) and(2) those that cannot tile the plane at all.

It follows that the collection of domino sets that can tile a torus is undecidable.

16a. Yuri Gurevich, Igor O. Koriakov: A remark on Berger’s paper on the dominoproblem. Siberian Mathematical Journal 13 (1972), 319–321 (English)

This is an English translation of [16].

17. Yuri Gurevich, Tristan Turashvili: Strengthening a result of Suranyi. Bulletin ofthe Georgian Academy of Sciences 70 (1973), 289–292 (Russian)

18. Yuri Gurevich: Formulas with one universal quantifier. In: Selected Questions ofAlgebra and Logic, Volume dedicated to the memory of A.I. Malcev, Publishinghouse Nauka – Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, (1973), 97–110 (Russian)

The main result, announced in [9], is that the ∃∗∀∃∗ class of first-order logicwith functions but without equality has the finite model property (and thereforeis decidable for satisfiability and finite satisfiability). This result completes thesolution in [9] for the classical decision problem for first-order logic with functionsbut without equality.

19. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for the expanded theory of ordered abeliangroups. Soviet Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), 6708:73(1974), 1–31 (Russian)

20. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for first-order logic. Manuscript (1971), 124pages (Russian)

This was supposed to be a book (and eventually it became the core of thebook [0]), but the publication of the original Russian book was aborted when theauthor left USSR. A German translation of the manuscript can be found in Uni-versitatsbibliothek Dortmund (Ostsprachen-Ubersetzungsdienst) and TechnischeInformationsbibliothek und Universitatsbibliothek Hannover.

21. Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for standard classes. JSL 41 (1976), 460–464

The classification of prefix-signature fragments of (first-order) predicate logicwith equality, completed in [7], is extended to first-order logic with equality andfunctions. One case was solved (confirming a conjecture of this author) by SaharonShelah.

22. Yuri Gurevich: Semi-conservative reduction. Archiv fur Math. Logik und Grund-lagenforschung 18 (1976), 23–25

23. I. Gertsbakh, Y. Gurevich: Constructing an optimal fleet for a transportationschedule. Transportation Science 11 (1977), 20–36

A general method for constructing all optimal fleets is described.

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24. Yuri Gurevich: Intuitionistic logic with strong negation. Studia Logica 36 (1977),49–59

Classical logic is symmetric with respect to True and False but intuitionis-tic logic is not. We introduce and study a conservative extension of first-orderintuitionistic logic that is symmetric with respect to True and False.

25. Yuri Gurevich: Expanded theory of ordered abelian groups. Annals of Mathemat-ical Logic 12 (1977), 193–228

The first-order theory of ordered abelian groups was analyzed in [3]. How-ever, algebraic results on ordered abelian groups in the literature usually cannotbe stated in first-order logic. Typically they involve so-called convex subgroups.Here we introduce an expanded theory of ordered abelian groups that allowsquantification over convex subgroups and expresses almost all relevant algebra.We classify ordered abelian groups by the properties expressible in the expandedtheory, and we prove that the expanded theory of ordered abelian groups is de-cidable. Curiously, the decidability proof is simpler than that in [3]. Furthermore,the decision algorithm is primitive recursive.

26. Yuri Gurevich: Monadic theory of order and topology, I. Israel Journal of Math-ematics 27 (1977), 299–319

We disprove two of Shelah’s conjectures and prove some more results on themonadic theory of linearly orderings and topological spaces. In particular, if theContinuum Hypothesis holds then there exist monadic formulæ expressing thepredicates “X is countable” and “X is meager” over the real line and over Cantor’sDiscontinuum.

27. Yuri Gurevich: Monadic theory of order and topology, II. Israel Journal of Math-ematics 34 (1979), 45–71

Assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, we interpret the theory of (the cardinalof) the continuum with quantification over constructible (monadic, dyadic, etc.)predicates in the monadic (second-order) theory of real line, in the monadic the-ory of any other short non-modest chain, in the monadic topology of Cantor’sDiscontinuum and some other monadic theories. We exhibit monadic sentencesdefining the real line up to isomorphism under some set-theoretic assumptions.There are some other results.

28. Yuri Gurevich: Modest theory of short chains, I. JSL 44 (1979), 481–490

The composition (or decomposition) method of Feferman-Vaught is generalizedand made much more applicable.

29. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Modest theory of short chains, II. JSL 44 (1979),491–502

We analyze the monadic theory of the rational line and the theory of the realline with quantification over “small” subsets. The results are in some sense thebest possible.

30. Yuri Gurevich: Two notes on formalized topology. Fundamenta Mathematicae 57(1980), 145–148

31. Yuri Gurevich, W. C. Holland: Recognizing the real line. Transactions of AmericanMath. Society 265 (1981), 527–534

We exhibit a first-order statement about the automorphism group of the realline that characterizes the real line among all homogeneous chains.

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32. A. M. W. Glass, Yuri Gurevich, W. C. Holland, Saharon Shelah: Rigid homoge-neous chains. Math. Proceedings of Cambridge Phil. Society 89 (1981), 7–17

33. A. M. W. Glass, Y. Gurevich, W. C. Holland, M. Jambu-Giraudet: Elementarytheory of automorphism groups of doubly homogeneous chains. Springer LectureNotes in Mathematics 859 (1981), 67–82

34. Yuri Gurevich: Crumbly spaces. Sixth International Congress for Logic, Method-ology and Philosophy of Science (1979) North-Holland (1982), 179–191

Answering a question of Henson, Jockush, Rubel and Takeuti, we prove thatthe rationals, the irrationals and the Cantor set are all elementarily equivalent astopological spaces.

35. S. O. Aanderaa, Egon Borger, Yuri Gurevich: Prefix classes of Krom formulaswith identity. Archiv fur Math. Logik und Grundlagenforschung 22 (1982), 43–49

36. Yuri Gurevich: Existential interpretation, II. Archiv fur Math. Logik und Grund-lagenforschung 22 (1982), 103–120

37. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Monadic theory of order and topology in ZFC.Annals of Mathematical Logic 23 (1982), 179–198

In the 1975 Annals of Mathematics, Shelah interpreted true first-order arith-metic in the monadic theory of order under the assumption of the continuumhypothesis. The assumption is removed here.

38. I. Gertsbakh, Y. Gurevich: Homogeneous optimal fleet. Transportation Research16B (1982), 459–470

39. Yuri Gurevich: A review of two books on the decision problem. Bulletin of theAmerican Mathematical Society 7 (1982), 273–277

40. Yuri Gurevich, Leo Harrington: Automata, trees, and games. 14th Annual Sym-posium on Theory of Computing, ACM (1982), 60–65

We prove a forgetful determinacy theorem saying that, for a wide class ofinfinitary games, one of the players has a winning strategy that is virtually mem-oryless: the player has to remember only boundedly many bits of information. Weuse forgetful determinacy to give a transparent proof of Rabin’s celebrated resultthat the monadic second-order theory of the infinite tree is decidable.

41. Yuri Gurevich, H. R. Lewis: The inference problem for template dependencies.Information and Control 55 (1982), 69–79

Answering a question of Jeffrey Ullman, we prove that the problem in the titleis undecidable.

42. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: On the unique satisfiability problem. Informationand Control 55 (1982), 80–88

Papadimitriou and Yannakakis were interested whether Unique Sat is hardfor {L − L′ : L,L′ ∈ NP} when NP differs from co-NP (otherwise the answer isobvious). We show that this is true under one oracle and false under another.

43. E. M. Clarke, N. Francez, Y. Gurevich, P. Sistla: Can message buffers be char-acterized in linear temporal logic? Symposium on Principles of Distributed Com-puting, ACM (1982), 148–156

In the case of unbounded buffers, the negative answer follows from a resultin [28].

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44. Yuri Gurevich: Decision problem for separated distributive lattices. JSL 48 (1983),193–196

It is well known that for all recursively enumerable sets X1, X2 there aredisjoint recursively enumerable sets Y1, Y2 such that Yi ⊆ Xi and (Y1 ∪ Y2) =(X1 ∪ X2). Alistair Lachlan called distributive lattices satisfying this propertyseparated. He proved that the first-order theory of finite separated distributivelattices is decidable. We prove here that the first-order theory of all separateddistributive lattices is undecidable.

45. Yuri Gurevich, Menachem Magidor, Saharon Shelah: The monadic theory of ω2.JSL 48 (1983), 387–398

In a series of papers, Buchi proved the decidability of the monadic (second-order) theory of ω0, of all countable ordinals, of ω1, and finally of all ordinals < ω2.Here, assuming the consistency of a weakly compact cardinal, we prove that, indifferent set-theoretic worlds, the monadic theory of ω2 may be arbitrarily difficult(or easy).

46. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Interpreting second-order logic in the monadictheory of order. JSL 48 (1983), 816–828

Under a weak set-theoretic assumption, we interpret full second-order logic inthe monadic theory of order.

47. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Rabin’s Uniformization Problem. JSL 48 (1983),1105–1119

The negative solution is given.

48. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Random models and the Godel case of the deci-sion problem. JSL 48 (1983), 1120–1124

We replace Godel’s sophisticated combinatorial argument with a simple prob-abilistic one.

49. A. M. W. Glass, Yuri Gurevich: The word problem for lattice-ordered groups.Transactions of American Math. Society 280 (1983), 127–138

The problem is proven to be undecidable.

50. Yuri Gurevich: Critiquing a critique of Hoare’s programming logics. Communica-tions of ACM (May 1983), 385 (Tech. communication)

51. Yuri Gurevich: Algebras of feasible functions. 24th Annual Symposium on Foun-dations of Computer Science, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1983, 210–214

We prove that, under a natural interpretation over finite domains,(i) a function is primitive recursive if and only if it is logspace computable, and(ii) a function is general recursive if and only if it is polynomial time computable.

52. Yuri Gurevich, P. H. Schmitt: The theory of ordered abelian groups does nothave the independence property. Trans. of American Math. Society 284 (1984),171–182

53. Yuri Gurevich, H. R. Lewis: The word problem for cancellation semigroups withzero. JSL 49 (1984), 184–191

In 1947, Post showed the word problem for semigroups to be undecidable. In1950, Turing strengthened this result to cancellation semigroups, i.e. semigroupssatisfying the cancellation property

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(1) if xy = xz or yx = zx then y = z.No semigroup with zero satisfies (1). The cancellation property for semigroupswith zero and identity is

(2) if xy = xz 6= 0 or yx = zx 6= 0 then y = z.The cancellation property for semigroups with zero but without identity is theconjunction of (2) and

(3) if xy = x or yx = x then x = 0.Whether or not a semigroup with zero has an identity, we refer to it as a cancel-lation semigroup with zero if it satisfies the appropriate cancellation property. Itis shown in [8] that the word problem for finite semigroups is undecidable. Herewe show that the word problem is undecidable for finite cancellation semigroupswith zero; this holds for semigroups with identity and also for semigroups withoutidentity. (In fact, we prove a stronger effective inseparability result.) This providesthe necessary mathematical foundation for [41]).

54. Yuri Gurevich, L. J. Stockmeyer, Uzi Vishkin: Solving NP-hard problems ongraphs that are almost trees, and an application to facility location problems.Journal of the ACM 31 (1984), 459–473

Imagine that you need to put service stations (or MacDonald’s restaurants)on roads in such a way that every resident is within, say, 10 miles of the neareststation. What is the minimal number of stations and how does one find an optimalplacement? In general, the problem is NP hard; however in important special casesthere are feasible solutions.

55. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Equivalence relations, invariants, and normalforms. SIAM Journal on Computing 13 (1984), 682–689

For an equivalence relation E on the words in some finite alphabet, we considerthe following four problems.

Recognition. Decide whether two words are equivalent.Invariant. Calculate a function constant on precisely the equivalence classes.Normal form. Calculate a particular member of an equivalence class, given

an arbitrary member.First member. Calculate the first member of an equivalence class, given an

arbitrary member.

A solution for any of these problems yields solutions for all earlier ones in the list.We show that, for polynomial time recognizable E, the first member problem isalways in the class ∆P

2 (solvable in polynomial time with an oracle for an NP set)and can be complete for this class even when the normal form problem is solvablein polynomial time. To distinguish between the other problems in the list, weconstruct an E whose invariant problem is not solvable in polynomial time withan oracle for E (although the first member problem is in NPE ∩ co-NPE), andwe construct an E whose normal form problem is not solvable in polynomial timewith an oracle for a certain solution of its invariant problem.

56. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Equivalence relations, invariants, and normalforms, II. Springer LNCS 171 (1984), 24–42

We consider the questions whether polynomial time solutions for the easierproblems of the list for [55] yield NP solutions for the harder ones, or vice versa.We show that affirmative answers to several of these questions are equivalent tonatural principles like NP = co-NP, (NP ∩ co-NP) = P, and the shrinking principlefor NP sets. We supplement known oracles with enough new ones to show that

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all questions considered have negative answers relative to some oracles. In otherwords, these questions cannot be answered affirmatively by means of relativizablepolynomial-time Turing reductions. Finally, we show that the analogous questionsin the framework where Borel sets play the role of polynomial time decidable setshave negative answers.

57. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: The monadic theory and the ‘next world’. IsraelJournal of Mathematics 49 (1984), 55–68

Let r be a Cohen real over a model V of ZFC. Then the second-order V [r]-theory of the integers (even the reals if V satisfies CH) is interpretable in themonadic V -theory of the real line. Contrast this with the result of [79].

58. W. D. Goldfarb, Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: A decidable subclass of theminimal Godel case with identity. JSL Logic 49 (1984), 1253–1261

59. Yuri Gurevich, H. R. Lewis: A logic for constant depth circuits. Information andControl 61 (1984), 65–74

We present an extension of first-order logic that captures precisely the compu-tational complexity of (the uniform sequences of) constant-depth polynomial-timecircuits.

60. Yuri Gurevich: Toward logic tailored for computational complexity. In: M. Richteret al. (eds.) Computation and Proof Theory, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1104(1984), 175–216

The pathos of this paper is that classical logic, developed to confront theinfinite, is ill prepared to deal with finite structures, whereas finite structures,e.g. databases, are of so great importance in computer science. We show thatfamous theorems about first-order logic fail in the finite case, and discuss variousalternatives to classical logic. The message has been heard.

60.5. Yuri Gurevich: Reconsidering Turing’s thesis (toward more realistic semantics ofprograms). Technical report CRL-TR-36-84 University of Michigan, September1984

The earliest publication on the abstract state machine project.

61. J. P. Burgess, Yuri Gurevich: The decision problem for linear temporal logic.Notre Dame JSL 26 (1985), 115–128

The main result is the decidability of the temporal theory of the real order.

62. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: To the decision problem for branching time logic.In: P. Weingartner and G. Dold (eds.) Foundations of Logic and Linguistics:Problems and their Solutions, Plenum (1985), 181–198

63. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: The decision problem for branching time logic.JSL 50 (1985), 668–681

Define a tree to be any partial order satisfying the following requirement:the predecessors of any element x are linearly ordered, i.e. if (y < x and z <x) then (y < z or y = z or y > z). The main result of the two papers [62,63]is the decidability of the theory of trees with additional unary predicates andquantification over nodes and branches. This gives the richest decidable temporallogic.

64. Yuri Gurevich: Monadic second-order theories. In: J. Barwise and S. Feferman(eds.) Model-Theoretical Logics, Springer-Verlag, Perspectives in MathematicalLogic (1985), 479–506

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In this chapter we make a case for the monadic second-order logic (that isto say, for the extension of first-order logic allowing quantification over monadicpredicates) as a good source of theories that are both expressive and manageable.

We illustrate two powerful decidability techniques here. One makes use of au-tomata and games. The other is an offshoot of a composition theory where onecomposes models as well as their theories. Monadic second-order logic appears tobe the most natural match for the composition theory.

Undecidability proofs must be thought out anew in this area; for, whereas truefirst-order arithmetic is reducible to the monadic theory of the real line R, itis nevertheless not interpretable in the monadic theory of R. A quite unusualundecidability method is another subject of this chapter.

In the last section we briefly review the history of the methods thus far devel-oped and mention numerous results obtained using the methods.

64.5. Yuri Gurevich: A New Thesis. Abstracts, American Mathematical Society 6:4(August 1985), p. 317, abstract 85T-68-203

The first announcement of the “new thesis”, later known as the Abstract StateMachine thesis.

65. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, D. Kozen: A zero-one law for logic with a fixed-point operator. Information and Control 67 (1985), 70–90

The zero-one law, known to hold for first-order logic but not for monadicor even existential monadic second-order logic, is generalized to the extensionof first-order logic by the least (or iterative) fixed-point operator. We also showthat the problem of deciding, for any π, whether it is almost-sure is completefor exponential time, if we consider only π’s with a fixed finite vocabulary (orvocabularies of bounded arity) and complete for double-exponential time if π isunrestricted.

66. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Henkin quantifiers and complete problems. Annalsof Pure and Applied Logic 32 (1986), 1–16

We show that almost any non-linear quantifier, applied to quantifier-free first-order formulas, suffices to express an NP-complete predicate; the remaining non-linear quantifiers express exactly co-NL predicates (NL is Nondeterministic Log-space).

67. L. Denenberg, Y. Gurevich, S. Shelah: Definability by constant-depth polynomial-size circuits. Information and Control 70 (1986), 216–240

We investigate the expressive power of constant-depth polynomial-size circuitmodels. In particular, we construct a circuit model whose expressive power isprecisely that of first-order logic.

68. Amnon Barak, Zvi Drezner, Yuri Gurevich: On the number of active nodes in amulticomputer system. Networks 16 (1986), 275– 282

Simple probabilistic algorithms enable each active node to find estimates of thefraction of active nodes in the system of n nodes (with a direct communicationlink between any two nodes) in time o(n).

69. Yuri Gurevich: What does O(n) mean? SIGACT NEWS 17:4 (1986), 61–63

70. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Fixed-point extensions of first-order logic. Annalsof Pure and Applied Logic 32 (1986), 265–280

We prove that the three extensions of first-order logic by means of positive,monotone and inflationary inductions have the same expressive power in the case

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of finite structures. An extended abstract of the above, in Proc. 26th AnnualSymposium on Foundation of Computer Science, IEEE Computer Society Press(1985), 346–353, contains some additions.

71. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Expected computation time for Hamiltonian PathProblem. SIAM J. on Computing 16:3 (1987), 486–502

Let G(n, p) be a random graph with n vertices and the edge probability p.We give an algorithm for Hamiltonian Path Problem whose expected run-time onG(n, p) is cn/p+ o(n) for any fixed p. This is the best possible result for the caseof fixed-edge probability. The expected run-time of a slightly modified version ofthe algorithm remains polynomial if p = p(n) > n − c where c is positive andsmall.

The paper is based on a 1984 technical report.

72. Miklos Ajtai, Yuri Gurevich: Monotone versus positive. Journal of the ACM 34(1987), 1004–1015

A number of famous theorems about first-order logic were disproved in [60] inthe case of finite structures, but Lyndon’s theorem on monotone vs. positive re-sisted the attack. It is defeated here. The counterexample gives a uniform sequenceof constant-depth polynomial-size (functionally) monotone boolean circuits notequivalent to any (however nonuniform) sequence of constant-depth polynomial-size positive boolean circuits.

73. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Existential fixed-point logic. In: E. Borger (ed.)Logic and complexity, Springer LNCS 270 (1987), 20–36

The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to existential fixed-point logic(EFPL). Among other things, we show the following.– If a structure A satisfies an EFPL formula ϕ then A has a finite subset F

such that every structure that coincides with A on F satisfies ϕ.– Using EFPL instead of first-order logic removes the expressivity hypothesis

in Cook’s completeness theorem for Hoare logic.– In the presence of a successor relation, EFPL captures polynomial time.

74. Yuri Gurevich: Logic and the Challenge of Computer Science. In: E. Borger (ed.)Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Science Press (1988),1–57

The chapter consists of two quite different parts. The first part is a survey(including some new results) on finite model theory. One particular point de-serves a special attention. In computer science, the standard computation modelis the Turing machine whose inputs are strings; other algorithm inputs are sup-posed to be encoded with strings. However, in combinatorics, database theory,etc., one usually does not distinguish between isomorphic structures (graphs,databases, etc.). For example, a database query should provide information aboutthe database rather than its implementation. In such cases, there is a problemwith string presentation of input objects: there is no known, easily computablestring encoding of isomorphism classes of structures. Is there a computation modelwhose machines do not distinguish between isomorphic structures and computeexactly PTIME properties? The question is intimately related to a question byChandra and Harel in “Structure and complexity of relational queries”, J. Com-put. and System Sciences 25 (1982), 99–128. We formalize the question as thequestion whether there exists a logic that captures polynomial time (without pre-suming the presence of a linear order) and conjecture the negative answer. The

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first part is based on lectures given at the 1984 Udine Summer School on Compu-tation Theory and summarized in the technical report “Logic and the Challengeof Computer Science”, CRL-TR-10-85, Sep. 1985, Computing Research Lab, Uni-versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

In the second part, we introduce a new computation model: evolving algebras(later renamed abstract state machines). This new approach to semantics of com-putations and, in particular, to semantics of programming languages emphasizesdynamic and resource-bounded aspects of computation. It is illustrated on theexample of Pascal. The technical report mentioned above contained an earlierversion of part 2. The final version was written in 1986.

75. Yuri Gurevich: Algorithms in the world of bounded resources. In: R. Herken (ed.)The universal Turing machine - a half-century story, Oxford University Press(1988), 407–416

In the classical theory of algorithms, one addresses a computing agent withunbounded resources. We argue in favor of a more realistic theory of multipleaddressees with limited resources.

76. Yuri Gurevich: Average case completeness. J. Computer and System Sciences 42:3(June 1991), 346–398 (a special issue with selected papers of FOCS’87)

We explain and advance Levin’s theory of average case complexity. In particu-lar, we exhibit the second natural average-case-complete problem and prove thatdeterministic reductions are inadequate.

77. Yuri Gurevich, Jim Morris: Algebraic operational semantics and Modula-2.CSL’87, 1st Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Springer LNCS 329 (1988),81–101

Jim Morris was a PhD student of Yuri Gurevich at the Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science Department of the University of Michigan, the first PhDstudent working on the abstract state machine project. This is an extended ab-stract of Jim Morris’s 1988 PhD thesis (with the same title) and the first exampleof the ASM semantics of a whole programming language.

78. Yuri Gurevich: On Kolmogorov machines and related issues. Originally inBEATCS 35 (June 1988), 71–82. Reprinted in: Current Trends in TheoreticalComputer Science. World Scientific (1993), 225–234

One contribution of the article was to formulate the Kolmogorov-Uspenskythesis. In “To the Definition of an Algorithm” [Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 13:4 (1958),3–28 (Russian)], Kolmogorov and Uspensky wrote that they just wanted to com-prehend the notions of computable functions and algorithms, and to convincethemselves that there is no way to extend the notion of computable function. Infact, they did more than that. It seems that their thesis was this:

Every computation, performing only one restricted local action at a time,can be viewed as (not only being simulated by, but actually being) thecomputation of an appropriate KU machine (in the more general form).

Uspensky agreed [J. Symb. Logic 57 (1992), p. 396]. Another contribution of thepaper was a popularization of the following beautiful theorem of Leonid Levin.

Theorem. For every computable function F (w) = x from binary strings tobinary strings, there exists a KU algorithm A such that A conclusivelyinverts F and (Time of A on x) = O(Time of B on x) for every KUalgorithm B that conclusively inverts F .

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which had been virtually unknown, partially because it appeared (without aproof) in his article “Universal Search Problems” [Problems of Information Trans-mission 9:3 (1973), 265–266] which is hard to read.

79. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: On the strength of the interpretation method.JSL 54:2 (1989), 305–323

The interpretation method is the main tool in proving negative results relatedto logical theories. We examine the strength of the interpretation method and finda serious limitation. In one of our previous papers [57], we were able to reduce truearithmetic to the monadic theory of real line. Here we show that true arithmeticcannot be interpreted in the monadic theory of the real line. The reduction of [57]is not an interpretation.

80. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Time polynomial in input or output. JSL 54:3(1989), 1083–1088

There are simple algorithms with large outputs; it is misleading to measure thetime complexity of such algorithms in terms of inputs only. In this connection,we introduce the class PIO of functions computable in time polynomial in themaximum of the size of input and the size of output, and some other similarclasses. We observe that there is no notation system for any extension of the classof total functions computable on Turing machines in time linear in output andgive a machine-independent definition of partial PIO functions.

81. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: On Matiyasevich’s non-traditional approach tosearch problems. Information Processing Letters 32 (1989), 41–45

Yuri Matijasevich, famous for completing the solution of Hilbert’s tenth prob-lem, suggested to use differential equations inspired by real phenomena in natureto solve the satisfiability problem for boolean formulas. The initial conditions arechosen at random and it is expected that, in the case of a satisfiable formula, theprocess, described by differential equations, converges quickly to an equilibriumwhich yields a satisfying assignment. A success of the program would establishNP=R. Attracted by the approach, we discover serious complications with it.

82. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Nearly linear time. Symposium on Logical Foun-dations of Computer Science in Pereslavl-Zalessky, USSR, Springer LNCS 363(1989) 108–118

The notion of linear time is very sensitive to the machine model. In this con-nection we introduce and study the class NLT of functions computable in nearlylinear time n · (logn)O(1) on random access computers or any other “reasonable”machine model (with the standard multitape Turing machine model being “unrea-sonable” for that low complexity class). This gives a very robust approximation tothe notion of linear time. In particular, we give a machine-independent definitionof NLT and a natural problem complete for NLT.

83. Miklos Ajtai, Yuri Gurevich: Datalog vs First-Order Logic. J of Computer andSystem Sciences 49:3 (December 1994), 562–588 (Extended abstract in FOCS’89,142–147)

First-order logic and Datalog are two very important paradigms for relational-database query languages. How different are they from the point of view of ex-pressive power? What can be expressed both in first-order logic and Datalog?It is easy to see that every existential positive first-order formula is expressibleby a bounded Datalog query, and the other way round. Cosmadakis suggested

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that there are no other properties expressible in first-order logic and in Datalog;in other words, no unbounded Datalog query is expressible in first-order logic.We prove the conjecture; that is our main theorem. It can be seen as a kind ofcompactness theorem for finite structures. In addition, we give counterexamplesdelimiting the main result.

84. Yuri Gurevich: Infinite Games. Originally in BEATCS (June 1989), 93–100.Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science. World Scientific(1993), 235–244

Infinite games are widely used in mathematical logic. Recently infinite gameswere used in connection to concurrent computational processes that do not nec-essarily terminate. For example, operating system may be seen as playing a game“against” the disruptive forces of users. The classical question of the existenceof winning strategies turns out to be of importance to practice. We explain arelevant part of the infinite game theory.

85. Yuri Gurevich: The Challenger-Solver game: Variations on the Theme of P=?NP.BEATCS (October 1989), 112–121. Reprinted in: Current Trends in TheoreticalComputer Science. World Scientific (1993), 245–253

The question P?=NP is the focal point of much research in theoretical computer

science. But is it the right question? We find it biased toward the positive answer.It is conceivable that the negative answer is established without providing muchevidence for the difficulty of NP problems in practical terms. We argue in favor

of an alternative to P?=NP based on the average-case complexity.

86. Yuri Gurevich: Games people play. In: S. Mac Lane and D. Siefkes (eds.) CollectedWorks of J. Richard Buchi, Springer-Verlag (1990), 517–524

87. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Nondeterministic linear-time tasks may requiresubstantially nonlinear deterministic time in the case of sublinear work space.Journal of the ACM 37:3 (1990), 674–687

We develop a technique to prove time-space trade-offs and exhibit naturalsearch problems (e.g. Log-size Clique Problem) that are solvable in linear time onpolylog-space (and sometimes even log-space) nondeterministic Turing machine,but no deterministic machine (in a very general sense of this term) with sequential-access read-only input tape and work space nσ solves the problem within timen1+τ if σ + 2τ < 1


88. Yuri Gurevich: Matrix Decomposition Problem is Complete for the Average Case.FOCS’90, 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEEComputer Society Press (1990), 802–811

The first algebraic average-case complete problem is presented. See [97] in thisconnection.

89. Yuri Gurevich, L. A. Moss: Algebraic Operational Semantics and Occam. CSL’89,3rd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Springer LNCS 440 (1990), 176–192

We give evolving algebra semantics to the Occam programming language,generalizing in the process evolving algebras to the case of distributed concurrentcomputations.

Later note: this was the first example of a distributed abstract state machine.

90. Yuri Gurevich: On Finite Model Theory. In: S. R. Buss et al. (eds.) FeasibleMathematics, (1990), 211–219

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This is a little essay on finite model theory. Section 1 gives some counterexam-ples to classical theorems in the finite case. Section 2 gives a finite version of theclassical compactness theorem. Section 3 announces two Gurevich-Shelah results.One is a new preservation theorem that implies that a first-order formula p pre-served by any homomorphism from a finite structure into another finite structureis equivalent to a positive existential formula q. The other result is a lower boundresult according to which a shortest q may be non-elementary longer than p.

A later note: Unfortunately, the proof of preservation theorem fell through – aunique such case in the history of the Gurevich-Shelah collaboration – and waslater proved by Benjamin Rossman; see Proceedings of LICS 2005. Rossman alsoprovided details for our lower bound proof.

91. Yuri Gurevich: On the Classical Decision Problem. Originally in BEATCS (Oc-tober 1990), 140–150. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical ComputerScience. World Scientific (1993), 254–265

92. Yuri Gurevich: Evolving Algebras: An Introductory Tutorial. Originally inBEATCS 43 (February 1991), 264–284. This slightly revised version appearedin: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science. World Scientific (1993),266–292

Computation models and specification methods seem to be worlds apart. Theevolving algebra project is as an attempt to bridge the gap by improving onTuring’s thesis. We seek more versatile machines able to simulate arbitrary algo-rithms, on their natural abstraction levels, in a direct and essentially coding-freeway. The evolving algebra thesis asserts that evolving algebras are such versatilemachines. Here sequential evolving algebras are defined and motivated. In addi-tion, we sketch a speculative “proof” of the sequential evolving algebra thesis:Every sequential algorithm can be lock-step simulated by an appropriate sequen-tial evolving algebra on the natural abstraction level of the algorithm.

93. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: On the Reduction Theory for Average-Case Com-plexity. CSL’90, 4th Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Springer LNCS 533(1991) 17–30

A function from instances of one problem to instances of another problem isa reduction if together with any admissible algorithm for the second problem itgives an admissible algorithm for the first problem. This is an example of a de-scriptive definition of reductions. We slightly simplify Levin’s usable definition ofdeterministic average-case reductions and thus make it equivalent to the appro-priate descriptive definition. Then we generalize this to randomized average-casereductions.

94. Yuri Gurevich: Average Case Complexity. ICALP’91, International Colloquiumon Automata, Languages and Programming, Madrid, Springer LNCS 510 (1991),615–628

We motivate, justify and survey the average-case reduction theory.

95. Yuri Gurevich: Zero-One Laws. Originally in BEATCS 51 (February 1991), 90–106. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science. World Sci-entific (1993), 293–309

96. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Randomizing Reductions of Search Problems.SIAM J. on Computing 22:5 (1993), 949–975

This is the journal version of an invited talk at FST&TCS’91, 11th Conferenceon Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, NewDelhi, India; see Springer LNCS 560 (1991), 10–24.

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First, we clarify the notion of a (feasible) solution for a search problem and proveits robustness. Second, we give a general and usable notion of many-one random-izing reductions of search problems and prove that it has desirable properties.All reductions of search problems to search problems in the literature on averagecase complexity can be viewed as such many-one randomizing reductions. Thisincludes those reductions in the literature that use iterations and therefore do notlook many-one.

97. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Matrix Transformation is Complete for the AverageCase. SIAM J. on Computing 24:1 (1995), 3–29

This is a full paper corresponding to the extended abstract [88] by the secondauthor. We present the first algebraic problem complete for the average case undera natural probability distribution. The problem is this: Given a unimodular matrixX of integers, a set S of linear transformations of such unimodular matrices anda natural number n, decide if there is a product of at most n (not necessarilydifferent) members of S that takes X to the identity matrix.

98. Yuri Gurevich, Jim Huggins: The Semantics of the C Programming Language.In E. Borger et al.(eds.) CSL’92 (Computer Science Logics), Springer LNCS 702(1993), 274–308

The method of successive refinement is used. The observation that C expres-sions do not contain statements gives rise to the first evolving algebra (ealgebra)which captures the command part of C; expressions are evaluated by an oracle.The second ealgebra implements the oracle under the assumptions that all thenecessary declarations have been provided and user-defined functions are eval-uated by another oracle. The third ealgebra handles declarations. Finally, thefourth ealgebra revises the combination of the first three by incorporating thestack discipline; it reflects all of C. (A later note: evolving algebras are now calledabstract state machines.)

99. Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Yuri Gurevich: Curb Your Theory! A Circum-scriptive Approach for Inclusive Interpretation of Disjunctive Information. In:R. Bajcsy, M. Kaufman (eds.) Proc. 13th Intern. Joint Conf. on AI (IJCAI’93)(1993), 634–639

We introduce, study and analyze the complexity of a new nonmonotonic tech-nique of common sense reasoning called curbing. Like circumscription, curbingis based on model minimality, but, unlike circumscription, it treats disjunctioninclusively.

100. Yuri Gurevich: Feasible Functions. London Mathematical Society Newsletter 206(June 1993), 6–7

Some computer scientists, notably Steve Cook, identify feasibility withpolynomial-time computability. We argue against that point of view. Polynomial-time computations may be infeasible, and feasible computations may be not poly-nomial time.

101. Yuri Gurevich: Logic in Computer Science. In: G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa(eds.) Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, World Scientific Seriesin Computer Science 40 (1993), 223–394

102. Yuri Gurevich: The AMAST Phenomenon. Originally in BEATCS 51 (October1993), 295–299. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science.World Scientific (2001), 247–253

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This humorous article incorporates a bit of serious criticism of algebraic andlogic approaches to software problems.

103. Yuri Gurevich: Evolving Algebra 1993: Lipari Guide. Specification and ValidationMethods, Oxford University Press (1995), 9–36

Computation models and specification methods seem to be worlds apart. Theproject on abstract state machines (a.k.a. evolving algebras) started as an at-tempt to bridge the gap by improving on Turing’s thesis [92]. We sought moreversatile machines which would be able to simulate arbitrary algorithms, on theirnatural abstraction levels, in a direct and essentially coding-free way. The ASMthesis asserts that ASMs are such versatile machines. The guide provided thedefinition of sequential and – for the first time – parallel and distributed ASMs.The denotational semantics of sequential and parallel ASMs is addressed in theMichigan guide [129].

104. Erich Gradel, Yuri Gurevich: Tailoring Recursion for Complexity. JSL 60:3(September 1995), 952–969

Complexity classes are easily generalized to the case when inputs of an algo-rithm are finite ordered structures of a fixed vocabulary rather than strings. Alogic L is said to capture (or to be tailored to) a complexity class C if a classof finite ordered structures of a fixed vocabulary belongs to C if and only if it isdefinable in L. Traditionally, complexity tailored logics are logics of relations. Inhis FOCS’83 paper, the second author showed that, on finite structures, the classof Logspace computable functions is captured by the primitive recursive calculus,and the class of PTIME computable functions is captured by the classical calculusof partially recursive functions. Here we continue that line of investigation andconstruct recursive calculi for various complexity classes of functions, in partic-ular for (more challenging) nondeterministic classes, NLogspace and NPTIME.

105. Yuri Gurevich: Logic Activities in Europe. ACM SIGACT NEWS 25:2 (June1994), 11–24

This is a critical analysis of European logic activities in computer science basedon a Fall 1992 European tour sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.

106. Yuri Gurevich, Raghu Mani: Group Membership Protocol: Specification and Ver-ification. Specification and Validation Methods, Oxford University Press (1995),295–328

An interesting and useful group membership protocol of Flavio Christianinvolves timing constraints, and its correctness is not obvious. We construct amathematical model of the protocol and verify the protocol (and notice that theassumptions about the environment may be somewhat weakened).

107. Egon Borger, Dean Rosenzweig, Yuri Gurevich: The Bakery Algorithm: Yet An-other Specification and Verification. Specification and Validation Methods, Ox-ford University Press (1995), 231–243

The so-called bakery algorithm of Lamport is an ingenious and sophisticateddistributed mutual-exclusion algorithm. First we construct a mathematical modelA1 which reflects the algorithm very closely. Then we construct a more abstractmodel A2 where the agents do not interact and the information is provided bytwo oracles. We check that A2 is safe and fair provided that the oracles satisfycertain conditions. Finally we check that the implementation A1 of A2 satisfiesthe conditions and thus A1 is safe and fair.

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108. Yuri Gurevich, Neil Immerman, Saharon Shelah: McColm’s Conjecture. LICS1994, Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, IEEE Computer Society Press (1994),10–19

Gregory McColm conjectured that, over any classK of finite structures, all pos-itive elementary inductions are bounded if every FOL + LFP formula is equivalentto a first-order formula over K. Here FOL + LFP is the extension of first-orderlogic with the least fixed point operator. Our main results are two model-theoreticconstructions – one deterministic and one probabilistic – each of which refutesMcColm’s conjecture.

109. Erich Gradel, Yuri Gurevich: Metafinite Model Theory. Information and Com-putation 140:1 (1998), 26–81. Preliminary version in D. Leivant (ed.) Logic andComputational Complexity, Selected Papers, Springer LNCS 960 (1995), 313–366

Earlier, the second author criticized database theorists for admitting arbitrarystructures as databases: databases are finite structures [60]. However, a closerinvestigation reveals that databases are not necessarily finite. For example, aquery may manipulate numbers that do not even appear in the database, whichshows that a numerical structure is somehow involved. It is true nevertheless thatdatabase structures are special. The phenomenon is not restricted to databases;for example, think about the natural structure to formalize the traveling salesmanproblem. To this end, we define metafinite structures. Typically such a structureconsists of (i) a primary part, which is a finite structure, (ii) a secondary part,which is a (usually infinite) structure, e.g. arithmetic or the real line, and (iii) aset of “weight” functions from the first part into the second. Our logics do notallow quantification over the secondary part. We study definability issues andtheir relation to complexity. We discuss model-theoretic properties of metafinitestructures, present results on descriptive complexity, and sketch some potentialapplications.

110. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Evolving Algebras and Linear Time Hierarchy. In:B. Pehrson and I. Simon (eds.) IFIP 1994 World Computer Congress, Volume I:Technology and Foundations, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 383–390

A precursor of [118].

111. Yuri Gurevich, James K. Huggins: Evolving Algebras and Partial Evaluation. In:B. Pehrson and I. Simon (eds.) IFIP 1994 World Computing Congress, Volume1: Technology and Foundations, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 587–592

The authors present an automated (and implemented) partial evaluator forsequential evolving algebras.

112. Yuri Gurevich: Evolving Algebras. In: B. Pehrson and I. Simon (eds.) IFIP 1994World Computer Congress, Volume I: Technology and Foundations, Elsevier, Am-sterdam, 423–427

The opening talk at the first workshop on evolving algebras. Sections: Intro-duction, The EA Thesis, Remarks, Future Work.

113. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: On Rigid Structures. JSL 61:2 (June 1996), 549–562

This is related to the problem of defining linear order on finite structures. Ifa linear order is definable on a finite structure A, then A is rigid (which meansthat its only automorphism is the identity). There had been a suspicion that ifK is the collection of all finite structures of a finitely axiomatizable class and if

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every K structure is rigid, then K permits a relatively simple uniform definitionof linear order. That happens not to be the case. The main result of the paperis a probabilistic construction of finite rigid graphs. Using that construction, weexhibit a finitely axiomatizable class of finite rigid structures (called multipedes)such that no Lω∞,ω sentence ϕ with counting quantifiers defines a linear orderin all the structures. Furthermore, ϕ does not distinguish between a sufficientlylarge multipede M and a multipede M ′ obtained from M by moving a “shoe” toanother foot of the same segment.

114. Yuri Gurevich: The Value, if any, of Decidability. Originally in BEATCS 55(February 1995), 129–135. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical ComputerScience, World Scientific (2001), 274–280

A decidable problem can be as hard as an undecidable one for all practicalpurposes. So what is the value of a mere decidability result? That is the topicdiscussed in the paper.

115. Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Yuri Gurevich: Normal Forms for Second-OrderLogic over Finite Structures and Classification of NP Optimization Problems.Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 78 (1996), 111–125

We prove a new normal form for second-order formulas on finite structuresand simplify the Kolaitis-Thakur hierarchy of NP optimization problems.

116. Yuri Gurevich, James K. Huggins: The Railroad Crossing Problem:. An Experi-ment with Instantaneous Actions and Immediate Reactions. In: H. Kleine-Buning(ed.) Computer Science Logics, Selected papers from CSL’95, Springer LNCS 1092(1996), 266–290

We give an evolving algebra (= abstract state machine) solution for the well-known railroad crossing problem, and we use the occasion to experiment withcomputations where agents perform instantaneous actions in continuous time andsome agents fire at the moment they are enabled.

117. Yuri Gurevich, James K. Huggins: Equivalence is in the Eye of the Beholder.Theoretical Computer Science 179:1–2 (1997), 353–380

In a provocative paper “Processes are in the Eye of the Beholder” in the sameissue of TCS (pp. 333–351), Lamport points out “the insubstantiality of processes”by proving the equivalence of two different decompositions of the same intuitivealgorithm. More exactly, each of the two distributed algorithms is described bya formula in Lamport’s favorite temporal logic and then the two formulas areproved equivalent. We point out that the equivalence of algorithms is itself inthe eye of the beholder. In this connection, we analyze in what sense the twodistributed algorithms are and are not equivalent. Our equivalence proof is directand does not require formalizing algorithms as logic formulas.

118. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: The Linear Time Hierarchy Theorems for RAMsand Abstract State Machines. Springer J. of Universal Computer Science 3:4(April 1997), 247–278

Contrary to polynomial time, linear time badly depends on the computationmodel. In 1992, Neil Jones designed a couple of computation models where thelinear-speed-up theorem fails and linear-time computable functions form a properhierarchy. However, the linear time of Jones’s models is too restrictive. We provelinear-time hierarchy theorems for random access machines and Gurevich’s ab-stract state machines (formerly, evolving algebras). The latter generalization is

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harder and more important because of the greater flexibility of the ASM model.One long-term goal of this line of research is to prove linear lower bounds forlinear time problems.

119. Yuri Gurevich, Marc Spielmann: Recursive Abstract State Machines. Springer J.of Universal Computer Science 3:4 (April 1997), 233–246

The abstract state machine (ASM) thesis, supported by numerous applications,asserts that ASMs express algorithms on their natural abstraction levels directlyand essentially coding-free. The only objection raised to date has been that ASMsare iterative in their nature, whereas many algorithms are naturally recursive.There seems to be an inherent contradiction between (i) the ASM idea of explicitand comprehensive states, and (ii) higher level recursion with its hiding of thestack.

But consider recursion more closely. When an algorithm A calls an algorithmB, a clone of B is created and this clone becomes a slave of A. This raises theidea of treating recursion as an implicitly multi-agent computation. Slave agentscome and go, and the master/slave hierarchy serves as the stack.

Building upon this idea, we suggest a definition of recursive ASMs. The implicituse of distributed computing has an important side benefit: it leads naturally toconcurrent recursion. In addition, we reduce recursive ASMs to distributed ASMs.If desired, one can view recursive notation as mere abbreviation.

120. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Choiceless Polynomial Time. An-nals of Pure and Applied Logic 100 (1999), 141–187

The question “Is there a computation model whose machines do not distinguishbetween isomorphic structures and compute exactly polynomial time properties?”became a central question of finite model theory. One of us conjectured a negativeanswer [74]. A related question is what portion of PTIME can be naturally cap-tured by a computation model. (Notice that we speak about computation whoseinputs are arbitrary finite structures, e.g. graphs. In a special case of orderedstructures, the desired computation model is that of PTIME-bounded Turingmachines.) Our idea is to capture the portion of PTIME where algorithms arenot allowed arbitrary choice but parallelism is allowed and, in some cases, im-plements choice. Our computation model is a PTIME version of abstract statemachines. Our machines are able to PTIME simulate all other PTIME machinesin the literature, and they are more programmer-friendly. A more difficult theoremshows that the computation model does not capture all PTIME.

121. Scott Dexter, Patrick Doyle, Yuri Gurevich: Gurevich Abstract State Machinesand Schoenhage Storage Modification Machines. Springer J. of Universal Com-puter Science 3:4 (April 1997), 279–303

We show that, in a strong sense, Schoenhage’s storage modification machinesare equivalent to unary basic abstract state machines without external functions.The unary restriction can be removed if the storage modification machines areequipped with a pairing function in an appropriate way.

122. Charles Wallace, Yuri Gurevich, Nandit Soparkar: A Formal Approach to Recov-ery in Transaction-Oriented Database Systems. Springer J. of Universal ComputerScience 3:4 (April 1997), 320–340

Failure resilience is an essential requirement for transaction-oriented databasesystems, yet there has been little effort to specify and verify techniques for failurerecovery formally. The desire to improve performance has resulted in algorithms of

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considerable sophistication, understood by few and prone to errors. In this paper,we show how the formal methodology of Gurevich’s Abstract State Machines canelucidate recovery and provide formal rigor to the design of a recovery algorithm.In a series of refinements, we model recovery at several levels of abstraction, veri-fying the correctness of each model. This initial work indicates that our approachcan be applied to more advanced recovery mechanisms.

123. Yuri Gurevich: Platonism, Constructivism, and Computer Proofs vs. Proofs byHand. Originally in BEATCS 57 (October 1995), 145–166. A slightly revisedversion in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, World Scientific(2001), 281–302

In one of Krylov’s fables, a small dog, Moska, barks at the elephant who paysno attention whatsoever to Moska. This image comes to my mind when I think ofconstructive mathematics versus “classical” (that is mainstream) mathematics. Inthis article, we put a few words into the elephant’s mouth. The idea to write suchan article came to me in the summer of 1995 when I came across a fascinating1917 bet between the constructivist Hermann Weyl and George Polya, a classicalmathematician. An English translation of the bet (from German) is found in thearticle.

Our main objection to the historical constructivism is that it has not been suf-ficiently constructive. The constructivists have been obsessed with computabilityand have not paid sufficient attention to the feasibility of algorithms. However,the constructivists’ criticism of classical mathematics has a point. Instead of dis-missing constructivism offhandedly, it makes sense to come up with a positivealternative, an antithesis to historical constructivism. We believe that we havefound such an alternative. In fact, it is well known and very popular in computerscience, namely, the principle of separating concerns.

[Added in July 2006] The additional part on computer proofs vs. proofs byhand was a result of frustration that many computer scientists would not trustinformal mathematical proofs, while many mathematicians would not trust com-puter proofs. I seemed obvious to me that, on the large scale, proving is not onlyhard but also is imperfect and has an engineering character. We need informalproofs and computer proofs and more, such as stratification, experimentation.

124. Natasha Alechina, Yuri Gurevich: Syntax vs. Semantics on Finite Structures. In:J. Mycielski et al. (eds.) Structures in Logic and Computer Science: A Selectionof Essays in Honor of Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Springer LNCS 1261 (1997), 14–33

Logic preservation theorems often have the form of a syntax/semantics corre-spondence. For example, the Tarski- Los theorem asserts that a first-order sentenceis preserved by extensions if and only if it is equivalent to an existential sentence.Many of these correspondences break when one restricts attention to finite mod-els. In such a case, one may attempt to find a new semantical characterizationof the old syntactical property or a new syntactical characterization of the oldsemantical property. The goal of this paper is to provoke such a study. In partic-ular, we give a simple semantical characterization of existential formulas on finitestructures.

125. Anatoli Degtyarev, Yuri Gurevich, Andrei Voronkov: Herbrand’s Theorem andEquational Reasoning: Problems and Solutions. Originally in BEATCS 60 (Oct1996), 78–95. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science,World Scientific (2001), 303–326

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The article (written in a popular form) explains that a number of differentalgorithmic problems related to Herbrand’s theorem happen to be equivalent.Among these problems are the intuitionistic provability problem for the existentialfragment of first-order logic with equality, the intuitionistic provability problemfor the prenex fragment of first-order with equality, and the simultaneous rigid E-unification problem (SREU). The article explains an undecidability proof of SREUand decidability proofs for special cases. It contains an extensive bibliography onSREU.

126. Yuri Gurevich, Margus Veanes: Logic with Equality: Partisan Corroboration andShifted Pairing. Information and Computation 152:2 (August 1999), 205–235

Herbrand’s theorem plays a fundamental role in automated theorem provingmethods based on tableaux. The crucial step in procedures based on such meth-ods can be described as the corroboration (or Herbrand skeleton) problem: givena positive integer m and a quantifier-free formula, find a valid disjunction of minstantiations of the formula. In the presence of equality (which is the case inthis paper), this problem was recently shown to be undecidable. The main con-tributions of this paper are two theorems. The Partisan Corroboration Theoremrelates corroboration problems with different multiplicities. The Shifted PairingTheorem is a finite tree-automata formalization of a technique for proving unde-cidability results through direct encodings of valid Turing machine computations.The theorems are used to explain and sharpen several recent undecidability re-sults related to the corroboration problem, the simultaneous rigid E-unificationproblem and the prenex fragment of intuitionistic logic with equality.

127a. A. Degtyarev, Y. Gurevich, P. Narendran, M. Veanes, A. Voronkov: The Decid-ability of Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification with One Variable. RTA’98, 9th Conf.on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Tsukuba, Japan, March 30 – April 1,1998

The title problem is proved decidable and in fact EXPTIME-complete. Fur-thermore, the problem becomes PTIME-complete if the number of equations isbounded by any (positive) constant. It follows that the ∀∗∃∀∗ fragment of intu-itionistic logic with equality is decidable, which contrasts with the undecidabilityof the EE fragment [126]. Notice that simultaneous rigid E-unification with twovariables and only three rigid equations is undecidable [126].

127b. A. Degtyarev, Y. Gurevich, P. Narendran, M. Veanes, A. Voronkov: Decidabil-ity and Complexity of Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification with One Variable andRelated Results. Theoretical Computer Science 243:1–2 (August 2000), 167–184

The journal version of [127a] containing also a decidability proof for the caseof simultaneous rigid E-unification when each rigid equation either contains (atmost) one variable or else has a ground left-hand side and the right-hand side ofthe form x = y where x and y are variables.

128a. Yuri Gurevich, Andrei Voronkov: Monadic Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification andRelated Problems. ICALP’97, 24th Intern. Colloquium on Automata, Languagesand Programming, Springer LNCS 1256 (1997), 154–165

We study the monadic case of a decision problem known as simultaneous rigidE-unification. We show its equivalence to an extension of word equations. Weprove decidability and complexity results for special cases of this problem.

128b. Yuri Gurevich, Andrei Voronkov: Monadic Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification.Theoretical Computer Science 222:1–2 (1999), 133–152

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The journal version of [128a].

129. Yuri Gurevich: May 1997 Draft of the ASM Guide. Tech Report CSE-TR-336-97,EECS Dept, University of Michigan, 1997

The draft improves upon the ASM syntax (and appears here because it is usedby the ASM community and it is not going to be published).

130. Yuri Gurevich, Alex Rabinovich: Definability and Undefinability with Real Orderat the Background. JSL 65:2 (2000), 946–958

Let R be the real order, that is the set of real numbers together with thestandard order of reals. Let I be the set of integer numbers, let Y range oversubsets of I, let P (I,X) be a monadic second-order formula about R, and let Fbe the collection of all subsets X of I such that P (I,X) holds in R. Even thoughF is a collection of subsets of I, its definition may involve quantification overreals and over sets of reals. In that sense, F is defined with the background ofreal order. Is that background essential or not? Maybe there is a monadic second-order formula Q(X) about I that defines F (so that F is the collection of allsubsets X of I such that Q(X) holds in I). We prove that this is indeed the case,for any monadic second-order formula P (I,X). The claim remains true if the setI of integers is replaced above with any closed subset of R. The claim fails forsome open subsets.

131. Yuri Gurevich: From Invariants to Canonization. Originally in BEATCS 63 (Octo-ber 1997). Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, WorldScientific (2001), 327–331

We show that every polynomial-time full-invariant algorithm for graphs givesrise to a polynomial-time canonization algorithm for graphs.

132. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Vladik Kreinovich, Luc Longpre: A Variation onthe Zero-One Law. Information Processing Letters 67 (1998), 29–30

Given a decision problem P and a probability distribution over binary strings,do this: for each n, draw independently an instance x(n) of P of length n. What isthe probability that there is a polynomial time algorithm that solves all instancesx(n)? The answer is: zero or one.

133. Erich Gradel, Yuri Gurevich, Colin Hirsch: The Complexity of Query Reliability.PODS’98, 1998 ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems

We study the reliability of queries on databases with uncertain information.It turns out that FP#P is the typical complexity class and that many resultsgeneralize to metafinite databases which allow one to use common SQL aggregatefunctions.

134. Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Yuri Gurevich: Existential Second-Order Logicover Strings. Journal of the ACM 47:1 (January 2000), 77–131

We study existential second-order logic over finite strings. For every prefixclass C, we determine the complexity of the model checking problem restrictedto C. In particular, we prove that, in the case of the Ackermann class, for everyformula ϕ, there is a finite automaton A that solves the model checking problemfor ϕ.

135. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: The Logic of Choice. JSL 65:3 (September 2000),1264–1310

We study extensions of first-order logic with the choice construct (choosex : ϕ(x)). We prove some results about Hilbert’s epsilon operator, but in themain part of the paper we consider the case when all choices are independent.

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136. Yuri Gurevich: The Sequential ASM Thesis. Originally in BEATCS 67 (February1999), 98–124. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science,World Scientific (2001), 363–392

The thesis is that every sequential algorithm, on any level of abstraction, can beviewed as a sequential abstract state machine. (Abstract state machines, ASMs,used to be called evolving algebras.) The sequential ASM thesis and its extensionsinspired diverse applications of ASMs. The early applications were driven, atleast partially, by the desire to test the thesis. Different programming languageswere the obvious challenges. (A programming language L can be viewed as analgorithm that runs a given L program on given data.) From there, applicationsof (not necessarily sequential) ASMs spread into many directions. So far, theaccumulated experimental evidence seems to support the sequential thesis. Thereis also a speculative philosophical justification of the thesis. It was barely sketchedin the literature, but it was discussed at much greater length in numerous lecturesof mine. Here I attempt to write down some of those explanations. This articledoes not presuppose any familiarity with ASMs.

A later note: [141] is a much revised and polished journal version.

137. Giuseppe Del Castillo, Yuri Gurevich, Karl Stroetmann: Typed Abstract StateMachines. Unfinished manuscript (1998).

This manuscript was never published. The work, done sporadically in 1996–98, was driven by the enthusiasm of Karl Stroetmann of Siemens. Eventually hewas reassigned away from ASM applications, and the work stopped. The itemwasn’t removed from the list because some of its explorations may be useful. (Anadditional minor reason was to avoid changing the numbers of the subsequentitems.)

138. Yuri Gurevich, Dean Rosenzweig: Partially Ordered Runs: a Case Study. In: Ab-stract State Machines: Theory and Applications, Springer LNCS 1912 (2000),131–150

We look at some sources of insecurity and difficulty in reasoning about partiallyordered runs of distributed abstract state machines, and propose some techniquesto facilitate such reasoning. As a case study, we prove in detail correctness anddeadlock–freedom for general partially ordered runs of distributed ASM modelsof Lamport’s Bakery Algorithm.

139. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Jan Van den Bussche: Abstract state machinesand computationally complete query languages. Information and Computation174:1 (2002), 20–36. An earlier version in: Abstract State Machines: Theory andApplications, Springer LNCS 1912 (2000), 22–33

Abstract state machines (ASMs) form a relatively new computation modelholding the promise that they can simulate any computational system in lock-step. In particular, an instance of the ASM model has recently been introducedfor computing queries to relational databases [120]. This model, to which we referas the BGS model, provides a powerful query language in which all computablequeries can be expressed. In this paper, we show that when one is only interestedin polynomial-time computations, BGS is strictly more powerful than both QLand WHILE NEW, two well-known computationally complete query languages.We then show that when a language such as WHILE NEW is extended with aduplicate elimination mechanism, polynomial-time simulations between the lan-guage and BGS become possible.

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140. Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte, Charles Wallace: Investigating Java Concur-rency Using Abstract State Machines. In: Abstract State Machines: Theory andApplications, Springer LNCS 1912 (2000), 151–176

We present a mathematically precise, platform-independent model of Java con-currency using the Abstract State Machine method. We cover all aspects of Javathreads and synchronization, gradually adding details to the model in a seriesof steps. We motivate and explain each concurrency feature, and point out sub-tleties, inconsistencies and ambiguities in the official, informal Java specification.

141. Yuri Gurevich: Sequential Abstract State Machines capture Sequential Algo-rithms. ACM ToCL 1:1 (July 2000), 77–111

What are sequential algorithms exactly? Our claim, known as the sequentialASM thesis, has been that, as far as behavior is concerned, sequential algorithmsare exactly sequential abstract state machines: For every sequential algorithmA, there is a sequential abstract state machine B that is behaviorally identicalto A. In particular, B simulates A step for step. In this paper we prove thesequential ASM thesis, so that it becomes a theorem. But how can one possiblyprove a thesis? Here is what we do. We formulate three postulates satisfied by allsequential algorithms (and, in particular, by sequential abstract state machines).This leads to the following definition: a sequential algorithm is any object thatsatisfies the three postulates. At this point the thesis becomes a precise statement.And we prove the statement.

This is a non-dialog version of the dialog [136]. An intermediate version waspublished in MSR-TR-99-65

141a. Yuri Gurevich: Sequential Abstract State Machines capture Sequential Algo-rithms. Russian translation of [141], by P.G. Emelyanov. In: Marchuk A.G. (ed.)Formal Methods and Models of Informatics, System Informatics 9 ( 2004), 7–50,Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencies

142. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: The Underlying Logic of Hoare Logic. Originally inBEATCS 70 (February 2000), 82–110. Reprinted in: Current Trends in TheoreticalComputer Science, World Scientific (2001), 409–436

Formulas of Hoare logic are asserted programs ϕ P ψ where P is a programand ϕ, ψ are assertions. The language of programs varies; in the 1980 survey byKrzysztof Apt, one finds the language of while programs and various extensionsof it. But the assertions are traditionally expressed in first-order logic (or exten-sions of it). In that sense, first-order logic is the underlying logic of Hoare logic.We question the tradition and demonstrate, on the simple example of while pro-grams, that alternative assertion logics have some advantages. For some naturalassertion logics, the expressivity hypothesis in Cook’s completeness theorem isautomatically satisfied.

143. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Background, Reserve, and Gandy Machines. In: P.Clote and H. Schwichtenberg (eds.) CSL’2000, Springer LNCS 1862 (2000), 1–17

Algorithms often need to increase their working space, and it may be conve-nient to pretend that the additional space was really there all along but was notpreviously used. In particular, abstract state machines have, by definition [103],an infinite reserve. Although the reserve is a naked set, it is often desirable to havesome external structure over it. For example, in [120] every state was required toinclude all finite sets of its atoms, all finite sets of these, etc. In this connection,

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we define the notion of a background class of structures. Such a class specifies theconstructions (like finite sets or lists) available as “background” for algorithms.

The importation of reserve elements must be non-deterministic, since an algo-rithm has no way to distinguish one reserve element from another. But this sortof non-determinism is much more benign than general non-determinism. We cap-ture this intuition with the notion of inessential non-determinism. Alternatively,one could insist on specifying a particular one of the available reserve elementsto be imported. This is the approach used in [Robin Gandy, “Church’s thesis andprinciples for mechanisms”. In: J. Barwise et al. (eds.) The Kleene Symposium,North-Holland, 1980, 123–148]. The price of this insistence is that the specifica-tion cannot be algorithmic. We show how to turn a Gandy-style deterministic,non-algorithmic process into a non-deterministic algorithm of the sort describedabove, and we prove that Gandy’s notion of “structural” for his processes corre-sponds to our notion of “inessential non-determinism.”

144. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Choiceless Polynomial Time Computation and theZero-One Law. In: P. Clote and H. Schwichtenberg (eds.) CSL’2000, SpringerLNCS 1862 (2000), 18–40

This paper is a sequel to [120], a commentary on [Saharon Shelah (#634)“Choiceless polynomial time logic: inability to express”, same proceedings], and anabridged version of [149] that contains complete proofs of all the results presentedhere. The BGS model of computation was defined in [120] with the intentionof modeling computation with arbitrary finite relational structures as inputs,with essentially arbitrary data structures, with parallelism, but without arbitrarychoices. It was shown that choiceless polynomial time, the complexity class definedby BGS programs subject to a polynomial time bound, does not contain the parityproblem. Subsequently, Shelah proved a zero-one law for choiceless-polynomial-time properties. A crucial difference from the earlier results is this: Almost allfinite structures have no non-trivial automorphisms, so symmetry considerationscannot be applied to them. Shelah’s proof therefore depends on a more subtleconcept of partial symmetry.

After struggling for a while with Shelah’s proof, we worked out a presentationwhich we hope will be helpful for others interested in Shelah’s ideas. We alsoadded some related results, indicating the need for certain aspects of the proofand clarifying some of the concepts involved in it. Unfortunately, this materialis not yet fully written up. The part already written, however, exceeds the spaceavailable to us in the present volume. We therefore present here an abridgedversion of that paper and promise to make the complete version available soon.

145. Mike Barnett, Egon Borger, Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte, Margus Veanes:Using Abstract State Machines at Microsoft: A Case Study. In: P. Clote and H.Schwichtenberg (eds.) CSL’2000, Springer LNCS 1862 (2000), 367–379

Our goal is to provide a rigorous method, clear notation and convenient toolsupport for high-level system design and analysis. For this purpose we use abstractstate machines (ASMs). Here we describe a particular case study: modeling adebugger of a stack based runtime environment. The study provides evidence forASMs being a suitable tool for building executable models of software systems onvarious abstraction levels, with precise refinement relationships connecting themodels. High level ASM models of proposed or existing programs can be usedthroughout the software development cycle. In particular, ASMs can be usedto model inter-component behavior on any desired level of detail. This allows

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one to specify application programming interfaces more precisely than it is donecurrently.

145.5. Colin Campbell, Yuri Gurevich: Table ASMs. In: Formal Methods and Toolsfor Computer Science, Eurocast 2001, eds. R. Moreno-Diaz and A. Quesada-Arencibia, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain(February 2001), 286–290

Ideally, a good specification becomes the basis for implementing, testing anddocumenting the system it defines. In practice, producing a good specification ishard. Formal methods have been shown to be helpful in strengthening the meaningof specifications, but despite their power, few development teams have successfullyincorporated them into their software processes. This experience indicates thatproducing a usable formal method is also hard.

This paper is the story of how a particular theoretical result, namely the normalforms of Abstract State Machines, motivated a genuinely usable form of specifi-cation that we call ASM Tables. We offer it for two reasons. The first is that theresult is interesting in and of itself and – it is to be hoped – useful to the reader.The second is that our result serves as a case study of a more general principle,namely, that in bringing rigorous methods into everyday practice, one should notfollow the example of Procrustes: we find that it is indeed better to adapt the bedto the person than the other way round. We also offer a demonstration that anextremely restricted syntactical form can still contain sufficient expressive powerto describe all sequential machines.

146. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Inadequacy of Computable Loop Invariants. ACMToCL 2:1 (January 2001), 1–11

Hoare logic is a widely recommended verification tool. There is, however, aproblem of finding easily-checkable loop invariants; it is known that decidableassertions do not suffice to verify WHILE programs, even when the pre- and post-conditions are decidable. We show here a stronger result: decidable invariants donot suffice to verify single-loop programs. We also show that this problem ariseseven in extremely simple contexts. Let N be the structure consisting of the setof natural numbers together with the functions S(x) = x + 1, D(x) = 2x andfunction H(x) that is equal to x/2 rounded down. There is a single-loop programP using only three variables x, y, z such that the asserted program

x = y = z = 0 {P} false

is partially correct on N but any loop invariant I(x, y, z) for this asserted programis undecidable.

147. Yuri Gurevich, Alex Rabinovich: Definability in Rationals with Real Order in theBackground. Journal of Logic and Computation 12:1 (2002), 1–11

The paper deals with logically definable families of sets of rational numbers. Inparticular, we are interested whether the families definable over the real line witha unary predicate for the rationals are definable over the rational order alone.Let ϕ(X,Y ) and ψ(Y ) range over formulas in the first-order monadic language oforder. Let Q be the set of rationals and F be the family of subsets J of Q such thatϕ(Q, J) holds over the real line. The question arises whether, for every formulaϕ, the family F can be defined by means of a formula ψ(Y ) interpreted over therational order. We answer the question negatively. The answer remains negativeif the first-order logic is strengthened to weak monadic second-order logic. The

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answer is positive for the restricted version of monadic second-order logic whereset quantifiers range over open sets. The case of full monadic second-order logicremains open.

148. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: A New Zero-One Law and Strong Extension Ax-ioms. Originally in BEATCS 72 (October 2000), 103–122. Reprinted in: CurrentTrends in Theoretical Computer Science, World Scientific (2004), 99–118

This article is a part of the continuing column on Logic in Computer Science.One of the previous articles in the column was devoted to the zero-one laws fora number of logics playing prominent role in finite model theory: first-order logicFO, the extension FO+LFP of first-order logic with the least fixed-point operator,and the infinitary logic where every formula uses finitely many variables [95].Recently Shelah proved a new, powerful, and surprising zero-one law. His proofuses so-called strong extension axioms. Here we formulate Shelah’s zero-one lawand prove a few facts about these axioms. In the process we give a simple prooffor a “large deviation” inequality a la Chernoff.

149. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Strong Extension Axioms and Shelah’s Zero-OneLaw for Choiceless Polynomial Time. JSL 68:1 (2003), 65–131

This paper developed from Shelah’s proof of a zero-one law for the complexityclass “choiceless polynomial time,” defined by Shelah and the authors. We presenta detailed proof of Shelah’s result for graphs, and describe the extent of its gen-eralizability to other sorts of structures. The extension axioms, which form thebasis for earlier zero-one laws (for first-order logic, fixed-point logic, and finite-variable infinitary logic) are inadequate in the case of choiceless polynomial time;they must be replaced by what we call the strong extension axioms. We presentan extensive discussion of these axioms and their role both in the zero-one lawand in general. ([144] is an abridged version of this paper, and [148] is a popularversion of this paper.)

150. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: On Polynomial Time Computa-tion Over Unordered Structures. JSL 67:3 (2002), 1093–1125

This paper is motivated by the question whether there exists a logic captur-ing polynomial time computation over unordered structures. We consider severalalgorithmic problems near the border of the known, logically defined complexityclasses contained in polynomial time. We show that fixpoint logic plus count-ing is stronger than might be expected, in that it can express the existence ofa complete matching in a bipartite graph. We revisit the known examples thatseparate polynomial time from fixpoint plus counting. We show that the examplesin a paper of Cai, Furer, and Immerman, when suitably padded, are in choice-less polynomial time yet not in fixpoint plus counting. Without padding, theyremain in polynomial time but appear not to be in choiceless polynomial timeplus counting. Similar results hold for the multipede examples of Gurevich andShelah, except that their final version of multipedes is, in a sense, already suitablypadded. Finally, we describe another plausible candidate, involving determinants,for the task of separating polynomial time from choiceless polynomial time pluscounting.

150a. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: A Quick Update on the Open Problems in arti-cle [150] (December 2005).

151. Yuri Gurevich: Logician in the land of OS: Abstract State Machines at Microsoft.LICS 2001, IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, IEEE Computer Society(2001), 129–136

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Analysis of foundational problems like “What is computation?” leads to asketch of the paradigm of abstract state machines (ASMs). This is followed by abrief discussion on ASMs applications. Then we present some theoretical problemsthat bridge between the traditional LICS themes and abstract state machines.

152. Anuj Dawar, Yuri Gurevich: Fixed Point Logics. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic8:1 (2002), 65–88

Fixed-point logics are extensions of first-order predicate logic with fixed pointoperators. A number of such logics arose in finite model theory but they are ofinterest to much larger audience, e.g. AI, and there is no reason why they shouldbe restricted to finite models. We review results established in finite model theory,and consider the expressive power of fixed-point logics on infinite structures.

153. Uwe Glaesser, Yuri Gurevich, Margus Veanes: Universal Plug and Play MachineModels. MSR-TR -2001-59

Recently, Microsoft took a lead in the development of a standard for peer-to-peer network connectivity of various intelligent appliances, wireless devices andPCs. It is called the Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture (UPnP). Weconstruct a high-level Abstract State Machine (ASM) model for UPnP. The modelis based on the ASM paradigm for distributed systems with real-time constraintsand is executable in principle. For practical execution, we use AsmL, the Abstractstate machine Language, developed at Microsoft Research and integrated withVisual Studio and COM. This gives us an AsmL model, a refined version of theASM model. The third part of this project is a graphical user interface by meansof which the runs of the AsmL model are controlled and inspected at variouslevels of detail as required for simulation and conformance testing, for example.

154. Wolfgang Grieskamp, Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte and Margus Veanes: Gener-ating Finite State Machines from Abstract State Machines. ISSTA 2002, Interna-tional Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ACM Software EngineeringNotes 27:4 (2002), 112–122

We give an algorithm that derives a finite state machine (FSM) from a givenabstract state machine (ASM) specification. This allows us to integrate ASMspecs with the existing tools for test-case generation from FSMs. ASM specs areexecutable, but have typically too many, often infinitely many, states. We groupASM states into finitely many hyperstates, which are the nodes of the FSM. Thelinks of the FSM are induced by the ASM state transitions.

155. Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte, Margus Veanes: Toward Industrial Strength Ab-stract State Machines. MSR-TR-2001-98

A powerful practical ASM language, called AsmL, is being developed in Mi-crosoft Research by the group on Foundations of Software Engineering. AsmLextends the language of original ASMs in a number of directions. We describesome of these extensions.

156. Yuri Gurevich, Nikolai Tillmann: Partial Updates: Exploration. Springer J. ofUniversal Computer Science 7:11 (2001), 918–952

The partial update problem for parallel abstract state machines has mani-fested itself in the cases of counters, sets and maps. We propose a solution ofthe problem that lends itself to an efficient implementation and covers the threecases mentioned above. There are other cases of the problem that require a moregeneral framework.

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157-1. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Abstract State Machines Capture Parallel Algo-rithms. ACM ToCL 4:4 (October 2003), 578–651

We give an axiomatic description of parallel, synchronous algorithms. Our mainresult is that every such algorithm can be simulated, step for step, by an abstractstate machine with a background that provides for multisets. See also [157-2].

157-2. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Abstract State Machines Capture Parallel Algo-rithms: Correction and Extension. ACM ToCL 9:3 (June 2008), Article 19

We consider parallel algorithms working in sequential global time, for examplecircuits or parallel random access machines (PRAMs). Parallel abstract statemachines (parallel ASMs) are such parallel algorithms, and the parallel ASMthesis asserts that every parallel algorithm is behaviorally equivalent to a parallelASM. In an earlier paper [157-1], we axiomatized parallel algorithms, proved theASM thesis and proved that every parallel ASM satisfies the axioms. It turned outthat we were too timid in formulating the axioms; they did not allow a parallelalgorithm to create components on the fly. This restriction did not hinder us fromproving that the usual parallel models, like circuits or PRAMs or even alternatingTuring machines, satisfy the postulates. But it resulted in an error in our attemptto prove that parallel ASMs always satisfy the postulates. To correct the error,we liberalize our axioms and allow on-the-fly creation of new parallel components.We believe that the improved axioms accurately express what parallel algorithmsought to be. We prove the parallel thesis for the new, corrected notion of parallelalgorithms, and we check that parallel ASMs satisfy the new axioms.

158. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Algorithms vs. Machines. Originally in BEATCS77 (June 2002), 96–118. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical ComputerScience, World Scientific (2004), 215–236

In a recent paper, the logician Yiannis Moschovakis argues that no state ma-chine describes mergesort on its natural level of abstraction. We do just that. Ourstate machine is a recursive ASM.

159. Uwe Glaesser, Yuri Gurevich, Margus Veanes: Abstract Communication Modelfor Distributed Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 30:7 (July2004), 458–472

In some distributed and mobile communication models, a message disappearsin one place and miraculously appears in another. In reality, of course, there are nomiracles. A message goes from one network to another; it can be lost or corruptedin the process. Here we present a realistic but high-level communication modelwhere abstract communicators represent various nets and subnets. The model wasoriginally developed in the process of specifying a particular network architecture,namely the Universal Plug and Play architecture. But it is general. Our contentionis that every message-based distributed system, properly abstracted, gives riseto a specialization of our abstract communication model. The purpose of theabstract communication model is not to design a new kind of network; rather itis to discover the common part of all message-based communication networks.The generality of the model has been confirmed by its successful reuse for verydifferent distributed architectures. The model is based on distributed abstractstate machines. It is implemented in the specification language AsmL and is beingused for testing distributed systems.

160. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Pairwise Testing. Originally in BEATCS 78 (Oc-tober 2002), 100–132. Reprinted in: Current Trends in Theoretical ComputerScience, World Scientific (2004), 237–266

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We discuss the following problem, which arises in software testing. Given someindependent parameters (of a program to be tested), each having a certain finiteset of possible values, we intend to test the program by running it several times.For each test, we give the parameters some (intelligently chosen) values. We wantto ensure that for each pair of distinct parameters, every pair of possible valuesis used in at least one of the tests. And we want to do this with as few tests aspossible.

161. Yuri Gurevich, Nikolai Tillmann: Partial Updates. Theoretical Computer Science336:2–3 (26 May 2005), 311–342. (A preliminary version in: Abstract State Ma-chines 2003, Springer LNCS 2589 (2003), 57–86)

A datastructure instance, e.g. a set or file or record, may be modified indepen-dently by different parts of a computer system. The modifications may be nested.Such hierarchies of modifications need to be efficiently checked for consistencyand integrated. This is the problem of partial updates in a nutshell. In our firstpaper on the subject [156], we developed an algebraic framework which allowedus to solve the partial update problem for some useful datastructures includingcounters, sets and maps. These solutions are used for the efficient implementa-tion of concurrent data modifications in the specification language AsmL. Thetwo main contributions of this paper are (i) a more general algebraic frameworkfor partial updates and (ii) a solution of the partial update problem for sequencesand labeled ordered trees.

162. Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah: Spectra of Monadic Second-Order Formulas withOne Unary Function. LICS 2003, 18th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic inComputer Science, IEEE Computer Society (2003), 291–300

We prove that the spectrum of any monadic second-order formula F with oneunary function symbol (and no other function symbols) is eventually periodic, sothat there exist natural numbers p > 0 (a period) and t (a p-threshold) such thatif F has a model of cardinality n > t then it has a model of cardinality n+ p.

(In the web version, some additional proof details are provided because somereaders asked for them.)

163. Mike Barnett, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte, NikolaiTillmann, Margus Veanes: Scenario-oriented Modeling in AsmL and Its Instru-mentation for Testing. In: 2nd International Workshop on Scenarios and StateMachines: Models, Algorithms, and Tools, (2003) 8–14, held at ICSE 2003, Inter-national Conference on Software Engineering 2003

We present an approach for modeling use cases and scenarios in the Abstractstate machine Language and discuss how to use such models for validation andverification purposes.

164. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Algorithms: A Quest for Absolute Definitions.Originally in BEATCS 81 (October 2003), 195–225. Reprinted in: Current Trendsin Theoretical Computer Science, World Scientific (2004), 283–311. Reprinted in:A. Olszewski et al. (eds.) Church’s Thesis After 70 Years, Ontos Verlag (2006),24–57

What is an algorithm? The interest in this foundational problem is not onlytheoretical; applications include specification, validation and verification of soft-ware and hardware systems. We describe the quest to understand and definethe notion of algorithm. We start with the Church-Turing thesis and contrast

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Church’s and Turing’s approaches, and we finish with some recent investigations.

165. Yuri Gurevich: Abstract State Machines: An Overview of the Project. In: D.Seipel and J. M. Turull-Torres (eds.) Foundations of Information and KnowledgeSystems, Springer LNCS 2942 (2004), 6–13

We quickly survey the ASM project, from its foundational roots to industrialapplications.

166. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Ordinary Interactive Small-Step Algorithms, I.ACM ToCL 7:2 (April 2006), 363–419. A preliminary version was published asMSR-TR-2004-16

This is the first in a series of papers extending the Abstract State MachineThesis – that arbitrary algorithms are behaviorally equivalent to abstract statemachines – to algorithms that can interact with their environments during astep, rather than only between steps. In the present paper, we describe, by meansof suitable postulates, those interactive algorithms that (1) proceed in discrete,global steps, (2) perform only a bounded amount of work in each step, (3) use onlysuch information from the environment as can be regarded as answers to queries,and (4) never complete a step until all queries from that step have been answered.We indicate how a great many sorts of interaction meet these requirements. Wealso discuss in detail the structure of queries and replies and the appropriatedefinition of equivalence of algorithms. Finally, motivated by our considerationsconcerning queries, we discuss a generalization of first-order logic in which thearguments of function and relation symbols are not merely tuples of elements butorbits of such tuples under groups of permutations of the argument places.

167. Yuri Gurevich: Intra-Step Interaction. In: W. Zimmerman and B. Thalheim (eds.)Abstract State Machines 2004, Springer LNCS 3052 (2004), 1–5

For a while it seemed possible to pretend that all interaction between an al-gorithm and its environment occurs inter-step, but not anymore. Andreas Blass,Benjamin Rossman and the speaker are extending the Small-Step Characteri-zation Theorem (that asserts the validity of the sequential version of the ASMthesis) and the Wide-Step Characterization Theorem (that asserts the validity ofthe parallel version of the ASM thesis) to intra-step interacting algorithms.

A later comment: This was my first talk on intra-step interactive algorithms.The intended audience was the ASM community. [174] is a later talk on this topic,and it is addressed to a general computer science audience.

168. Yuri Gurevich, Rostislav Yavorskiy: Observations on the Decidability of Transi-tions. In: W. Zimmerman and B. Thalheim (eds.) Abstract State Machines 2004,Springer LNCS 3052 (2004), 161–168

Consider a multiple-agent transition system such that, for some basic typesT1, ..., Tn, the state of any agent can be represented as an element of the Cartesianproduct T1×· · ·×Tn. The system evolves by means of global steps. During such astep, new agents may be created and some existing agents may be updated or re-moved, but the total number of created, updated and removed agents is uniformlybounded. We show that, under appropriate conditions, there is an algorithm fordeciding assume-guarantee properties of one-step computations. The result can beused for automatic invariant verification as well as for finite state approximationof the system in the context of test-case generation from AsmL specifications.

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169. Yuri Gurevich, Benjamin Rossman, Wolfram Schulte: Semantic Essence of AsmL.Theoretical Computer Science 343:3 (17 October 2005), 370–412 Originally pub-lished as MSR-TR-2004-27

The Abstract state machine Language, AsmL, is a novel executable specifica-tion language based on the theory of Abstract State Machines. AsmL is object-oriented, provides high-level mathematical data-structures, and is built aroundthe notion of synchronous updates and finite choice. AsmL is fully integrated intothe .NET framework and Microsoft development tools. In this paper, we explainthe design rationale of AsmL and provide static and dynamic semantics for akernel of the language.

169a. Yuri Gurevich, Benjamin Rossman, Wolfram Schulte: Semantic Essence ofAsmL: Extended Abstract. In: F. S. de Boer et al. (eds.) FMCO 2003, FormalMethods of Components and Objects, Springer LNCS 3188 (2004), 240–259

This is an extended abstract of article [169].

170. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Ordinary Interactive Small-Step Algorithms, II.ACM ToCL 8:3 (July 2007), article 15. A preliminary version was published as apart of MSR-TR-2004-88

This is the second in a series of three papers extending the proof of the AbstractState Machine Thesis – that arbitrary algorithms are behaviorally equivalent toabstract state machines – to algorithms that can interact with their environmentsduring a step rather than only between steps. The first paper is [166]. As in thatpaper, we are concerned here with ordinary, small-step, interactive algorithms.This means that the algorithms (1) proceed in discrete, global steps, (2) performonly a bounded amount of work in each step, (3) use only such information fromthe environment as can be regarded as answers to queries, and (4) never com-plete a step until all queries from that step have been answered. After reviewingthe previous paper’s formal description of such algorithms and the definition ofbehavioral equivalence, we define ordinary, interactive, small-step abstract statemachines (ASM’s). Except for very minor modifications, these are the machinescommonly used in the ASM literature. We define their semantics in the frame-work of ordinary algorithms, and we show that they satisfy the postulates forthese algorithms. This material lays the groundwork for the final paper in theseries, in which we shall prove the Abstract State Machine Thesis for ordinary,intractive, small-step algorithms: All such algorithms are equivalent to ASMs.

171. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Ordinary Interactive Small-Step Algorithms, III.ACM ToCL 8:3 (July 2007), article 16. A preliminary version was published as apart of MSR-TR-2004-88

This is the third in a series of three papers extending the proof of the AbstractState Machine Thesis – that arbitrary algorithms are behaviorally equivalent toabstract state machines – to algorithms that can interact with their environmentsduring a step rather than only between steps. The first two papers are [166]and [170]. As in those papers, we are concerned here with ordinary, small-step,interactive algorithms. After reviewing the previous papers’ definitions of suchalgorithms, of behavioral equivalence, and of abstract state machines (ASMs),we prove the main result: Every ordinary, interactive, small-step algorithm isbehaviorally equivalent to an ASM. We also discuss some possible variations ofand additions to the ASM semantics.

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172. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Why Sets? BEATCS 84 (October 2004). Revisedand published as MSR-TR-2006-138; then reprinted in: A. Avron et al. (eds.)Pillars of Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot onthe Occasion of His 85th Birthday, Springer LNCS 4800 (2008).

Sets play a key role in foundations of mathematics. Why? To what extent is itan accident of history? Imagine that you have a chance to talk to mathematiciansfrom a far away planet. Would their mathematics be set-based? What are thealternatives to the set-theoretic foundation of mathematics? Besides, set theoryseems to play a significant role in computer science, in particular in databasetheory and formal methods. Is there a good justification for that? We discussthese and related issues.

173. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Lev Nachmanson, Margus Veanes: Play to Test.MSR-TR-2005-04. FATES 2005, 5th International Workshop on Formal Ap-proaches to Testing of Software, Edinburgh (July 2005)

Testing tasks can be viewed (and organized!) as games against nature. Weintroduce and study reachability games. Such games are ubiquitous. A singleindustrial test suite may involve many instances of a reachability game. Hencethe importance of optimal or near optimal strategies for reachability games. Wefind out when exactly optimal strategies exist for a given reachability game, andhow to construct them.

174. Yuri Gurevich: Interactive Algorithms 2005 with Added Appendix. In: D. Goldinet al. (eds.) Interactive Computation: The New Paradigm, Springer-Verlag (2006),165–182. Originally in: J. Jedrzejowicz and A. Szepietowski (eds.) Proceedings ofMFCS 2005 Math Foundations of Computer Science (2005), Gdansk, Poland,Springer LNCS 3618 (2005), 26–38 (without the appendix)

A sequential algorithm just follows its instructions and thus cannot make anondeterministic choice all by itself, but it can be instructed to solicit outsidehelp to make a choice. Similarly, an object-oriented program cannot create a newobject all by itself; a create-a-new-object command solicits outside help. These arebut two examples of intra-step interaction of an algorithm with its environment.Here we motivate and survey recent work on interactive algorithms within theBehavioral Computation Theory project.

175. Yuri Gurevich, Paul Schupp: Membership Problem for Modular Group. SIAMJournal on Computing 37:2 (2007), 425–459.

The modular group plays an important role in many branches of mathematics.We show that the membership problem for the modular group is polynomialtime in the worst case. We also show that the membership problem for a freegroup remains polynomial time when elements are written in a normal form withexponents.

176. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Dean Rosenzweig, Benjamin Rossman: InteractiveSmall-Step Algorithms I: Axiomatization. Logical Methods in Computer Science3:4 (2007), paper 3. A preliminary version appeared as MSR-TR-2006-170

In earlier work, the Abstract State Machine Thesis – that arbitrary algorithmsare behaviorally equivalent to abstract state machines – was established for severalclasses of algorithms, including ordinary, interactive, small-step algorithms. Thiswas accomplished on the basis of axiomatizations of these classes of algorithms.Here we extend the axiomatization and, in a companion paper, the proof, tocover interactive small-step algorithms that are not necessarily ordinary. This

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means that the algorithms (1) can complete a step without necessarily waitingfor replies to all queries from that step and (2) can use not only the environment’sreplies but also the order in which the replies were received.

This is essentially part one of MSR-TR-2005-113. [182] is essentially the re-mainder of the technical report.

177. Yuri Gurevich, Tanya Yavorskaya: On Bounded Exploration and Bounded Non-determinism. MSR-TR-2006-07

This report consists of two separate parts, essentially two oversized footnotesto [141]. In Chapter I, Yuri Gurevich and Tatiana Yavorskaya present and studya more abstract version of the bounded exploration postulate. In Chapter II, Ta-tiana Yavorskaya gives a complete form of the characterization, sketched in [141],of bounded-choice sequential algorithms.

178. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Program Termination, and Well Partial Orderings.ACM ToCL 9:3 (July 2008)

The following known observation may be useful in establishing program termi-nation: if a transitive relation R is covered by finitely many well-founded relationsU1, . . . , Un then R is well-founded. A question arises how to bound the ordinalheight |R| of the relation R in terms of the ordinals αi = |Ui|. We introduce thenotion of the stature ‖P‖ of a well partial ordering P and show that |R| lessthan or equal to the stature of the direct product α1 × · · · × αn and that thisbound is tight. The notion of stature is of considerable independent interest. Wedefine ‖P‖ as the ordinal height of the forest of nonempty bad sequences of P ,but it has many other natural and equivalent definitions. In particular, ‖P‖ is thesupremum, and in fact the maximum, of the lengths of linearizations of P . Andthe stature of the direct product α1 × · · · × αn is equal to the natural product ofthese ordinals.

179. Yuri Gurevich, Margus Veanes, Charles Wallace: Can Abstract State MachinesBe Useful in Language Theory? Theoretical Computer Science 376 (2007) 17–29.Extended Abstract in DLT 2006, Developments in Language Theory, SpringerLNCS 4036 (2006), 14–19

The abstract state machine (ASM) is a modern computation model. ASMsand ASM based tools are used in academia and industry, albeit in a modest scale.They allow one to give high-level operational semantics to computer artifacts andto write executable specifications of software and hardware at the desired abstrac-tion level. In connection with the 2006 conference on Developments in LanguageTheory, we point out several ways that we believe abstract state machines can beuseful to the DLT community.

180. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: A Note on Nested Words. MSR-TR-2006-139

For every regular language of nested words, the underlying strings form acontext-free language, and every context-free language can be obtained in thisway. Nested words and nested-word automata are generalized to motley wordsand motley-word automata. Every motley-word automation is equivalent to a de-terministic one. For every regular language of motley words, the underlying stringsform a finite intersection of context-free languages, and every finite intersectionof context-free languages can be obtained in this way.

181. Yuri Gurevich: ASMs in the Classroom: Personal Experience. In: D. Bjørner andM. C. Henson (eds.) Logics of Specification Languages, Springer (2008), 599–602

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We share our experience of using abstract state machines for teaching compu-tation theory at the University of Michigan.

182. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Dean Rosenzweig, Benjamin Rossman: InteractiveSmall-Step Algorithms II: Abstract State Machines and the Characterization The-orem. Logical Methods in Computer Science 3:4 (2007), paper 4. A preliminaryversion appeared as MSR-TR-2006-171

In earlier work, the Abstract State Machine Thesis – that arbitrary algorithmsare behaviorally equivalent to abstract state machines – was established for severalclasses of algorithms, including ordinary, interactive, small-step algorithms. Thiswas accomplished on the basis of axiomatizations of these classes of algorithms.In a companion paper [176] the axiomatization was extended to cover interac-tive small-step algorithms that are not necessarily ordinary. This means that thealgorithms (1) can complete a step without necessarily waiting for replies to allqueries from that step and (2) can use not only the environment’s replies butalso the order in which the replies were received. In order to prove the thesis foralgorithms of this generality, we extend here the definition of abstract state ma-chines to incorporate explicit attention to the relative timing of replies and to thepossible absence of replies. We prove the characterization theorem for extendedASMs with respect to general algorithms as axiomatized in [176].

183. Dan Teodosiu, Nikolaj Bjørner, Yuri Gurevich, Mark Manasse, Joe Porkka: Opti-mizing File Replication over Limited-Bandwidth Networks using Remote Differ-ential Compression. MSR-TR-2006-157

Remote Differential Compression (RDC) protocols can efficiently update filesover a limited-bandwidth network when two sites have roughly similar files; nosite needs to know the content of another’s files a priori. We present a heuristicapproach to identify and transfer the file differences that is based on finding similarfiles, subdividing the files into chunks, and comparing chunk signatures. Our worksignificantly improves upon previous protocols such as LBFS and RSYNC in threeways. Firstly, we present a novel algorithm to efficiently find the client files thatare the most similar to a given server file. Our algorithm requires 96 bits of meta-data per file, independent of file size, and thus allows us to keep the metadata inmemory and eliminate the need for expensive disk seeks. Secondly, we show thatRDC can be applied recursively to signatures to reduce the transfer cost for largefiles. Thirdly, we describe new ways to subdivide files into chunks that identifyfile differences more accurately. We have implemented our approach in DFSR, astate-based multimaster file replication service shipping as part of Windows Server2003 R2. Our experimental results show that similarity detection produces resultscomparable to LBFS while incurring a much smaller overhead for maintaining themetadata. Recursive signature transfer further increases replication efficiency byup to several orders of magnitude.

184. Martin Grohe, Yuri Gurevich, Dirk Leinders, Nicole Schweikardt, JerzyTyszkiewicz, Jan Van den Bussche: Database Query Processing Using FiniteCursor Machines. Theory of Computing Systems 44:4 (April 2009), 533–560. Anearlier version appeared in: ICDT 2007, International Conference on DatabaseTheory, Springer LNCS 4353 (2007), 284–298

We introduce a new abstract model of database query processing, finite cursormachines, that incorporates certain data streaming aspects. The model describesquite faithfully what happens in so-called “one-pass” and “two-pass query pro-cessing”. Technically, the model is described in the framework of abstract state

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machines. Our main results are upper and lower bounds for processing relationalalgebra queries in this model, specifically, queries of the semijoin fragment of therelational algebra.

185. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Zero-One Laws: Thesauri and Parametric Condi-tions. BEATCS 91 (February 2007), 125–144. Reprinted in: A. Gupta et al. (eds.)Logic at the Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary View, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi (2007), 187–206

The zero-one law for first-order properties of finite structures and its proof viaextension axioms were first obtained in the context of arbitrary finite structuresfor a fixed finite vocabulary. But it was soon observed that the result and theproof continue to work for structures subject to certain restrictions. Examplesinclude undirected graphs, tournaments, and pure simplicial complexes. We dis-cuss two ways of formalizing these extensions, Oberschelp’s parametric conditions(Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 969, 1982) and our thesauri of [149]. Weshow that, if we restrict thesauri by requiring their probability distributions to beuniform, then they and parametric conditions are equivalent. Nevertheless, somesituations admit more natural descriptions in terms of thesauri, and the thesauruspoint of view suggests some possible extensions of the theory.

186. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Background of Computation. BEATCS, 92 (June2007)

In a computational process, certain entities (for example, sets or arrays) andoperations on them may be automatically available, for example by being pro-vided by the programming language. We define background classes to formalizethis idea, and we study some of their basic properties. The present notion of back-ground class is more general than the one we introduced in an earlier paper [143],and it thereby corrects one of the examples in that paper. The greater general-ity requires a non-trivial notion of equivalence of background classes, which weexplain and use. Roughly speaking, a background class assigns to each set (ofatoms) a structure (for example, of sets or arrays or combinations of these andsimilar entities), and it assigns to each embedding of one set of atoms into an-other a standard embedding between the associated background structures. Wediscuss several, frequently useful, properties that background classes may have,for example that each element of a background structure depends (in some sense)on only finitely many atoms, or that there are explicit operations by which allelements of background structures can be produced from atoms.

187. Robert H. Gilman, Yuri Gurevich, Alexei Miasnikov: A Geometric Zero-One Law.JSL 74:3 (September 2009)

Each relational structure X has an associated Gaifman graph, which endowsX with the properties of a graph. If x is an element of X, let Bn(x) be the ball ofradius n around x. Suppose that X is infinite, connected and of bounded degree.A first-order sentence s in the language of X is almost surely true (resp. a.s. false)for finite substructures of X if for every x in X, the fraction of substructures ofBn(x) satisfying s approaches 1 (resp. 0) as n approaches infinity. Suppose furtherthat, for every finite substructure, X has a disjoint isomorphic substructure. Thenevery s is a.s. true or a.s. false for finite substructures of X. This is one form of thegeometric zero-one law. We formulate it also in a form that does not mention theambient infinite structure. In addition, we investigate various questions related tothe geometric zero-one law.

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188. Nachum Dershowitz, Yuri Gurevich: A natural axiomatization of computabilityand proof of Church’s Thesis. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14:3 (September 2008),299–350. An earlier version was published as MSR-TR-2007-85

Church’s Thesis asserts that the only numeric functions that can be calcu-lated by effective means are the recursive ones, which are the same, extensionally,as the Turing-computable numeric functions. The Abstract State Machine Theo-rem states that every classical algorithm is behaviorally equivalent to an abstractstate machine. This theorem presupposes three natural postulates about algo-rithmic computation. Here, we show that augmenting those postulates with anadditional requirement regarding basic operations gives a natural axiomatizationof computability and a proof of Church’s Thesis, as Godel and others suggestedmay be possible. In a similar way, but with a different set of basic operations,one can prove Turing’s Thesis, characterizing the effective string functions, and –in particular – the effectively-computable functions on string representations ofnumbers.

188a. Yuri Gurevich: Proving Church’s Thesis. CSR 2007, Computer Science – Theoryand Applications, 2nd International Symposium on Computer Science in Russia,Springer LNCS 4649 (2007), 1–3

This is an extended abstract of the opening talk of CSR 2007. It is basedon [188].

189. Yuri Gurevich, Dirk Leinders, Jan Van den Bussche: A Theory of Stream Queries.DBPL 2007, 11th International Symposium on Database Programming Lan-guages, Springer LNCS 4797 (2007), 153–168

Data streams are modeled as infinite or finite sequences of data elements com-ing from an arbitrary but fixed universe. The universe can have various built-infunctions and predicates. Stream queries are modeled as functions from streamsto streams. Both timed and untimed settings are considered. Issues investigatedinclude abstract definitions of computability of stream queries; the connectionbetween abstract computability, continuity, monotonicity, and non-blocking op-erators; and bounded memory computability of stream queries using abstractstate machines (ASMs).

190. Nikolaj Bjørner, Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Content-Dependent Chunking forDifferential Compression, the Local Maximum Approach. Journal of Computerand System Sciences 76:3–4 (May–June 2010), 154–203. Originally published asMSR-TR-2007-109

When a file is to be transmitted from a sender to a recipient and when thelatter already has a file somewhat similar to it, remote differential compressionseeks to determine the similarities interactively so as to transmit only the part ofthe new file not already in the recipient’s old file. Content-dependent chunkingmeans that the sender and recipient chop their files into chunks, with the cutpointsdetermined by some internal features of the files, so that when segments of thetwo files agree (possibly in different locations within the files), the cutpoints insuch segments tend to be in corresponding locations, and so the chunks agree.By exchanging hash values of the chunks, the sender and recipient can determinewhich chunks of the new file are absent from the old one and thus need to betransmitted.

We propose two new algorithms for content-dependent chunking, and we com-pare their behavior, on random files, with each other and with previously used

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algorithms. One of our algorithms, the local maximum chunking method, hasbeen implemented and found to work better in practice than previously usedalgorithms.

Theoretical comparisons between the various algorithms can be based on severalcriteria, most of which seek to formalize the idea that chunks should be neithertoo small (so that hashing and sending hash values become inefficient) nor toolarge (so that agreements of entire chunks become unlikely). We propose a newcriterion, called the slack of a chunking method, which seeks to measure howmuch of an interval of agreement between two files is wasted because it lies inchunks that don’t agree.

Finally, we show how to efficiently find the cutpoints for local maximum chunk-ing.

191. Yuri Gurevich, Itay Neeman: DKAL: Distributed-Knowledge Authorization Lan-guage. MSR-TR-2008-09. First appeared as MSR-TR-2007-116

DKAL is an expressive declarative authorization language based on existentialfixed-point logic. It is considerably more expressive than existing languages inthe literature, and yet feasible. Our query algorithm is within the same boundsof computational complexity as, e.g., that of SecPAL. DKAL’s distinguishingfeatures include

– explicit handling of knowledge and information,

– targeted communication that is beneficial with respect to confidentiality, se-curity, and liability protection,

– the flexible use and nesting of functions, which in particular allows principalsto quote (to other principals) whatever has been said to them,

– flexible built-in rules for expressing and delegating trust,

– information order that contributes to succinctness.

191a. Yuri Gurevich, Itay Neeman: DKAL: Distributed-Knowledge Authorization Lan-guage. CSF 2008, 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, 149–162

This is an extended abstract of [191]. DKAL is a new declarative authoriza-tion language for distributed systems. It is based on existential fixed-point logicand is considerably more expressive than existing authorization languages in theliterature. Yet its query algorithm is within the same bounds of computationalcomplexity as, e.g., that of SecPAL. DKAL’s communication is targeted, whichis beneficial for security and for liability protection. DKAL enables flexible use offunctions; in particular, principals can quote (to other principals) whatever hasbeen said to them. DKAL strengthens the trust delegation mechanism of Sec-PAL. A novel information order contributes to succinctness. DKAL introduces asemantic safety condition that guarantees the termination of the query algorithm.

192. Andreas Blass, Nachum Dershowitz, Yuri Gurevich: When Are Two Algorithmsthe Same? Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15:2 (2009), 145–168. An earlier versionwas published as MSR-TR-2008-20

People usually regard algorithms as more abstract than the programs thatimplement them. The natural way to formalize this idea is that algorithms areequivalence classes of programs with respect to a suitable equivalence relation.We argue that no such equivalence relation exists.

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193. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Two Forms of One Useful Logic:. Existential FixedPoint Logic and Liberal Datalog, BEATCS 95 (June 2008), 164–182

A natural liberalization of Datalog is used in the Distributed Knowledge Au-thorization Language (DKAL). We show that the expressive power of this liberalDatalog is that of existential fixed-point logic. The exposition is self-contained.

194. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: One Useful Logic That Defines Its Own Truth.MFCS 2008, 33rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations ofComputer Science, Springer LNCS 5162 (2008), 1–15

Existential fixed point logic (EFPL) is a natural fit for some applications,and the purpose of this talk is to attract attention to EFPL. The logic is alsointeresting in its own right as it has attractive properties. One of those propertiesis rather unusual: truth of formulas can be defined (given appropriate syntacticapparatus) in the logic. We mentioned that property elsewhere, and we use thisopportunity to provide the proof.

195. Nikolaj Bjørner, Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Madan Musuvathi: Modular dif-ference logic is hard. MSR-TR-2008-140

In connection with machine arithmetic, we are interested in systems of con-straints of the form x + k ≤ y + l. Over integers, the satisfiability problem forsuch systems is polynomial time. The problem becomes NP complete if we restrictattention to the residues for a fixed modulus N .

196. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Persistent Queries in the Behavioral Theory ofAlgorithms. ACM ToCL, to appear. An earlier version appeared as MSR-TR-2008-150

We propose a syntax and semantics for interactive abstract state machines todeal with the following situation. A query is issued during a certain step, but thestep ends before any reply is received. Later, a reply arrives, and later yet thealgorithm makes use of this reply. By a persistent query, we mean a query for whicha late reply might be used. Syntactically, our proposal involves issuing, along witha persistent query, a location where a late reply is to be stored. Semantically, itinvolves only a minor modification of the existing theory of interactive small-stepabstract state machines.

197. Yuri Gurevich, Arnab Roy: Operational Semantics for DKAL: Application andAnalysis. TrustBus 2009, 6th International Conference on Trust, Privacy andSecurity in Digital Business, Springer LNCS 5695 (2009),149–158

DKAL is a new authorization language based on existential fixed-point logicand more expressive than existing authorization languages in the literature. Wepresent some lessons learned during the first practical application of DKAL andsome improvements that we made to DKAL as a result. We develop operationalsemantics for DKAL and present some complexity results related to the opera-tional semantics.

198. Yuri Gurevich, Itay Neeman: Infon Logic: the Propositional Case. ACM ToCL,to appear. The ToCL version is a correction and slight extension of the versioncalled The Infon Logic published in BEATCS 98 (June 2009), 150–178

Infons are statements viewed as containers of information (rather then repre-sentations of truth values). In the context of access control, the logic of infons is aconservative extension of logic known as constructive or intuitionistic. DistributedKnowledge Authorization Language uses additional unary connectives “p said”

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and “p implied” where p ranges over principals. Here we investigate infon logicand a narrow but useful primal fragment of it. In both cases, we develop the modeltheory and analyze the derivability problem: Does the given query follow from thegiven hypotheses? Our more involved technical results are on primal infon logic.We construct an algorithm for the multiple derivability problem: Which of thegiven queries follow from the given hypotheses? Given a bound on the quotationdepth of the hypotheses, the algorithm works in linear time. We quickly discussthe significance of this result for access control.

199. Nikolaj Bjørner, Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte, and Margus Veanes: SymbolicBounded Model Checking of Abstract State Machines. International Journal ofSoftware and Informatics 3:2–3 (June/September 2009), 149–170

Abstract State Machines (ASMs) allow us to model system behaviors at anydesired level of abstraction, including levels with rich data types, such as sets orsequences. The availability of high-level data types allows us to represent stateelements abstractly and faithfully at the same time. AsmL is a rich ASM-basedspecification and programming language. In this paper we look at symbolic analy-sis of model programs written in AsmL with a background T of linear arithmetic,sets, tuples, and maps. We first provide a rigorous account of the update seman-tics of AsmL in terms of background T, and we formulate the problem of boundedpath exploration of model programs, or the problem of Bounded Model ProgramChecking (BMPC), as a satisfiability modulo T problem. Then we investigate theboundaries of decidable and undecidable cases for BMPC. In a general setting,BMPC is shown to be highly undecidable (Σ1

1-complete); restricted to finite sets,the problem remains RE-hard (Σ0

1-hard). On the other hand, BMPC is shown tobe decidable for a class of basic model programs that are common in practice.We apply Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) tools to BMPC. The recent SMTadvances allow us to directly analyze specifications using sets and maps withspecialized decision procedures for expressive fragments of these theories. Ourapproach is extensible; background theories need in fact only be partially solvedby the SMT solver; we use simulation of ASMs to support additional theoriesthat are beyond the scope of available decision procedures.

200. Yuri Gurevich, Itay Neeman: DKAL 2 – A Simplified and Improved AuthorizationLanguage. MSR-TR-2009-11

Knowledge and information are central notions in DKAL, a logic based au-thorization language for decentralized systems, the most expressive among suchlanguages in the literature. Pieces of information are called infons. Here we presentDKAL 2, a surprisingly simpler version of the language that expresses new im-portant scenarios (in addition to the old ones) and that is built around a naturallogic of infons. Trust became definable, and its properties, postulated earlier asDKAL house rules, are now proved. In fact, none of the house rules postulatedearlier is now needed. We identify also a most practical fragment of DKAL wherethe query derivation problem is solved in linear time.

201. Andreas Blass, Nachum Dershowitz, Yuri Gurevich: Exact Exploration and Hang-ing Algorithms. CSL 2010, 19th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer ScienceLogic (August 2010), to appear

Recent analysis of sequential algorithms resulted in their axiomatization andin a representation theorem stating that, for any sequential algorithm, there isan abstract state machine (ASM) with the same states, initial states and state

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transitions. That analysis, however, abstracted from details of intra-step compu-tation, and the ASM, produced in the proof of the representation theorem, mayand often does explore parts of the state unexplored by the algorithm. We refinethe analysis, the axiomatization and the representation theorem. Emulating astep of the given algorithm, the ASM, produced in the proof of the new represen-tation theorem, explores exactly the part of the state explored by the algorithm.That frugality pays off when state exploration is costly. The algorithm may bea high-level specification, and a simple function call on the abstraction level ofthe algorithm may hide expensive interaction with the environment. Furthermore,the original analysis presumed that state functions are total. Now we allow statefunctions, including equality, to be partial so that a function call may cause thealgorithm as well as the ASM to hang. Since the emulating ASM does not makeany superfluous function calls, it hangs only if the algorithm does.

202. Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Efim Hudis: The Tower-of-Babel Problem, andSecurity Assessment Sharing. MSR-TR-2010-57. BEATCS 101 (June 2010), toappear

The tower-of-Babel problem is rather general: How to enable a collaborationamong experts speaking different languages? A computer security version of thetower-of-Babel problem is rather important. A recent Microsoft solution for thatsecurity problem, called Security Assessment Sharing, is based on this idea: A tinycommon language goes a long way. We construct simple mathematical modelsshowing that the idea is sound.

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