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DawnThe 7 Sins





WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360® Instruction Manual and any peripheral manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement manuals, see or call Xbox Customer Support.

Important Health Warning About Playing Video GamesPhotosensitive seizuresA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.

These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.

Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptomschildren and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.

If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.

PEGI ratings and guidance applicable within PEGI markets only.

What is the PEGI System? The PEGI age-rating system protects minors from games unsuitable for their particular age group. PLEASE NOTE it is not a guide to gaming difficulty. Comprising two parts, PEGI allows parents and those purchasing games for children to make an informed choice appropriate to the age of the intended player. The first part is an age rating:-

The second is icons indicating the type of content in the game. Depending on the game, there may be a number of such icons. The age-rating of the game reflects the intensity of this content. The icons are:-

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Publisher will replace this text with a warranty that provides the original end user of the game a minimum 90-day limited warranty that the game will perform in accordance with its documentation or publisher will refund the purchase price or provide a replacement game at no charge.

Publisher will provide contact information as outlined in the call out on the right (see “INS: Manual Body” layer).


Table of contents

Xbox LIVEGameplay ControlsIntroductionStoryMapCharacters


7 - 1112 - 1314- 27





WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360® Instruction Manual and any peripheral manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement manuals, see or call Xbox Customer Support.

Important Health Warning About Playing Video GamesPhotosensitive seizuresA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.

These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.

Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptomschildren and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.

If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.

PEGI ratings and guidance applicable within PEGI markets only.

What is the PEGI System? The PEGI age-rating system protects minors from games unsuitable for their particular age group. PLEASE NOTE it is not a guide to gaming difficulty. Comprising two parts, PEGI allows parents and those purchasing games for children to make an informed choice appropriate to the age of the intended player. The first part is an age rating:-

The second is icons indicating the type of content in the game. Depending on the game, there may be a number of such icons. The age-rating of the game reflects the intensity of this content. The icons are:-

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Publisher will replace this text with a warranty that provides the original end user of the game a minimum 90-day limited warranty that the game will perform in accordance with its documentation or publisher will refund the purchase price or provide a replacement game at no charge.

Publisher will provide contact information as outlined in the call out on the right (see “INS: Manual Body” layer).


Gameplay Controls


WalkSin Selection

Attack / Interact


Activate Sin Toggle RunXbox Menu


BlockToggle Sneak


Toggle weapon

Some button combinations change depending on which sin is active.

Action toggles are customizable in the main menu. Keyboard / mouse combination also supported.



The Terce Province is twisted realm, ruled by the Holy Church of Terce, a religious faction who go against the very things they supposedly uphold.

A corrupted system, where the scales of good and wrong have tipped long since.

The poor are starving in the streets, while the men in power take what they want, when they want it.

The balance between good and evil is what keeps order in the world, and has a nack of setting itself straight once askew.

In a forrest shunned by man, seven beings appear, with one single goal between them, to reattain the balance between good and evil.


In Saintsport, the capitol of the Terce Province, slaves are kept in the catacombes like livestock. They’re bred, and spend their short, miserable lives working day and night. Sickness and torture are commonplace, and no one expects living past their twenties. This is however all they know. Most slaves have never seen the light of day, and they all have their tounges removes, and lips sewn shut, feeding only on broth.

Dawn is a sixteen year old, disfigured girl, and one of these slaves. Sewing garments for the church is all she knows.

One day, Cathrine - an elderly slave who’s taken Dawn in as her own - is beaten half to death by one of the slavers for trying to steal food. As she’s left for dead on the ground, she manages to scribble down a letter for Dawn, contain-ing her origins.

The contents of the letter tears Dawn into pieces. She’s the daughter of the High Bishop, Patrius IV. At birth, Dawn was deemed an abomination due to her distorted apperance, and her mother was accused for pagan wor-ship - bringing such a monster into the world - and swiftly executed. Dawn was sent to a wetnurse, and later down to work out her existance as a slave. She is determined to get away somehow.

Prequel Captivity


Dawn plots her escape, and sees an opening one day a riot breaks out between slaves fighting for food. Dodging guards, she makes her way up from the catacombes, and emerges finally in the Cathedral gardens, at dawn, witnessing her first ever sunrise.

She’s noticed by nearby guards, and is forced to defend herself, grabbing a nearby scythe. Slaying the guards, she sneaks out of the city, into the wastelands beyond the walls.

Not knowing where to go, or what to do, she follows the main road, leading north, where she crosses The Rift, having to fight her way through brute creatures. She eventually ends up at the edge of Bleakwoods, a place she’s read about in Cathrines stories. A place of seemingly abnor-mal darkness, she knows people stay away from the place, and figures she’ll be safe there. Having lived her entire life in darkness, she manages to navigate the forest, and come upon a strange looking altar in the shape of a hand with seven fingers.

Chapter I The Light of Day

Chapter II Truths and lies

Investigating the altar, she suddenly finds herself unable to move, as the fingers of the altar begin to glow. She’s engulfed in some sort of energy, and loses counciousness. When she awakes, she finds seven figures towering over her.


The figures place their hands on her, and suddenly she knows what they are, and why they’ve come, and what she must do.

Good and evil is unbalanced in the Terce Provine, due to the corrupted church ruling the land with an iron fist. The root of the problem is her own father, Bishop Patrius IV. The sins are here to remove him from existance, using her as their vessel.

The sins have limited power, however, and Dawn has to slay sinners for their powers to grow. She’s sent out to visit the three subcities of the Terce Province, ridding them of the corrupted priests in charge, before finally taking on Saintsport and her father.

Chapter III Shadows

News of his abomination of a daughter escaping has reached Bishop Patrius IV, and he sends out his high guard, The Templars to murder her, as to keep his secret hidden.The soldiers are sent to scour various locations in three groups, each with its own captain: Locke, Wick and Tiny.

Dawn encounters Tiny’s regiment in the outskirts of Bleak-woods, on her way to Northcape, and using the sins powers manages to slay them.

In northcape she sneaks into the palace, and fights her way through a gauntlet of guards, before murdering the high priest.


Sneaking aboard a trade ship, Dawn travels sourth-west to Westport. Along the way, crewmen discover her, and she’s forced to defend herself.

The ship, now lacking a crew crashes otno the rocks just east of Westport. Dawn makes her way westward towards the city, just as the high priest of Westport is embarking for travel on the road. Seeing this as her chance, she attacks him and his escort. Upon killing the high priest, she is forced to retreat, as the city guards have been alerted. She steals a horse and rides into the Midpass.

Come nightfall, she notices campfires in the distance. Creeping closer, she sees templar banners, and attacks Tiny’s regiment in the night.

Chapter IV Brawn

Afterwards, she treks south over the mountainrange, arriving much later at the Felden Mines - yet another place she’s read about in Catheinres stories. Knowing there are slaves kept there as well, she goes against the sins orders, and decides to free them.

The sins, having taken over more and more of Dawns mind, are outraged at this, and disables their powers, making Dawn having to complete the task as a mere mortal.

Chapter V Digressions


Felden Mines, much like the Saintsport catacombes are filled with slave torture, performed by sadistic guards. Attacking from behind, Dawn is able to fell a handful, appeasing the Sins thirt for blood, regaining power as she goes along. Upon killing all the guards, the Sins decide to punish Dawn for her resistance, fueling their controll together, sending her into an uncontrolled rage, slaying the slaves. Defeated, she promises them to carry out their task, and sets out to Felden.

Chapter VI The man with the chain

Reaching Felden, Dawn now entierly controlled by the Sins, infiltrates the castle. Slaying guards as she goes along, she reaches the main chamber, finding the high priest guarded by Locke and the templar knights.

The hardest battle yet, Dawn is almost killed. Locke, in a final moment of madness before he dies sets fire to the room. The fire spreading, and reaching the munitions storage, causes an inferno, and Dawn is forced to flee for ther life.

She escapes the city, and watches it burn to the ground in the distance. The massive bodycount from the fire empow-ers the Sins to new heights, and they order her to travel south-east to the Chestwoods, where she encounters yet another pagan altar devoted to the seven deadly sins, where she is bestowed their full abilities.


Dawn travels north-east to Saintsport, and attacks the city full on. Littering the cobblestone with corpses, she massacres her way through the guards towards the Cathedral. Inside the grand hall,she meets her father, along with the court alchemist, Hephastus, and his army of animated golems, sworn to protect the Cathedral. After a fierce battle, she forces her father to his knees, and decapi-tates him.

A voice echoes inside the halls, and a shadowy figure materializes. The sins emerge from Dawns body, and the creature attacks. Dawn fights alongside the sins, and vanquishes the figure. As the creature dies, the ground starts to shake, and Dawn flees, as the city crumbles.

She makes her way back to Bleakwoods, where she reahes the altar. The sins thank Dawn for her service, and finally leaves her body for good. As their power is leaving her, her body succumbs to the unnatural abuse it has taken while empowered. Dawn collapses and dies in the palm of the hand-altar.

Chapter VII Reunions



Saintsport:The capitol of the Terce Province, and the location of the Grand Cathedral, high seat of Bishop Patrius IV

Felden:The industrial heart of Terce, housing the Felden Iron and Coal mines.

Westport:The youngest of Terce’s cities. Home to many of the rich families of the province.

Northcape:North of The Rift and Bleakwoods, Northcape is somewhat sheltered from the rest of the province, with only the ocean traderoutes connecting it.

The Rift:A giant scar, left after the big earthquake known as “the great tremble”. While having a road connecting to Northcape through Bleakwoods, trading caravans avoidthe rift, usually going by ship from Saintsport or Westport instead.

Bleakwoods:An infamous vast forest of mostly dead trees. Frequently covered in mist, and containing what has been explained as unnatural darkness.

Map Information


DawnDeemed an abomination at birth, Dawn was an embarrasment hidden away in the Cathedral Catacombs. Her father, Bishop Patrius IV, found her mother guilty of fornecating with demons, to breed such a child, and had her executed. Dawn grew up a slave in the catacombs, working day and night as a semstress.

Having no pigment whatsoever in her skin, and clear white eyes with no visible pupil, Dawn stood out, even amongst the mostly disfigured slave population, and got frequent beatdowns by the guards. She seldom shows emotion, and in spite of her frail stature shows remarkable endurance. Life in the Catacombs have adjusted her eyesight.

Dawn was taken in by one of the few elderly living slaves, a woman named Cathrine, who thaught her to read and write in secret. Cathrine, one of the few not born in the catacombs had seen the world, and through her scribbles, Dawn vaugely learned the facts of the outside world.



The Seven Deadly Sins

The church follows seven heavenly virtues, guiding proper behaviour.

In the Bleakwoods, north in the Terce Prov-ince lies a pagan altar devoted to these seven

sins. This is where their earthly bodies materialized, to reattain balance be-

tween good and evil in the world.

Wrath Envy Superbia Gluttony

Lust Sloth Greed

At the oposite end of the scales rests seven deadly sins no mortal should approach.

Chastity Temperance Charity Diligence

Patience Kindness Humility


SuperbiaThe embodiment of pride: Love of ones self, and contempt of others. The source of the deadly sins, and the most severe of them.

It has an aura of authority, making mortals bend to its will.


AcediaThe enbodiment of neglect of ones responsibility and self.

Carries an air of apathic listlessness that seem to carry over to others, weakening them.


InvidiaThe embodiment of intense feelings of envy, where one does not only want what othershave, but alsoto see them deprived of it.

Upon physical contact with mortals, is taps their life force and adds to its own.


AvaritiaThe embodiment of desire to attain wealth, status and and power.

With keen eyes, it brings misfortune to others in swift strokes with its long arms.


GulaThe embodiment of gluttony: over-consumption and over-indulgence.

Eating everything it comes across, its body is covered in fat, somehow giving it incredible durability.


LuxuriaThe embodiment of lust:Thoughts and desire of a sexual nature.

Appearing to mortals as someone they desire, it uses charms for its owngood.

Ira is the enbodiment of uncontrolled feelings ofhatred and anger.

It has immense strenght, and uses the abily for the sake of harming others, whoever they may be.



Ira is the enbodiment of uncontrolled feelings ofhatred and anger.

It has immense strenght, and uses the abily for the sake of harming others, whoever they may be.


The TemplarsThe Templars are soldiers in service of the Cathedral, used to carry out certain tasks deemed important by the church.

Containing mostly of former slaves and criminals with unique feats, they carryout the will of Bishop Patrius IV, and command ordinary soldiers and guards.

They usually carry out their tasks in any manner they see fit, and take what they want from commonfolk, who fear themprofoundly.

A cunning, ruthless criminal with a silver tounge. Locke rose quickly to the rank of commander after joining the templars.



The Templars

A cunning, ruthless criminal with a silver tounge. Locke rose quickly to the rank of commander after joining the templars.



Born and raised a slave in the

cathedral catacombes. Suffering a

severe headwound in

childhood, Tiny’s all brawn, no brains. His

deformed face is hidden beneath an iron mask.



Tiny WickA violent little psychopath. An explosive artisan, and always carries around things that go boom. Originally sentenced to death for murder, before deemed useful to the Church.


Holy Church of Terce

A religious faction, which currently controllsthe Terce province, and the surrounding areas.

Patrius IVHigh Bishop of the Church of Terce. Has the sole command of the province, which he abus-es gleefully. A slave of the very sins his Church supposedly goes against, Patrius lives a lazy existence filled with food, alcohol and women. While the people starve, he gears up his troops to further his conquest.

Patrius is intrigued with alchemy, and has promoted the wasteland alchemist Hephastus to his right hand, and using his knowledge, has replaced most of the Cathedral guards with animated golems.


Patrius IV



HephastusNot much is known about his background, but he came to Saintsport to audition for the Bishop, and was appointed maester alchemist. Hephastus revels in breathing life into inanimate objects, and seldom breathes a word to anyone.


GolemsAnimated statues, given life from Hephastus. They tirelessly guard the Grand Cathedral, and beckons Patrius’ every word.

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