Page 1: yr Ti- Iic due ituto 107000 l Ilound trip on Slenuu following party will loave nor PPThu on the steamer Clydo for d athe

W yr y T 73




Iic nbutab Unfltht1rn





Murray Council Elects Sue

ctssor Tonight

P itnrliiinnn IN Hinu lit Jlllrk toAnmer CliniK of Forgery1 hi

i t lou11-


11lidlownyHOXDS XOT SOLD

JIMurray IKy Aug 2 Special

A MiMMBor to Marshal IL W Hollandwill bo olncted by the oily coiihcll to-



Marshal Holland Intend to-

devote Ids attention to his m rOllnI I

tlli liiifltiaN hereafter Prominentrandldntee for the position are Dep1

fly MftHlittl Vm WIlllBiiii Mr ISv

fOrt KntiorlB mid Jack Wall

Honil Salo PostponedI I

On neeoiint of failure of bids inl

the iminldimt lighting and waterplant liondi last Friday the solo haIHMB partponrd until August 21The bonds are 4 per fijU Mini UK

locall hank ilo not want flinin Itq IIn hnllevAd thAt tho short no tillIIr

l t alt U what pr VBUt d bbl

Cherry Meirlianl AlfjnnR 07 Wlllltmu a werdhnut of

Cherry mule no assignment for thebenefit of ereilllora sad T A IIInltiUna been appointed aaalgntte Many ofhhs OTttllfon are Paducah hmdwa

More Truiililu fur CiiinplMillt Dolpb Campbell the jronnu man

who rtletllnd a good bwitlng on atrain bound for Padueoh a fewweeks ago At the hand of a man andwoman WM used JQO fur bootlegRBX ywrterdujr It IrI believed liewill HT Uie fine

t1111rnl Forger Brought Hark1Deputy 9i rttr Owe INix has re

turMtf from Mountain Qrov Mo

with C Buchanan formerly ngent fory the Singer S wlMK JUscUtne company

was Indicted for forging tho Dane o-

ff W Iu CliOtwto a note

J KId Owfiii HellerJ II OweH off the Itermers and

Merchant dank waa out yesterdayfor the first time after recoveringfrom nn attack of typhoid foyer

In HankrnplryIn tho onio ot Jam a Jackson

bankrupt Reforee llHgliy today ortiered creditors who had collected onattach menu In mniIMratM courtIn t tilt county and Ballard county toturn the mohoy ovor to Trustee A IEIloyd Tho law reads that when ¬

ever debts are collected In any wayt within four moultia preceding thn art

of bankruptcy the money shall fU

e vent to the truktoo About 1100 wasrnllectml all told

Dovo Siiison OpensYosterdnr the dove soacon oponed

t and tho woods wore full of bunionn <Y < w aro iplontltut and many werokllloil > eeU rdar The eeason lastsonly a few weeks and ninny huntingpnrtioe wilt be MOII out with gunsDown in Iho heath nolgliborhood ontho Cairo extension of tho IllinoisControl dovwt nro said fo be mostplentiful and this torrltory will attract the grimiest number of marks-men until hit supply bocomofi exliaiiittd

i 1 SIlfrltrN CnlleclloilMSheriff John Ostlvto Itoday Ned In

county court his monthly report ofcollectionCollection J 104080

1t 11onunlralon 40443-

Halaneo 4lfi8fiAmount duo enmity 1260670I-


107000Amount due ituto 107000

l Ilound trip on Slenuufollowing party will loave nor

PPThu on the steamer Clydo ford athe round trip up the Ttnnossco rlv


ur to Waterloo Ala Misses Rosebud1

IIIIIe Hobton Helen Hills none t

4and Alma Copt Qarnett ItucknerMrs Jotta Hobson and losers

Louie Gabriel Froth Ollllumauy Mar ¬fitill Tom Coburn John Ormo Chartr

r Rloke Charlus IKopf

Il The Hiv IU W looks Called

ITho Rev D W Fookg pastor of

several CumherJand Presbyterian i

churches in tho county has been ox ¬

tended an Invitation by tho Presby ¬

terian church at Longvlew Tex anche has accepted tho Invitation undVIII leave In a tow days for Longview to preach his trial sormun

Tried For LunacyI1Kihl WndJell colored who Is In

Jail pending trial for shooing pro ¬

miscuously in the neighborhood ofSixteenth street and KeD IlIci avc

t nue will be tried this afternoon be ¬

fore County Judge It T Lighfootfor lunacy



CLOUDYIjirtly cloudy lonlKit and Sutiir

ihiy fooler in wistern ortlon toutthl HlKhcxI l 01 loweM Its=n

SNOIIO nituD-uliitli AIIJl 2IIrr this

morning starling from a garslovo In H tailor shop ruinedjiMr0l iliniiiK in niljolnliiKbulldengs


Sun Fniurlwo Aug SFourIlniiisiorlH ciirrylng ilMI111111 of Ih1 Tuentylirili anilTHintyiilnil lufnniy nod alargo iuiintlty of siurrbniiiI

11111111111111 Iou ami siiiilles sellshorll rill IIdllpplut c


Toulon ing Threo HVIH

Wtin lost mill Mveriil persontIIInjiiiixlI Relay in an iieclilenlalioiinl the french IfiilnliiKship Cliiirnriie d cannon brokelHis < > ilurliiK turret drill Budconed Ihr rnuidlles

DAHItOWS MirillODSliaise lag1B IrI ItlilnmN

son tins been dl > inlssisl as thiefcounsel for tin defense of IntoolllrcrH of Ilio Uehteiu Keileratlon of Miner and as HIM lesultluis wltlidniwn front Ihl castInc u IIIIIII I MK roiled by ClarIMIII Datrowj of ClilraKo IIn annoiinrlni Ills vltliilrawal ItlrliartNon hllterly nllackitl Durlusts sotlullsllr inrthoiN anddecliinil In coulil not Workwith Durroiv

IX MOROCCOdint A II K uuubblyd ac¬

dell liy France Italy mid Sjiilnagainst MoriMco iroliulily willbr the nulldim of till ntleiiiitto iiirt a huh wur to drive outfnniIgnIV and tlic outbreak atOIMI Illiinca In wliltli atleast IIS KiimniatM an knownto hunt IXMII killed Tin tin n

l oveniinenl tlll irstoic oitler

SAILORS FK5IITllaniplon Va Aug a

Tlioinas Mmldov chief master atarniM and Garlelli Walsli llrt >

innii urn dead Lund JI Markerman baker on the fulled Slates

liittleslili Maine Is danceiiilisIly uoniuleil 4s tlic result of a rutling ulTriiy at Ilioclni last niKlitFnd Culmlie a husk driverwas arrested dimBed with iluiililt murder

KXCOMMfXICATIOXXcw fork dug U A Mute

abut IIs expectedl today announc ¬

ing IHie rxconiiiiiinlrallon offather Martogesslaii from Orlhmlov to flit Armenian cliurcliHi IIs In the Tonilfit under Indictinenls charging him with blinkmall Bad attempted extortionand roliliery In connect Ion ullliIlls IdackiiiallltiK plots

mmiKY POOLCincinnati lug Tobacco

Kioweis foal handlers from everysooty In tin white burley ills

tin will meet at tCincinnati onFriday night to form a pull In ¬

dependent of the American So¬

ciety of Kqulty


ViisliliiRl m Aii The rut ¬

ton condition IsI sevciilyllve

OOIW fl-Xew Orleans tug J1Vhn

Itlio government crop report witsposted In Hie local cotton ex ¬

change there wan an advanceof 21I points on Oclolnr options

eamid similar advames In otheroptions

HOIIV IS 111Ux11fThe body of iretclien Rhode

sIxI years1 old who disappearedMonday old was supposed tohave been kidnaped was foundIn the iKiltoin of Lake Michigantoday


Xew York tug 2idarna ¬

tion reached here of mi explosionIn the hold of the North HermanLloyd steamer Kaiser VlllielniH wlifili caused tlio death ofthree men and prevented the vesisel siillliiK fur Xew York mischedule lime




Adopt Rules Providing torQuarterly Meetings

Morning Session Consumed WHli ihsriiKsion of Hnlcs Mini Pajier of

lames IK WUIielin


The morning session of the Pennyrllo Press association at the Pal¬

mer House today was consumed prin ¬

cipally with a discussion of the con ¬

stitution and bylaws and the paperof Janice E Wilhelm on tho need ofa district organization

The constitution and bylaws asadopted provided for meetings ofthe association on the third FridaysIn August November February andMay of each year at such places asthe association may select

This afternoon tho program whichwas announced this morning by

Chairman J KI Lemon of the May-

field Meafionger was proceeded withIn order

President E Harry presided andthose proeunt today are

IE Barry lien Ion Tribune presi-dent


John S LHwronce Cadiz Rec ¬

ord secretarytreasurer J R Lem-on Mayfield Messenger John LJellI ¬

CaHowny Times J R CatlettPrinceton Lender T C Pettlt Newsnard well J E Wllholm RegisterClaude Johnson Journal of LaborS A Hill Evening Sun Walter1PlKiie1 Methodist Fulton W IK

Wall Mayfield Monitor W Pike ofMayfield Mirror IL Albrltton ofMayfleld Charles Ferguson Livings-ton





Clinton UK AUKT 2 Fred MaKill and his wife Faye Graham MaKill were Indicted today by thegrand Jury on six counts chargingthem with the murder of MnglllsIlrgt wife The couple were arrestedIf California and brought lucre



Members of tho Pennyrllo Press BB

iclatlon have given their Individualpromises to Treasurer D W Coonsif the Immigration association toboost the project of having a convonlion here October 10 and 11 MrCoons talked to each member and allexpressed interest and enthusiasm Inthe cause and promised to lend thecolumns of their papers to give pubdeity to the plans of the association



Stung again Is the belief ofChief of Police James Collins Lastweek a young follow named Iur ¬

chase appeared at tho city hat withhis young wire They were strandedIn Paducnh and wanted to get hometo southern Illinois Hearing thatChief Collins was a benevolent manthey wont to him first With themthey took a largo heavy dry goodsbox and a trunk They took tho trunkaway the husband declaring that Itcontained all the clothes ho and hiswife had Tho box was left as secur ¬

ity and tho chief advanced them S

to got home on This Is the lostheard from them and Chief CollinsIs contemplating opening the box tosee Just how badly stung he Is



There was a fair crowd of childre-and grown folks at tho public librarythis morning to hear the Rev W IIFlneshrlber deliver his Jecture on

ThjB Lovo of Rooks Dr Fluneshrlbox told how ho had grown to lovhis books and said that Roc firstbook to inspire his affection waMark Twalna Tom Sawyer Thlecture was Interesting nnd at thesame time Instructive and at Itsconclusion ho promised tho adult-that he would deliver a lecture forthem at the library sometime Iinthe next week or ton days Dr FIneshlber Is a soninlaw of Mr H Wailerstcln and with his wife has beenvisiting In the city for several weeksHo was formerly pastor of TempleIsrael and Is now located at Daven ¬

port Iowa

Uncle Sam I Careful mist where you dip your penII

Burglar Found Everything Had Been

Conveniently Arranged for HimWorking with front window cur ¬

oflIlassuretho office of E W Whittemore areal estate man occupying downstairsoffice on the west side of the Frater-nity


building last night securing945 in cash Entrance was effected




Companys New EquipmentWill Facilitate Handling of

Fuel at Riverside

Another Improvement of benefit toriver tralllc will bo the new coal tipplo that will be built by the St Rernard Coal company the work tostart In two or three weeks At pres-ent the company Is waiting for thearrival of the long pine timbers usedin the construction from the southand on its arrival Manager JosephBishop will push the work

IFor over 20 years the coal tipplehas done service and to repair Itwould almost ho useless U is lo ¬

cated on the river bank In MedianIcsburg Justt this side of thePaducahCooperage company No Increase Insize will be made but some modernImprovements will be adopted thatwill make the new tipple an advant ¬ I

ago over the pld one All of thecompanys coal Is shipped from themines by railroad and at the tippleIt Is loaded on barges for the sup ¬

plying of the companys large rivertrade here Mr O W Uass the fore ¬

man will superintend the construelien The cost of tho new tipplewill bo ITIHMI and will be n big Im ¬

provement aver the old one whichwill be torn down


Detroit AIIR 2 Todaysrain and wind storm It isI tell ¬

mated huts done more than tlIOttlUU> damage to tlio growingcrops In Michigan Tilt greatestdamage was reported from thewheat growing districts tellerswhole tlelds of almost ripe wheatwere completely destroyed Qoru-iMans and outs also sulTcred-


Pcafonl ll Years OldthnhI

yesterday afternoon of old age IIIIr

belonged to Mrs Tobias Kottlcr off231 South Third street anti won Ioci tAugust TIe peafowl was bough tKitsfamlcsince It showed remarkable vitalityuntil a taw days before death whegreatsvaway

Must Keep HIP PeaceBecky and Polly Ford were tbi

morning placed under a peace bondI

by Magistrate C W Emery to Insuregood behavior towards the family oly

J S Smith They reside In Mechanlcsburgs

through a rear window which wasnot locked last night A screw driverfound in a desk In the anteroomwas used in prizing open the cashdrawer In the small safe which haJby oversight been left unlocked Ev¬

ery desk was entered and papers andrecords strewn about the desk andoffice



Japanese Finally Put Korean

Soldiers to Flight by Fir

ing on Them

Seoul Aug 2RloUng and streetlighting were resuMed today A de ¬

mand by tho Japanese cavalry at lit ¬

tle West Gate barracks for surrenderof the Korean soldiers supplied start ¬

ed trouble The Koreans were fin ¬

ally driven Into quartets by n heavyfire from the tower gate Machine


guns then wore brought into play byIthe Japanese A guard of Japanesewas thrown about the American con ¬

sulate todayThen paving dispersed the Korean

army though not without desperatefighting and heavy losses on bolhIsides the Japanese troops have re-


a measure of order In SeoulAnd are now busy with wholesale ar ¬

rests of Koreans

ORAIX MARKETCincinnatiI Aug SWheat

01 corn 37 oats IHU



Fayettevllle Aug 2ln his opin ¬

ion delivered here today in the Pres ¬

byterian church case between theunionists and the antiunionists In ¬

volving the right of possession inthe property of the Cumberland Pres ¬

byterian church Chancellor WalterItcarden hold that the union was

valid and In substantial conformityto tho church constitution but de-


that under the deeds conveying

the property to tho trustees of theseveral churches tho bill of theunionists asking for exclusive posses ¬

sion in the name of the united churchmust be dismissed

llrtnlpolisJdaughterfMiss Cora left Thursday for Me ¬

tropolls Ill where they will maketheir tuturo home We regret tolose these good people front oureverynyvay to the best people of MetropolisRS worthy their confidence and es ¬

teem Murray Ledger

Wedding at SmltlilandSmltltland Aug 2Specla1

Albert Mitchell u well known barband Lottie Council daughter of Davld Council were married horn lastnight




Kuttawa Scene of Big Confederate Demonstration

for Two DaystlI


At Kuttawa today a rcunfion of the James Walbert Campof Confederate veterans is beingheld and several Paducah veteransaro in attendance A majority of themembers of tho camp are expectedto attend either today or tomorrowand other veterans from FultonMayfield and other nearby cities ore I

In attendance The reunion I

will last two days and following are I

those who intend to go from Padu ¬ 1

cah James dish W H PattersonAt Townsend R T Young Joseph I

Ullman Patty Mlles B H Scott andJames Koger Messrs GIsh and Pat-terson

¬ I

left this morning at 750 I

oclock and wero accompanied by J

Misses Ella and May V Patterson I

and Mrs Lawrence Rasor I



Mr D D Simon who has been withthe Southern States Portland Cementcompany at Rockmart Ga for thepost 18 months In charge of thesteam and electrical equipment hosII

been appointed superintendent of thisbig plant which has a caplclty of 1GOO barrels per day Tho manyfriends of Mr Simon In this city will


bo pleased to know of his promotionto his Important position



Tho smallest corpse ever shippedexpressed or mailed out of Paducahwas that handled by Mr EdwardRiley stamp clerk and Mr DanielI

McFadden money order clerk at thoI

postoflico yesterday It was the corpseI

of a flea and it was neatly dressed l

in a striped shirt waist and whiteI

hat It was necessary to view thebody under a magnifying glass MrDave Atchison the woll knownI

steamboatnmn has Just returnedI

from New Orleans where In a curioshop ho got the dead flea and moil-


It to relatives in tho east



Mrs Ann Englcrt 7G years oldmother of the well known grocers JM1 and W J Englert died this mornIng at 1050 oclock at tier homonear St Johns Her death had beenexpected several days Apoplexydos tho Immediate cause Mrs Eng ¬

lent was a native of Germany andcamo to this country 70 years agolocating at St Johns Sho was high ¬

Iy respected In that community Shut

Is survived by the following chit ¬

drop J M H B W J Englert ofPaducah and Mrs John YonkerMrs Freddie Wurth and Misses Cellaand Katy Englert of St Johns Hersisters are Mrs Kahn Mrs BarbaraSmith and Misses Mary and RoseHaupenthal




Returns Front State IndicateDefeat of Vnrdaiiian

Gubernatorial Race Will flare to Ho-

Itlin Over us It Requires aMajority


Jackson Miss Aug 2There Isno longer any doubt of John SharpWilliams victory over Governor Vardaman for the United States senatethe only question being of majorityWilliams campaign committee claimsa lead of 15400

In the gubernatorial race Scott 13

leading with a handsome vote Hewill hardly get a plurality In the firstprimary and will have to run It ortwith Senator Noel his closest com ¬

petitor In the second primary Thisrace presents a number of surpriseswhich will be apparent to those whoread the figures

In the contests for minor state of¬

fices E J Smith Is nominated forauditor T MI Henry for Insurancecommissioner and for lieutenant gov ¬

ernor Luther Manshlp

Swimmer Rescues Drowning YouthAttracted by the babble of excited

voices Newton Ross a middle agedresident of Mechanlcsburg divingunder the waters of Island creeksaved Edward Shemwell a 14yearold boy from drowning after he hadbeen forsaken by frightened com ¬

panions yesterday afternoon about440 oclock Young Shemwell Isemployed at the Vlzo drug store atYeiser avenue and Clements streetGoing to Island creek at the head ofBroad street wheroCross creek emp¬

ties In he went In bTIthlng with com ¬

panions Noah Dicea boy somelittle older than Shemwell took the

th0Shemwelland Jumped onto him DIcko divedaway from Shemwell HOBS wasbathing some distance away and sawShemwell


Mm Matt 111ilfoonMrs Matt Laftoon mother of Hon

Ruby Laffoon Democratic nomineefor state treasurer and an aunt ofDr E n Earle resident physician ofthe local Illinois Central hospitaldied yesterday at her home at MaJIsonvllle of complications at the ageof 05 years Dr Earle left this mornIng at 750 oclock for i Madlsonvllleto attend the funeral this afternoonMrs Lagoon was one of tho mostprominent women III Madisonvllleand generally popular She leaves be ¬

sides her son two daughters Thedaughters ore Mrs Joe Rash otMadlsonvllle and Mrs L E Nuckols of llopklnsvllle

No 1rosecutlonThere will bo no prosecution

against Engine Foreman L Schumaker who was held responsible bytho coroners Jury through allegednegligence for the death of RobertCross the Illinois Central car repair-er


killed Wednesday In the local I-


shop yards Police Judge D ACross a second cousin to the youngman has returned from near Boazstation where the family resides andstated positively this morning thatno prosecution would follow Schumaker Is still foreman of tho engineworking dally In the local yards

Working For InterurbanMr L D Whltesldes of New

York who Is Interested In the Ken ¬

tucky and Ohio River InterurbanRailroad company is In the city to ¬

day Reports show tho company IS

rapidly gaining ground and the pro¬

jectors are working silently and ex¬

pect to have work under way assoon as possible

HMO nt Fair GroundAugust S at the talc grounds a

special race will be ruq by Chief Col ¬

liDS and Lady Foster half mile heatsthe best two out of three There Isgreat rivalry as to which U the betterhorse Tho date was originally set forLAugust 10 but changed last nightThe amount of the purse Is notmade public

She Knew Rob IiiKorsollMrs Yetta Reason 84 ears old

an old resident of Ellzabethtown III

the home of Robert Ingersoll la via ¬

lung her granddaughter Mrs JakeFriedman of 419 North Seventh

estreet Mrs Roaeor Is alto the moth

er of Abe assent who for years con ¬

ducted a gentlemens furnishing stareAhere

lads For Tannery WednesdayWednesday at noon Instead of

Monday bids for tho construction ofthe new tannery must be In Tinatchange was made owing to the ttmotaUcn for the subbidders to get In

their bids and tho nature of thoplant requires much time for con ¬

tractors to figure out the cost

Ir w

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