
Your Sales Pitch Sucks!and what you can do about it.


Do you have an awesome company, product or service?

Do you pitch to clients?

Here is what 95% of companies do

We are ABC company


We have shops everywhere


We sell amazing products


We are innovative


We have won many awards


Our clients love us


Does this sound familiar?

So what’s the problem?

The audience does NOT care!

They don’t care about all your shops

They don’t care about your awards

They don’t care about your logo


Yes, we know. It’s a shocker!

But seriously

The audience only cares about themselves

and what you can do for them!

So change your pitch!

Focus on the audience

Before you pitch ask these 3 questions

Who is the audience?

What’s their problem?

How can you help?

So when you pitch, it’s more like this…

We are the Dentistry

We have looked at your situation

We are here to help

We understand you are facing this problem

Based on our experience, you have two options…

Option A

Option B

We recommend option B because….

Better results, happier clients

Here is a story about how we helped Bob…

If you want to know more…

Do you see the difference?

It’s not about you

It’s about the audience

and how you can help

Ready to change your pitch?

Ask the 3 questions

Who is the audience? !

What’s their problem? !

How can you help?

Now create your new pitch

The result?

More interest

More sales

More money A Slides That Rock Company

BLUE LOBSTERWe help you create presentations that win business.

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