Page 1: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

To get the most out of each lesson—to learn what you want to learn—and give your brain a boost, we have created a Session Guide for each lesson. We suggest you print this out and even place it in a binder so that it is easily accessible as you watch the videos. This way, at the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive set of notes, and most importantly, have your own documentation of important insights you want to remember and actions you want to take on an ongoing basis. These personal notes can be referred to again and again as you build constructive habits over the long-term. Your Notes for Video 7.4 A Suggestion: As you watch the video, you may want to use these note pages to capture the points you want to remember.

(2:34) Nathaniel Branden

(0:00) Introduction

Page 2: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(4:23) Ayn Rand

(6:48) Self/Relationship

(12:02) Nathaniel Branden

Page 3: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(16:09) Low Self-Esteem

(19:19) “The Underlying Cause of Most Emotional and Behavioral Problems” (Bednar & Peterson)

(19:59) “Social Vaccine” California Task Force

Page 4: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(20:44) Time-In: Self-Esteem How can you raise your levels of self-esteem? How can you help others

raise theirs?

Page 5: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Fortifying Your Neural Connections

What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember. Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed one-quarter of the videos for the fourth lesson.

You’re making progress. Continue on with video 7.4 B

Page 6: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Your Notes for Video 7.4 B

Suggestion: As you watch the video, you may want to use these note pages to capture the points you want to remember.

(0:26) Criticism (Baumeister, 2004)

(1:55) Rollo May

Page 7: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(6:34) Nathaniel Branden

(8:29) More Criticisms of Self-Esteem

(4:29) Salvaging Self-Esteem’s Self-Esteem

Page 8: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(13:50) Types of Self-Esteem

(16:41) Dependent Self-Esteem

(20:39) “Snow White” film clip

Page 9: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(27:47) Time-In: Independent Self-Esteem Is your self-esteem mostly dependent or independent? Are there areas in your life in which one or the other type is more dominant?

(22:43) Independent Self-Esteem

Page 10: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Fortifying Your Neural Connections

What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember. Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed half of the videos for the fourth lesson.

You’re making progress. Continue on with video 7.4 C.

Page 11: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Your Notes for Video 7.4 C

Before you get started with this next video, you may want to take a few minutes to review your notes from Video 7.4 B. This will help strengthen the neural connections you made as you watched.

(0:07) Unconditional Self-Esteem

(3:30) Non-Attachment

Page 12: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(5:24) The Experience of Watching a Movie

(7:31) Like Learning How to Walk

Page 13: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(16:52) Time-In: Unconditional Self-Esteem Think of a time when you experienced unconditional self-esteem, when you simply and naturally existed.

(10:45) When Our Unconditional Self-Esteem is Developed, We Simply and Naturally Exist

(15:36) No Shortcuts!

Page 14: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Fortifying Your Neural Connections

What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember. Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed the third video for the fourth lesson.

You’re making great progress. Continue on with video 7.4 D.

Page 15: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Your Notes for Video 7.4 D

Before you get started with this next video, you may want to take a few minutes to review your notes from Video 7.4 C. This will help strengthen the neural connections you made as you watched.

(0:00) Introduction

(11:04) The Importance of ISE and USE

Page 16: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(11:12) Moral Behavior


(13:16) Better Cognitive Performance

(14:56) Increased Happiness

Page 17: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

(16:50) Relationships

Page 18: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Fortifying Your Neural Connections What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember. Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed all the videos for the fourth lesson.

You’re making great progress. It’s now time to reflect.

Page 19: Your Notes for Video 7.4 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem Your Notes for Video 7.4 C Before you get started with this


Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem

Write The following exercise can help you raise your unconditional self-esteem. It is elaborated on in the next lecture. Imagine that a magic spell of anonymity has been cast on you. For the rest of your life, and beyond, no one will know about the wonderful things that you are doing in this world. You will continue having daily interactions with people, but no matter what you do they will all think that you are working at some mundane job that has no impact on other people’s lives. You can transform the lives of millions of people around the world, volunteer in your community, help the needy, yet no one will know that it was you who did these things. You can become the wealthiest person in the world, but will not be able to show off any of your wealth. You, and you alone, will know how good you are, how successful you are. In such a world, what would you do? Write down your response. After doing the exercise, reflect and write about the way your response to this question is similar to or different from the way you actually live or intend to live your life. This exercise is not a prescription for how you should live your life, but only a way of raising awareness about some of the things that matter to you most. Refer to the guidelines for writing tips.

My Reflections:







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Relationships Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 7 Lesson 4: Self-Esteem
















Here is the reading we’ve selected to expand and fortify your thinking for this session of the module.

Kernis, M. H. (2003). “Toward a Conceptualization of Optimal Self-Esteem.” Psychological Inquiry, 14, 1-26.

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