Page 1: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

Your Million Dollar Message™ A New Kind of Training This is for entrepreneurs who are dissatisfied with conventional speaker and sales training. Your Million Dollar Message is a new category of training that powerfully positions entrepreneurs to get capital, clients, and media coverage using the new science of neuroeconomics. Unlike outdated speaker training programs where students listen passively while the trainer speaks, Your Million Dollar Message gives entrepreneurs active experience speaking, both in front of a live audience and on-camera, rapidly building skill and confidence. Training can be enhanced with our done-for-you Thought Leader Launch. As a result, my clients and I have attracted capital, clients, and media coverage—reaching, raising, and making millions.


Leaders have a powerful, authentic message. People who have an extraordinary income have an extraordinary message. They're confident, concise, and clear. Create your Million Dollar Message.

A clear market is needed for an effective marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan.

Identify the right media to showcase your message and reach your market. Thought leaders appear on TV and radio and convey their message to millions. Create revenue and media buzz.

Master your message, market, and media and leap-frog past the competition.

Page 2: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

Story Telling & Neuroeconomics We have an unfair advantage over other training companies, due to Aurora’s decades of experience as a film and TV writer-producer. The brain is wired to remember stories and repeat stories, not statistics. The new science of neuroeconomics reveals how to communicate clearly and powerfully.

Most speaker and sales training programs are hopelessly outdated. Worse, they are manipulative. Business moves at the speed of trust. So it is important to be authentic—yet also engaging, entertaining, and informative.

Changing Market Forces SOCIAL CHANGES Our brains are wired to understand linear change. Yet now we are confronted with rapid, exponential change. Some of the biggest, most lucrative opportunities involve disruptive change. New, better communication skills are needed to bridge the gap and cash in on these opportunities. ECONOMIC CHANGES Instagram sold for a BILLION dollars just two years after it was launched, and it only had 13 employees. Uber, Lyft, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, Tesla, SpaceX. The economy is changing exponentially. The value of communicating a vastly different future is enormous. If you can paint a clear, compelling vision, you can raise millions, and make millions. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES Technology is going to change everything. Medicine, education, marketing, broadcasting. Everyone can be a broadcaster today. Yet, without the right message, it is just noise.

Page 3: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

Aurora Winter, MBA, Serial Entrepreneur

Aurora Winter sees the greatness in others. Her passion is to help people leverage their unique gifts, talents, and vision, so that they can build strong teams, profitable businesses, and live up to their full potential. A film, TV and video writer-producer, Aurora is the author of five books. A sought-after speaker, trainer, and expert, Aurora is frequently featured in the media, including ABC TV, CBC TV, Success magazine and Oprah radio. CBS TV featuring Aurora Winter

Your Success We empower extraordinary entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders to stand out in the marketplace. As a result, our clients command the respect, recognition, and revenue they so richly deserve. They make a bigger difference. They become magnetic to their ideal clients, investors, and the media. The right message, the right market, and the right media is the winning formula for your success. We walk you through this process step-by-step, using memorable archetypes from film-making, coupled with the power of the new science of neuroeconomics. To recap, we empower you to discover, create, and leverage the ideal message, market, and

Page 4: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

media so that you can achieve your goals more rapidly and easily.

Stellar Client Results Justene and Janice Doan created their book “Keys to a Healthy Smile after 40” in 2 days with Aurora’s help as interviewer and writer. Their book positions them as thought leaders in their marketplace, and is a magnet for new clients and the media. Recognized as the “Top 40 Under 40” dentists in the USA, they have a rapidly-growing 7-figure business.

Tarrnie Williams, CEO Blueprint Reality, launched his new company and raised capital successfully within a few short months, including signing a deal with INTEL. He is transforming the way that virtual reality is used in many industries, including video games, film making, entertainment, and communication. His new book is “Virtual Meets Reality: Forging Connections Between the Real and Unreal Worlds”.

Ann Raisch went from being terrified of public speaking to being able to speak with poise and grace as she accepted her award from PeaceJam in front of 500 people including Noble Laureates and the Dalai Lama. She is currently writing her second book.

Brahm Wenger revised the title of his children’s book, re-imagined his impact on a much bigger scale, with the result that his series of children’s books became an animated TV series airing on PBS and Netflix. His work is now transforming young lives with his Million Dollar Message of making a difference.

Jason Henneberry, CEO DocAssist, raised capital, grew his team to 35 people, and was nominated for two prestigious awards. He went from thinking he didn’t have a book in him, to realizing he has enough material for two books. His new book is “The 60 Day Quarter.”

What Makes Us Unique This is not a course in theory from a professor with no track record of success in business. Nor is it a course from an entrepreneur teaching methods that worked a decade or so ago—the last time he or she used them. You will learn what’s working right now, as well as fundamental principles for success that have stood the test of time. We are committed to transformation—not just information. You'll learn a proven step-by-step formula for success that has already generated $10,000,000 or more. This program is designed to produce immediate results.

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You will be building your business, your brand, your income, and your influence. Our training, mentoring, events and masterminds maximize engagement, develop new skills and confidence, and result in immediate action steps towards achieving your specific, tangible goals. You will learn from a successful entrepreneur who has launched three different businesses in different industries, Aurora Winter.

Meet The Team

Aurora Winter Danielle Beauchemin Sven Winter Diane Burton Trainer, CEO Client Care Grant Manager Success Coach

Training: Live Webinars, 1-on-1, Group Training is delivered each week through live webinars on Zoom. Training is approximately 90 minutes, with new content each week. Your questions answered each week during the live training, or during the Q&A period after it ends. Provided you participate fully by attending the live group training and doing your homework, you may also request 1-on-1 coaching with Aurora to get individual feedback on your work. Training is recorded and available online, so you can access the training 24-7 with lifetime access. Every week, you are challenged to complete a new Success Action and post it online in our private Facebook group and/or share it during the live webinar. Your Million Dollar Message is the foundation of your success. It is the prerequisite to all other trainings and programs.

Page 6: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

Rave Reviews for Aurora Winter

Aurora’s work has been endorsed by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Bernie Seigel, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Marci Shimoff, Bruce Lipton, and other New York Times best-selling authors.

“Aurora Winter is a leading coach and thought leader in the world today.” —Dr. Pat Baccili, radio host

“I do a lot of media, yet Aurora was able to help me take my message to a deeper and more powerful place quickly. It was amazing.”—Kelly Sullivan Walden, author I Had the Strangest Dream

“Aurora is a fantastic guest. She was a great addition to our show. Her insight and energy lit up the phone lines.” —Rachel Nevada, producer, ABC radio

“It is so important to create a clear, compelling message. And to systematize delivery to my customers in order to bring my gifts, skills, and talents to the world. I can’t thank Aurora enough for how wonderful her training is!”—Bill Stierle, consultant

“Aurora Winter is a marketing expert who has launched three 7-figure businesses. She has a simple 3-step recipe you can use right away.”—Jenny Toste, anchor CBS-TV

“I’m so excited because I’m the author of The Master’s Masterpiece. This book would never have happened without Aurora’s help. And, after my VIP day with Aurora, I’m ready for national TV. Thank you, Aurora, you rock!”—Diane Burton, entrepreneur, author The Master’s Masterpiece

“Aurora is not only good on serious topics. She’s engaging and entertaining across the board.” —Joel Roberts, host 790 KABC radio

“It is with great excitement that I am announcing that my new book is here! Aurora, thank you so much for your inspiration and commitment to helping me make this book become a reality. Your motivation, your team’s effort, countless hours, and thoughtful comments has helped me get this big win!”—Denise Henry, entrepreneur, author Winning the Talent War

“Aurora Winter is the most heart-centered, savvy and intelligent business coach I’ve ever experienced. Magic for anyone looking to grow their business.”—Russell Feingold, author Heart Wisdom

“Aurora Winter was a smash hit on our show! We are still getting mail from listeners that found her philosophy of life a great inspiration.”—Gary Mantz, producer, 710 KIRO radio

“Aurora is passionate, authentic, and high energy. Her message is uplifting and empowering.”—Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul

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Options & Outcomes at a Glance Your Million Dollar Message is the foundational key to your success. VIP Training takes it to the next level with Media training, so that you can potentially reach millions by being a guest expert on radio and TV. VIP training is recommended if you are running a 7-figure business, raising capital, or want VIP mentoring tailored to your specific business goals.

The Thought Leader Launch is the answer for busy CEOs who don't have time to get it all done. The bigger your vision for the future, the more income you're making in your business, the more valuable your time is. Rather than struggling for years to write a professional book and launch media buzz to position as a Thought Leader, delegate it and get it done. Smart entrepreneurs leverage their time and delegate to experts.

Training Bonuses Outcome

1. Your Million Dollar Message (12 weeks live training)

Your Million Dollar Message, Marketing Funnel Formula & more (DIY)

2. VIP Training (Your Million Dollar Message Training & Media Training) (24 weeks training)

Event Mastermind VIP day

Above, plus… Media Ready, Media Kit done, ready for TV, radio, podcasts and more. (DIY)

3. Thought Leader Launch Your Book, Published! & Thought Leader Mastermind ***VIP Training is a prerequisite ***

(1 year training & support)

Event Mastermind 2 VIP days

On-camera media training

Video of you sharing your Million Dollar Message

Above, plus… Your Book, Published, Making You an Author & Expert. Congratulations! Media Buzz Launched, Your Thought Leader Strategy, PR Plan, and more. (DWY)

Space is limited. Standard policies apply. You must apply and be accepted. DIY = Do it yourself. DWY = Done with you. DFY = Done for you.

The Million Dollar Message training is a prerequisite to all other trainings and programs. VIP training is a prerequisite to the Thought Leader Launch, and is included in the above.

Page 8: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

Your Million-Dollar Message Training Speak powerfully. Pitch effectively.

Your Million-Dollar Message Training: Distinguish and declare what’s extraordinary about you, your business, and your brand. Pitch anything confidently, clearly and powerfully. Close that key deal. Become magnetic to your ideal client, investor, and team. Trigger lucrative new opportunities. Implement the Marketing Funnel Formula and launch your own marketing funnel which will work for you 24-7 while you sleep. Create and refine your marketing plan to achieve your goals more rapidly, reliably, and easily. Become a more powerful presenter, speaker, closer, and networker with this 12-week transformational group training. We will cover how to:

• Create Your Own Million-Dollar Message. Attract your ideal clients, investors, and team with your clear, concise, compelling message.

• Story Selling. This skill will set you up for success for the rest of your life. People remember stories. Stories are the foundation of effective marketing and branding. Learn the neuroscience behind powerful, effective communication. Learn how to speak to sell, so you move listeners to action.

• Your “TED” talk: Create a short “TED” talk. Great content for speaking, writing, networking—or an actual TED talk. Create short videos, following the Marketing Funnel Formula.

• Your Unique Branded System. Create your own unique branded system that sets you apart and consistently delivers outstanding results for your clients.

• Your Irresistible Offer. Create premium packages and premium pricing with confidence, so that you get paid well for solving your clients’ problems, and they thank you for it for your valuable solution.

• Your Book. A book is a powerful lead magnet. Learn if writing a book is right for your business. • Weekly Live Webinar Training & Weekly Success Actions. Every week, there a live,

interactive group training on Zoom. Ask questions and get feedback for improvement each week. There is a bonus Q&A call every other week so you have plenty of opportunities to get your questions personally answered by Aurora and her team.

• Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching. Get 1-on-1 coaching to get individual feedback on your work and have breakthroughs to the next level (12 x 30 minute sessions with one of the excellent coaches trained by Aurora Winter).

• Online resources. Access the training online 24-7 on our private members' site. You can continue to access this training for years to come. Our private Facebook group allows you to easily connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs.

• Your Video Marketing Funnel. Create videos showcasing your message, energy, and expertise on videos in your marketing funnel. At the successful completion of this training, you will have created marketing videos to attract new clients, share your message, and build your audience of followers and fans.

• Your Strategic Plan. Streamline your business so it runs like a well-oiled machine, attracting new leads, clients, and sales 24-7.

• Annual Event. "Podium Power" Event in Half Moon Bay, CA. Network with other successful entrepreneurs and meet Aurora in person. Get the opportunity to share your new Million-Dollar Message in front of a live audience.

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Page 9: Your Million Dollar Message™ · marketing plan. We help you identify your ideal client and focus your marketing on the most lucrative segment. Create your winning marketing plan

VIP Training Million-Dollar Message Training: Speak powerfully & pitch effectively

& Media Training: Broadcast your message on radio, TV & more VIP Training: Distinguish and declare what’s extraordinary about you, your business, and your

brand. Trigger lucrative new opportunities with your new authority. Ace your TV interview, get a standing ovation at your speech, close that 7-figure deal when you discover, design, and deliver Your Million-Dollar Message. Go deeper, get faster results with a VIP day with Aurora Winter, TV executive producer, writer, and successful serial entrepreneur. Six months of training includes:

• VIP Breakthrough Day: Focus on your message and marketing plan during a day devoted to your success. Or you can opt for 8 x 1-hour phone coaching sessions

• Live Event: 2 VIP tickets. Leverage your expertise, become recognized and rewarded as a leader in your industry. Speak in front of a live audience and improve your presentation skills.

• VIP Mastermind with successful entrepreneurs. Masterminds accelerate success. • Your Million-Dollar Message Training: included, see below • Media Training: included, see below

Your Million-Dollar Message Training: Become a more powerful presenter, speaker, closer, and networker with this 12-week transformational group training. Learn how to:

• Create Your Own Million-Dollar Message. Attract your ideal clients, investors, and team with your clear, concise, compelling message. Communicate powerfully and effectively.

• Story Selling. This skill will set you up for success for the rest of your life. People remember stories. Learn the neuroscience behind powerful communication. Create a “TED” talk. Speak to Sell.

• Your Irresistible Offer. Create premium packages and premium pricing with confidence. • Marketing Funnel Formula. Streamline your business so it runs like a well-oiled machine, attracting

new leads and sales 24-7. Create a new marketing plan to achieve your goals rapidly and systematically.

Media Training: Learn how to share your message through radio, TV and other media with this 12-week transformational group training. Learn how to:

• Present Like a Polished Pro. Learn how to present your material on radio, TV, podcasts, and more. • Engage the Media so that you can reach a mass market. Learn how to adapt your content for

different formats, such as a three-minute TV news segment or a one-hour radio interview. • Attract Media: Learn how to create media-friendly content, blending expertise with approachability

and engagement. Create engaging hooks and topics, so people want to know more. • Media Etiquette: Understand the unspoken rules of TV and radio producers, so you don’t sabotage

your success at getting free media coverage and potentially reaching millions of people for free. • Pitch the Media. Prepare a sample media kit and learn how to pitch the media and get booked as a

guest. • Your New Podcast. At the successful completion of this training, you will have created an episode for

a podcast, and a media kit that you can use to get booked on radio, TV, and print media.

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Your Million Dollar Message Videos

For assistance, email [email protected] or phone 626-636-4328. Or schedule an appointment online 24-7 at

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