Page 1: Your 2013 Benefits Guide - Life is Better in Blue



Your 2013 Benefits Guide

Page 2: Your 2013 Benefits Guide - Life is Better in Blue

Welcome to a healthier 2013.Over the years, we’ve built a successful airline by growing organically, offering a unique experience, controlling our costs, building a strong culture and making changes when appropriate in a thoughtful manner. It’s necessary to keep us healthy. We understand this and have taken this to heart as we built our new health plans for 2013.

Our current Full-Time Medical plans are going away, and we are introducing three new plans designed to provide comprehensive coverage, focus on wellness and living healthier lives while saving the majority of our Crewmembers money. Our new Medical plans are structured differently and as with anything new, it will take some time to get familiar with them. Please take a moment to review all aspects of the plans — the paycheck contributions, the deductible, JetBlue seed money along with increased Healthy Rewards activities and dollars to offset the deductible and the coinsurance. We have strived to be very thoughtful as we structured these new plans.

We are introducing account-based plans — attached to a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan, similar to what you have today. More than 66% of other large employers have account-based plans and have learned that offering a health dollar account tied to a PPO medical plan can help reduce costs for everyone because we see the money in the account as our own (which it is!) and are more invested with how and where we spend our money. These dollar accounts build up a balance over time that can be used to pay deductibles and healthcare expenses and, if unused, can even roll over year-to-year. And, in the case of an HSA, it can even be taken with you if you leave or retire from JetBlue.

To help get you started, beginning January 2013, JetBlue will be contributing seed dollars into these accounts ($400 for individual Crewmembers / $800 for Crewmembers with dependents). We are committed to offering annual seed dollars for at least the next three years at the same amount, at which point we will evaluate future JetBlue contributions and adjust up or down based on how our plans are working. On top of the money JetBlue provides, you and your dependents will have the opportunity to earn even more Healthy Rewards dollars in your account for healthy activities — so you can work on improving your overall health while getting additional money to use for expenses. And, if you are presently in Care 2 or Care 3 and enroll in the new Green Plan, we will be offering a one-year healthcare transition subsidy of 40% of the payroll deduction increase, deposited in your paychecks to help partially offset the cost.

We wanted you to have the education and support you need to make informed decisions during enrollment, so we’ve created a new Personalized Health Statement that shows your 2011 healthcare spending and makes a plan recommendation based on your information. Along with this, we have provided online educational resources such as the Medical Plan Selection Wizard, Account Plans Tutorial, the 2013 Benefits Guide, and a calendar of Benefits meetings and fairs on our new Benefits site —

Our decision to change Benefits isn’t all about costs. It’s also about focusing on wellness and making lifestyle choices that are good for you. It’s about taking care of ourselves and our loved ones while trying to drive health in those areas we can control. With us all onboard, I know we can get to a place that works for everyone.

Joanna Geraghty Chief People Officer

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Benefits basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Full-Time Medical coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Flexible Spending Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Part-Time Accident & Sickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Dental coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Vision coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

More benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Legal notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


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Who you can cover.YoU, if you are a … • Full-Time or Part-Time Crewmember.

Your SPoUSe/DoMeSTIC PARTneR, if you are …

• Legally married or qualified as domestic partners.Marriage Certificate or signed Declaration of Domestic

Partnership and three forms of verification required.

Your CHILDRen or those of your domestic partner, up to age 26,

if they are …

• Your biological child,

• Your legally adopted child or a child you are in the process of adopting (provided proper documentation is received),

• Your stepchild,

• A foster child who has been placed with you by an authorized placement agency or an order of a court, or

• A child you are legally required to cover under a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO).

Documentation required.

Your (or your domestic partner’s) UnMARRIeD CHILDRen of any age

who are …

• Disabled before reaching age 26, and

• Dependent on you for support due to a mental or physical disability.

Proof of disability required.






new for 2013.• Three neW Full-Time Medical options — the Green Plan (with a Health Reimbursement

Account), the Blue Plan (with a Health Savings Account) and the orange Plan (with an optional Flexible Spending Account).

• Healthy Rewards program enhancements — for both you and your eligible dependents; those in our Full-Time plans can earn up to $400 (individual) or $800 (family) in Healthy Reward activities. The list of activities that qualify for rewards has been significantly expanded!

• Physical, Speech and occupational Therapy visits — 60 visits total combined per year for all therapies.

• Healthcare FSA adjusted as required by IRS — contributions to a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) will be limited to $2,500 annually. Be sure to submit claims for 2013 expenses by March 31, 2014. You can only carry forward up to $500 of your balance in a Healthcare FSA for use in the next year.

• Rate increase for Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD) coverage.

• Supplemental Life maximum increase — the $1,000,000 cap on coverage has been raised to $1,500,000 for Crewmembers.

• Dependent Life coverage increases — coverage has been increased to $25,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $10,000 for each child.

• BlueCarpet — concierge-like support for Crewmembers enrolled in Full-Time Medical to help navigate health benefits.

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Differences in Full-Time and Part-Time Crewmember coverage:• Part-Time Crewmembers get Starbridge

Accident and Sickness coverage for medical.

• Part-Time Crewmembers are not eligible for any of JetBlue’s Long Term Disability options.

• LiveTV Teammembers are not eligible to participate in Profit Sharing or the Crewmember Stock Purchase Plan.

Be sure to ONLY enroll dependents for benefits who qualify as eligible under JetBlue’s program.

Covering a Domestic Partner.Under IRS regulations, the value of your domestic partner’s coverage may be considered taxable income to you, resulting in additional income tax withholding — called “imputed income.” This is shown on your pay stub and reported in the “other compensation” section of your W-2. IRS rules generally require that you pay for domestic partner coverage on an after-tax basis.

How to enroll.Enrolling in your benefits is fast and easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Go onLIne. Log onto the BlueCrew Self Service (BCSS) intranet site at and click on “My Life and Career,” then “Benefits” from the menu on the left.

2. ReVIeW CURRenT eLeCTIonS. Select the “Participation overview” link to view current plan elections (if you’re not new to JetBlue).

3. enTeR oR UPDATe DePenDenT InFoRMATIon.

Select “Step 2 – Family Member/Dependents” to add, edit or remove eligible dependents from your coverage. Remember, you may only cover eligible dependents.

4. CHooSe YoUR BeneFITS. Select “Step 3 – enroll in Benefits” and click “open enrollment” under “Adjustment Reason enrollments.” You must enroll in, update or waive each plan individually if you are making changes for 2013.

5. ConFIRM YoUR eLeCTIonS. Select “Review enrollment” to view your elections. To make further changes, select “Previous Step” and click “edit Plan.” To confirm your selections click “Save.” Select “Print new Plan Selections” to print a confirmation statement for your records. no printer? See the note later in this section.

What happens if you don’t enroll?You must enroll to get the coverage you want. If you don’t enroll and you’re currently in a 2012 JetBlue Full-Time Medical Plan, you will automatically receive coverage under the Green Plan (PPo w/HRA) at your current coverage level for 2013, unless you actively choose to waive coverage during Open Enrollment. If you currently waived medical coverage, you’ll continue that election in 2013. For all other benefits, you’ll keep the same elections for 2013, EXCEPT for a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), which requires an annual election.





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Making benefit changes.Generally, once you enroll in your benefits, you cannot change your elections until the next Open Enrollment period. But, there are some exceptions. You may be able to make changes if you have a Qualified Life event, such as:

• Marriage or divorce

• Birth or adoption of a child

• Ineligibility of a dependent

• Gain or loss of coverage by you or your spouse/domestic partner due to change at his/her job

• Transfer in your employment status between Full-Time and Part-Time (please note: you can only enroll in benefits that were unavailable to you under your prior employment status, such as Full-Time or Part-Time Medical coverage)

• Death of a dependent

JetBlue will also allow certain benefit election changes if you start or end a domestic partner relationship. A completed Declaration of Domestic Partnership will be required. For a copy, visit

How to make a change.If you have a Qualified Life Event and wish to change your benefits, follow these steps within  90 days of your life event:

• Log onto and request a Qualified Life Event.

• Fax supporting documentation to 1-718-228-8911.

• Add or remove dependents in BCSS (if applicable).

• Enroll in benefits and add dependents to each plan, as applicable.

After you complete the steps above, here’s when new coverage begins.

FoR CHAnGeS DUe To … neW CoVeRAGe BeGInS …Marriage/Divorce Birth/Adoption Gain/Loss of Coverage Death

On the date of the life event

Transfer On the first of the month after the transfer

other qualified events On the first of the month after documentation is received







New to JetBlue?Welcome new Crewmembers! In orientation, you learn about your BlueBenefits. You have 30 days from your hire date to enroll for benefits; (with coverage beginning the first of the month following 30 days of service) otherwise, you’ll have to wait until the next Open Enrollment period, unless you experience a HIPAA Special Enrollment Opportunity or a Qualified Life Event. Please contact BlueBenefits at 1-800-466-5062 if you have questions.

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When coverage begins/ends.FoR THeSe BeneFITS … CoVeRAGe BeGInS …Basic Life and AD&D Insurance

Long Term Disability (Full-Time Crewmembers only)

Long Term Disability/Loss of License (Pilots only)

employee Assistance Program (LifeSolutions)

Pilot Medical Directions

State Disability (where applicable)

on your date of hire




Health Reimbursement Account

Health Savings Account

Flexible Spending Accounts

Group Legal

on the first of the month after 30 days of service

(You elect these benefits within 30 days of hire date or during

Open Enrollment)

Retirement Plan

Crewmember Stock Purchase Plan

Voluntary Short Term Disability*

Voluntary Long Term Disability** (Full-Time Crewmembers only)

Voluntary Long Term Disability/Voluntary Loss of License** (Full-Time Pilots only)

Voluntary Discount Programs

Supplemental Life Insurance

Dependent Life Insurance

Supplemental AD&D Insurance

When you enroll (Disability and life coverage subject

to insurance carrier approval)

Coverage will end on the last day of the month following your final day of work with JetBlue, or when you end your coverage, either during Open Enrollment or through a Qualified Life Event.

* If you elect Voluntary Short Term Disability, coverage begins after 90 days and may be subject to pre-existing conditions limits. To enroll, you must elect this coverage within 30 days of your hire date or during Open Enrollment.

** If you wish to enroll, you must elect this coverage within 30 days of your hire date or during Open Enrollment. 





No printer? No problem!From the “Benefits Statement” page, you can “Select All” and copy/paste your confirmation statement into the body of a new email message to send to your email address. A copy of your 2013 Benefits Statement will also be emailed to your automatically following Open Enrollment.

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eAbout Full-Time Medical.You have three Full-Time Medical Preferred Provider organization (PPo) options to choose from:




Payroll contributions Lowest

Payroll contributions Medium

Payroll contributions Highest

Deductibles and coinsurance Same

Deductibles and coinsurance Same

Deductibles and coinsurance Same

Plan account HRA JetBlue funds (optional) FSA you fund

Plan account HSA JetBlue and you fund

Plan account (optional) FSA you fund

JetBlue dollars $900 (individual) $1,700 (family) (Seed money + earned rewards)*

JetBlue dollars $900 (individual) $1,700 (family) (Seed money + earned rewards)*

JetBlue dollars $400 (individual) $800 (family) (earned rewards)*

* Additional $250 (individual)/$500 (family) if qualified under Optum’s Care Management Program.

The medical options are administered by UnitedHealthcare and by Anthem BlueCross BlueShield and the plan accounts are administered by PayFlex. You may also waive coverage entirely — but you may not re-enroll until the next open enrollment or if you have a Qualified Life event during the year.

TRAnSITIon SUBSIDY: If you’re currently enrolled in the Care 2 or Care 3 Full-Time Medical Plan, JetBlue will subsidize 40% of your payroll deduction increase (based on non-tobacco user rates) from 2012 to 2013 as long as you enroll in the Green Plan and remain in that option for 2013.

How account medical plans work.JetBlue’s account medical plans have two parts: PPo coverage and a plan account.

With the PPO coverage, all three options pay the same eligible healthcare services after you pay a deductible (that JetBlue helps fund). The PPO provides both in- and out-of-network coverage. However, when you use in-network providers, the plans pay higher benefits, plus…

• You can choose any participating doctor or specialist

• There are no referrals required

• Preventive care is covered 100% in-network, no deductible

Each option works with a different type of account that you can use to pay the deductible and eligible healthcare expenses (coinsurance). With the Green Plan, JetBlue fully funds a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA). With the Blue Plan, JetBlue and you (if you choose) fund a Health Savings Account (HSA). And, if you enroll in the orange Plan, it’s suggested that you fund a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

To find a network doctor…Visit and click on “Find Physician, Laboratory or Facility” or visit and click on “Find A Doctor.”

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Choosing the plan that’s right for you is a personal decision. Be sure to reference all the tools we’ve supplied to help you estimate expenses and think through how you’ll use your healthcare dollars for the year. You true cost of healthcare is your payroll deductions + healthcare expenses (deductible and coinsurance).

Behavioral Health.Behavioral health benefits provide mental health and substance abuse services, such as clinical support, customer service and behavioral health claims processing for both inpatient and outpatient mental health expenses. For more information or to find a network mental health provider, please call your medical plan administrator: UnitedHealthcare at 1-866-540-5929 or Anthem BlueCross BlueShield at 1-866-621-0554.

Health Reimbursement Accounts.When you enroll in the Full-Time Medical Green Plan, you get a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), which is funded by JetBlue. You can use the money in this account to help pay eligible healthcare expenses, including your deductible and coinsurance.

PayFlex, the administrator, gives you two convenient ways to access your money: use the debit card that comes with your account or download the mobile application for smartphones (available for free on the PayFlex website).

With the HRA, your account balance rolls over year-to-year, as long as you remain enrolled in the Green Plan. You cannot add your own money or transfer HRA funds to any other account (such as an HSA or FSA).

How HRAs work.1. JetBlue contributes money each year — you cannot contribute your own money.

JeTBLUe DoLLARS FoR An InDIVIDUAL … FoR A FAMILY …Automatic annual contribution (seed money, protated for new enrollees) in January 2013

$400 $800

Healthy Rewards earnings (if you complete certain activities)

$400 $800

First year educational credit (if earned by December 31, 2013)

$100 $100

Total JetBlue dollars* $900 $1,700

* If you or a covered dependent is enrolled in a care management program, you may qualify for an additional $250 (individual) or $500 (family) in your account. You will be contacted if you qualify and always have the ability of opting out.

2. Use JetBlue money in your HRA to pay eligible healthcare expenses, including your deductible. Or, choose to use your own money and grow your HRA balance for future expenses — the choice is yours.

eligible healthcare expenses include:

• Fees such as deductibles, coinsurance, prescriptions and charges that exceed plan limits.

• Services such as chiropractic visits, physical therapy and other services.

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Health Savings Accounts.When you enroll in the Full-Time Medical Blue Plan, you get a Health Savings Account (HSA), which is funded by JetBlue and you, if you choose. You can use the money in this account to help pay eligible healthcare expenses, including your deductible and coinsurance.

PayFlex, the administrator, gives you two convenient ways to access your money: use the debit card that comes with your account or download the mobile application for smartphones (available for free on the PayFlex website).

With an HSA, you can contribute tax-free to your account (up to IRS limits, which includes the money JetBlue gives you: seed money and Healthy Rewards), then either use or save your money. You get tax-free earnings on invested funds, which can then be used to pay healthcare expenses without getting taxed — that’s triple tax savings! Plus this account is yours to keep because the balance roll over year-to-year, even if you leave JetBlue.

How HSAs work.1. JetBlue contributes money each year.

JeTBLUe DoLLARS FoR An InDIVIDUAL … FoR A FAMILY …Automatic annual contribution (seed money, prorated for new enrollees) in January 2013

$400 $800

Healthy Rewards earnings (if you complete certain activities)

$400 $800

First year educational credit (if earned by December 31, 2013)

$100 $100

Total JetBlue dollars* $900 $1,700

* If you or a covered dependent is enrolled in a care management program, you may qualify for an additional $250 (individual) or $500 (family) in your account. You will be contacted if you qualify and always have the option of opting out.

3. Get reimbursed for expenses.


When you use the PayFlex debit card that comes with your HRA, it’s easy to access your account dollars. You can also pay expenses and submit claims online (using your smartphone with the mobile application available on the PayFlex site) or by visiting and selecting “EXPRESS CLAIMS.” To submit paper claims, visit the PayFlex site and click “NO” to using express claims, then print a form for mailing.

Although you cannot put your own money into your HRA, you can contribute up to $2,500 each year to a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to use tax-free money to pay healthcare expenses. You must use the money in your account by December 31, 2013, or you will lose it.

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2. You can choose to contribute money tax-free into your HSA, up to IRS annual limits (shown below, which include JetBlue seed money and Healthy Rewards). And, you can change your contribution at any time during the year.


You can contribute annually up to $3,250 (min. $100).

You can contribute annually up to $6,450 (min. $100).

noTe: If you are over age 55, you can contribute an additional $1,000 annually.

3. Use money from your HSA to pay eligible healthcare expenses, including your deductible. Or, save the money and invest the balance to earn more tax-free dollars to be used toward future qualified healthcare expenses (such as for medical coverage when you leave JetBlue) — the choice is yours.

(Account balances over $1,000 can be invested among investment options — easily managed through PayFlex.)

eligible healthcare expenses include:

• Fees such as deductibles, coinsurance, prescriptions and charges that exceed plan limits.

• Services such as chiropractic visits, physical therapy vision, dental and other healthcare services.

noTe: You can use the money in your HSA to pay eligible healthcare expenses for yourself and your dependents who are tax dependents regardless of whether they’re enrolled in a JetBlue medical plan. Money used for ineligible expenses is subject to a tax penalty of 20% (if you’re under age 65) and is taxable as regular income.

4. Get reimbursed for expenses.


When you use the PayFlex debit card that comes with your HSA, it’s easy to access your account dollars. You can also pay expenses and submit claims online (using your smartphone with the mobile application available on the PayFlex site) or by visiting and selecting “EXPRESS CLAIMS.” To submit paper claims, visit the PayFlex site and click “NO” to using express claims, then print a form for mailing.

Tax tip! You must file a Form 8889 with your federal income tax return for each year that your HSA is open. This verifies to the IRS that your HSA funds are not taxable.

The Fine PrintA Health Savings Account offers many features and advantages but comes with a number of IRS rules. The full family deductible ($2,600 in 2013) must be met before coinsurance kicks in, and all prescription drugs are subject to the deductible and coinsurance. You cannot roll over an HRA into your HSA, nor can you have both an HSA and FSA at the same time. You can, however, adjust your HSA contributions anytime throughout the year.

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What you pay for services.First, use JetBlue dollars.Here’s how you get dollars into your account to use toward eligible expenses.





Seed money to start (prorated for new enrollees)

$400 (individual) $800 (family)

$400 (individual) $800 (family) No seed dollars

Healthy Rewards dollars

$400 (individual) $800 (family)

$400 (individual) $800 (family)

$400 (individual) $800 (family)

First-year educational credit (if earned) $100 $100  Not eligible

Care Management credit (if qualified)

$250 (individual) $500 (family)

$250 (individual) $500 (family)

$250 (individual) $500 (family)


You can contribute up to $2,500 in an FSA

You can contribute up to $3,250 (individual)/ $6,450 (family) in your HSA

You can contribute up to $2,500 in an FSA


HRA: eligible medical expenses

FSA: eligible healthcare expenses

Eligible healthcare expenses now; future retiree healthcare expenses

Eligible healthcare expenses

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Next, do some easy math.It may seem like you’re paying more for healthcare services, until you see the “total cost” picture. Here’s how your “starting deductible” gets reduced by JetBlue dollars.

This example uses the Green Plan (PPO w/HRA) for a single Crewmember …

note: If you are eligible to participate in a Care Management program, you may qualify to earn an additional $250 — further reducing the deductible you are responsible for to $150.

First, you pay your payroll deduction You pay $47.50/semi-monthly (non-tobacco rate)

Then, you’re responsible for 100% of the deductible. But, it can be offset by JetBlue money!

Your starting deductible $1,300

JetBlue dollars add up to MoST of your $1,300 “starting deductible” so your actual deductible is much less!

After JetBlue contributions and rewards are subtracted, this is the typical best-case deductible for a Crewmember.

JetBlue gives you…

(healthcare educational credit)- $100

(Healthy Rewards you earn)- $400

(maximum seed money)- $400

(typical best-case deductible)= $400

Out-of-network deductible.JetBlue’s 2013 out-of-network deductible is only 1.5x greater than the in-network deductible — nearly all companies charge 2x.

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eThen, pay for healthcare services.Here are the details on what you pay under each option.




In-network out-of-network In-network out-of-

network In-network out-of-network

Deductible (paid in part with dollars from your plan account):

Individual $1,300 $1,950 $1,300 $1,950 $1,300 $1,950

Family $2,600 $3,900 $2,600* $3,900* $2,600 $3,900

Coinsurance 20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

Coinsurance maximum:

Individual $3,000 $4,500 $3,500 $5,250 $3,000 $4,500

Family $6,000 $9,000 $7,000 $10,500 $6,000 $9,000

Non-notification penalty

N/A $500 per procedure

N/A $500 per procedure

N/A $500 per procedure

Lifetime maximum Unlimited

Eligible preventive care

$0 No coverage $0 No coverage $0 No coverage

Office visits and urgent care

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

Emergency room $300 copay (no deductible)

$300 copay, after deductible

$300 copay (no deductible)

Inpatient hospital and surgery

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

Lab and x-ray services

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

Mental health/substance abuse services (inpatient/outpatient)

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

Home health care, skilled nursing and hospice

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

20%, after deductible

40%, after deductible

* If you cover dependents under the Blue Plan, the full family deductible ($2,600) must be met before the coinsurance begins.

IMPoRTAnT:• A true emergency is an immediate risk to health, which requires urgent intervention to prevent the worsening

of a life threat.

• Pre-authorization is required for services such as bariatric surgery, chiropractic services, home health care and out-of-network services — be sure to check with your medical plan provider for the complete list.

• Out-of-network medical expenses are paid based on reasonable and customary fees.

• Deductible and coinsurance maximum do not include prescription drug claims (unless you’re in the Blue Plan) or pre-authorization penalties.

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Need Something?Log onto your Full-Time Medical Plan’s provider website to learn about healthy programs available, get plan information or even print a temporary ID card. It’s all online.

UnitedHealthcare: www.myuhc.comAnthem BlueCross BlueShield:

NowClinic …Register and pay just $10 to chat with a doctor online anytime, anywhere and get prescriptions if needed. Visit and use JeTBLUe$10 coupon code to get the special JetBlue rate. See “Resources” in the “Wellness” section of this guide.



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Green Plan PPo w/HRA

Green Plan PPo w/HRA (Includes 40%

subsidy if currently enrolled in Care 2)

Green Plan PPo w/HRA (Includes 40%

subsidy if currently enrolled in Care 3)

Blue Plan PPo w/HSA

orange Plan PPo w/FSA

Dependent Coverage


Weekly Semi-Monthly

Weekly Semi-Monthly

Weekly Semi-Monthly

Weekly Semi-Monthly


Crewmember $47.50 $21.92 $37.50 $17.30 $32.50 $15.00 $60.00 $27.69 $87.50 $40.38

Crewmember + Spouse/DP $119.00 $54.92 $92.50 $42.69 $81.00 $37.38 $150.00 $69.23 $219.00 $101.07

Crewmember + Child(ren) $81.00 $37.38 $63.50 $29.30 $55.50 $25.61 $102.00 $47.08 $149.00 $68.77

Crewmember + Family $152.00 $70.15 $118.00 $54.46 $103.50 $47.77 $192.00 $88.62 $280.00 $129.23

TRAnSITIon SUBSIDY: If you’re currently enrolled in the Care 2 or Care 3 Full-Time Medical Plan, JetBlue will subsidize 40% of your payroll deduction increase from 2012 to 2013 as long as you enroll in the Green Plan and remain in that option for 2013.

2013 Full-Time Medical rates.

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ePrescription drug coverage.Prescription drug coverage is part of your Full-Time Medical coverage. How much you pay for prescription drugs depends on which plan option you’re in and the type of drug you purchase. Be sure to use a network pharmacy since out-of-network prescription expenses are not covered.

Rx BeneFITS (In-neTWoRk


GReen PLAn (PPo W/HRA)



Retail (30-day supply and up to 2 fills at pharmacy, then mail order required):

Generic You pay 50% (up to $10 maximum) Per IRS: Expenses apply towards deductible

and 20% coinsurance (based on negotiated prescription cost).

Brand (if generic is not available)

You pay 50% (up to $60 maximum)

Brand (if generic is available)

You pay $10 copay, plus the difference in cost between generic and brand drug

Mail order (90-day supply):

Generic You pay 50% (up to $30 maximum) Per IRS: Expenses apply towards deductible

and 20% coinsurance (based on negotiated prescription cost).

Brand (if generic is not available)

You pay 50% (up to $180 maximum)

Brand (if generic is available)

$30 copay, plus the difference in cost between generic and brand drug

NOTE: Prescription drug expenses do not count toward the deductible or coinsurance maximum for the Green Plan and Orange Plan.


Cost-saving tools at your fingertips.Manage your prescription drug costs by visiting Use the Price a Medication tool to compare the retail and mail order cost of a medication. Simply…

• Select “Price a medication” from the left-hand menu.

• Enter the name of a medication and click “Search.”

• Select the drug strength (for example, 10mg).

• Enter the number of tablets and how often you take the medication (for example, 2 tablets once a day, or 1 tablet every other day) — use the drop down menu.

• The next screen will display your 2013 prescription costs depending on how prescriptions are paid under your Full-Time Medical Plan selection.

noTe: Medication prices may change daily due to several factors, one of which is manufacturer increases/decreases. The amount provided by the Price a Medication tool reflects your current deductible, out-of-pocket, and/or cap balance. Because your prescription cost on future refills may change, please use this tool to price your refills.

To take advantage of all has to offer, take a moment to register today. Be sure to have your member ID and a recent prescription number handy.

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Save money by pricing medications online!Visit to view coverage information and obtain pricing for any medication available through your prescription program with Express Scripts. It saves you money to know about your options (such as generic alternatives and mail order) before you buy.

Two ID cards — medical and prescription.When you enroll in a JetBlue Full-Time Medical option, you will receive both a medical plan ID card and a prescription drug ID card. Look for these cards soon after you enroll.

Preventive screenings.JetBlue’s Full-Time Medical Plans cover annual physicals, flu shots and more at 100% with no deductible when you use in-network providers. Here are some of the recommended preventive screenings that are covered.


Routine physicals 1 exam per calendar year for adults age 19+

Routine immunizations As needed, including annual flu shots

Routine vision care 1 exam per calendar year

Routine hearing care 1 exam per calendar year

Routine well woman exam, including PAP test

1 exam per calendar year

Mammogram 1 exam for women ages 35–39

1 exam per calendar year for women ages 40+

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) exam 1 exam per calendar year for men ages 50+

Routine well child exams 2 visits in the hospital (newborn)

7 visits to pediatrician from birth to age 1

7 visits to pediatrician from age 1–5

7 visits to pediatrician from age 5–12

6 visits to pediatrician or primary care physician from ages 12–18

2 visits to primary care physician from ages 18–19

JetBlue’s Part-Time Accident & Sickness Plan options also provide coverage (80% after outpatient care deductible) for a limited number of preventive care tests.


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About Flexible Spending Accounts.You have two Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) in which you can participate. You can enroll in one or both accounts each year. Keep in mind, if you elect medical coverage under the Blue Plan, you cannot fund a Healthcare FSA since you’ll have a Health Savings Account.

The Healthcare FSA and Dependent Care FSA let you set aside pre-tax dollars from each paycheck to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare and dependent day care expenses. Since you do not pay federal income or Social Security taxes on your FSA contributions, you save money on taxes.

PayFlex, the administrator, gives you two convenient ways to access your money: use the debit card that comes with your account or download the mobile application for smartphones (available for free on the PayFlex website).

noTe: If you currently have a 2012 Healthcare FSA balance, be sure to use your current FSA balance by December 31, 2012, or you will lose the money. You have until March 31, 2013 to submit claims.

How FSAs work.1. Contribute to a Healthcare FSA and/or Dependent Care FSA.


• You can contribute annually up to $2,500 (min. $100).

• You can contribute annually up to $5,000 (min. $100) or $2,500, if married and filing separately.

IMPoRTAnT: If you don’t spend all the money in your FSA by December 31, 2013, up to $500 of your Healthcare FSA balance will carry forward into 2014; any remaining balance in your Dependent Care FSA will be forfeited. You have until March 31, 2014, to submit claims for eligible expenses incurred in 2013.

2. Use your contributions during the year to pay eligible expenses.



Fees such as deductibles, copays, coinsurance, prescriptions and charges that exceed plan limits

Services such as chiropractor visits, hearing exams, orthodontia, laser eye surgery and physical therapy.

Day care expenses for your children and for your mentally or physically disabled dependents of any age so you can work or attend school full-time, including:

• Babysitters or companions, including relatives over age 19 whom you do not claim as tax exemptions who care for your dependents.

• education expenses, such as nursery school, for children not yet in first grade.

• Day camp expenses for children under age 13.

noTe: You can use money from your Healthcare FSA to reimburse expenses for yourself, your spouse and your children (to age 26), regardless of whether they’re enrolled in a JetBlue medical plan. The IRS does not allow reimbursement of expenses from your FSA for domestic partners and their children.

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Get FREE money!Earn up to $400 for individual/$800 for family in FRee money for your Healthcare FSA through Healthy Rewards if you are enrolled in Full-Time Medical coverage through JetBlue.

3. Get reimbursed for expenses.


To be reimbursed for eligible healthcare expenses, you can use the convenient PayFlex debit card (remember to hold all receipts in case you are asked to provide them). Or, submit a claim right from your smartphone with the mobile application (available for free on the PayFlex site). You can also submit an online express claim or mail a paper claim.

Debit cards are not available for the Dependent Care FSA. To be reimbursed for eligible dependent care expenses, submit an online express claim or mail a paper claim, along with an itemized statement that includes the dependent’s age and the day care provider’s Social Security number or taxpayer identification number. With Dependent Care claims, you must have enough money in your account to pay your claim before you are reimbursed for eligible expenses.

Submit online claims at, log in and select “EXPRESS CLAIMS” to enter your information. Submit paper claims by visiting the PayFlex site. Click “No” to using express claims and print a form to submit by mail.

need something?Log onto or call 1-866-777-6875 to contact PayFlex.

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About the Accident & Sickness Plan.For Part-Time Crewmembers.You have three Starbridge limited accident and sickness options to choose from — all underwritten by Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. You may also waive coverage entirely — but you may not re-enroll until the next Open Enrollment or unless you have a Qualified Life event during the year.

For more information on the Starbridge limited accident and sickness plan, read the 2013 Starbridge brochure.







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How Starbridge works.Starbridge offers three options of accident and sickness coverage that help pay basic and essential expenses. (Coverage is effective for a consecutive 12-month period that begins on the date you enroll in the plan.)

You have access to an extensive network of providers; however the plan only pays one level of benefits — there are no in- and out-of-network differences. If you use a network provider, you save money because your share of the cost will be calculated based on the lower, discounted network cost. Network information can be found on your Starbridge ID card.


(PLAn 1)


(PLAn 2)



Copays $20 office visit $15 office visit $15 office visit

outpatient services $50 deductible, then 20% ($1,000/year benefit max)

$100 deductible, then 20% ($1,500/year benefit max)

$150 deductible, then 20% ($2,000/year benefit max)

Inpatient services $100 per day for 100 days ($10,000/year benefit max)

$250 per day for 100 days ($25,000/year benefit max)

$500 per day for 100 days ($50,000/year benefit max)

Inpatient surgery/maternity

$0 $0 ($1,500/year benefit max; 2 occurrences/

year; with limits)

$0 ($2,500/year benefit max; 2 occurrences/

year; with limits)

Accidental injury $50 deductible, then 20% ($5,000/year benefit max)

$100 deductible, then 20% ($10,000/year benefit max)

$150 deductible, then 20% ($15,000/year benefit max)

Preventive care 20% for certain screenings with limits

Prescription drug Discounts available $15 generic and $25 brand name ($300/year max)

$15 generic and $25 brand name ($600/year max)

Contribution rate You pay the lowest rate per paycheck and get the lowest amount of benefits

You pay more per paycheck than Basic

but get more out of the plan with higher benefit


You pay the most per paycheck but get the maximum amount of

benefits from the plan

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Part-Time Medical rates.SeMI-MonTHLY STARBRIDGe



(PLAn 2)


Crewmember Only $10.51 $18.82 $38.43

Crewmember + 1 $25.92* $47.41* $97.57*

Crewmember + Children N/A N/A N/A

Crewmember + Family $38.94 $71.42 $147.74


(PLAn 1)


(PLAn 2)


Crewmember Only $4.85 $8.68 $17.73

Crewmember + 1 $11.96* $21.88* $45.03*

Crewmember + Children N/A N/A N/A

Crewmember + Family $17.97 $32.96 $68.19

* Starbridge category covers Crewmember + one other person, which may be a child.



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What the plan pays for services.Here’s a comparison of the details.


(PLAn 1)


(PLAn 2)


Physician office visits You pay a $20 copay You pay a $15 copay You pay a $15 copay

outpatient basic medical expense benefit

Plan pays 80% after $50 deductible, up to $1,000

annual maximum

Plan pays 80% after $100 deductible, up to $1,500

annual maximum

Plan pays 80% after $150 deductible, up to $2,000

annual maximum

non-emergency care in emergency room

Plan pays 50% after $100 deductible per occurrence, up to $500 annual maximum. Amount paid applies to annual Outpatient Basic Medical Expense

Benefit maximum.

Inpatient illness coverage

Plan pays 100%, up to $100 per day for

100 days ($10,000 annual maximum)

Plan pays 100%, up to $250 per day for

100 days ($25,000 annual maximum)

Plan pays 100%, up to $500 per day for

100 days ($50,000 annual maximum)

Additional in-hospital surgery and maternity benefit

Included in inpatient benefit

Plan pays 100%, up to $1,500 annual maximum

per occurrence for surgery (maximum 2

occurrences per year) and up to $1,500 per

occurrence for maternity

Plan pays 100%, up to $2,500 annual maximum

per occurrence for surgery (maximum 2

occurrences per year) and up to $2,500 per

occurrence for maternity

Preventive care benefits Plan pays 80% for cervical cancer screenings, prostate cancer screenings and mammography (maximum 1 occurrence per procedure per year)

Accidental injury benefit

Plan pays 80% after $50 deductible per occurrence, up to

$2,500 (maximum 2 occurrences per year)

Plan pays 80% after $100 deductible per

occurrence, up to $5,000 (maximum 2

occurrences per year)

Plan pays 80% after $150 deductible per

occurrence, up to $5,000 (maximum 3

occurrences per year)

Prescription drug benefit

Discount available for generic and brand

name drugs

Plan pays 100% after $15 deductible per

prescription for generic drug or $25 deductible

per prescription for brand name drug, up to $300 annual maximum. Amount paid applies to annual Outpatient Basic

Medical Expense Benefit maximum.

Plan pays 100% after $15 deductible per

prescription for generic drug or $25 deductible

per prescription for brand name drug, up to $600 annual maximum. Amount paid applies to annual Outpatient Basic

Medical Expense Benefit maximum.

employee Assistance Program (eAP)

CIGNA 24-hour EAP with 24-hour telephonic availability, and 3 face-to-face visits with a counselor, if referred.

Need something?Log onto to learn about healthy programs available, get information or even print a temporary ID card. It’s all online!






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Expanded list of activities and reward dollars.keY To eARnInG ReWARDS:

CMO = Crewmember Only CMD = Crewmember + Dependent Spouse/Domestic Partner


Community and safety programs

• Participate in Green Commuting/Zim Ride (CMO)

• Assist in Station sponsored Foreign Object Debris (FOD) walk (CMO)

• Participate in a Station Safety fair (CMO)

• Have a green thumb (gardening)/Community Supported Agriculture Membership (CMD)

• Completion of a Defensive Driving program (CMD)

• Volunteer for 10 hours at a Corporate Social Responsibility event (CMO)*

• Volunteer with a local charity or assist with a JetBlue “call for volunteers” event (CMO)

education and self-improvement

• Purchase or own home workout equipment (CMD)

• Participate in Biggest Loser/Weight Goals/Walking Challenges with pedometers (CMD)

• Track physical activity and food intake using physical activity and/or nutrition tracker widgets (CMD)

education and self-improvement

• Participate in a New Parents Infant Care Class (CMD)

• Participate in a healthy cooking class (CMD)

• Complete an online Benefits learning module — new Hires only (CMO)

• Receive treatment using Alternative Medicines (CMD)

• Receive immunizations/flu shot (CMD)*

Healthy Rewards.Healthy Rewards is JetBlue’s health incentive program, and it’s better than ever, with more and easier ways to earn money to use toward eligible healthcare expenses. Our enhanced program has over 40 ways to earn FREE money from JetBlue that can be deposited into your Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), Health Savings Account (HSA) or Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) — most are activities you probably already do!

All Full-Time Crewmembers can participate to earn up to $400 (person) or $800 (family) in their account. And, as of January 1, 2013, enrolled dependent spouses/domestic partners and children of Full-Time Crewmembers can also participate. Part-Time Crewmembers and Crewmembers who waived medical can earn up to $250 (placed in an FSA; dependents not eligible).

Plus, this year only, you can earn an exTRA $100 for completing the Account Plans Tutorial education module (with quizzes). These reward dollars are only placed in your HRA or HSA. If you haven’t already, be sure to complete the module to get your FRee JetBlue dollars.

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Vision and hearing exams

• Get a routine Vision Exam (CMD)*

• Get a routine Hearing Exam (CMD)*

Dental cleanings • $25 per cleaning — limit 2 cleanings (CMD)*

• Dental cleanings are covered at 100% — twice in a calendar year by Delta Dental


Participation in sports and safety programs

• Participate in a walk or race less than 15K (CMD)

• Participate in a sport or coach your child’s team (softball, volleyball, etc. including youth teams or Boys/Girls Club) (CMD)

• Participate in a support group (LifeSolutions, Mental Health, 12-step program, AA) (CMD)

• Participate in self-defense classes (CMD)

• Donate blood at a blood drive or blood bank (CMD) (limit 2 per family)*

• Participate in CPR training (CMD)

• Work out at a gym, athletic club or at home, or hire a personal trainer (CMD)

• Purchase approved non-uniform health and safety equipment (inflight panty hose, support socks, support brace) (CMO)

• Participate in a 50 mile bike ride (CMD)

• Child wellness visits (up to the age of 18; maximum of 2) (CMD)


Lifestyle and preventive programs

• Enroll children in camp, dance school, an after-school program or a sports activity (CMD)*

• Participate in a nutrition/weight loss program (e.g. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, acupuncture or hypnosis; not applicable for program food or supplements, cookouts, videos or magazines) (CMD)*

• Undergo allergy testing (CMD)*

• Get screened for skin cancer (CMD)*

• Consult with a nutritionist (CMD)*

• Complete a health risk assessment — once per year (CMO) (not available for Part-Time CMs or if medical was waived)*

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Lifestyle and preventive programs

• Participate in a biometric screening (CMD)*

• Participate in a smoking cessation program: includes attending a program, purchase of smoking cessation kit, acupuncture or hypnosis (CMD) (not available for Part-Time CMs or if medical was waived)*

• Active Military Crewmembers and Weekend Warriors (CMO)*

eARn $150 FoR eACH oF THeSe ACTIVITIeS …

Annual physicals • Annual physicals are paid at 100% in-network through JetBlue’s Full-Time medical plans (CMD)*

Preventive exams and screenings

• Mammogram (CMD)* • Colonoscopy (CMD)*

• PSA exam (CMD)* • PAP test (CMD)*


Complete half marathon

• Run 13.1 miles (21 km) (CMD)*


For Pilots only • Your annual FAA physical exam (CMO)*

enhanced Care Management

• All Enhanced Care Management Programs provided by OptumHealth such as HealthyMoms HealthyBabies, Cancer Case Management or Diabetes Care, to name a few (CMD)*

NOTE: If a dependent child has a condition that qualifies for participation in Enhanced Care Management, Crewmembers can earn credit for enrollment and ongoing engagement on behalf of their child.

eARn $400 FoR eACH oF THeSe ACTIVITIeS …

Complete a marathon

• Run 26.2 miles (42.2 km) (CMD)*

Complete an Iron Man

• Swim 2.4 miles (3.86 km), bike 112 miles (180.25 km) and run a marathon 26.2 miles (42.2 km) (CMD)*

Complete bike rides • Century rides/bike rides (CMD)*

* Requires documentation.


• Account Plans Tutorial - $100 (CMO)

• OptumHealth Enhanced Care Management Programs Enrolled - $50 for all Enhanced Care Management Programs provided by OptumHealth (such as HealthyMoms HappyBabies, Cancer Case Management, Diabetes Care, etc.) (CMD)

• OptumHealth Enhanced Care Management Programs Completed - $200 (CMD)

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Enhanced Care Managementenhanced Care Management provides you or a covered family member the extra support needed to manage more involved chronic health conditions. If qualified, you get an additional $250 in Healthy Rewards dollars to use toward eligible expenses. You will receive $50 for enrolling in a program, then another $200 once approved by OptumHealth. For maternity, you receive the remaining $200 once HealthyMoms HappyBabies is completed.

Enhanced Care Management connects you and/or your family member (enrolled in Full-Time Medical) with a team of highly-qualified nurses, designated to JetBlue Crewmembers and dependents, who specialize in managing health conditions. Enhanced Care Management programs focus on condition and treatment education, and prevention for most health conditions. Emphasis is placed on highest risk/most complex needs. Programs include:

• HealthyMoms HappyBabies – our maternity program that provides support and information during all phases of pregnancy: from prenatal care and what to expect from doctors’ visits, to delivery and postnatal care, including neonatal intensive care support. And, this program offers baby-related incentive prizes for participating throughout your pregnancy.

• Personal Health Support – long-term case management for MS, cancer, HIV, prolonged hospitalizations, and other chronic and complex diseases and conditions. The program includes evaluation of healthcare needs and development of a plan to assist in managing health conditions and related risk factors thereby re ducing hospital/emergency room admissions and unnecessary medical services. The program helps you find quality, in-network healthcare providers and facilities. The program can also help with making appointments, creating nutritional plans, and getting connected with the most appropriate emotional support based on needs.

• Cancer Support Program – targeted support for different types of cancers provided by oncology nurses who help educate, make appointments, and even research local treatment options available.

• Transplant Resource Services – specialized support to manage the transplant process from beginning to end, including help finding Centers of Excellence for the best care available.

• Congenital Heart Disease – help in understanding and managing the specific health needs associated with chronic cardiac conditions.

Participation happens in one of two ways: OptumHealth reaches out to those who qualify based on their medical claims data, notification of impending procedure or hospitalization, as well as notification of discharge from an inpatient or outpatient facility. Or, the person may contact OptumHealth directly to see if they qualify for assistance by calling 1-866-529-1675. To enroll in the HealthyMoms HappyBabies program, please call 1-877-201-5328.

Once in a program, the nurse will notify PayFlex to be sure the additional JetBlue dollars are added to your Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). You can visit PayFlex anytime to manage your account and check your Healthy Rewards balance.

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SSubmit activities for rewards.Healthy Reward dollars are deposited into your JetBlue plan accounts — HRA, HSA or Healthcare FSA. PayFlex manages these accounts. To submit the activities you’ve completed to have your dollars put into a plan account, simply follow these steps:

STeP 1: Log in to• Go to

• Enter your username and password. Click Login.

If you’re a new user, you will have to register first.

• Click on Register now.

• Enter your Member ID, which is your Crewmember ID with three leading zero’s, i.e., 00012345. Also enter your home zip code.

• Click Register.

• Create a username and password. Re-enter your password to confirm.

• Select a security question and answer.

• Enter your email address.

STeP 2: enter your Healthy Rewards activity online.

• On My Dashboard, click on the Wellness Center.

• Click on Healthy Rewards Wellness Bank.

• Find the wellness activity you completed.

• Choose Click here to log your participation in this event.

STeP 3: Confirm your Healthy Rewards• Check the box on the Consent Form and click Continue.

• You will see a confirmation message on your screen.

• In your Healthy Rewards bank, a green check mark next to your activity will show if you entered your activity correctly.

Smoking cessation. JetBlue’s Smoking Cessation Program is available to all Full-Time Crewmembers and family members who participate in the UnitedHealthcare and Anthem BlueCross BlueShield Full-Time Medical options. To help offset the costs associated with your efforts to quit smoking, the mail order/home delivery prescription drug plan offers a 90-day supply of smoking cessation drugs such as Zyban (or its generic equivalent) and Chantix for you or your family member to quit smoking. Benefits will be paid according to your plan’s prescription drug copay/coinsurance levels, subject to the maximum limit per prescription.

Participating in a smoking cessation program also earns $100 in Healthy Rewards credits.

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Submit activities and get FREE money!Log onto the PayFlex site to submit your Healthy Rewards activities online and get JetBlue dollars put into your HRA, HSA or FSA.

More wellness resources for you and your family.NowClinic — access to doctors online.Accessible anytime…the NowClinic connects you with a doctor via webcam, secure chat or phone for just $10 per 10-minute session. And this convenient service isn’t just for JetBlue Crewmembers; it’s for your family as well. The doctor will even call in prescriptions to a pharmacy of your choice so you can feel better faster. Here’s how you use it…

MedAire — support while abroad.With MedAire, you’re covered no matter where you fly for work to our international cities. MedAire offers medical and emergency assistance through a database of more than 58,000 providers and local employees in over 70 countries. If you have an emergency while traveling abroad on business, call MedAire at 1-602-282-6618 and they will handle all the details — hassle free!

To use the nowClinic:

• Register and create your account at

• Choose a doctor, then begin the visit

• Pay online using a major Credit Card

• Use Coupon Code: JeTBLUe$10 to get the discounted introductory JetBlue rate

online: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. eT; Saturday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. eT

• Visit to chat online or connect via webcam to talk live with a doctor

By phone: Monday – Friday 11 p.m. – 8 a.m. eT; Saturday – Monday 8 p.m. – 8 a.m. eT

• Reach a doctor directly at 1-877-550-1515

More information.Please visit the BlueBenefits intranet site at for details on all wellness programs.

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United Health Allies Health Discount Program.Included when enrolled with UnitedHealthcare.The United Health Allies Health Discount Program is a complementary health and well-being program provided to UnitedHealthcare participants — FREE of charge! Discounts are provided for vision care, dental care, alternative medicine, wellness and infertility. To learn more, visit or call 1-800-860-8773.

BlueCross BlueShield special offers.Included when enrolled with Anthem BlueCross BlueShield.Anthem BlueCross BlueShield participants get discounts directly from providers on alternative medicine therapies such as acupuncturists, massage therapists and nutritional counselors, as well as other health services such as vision care and wellness products. To learn more, visit and type “Special Offers” in the search box. You can also find details under the “360 Health” tab on the web page.




Health Risk Assessment.All Crewmembers enrolled in a JetBlue Full-Time Medical Plan can take the Health Risk Assessment to get a snapshot of their current health status and identify potential health risks based on lifestyle and other factors. To participate, visit your plan website:

• UnitedHealthcare:

• Anthem BlueCross BlueShield:

Instant access.The next time you have a medical question or health concern, your plan’s nurseline puts help a phone call away!

All JetBlue medical plans offer free nurseline access, 24/7!UnitedHealthcare and Anthem BlueCross BlueShield nurseline access: 1-866-529-1675Starbridge CIGNA 24-Hour Employee Assistance Program: 1-866-909-3461

24-hour nurseline.Having access to a nurse or trained counselor at any time, day or night, may help you avoid going to your doctor for colds or minor injuries — saving both time and money. Call or log onto your plan’s nurseline to:

Bilingual nurses are available to assist Spanish-speaking callers.

• Learn self-care for minor illnesses and injuries

• Determine whether you should go to the ER for care

• Learn about possible benefits and risks of different treatment options

• Manage chronic diseases and learn about condition management programs

• Understand diagnosed conditions

• Learn more about specific medications

• Prepare questions for a visit to your doctor

• Develop and maintain healthy living habits

• Connect with community support groups

• Learn how to choose the right care at the right time

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eAbout dental.JetBlue offers one dental plan — the Delta Dental PPo plus Premier — with two network choices: Delta Dental Premier® and Delta Dental PPoSM. You may also waive dental coverage.

How it works.With Delta Dental, you can use any licensed dentist, but you’ll usually save money by going to a participating dentist in one of the networks (Premier or PPo) because you’ll get the reduced rate. Dentists who do not participate with Delta Dental can bill you for amounts over the plan’s “Allowed Amount.”

The networks are different sizes and have different levels of savings.


Larger network offering general level of fee reductions

More select network (smaller) offering deeper fee reductions

Dental rates.SeMI-MonTHLY WeekLY

Crewmember Only $8.51 $3.93

Crewmember + Spouse/ Domestic Partner $16.28 $7.51

Crewmember + Child(ren) $24.55 $11.33

Crewmember + Family $32.29 $14.90

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eWhat you pay for services.


Preventive care

• Exams, cleanings, fluoride treatment (to age 19), sealants (to age 14), space maintainers (to age 14) and bitewing x-rays — twice per calendar year

• Full mouth x-rays — once in any three-year period

$0 no deductible


• Applies for basic, major and orthodontia services only

$50 per person

$150 per family

Basic services

• Fillings, amalgam (silver) and composite (white), extractions, root canal therapy and treatment of gum disorders

20% after deductible

Major services

• Crowns, inlays, onlays, dentures and bridgework

50% after deductible


• Dependent children up to age 19

50% no deductible

Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) 50% after deductible

Annual benefit maximum

• Applies for basic and major services only

$1,500 per person

Lifetime orthodontia maximum $1,500 per child to age 19

What is the Allowed Amount?Delta Dental bases payment of benefits on either its Maximum Plan Allowance or the dentist’s actual fee, whichever is less — called the “Allowed Amount.” By agreement, participating dentists accept Delta Dental’s Maximum Plan Allowance, or their actual fee if it’s less, as payment in full for covered services. Participating dentists are paid directly by Delta Dental and agree not to bill you more than the applicable coinsurance or deductible for the service.

If you use a non-participating dentist, Delta Dental sends the benefit payment directly to you. You are responsible for paying the non-participating dentist’s total fee, which may include amounts in addition to your coinsurance and deductibles, plus services not covered by the Group Dental Service Contract.

Looking to find a network dentist?Log onto or call 1-800-932-0783.


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About vision.JetBlue offers one vision plan administered by eyeMed Vision Care. You may also waive vision coverage. The plan covers routine exams, lenses, frames and contacts. And, you can see any doctor you’d like, but you’ll save the most money if you go to an eyeMed Vision Care Access network provider.

Vision rates.SeMI-MonTHLY WeekLY

Crewmember Only $2.54 $1.17

Crewmember + Spouse/ Domestic Partner $4.81 $2.22

Crewmember + Child(ren) $5.06 $2.33

Crewmember + Family $7.57 $3.49

What you pay for services.In-neTWoRk oUT-oF-neTWoRk


exam options (once every 12 months):

Eye exam $10 copay Up to $35

Standard contact lens fitting Up to $55 allowance N/A

Premium contact lens fitting 10% off retail N/A

Frames (once every 24 months):

Any available frame at provider location

$0 copay; $130 allowance; 20% off balance over $130

Up to $60

Standard plastic lenses:

Single vision $25 copay Up to $25

Bifocal $25 copay Up to $40

Trifocal or lenticular $25 copay Up to $55

Standard progressive lens $70 copay Up to $40

Premium progressive lens $70 copay; 80% of charge, less $120 allowance

Up to $40


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AGe In-neTWoRk oUT-oF-neTWoRk

Lens options:

UV treatment or tint (solid and gradient)

$12 Up to $3

Standard plastic scratch coating $15 N/A

Standard polycarbonate — adults and children under age 19

$35 Up to $4

Standard anti-reflective coating $45 N/A

Polarized and other add-ons 20% off retail N/A

Contact lenses (materials only):

Conventional $0 copay; $130 allowance; 15% off balance over $130

Up to $110

Disposable $0 copay; $130 allowance, plus balance over $130

Up to $110

Medically necessary $0 copay; paid in full Up to $200

Laser vision correction:

LASIK or PRK from U.S. Laser Network

15% off retail price or 5% off promotional price


Additional pairs benefit:

Additional pairs benefit 40% discount off complete pair eyeglasses and 15% discount off conventional contact lenses once the funded benefit has been used


Purchasing both eyeglasses and contacts.If you use the plan’s benefits to purchase eyeglasses, then you must pay for contacts on your own. If you purchase contacts using the plan’s benefit, then you will be eligible for a discount on your eyeglasses.

Additional discounts — not mentioned in the chart — are also available through EyeMed.

Additional discounts.• 15% off retail price or 5% off a promotional price for LASIK or PRK from the U.S. Laser

network, owned and operated by LCA Vision.

• 20% discount on items not covered by the plan at network providers — cannot be combined with any other discounts or promotional offers; discount does not apply to EyeMed provider’s professional services or contact lenses.

• After initial purchase of contacts, you can order replacement contacts at a discount online. Details are available at (Contact lens benefit allowance is not applicable to this service.)

• Additional discounts on brand name vision materials may be available.

What you pay for services. (con’t.)

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Life and AD&D Insurance.JetBlue automatically provides you with Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance coverage at no cost to you. You can also buy Supplemental Life and AD&D coverage for yourself, and Dependent Life for your family (provided you have coverage for yourself). optional coverage is available through Minnesota Life.

Basic coverage you get — automatically.FoR … BASIC LIFe BASIC AD&D

Pilots $100,000 $100,000

Technicians, Inspectors, Dispatchers $100,000 $100,000

All other Crewmembers 1x annual salary* 1x annual salary*

* Rounded to next higher multiple of $1,000, based on your salary as of January 1, 2013.

Optional coverage you buy — if you want. FoR … SUPPLeMenTAL LIFe SUPPLeMenTAL AD&D

You 1 to 6x annual salary* 1 to 6x annual salary**

FoR … DePenDenT LIFe

Dependent Spouse/Domestic Partner $25,000 (NEW!)

Dependent Child $10,000 each child (NEW!)

* The combined amount of your Basic and Supplemental Life Insurance cannot exceed $1,500,000 (excluding the amount of your Dependent Life Insurance).

** The combined amount of your Basic and Supplemental AD&D Insurance cannot exceed $1,000,000.

How AD&D Benefits are paid.AD&D benefits are either paid to you or to your beneficiary for loss that happens within 90 days of an accident. Here’s how AD&D benefits are paid:


Life Full benefit amount

Both hands, both feet, sight in both eyes or any combination Full benefit amount

one hand, one foot or sight in one eye One-half the benefit amount

Getting coverage.To enroll in or change your Supplemental Life, Supplemental AD&D and Dependent Life Insurance, visit or call Minnesota Life at 1-866-293-6047.

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Supplemental Life rates.AGe SeMI-MonTHLY WeekLY

Supplemental Life

(Cost = age-based rate for each $1,000 of coverage)

Under 25 $0.0300 $0.0138

25–29 $0.0350 $0.0162

30–34 $0.0400 $0.0185

35–39 $0.0500 $0.0231

40–44 $0.0600 $0.0277

45–49 $0.0850 $0.0392

50–54 $0.1300 $0.0600

55–59 $0.2500 $0.1154

60–64 $0.3800 $0.1754

65–69 $0.5750 $0.2654

70–74 $1.1900 $0.5492

75+ $2.2850 $1.0546


Supplemental AD&D$0.0145 for each $1,000 of coverage

$0.0067 for each $1,000 of coverage


Dependent Life

(Cost is the same regardless of the number of dependents insured)

$2.73 $1.26

NOTE: Your 2013 rates are based on your salary as of January 1, 2013, or your hire date, whichever is most recent; however, any benefits paid will be determined at the time of payment

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More details.Evidence of Insurability (EOI).It’s a fancy way of saying you need to prove you’re in good health before the insurance company grants you coverage. You must provide EOI when:

• You increase your existing Supplemental Life coverage.

• You choose not to buy Supplemental Life or Dependent Life as a new hire, then decide to add coverage later (such as during Open Enrollment).

• Your Basic Life coverage equals more than $500,000 as a new hire.

When you’re first hired, you may buy Supplemental Life Insurance of 1 or 2 times your annual salary (up to $250,000), without providing EOI, but if you want to buy more than 2 times your annual salary (or greater than $250,000), EOI will be required. If you are age 60 or older, the maximum coverage amount that you may elect as a new or current Crewmember without EOI will be reduced — you will be notified if EOI is required.

Additional insurance information.Waiver of Premium — Premiums are waived if you become totally disabled before age 60.

Accelerated Benefit — Up to 100% of your life insurance amount may be paid in the event of terminal illness.

Reduction Schedule — Life insurance amounts are reduced to 65% when you reach age 65; to 50% when you reach age 70. AD&D coverage ends at age 70.

About beneficiaries.Your beneficiary can be one or several people, and the same or different designation for all your Life and AD&D benefits. To add or change your beneficiary, visit Minnesota Life at — you’ll need your LifeBenefits user ID/password. If you don’t have this information or need help, call Minnesota Life at 1-866-293-6047.

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Disability.Disability benefits replace a portion of your pay if you get sick or injured and cannot work for an extended period of time. JetBlue offers:

• Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD) available for purchase.

• Long Term Disability (LTD)* paid by JetBlue.

• Voluntary Long Term Disability (VLTD)* available for purchase — one option for Crewmembers and a separate option for Pilots that includes Loss of License (LOL) coverage.

* Long Term Disability coverage is not available for Part-Time Crewmembers.

Voluntary Short Term Disability.JetBlue offers Full- and Part-Time Crewmembers the opportunity to enroll in Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD) during the first 30 days of employment. After you enroll, you must wait 90 days before your coverage takes effect. VSTD benefits begin on the 8th day of you missing work due to an illness or injury and continue paying for up to 26 weeks. There are three options, and here’s how they compare:


• 60% of your basic earnings* from pay periods ending either the two or six full calendar months prior to the leave start date, whichever is higher.

• Weekly benefit paid cannot be more than $3,000.

• 60% of your basic earnings* from pay periods ending either the two or six full calendar months prior to the leave start date, whichever is higher.

• Weekly benefit paid cannot be more than $1,500.

• 40% of your basic earnings* from pay periods ending either the two or six full calendar months prior to the leave start date, whichever is higher.

• Weekly benefit paid cannot be more than $1,500.

* Basic earnings include regular salary or wages, shift differential, premium and overtime pay and do not include commissions, bonuses, incentive pay or other additional compensation.

Limits on pre-existing conditions.When you first elect VSTD, the plan does not cover disability from pre-existing conditions for 12 months. These are conditions you already had or have been treating during the three months before you enrolled for coverage — including pregnancy.

IMPoRTAnT: If you work in new Jersey, new York or California.If you work in a state that offers government-mandated coverage, you may purchase VSTD to supplement your state coverage. You may also be able to add or drop, as applicable, VSTD coverage (within 90 days of your transfer date) if you transfer into or out of one of these areas. Check the level of benefits provided by your state before you elect VSTD with JetBlue because government benefits will be subtracted from any benefits you are eligible to receive under JetBlue’s VSTD plan.

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Voluntary Short Term Disability rates.Since you pay the full cost of VSTD coverage with after-tax dollars, any benefits you receive will be tax-free.


VSTD High Plan

$0.198 for each $10 of STD coverage

$0.429 for each $10 of STD coverage

To calculate the rates per paycheck, complete the calculations below. Use the lesser of $260,000 or your current annual pay in the calculations.

The number of paychecks is either 24 or 52.

Annual pay ÷ 52 = weekly pay x 0.60 = your weekly benefit ÷ 10 = _______ x 0.858 = your monthly premium. Your monthly premium x 12 = annual cost ÷ number of

paychecks (24 or 52) = cost per paycheck.

VSTD Core Plan

$0.190 for each $10 of STD coverage

$0.412 for each $10 of STD coverage

To calculate the rates per paycheck, complete the calculations below. Use the lesser of $130,000 or your current annual pay in the calculations.

The number of paychecks is either 24 or 52.

Annual pay ÷ 52 = weekly pay x 0.60 = your weekly benefit ÷ 10 = _______ x 0.825 = your monthly premium. Your monthly premium x 12 = annual cost ÷ number of

paychecks (24 or 52) = cost per paycheck.

VSTD Low Plan

$0.190 for each $10 of STD coverage

$0.412 for each $10 of STD coverage

To calculate the rates per paycheck, complete the calculations below. Use the lesser of $195,000 or your current annual pay in the calculations.

The number of paychecks is either 24 or 52.

Annual pay ÷ 52 = weekly pay x 0.40 = your weekly benefit ÷ 10 = _______ x 0.825 = your monthly premium. Your monthly premium x 12 = annual cost ÷ number of

paychecks (24 or 52) = cost per paycheck.

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Long Term Disability — Full-Time Crewmembers. JetBlue provides Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance to all Full-Time Crewmembers at no cost. You may also buy Voluntary Long Term Disability (VLTD) to increase your company-provided benefit.

Long Term Disability (LTD) • Full-Time Crewmembers only

• Company paid

• Benefit equals 60% of gross compensation*

• $15,000 monthly maximum benefit (subject to taxes)

• Waiting period: 180 days of continuous disability**

Voluntary Long Term Disability (VLTD)

• Full-Time Crewmembers only

• You pay with after-tax dollars

• Benefit equals 6-2/3% (added to your basic LTD)

• 6-2/3% portion you purchase would be tax-free if you received LTD benefits

• Proof of good health may be required by MetLife if you don’t enroll when first eligible

* Includes your average gross pay over the prior 12 months, or up to 18 months if you had months of $0 earnings in the prior 12 months.

** You may use any available PTO during the waiting period and/or apply for Short Term Disability where available. (Note: The LTD benefit will be reduced by the gross monthly benefit you receive from Social Security, Workers’ Compensation and other earned income.) The LTD plan does not cover a disability from a pre-existing condition during the first 12 months of coverage.

How LTD works.Benefits begin after you’ve missed work due to an illness or injury for 180 days. The LTD plan does not cover a disability from a pre-existing condition during the first 12 months of coverage.

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Long Term Disability/Loss of License — Pilots. JetBlue offers Full-Time Pilots a combined Long Term Disability (LTD) and Loss of License (LoL) benefit at no cost. You also have the option to purchase Voluntary LTD/LoL coverage.

The details.Benefits are paid to Pilots who experience a qualifying event* that results in the inability to perform the essential duties of their position, or that could potentially affect the status of their FAA medical certification. JetBlue automatically enrolls Full-Time Pilots in Loss of License Insurance (also called Pilot Occupational Disability Insurance). This coverage allows for a source of income in the event that they do not qualify for LTD benefits, but are still unable to fly due to FAA regulations.

* A qualifying event is your continuous inability to perform the material and substantial duties of your regular occupation due to your sickness or injury, or you are deemed by the FAA to be mentally or physically unfit to fly as a commercial pilot

Long Term Disability (LTD)/Loss of License (LoL)

• Full-Time Pilots only

• Company paid

• Benefit equals 60% of gross compensation, includes average gross pay

• $15,000 monthly maximum benefit (subject to taxes)

• Benefits begin after a 180-day* waiting period

• Benefits paid up to mandatory retirement age

Voluntary Long Term Disability /Loss of License (VLTD/LoL)

• Full-Time Pilots only

• You pay with after-tax dollars

• Benefit equals 6-2/3% (added to your basic LTD/LOL)

• 6-2/3% portion you purchase would be tax-free if you received LTD/LOL benefits

• Proof of good health maybe required by MetLife if you don’t enroll when first eligible

* You may use any available PTO during the waiting period and/or apply for Short Term Disability where available. (Note: The LTD/LOL benefit will be reduced by the gross monthly benefit you receive from Social Security, Workers’ Compensation and other earned income.) The LTD/LOL plan does not cover a disability from a pre-existing condition during the first 12 months of coverage.

Medical directions — for Pilots.Pilots have access to a free program of medical counseling to help them avoid a potential situation that affects the status of their medical certification and the potential loss of their medical certificate. To access this service, call 1-877-325-3623.

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Voluntary Long Term Disability Rates.


Voluntary Long Term Disability (Full-Time Crewmembers)

$0.036 per $100 of gross compensation

To calculate the deduction per paycheck, complete the calculations below.  Use the lesser of $22,500 or your current “gross earnings” averaged over the prior 12 months in the calculations. Covered monthly earnings x $.00072 = your monthly premium. Your monthly premium x 12 = annual cost ÷ number of paychecks (24 or 52) = cost per paycheck

Voluntary Long Term Disability/Loss of License (Full-Time Pilots onLY)

$0.285 per $100 of gross compensation

To calculate the deduction per paycheck, complete the calculations below. Use the lesser of $22,500 or your current “gross earnings” averaged over the prior 12 months in the calculations. Covered monthly earnings x $.0057 = your monthly premium. Your monthly premium x 12 = annual cost ÷ number of paychecks (24 or 52) = cost per paycheck

note: Your 2013 rates are based on your salary as of January 1, 2013, or your hire date, whichever is most recent; however, any benefits paid will be determined at time of payment.

Group Legal Plan. To access a nationwide network of experienced attorneys, you can enroll in JetBlue’s Group Legal Plan provided through Hyatt Legal. Legal services include:

• Court appearances (non-criminal)

• Document review and preparation

• Debt collection defense

• Wills

• Family matters

• Real estate matters

Covered legal services within Hyatt’s network are provided with no additional attorney fees; however, you will pay for third-party expenses, such as filing fees and court costs. You can also choose to use a non-plan attorney and get reimbursed for covered services according to a set fee schedule.

To enroll.You may elect participation in the Group Legal Plan each year during Open Enrollment when you choose your other benefits for the year (new hires have 30 days from hire date). Once elected, you must remain in the plan for the entire year. You pay for coverage with after-tax dollars.

Group Legal rates.SeMI-MonTHLY WeekLY

$7.88 $3.63

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Re B


LifeSolutions.Employee Assistance Program and Work-Life Program.LifeSolutions is JetBlue’s employee Assistance Program (eAP) and Work-Life Program offered to you and your family. This free and confidential program is available 24/7, 365 days a year — any time you need it to rebalance your life. From online resources, to confidential telephone consultations, to referrals and licensed behavioral health professionals, the EAP is here to help you make the changes necessary to reduce stress, strengthen relationships, increase productivity, and improve the overall quality of your life.

LifeSolutions provides unlimited telephone consultations and up to six free, face-to-face consultations with a counselor per issue. The program also offers expert legal and financial assistance that includes a free 30-minute telepho ne or in-person consultation with a qualified attorney per individual issue/event, or a free 30-minute telephone consultation with a professional financial educator per issue.

Crewmember Stock Purchase Plan (CSPP). The Crewmember Stock Purchase Plan (CSPP)* allows you to buy shares of JetBlue stock through after-tax payroll deduction at 15% off the fair market value on the date of purchase. Enrollment takes place twice a year, during the months of April and October. Purchases are made on the last business days of April and October.

enrollment offering period Purchase date

April May 1 - Oct 31 October 31st

October Nov 1 - Apr 30 April 30th

During CSPP enrollment, please log onto BCSS at, click on “My Life and Career,” then “Benefits” from the menu on the left. Click on “CSPP Open Enrollment” and follow the enrollment instructions.

* LiveTV not eligible.

To learn more…• Call LifeSolutions at 1-866-370-CARe (1-866-370-2273). From

an international BlueCity, please call 1-919-866-4870 collect.

• Visit LifeSolutions at  (user name: BLUE) to access wellness-oriented topics.

• Visit the Care and emergency Response Department’s intranet site:

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S Retirement Plan.The JetBlue Airways Retirement Plan, administered by T. Rowe Price, combines the following features.


401(k) • Save pre-tax dollars, up to IRS limits (adjusted annually). If you are age 50 or older, you may make a “catch-up” contribution in addition to the IRS maximum.

• Receive matching contributions from JetBlue on the first 5% of your eligible pay that you save, dollar for dollar. (Matching contributions vest over five years; 20% each year. JetBlue match subject to taxes upon distribution.)

• Invest your account balance among available funds.

Roth 401(k) • Expand your ability to work toward long-term retirement savings goals with after-tax contributions, up to IRS limits (adjusted annually).

• Withdrawal money if needed tax-free — provided it’s a qualified distribution.

Profit Sharing* • Once a year, an amount equal to 5% of your eligible earnings will be deposited into your retirement account. This amount will vest once you have completed three years of service.

• When Profit Sharing produces more than the equivalent of 5%, you will be paid the difference in cash.

TradeLink Self-Directed Accounts (SDA)

• Buy and sell stocks, bonds and mutual funds that are not part of the core investment options of the JetBlue Airways Retirement Plan. Fees are incurred with this service.

myRetirementPlan Your one-stop resource for quick and easy access to account specifics, such as:

• “Plan Info” — information such as vesting, eligibility and company-match policies, as well as plan forms and literature.

• “Investments” — the latest information on the investments available.

• Other tabs include “Services,” “Tools,” “Education” and more!

* LiveTV and Manager level and above are not eligible.

Enroll or learn more.To enroll or learn more about your retirement benefits, call T. Rowe Price at 1-800-922-9945 or visit

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Re B


Voluntary Programs.PRoGRAMS FeATUReS

529 College Savings Plan (T. Rowe Price)

Start saving for college with a 529 College Savings Plan. Your after-tax contributions grow tax-deferred until withdrawal. There are no federal taxes applied to withdrawals used to pay for qualified educational expenses. Your savings can be used at almost all colleges or universities in the U.S., and some international schools as well.

Group Auto and Home Insurance (MetLife)

Buy auto and home insurance at special group rates under this MetLife program. Crewmembers may select insurance coverage for cars, homes, rentals, boats, mobile homes and recreational vehicles.

Pet Insurance (MetLife)

Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) is a licensed insurance plan for companion animals and can help you better manage the high cost of veterinary services. The plan helps pay for office visits, prescriptions, x-rays, lab fees, surgery and hospitalization for covered medical problems.

MetDesk (MetLife)

A MetLife public service to Crewmembers’ families with children of all ages, from infant to senior, with all disabilities. MetDesk offers assistance to secure both lifetime care and quality of life for their children or dependents with special needs.

Enroll or learn more.To enroll in or learn more about the MetLife programs call 1-800-GeT-MeT8, or visit

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Amendment and Administration of Benefits.JetBlue reserves the right to amend or terminate any benefit described in this 2013 Benefits Guide at any time at our sole discretion, subject to applicable laws.

The appropriate plan fiduciaries or other administrative body has the sole power to interpret and apply the provisions of the relevant benefit plan or arrangement and to make all determinations relating to the benefit. Such decisions will be final and binding. In any case in which a plan provision is inconsistent with any law, regulation or ruling, the benefit may be administered, at the sole and absolute discretion of the administrative entity, in accordance with the law, regulation or ruling, regardless of the terms and conditions of the plan or this 2013 Benefits Guide.

This 2013 Benefits Guide is not meant to interpret, extend or change the provisions of the relevant benefit plan or arrangement in any way. The actual plan documents take precedence if there should be any conflict between the plan documents and this 2013 Benefits Guide.

This 2013 Benefits Guide does not give you any right with respect to continuation of your employment by us, nor will it interfere in any way with our right to terminate your employment at any time for any reason, and such right is expressly reserved.

This 2013 Benefits Guide is not intended to be the official Summary Plan Description for any benefit plan.

Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act.Your plan, as required by the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, provides benefits for mastectomy-related services including all stages of reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry between the breasts, prostheses, and complications resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema. Call BlueBenefits at 1-800-466-5062 for more information.

newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act.Group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group insurance coverage generally may not, under federal law, restrict benefits for any hospital length of stay in connection with childbirth, for the mother or newborn child, to less than 48 hours following a normal vaginal delivery, or less than 96 hours following a Cesarean section. However, federal law generally does not prohibit the mother’s or newborn’s attending provider, after consulting with the mother, from discharging the mother or her newborn earlier than 48 hours (or 96 hours as applicable).

In any case, plans and issuers may not, under federal law, require that a provider obtain pre-authorization from the plan or the insurance carrier for prescribing a length of stay not in excess of the above periods.






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L no



CoBRA.Under certain circumstances, you and your enrolled dependents have the right to continue coverage under the medical, dental and vision plans, and the health care spending account beyond the time coverage would have ordinarily ended. You may elect continuation of coverage for yourself and your dependents if you lose coverage under the plan due to one of the following qualifying events:

• Termination (for reasons other than gross misconduct)

• Reduction in employment hours (Full-Time to Part-Time)

• Retirement

• Leave of absence

• You become entitled to Medicare

In addition, continuation of coverage may be available to your eligible dependents if:

• You pass away

• You and your spouse divorce or separate

• A covered child ceases to be an eligible dependent

• You become entitled to Medicare

When a COBRA event occurs, our Business Partner, PayFlex, will mail a COBRA packet to the Crewmember’s home address. To apply for COBRA coverage, you or a dependent must contact PayFlex within 60 days of a qualifying event. You and/or your dependents must pay the full cost of COBRA coverage. Under the law, COBRA must be offered to eligible individuals at group rates. These rates are subject to change annually, based on plan experience.

Grandfathered Health Plan notice.CIGNA Health Plans, the plan administrator, believes the Starbridge Accident & Sickness Plan for Part-Time Crewmembers is a “grandfathered health plan” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act). As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that your plan may not include certain consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for the provision of preventive health services without any cost sharing. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with certain other consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example, the elimination of lifetime limits on benefits.

Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to the plan administrator at: 1-877-209-7098 or You may also contact the Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor at 1-866-444-3272 or This website has a table summarizing which protections do and do not apply to grandfathered health plans.

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HIPAA Privacy notice.A federal law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), requires health plans (medical, dental and vision) to protect the confidentiality of your private health information. More detailed information is given in the health plan’s notice of HIPAA privacy rights. You may request a copy of the notice by contacting BlueBenefits at 1-800-466-5062.

HIPAA Special enrollment Rights.If you are declining enrollment for yourself or your dependents (including your spouse) because of other health insurance or group health plan coverage, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents in this plan if you or your dependents lose eligibility for that other coverage (or if the employer stops contributing toward your or your dependents’ other coverage). However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after your or your dependents’ other coverage ends (or after the employer stops contributing toward the other coverage).

In addition if you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents. However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after the marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption.

If coverage is lost under your state Medicaid or child health insurance plan (CHIP) or you become eligible for premium assistance under your state Medicaid or CHIP plan, you will be able to enroll yourself and your eligible dependents in the JetBlue plan. You must request enrollment within 60 days of the date of the event.

For more information, please contact BlueBenefits at 1-800-466-5062.

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Medical UnitedHealthcare




medical group #215438

mailing address: P.O. Box 740800 Atlanta, GA


Anthem BlueCross BlueShield




medical group #003330042

mailing address: P.O. Box 105187, Atlanta, GA






medical group #1293

mailing address: P.O. Box 55270 Phoenix, AZ


UHC Behavioral Health

BCBS Beha vioral Health



NowClinic 1-877-550-1515 Monday - Friday

11 p.m. - 8 p.m. eT; Saturday - Monday 8 p.m. - 8 a.m. eT online video chat: Monday - Friday

8 a.m. - 11 p.m. ET; Saturdays 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Prescription drugs Express Scripts/Medco


medical group ID: JETBLUE

Dental Delta Dental 1-800-932-0783

dental group #1815

mailing address: P.O. Box 2105 Mechanicsburg, PA


Vision EyeMed Vision Care


vision group #9730516

mailing address: 4000 Luxottica

Place Mason, OH 45040

Plan accounts (HRAs, HSAs and FSAs)

PayFlex Systems USA, Inc.


mailing address: P.O. Box 3039 Omaha, NE



Page 49: Your 2013 Benefits Guide - Life is Better in Blue






Life insurance Minnesota Life 1-866-293-6047

group #29633 and #32476

Disability insurance MetLife 1-888-343-6889

Customer #117421 VSTD Group #305104 LTD Group #117558

Medical Directions for Pilots


Voluntary benefits

T. Rowe Price 1-800-922-9945

MetLife Discount Programs (MetLife

Auto & Home, Veterinary Pet Insurance and MetLife Bank)



other benefits UBS 1-866-STk-JBLU


LifeSolutions Employee

Assistance and Work-Life

Program (EAP)


(1-866-370-2273) 1108/jetbluelogin.html

username: BLUE

Hyatt Legal Plans, Inc.


password: 1500179 mailing address: 1111 Superior Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44114

Got questions? We have Benefit Experts!For answers, call BlueBenefits at 1-800-466-5062 or email us at [email protected].

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