
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Oman and Spain in 2005 anf projections for 2055.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:The pie charts show significant comparison of age groups in Oman and Spain. Initial statistics are concerning 2005 and some predictions about the ages of the populations are made referring to 2055.It is apparent from the charts people who were under consisted half of the population of Oman in 2005. 48% and a negligible 4% of Oman population were 15-59 and 60 and over respectively. However, following a half century is assessed to bring staggering alteration of dominant positions in Oman population. Proliferation from 48% to 57% can be cited as example which will make 15 to 59 year old Oman people dominant in 2055.However, in 2005, 62 percent of Spanish people were between 19 and 59. Predictions about that status illustrate not significant alterations in the dominance of age groups.Overall, it is important to note that, in 2055, proportion of people under 14 will slide away in both countries. However, this trend will cause middle aged people to take over dominant position solely in Oman.(169 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The barchart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in Australia, divided into three categories, from 2001- 2008.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:The chart shows the time spent by Australian resident on different types of telephone calls between 2001 and 2008.Local fixed line calls were the highest throughout the period, rising from 72 billion minutes in 2001 to just under 90 billion in 2003. After peaking at 90 billion the following year, these calls had fallen back to the 2001 figure by 2008.National and international fixed line calls grew steadily from 38 billion to 61 billion at end of the period in question, though the growth slowed over the last two years.There was a dramatic increase in mobile calls from 2 billion to 46 billion minutes. This rise was particularly noticeable between 2005 and 2008, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled.To sum up, although local fixed line calls were still most popular in 2008, the gap between the three categories had narrowed considerably over the second half of the period in question.(157 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagram shows the relationship between a numbers of different languages. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:The diagram shows the varieties of English spoken throughout the world and how they are related.There are two main branches of English: British English and American English. The British English Branch is geographically wide-spread. It extends across several continents from the West Indies, through the British Isles themselves, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, the Far East and Australasia. In addition to the four varieties of English spoken in the British Isles (i.e. in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England), it includes a large number of other varieties, for instance Jamaican English, South Africa English, and Australian English.The American branch is largely restricted to the American continent. It comprises the varieties of English spoken in the different region of the United States itself, as well as in Canada. Beyond the continent, the extent of its influence is limited to the Philippines in the Far East and American Samoa in the Pacific.In brief, the diagram shows that, like the economic and political influence of the Anglo Saxon countries, the reach of English has extended to virtually every region of the world.(180 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagram below shows two different processes for manufacturing black tea.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 wordsMANUFACTURING TEA

model answer:The diagram shows the two processes for manufacturing black tea. The traditional way is used for making loose tea and modern process is ideal for teabags.When collecting tea, the tea picker picks only the two top leaves and the bud of ensure a high quality tea. Then, the tea leaves go through withering, where leaves are spread out and air is passed through withering, where leaves are spread out and air is passed through them to remove up to 60 per cent of their moisture.After that, the leaves are ready for rolling or cutting. Factories use traditional methods of rolling and crushing or faster modern methods of cutting, tearing and curling to make teabags. In both processes, natural enzymes are produced from the leaves. The next step is oxidation, where the enzymes from the leaves mix with the air. This changes the colour of the leaves from green to copper and creates a nice flavour and aroma. Finally, the leaves are fired and dried. By this stage, little moisture remains in the tea-just three per cent.(178 words)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie graphs show the nutritional consistency of two dinners.Write a report to a university lecturer describing the data.Write at least 150 words

model answer:The graphs compare the proportion of various nutritional compounds contained in two different foods; macaroni and medium baked potato.In general, there are a larger percentage of carbohydrates and saturated fats in macaroni than in medium baked potato. In contrast, medium baked potato has a much higher amount of protein and glucose.In particular, macaroni mainly consists of large amounts of carbohydrate and saturated fats. Carbohydrates take up slightly more than a half, 52%, while a little less than a quarter is made up of saturated fats. The other nutrients show relatively lower proportions.On the other hand, medium baked potato is mostly comprised of carbohydrates and protein. The amount of carbohydrates in the food is less than in macaroni, but they still take up the greatest percentage of 35% in medium baked potato. Interestingly, this dinner cereal has a large amount of protein with 25%, which is very different from macaroni. The other types of nutrients do not show significant figures in the pie chart.(166 words)You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems.Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.model answer:Environmental pollution has become a serious problem all over the world. However, we do not usually try to improve our environment. We always use chemical detergents and fertilizer. Also forests have been fatally damaged by deforestation. Some researchers say that if we do not stop devastating the environment, the Earth will be catastrophic 100 years later. To prevent this drastic situation, this essay will suggest what we should do and how the government should solve the problems.We should use eco-friendly products such as natural detergents or manure rather than using chemical products. Using chemical products has caused fatal water pollution. Water is essential for our everyday life. Therefore, people in the world should have the responsibility to maintain clean water. We should use environmentally friendly products rather than chemical ones. It will help improve our environment.To reduce air pollution we should use public transportation rather than using our own vehicle. For instance, public transportation can save our money and energy. Moreover, it helps reduce the amount of exhaust fumes in the air. In addition to that, it may be able to relieve traffic jams. If more people use public transportation, it means diminishing the number of cars on the road. Thus, it will reduce the risk of car accidents as well. Then, finally, we should plant many trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide produced by human activities and make fresh air.The government must make more investments to improve our environment such as building more purifier factories and developing alternative energy resources. Fossil fuels lead to air pollution. Thus, the government should develop more sustainable energy resources and lower the rate of public transportation charges so that more people can use buses and trains.In conclusion, improving the environment requires a great deal of efforts. We need to concern about these environmental problems and make considerable efforts to prevent any pollution on the planet. The government should develop alternative energy or new sustainable energy and encourage people to use public transportation more often. The harder we try, the healthier our planet will be.(344 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Travelling in group with a tour guide is the best way to travel.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.model answer:Nowadays, people have their own preferences about how to travel. Some people prefer to travel alone others prefer to travel in groups with tour guide. I agree that it is the greatest way to travel as a group with a tour guide for several reasons.First, a tour guide will let people know about the places they will visit and show the best places. Tour guides are specially trained about the local history and significance of all the places at the region. Most of the time, people travelling alone do not know the places to visit and so waste a lot of time trying to find something valuable to see. In addition, tour guides know things about a certain place that are not generally mentioned in books or brochures. Thus, guided tours are the best way in terms of sightseeing in a short time.Second, travelling in a group can ensure safety. Many parts of the world are quite dangerous to travel alone. There are often people with evil intention waiting to do harm to tourists. For example, when one of my friends once backpacked across Europe by herself, she got in trouble because a homeless person took her passport and wallet. She had to call the embassy and dealt with the situation. In the end she was not able to finish her trip, which could have been a once in a lifetime opportunity for her to spend such quality time with herself. When travelling with tour guides, they can protect their group members from this kind of dangerous situation.In conclusion, although some people might agree that travelling as a group with a tour guide is not the best idea, I strongly agree with the idea that travelling in the group with the guide is the best decision in terms of great information and safety.(306 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good salary leads to a better life.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.model answer:Everybody knows that you need money to survive, but it is often said that money does not bring happiness. Although the ideal situation may be to have an enjoyable job that also provides a good salary, this is not always possible. It is important to remember that some people might not have a choice of jobs because they did not have the chance of a good education or because they have a large family to support. Nevertheless, I would prefer to have a job that I can enjoy if I could.On the one hand, life is easier for those who have plenty of money as they can do what they want and do not have to think constantly about whether they can afford something or not. In addition, earning a good salary makes it easier to be healthier because you can eat good food and join a gym.On the other hand, some people spend large sums of money without thinking about it. However, they could manage with less money and have a better life by taking a job they enjoy or by working fewer hours. I have observed that in families who go on expensive holidays and always have a new car, it is often the father who works such long hours that his children rarely see him. In my opinion, this is not an attractive lifestyle and it would be better if he found a less well paid job that enabled him to spend him to spend more time at home.To sum up, I think it is more important to have a job you enjoy if you can afford it. In my view, most people need less money than they think because they waste a lot on buying things they do not need.(297 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against common childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?What is your view of this practice?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examplesfrom own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.model answer:Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunise their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunise but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to.Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunising young children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero.In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped outSerious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunisation programmes. In consequence, children not immunised are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunise are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunise increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning.Immunisation is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunise will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunisation should be obligatory.(274 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:As languages such as English, Spanish and Mandarin become more widely spoken, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out. Some countries have taken steps to protect minority languages.What is your view of this practice?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.model answer:As the world becomes more integrated, the need for common means of communication is becoming more pressing. Inevitably, speakers of minority languages have been under pressure to speak the languages of more dominant groups, both locally and globally. Some people argue that there is nothing that can or should be done to stop this process. I would suggest that the issue merits more careful consideration.It is true as the balance of power among group of people throughout history has shifted, languages have arisen, changed, and died out. Even once widely-spoken languages, such as Latin, have disappeared. To some extent, therefore, this process may be inevitable. However, there are examples of communities that have managed to preserve and even revive languages under threat. Irish and Scots Gaelic, for example, have been preserved by government policy on education and broadcast media.There are, indeed, several benefits to preserving minority languages. Retaining the language of a community often means that other forms of culture are maintained: songs, literature and local traditions. These all contribute to the richness and variety of human culture. Moreover, language helps communities to remain cohesive and to have a strong sense of identity. This can help people to be strong in adversity. Where this sense of identity and cohesion has been lost, for example among many indigenous communities in North America, problems can follow: low self-esteem, lack of confidence and loss of initiative.In short, it is possible and in many cases, desirable, to make the effort to preserve minority languages. This can have benefits both for the minority speech community and for society as a whole in terms of cultural richness.(274 words)

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