
Sixth Grade Research Paper

YOU CAN DO IT!Salk Library has the tools you need to have

research success…

Mrs. Anderson, Salk Librarian

Research Paper vs. ReportReport- The student finds information on a topic in

sources, organizes the information and presents it in a written format. THE INFORMATION GUIDES THE WORK.

Example- Knights in the Middle Ages

Research Paper- The student chooses an ESSENTIAL QUESTION related to a topic and uses evidence in sources to answer the question. The information presented is directly related to the essential question.

THE STUDENT GUIDES THE WORK.Example- Why were knights important in society during the Middle Ages?

Research PaperSequence of Events

TopicFocus on a subjectQuestionsSearch the sourcesKeep track of sourcesNote-takingOrganize notesWrite a draftEditType research paperCreate bibliography (Works Cited page).

When choosing an essential question...

Create a question in which the answer isn’t obvious.Choose question that you TRULY want answered.Your question should require evidence in order to

answer it. (Not a “yes or no” question.)Focus on the essential question in your

introduction.Focus on the answer to the essential question in

your conclusion.An essential question can have smaller questions

within it.You have to know some basics about your topic

before you can develop an essential question.

Salk Library Resources

Middle School Library Resources

Research Links





Evaluating Web ResourcesDetermine if the website is:



Website Evaluation Checklist- RAINRELEVANTDoes this website help to answer my research question?Does it present the information in a way that I am able to

understand?Is it appropriate for someone in middle school?AUTHORITATIVEIs the website sponsor/ author trustworthy?Can I find information on the author/ sponsor?Does the information match up with print sources I’ve

already used?INFORMATIVEDoes it inform me or just persuade and/or entertain?Does it have an internal search engine to help me with my

research?NEWDoes the website contain up-to-date information?

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