Page 1: Yorkville enquirer (Yorkville, S.C.).(Yorkville, S.C ... · (Dlrituanr. *« Ui«o-MarcUCth,1855,inLowadesboro*,Ate., Major JollXtrict, SouthG. l'OGEllS.Carolina,Hotvasborain LancasterDis-|


Ui«o-MarcUCth,1855, in Lowadesboro*, Ate., MajorJollX G. l'OGEllS. Ho tvas bora in Lancaster Dis- |trict, South Carolina, July, 1817. He left awidow and four children and a larg*number of friendsto mourn bis loss.Major Uogors was possessed with a strong nativeintellect, though he bad not the early advantage >>f ja thorough education, bis being entirely of a pructi-oul character, yet be bad considerable talent for acquiringinformation upon practical subjects, especial-ly of a statistical character: perhaps in this respectequal to any, for his opportunities, I have ever beenacquainted with.I le once filled the oflice ofCensus-Taker in LowndesCounty, and it was truly nstoni-hing to see the cor-rcetne^s with which be learned facts. Though bemade a record of every thing he learned in this in-stance, it ma le such an impression on bis memory,that be could always repeat the substance of it, withthe greatest accuracy. The writer has frequentlyseen him tested and bis memory was never at fault,it may truly be said that his; memory was one of theCl-AMi-Aa* " 4 '

.-"".ijiti mcuiucs oi ins immi.Vs a friend l:o was truo, as a husband ami father,k.iel nii'l uiicetionatc, a:nl us :» ma»tcr, liumaiio.The writer whs informed 1 >y one, who was well acquaintedwith his lather, that the old gentleman was

of the Seceder persuasion, ami all who are acquaintedwith that denomination know them to he an lion-est hearted people; and always inculcated in theirchildren a firm belief in the Christian Ucligioii. InMa"), ltogers' ease this was eminently seen. Scejyiri< had no place in his mind, and, notwithstandinghe never made a profession of religion hel'orc his dy-mg hour, yet. for several days, and perha]»s weeks,1»«- sought God with great peuitcncc and when point-ed to Jesus l»y his spiritual advisers, as "God niani-ft -t in the tle-li. reconciling tlie World unto himself:"It was astonishing to see with'what vigor his mindapprehended the glorious truth, and hi* heart trustedin .le-us a- his only Savior: and upon the questionl> -ing asked him.if he was willing to die, he replied- he was. hut hoursti\ confessed the only lingeringties're he had to live, M.e to take care «>t his familyrid train lr.s children properly. In life he was ainemher of the Masonic Fraternity. The day after'hi-death, a funeral discourse was pronounced by theIter. .). M. Jennings, before a large audience, afterwhich his body wu- followed to its last vesting place,hv a large procession of friends and his lircthrcn ofthe Mystic Tie. and interred with the solemn and iin-posing ceremonies of that henevolent « rder. \N. <

.(' iiiiih/ ( VI/'ii/I/''''1. IDied.In this District, en the bl-t nit.. Mr. J AS.

JullNSTON, in the TGtli >ear of hi- age.

MORE NEW GOODS.FB^ilF. undciMgned is receiving fresh addition- to.1 hi- Stuck of Spring ami Summer Hoods. which

In- is offering f.iv sale on die most accommodating,!terms, His stock consists in part of Superfine BlackCloths an 1 Cas-huei - and fancy Ca.liners : White.Brown and fancy Lim-n Drillings: B-ady MadeCoats, lhintsand Vests. ..fall iptalitk.-: ileadv MadeShirts and Collars: Merino ami -jam Silk .-hirts;Marseilles Skirts and ready made («ra>- Skirt- : 10Opieces assorted Prints: Printed ami Lawns :Fauev Piv.-s Silks : (iro Dc llhine an i l'.'ack ItalianSilks: Florence Silk : Silk Velvet am! MarsaillesVesting-: Black and Fa lie \ Mantillas : Frcnch-workedSwi-- Collars : Fail..-..f lared uiidcrslcews an I Infant'sB..i»cs : Choinizcttes : Black Italian and ll.atCrape: >ilk Veils ami Drops: Wide Bohim tt:Black Silk Laces ; Jaconet Laces ami Ins- . tings : '

Thread Laces and Kdging.-: hi-huiid Brown <

ens and Linen Lawns: Jaconet. X Bar, Book.Mulland Swiss Muslins : Cotton. Silk and Thread

(lanihrick Handkerchiefs: Black Alpacca; BlackBonihazine : Prap De Kte: 8-4 Brown and Bleached <

Sheetings; 1<M Tabling Dama>k : Linen Tahle '

Cloths: Table i'overs; l»i! Silk : Zcphigarn : pert'ovatedBoard : Black and Colored Cainbrick- : BedTicking ; Button Drillings ; Carolina Stripes for Servi!n's; d-.l. 1-i and '>-4 Lolig Cloths : Cotton Usna1.ui;_-:Sheetings and Yarns; Ladies ami Oentle- .

nu'ifs tiloYes and Hosiery, in great variety : Philr.n1!!«».) I I llriinh*

Nankeen*: Paper, Cambrick and Furniture Dimitv,Csttumou ami Extra Fa:**: -"«»CntV spoolThread: Shell and liiilia lluhber. Tuck and SideGombs : Tint' and (.'oar*e anJ ket l,< : t'aii-


vn*s:md lied l'mliliiivr: Sewing <ilk. Twi*t ami Fl.i.xTinea. 1: Apron Cheeks: Mn*«|iuto Netting: Hat- 1

and Gap*: Fine Galf <-cwed j 1>« .t.~ and Shot* : CI*II livns,Mi^os ami Youth'* Shoe*: Straw an I Silk !Bonnets: 11.-nnet ami Nook llihhun*: Artificial* and 1

"Wreaths : Silvered Hook- and live*: Fine lia/>>r*.llaZOV Straps and I>rtl*he* : Fine kinxe* an*I Sci*sor«:.Silver Thimbles: Gold-eyed Nee*lie.* : PorteM-naies : Fx tracts: Perfumes ate! Fancy ToiletSoap*: Imperii.] Tea : Scotch Snail": PercussionCaps:Kxtr:i Cigars ami Tobacco: < trp"t Bags; Letter! s

an 1 Note Paper, an 1 Fnvelope.* : Toilette Glasses; r

Painted Bucket*: L-iirii* ami I.-in.a: Syrup : with 11

a number of other article* n-t enumerated. If you c

want g"."l Bargain* ami ile*.rablv Gv« _'vc lue ti

trial.JAMES Al.I.EX. Jit.

Vorkville. S. t". April *>. 1>-V». 1:: tt.

PRIXTERS.--Thc undersigned oiler lor .

I *ale. a first rate second hand. Imperial No. i

SMITH PKKS.S; about -B'J lb*. of Small Pica,!b*. of Rurgeoi*. with a number of *mall fount* of (

\dv«rti*!i.g Type. The whole, if taken together,will be sol-1 at a bargain. ApiJ v to

MlLLFlt \ MFLTt »N.Vvvkville. S. C. April *». 1 S-jo. |

STK1VCI) Oil Kl'OLEY, from the *u'.*criberon the 1.M of Match, a large ' ay HOUSE. ,

Said ho".**e i* iib..r.t >evc.«tOcii hand* high, ewe-lteek- ,

I'd, ha.* weak ive-. and one o* hi* hit.d ankle* con- t

.*iderab!y enlarged. He is eight ycav- <>11 tic.* j

Soring. Any infornij-tion leading to hss ieO"verywill be stiitaolv rewarded. Addre**. ltuekead. fair- [

field ihstriet.' W\|. M. OTTEUSO.V ,

Aj> "> 1;» H I


VKK now receiving large addition to the.r -lockol 1)11 Hi>. .MKDICIN KS. ("IIE.MH'ALS. etc..

they solicit calls from all wishing anything in theirline. They feel assured that they can ami will givesatisfaction, both a* to .ptality and price. All ordersfrom the country, punctually attended i".

Vorkville. April >. 1

j/wv<j I.BIS. WHITEWither'J-1II II I i>nfit. I*i:iv Seed l»:l. and all col-ors am! VARNISH KS used in painting. .1 n-1 reeei-ved :i:nl ottered :it very short profit f>r t\i>h. :in<lCash only. We li.i\e adopted tin- t'ash .v^tem in

reference t« I'aiuts aiul t'«»iv»r~. that we may furnishHIP1 CUst-Mllel*-: at tin* liWe-t I I'leCS.I

j»arn'imt \ wn iii:i:s.

.April'» 13if.j

SliLPIIiTE 4JI I\l\i; X IfETATC.Molt I'll INI). Iodide Potash. Iodine ami bromine.Jn-t Received and l'or sale l>v


April "» Idtf


KAKNKTT \ WITHERS.April "» 1-dxf

BLACK i!«» iHEE.\TK.i«..For Sale


April ") Id.

rpRISSES. SITPORTEHS, SI RGI'\.« Kor Sale b.v9 I ,\i. IIISII UIIIV01-. ....

HARNETT \ WITHERS.April t» ! '"

11 4>irin:\i:. si»ts. ti iu'extixkx'y an<i l^itniiiii; Fluid. For sale by


April >! '

llrl\DOW <;MSS I'I'TTY..V For Sale I»\


April "» ' ' '»"

UISC'OI KSFS 0\ TIM Ml. '»V Rev. .I \S.

II. T1IORNWKI.1.. f>. (>. Price SI. For sale

j,vJ. S. MOORE .* SON'S.


mm; FRIEXOSOFCOKKEUl'S O'1pANIia. Ks|., respectfully niiiioiuicc hiiu us a

candidate for Tax Odleetor for York District.MAW VOTERS.

Sept. ('» 1K>4 HItt

II .iltltfj; l'ARU..Tho undersigned puivlia e.l the .Marble Yard of Col. S. X.STOWE, informs the citizens of York district amithe snrround'.ujj country, that he is iiovv prepared to

till all orders for PLAIN ami MO.NCM EX I'AI. MAR- '

RLE MORE- He has procureil the services of etlicieutWorkmen, ami with good material, well assorted,and the lowest prices, he will promise to execute

orders to the satisfaction ot ln> customers. lie will '

always keep an n»-ortuieiit ot Sl.ARS on hand, in orderthat those wi-hiiiv a TOMRSTOXK he suitedin size, lettering ami lini-h, at th" -hottest i nice.

lUttif Marble \ rd in the reiirof >. \ StowvN t V*.(irooery and Provision Store.

Plaster Paiis and Ceiucnt for sale. i




FilllK undersigned offer their services to ell perXsons entitled to Bounty Lund under the late Actof Congee.-*. Having; obtained the requisite form*and completed the necessary arrangements, theywill he able to prosecute claims with despatch, andat a very small expense. Persons desiring to entrusttheir claims- to us will call at the KnvH'ikkuOltice; or, if it be inconvenient to visit town, the businesscan he trail-acted by letter equally a- well ashy their personal attention.All commissioned and non-commis-ioned officers,musicians and privates, whether of the regulars. \olunteovs,rangers or militia, who have served for aperiod longer than fourteen days in any of the warsof the United States since the year IT'.Ht, are entitled,by the term* of this Act, to receive a wan ant for

one hundred and sixty acres, or a warrant for suchquantity of land us shall make, with what may havebeen hitherto received, one hundred and sixty acres.This Act aNo extends to the officer*- < ..

volunteers who served :it the battle of Kind's Mo:mtain,and t«» all persons who have been actually engagedin any battle in any of the wars in which thiscountry has been engaged.Where the service lias been rendered by a substitutehe is the person entitled to the benefit of this

net. and not his employer. In the event of the deathr»f any person who, if living, would be entitled to acertificate or warrant as aforesaid, leaving a widow,ar if no widow, a minor child or children, such widdw,or, if no widow, such minor child or children, isentitled to a certificate or warrant, for the samei|iiantity of land such deceased persons Would bo entitledto receive under the provisions of sai l act, ifnow living. A subsequent marriage will not impairthe right of any siicli widow to -u<h warrant, it shel»e a widow at the time of her application. IVrsoiiswithin the age of twenty-one years on tin* ;5! day * !'March, 1 ?>"» >. arc deemed minors with the intent andmeaning of -aid act.

M1LLKK \ MKl.Tt »>..April ">. 1:5tf

YORK SHERIFF'S SALES.I»Y Virtue of Writs of 1'i-ri /' leiov. to me directed,1) will isold between the local hour- "I SneriilsS:,lo. on the KillST MONDAY in MAI next, atVork Court Jlui-e. tlo* following property, vi/: .

One tract of land attached a- the pr««pi rty of SamuelUarron. at the -nit of J. M. ilo--, Aiinini-tr t rf\ officio. where**n Heeve« formerly r> -i*ie*l.hounded by land-of Widow lVar-oii. John Uarron.Mi-- Jane Caihcart. Frank Brown and other-. < *.;.tablingnim ty-nine acres, uiore < r lo--.

tine table, one bed an*l I irnitur*-. one gla- . on

;b»ek. one buggv and hartie-.-, one !<*t of ne at, onejar lard, levied < n a- the property «t Jetvm: aHowell, at the -nit <>f J. N. MeKlwee. Jr.One g ! ! watch al. l otie -ilver v c.tcli. i* v < I **:. art»>i.i*.u...i*t\- V 11 \ I. .*


* -eve.

Smith.itrai t ft'html whewm MoKIv.Jr..

resides. levied fit a* hi- »t..-It ;i:. ; W; i.

"iOtlllii'T.One tract ft' land \vh<-t>-fii li .la-it i* V.'l-ir.- t'..;>iL'fiyve-ided. ndjuiitim.' lamN «.i ,1.- -» :ts-i

tin't a taw ha In-.iiati-. K* \i t -it a- »i»«- j |!.!'. White, at' -nit ft' John !' . p.One tract html \rhciv.,it Wi!l::it:i i'. MeKad-len.

re-ddt-. levied mi jim hi- j.j-..] « ! {v i!..' .*it:t <«t'.1.W. Awry.

My tirttti'ft'at; ft.I'M* IVfta th- t.' tt.h-lit.a-,v.r the ]>avt:t!. a aiifi.u the lis*..«it.*w :

h. i't^rltr. -liveav i. v.iil >. .{ ..:t the :'u-' \J. :layin May next. one tine! :' '-tit-1. hi-h-. uin_' . t

Mate !' said tUrease I. v-ufai:.;!!"- al«>itt -i\tv .mil--,

ml hfillt'lcd l.v land* f t' .Ifltit Wil-fti. .1. M. I Hi -I.William Klli- ami II. M. K ark.

T-r, <:.A credit of "lie ami tv.iwar- with inurthej invh.wr ;::vinj: vim -ecuritr.m 1 a mr.rtjrajre ..i' the premise*. l!

S. f. »l"Nt i l»l-»"M »i». -. >. !..Vurkville. \|<ril 1

Notice,r|MII! Mil«-..u :l»-r havin-r eii^::^-'i in ti.e 1'A t'oK1

A<< K ail-1 t t IM M1S>I«>N Ui'SlXKSS in tin* .v.t' 'Laile-tfii. an I in OliMiltAl. MKlM'llAM'l>ISOi:t the eitj !' C U;i:;i>ia. : t!: t.yicetipici l.y tat .« » . KM 1! Mil' " Nli.M.i . tak«hi-lileth-»l :' ittl'fl liii.M'r t'f pi'die that ti -aidKM IIAKl> O'NKALK is umie riz -d a-.-t - the \r«-ntft' tite subscriber in r ryit:.- u - r-i 1 will l'i- IV.tin I a: the ! : *t:m i iti ('--inn.lie*p»vtlu!ly .solicit- a < -ntinam'e :' t!te »

icrctfffiv lil»ot-'Mv l.t-ti.w,-1 tifM-ti hi- tatlu-:.t'llAKI.liS «»

Stl-.rt r i Kir! a: i <» N do.

TIIK subscriber will superintend the 1 u-::..- : .

lis son iu Columbia. ami n--i::v- !.:- sricmi- : !:.<

ante attention will hu j-i.i.i «- 5-,-i.- II - - > « !eside in Charleston ami o-.n hmi ti.-* I"A«ml COMMISSION r.rslNKSS tht --tdl»v Daniel Crawt'.-rd.

KM IIA KM «» luIt

SALE OF STOCK.VF. Me< ONNKI.U. having a-i-.-n.-l his inter

o-t iii the l.l\ KliV >FAULK iff the Wm-:;*ere-l'.t"!'-. it 1 f'-.n;- > t.,'Oi*- :ty ti. -t tin tiro;

hfllM l«e elf-e-.l. nvKI ti.iivtvie >e.l at M-ik'- tu t l!"t:-e.

On the first Monday in May next,it' ti"l i'irvnni»ly disj-fM'd "t a" private - i.e.' ad

i-at i . . »t... .lii,- ,.i' I .it VI-! .v Met t'N-Ill* MUl'U i>K'S. J V».v ...... .

KLL. consisting « !

f iiiitu:i:\ n\K IIOIM>.v.n l'.JJjrpo. :t i t of" 1 .v.*. IV.«

!:- wi-hinjr t jurcha^e. sire re«pis »te-l t-> en I! i'Xamine the j>. perry. Tetnis mu 2e km -mi ;it theime of sale.Ail }k rs'»ij> imlehtesl t Sir.ii. :ii: 1 wh-. v.i-hsave costs, must make in;;;.iio pa\met.!.

Iiavinpr claims si^aiu-l it. are heivy . t::" t ( reseatOopie- tliet -" i,S. I.. l.uVK.W. I». MlLl.Ki:. A-Lime..1. M. i:«»ss.

A.vnt of Civ I'.' r-.

April -. 1 I :-I?

1" ::l 1:1 -V

!i:mxvx:m iv* > »»>

^ ivi{ osoqi i»ii»| )<>tt 2[i.u >'p{ m>'1-i| .'4

pa.woi-jq o.K»p'j.u.«n »<tji .i"{ [ujjpu.t;,], ;

)<i .u.i'i >nu:Ti.a:<| -.[-u) a. >j j-..) »u 'A:n:iu:irSHIl.UVAV J" 1V i' >i'l ' ' °'i *,:;D '-MM111 » !>

-puapij >ii| siu.lojia \[|Uj:ootl>o.i .

-uu oi|j.---; kLSO.> JA J.K) rj>\111 ill^

A Card.rglllK iim!orsi;riie»! take-oeeash n i> i\ turn histhanks1 t<> the 1'iil'lv for their psttronate. ats-l lie-iv-hyt -triot suns prompt altcnii-ii to busines- t merit :i

L-oii;iimu:ice < f their favors. lie i» -til! « »»ii*In.-:iiijrthe 1 «ii - iin. o. A I! i' 1 AO 1! ANi' ilAIINi.-S M.\ivIN(i

in:iTl it>hraiielies. :;t hi> state! on L.l<er;\ Street,

near the linlvpcmlctit I'lunch. where in* will keep theI" -t materialsml themost cxperinee-l workmen. amiwill lie in every xvay prepare'! t execute ail »i.leitothe iiNiaetioii ..r iii- customers. Kepairiiu- will he

iloi.e at tiie shortest notiee. lie is also prepare«l to

i|o llUllSI£-Sm>KlM« siinl I'lantatioii wm k treiicra'ly.with ilispateh ami iii a stvle to plea-e.

.1. .1. SNIWT..Yoikvilie. Jan. 1 1."in

Furniture Ware-Room.rtpHK uiiilorsijrnoil respectfully informs hi- tVi» i

.1. ami the puhlie that lie i- still etiirajte'l in themanufacture 'fail kimis of 1*1 I*NI"I"I 1*M. at hisn'til stati'l near the llaiiros'ol Depot, lie i- fully piepure<l.

with competent Workmen ami tiie host till all of lets with which lie may lie lav-ini.

at prices to suit the times, either fori' i-h or Darter.All person- imiehtei! to him hv note or si«v.e.;*i?.

. ...i.l well to cull sili-1 Ills;lie -ettii l:.. lit.s. i«>>ri:i:.

.MustIi 13 l<>5t

BUSSOMTIO\ or CO-I'ikt\i:uIFSI III*..The <'«>j>ai! i j» .if S. > VOI.KIS X

SOX, wac Vtvl t>.l the : tilr'at... 1 v i'» i.wn

limitation. .\II j>er-«.u« uvle'.t. I t > u hy I! account.oil* rt.|Ue<te,! t-> call v... i ?;..| the .-ante

cither '»y ea^'i > time. :t it i- in. '.!« r!.:«t <>vir

«ilil ISooks .-hmthl t»e el..?.*.! \:j». t*« w| . havelieeii iu.iel.te! t" it- fm* itv -!ve nimr.h .>r -i.

mn^t |>:.y it- -mite « t-n. i- we ire emnj>e!'i..l t make-..»:te eoiieelS. SAl'l.KK.

'No. s. s \!h.i:i:.M: .eh II v.,".. 1!tf

i; |{I:\j:zi:K> II.LK mii>I>8 A MY..The exorcises .1 iIti- tlmci-hii:-;

will he re-itine-i mi the L'.l M»»M' W ,.i .lANlVIIV.uicler the 'iiiection it- learn >1 au-l' lien. .Imiin \. Ai.*l"Vt!l)W.\ill' \\i!l»^. i *1 a



Ja.i l» 1 tl

rpm: vokkvim.i: itmii.i: (oi.J.I.litSM. . The » ! le.tvi.f thi« ln-1 till:. wiil l-e

emiiiiieiiee-l . ii the KlilST M'M'W IN* FKIMMWKYnett. The exercise- ; i >|.eii»,.| in the New

111«i I * I i 11V. J. Mi»Nli«»!: VNlMi'Sti.N..1.111. I. IS*'*.. ! if

V OTICi:..The | lA.i; heivcl". :e t \i

a i tittjj i.etween I. I'. M 11 !! I.KM't it i.\ 1.- j.. mnlW. It. WILSON. thi* -lav -ii.- hv mutual

c. meat. I. I». M ITIIKKSTOUN.W. It. WILSON.

M-ireli > . IS"".. I »tf


MISS ELLE\ McAFEE begs respectfullyto announce to her friend* and tlie travelling

public that she has iiuw sole charge of this wellknownHOTEL IX t'HKSTEK : and under her immediatesuperintendence it continues open for the accommodationofBoarders and Travellers.

The reputation which the House now enjoys vendersit unnecessary that she -Imuld make ami specialpromises us to its future management. With a fullcomplement of

Well-Trained Servants,and all the appointments roi,ui>itc to a lirst-vate she is -nro that nothing will lie wanting on herpart to ensure the comfort of her guests. Thankfulto her friend-" for their patronage heretofore afforded,she soliei; . a call from them whenever thevmav visitfhe-ter.

Mr. John McAfee,will continue, a- heretofore, to give hi- attention on

public occasions.iSkjf Passengers by the Hailroad- tvill find Mr.

Smith's OMNI Ill's at the Depot, ready for their envev.aiiee.1'hester, Wan. IK. lK-jo. _»tf

The Ti-i-ucel:lv ('.nolini.ri wiil Col»e 1 time.-:iinl forward tin* account to thi< oflice.

Chester Carriage Factory.raXji J: under.-hjaud i.- now jircpurod t" manufacture.fi_ ai hi* New INtaoli.-Iiiio nt. in ( licsterville. all

kind* of < 'A i! It 1 A<JKS. a l.ij>tcI to our roii-ili and liii!vCountry. sin«l of the Materia!-. JI e would

io aiiiio-t every loan in tlie uji-country itiioiv"i le-« j it-tut* i I 11111 tii-t*. Vioivyou I'UV ororder:i Carriage, no natter where. ! !; around and

-ec what m.i t of l.uiiihrr tl.e Guilder ha- a:. I in wltateoli'lition i» i- |;i i.f. Tlie ihiiTiaie.-M alter or liltiy' . si- intleli a- lie jih a-e.-. tan theI/ i'ii ' I >' I of van iajio-lnakii!'. lie- it tlie /.'/<. /» tI'ile.To i.iiy :i < !;<. )> No:rvo. Iloj-e or t'avihijre. i-to |

verity tlie oh! ada^r« ; J', >, ! uinl /' »»/. »«/tii.'e no.' a fair f« r lay work. ::j»«l then it it i-

not made ri^ht. In-el Hie re.-jioi,-il»!e.If it w-.'f I.* t for I'aiiit. l'utty and iiito.What would we j l'arri:' _' "\?:ikei - » V

('. F. SltU-ST.«':iO-ter. Jan. Is. 1*-Vn-tf


( OIAMHIA, S. ( ..

1) KtiS leaxe t'i inform lii- iVi'.-ji'U jit'i tin* | ui *!'.*.^ »!i it If i. w hir;:e :! l-l:r:- u- ? hiStock

of Jewelry, dc.I'.:: ! !!;: u I.:~ foinn-;- vk. lie It::- nv.-iu-i :i

v :: r; i . ifii-'vc :i --m:nun r of .1 '!.!> ilrl >1 I.V Mi!VV A "IVI IKS. M: iiiol < l.i'i'KS of . i v v..ri.r\ :

MILITARY AND FANCY GOODS.< 1 lit:-. llhle-. Sj. it-iam A|c. Mati:-. I'.i ]'. -ket

YaM..* f'ttlery. lii-:i--or:iifht Mate-;. i..o.|w'.'.iIIIJ I I !li] ri-Oa larji'e l:llti. x'V f I

Elegant Articles,a:.i it i.- l:i- <le-iyn let to lie -uijI i:i tin- ta-te »ti«»

i h-.- iiiee ol his-election-'. :tt;i| iiis jiriee- will lie linnetto he a- iiK'iieiate a- at any oJiere-tahli-liint lit in tinThankful

1"t ?*a-t s'.iv. :-. he - 11 '


! '! Ji it: -r,: J,;.; i

hit: 1 t:

NEW GROCERY STORE.I AM ill-: Veeeivin.' at Inv Ilv'>llS!I"1 hi., a h ic- A I Will i <.;IMS. which I w:i! -(I! fi : t -ii. a!,' v::. y

tie;, cm ) |.'i:vh:i-r i e!-cwj.. in ti.l- ) ! . Mi-} ck cm.-St- ..f

rim Rio i\i> J w i corrm:.Xe\v tnleaii-. < iarlti<-i. I'silv.-i;/. i. I r.

I! co .-m l >te::ln IM tine i So.n -.

TWvi;tv Hiic-1- New " in- > *-i_:r !i -

.mll'.t IM.'o M- la--e-.Fifty S.iek» ..J' S .If. IMv-e. S l r.o.'i! >can-. I'i.-hie.. 1'm-iMVo. I .1. } v ,r.'. ,- I:. :-.

tn^.-t *:» :- with t'f it- i:! v.i ««.* fa K «1v.

V.. K. !l \« 'K !1T.'M irer, i-

\ i:\mil3 Mil.!:.- I. iiI\.- v .\ . ..

? . A. II li! ii: .. T»l?.: : > M '! !.!>: : 11 \ ItX i - s : > * .;

t !.. .jti ..... .: » i i .. : *-1 w! '... !.. iy -. !\«.fKvatur W i. S.\l*M.flS: i > ... :_ . ii

_1.. In v.- ! U -m. : M.MIX !' "»: I'll: I'l-i

:MAi: l'i X' A !.>. f .1 -. -. !...\- ...

!f i, IV a : . : V.-. i>1 . : 1 ; - ! a:, t 11 - I. .\ '. :

li ii:.- -- .r -u .

* * : :

: « arr.a.v Makes- : , :r-hIllll'tllllXii if at -in iT r. tic : ars.^lc- 1 ! cheat.. i-st-I "J: tin;, t. \ i t n-t- lie-:-.

Ti.eV 1 et'!! II ' !t '. I t.. I.!.- . ti.i .. I ei... - ..! I . i|--

i - i ;! ir ] i-s ; i\ -. .e- u j. ee.-ive :: ntl'lKalc e f '

.MI I.J1S *.li HI N-t iN ".

^ ikville. .1:11;. i.'"'. 1 " ' *>. ; '



iiavc rou». '..-i tiivir e^taMi-i tn t : ; ; *vi y ; '.. -i

V. v I K fi: > 'l!i I nil., w: i; .. . t I

«i .*w t it- :r 11 .**ii * *:

h.-Hi'i a j:> i l:u

Drrgs. :»Iedicines. Iiye-StulTs. &c.,

.IT 5. !ii I.J.'»i«>AV, ;

!'. ! i. I I:'>>4 *N. 1V..ik.:*! -. M;..\ !. 4

miiJl* \\ 5iOI iAj. <1.1 MUI.\. >. J .

. * Tito |.r- ;>n< >"t« « | ii, v i i;. ! :n :Ii«ti-.ivi-iliii"|<uli!ii' ti»:« w«\l kit«>wn fMl>!i>in.K'iit

i- 11..w<»v-iir th tvivj-r. it \i-:;It> I cat:* i !> tlio in >» \ 1 »« : ! .. ivnnta>

:« it 'n:.i . !:.; Imau-.i. \ :« i:.« i !_.t'the liu*iiK'^ j'iti'i i!i( i"V.». Kv«-rv:! ..j |

t:v.v»«ary : r i':>- o-*:;.:ii r.i* i';i:v!'nilv j . *.: Iv*-«. i In' ; w'l;

< £ i I'r j ; it v-. inI r.i-lilV v.!,.. will :.;V : \vl*l. M I'll..lOOTl^.f !. !lt.%- : . I ;\i:\:i ri.r.M:n«;.

I. Fl.HMIN'i..'nil. "». ii!'

In Equity.York District. .

IVrtH*.- I

\». !»i!l *' t l).i\vt»v. i

W.1.Ciwoti. A 'un'r..a.-.ami «


B T aj»]»ca» ::i«r t-> itiv -.t11 -Fnc-ti-.ii Tli..:i. i« M.1 Feimi'i* nitiMV'T''. Ilcfi-ml'iit*. :. I. ! . i iin*limits ««f ilii SJjit-.*. i^ii iiict:...ii !" Wi'Hant- ... I! -itty.

('i>iiij<l;iii;:i:its .t?..»!ivii. !'.*. i:><< V* ! [!;:; linyj'lo.nil. an*\wr »!iiiiMf 11 tin* ..Vf i>:'< ..j'.*. nj.i.-slat,wicliin thri1.' iii.-rtli- If.-hi tin' ; ul. '< iti -Ti ii--i :*. « r

Mil I»T VI i. .1 V

r.iSiinii»si iitli.v. .!><' ! Mil I.l!j>".ivtvil!i«. S. (i i'. 11. Y. i'.

.1:111 1S t ;?-V t J"J..i

jtniOVU..-'!': oS: tiu- !'I 0 :iu«l l!io J'U1'. noia'.v. : :i !:» 4.

IVlKMV'l li°' -J-'.'k ! ti "N l!:0 "t ..

iiiitr." tw.. : .V-vih i-I >. M««iv»v > r«. wiaTo .

ho^ill %'wiitinuo i<i Kt'c]' si i.« »:i! -- rlii..*..: I'UYtUH'l'S. Il;iv<hv-m\ II siv. i! ;,

tVw. I»<1 < -AO.. AO..:.:. ... t'.ioIi.wo-x inioo-. Ho ivt :in*- in* ::!. » t.» lii« i.ioxvi*aii>l the pul-Iio. au<! ju's i" rceoive .'. :a ti.e;... : t' »

now t!»e .-.into ivim-u- men»mv . t' : a.. naj^oas h:\< hithovM Won uiv*. it t « Iti- a-o.

u. j. isi»wr.x.Jv»n 2"»


> ;>!:i

IM»k,s ).:i:ru1sJi< .ft ::i ii.i i*i>.TIIK^K i'(t| KINS, ii * oiiiii:..' itit' ^ u.*o

in i.i.iiir »oo! *. v.:-

:*:»» .« s » s» .... .

« ; *i;'ami w»»t»T. « ; lfrappnfollluwa.nipp.Ttab'.r. rnaiiwi.t io. -t

ii US'to than :lio bp»t wi« to flim.Tlioso <'a-\s w i'.l ho i'l.rii -!« «! by J ir ><:!»>ovil»ov at

hi> \Vi.rk->!n>;» at !i«-: i in.ti.-o. l!o aNn sita':<o< tlio"I'liuarv WOOD i'i«KPlNS a* lio:ot*.."io.

TIP»M.\S il. SMITH. i

VotkvilSo, .1 iilv o. ls-14. L' Itf i

ririlLOIt'S SHOIV-M -1' T. \ W. Dlt'K5S<'N, bop t«' laako tlioir itoki.-.w a-u-im-ii*. f.i

tlioir tVioml-. i'-r tiio lib. nil siiaro of psitrounu thovliavp i'«i\ iVo l: aioi '.sitoian tUotr trivmls nnil tlip pub-lio thai tlioy aro ^tiii vanyim.. mi tho T.ULOKlNtJlil'MN KS> in all its brain lio»\ at their statul oneSouth t.f S. Sfilor vV Son. Tiiov have in ulo airanpfmoists i>\ wltioli thov will iioaiilo o fill all i.r.K s » Jmtie

bo*". j'.llitli I tl.. »l», a:. I t > tnako up oitt-fi:int!io !:ao«: .-ty". .'ml tlio sao-t worhutnttlik*' i:. u:tior.

Pa stilt: ;.:toiitii.:; ami pt > mpttioss. nml a l'altliflllOXCOlUIoi! vt l-s, tilf\ 1'opO t-J 0"!ltillllO to roooivo

a Lwoillv of public piitr« napo. :


'> ly


French, British and German

DRY GOODS,200 end 211 Kim/i 'Chmw of Mavkd-stwt.

('11MILEXTOS. S. ('.

KKI'l'rnnstautly on hand. and offer to their friendsaii'l the public generally, tlia largest assortment

of Foreign and Domestic Dry fi «>d- in the SouthernStates. Their Stock is constantly supplied with a

full assortment of

RICH DRESS GOODSof all the newest varieties of s yje nr.d Fabric. inSilks, Tissues. IJaregos. Grenadines. Muslins. \e..

Bombazines, Alpacas, and Goods of allkinds.KMBROIDERIES and LACE G'KJDS, of every

df *cripti«:n.IVI'VIVC Tillrst-s CftoDS. t.fevevv varietv.

Gentlemen's and Boys' Wear.CLOTHS. Cas«imcrs. Veatinjr*. Linen Drill- ami

Coating, of 1 FrenchSatinets, Twce«l-, Jeans. \e.

Full FAMILY USE.ll'i ;. V» liitney sm-l l»ath li.unkets.H'.-tl .-mi I White FLANNKLS.Ilngli-li ami American Cotton Hanii'-!-.French. Kmrli.-h ami American 1'KINTS ami f.-ini*>ric-'.Limn-. « !* I'ie'.iai ?- i - cell- -ratcl make, for

Slii'i.'tin^^, Shirting-. I'ii! av Ca->-. Talile Dama-k.Najikins. '[' »u*eli:n^-. I». K. ami Huckaback

|)::r. !>. Frn'f Cloth.-, Ar»i«»n Linen-. Ate.

CARPETINGS,In-raih. ) l'ly. I>ru--els. Tane-oy ami YLI.VKT.I'liti-i: ami American Floor t ' ! 1 l--th.».Wisi >11. Velvet an I Axiuih-tcr 111 OS.W lute ami colorc l Mat'inc-"! all which*.M ,ir r.».l- III I STAI il CAUl'KTlNOS of ill kin-!-.

( I ItTAfi.V M vn:nn LS.or .vry \avictv in Silk-. Satin ami Worste«Li i tain '"ambries an-l M v-lins.I'.nl >: .:>1>-i->-< ! I .are an! Mi.-!::. C'litain-.Oilt C.-i;:; >-. Curtain 0'inps. 11 »1« i«-r*. L.>i'-.

I'a--el*. Deanery Cor-l-E Hell U"j»r . \i'.

I*M\T4TIO\ GOODS.lliank-t-. i'iains. Kt-r.-iy-. Caj . vY>-.' >>tt"ii OSNAI'.LI'.OS, all "I to- be-t Sou hern

11! :i Ki\lii" w;iii i'vim} "lii't i "i im \ itiviiicii<mii Iv:ii-*ii-« * !. a:- «.i;r "wn |». ; 1 in-

'-riatii'ii. ali i arf if*i a; tin- !. Hv-t M i:k«-i I'K- i*:i-!i "! < \ty a , t -. I'!> nv-r«*iii

:» -rrii-t'y ail. .1 >1 '.

All In.'. |- an1 w.1 a»it" i. at. I 1 r-it'l* ii witii|*f»»iii|.t:ie- aii-i I' !.. f f.r'-li! r:i\,;T:-ii.

I"!!' >\V M).'! .\ I.KM \N.March i-!;.

GOOD TIMES COMiNG!A Brilliant Assortment of

m All Sill IM-iS.Messrs. L. BLCOilBEP.G i 2R0THER.

A v \« 'I V II ' t. . .... |1

A i , ;v., -! '': i

; -. «»1'S. w!

i -i I « i v N.-'s! !;. : ' in.1: ..-I. 7 . ;* :>

ii!"'.'a v... 1 :

\ . >7 !..* « v' ' .w. : \>!t <" \S|I '

C Jl*\< * i\t> fill*v '. :.-.v Mu:iiill:i«. I' .1.1 .V . til : v.iit.'h J

1. :.. . :i:.. 1-- : ill.Al'Vi i IV !!a>. iU.J.. « ,: . all i

1. *. i : ' ii 1. M i . .' ;.

!'.: 1!' ? ?:. ! a-'iaO k t:: -in

; i'-i oi \1111 s roiu:.I .-. V. ' ; W. ; ... .. ! »'.* !' V. i: t ..* \t '

w 1 { .* .


orif 1:1::: \

SPRING 1* %iic* or



At Prices which defy all Competition.,\NI'A* 1" A I.; H .'.N i' > > 1. n.

i > ' !. y ii.. \y mi tv-!' ' ' S A. .»

, V.: I'.t: \ ... . <i,:

.1». i: .\v." -. v .

»> >iI S. !*: i

..V... V. : ;i ... .... .

A iuv-V- :! : A\I

sosj: i s.i: iriiiiit.'iI! .*!. : : i'i :»*!

; - I;; !.- < I. «t-. -Iiy .i<- . '» y a;..

\ -. tiv : _ !. i!! ; I \

v -.. «v . r;.. ; i.. r....:?' v c: * ; v * : . a:.-! t . a


l'- ,

i~:r- n:;. . v_


; ::t * 11v >:ritv <* I-. . ;:i- t!v - «» , ;*

Spring and Summerv.-r ; ( >.. i i.j > ;. r-u Hi. i. "»r Sto'-h.i - » i \ ri tv ; I'etT :t i .L::ih-:in M; ntlennn - 1*1. ; »»1»S.. (. > to V 11- t"' IlK'tlT '.I W,. '

- ec'i : !y h.v't- y. n't- .. : : that '

: n :.v.y . v-c'i'- ! K-1' :/ . :> .:! w-

I sr. MM \1 >TMMLK.Chnrl'.tt*'. X. Mi'/.'.'.. ^ i-.;:'jiiooTsi.vD siioi:>i lois rVsiir

vy. s. wood,)>:AM r.vti r». t AM" i»KA.!.ki; IN

BOOTS, SHOES AND SLOGANS.S-K 1?'» liiclmi tiv.-t, ! Hlicl..w the

V. «:kvt. . . iTi. r : iv .ivuj.ii-!* I 1

!.V ,M. 'I A I nf» «»Ll >.

n.\S ; .v." U !:f :... i ,.u'!-.-h-cti !lai'ht I .. .iv -iTj'! - * i^unliy l-« «»e

uii-i i;. a Siif.o St ti-. . n«i«s:».s: < t'Neon's I'l caii'l\iu1* 1 l'.iUMiA.NS. ST I rcllLKiM N>. Ii"l .SM SER-TaN i' Sli«>MS. nil c! > - -. w!i. SV red l.v the

.,Ki?.*n r i- : : :heivW.-t : C.'.»!i.

:h.c iV . !;' l.-W ! 0.\i7 MliS. Udiis*

!\!1 :»*: i M..: oc.. V.all ; Sl'«iMS ... . >LIi'i'MIlS,.i.ttheli-u.-e Mil A S a. ' :"..tdelj.hia.

a i » >.

0 tit-' F'l'.ctV.'T. 1». t. -^t'telied !J«- «:; n. !.ra:': . ;:ii . -A.r.-ii ..;-i n.-V'! .ve.

N. ii. T.iv' N.\Ni l .:!> 'I ! !:;,.ii:TMh.\T I- :; I. t! *ati i-i'.titi !: !..".ce "i " * y-'"i ii'ia.'e'i w«.rk».. ::i."...ik i '. *»:.» war. r.trT to

.A- at:.-; .-li- n. '

U. S. > *. llici. i i-. ::--:.. 1i*.: -; Iw ! Market

.1:;!i. t". 1 tt

V KW MSTAHhiSiii >i Me- .

* ^ ' iJ.MDMAN. i.-'-ht.i i.tuelia-ed ,

[lie -1:j» WillLi.; M. Wa-ker. in I'hi-.e. in;.- t-> ,

u»:i. ilia .'T.i the eit;z<.»t V>-kvi'.".J a;, i it.- victni- !

tliat thev have i:tr: !e avr;:ii;ieJ.t« t > t »ea. .y on the ,

ULACKOMlVIl SHol'at the >hl -mid. where theywill 1 ! iire;.ared i ready t" oxeette w.Iers in any ,

ic-cieli ..I" the}.u inc.-*. ilOKSK-S I'>KIN(5 d.-ne inIh. he-t vie.

A. !'. M t'<»NN*tf.I..STiKOM W.

.Mia 1tf

I ion S IIjK..The -.-lihei f-'-r?*ntI.that J-ai t «.f liie .1\! I. l.r»T '« b. "h *!» <>!.i .'all

extMidin^ to h.iarty vtreeX. li 'injr a c>r

I ; on the » «' ii.- -y: .sv, it i-- a jro.nlJ cud' for 1»t:sines*.It will he .iivided if de.-ired. 1

A. LATTA. .*

Aline 1:1. 1*.V If.rf.

VUUU J.WJL V/ » W- <

A. G. PAGAN & CO.,rJTAVr. ; : *a»u.c : .uj> I.n>i - -. «is

fi. i!ifi !' i' i

ale ! f ' I'..n I.

w:.h v, r I i.

i:.' ca-tt <* uM lit t tv'r*.r ;tortuaitv uyjr'a! i-iac*.-. i: :!. - .;!; t».»t .!mvuteiv i.-y liij Sir-t Mvn' -y i.i March. v *.'! '

OFFLKSIU AT 4S 4 TIOA,ji r' -ti'r- liMto:*. :'i: I:! - « :.i I -U-vec .-.ill*

lii*vr tl; :? !. i > S. i' .in:, >:ntil tl»Mitir.'>: :' > i- - !. Tl.o ivi'! -rill ! k« j>j>eit '>ftwft-n audi iy-. ». *r !- c.i.m <ititai

i: .III.- at | riv-i 1v iVrt:;« otit -ulc:ruk k: V"i t-:i tli<- tir-t -'ay i

IVi - ii- vi.-Jiiii" I arjraii - won! i .. v '! t.» ! «.:-.

Mlt "ili." -J Ii tuii-i .»«? !! ' ' 1 >y-.Mn:.-Ii i' '«.»tl'

n i: tin: ti riioni*t:a> ro tvNot N't'K DKSJ.X MKN I'. IJOYl.tnui caivii

lato f..t- T.v i' r i . V A >> »» !« :. at the i

'",tr ? "' !:.

May S. 0

i\T, uir, ts TEi»s;e^B:is ro t\V 7 N' lI'Ni'j: XV. J.V ! >« I.N. a- a r I rnli.!:: Tl-1

:h»'office 0t" Tax. <' -licet : 'i District, at til;::-aiiiitr election#O-v. I la'l. ' *»tf



T torna* I». Fenner \ Wife, | iiill for

, V. I. CInw«on, AdmY. et. nl. j Partition. &c.

9> obr- lii'iico to the Decretal order of the Court.. I*i; * v. made in the above >ta ted case, T will <

]>< - i-> public .-ale on the 1-th day of April next,la 1 '}*: a lei valuable tract of Intel, lying on the'l<| of Catawba Hiv t. bounded by lands of WilliaC"j ce. William I. Clawson. A. 15. Springs. Fli 15a!ant other.*, containing

100 ICRFS.' he-o lan.I* are of tho f|ttality. and -Ittt tt<

wit!.in a fev.*miles of the Charlotte and South CarIi11. Kaili'oad, near Foil .Mill Depot. At the *ai

tinje and place. tat the residence of the late GeorPemi*.) 1 will .-ell

I'Z LlkliLl VtGUOES, Women an I children.all young and very valable. Tiie lot is very choice, and pers.ui- dealing*l:Kc* Would do Weli to attend the .-ale.

.C.-.-h -uliiee iii io pay the Co.-t .»! this .-tl

oil :-tliird of the purchase money to be paid on tl1- of Jan,uiit Itfob: one third on the l.-t dayJ a iitary 1 *o7. anl one-third on the tirst day of J.nnay Ifwi'.ii inter, -t on the ia-t two in-talmenfr< in the 1-tof .January 1S-VJ.the purchaser t-» iri1bo id with two go. d -uretie-', and a mortgage of t!pr Miii-e-.

.IN*i. I.. Mll.LEIl. C. K. V. V.Commissioner'- Ofiice. i

Vorkville, March K W,:.. , L'l' It


MESSRS. H. C. BHAWLEY & Co..MAVINO jn-f iv-teive-i a:.! 1. :lt thcil* st««l

m D'-'pnt.trcot. :.«? :i* N- lintel,f u-tcr, ;i ii'.'w ,«t'»ck ju.-t iinicr-. i tV«»:u the NWti

leave i i aiui'iuiicc the | .-< } « «jl Vnik ai

i' ivt.-r. that t!i»-y :!! ii..v j rvjuuv! t » exhibit 'I!i -» -».irtllit'llt < !'

H\E FlUMTUli:.i' li t i:i 1 flit o!" Cii:tik\»ti>n. Their I- at |«r«»i* it emi-i-t "f a lar/«; . (- rfiifiit !' ' iiair-, «*" v.: x

hi- k: »ii 1.-: lluieati-: Snta-: Si-eivtaric- atal lJun'i-i -: E\te!i>i< u. D.niiiir. firlaiel IVa-TaMe.-: M.

-e Stair!-: W.a-li Stan !-: H it Uu-k-airl it -: !!-i<-1*!.. <>t every -f v-1. ate! tii.i-li: ,-evoral -ett< el'

Elegant Cottage Furniture,i!i'- la;--: all 1 a!! it!:-;* t:«v. it.-ua!!

i- -j-t in :i i la; irle e-tai-li-klueiif. A- tla-ii*ii***. 11/1; i ii if .: it. I i a i.:r/e a

! iV-i^iit ; tint- -;iv. «; « ji«i !« i { »

tie in t*i tlieii * Itiirer .::» :

a .-i ' .< ; . i! . !. .i- :ija_-I tin- \ i-- -I

Mr. James M. Parish,ili- i! k:i*'i-:i t-i tli" ! { !« 'i i>rk a lei ' li«*-1

I» -1. i fnj i:< v -I tiiii !» i:. ! in. r L: >u tti t :» a* t!:<-y .. i'[ «f-« luai

it ire is:! :»rri«*l«. '.u :!: !; aliliiijf fMilit a -f; » »'! : li. ii < ll«t >l:.Tlirv i n

l:< w :tt*» i :V . rta.ei.i !' Kuriiitu c "I tin*v i. rin !'u'ii;!,-i wi: v. ! a'»« ! » »! !

At the Lowest Prices.i' ~ iri .. i * f ..

. in i' !'> ii'vi* t!i«-::i

.! I" : < : i i.;I. l.ww Mi l.

.v MIX \\ !'i.!I.I". - \ J lis. !-.


S»|Ml ; f': .t

.: . i a . .:. j- : tiif wit j > !' -Mi

; withTiic B .?.>: Piano-Fortes.

i*l - i.* ccK-V.iaft i mntiW«-*t«»v:e< :

:i. > .:! an i - : . ! wi»!i .:: ... I.v Mr. l'li'l.N. v : a?i i-xj-.-ri'.. . : si>.* r. Their *:

.a r - :f 'a t::>' i i: IJ i.; !: 11 « .t.n -1 *. a:

S ! e: n. i '.v.

... t?:. -t-t i;: .!.' i; a :. .\ l<. . a t I

Popular Instruments: i- vmi \N \ \ i'i v< ii\ii:n ..

T: v n" V :. ... I I': »tli

. v.Vimtuti-C |h* 1 t.;-: i ma ! :

ii. lu'iia!. a: i iv.;: - i with !.' « .a!

: v : ... - 1- V \v .

' .V. |.if. i. !; I VI I \ ! ;;\\ ;< : i

.. i ' !V V.ii! , V.

M I.INM.KM I 1*1.1.V.ui V :c !.«! : a!. \vL ...... «-.»

I'.i.NNi:; r. iiin. : !.;^..» . ^ t:CHESTER

m\wwi* nMjuno^iqijiovlilt i, ODiiiruiuu riML iiinmuinuiuiu

l I I-I I III lii :i:s1 ) ! !* !'!!> ' 1*1 ..i : i- ! lit-.*

It is- .- :i!l t

;. V> ii \ (! i:i: r.\I!.. ..;i ti.o :; * « *

Ware for the Trade.

ft r«V.S!!. » !«.'. vvr T- D

Kcofnig and Glittering' done with Dispatch.W 1. i <

" 'i - i J AI'.lNMil' :.:i

'LANXiSiiv .!'. ' '.i v :w:..:!» n»-w!. v.. : -..J- :s iiS.-.-l r

M jb tl 31A ; i STi»\T.S. Miiaiu! '.o % u

-i -.' \ i. !.' !!. i \T'i'K. .. ... S}!«

: J u...-. MKlSd S H'\ IIS I'.r I:«v. . V.


Sold at Ciuirkslcn Pi iocs.

... il.-ii- . I'i.ftcr.r r«»f*.iNS«»N.

LIVERY AND SALE STABLE.,vi »i:kv.ii.i.i.. s.< .

3 ov r. wVI 4 *.. r It nit* !:« } : i«* that (!,

v V i '. '

i : .-.v H \ i: it is* H'»rKi.. .

uv>i f'. t'nr:.'Ilorsos and Vehicles

it lii'' *t: '.'* >| Th'-ir :!. ".Kill- i-lt".>11 -

IV...V ; ... : i- v- i' .

ill.: -." t: i:::: ill tiiC Stat '. T:..'.-.ii 1 jM'.t'. witii .. c iv.'V.n:.',' ,.,v j.:.:u\ tv.\. : T. - V-I* V.

With Drivers that can be Trusted.; i ! >r f Hol:>!'S .!

iVivii-U.t>'%. ('. !-! ' Ion ?!t viri.-v v.-*'I

iv;:;t ].i*..inj.t »t-nS. JATI A.\ I.ovr.A. i*. Mi-1 "NMII.I..

V-»rkv:"..-s. «*.. . I-. ]<-\ -tf* The i': -:vv Stiu } :: I .ui'I t!.f T r I v v.

Ail .. . i t:, " i.l» j-\* tiilvt* :(>: 1 -cii i ;»CC t

tu tlii< 1.1'ico.

f~±/ss\Aa -frsv fZalf* ilh CIllASt.fir.

business lloticcs.DR. ALFRED CRAVEN,

AUsiOrnt ^argcon flea (is t, vVOIIKVILLK. S.C.

Sfjf On the Kurt M-le «.f the Main Street. South ut'x- the "Palmetto Hotel."

n Jan 0 1tf

J. C. CHAMBERS,* * -x __j c.ii.ri.

Attorney at .Law anu ouucnui m .&niui/jr,YORKVILl.K, S.C.

f.l OFFK'E IX THE < iM'RT HOUSE.*. Oct. :! }, -JOtf

p PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE,Factor and Commission and Forwarding Merchant,ACCOMMODATION WHARF.

u. LiiAi:i.t>r< \, >. r.

in Jan i) 1lylil EDWARD MOORE,'[ Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,

YOUKVILLE, s. C.r- Office fronting the Court House, in the Jail Building.

Will practice in the Districts of Vork. Lancaster,u- Chester. Union an-l FairfieM.

Jan '1'j <">lv

W. B. WILSON,Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,


Cl.l.RK's OFIKK.

.March '2'J ll'lyhi JOHN L. MILLER,

ATTORNEY AT LAW.''l 'YnltKVI I.LK. 8. i'.

Office in the Court-House.Will praotii '.* in the C mrt- '»t' York, Chester

:t:i I "'"ISM:* Jar* 18 -Jtf


Libortv-Street. 1 Doors East of tlie'"Adickes Building'.VoliKVI I.I.I:. S. < '.Ur-iei - |'i"h j.iiv itr«Mi-L"l r

' Jan Jo > 'ly

SADL£B:S new hotel,OiHNTU i.r

tiiai-I: .\ni> i itvoN STUKI-:TS.iTIAKI.UTTK. N". «

1 J tf


i BOOT AND SHOE-MAKES,v<>i:vii i.e.s.<

J-."ti, t I 't.lirf»I I'lll *! . ^; ly


mi iiifiiiif'mPaints. Oils, 6:c.,

r \ o :i. i. ii t \ i t i: S: O ^ .

i .; !'«»-| i * V i'1 I'R - il« i'I PiHlRI/flT.L .

Maivhr- ITly

P. .1 l.'.wniK. .l.'H. EX NTS*.


iioo!;?. %t;itioiifi'y Mlti'Lic.WALL-PAPER, &C.,

' I PT.« T K. N. '.

'T »y

s. W . I) i*, is.

, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Office Doors South o: Sadler's Hotel,


» 1"

i.- a- 1-- c I r-"» i*is

: «' - f I.ii'C'J.r.. Unwn-> I :f . \\\ I tt.-vlcl to with plea*

M nvi, i-'1


JOHN MARTY.>'» f\ \ L' P.,': a Ai i I T \ ji C tll> \JA ir h . VjA i*i J f A \j I u r.zLr.,

College Street, intruedutcl/ ::: rear of Sailer's Hotel.< 1 I \ !J ' i I !'i". \. < ..

K"." :::;o;it ,

.i i i;IP : 11. -rile*.

XIJ:- -ly

J. N. LEWIS <L Co.i v: ? \

Fine (mid ami Siher Watcisi'st''K.- .


I tV -tv - t' I i »\

I- : M-"- I V.., <

\i »!:k v i j.i.i'..s.( .

t-* v.-.- ; .. v,:.v:v


CHESTER DRUG STORE.u:;:!:r v h * s.ii;.


. I v .

"* V : M Hcim* .Va!>.«I' Hi!*. I y V Ji-..-. Itni-. .r-. »* - : K V A ti i"-. X*'.

I "if AI t{ - -i \-l. Va('! r- : , s;. u;: ! xi1 i' .

f.'i" Is

Wf/. 3. LAWTON & CO.! \t.i\.\\ -. ! \".V !'"\.

r >. -. r ... r-..-. .

rectors, Forwarding and Iiic-c-nn4.?.»I t I i A i !. A NT I < W i I A I: i .

11I: l.:>Ti»N, >. .

i _ t u-» .

!'» ii. i« \ -. v.> !i * i., i*;ji*-ri.i . i..' ;»Mf I jji".* - i:i .

/:!/ /:!:/: :

i: ! t". .1. !).. \ .11: v. W". .!. M.irv! '.. v' i. ii .: < I. I!. I. Vv. Iiiii; si»», »I.i.j.

ii v.- \ {: ...i. !». ,\!a! ii- !.. \l. \ .. V. v..* :I i». J..

S. : T. \ .IllinV.iii:. 1.1 v..

I u\ >. t". :

Ii ». i'. J. Dr. I J. !:. S . It. San.r.II-*,.. !'> S. : i.. C. .fun II j.. F!«,ri! : < !. M. "!'..* tn v.'.t-1IM!';* ,:i. l>.

r J::?i H- \ycacairwr.* jtw-'ai r.ta r.mmm*


FOR PIANO FORTES.ZT ~ *| '711 l. i iic*i'a:, i !'">t it « «: »ini-nt "I

i'I .» fl1> ' I' 'IJ " a i i :t .i' '.I

V.' M. u.\ ! » A \ I I 't ! ! -t. * r.Kv.-rv l'lAN*' > i!. r 'i:| vrifi

ui- .t'tlie !:; t -tyi*. ati«l ?i: Iilltulle =» I hiMi-.: :: I lift* -ill i.. r I "iw.» ! -'.it I "Mill"-.I'.ui- livi'. t. n. It"*- ii f n: «

ri:--u: ii a i:«»vra* i:- ::i<.'' J .n. 'i i If

i <11 llliMT". il 1 OV*j K!.'« l l'tNAi.'l i in > ' ; - * Is ' "f:-i. ai: ki*i l- t t \ i «»\ri:* i-"N tovs.

K ;.i*v V i i 'ni' !;t :' WiI:t*li:t Kruir. i&T~ \Ve*M:i;u " 1 I'"rtj**.- i

atl ii**: ,iil VII \v.,iv.*::i

t, .1 )>! :I'll MiiAD.( IV." X. M I * *<">.! "J: j

t \ 3 thd.masson:i jl t I ! «* ! :ii r hi in \V- «.M 1 liijfk l»u:'iit:^". I tltl :.l:c»* Itii'.li-ii tk !a|l'.*. I!'*

take- ;i ... j" i 'aiiiry w»u;i Iti- hi- thaiik- i«#r t!-«*- lih'Tt! J*"i'>' 'Jii'.ji'* !:* ! I' !' ' * 1 W**l 'lint. :Ui*l

h* I * -1 * I:.'.1 coiitiirtarii '.!;* unr, !>y < >».

:ijT. I * i!n* ! it'.v- I' j.;..!** -i i :ii>« j.l .lajitilt'l' ( . '! . ir .!-'

M'ttvit ii*. 1.:<.i

NOTK i: TO C-» U1S>1 iV*.~A ! (Juar_*!:nn-. Yin- ait I" *iniiii(tw !. H»yIt'i: !

; *. ,: : » I' : * 'V fiCST MnMUVIN V:\Y V!i\T I* i.r-Ji" t " ins'i! fi-t'irn-,

" I.j ; *'»» !» iljct a f, v.v! I i-.-i:*-l I I:* »:t.

i.IN'). [.. A!!I.!K.V. !».if i ''.Mmi-'-i.ii ei '- (>dir«\ >

V«»rkvi!Ii*t S. >i r< -


To Officers, Soldiers, Seamen &c,,Of all Wars: their Widows and

Minor Children.

S. M. KXIOHT, Attornev f«»r Government\\AjMIXGTOV, D. C.

C10XTIXL'KS to give prompt and personal at.-"Itiuii tn the prosecution nt' Claims of every d.criptionagainst the General Government, and p."ticularly to those before the Treasury Departnn v.

Pension arid Bounty-Land Bureaus.^Patent and G<eral Land Offices, and Board ofClaim-1.An experience of years, and a familiarity with t'

means r.f obtaining the rurlie*t and mn>t favorable vtion on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch .

business, justify hint in assuring his CorrespondentClaimants, nnd the Public getutally, that intei* '

iuttusted t«. hi-- kcj-ing will not be ncgltcUd.Pkxsio.v. Bointy Land. Patent, and l i t. ..

Lam» Laws..He has nearly ready forgiatuit.distribution ante tig his business Ccm.»[ t.«!« 1 *.

(and those who may become -itch.) a neat pan.pi>containing a synopsis of the cxi-ting Pension, B>«u.ty Ltnd, Patent aud Public Land Laws, downthe end of the late Congress.including the

Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855,under which all who have heretofore received !<than 1 dO acres arc now entitled tu additional lai...:said Act grants also 1 »jU acres to all Officers, XcommissionedOfficers. Chaplain-. Soldiers, V/ag .

Masters. Teamsters, and friend I v Indians, of *.' «- s-.» t..


\-..lArmy. IUCUlUlUg oi:uc iruvps, Tviumni-, ...

Militia.and all Officers, Seamen, Ordinary -Seamen,Marines. Clerks, ami L.nndsiucu. of the Navy, i. .

heretofore provided for. who have served not Ie.*thatifourteen days I unless in battle at any pet 1since 177d: ami to the widows aud minor children .

all such nervous entitled, and deceased.This n uu( iilct contain- Forms of Application'

more full and complete than any elsewhere to 1

found: adapted to the warns of every class oft lalaaats under tise Act, with copiousdecisiojy and i*>-tructionsof the Department."and practical sugg-tions us to the course to be pursued in suspendedrejected cases.

Parties u«.t wishing to avail thoui-elves of the f.cilities atfiird'>d by this Office in securing prompt <i:

! . .«'./, // .mj/>;riir. mlfun' ot tlu-irclaims at the Depumeiits, can obtain copies of the above pamphletremitting thirty cents in postage stamps.

Inducements to Correspondents.' 'oriv-;»iiid«*nt< who prepare an i forward ca em-nug'-mentby tliis Agency will b.> drab with 1:' .

ally: -applied with all necessary blanks yr/tis.ui.k< pr constantly advi..>1 of the chang's that from tinetii time occur in the execution of the law.

it : within the subscriber s p .er to direct iiCoi re f..;ei of- to tit- h cabll of ve; \ many persoieutiti- i uudi r the late Act: and h iving obtainedv.-rul limu-and L-.nd Warrant.? under former lawhe i- in | : u atu vdl it; .teiiaily tit-.

in securing add tI bounty.Fees, be!'.*., the* usual rules.and contingent «;»

the adiui-sii'ii of plain.*.The highest » ;!*!; prices gl\ett for Land V.'ariuet*.

Kevolufioiuirv Svip. and Illinois Land l'ir ufs.


>. M. KN'Idllr.

March 'J'.1 I'dli

Cash Music and Piano StoreHORACE WATERS,No. 3.33 Broadway, N. Y.

Opposition to the Combination !jrrsjf at hueati.r ut:nrcnn pmce.*.

> i I'.Tf I!>T \ \ I'IStJ ti," . r.:i inaii-'i. >\ MuD -uie. to i;e.*p iii ilu-j.ri n' it t'.-c.'iyri"i

mu -ie again-! flu interest «»f Nmirf Ccbijww*, tin

i t iu-al t" eM -nd to Mr. Wafer-, the t > urtc«i.". ! i!it* nvit». he i- Making .niisvn- i.« «a*.

iI» Irtht "Vi'li-'U'Cl!.; t !:0 In* JilllkH'* .t', f'.lif" t "

in hi* opposition to tin*(.ir.'at no

II. hi* l'* to :l»'i nuCvc tnlclit iili'l »«.! JjI the N.' '

ti'.ii il 'u; j> . lii* -t >Ainn . ui nu«l K«nI an Mu-le ii.imi.h-". ami t! < <: ;;il« guo t hi- "'*'

I til;,ic:ii* ot»e : lh" hi. . r m I'-CCill the L Suite*. ill ..!.* Ihaile H JIs«. JiC

liK't' ,.ii In | ; :c«-- < ; !' ,»t M« I»..|i* i.<. nm! Mii -il 1:.-1» mii«.i;t> I II h'.i S"j i r:. i 'l it' !

IIr. I. .. |. r »!7". .!; ! iiitei:* '

fi< ^ .,<1 i|Uii!ity i ilftlillui l«f» a- 'i £ftli'i ilUi*1

v. |i" -li , -t l';a. .. ..t i.v. jv \..i

"* :H» i l'( :** '. f(» « -;i.i.n. i tii'i; i?r. ll.I Ten Ulfcivnt inai.niaii : ani'li;/ ll.CiM tl«

hr:ite<l modem improved Ii..r Wat- I' :

the first l'remium.'Eoliuti I'lan - >>t i :t A. ».'«make (ownersof the .Eolian I'ntont. Sic*Pianos at great bargains. I'rice- a. > !' t $KMelodeon* trow Five diliVrcnt Mniniiact* .

liiijr the well-known S. L>. k ll. W. Sat thS M*Icon*1, i tuned tin equal r< upeiiuni. ..t. '* 11*.in the l'iiite-1 S:at«--. Prices, 4">. ' 7'>. 1<>". I1 'J'). 1S 1 SiuithS Double !" ;» M.sjoii. Kucli Piano an-1 Mel'slcon in:- 'ibest terms to the trade, seliooN .v. I'-.i '

emint to Clergymen un<l Cl.tuai.*-. Vpromptly attended to. Mu->* ,:t

0* 'i»:ti v post-paid. lit the i> i.S. |i f it i gui\-:m-l ii! - ..<> '!.i

ln-:ntir i i- ; .. i i t- :?iy . *'.

> .»«: M rii;: >4 i: :: iTicOI III.I ! !

Head iliis Adveiliseul, Onoaiid A!!.TO MERCHANTS.

r' p \ '1' »" 't M» ' ..

I 1 ; w .i:.\ i.. i.i i

i .! :im i' - "'.i .

! .i i civil:'.: t!i«- j>n it- ii..u ..t .. tt »v i *

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i.m'in .it; (.! m, rt.;« i. - r»"_ : '-'.it- >'«/./t'l.-.r.t: i"i.) 11 < i I; .J't.

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i ,.t !!! i. ,i i i« it;:C-nl;../ f . flu- / >, ! t -

!» W l!» M \V! s .

Il.-ji. .. L'l'.", Kiftji f!.i«v-u. r»

Taxes! Taxes!!i: i \x ! »«»k> i' .* * » i i .lit i

M ..." i ; .< t .t :i i«" 'i Ii'« < r

i, ii .* i.iMis w !;i ii.i'iM;. "... . a n ..

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.) -'.j.ii < .! i- it i'ti'i.iv, --.'i MmtIi.I'iny .;! !. Miiifli.

('. .t A i' i V it. "'ii \Juii .

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111' 'I !: ;.* !. A; Si!.\V. I', "i !" i- . I'i f.Ii

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Ft" I ! Til;.': \ i_''l '\*

T!i . <! U\ -. 1:1'. ;. I \- .

M. Ml-- Y... v. "til \ i!\V:!\ ii V V.V-1: .i \.! .!i V. ti. !.« Ti.u. ><I i v. I'Mi

A*' Aj'fii. i \-iiI ;»« :

.t;' llir Ii* -t «' i i \ . v.I : .

V. ili I « ->!. i' \ -i - sue I"lii:r. ! ! thatI* I III ! » » . I- Ii'. « X t" . li'.'t'i i!'. r-'. .M! " »' v ; i« > * '.

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rVew Shop.r th 111; «.;i.-t; !;-%:>./ fit.- > . .

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uu«l li: \ !i l.ii i- : w ii :!( !. ;ot'l iin|»!**.r:< i.i.iimii. < f" t'i»< \V'.! i»» Si! f


\ i>- f. » ;>: i- i< { :. j I » * *.

BLACKSMITHING,i:i .%!! ! '

. t:.'"' >. I' u I ruhr .fiii' !. i !! >: <*:>!! .<! ' i v! tli <! v. Ii:m li i.i'' r> ! :i i . I.l<>

.itl. I1 i »! ?t !.!« !: i!. 11 I !*,;. - |i|to his friv»i»l .i i tin* f"i |>&>l fax or-, i

C;t>-Ij.iJV < their |>;ttr< ls:iJJ**.WM. >!. NAI.KKU.

V th'.ille. Mjr"' ] *t.j-j>

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