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What do Yoga and English Teaching in China have in



When most people think about China, they think air pollution. Beijing & Shanghai have made big strides towards cleaning up, and small towns are heavenly.

Good Attitude

When you teach your native language abroad, you also learn the language and culture of your host

country. It will also give you a unique opportunity to learn the Chinese language yourself. Chinese is

becoming one of the most important skills in the global economy.


Before you move to China as an English teacher, first do some extensive research and decide which part of this huge country you would like to move. Shanghai and Beijing are large metropolitan areas while Xian

and Nanjing are cities with a deep history.

Modify poses when necessary

When you receive a response from a School, don’t hesitate to find out every detail about the job offer

and your responsibilities. Moving to a foreign country for a job is not easy! You need to be confident and

satisfied with your employer.

Align yourself

Once your job contract has been confirmed, you should research how to teach English in China. Learn about the culture and how it differs from yours. The

next step is to arrange your plane ticket to China. Once again, just like any other air ticket, the earlier

you purchase, the cheaper it will be.

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