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Headteachers Note Many thanks to those who attended

parents evening, we had a very high uptake and the teachers said it

was lovely to see you all and have a chat even though it was online!

We have secured another grant off the Arts Council for £1000, they

are working with year 4/5 to create a graffiti wall at the back of the

school, and we can’t wait to see how it turns out. Many thanks to

our visitors this week. Nia from the Urdd for working with the pupils

on their Welsh skills and Christina and Gemma for working with the

year 4/5 and 5/6 to develop their mindfulness skills. Please can I

remind the year 6’s to bring in their forms for their visit to Llangatwg

on June 29th and finally the bus company has been concerned that

pupils are running around near the bus as it pulls up and leaves the

school at the end of the day. Could you ensure your child is well

away from the bus for their own safety. Many thanks for your

continued support and have a lovely weekend!

P Morgan

Nursery / Reception – Miss Gardiner We've had yet

another brilliant fortnight in Nursery/Reception. In

maths, we've been using dinosaur eggs to create

different patterns and we've been learning all about

capacity using words like full, half full, empty and

more and less. We've spent time learning 'The Little

Green Dinosaur' in class, we all created our very own

story maps and we can now retell the story using lots

of different actions. We have also started innovating

the story and changing some of the characters - we

found this really comical to do. Next week, we will

start using our innovations to create our very own

story - we cannot wait to do this!

Year 5/6 – Mrs Thomas We are really enjoying our

1960’s project and the presentations we have done have

been so amazing. We have really taken onboard all of My

Doyle’s oracy tips when presenting to our class. In

mathematics, we have been calculating ratio and

proportion and we have also recapped on our division

skills developing these into solving long division problems.

This week, we have been researching how different

countries around the world are coping with the plastic

pollution issue and we have also been learning about and

trying to understand the Civil Rights movement in America

and the influential people who changed the course of

history. Again, we have thoroughly enjoyed our PE

sessions with Katie from the swans and we have discussed

and worked on our Growth mindset and mindfulness to

support our mental health. Remember our EPIC 1960’s

party on Friday June 25th.


22nd June – Class Photos and Y6 Leavers photos 28th June – visit from the Nurse for year 5’s and year 6’s 29th June - Transition day to Llangatwg for year 6’s 12th July – Reports out Thursday 15th July – Last Day of Term Monday 6th September – Autumn Term Begins

YNYSFACH NEWS June 18, 2021

Reception/Year 1 Mrs Pickering In Reception and Year

1 we have been finding out about healthy foods and planning a

special menu. We learnt that some foods are’ treat’ foods that

can be enjoyed now and again and some foods like fruits and

vegetables can be enjoyed everyday.

In maths we have been working on addition and adding one

more more to a number. We have been singing songs to help us

remember the different number bonds to 10 and have been

using our skills to solve tricky word problems.

In literacy we have been working on the alphabet and identifying

and using capital letters at the start of sentences. It can be tricky

to always remember to use capital letters but we are getting

better at it.

We have celebrated the start of the Euro’s in Reception and Year

1 and have each taken on a team to support. Each day we check

the scores and have looked at the map to find where the

different countries are in the world.


Year 3 – Mrs D’Angeli We have had a busy fortnight in Year

3. We have been brushing up on our mental maths skills,

practising our times tables and using them effectively for TT

Rockstars. We are trying hard to improve our scores and the

time it takes. In maths we have been investigating more about

different units of time and revising analogue time. We have

also been thinking carefully about all different types of data

and answering questions about Bar graphs. It's been

challenging creating our own graphs but we have all really

persevered. We have been learning to plan and carry

out investigations in Science and used scientific symbols to

draw circuits and record results. We have made careful

predictions too on what we think might happen and why????

We have all been super, hard workers since we came back to

school after Whitsun and Mrs D' Angeli has been delighted

with the efforts made in homework... Please keep it up

Year 4/5 Mrs Thomas It has been a busy couple of weeks

in Year 4/5 full of hard work from all. In maths, we have been

learning about weight and capacity and applying our skills on this

to real life situations – we carried out a weight investigation with

items in the classroom and made smoothies, which was really

fun. In Literacy, we have written a recount about our half term

holiday and began looking at balanced argument texts. We have

continued with our topic ‘age of the princes’ by learning all

about different castles. We had lots of fun planning and carrying

out a science investigation to test what material has the most

friction. We have been busy using key sentence patterns to write

a third person profile about a real life prince. We will now plan

and write our own. It has been lovely taking part in weekly oracy

sessions with Mr Doyle to develop our speaking and listening

skills. Da iawn Year 4/5

New Curriculum

As you know, we have all been preparing for

the new curriculum. We all want our children to


1. Ambitious Capable Learners. 2. Ethical Informed Citizens 3. Healthy Confident Individuals 4. Enterprising Creative Contributors.

So, staff have spent time creating child friendly

posters that show these four purposes.

Children are using these in class and have even

designed their own mascots for each of these

four purposes. Mr. Doyle, our chair of

governors, has shortlisted these designs and

pupils have voted for their favourites - we will

announce the winners in class next week. We

have also been asking everybody the same

question: What is important for a child in

Ynysfach to learn about? We have had lots of

brilliant ideas from staff, governors and

parents, so a BIG thank you for your

suggestions. Next week, we will spend time

collecting ideas from pupils too, all of these

suggestions will help build our new Ynysfach


We will keep you updated!

Year 2 – Miss Evans In Year 2 we have been following

the Euro's closely. We have a class sweepstake and have been

updating our score chart daily. We have continued to learn

about time in maths using o'clock, half past, quarter past and

quarter to on both analogue and digital clocks. We have also

been reading and interpreting train timetables. For our science

topic we have been finding out about how our eyes work. We

have drawn and labelled diagrams and explained how we are

able to see things. We have written book reviews on our Book

of the Term, 'Sloths Don't Run'. We innovated our own poems

based on 'The Sound Collector', based on the sounds we hear

in our houses. We have made kaleidoscopes and have enjoyed

seeing the colourful and creative results. We also had fun

perfecting our dribbling and passing skills in PE. On Friday we

had a visitor who taught us to play lots of fun Welsh games.

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