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About me


I graduated from senior high school in China, Dalian. I went aboard after I graduate when I was 18 to continue my study in Canada. This picture was with my Acct 150-105 course professor Alexander Abraham during the second semester lecture. He is one of the best teachers I have ever met. In his class, he gives us more oppotunities to practice by ourselves. I remember he likes to say “Don’t be afraid, when you facing a challenge, try your best to do, please try your best!” when I face difficulties, I always remind myself this sentence. I worked hard, and got A+ in this course. Alexander taught me how to solve QuickBooks questions, he also taught me to be strong, and be patient to face challenges.

This photo shows that I was discussing with my teammate. This photo was taken in 2012 in Centennial College. I joint a team to discuss Canadian workplace and write a report on that discussion. I had a wonderful time with my teammate. Firstly, we divided the work and then we discussed each one’s part together. During this discussion, I learnt many things about Canadian workplace, such as skilled workers, selective immigration policy, turn-key concept. I also leant how to be a supportive and respective teammate. Overall, my teammate and I worked hard on this project and this discussion improved my teamwork spirit. Finally, we got 75/100 grades.

This photo was taken long time ago, but I still very pride what I have achieved. This is a certificate of musical instrument. And I am good at the instrument accordion. Although accordion is so heavy, it gives me a happyness and unforgettable childhood. Besides, it offers me many opportunities to show my talent in front of audiences, this experience allows me to have more confidence and encourage myself. Many years have past, by accordion, it exercises my will, and tells me this principle, “The plum blossom no sweet without sweat”

The lecture is a good chance to show your skills, abilities, attitude, and characters. This picture was took two months before during my personal brand. I really enjoyed this chance to show my skills to others. It offered me a change to encourage myself in future presentations. It also promoted me to my classmates and teacher. The most important point this lecture offered me was the importance of practice. Without this practice, I would not be able to tell my weakness and I could not notice my bad habits in front of public or facing others. Thank to this opportunity so that i could know my weakness and correct them in advance.

This photo shows that I was giving presentation to my classmates. The professor asked everyone to give a presentation about anything related to Canada. So I gave a presentation about Canadian immigrants. This presentation let me know well about the Canadian immigrants on the Canadian Workshop, for example, most immigrants of Canadian were came from Asia, with immigrants amount increasing, Canada is presenting an multi-ethnic characistics. The presentation was successful; at least all my classmates know more details about Canadian immigrants . Also, I got 4.5/5 grade on this presentation.

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