
YEAR A CHRIST THE KING Page 4 Welcome to

St Joan of Arc Parish Haberfield

Ministers Clergy Parish Secretary Parish School Principal

Every baptised Fr Frank Furfaro Office Phone: 9798 6657 Mr Bernard Carey

and confirmed Mons. Dino Fragiacomo Tuesday, Wednesday Office Phone: 9798 9780

member of the 9.30am - 2.30pm St Joan of Arc Villa

Parish Community Phyllis Hoole

Phone: 9799 8753

We invite you to share in the Sacraments of:


Saturday Vigil: ............................................................................ 5.00pm

Sunday 8.30am, 10.00am (Italian) &......................................... 6.00pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday ............ 9.00am

Friday ...................................................................................... 9.15am


Saturday 4:15pm


Celebrated on the SECOND Saturday and the FOURTH Sunday of the month at

11.00am MARRIAGE

Arrangements for a wedding must be made at least four months in advance.

Attendance at a Pre-Marriage Course is encouraged. ANOINTING OF THE SICK

We are pleased to administer the Sacrament of the Sick to those in need. The

Eucharist will also be brought to those who are ill or housebound upon request.

Please notify the Presbytery if members of your family or other parishioners are in

need of the Eucharist.


• Telling the Good News

• Sharing in the breaking of


• Enriching the community

through our talents, treasure and


NEW PARISHIONERS are invited to register in person at the Presbytery after Sunday Masses.


1909 - 2009

Catholic Presbytery

97 Dalhousie Street

Haberfield NSW 2045

Phone: 9798 6657

Fax: 9799 4275


[email protected]




We extend a warm welcome to new Parishioners at St Joan of

Arc. If you would like to be listed on the Parish Roll, or be a

part of the Planned Giving Program, please complete the


PARISH ROLL AND PLANNED GIVING Please complete this form and place it in the collection basket.

Please indicate:

I wish to contribute to the Parish on a regular basis

I wish to be listed on the Parish Roll

Please circle your choice:

Automatic Payment (credit card/ direct debit)

Weekly Envelopes Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms_____________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

_____________________________ PCode: _____________

Phone: ____________________ Mob: ___________________

Fax: ______________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________



Readers, Ministers of Eucharist, Acolytes, Altar Servers and

Church Wardens are always needed for Sunday Mass. Training

and information will be provided and you will be rostered at a

mutually agreed time. If you would like to be part of our

Ministry here at St Joan of Arc, Haberfield call into the Sacristy

after Mass and ask for a Ministry sheet.


At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, Jesus

instituted the Eucharist, or the Mass, to perpetuate the sacrifice

of the Cross throughout the ages until he should come again.

The Mass is an act of thanksgiving to God for his saving work;

it is a sacred meal which nourishes us spiritually and anticipates

the heavenly banquet, and it is a holy sacrifice, making present

the one true sacrifice of Christ our Saviour. Catholics believe

that Jesus Christ is truly present at the Mass; in the assembly

gathered as the Body of Christ, through his Word made present

in the scripture, but supremely under the appearance of bread

and wine.

In the Eucharist the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus

Christ is wholly and entirely present. Strengthened by this

sacred food, we go forth to build up the Body of Christ in this

world, and to bring his healing and salvation to all peoples.


“In so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine,

you did it to me.”

Chocolat is a film set in the 1950s in Catholic France. Based on a

book by Joanne Harris, it tells the story of a young woman who

moves into a small village and opens a chocolaterie. The opening of

the shop splits this very religious village into two camps: those who

approve of the fun-loving young woman and those who oppose her

as an immoral provocateur who wants to lead people astray.

There is a stark contrast in the film between those who are

following the disciple of Lent, yet are full of misery, and the young

woman who has no particular belief except to help people to find

love and reconciliation within their relationships. It is her

acceptance of people, whoever they are, her genuine warmth

towards everyone, which begins to change people‟s lives for the


It‟s all too easy for us to exclude and condemn - to divide people

into “them” and “us”. When we do this, whether we are doing it

consciously or not, we then tend to treat people in different ways.

Those we love, those we like, those we think of as “one of us”, we

look favourably upon. We are willing to be kind to them, to care for

them, to help them when they are in need. The others, the people we

don‟t think we have anything in common with, the ones we may

think of as “different” from us, we tend to keep away from - we

don‟t see why we should do anything to help them out.

Yet it is intriguing to note how the “blessed” in today‟s Gospel

respond when the Son of Man praises them for the love that they

have shown him. They are astounded. They haven‟t realized that

they have been showing love and care towards Jesus. And this is

simply because those who are blessed in God‟s kingdom are those

who are willing to show love and care towards all people, whoever

they may be, no matter whether they are “one of us” or not. Jesus is

saying that for those who are willing to open their heart to all of

humanity, the kingdom of God is theirs.

In the film Chocolat, at first the religious villagers exclude and

condemn one who does not appear to live by their rules, someone

that they cannot see as one of themselves. But in the end the village

priest realizes that faith is not so much about keeping to strict rules

as it is about living a life of love, and he says as much in his homily

on Easter Day:

“I‟m not sure what the theme of my homily ought to be. Do I want

to speak of the miracle of Our Lord‟s divine transformation? Not

really, no. I don‟t want to talk about his divinity. I‟d rather talk

about his humanity. I mean, you know, how he lived his life, here

on earth. His kindness, his tolerance … Listen, here‟s what I think

… we‟ve got to measure goodness by what we embrace, what we

create … and who we include.”

Today‟s feast of Christ the King invites us to celebrate a king who

embraced humanity with compassion and love, neither rejecting nor

excluding anyone. It is challenging, because our secular world

encourages individualism. As people of the body of Christ, we are

called to selfless love in communion with one another. Jesus does

not distinguish between rich and poor, between sick and healthy,

between victim and criminal. Jesus loves all of them, all of us,

unconditionally. If we are to be true followers of Jesus, he calls us

to be prepared to do the same: to love unconditionally, the loveable

and the unloveable. Jesus‟ example teaches us to reach out in love -

even when it can seem difficult or intolerable to do so. For when we

embrace our fellow human beings we also embrace Christ, as he

says, “in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers

(or sisters) of mine, you did it to me”.

As we move towards Advent, the time to begin anew presents itself

and offers us the opportunity for seeking out the people who are lost

and forsaken in our world, so that they, too, may experience the

welcome presence of Christ at Christmas.

The Living Word

Please give generously to


Many people are giving today the same amount

as they gave five or ten years ago.

* In 1979 a loaf of sliced white bread costs 55 cents

* In 1989 the same loaf cost $1.35

* Today the amount is $3.50

Has my offering to each Collection

kept pace with the rate of inflation?

In keeping with the Privacy Act names cannot be published in our Parish Bulletin

without the permission of the persons themselves or their next of kin. Please

specify on your Mass Envelope your intention to include the person‟s name in this

Bulletin or contact the Parish Office on 9798 6657

BAPTISMS - November, 2011

We welcome these children into God’s family

and our parish community

Levi Morada, Lilliana Mediati, Dante Barbanera,

Diego Gallo, Alessandro Asprea,

Charles Tilden, Levi Sangiuliano


20th November, 2011

Entrance Antiphon: The Lamb who has slain is worthy to receive

strength and divinity, wisdom and power and honour: to him be glory

and power for ever. Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall

want.. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessings on him who comes

in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father

David!. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon: The Lord will reign for ever and will give his

people the gift of peace. Scripture Readings for next week: Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1, 3-8,

1Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:33-37 Scripture Readers for next week:

Saturday Vigil: Enrica Bova, Maria Del Vecchio

Sunday 8.30am: Margaret Cassidy, Peter Etcell

Sunday 10.00am: Patrizia Cester, Angelo Moiso, Giovanni Gurrieri

Sunday 6.00pm: Mina Nohra Ministers of Communion for next week:

Saturday Vigil: Natalie Devenish, Judith Molloy

Sunday 8.30am: Rhonda Albani, Imelda Bottero

Sunday 10.00am: Frank Capra, Giorgio Moiso, Andrea Carnuccio

Sunday 6.00pm: Angela Lopert, Robert Graham

WEDDINGS - November, 2011 And the two shall become one

Garon Popovich & Carla Cincotta

Anthony Jamous & Eleftheria Moshonas

Giuseppe Lanza-Volpe & Lisa Amorello Mark Hoffmann & Josephine Nucifora


Recently Deceased: Vincenzo Grasso, Salvatore Bottazzo, Vittoria

Campagna, Joan Rogers, Michele Santapia, Elsa Bertoia, Frank Talia,

Antonino Lazzara, James Lucas, Gennaro Sallustio, Giuseppina Fiorio,

Sister Mary John OLHC, Margaret McCabe, Giuseppe, Maiorana, Jim

Kingston, Father Chris Sheedy, Rosildo Rozzi, Giuseppe Risicato,

Kathleen Symer, Marco Pocaterra, Mario Balsas, Pietrina Natoli Rest in Peace: Carolina Spardaro, Salvatore Cavallaro, Cata Klapan,

Rita Barbagallo, Francesco De Grazia, Rosario Ciancio, Mr Michele

Bavaro, Salvatore Sorbello, Angela Nucifora, Mariano Nucifora, Sid

Nucifora, Ida Gortani, Anton Planinc, Slavko Lrbec, Giuseppe Martino,

Matilda Dragar, Karl Dragar, Concetto Pappalardo, Pia Zanella, Cirillo

Zanella, Lattari & Aversa Families, Fr Mecham, Ted Constant,

Giuseppe Giuffre, Stan Laing , Noreen Winning, Giuseppe Catania,

Giuseppe Lopino, Al Cavallaro, Gaspare D‟Onofrio In your love and concern please pray for the following ill members of

our community: Harry Neely, Ted Fox, Naomi Fox, Fr Peter Lynch,

Angela Lopert, Stephan Ferenc, John Huie, Carmel Speranza, John &

Gemma Madsen, Rosaline Ashing, Giancarlo Budda, Mario Bianco,

Tony Sulfaro, Maria Costa, George Myers Special Intentions: Huie & Ashing Families




TICKETS: $15 adults $5 per child (first 2 only)

(available in Piety Stall)

Soft drinks provided BYO other

Come one! Come all!


November is the month of Holy Souls. During November the

Church invites us into prayer for the souls in purgatory. The

Church on earth prays for the souls in purgatory that they may

be purified and welcomed into Heaven. Our prayer, and

especially our greatest prayer - the Mass - aids the souls in

purgatory on their journey to Heaven. Please take an envelope

home with you placing on it the names of your deceased

relatives and friends, returning it next week, placing it in the red

box marked „November Masses‟. These envelopes will remain

on the Altar for the month of November.


As the end of the year approaches we are so grateful to our

Catechists for their great dedication during the year -

Thank you! Congratulations Vicki Smith and Lyn Evans on completing

Stage One Accreditation

Ross Maio has completed 30 years of service and has been

given Life Membership. Well Done!

Moya Phillips is retiring after 43 years of service as a

Catechist in the Parish .

Blessings and Thanks!


Many thanks once again for donating to such a good cause, helping

the poor in such a practical way. If you ever have heavy items and/or a

great deal of useful goods which you wish to give to St Vincent de

Paul please ring the Burwood Branch if you want to deliver them

yourself, or 9745 3744 for pick up of furniture, etc.


The 2012 Columban Calendars are now on sale from the St Vincent

De Paul Society - cost $7. Wonderful art works are contained in

them. They are beautiful to hang in your own home or make the

perfect gift for Christmas.


Saturday November 26, 2011 at 5pm

The young people from schools surrounding St Joan of Arc

Parish will celebrate First Eucharist on Saturday November

26, 2011 during the VIGIL MASS at 5pm. All most welcome!


Packs of Christmas cards are now available - $6 per pack.


On this 20th Anniversary of the Santa Cruz Massacre in East

Timor, we pray for healing and strength for the Timorese

people as they continue to rebuild their nation. We pray for the

perpetrators of the crimes against humanity committed in East


We pray that we will respond to your call, O God, to stand with

all people who suffer oppression and that we will take the steps

necessary to contribute to peace built upon justice.

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