Page 1: Year 8 Pathways Brochure - Southmoor Academy · Qualification: GCSE • Gain a full GCSE qualification • Explore your creative potential in the world of art and design Component










Year 8 Pathways Brochure January 2018

Page 2: Year 8 Pathways Brochure - Southmoor Academy · Qualification: GCSE • Gain a full GCSE qualification • Explore your creative potential in the world of art and design Component

Key Stage 4 Pathways

1. The Process Begins When making a choice pupils should consider:-

a. their own personality, interests and abilities b. what each subject involves and what each examination consists of c. future career paths

Subject information can be obtained from subject teachers and form tutors at the Academy as well as this booklet. Careers information can also be sought from Careers Guidance Co-ordinator, Connexions and our Sixth Form Progress Mentors.

There are various websites which pupils and parents/carers can access to support their decision making and where key subject choices could determine future job choices. - Connexions Tyne & Wear (Sunderland). Includes drop down menus to give guidance on subject choices at different stages and career advice on jobs, apprenticeships and further education. - The University website allows you to search any course interest across all UK universities. This will then indicate which subjects and grades are required for specific careers.

All college, university, and apprentice providers have key subject and career information on their own websites.

Pupils will be given as much impartial guidance as possible throughout the pathways process. 2. General Advice to Pupils

The National Curriculum will already provide a balanced group of subjects to allow future career plans.

Choose a subject you enjoy and are good at.

Don’t choose a subject because your friends are doing it or because you like a particular teacher. Most likely your friends will be in a different group and you will have a change of teacher!

Do not select a subject thinking that you can change your mind later.

Talk to your subject teachers, form tutors, careers teacher, pupils who already study the subject and House Leader. If you have any problems or queries, please ask for advice.

Think carefully about what you are going to do at 16. Find out what subjects you will need to do courses at further and higher education levels.

Please read the individual subject areas for more specific coursework/homework details.

Please note that the information contained in this booklet is correct at time of going to print but may be subject to change. It should also be noted we might not be able to run

some courses if numbers of pupils choosing them are too low to be viable.

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You must study all core subjects which are English, mathematics, science, ICT and physical education. This is important to ensure you are well equipped with the essential skills for any future career path. You will then need to make further guided choices to personalise your pathway. Furthermore a modern languages and a /humanities subject are required for those who could achieve the English Baccalaureate.

Post-16 Progress and Careers Advice Wherever you go at the end of Year 11, after the raising of the school leaving age you will now need to be in some form of training or education until the age of 18. The pathway you choose at Key Stage 4 will give you both skills that might be directly relevant in the workplace, and skills that might help you on to the next stage of your education. Your options will fall into three categories:

To continue in full time education at Sixth Form or College To continue learning through Work Based Learning programmes such as Traineeship or Study

Programme To gain work experience and qualifications through Apprenticeship.

Advice and guidance on the full range of options open to you will be available through our Sixth Form team and the Academy careers provision, as well as the National Careers Service. Whatever you are looking at doing, your core provision will provide the main skills and grades necessary. For example, 5 grade 5’s at GCSE including English will get you into the Sixth Form at Southmoor. If for whatever reason you have been unable to do an option at GCSE, you may well be able to still pick it up at A-level. If in any doubt, please contact the Sixth Form team for advice. In Year 11 pupils have a short, informal, and independent consultation interview with an experienced Careers Advisor and support from our Sixth Form guidance team. Should an extended interview be required, parents are invited to attend.

GCSE Qualifications

The General Certificate of Secondary Education. Examinations and course work are set and marked according to nationally agreed syllabuses and standards. Grades will be numeric (ranging from 9 to 1).

English Baccalaureate

This is made up from grade 5+ GCSEs in English, maths, science, a modern foreign language and one of either history or geography. All pupils are given the opportunity to study these subjects and those considered most likely to achieve the English Baccalaureate are required to choose them.

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• Learn about the English Language and how to use it to your benefit

• Read and write poetry, short stories and learn from the masters of English Literature



GCSE English - THREE Components

Component 1: 20th Century Literature Reading and Creative Prose Writing (Examination: 1 hour 45 minutes) 50%

Component 2: 19th and 21st century non-fiction Reading Study and Transactional Writing (Examination:1 hour 45 minutes) 50%

Component 3: Spoken Language Non-Exam Assessment. Unweighted.

GCSE English Literature – TWO Components

Component 1: Shakespeare and 19th Century Prose 40% (Examination: 2 hours). 50%

Component 2: Post-1914 Prose/Drama, A study of The AQA Anthology and Unseen Poetry (Examination: 2 hours and 15 minutes) 50%

Areas studied include: • Poetry • Shakespeare • Prose drama • Prose text • Prose writing

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GCSE Mathematics is extremely important to employers and is often a key requirement for entry into further or higher education. Mathematics requires logical thinking and the use and application of mathematics aspects need practical and analytical skills that can be used in everyday life.



Qualification aims and objectives All pupils will study for GCSE Mathematics. The course will enable all pupils to ● develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts ● acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems ● reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions ● comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context. When it comes to examination entries the teacher will decide on the appropriate level of entry on the basis of mock examination results, weekly tests and classwork. Assessment Assessment at the end of Year 11 will consist of three external exam papers.

Paper 1 – Non Calculator – 1 hour and 30 mins Paper 2 & 3 – Calculator – 1 hour and 30 mins Tiers: Higher (Grades 9-4) * Foundation (Grades 5-1)

Percentage of marks: 100% exam (New grading system 9-1 replaces A*-G)

Areas studied include:

1 Number

2 Algebra

3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change

4 Geometry and measures

5 Probability

6 Statistics

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SCIENCE Qualification: GCSE

• Learn about how the human body works • Experiment in different fields of study such as Chemistry, Biology and

Physics • Learn about our solar system and the Earth



Pupils will begin their studies in Separate Sciences in Year 9 and continue them through to Year 11 when they will sit terminal exams. Separate Sciences provides the foundations for understanding the natural, material and physical world. Pupils will study for 3 GCSE grades in Biology; Chemistry and Physics as part of the new reformed GCSE Science course. Practical Assessment Requirements: At least 15 per cent of the marks for each exam taken will be allocated from questions designed to give students with practical experience a real advantage over those without. A minimum of 28 practical activities will be carried out by each pupil using a variety of apparatus and techniques. Each pupil will keep a record of the practical work they have carried out in lessons and this will be submitted to the exam board (on request) as evidence of the completion of the required practical activities. Examinations Tiers: Higher (Grades 9 – 4); Foundation (Grades 5 – 1) Number of exam papers: 6 exam papers: Biology x2; Chemistry x2: Physics x2 Length of each exam: 75 minutes per exam (Each paper has 16.6% weighting)

Areas studied include:

• Cell biology

• Photosynthesis • Atomic structure

• Periodic table

• Chemical changes

• Energy

• Electricity

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• Enhance your capacity for imaginative thinking, creativity and independence • Media sector-focused, including film, television, web development, gaming and

animation, and have IT at their heart. • Engaging and exciting learning that has transferable skills for your future.

The Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia will equip learners with a range of creative media skills and provide opportunities to develop, in context, desirable, transferable skills such as research, planning, and review, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively. Through the use of these skills, learners will ultimately be creating fit-for-purpose creative media products. This qualification will assess the application of creative media skills through their practical use. They will provide learners with essential knowledge, transferable skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects with the aims of enhancing their employability when they leave education, contributing to their personal development. The qualifications will encourage independence, creativity and awareness of the digital media sector.  RO81: Pre-production skills (Written Exam 1 hour 30 mins)

RO82: Creating digital graphics (Controlled Assessment 10 hours) RO87: Creating interactive multimedia products (Controlled Assessment 10 hours



Pupils will learn to: • Produce multimedia products

• Create graphical images

• Plan and produce pre-production documents

• Understand the purpose of digital graphics

• Understand the properties of digital graphics

• Review digital graphics

• Understand the uses of multimedia products

• Review multimedia products

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ART & DESIGN - Fine Art Qualification: GCSE

• Gain a full GCSE qualification

• Explore your creative potential in the world of art and design



Component 1: Portfolio (60% of GCSE) Selected from the project work produced from year 9 to year 11. It must include more than one project. You will need to show your technical skill and creativity in a range of work. Keep a detailed research journal with written annotation.

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40% of GCSE) Question papers issued in January in Year 11. Approximately 9 weeks preparation. This involves research, annotation and development of own ideas in response to one of the exam questions. You will then have 10 hours to complete your final piece.

Examples of some skills and techniques required You need to be able to draw to good standard and be confident in handling a range of media. A real interest in the subject and be willing to work independently. There is an element of written work required which will form part of your research. Show willing to try things out and develop your own thoughts and ideas.

Post 16 Progression: AS / A2 Levels in Fine Art at 6th Form, National Diploma BTEC, BA Degree level courses in a variety of art and design related subjects. Please note that you will not be able to choose both Fine Art and Graphic Communication

Possible areas studied at GCSE: • Painting and drawing • Mixed media • Collage/assemblage • 3D design • Fine art • Photography/digital

media • Installation • Printmaking

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BUSINESS & ENTERPRISE Qualification: Level 2 Technical Award



• Gain a GCSE-equivalent level 2 qualification • Develop knowledge and understanding by applying learning and skills in a

work-related context.

This course allows students to develop knowledge and understanding by applying their learning and skills in a work-related context. Students will: All learners will study three mandatory topics as follows • Understand enterprise and marketing concepts in a range of businesses. • Students will design a business proposal of their choice. • Students will then progress to market and pitch a business proposal considering the roles of the people involved in the process. This course engages students and develops them as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds. Students are inspired to take responsibility for their own learning, developing skills that are essential for the modern-day workplace. The course inspires students to create a business of their choice and consider all aspects that contribute to a good business. The course will be assessed by:

• Externally assessed exams (40%) • Internally assessed assignments (60%)



Areas studied include:

• Starting a business or enterprise

• Market research and analysis

• People, operations and recruitment

• Finance for business and enterprise

• Produce a business plan for a business or enterprise

• Evaluate a business plan

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CHILD DEVELOPMENT & CARE Qualification: Level 2 Technical Award

The Level 2 Award in Child Development and Care will provide you with the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of child development and well-being. It is aimed at a range of learners who wish to be introduced to childcare and development for children aged 0-5 years. It also gives learners an insight into their preferred learning styles and assists in developing their ability to study. This qualification will enable learners to develop significant transferable knowledge and study skills that will support progression including: � an awareness of learning styles � a basic introduction in to working with children in a variety of settings � an understanding of roles and responsibilities when working in a setting � an understanding of equality and diversity within a childcare setting � a basic understanding of the stages and sequence of child development � an introduction to observing children and how it supports development � an introduction to the influences that affect holistic development � an introduction to everyday care routines and the types of activities that can support the development of independence an introduction to supporting children through transition. You will need to complete 3 mandatory units to achieve this qualification. The mandatory units are: � Unit 1: An introduction to working with children aged 0-5 years (internally assessed) This is an introductory unit designed to give an overview of the types of settings and local provision for children. You will learn how to prepare for working in settings and the responsibilities of early years workers. You will also gain an insight into your preferred learning style and develop your ability to study. � Unit 2: Development and well-being 0-5 years (internally assessed) This unit focuses on holistic development and factors that affect development. You will be introduced to ways of observing children so that you can support development through appropriate activities and care routines. You will also learn how to work with children when they move from one setting to another. � Unit 3: Childcare and development 0-5 years (multiple choice question paper (MCQ) This unit will assess your knowledge about the development of children aged 0-5 years. You will be expected to know about the different types of care settings and your responsibilities if you were learning how to work with children. You will need to show that you understand how children develop, what can affect their development and the individual needs they may have. You will need to show that you know ways to care for them and simple activities that help them to develop in a healthy and safe way. You will also need to show that you understand the ways that can support your own learning.


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• Gain an invaluable insight into the computing industry


A modern course for a modern world A course that is relevant to the modern and changing world of computer science. Computer Science is a practical subject where students can apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world problems. It is an intensely creative subject that involves invention and excitement.

The Computer Systems externally examined unit will introduce students to the Central Processing Unit (CPU), computer memory and storage, wired and wireless networks, network topologies, system security and system software. Students will become familiar with the impact of Computer Science in a global context through the study of the ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with Computer Science. The Computational Thinking unit introduces students to algorithms and programming, learning about programming techniques, how to produce robust programs, computational logic, translators and facilities of computing languages and data representation. The Programming Project requires students to create suitable algorithms which will provide a solution to the problems identified in the task. They will then code their solution in a suitable programming language. The solution must be tested at each stage to ensure they solve the stated problem and students must use a suitable test plan with appropriate test data. Assessment: Computer Systems: examination (40%) Computational Thinking: examination (40%) Programming Project: non examined assessment (20%)

Pupils will learn to: • Develop their understanding

of current and emerging technologies

• Acquire and apply a knowledge, in computer programs to solve problems using programming

• Implications of different technologies

• Acquire and apply creative and technical skills

• Create and develop computer programs to solve problems

• The non-exam assessment should be done using a suitable high level language such as Python, Java, JavaScript or Visual Basic/.Net

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• Gain a GCSE in Design & Technology

• A hands-on course which covers a wide range of exciting design and practical scenarios in a range of areas including Resistant Materials, Product Design, Graphics, Textiles, Electronics and Systems and Control.



This is a brand new GCSE which covers a wide range of activities based on designing and making products that are manufactured using materials such as wood, textiles, electronics, card and plastic. As well as learning hand skills, you will use a range of industrial processes to shape and form materials into functioning products.

As part of the course you will develop a whole range of creative designing and making skills, technical knowledge and understanding relating to different Design & Technology areas and invaluable transferable skills such as problem solving and time management.

Course Structure: • Year 9 - Basic skills course and design and make tasks. • Year 10 – Advanced skills in the DT areas including theory and the start of the

controlled assessment. • Year 11 - You will complete a design and make piece of coursework (50%) and take a

Written Examination (50%) – 2 hours

Post 16 Opportunities: This course could lead to entry into the following Design and Technology based futures:

• Product & Graphic Design; Jewellery Design; Furniture Design; Engineering; Joinery or Fashion


This new GCSE doesn’t just cover one area as in previous years, it includes:

• Resistant Materials • Graphics • Textiles • Product Design • Textiles • Systems & Control

The controlled assessment will focus on one area and the exam will cover all six, however it will have a main focus on the area chosen for the controlled assessment.

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• Develop valuable life-skills recognised by employers and universities • Develop creative skills as either an actor or a designer • Work practically and imaginatively both individually and with others


Areas studied include: • Visits to theatre

• Creating your own performances

• Performing scripts

• Studying plays

• Developing acting skills

• Designing lighting, sound and costume

• Developing communication and social skills

The course is divided into 3 components

Devising drama You will work in a group to create and perform your own drama to be performed before an audience. You can contribute as an actor or designer. This coursework unit is internally assessed by your teacher.

Exploring scripts You will work in a group to perform plays or extracts from play, taking a script form page to stage. You can contribute as actors or designers. This unit is assessed by a visiting examiner

Understanding drama You will learn about drama and theatre. You will study and practically explore a set play. You will also visit the theatre to evaluate live performances. You will learn about roles within the theatre. This unit is assessed by a written exam paper.

What studying performing arts/drama can offer you! • It is an excellent start to a future career in performance-related industries e.g. media,

theatre, journalism, university HOWEVER, TAKING THIS COURSE IS VALUABLE FOR MANY CAREER GOALS - Drama develops lifelong skills that are essential in almost any career path that involves working with others: e.g. cooperation and team work, resilience, leadership, tolerance and understanding of others. These skills are sought after and essential in the modern work place

• Drama/performing arts develops your self-confidence, command of spoken English and communication skills

• It involves practical work, which may be something you enjoy • The course is still assessed through a substantial coursework contribution as well as a

written exam. This may be preferred by some students.

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FRENCH Qualification: GCSE

• Gain a full GCSE qualification • Gain essential life skills that will equip you with the tools to succeed with

further education and for the world of work


Study GCSE French. It will be your pathway to success and achievement.

How is the course assessed? In summary, for modern foreign languages:

• The four skills of Listening; Reading; Speaking and Writing will be equally weighted at 25% each.

• Reading, Writing and Listening will be external exams. • Speaking assessment will be controlled and conducted by teacher

under exam conditions. External Exams (75%) Higher and Foundation

• Writing (25%) • Reading (25%) • Listening (25%)

Speaking Exam (25%) Conducted internally.

Areas studied at GCSE: • Identity & Culture • Local, national,

international and global areas of interest

• Current and future study and employment

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GEOGRAPHY Qualification: GCSE

• AQA GCSE Geography • Work inside and outside of the classroom! • An exciting and popular course which contributes to the English


Unit 1: Living with the Physical Environment (Exam) 35% weight Unit 2: Challenges in the Human Environment (Exam) 35% weight Unit 3: Geographical Applications (Exam) 30% weight The main aims of the Geography course are to: Our specification enables a variety of teaching and learning approaches. This exciting and relevant course studies geography in a balanced framework of physical and human themes and investigates the link between them. Students will travel the world from their classroom, exploring case studies in the United Kingdom (UK), higher income countries (HICs), newly emerging economies (NEEs) and lower income countries (LICs). Students are also encouraged to understand their role in society, by considering different viewpoints, values and attitudes. Post 16 progression: Geography provides a very wide area of study. It frequently draws on aspects of Geology, History, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. A-Level level courses and BA and BSc degree courses available to study. There are many career opportunities open to geographers including teaching, town planning and environmental services amongst many others.

Possible areas studied: • The Challenge of Natural

Hazards • The Living World • Physical Landscapes in the

UK • Urban Issues and Challenges • The Changing Economic

World • The Challenge of Resource


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GERMAN Qualification: GCSE


Study GCSE German. It will be your pathway to success and achievement.

How is the course assessed? In summary, for modern foreign languages:

• The four skills of Listening; Reading; Speaking and Writing will be equally weighted at 25% each.

• Reading, Writing and Listening will be external exams. • Speaking assessment will be controlled and conducted by teacher

under exam conditions. External Exams (75%) Higher and Foundation

• Writing (25%) • Reading (25%) • Listening (25%)

Speaking Exam (25%) Conducted internally.

Areas studied at GCSE: • Identity and culture • Local, national,

international and global areas of interest

• Current and future study and employment

• Gain a full GCSE qualification • Gain essential life skills that will equip you with the tools to succeed with

further education and for the world of work

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• Gain a GCSE qualification



The GCSE in Graphic Communication has been designed to provide students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interests in art and design in ways that are personally relevant. Students will produce practical and critical/contextual work in one or more area(s) including illustration, advertising, packaging design, design for print, communication graphics, computer graphics, multimedia, web design, lens-based and/or light-based media: film, animation, video and photography. Candidates will be introduced to a variety of experiences, exploring a range of graphic media, techniques and processes, including both traditional and new technologies.

Component 1: Portfolio (60% of GCSE) Selected from the project work produced from Year 9 to year 11. It must include more than one project. You will need to show your technical skill and creativity in a range of work. Keep a detailed research presentation with written annotation. Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40% of GCSE)

Question papers are issued annually from 1 January and are marked by the centre and moderated by AQA. Pupils have unlimited preparation time and are then allocated 10 hours of sustained focused study time in which to undertake the assessed task.

Please note that you will not be able to choose both Fine Art and Graphic Communication

Possible areas studied: • Illustration • Advertising • Packaging design • Communication graphics • Design for print • Animation • Digital media • Web design

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HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE Qualification: Level 2 Technical


This qualification introduces students to the biggest employment sector in the UK, which includes elements of the NHS, local authority adult and child care services as well as a range of independent providers which provide care in a variety of settings. It introduces students to this vocational sector and the role it plays in the health, well-being and care of individuals across all age ranges. Students will also develop transferable skills, in particular communication, aspects of team working and the essential life skill of first aid. As you might expect, both the bulk of learning and assessment is through practical means. The Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on three areas, which cover: · skills and processes, such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health, and designing a plan to improve their health and wellbeing · attitudes, namely the care values that are vitally important in the sector, and the opportunity to practise applying them · knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills, processes and attitudes, including human growth and development, health and social care services, and factors affecting people’s health and wellbeing. Assessment Learners are required to complete and achieve all the components included in the qualification.

• Human Lifespan Development (internal assessment 30%) o knowledge of human growth and development o knowledge and understanding of how people deal with major life events

• Health and Social Care Services and Values (internal assessment 30%) o knowledge and understanding of health and social care services o practical demonstration of care values, together with the ability to reflect on own

performance. • Health and Well-being (external examination 40%)


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HISTORY Qualification: GCSE  


        History is a highly regarded subject as it shows that you can understand how people are motivated and affect events, how complex cause and consequence link together and how our past shapes our future



Students will study two components at GCSE History  Component 1 (External examination – 50%) 

• The USA, 1920‐1973: opportunity and equality • Conflict and Tension, 1918‐1939 

Component 2 (External examination ‐ 50%) • British health and the people, 1000c‐modern day • Normal England, 1066‐1100 

Students will sit two exams at the end of Y11 in GCSE History • Component 1 – 1 hour 45mins • Component 2 – 1 hour 45 mins 

Post 16 Progression: GCSE History is great for careers in… 

• Army and police • Law • Journalism • Advertising and PR • Management 

Choose History if… 

• You enjoy the subject 

• You enjoy reading and researching key historical events and people 

• You enjoy writing developed pieces of writing 

• You regularly meet or exceed your targets in History 

• You enjoy evaluating sources to test their reliability 

• You enjoy being challenged to work independently 

“How do you know who you are unless you know where you come  from? How can you  tell what’s going to happen, unless you know what’s happened before? History isn’t just about the past.  It  is  about  why  we  are  who  we  are  –  and  about  what’s  next”.   Tony Robinson, Actor & Television presenter. 


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• Gain a full GCSE qualification. • Develop and learn how to study, plan and create your own media production.

The current AQA GCSE Media Studies course attracts an increasingly large number of students every year because it makes learning interesting, challenging, creative and fun. It offers rigorous but accessible learning on a subject of key importance for young people’s understanding of the world they experience. Examinations 70% Two examinations, both 1.30hrs. The first on ‘Industries and Audiences’ and the second on ‘Media Language and Representations’. The examinations will have various questions that focus on all aspect of the media:

• Multiple choice questions assessing breadth of knowledge. • Short answer questions assessing in depth knowledge. • An extended response question assessing in depth knowledge.

Controlled Assessment 30% Exploring, planning and creating: Designing a media production, linked to a yearly changing theme. Post 16 opportunities: AS/A2 Media Studies / AS Film Studies / BTEC Interactive Media BA (Hons) Film & Media / BA (Hons) Digital Film Production / BA (Hons) English and Film

Areas studied include: • Music Press • Codes and Conventions • Narrative and Plot • The Media Industry • Style • Characters and Stars • Ideology

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MUSIC Qualification: GCSE

• Gain a full GCSE qualification • Develop and learn new skills in music as well as some exciting

opportunities to perform and compose • All students opting for music should be at least Grade 1 standard

before starting the course.  


Coursework Three areas are studied. Performing, Composing and Listening. Students will be expected to perform 2 pieces of music and submit 2 original music compositions. Assessment All students take a common exam – there are no tiers

Composing (30%) A folio of one composition to a brief and one free composition.

Performing (30%) One solo and one ensemble performance.

Listening and Appraising Exam (40%) A listening exam paper of 1h30.

Areas studied include: • Solo performance • Ensemble performance • Composing music • Music theory • Listening

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• Gain a full GCSE qualification • Develop and learn new skills in a different subject and unlock your creativity

and artistic flair!



Component 1: Portfolio (60%) Selected from the project work produced throughout the course from Year 9 to Year 11. It must include more than one project. You will need to show your technical skill and creativity in a range of work. Keep a detailed digital research journal with written annotation. Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%) Question papers issued in January in the final year of the course (Yr 11). Approximately 9 week’s preparation. This involves research, annotation and development of own ideas in response to one of the exam questions. You will then have 10 hours to complete your final piece. Examples of some skills and techniques required A real interest in the subject with a willing to take photographs in your own time outside of school hours. There is an element of written work required which will form part of your research and project development. You need to be reliable and sensible as you will be using expensive equipment and will have to work independently at times. You will be expected to be creative when responding to an issue, theme, concept or idea. Post 16 Opportunities: AS / A2 Level Photography at the 6th form, BA Hons. Degrees in art related subjects.

Possible areas studied: • Portraiture • Still life • Computer-manipulated

imagery / Adobe Photoshop • Landscape / urban or natural

environment • Fine art photography • Documentary photography Please note: It is essential that you have access to your own digital camera.

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PSYCHOLOGY Qualification: GCSE

• Engage in the process of psychological enquiry in order to develop as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds

• Acquire knowledge and understanding of how psychology works and its essential role in society

This engaging and effective qualification introduces students to the fundamentals of psychology, developing critical analysis, independent thinking and research skills. In this course you need to be able to:

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological ideas • apply psychological knowledge and understanding in a range of

contexts • analyse and evaluate psychological ideas • evaluate therapies and treatments • Show how psychological knowledge and ideas change over time and

how these inform our understanding of behaviour • demonstrate the contribution of psychology to an understanding of

individual, social and cultural diversity • develop an understanding of the interrelationships between the core

areas of psychology Assessment Information: 100% Written Exams Paper 1: Cognition and behaviour (50%) (1 hour 45 minutes) Paper 2: Cognition and behaviour (50%) (1 hour 45 minutes)

Subject Content Cognition and behaviour

• Memory • Perception • Development • Research methods • Data handling

Social Context and Behaviour • Social influence • Language, thought and

communication • Brain and

neuropsychology • Psychological problems

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• Gain a full GCSE qualification

• Explore your own ideas about controversial issues

R.E. challenges students to consider controversial subjects in depth; it requires a good standard of English and provides an opportunity to: • Acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the beliefs, teachings and

practices of religions. • Debate religious and other responses to moral issues. Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices – 50% • Beliefs, teachings and practices of two from: • Buddhism • Christianity • Islam Component 2: Thematic studies – 50% - 4 studies from: • Theme A: Relationships and families. • Theme B: Religion and life. • Theme C: The existence of God and revelation. • Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict. • Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment. • Theme F: Religion, human rights and social justice. Examinations: taken in final year of the course Number and length of papers: 2 x 1hr 45m Percentage of marks: 2 x 50% = 100% Qualification: 1 GCSE

Possible areas studied: • Is marriage out of date? • What happens when you

die? • Should doctors be allowed

to “create” life? • Is capital punishment a

better option than a life in prison?

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• Participate and officiate in a variety of different sports • Gain an understanding of body systems and the effects physical activity on the body • Improve your understanding of topical issues from the world of sport • Develop skills as a sports activity leader


Areas studied include:

• Benefits of participation in sport

• Anatomy & Physiology • Safety in Sport • Injury prevention &

treatment • Barriers to participation • Discrimination in sport • Sports activity leadership

This is a vocational, GCSE equivalent qualification which provides and engaging and stimulating introduction to the world of sport. The qualification is suitable for students who have displayed enthusiasm in PE and/or school sport. The qualification builds on Key Stage 3 learning and provides an opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification to enter employment in the sports sector or progress to further, post 16 qualifications. Students will improve their knowledge and understanding of the short and long term effects of participation in sport and physical activity on various body systems. A consideration of factors affecting participation in sport will be studied, taking into account individual factors such as age, ability level, disability, injuries and cultural background. Students will develop skills enabling them to plan, lead and deliver, inclusive and enjoyable sport and physical activity sessions. This will also involve participation in a variety of sports and activities, acquiring new and improving existing skills as well as improving your knowledge and understanding of the rules and laws of sport.

The following units will be studied: 1. Physical Activity, health & wellbeing

Assessment: Examination (1/3 of final grade) 2. Physical preparation & readiness for sport & physical activity

Assessment: Examination (1/6 of final grade) 3. Inclusivity, equality & diversity in delivering sport & physical activity

Assessment: Coursework (teacher marked / externally moderated) (1/6 of final grade) 4. Leading sport & physical activity sessions

Assessment: Coursework (teacher marked / externally moderated) (1/3 of final grade)



SPORT Qualification: Level 2 Technical


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