Page 1: Year 7 Student Handbook 2018 - Bellbird Park, … · teachers need to respond to the changing cognitive, physical ... of study. Every Junior ... Pat M & Pat R – Students will complete

Year 7 Student Handbook


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“Students will meet their potential and enjoy their schooling when there is strong communication and a shared ownership of the child’s learning journey.”

Message from the Principal

At Bellbird Park State Secondary College our mission is to develop learners who can identify opportunity and manage risk, who can innovate and create, and who can shape and define their future. The focus of the junior phase of learning at Bellbird Park State Secondary College is to build a strong foundation of 21st century skills that will ensure our students experience success both in senior and in their post schooling pathways.

The Junior Secondary Phase of Learning is a very important phase as teachers need to respond to the changing cognitive, physical, emotional, economic, social, and technological needs and conditions associated with adolescence. The relationship therefore between teachers and students is crucial as teachers need to adapt their teaching and learning strategies to cater for these distinctive needs and to maximise learning. Students who are actively engaged in purposeful and intellectually challenging learning throughout the Junior Secondary phase of learning are more likely to complete 12 years of learning and gain qualifications that will prepare them for further learning, training or work.

Bellbird Park State College prides itself on providing our students with learning pathways for the future. We have processes in place to ensure that every student’s progress is closely monitored. Students in Year 7 will participate in intensive lessons designed to improve their literacy and numeracy skills and ensure that they are able to access the curriculum in all areas. They will also explore topics essential to their well-being and participate in activities designed to ensure students make a smooth transition through their schooling years.

If there is an aspect of a particular subject on which you require further information, please contact the Head of Department for that subject; appointments can be made by phoning the College. Ultimately quality learning achievement is underpinned by the partnership shared between the student, parents/caregivers and the school. Students will meet their potential and enjoy their schooling when there is strong communication and a shared ownership of the child’s learning journey.

We wish our Year 7 students success as they undertake their secondary studies. I challenge them to strive for excellence in their academic achievements and encourage them to utilise effectively the very high quality programs, resources and facilities our College takes pride in offering.

Michael West Principal

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Subject Head of Department Contact email

English & Humanities Melissa See [email protected]

Mathematics & Science Gouri Sharma [email protected]

Health & Physical Education Paul Terechow [email protected]

Subject Head of Department Contact email

Food TechnologyIndustrial Design & TechnologyMusicVisual Arts

Paul Terechow [email protected]

Languages Melissa See [email protected]

Year 7 Curriculum Structure

Core Subjects

Elective Subjects


n English Coren 4 x 70 minute lessons a week

n Humanities Coren History, Civics & Geographyn 2 x 70 minute lessons/week

n STEAM Excellence-BYO laptopn Maths Coren 4 x 70 minute lessons/week

n STEAM Excellencen Science Coren 2 x 70 minute lessons/week

n HPE Coren STEAM excellence programs may attract an additional cost




n 2 x 70 minute lessons a weekn 1 Semester

Digital Technologyn Industrial Design Technology n 2 x 70 minute lessons a weekn 1 Semester

n 2 x 70 minute lessons a weekn 1 Termn Instrumental Music - Optional

n 2 x 70 minute lessons a weekn 1 Term

n Frenchn 2 x 70 minute lessons a weekn 1 Semester


n Literacy Booster n Numeracy Boostern Pathways Program

Student Success Programs

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Bellbird Park State Secondary College is committed to providing students with explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy across all subject areas. Research has shown that ongoing development of literacy and numeracy skills in junior secondary can improve outcomes for students in their senior years of study. Every Junior Secondary student will participate in:

Literacy and Numeracy Booster - All year 7 students will participate in a weekly literacy and numeracy program with a focus on developing reading and problem solving skills and strategies.

Instructional Reading – In all subject areas across all year levels there is a commitment to embed reading sessions that focus on developing comprehension through the use of explicit reading strategies.

NAPLAN – In year 7 students participate in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in May 2018.

Pat M & Pat R – Students will complete ACER diagnostic testing at the start and end of 2018 to assess Literacy and Numeracy capabilities, it will inform guided practice, demonstrate skill development and indicate areas in need of support. It will also help us check to see if students have a “years’ worth of growth for a years’ worth of learning”

Literacy & Numeracy

Philosophy & Values – Wellbeing and Positive Behaviour for LearningStudent wellbeing and learning are inextricably linked. Pathways lessons are an opportunity for the college to focus on developing the student as a whole being, incorporating their socil and emotional development as well as modelling positive behaviours. Pathways will also provide opportunities for students to participate in developing the school culture.

Wellbeing SummaryThe wellbeing aspect of the Pathways program will engage students in: a Developing personal and social capabilities. a Building resilience and confidence. a Equipping students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and strategies to understand and manage themselves and their relationships. a Establishing a supportive, caring and inclusive school community that fosters school connectedness. a Study skills and strategies for effective learning. a Building skills for planning positive futures. a Building problem solving skills.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) SummaryThe PBL aspect of the Pathways program will provide students with an opportunity to: a Learn the behaviours expected of Bellbird Park students. a Engage with routines and practices for effective learning. a Become involved in developing Bellbird Park SSC’s expectations including branding and rewards systems.


Programs & Initiatives

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Student Support

Bellbird Park State Secondary College prides itself in providing an inclusive education, reflecting the values and culture committed to enhancing equitable educational opportunities and improved outcomes for all students. They feel valued and welcome through the celebration and recognition of their diversity as a strength and context for their learning.

At Bellbird Park State Secondary College, classroom teachers in their day-to-day teaching place a high priority on identifying and addressing the learning needs of individual students. Teachers monitor the progress of individuals, identify learning difficulties and tailor classroom activities and assessment task to appropraite levels. All staff have high expectations for the learning opportunities of all students.

Catering for a diverse range of students requires teaching strategies that offer multiple means of representation, engagement and expression. Oue college aims to enable each student to reach their potential through the provision of educational support models such as; case management, adjusted curriculum, classroom teaching and assistance from support staff.

Bellbird Park State Secondary College is a place where students: n Can learn and achieve to their full potential n Have a right to attend our college everyday in a supportive environment n Are responsible for their own education n Have the right to access appropriate educational programs that meet their individual needs

Bellbird Park State Secondary College classrooms are where the teacher: n Takes responsibility for the curriculum needs of all students n Responds to the diverse learning needs of all students n Provides opportunities for all students to participate in social and academic opportunities alongside their peers n Fosters a safe and supportive learning environment where diverse needs are valued and respected

Inclusive Education

Our Guidance Officer, along with our team of supportive staff, is building school wide support for wellbeing, using the MindMatters framework. MindMatters will help us grow into a school that supports mental health and wellbeing at every level.

Along with ‘whole school’ initiatives, our Guidance Officer, Year Coordinators and other support staff provide individual support for students. This support can take the form of one to one support or group support around issues such as anger, self-esteem, problem solving and friendship issues.

Our Guidance Officer has worked in this area for many years and has great connections with community support resources. Family and individual support referrals can be discussed according to your needs and the needs of your children. Please get in touch if you have specific concerns for your child around mental health and social-emotional wellbeing.

Guidance Officer

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WHO SHOULD APPLYn Prospective (including out of catchment) and current students in Years 6 and 7 and who are performing well academically and are highly motivated.n Students who enjoy a challenging learning environment.

Philosophy & ValuesThe Junior STEAM Excellence program is an innovative, academically challenging and inspiring learning pathway for those students who excel academically, specifically in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and who have the capability to be creative and innovative.

Subject SummaryStudents will:n Immerse themselves in advanced collaborative STEAM based projects.n Focus on inquiry based learningn Work with the new and emerging technologies.n Be supported by university and business partners.

Course DescriptionStudents will be taught the core Australian Curriculum as well as being given the opportunity to participate in:n The project based “Kids STEM Convention” at UQ n Enhanced projects through partnerships at the University of Southern QLD.n Regional and state competitions, STEAM excursions and seminars throughout the year.

Entry RequirementsEntry is based on high academic and NAPLAN reports. Students need to be highly motivated and enjoy a challenging environment. Students who wish to apply will need to complete the Australian Council for Educational Research General Ability Test, held at school prior to final selection.

STEAM education is vital to a student’s success in the 21st century. Tomorrow’s leaders need to be creative and innovative, collaborative decision-makers and critical reflective thinkers capable of working in multidisciplinary teams. The Arts are imperative to connecting the dots between the disciplines of STEM. Arts education is a key to igniting creative and imaginative thinking which is an essential driver behind innovation, a founding principle behind STEM education. The area of digital literacy will also be enhanced through this program with a 1:1 laptop environment (BYO device is a requirement of the Year 7 STEAM program in 2018)

STEAM Program


STEAM Excellence

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a English


a Humanities

a Mathematics

a Science


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Philosophy & ValuesThe study of English plays a key role in the development of reading and literacy skills which help young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training and the workplace. It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them, creating confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens.

Subject SummaryStudents will focus on three strands:n Language: knowing about the English language n Literature: understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literaturen Literacy: expanding the repertoire of English usage

Course DescriptionIn year 7 English students will:n engage with, as well as analyse and appreciate a variety of texts including novels, songs and poetry, non- fiction and media.n develop understanding of how texts are influenced by context, purpose and audience.n create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts, for example narratives, motivational speeches, imaginative recounts, literary analysis and personal memoir.n communicate in written, spoken and visual modes. n demonstrate an understanding of grammar, use accurate spelling and punctuation and a variety of specialised vocabulary.


Philosophy & ValuesThe study of humanities provides a broad understanding of the world in which we live, and how people can participate as active and informed citizens. Students will develop the ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change.

Subject SummaryThe humanities and social sciences are the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. Students develop an understanding of the key historical, geographical, political, economic and societal factors involved in these contexts, and how these different factors interrelate through inquiry based investigations.

Course DescriptionOne semester of history, one term of geography and one term of civics.In year 7 history, students will:n Explore the ancient past, considering how historians and archaeologists investigate historyn Examine a range of historical sources about the ancient pastn Explore how early societies lived and understand how they developed over timeIn year 7 geography, students will: n Develop understanding of the concept of place through an investigation of liveability. They will evaluate the liveability of their own place and to investigate whether it can be improved through planning.In year 7 civics, students will:n Examine the key features of Australia’s system of government and how this system aims to protect all Australians through our constitution and justice system.

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Philosophy & ValuesLearning mathematics creates opportunities and enrichment for all Australians. Mathematics has its own value and beauty and the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics aims to instill in students an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematical reasoning. Digital technologies are facilitating this expansion of ideas and providing access to new tools for continuing mathematical exploration and invention.

Subject SummaryStudents will:n Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with process and will be able to pose and solve problems.n Recognise and understand the role of mathematics in the real world and be able to use mathematical skills purposefully.

Course Descriptionn Students apply number sense and strategies for counting and representing numbers. They explore the magnitude and properties of numbers. They apply their number and algebra skills to conduct investigations, solve problems and communicate their reasoningn They investigate properties of two-dimensional figures in the plane and three-dimensional objects in space and apply their understanding of them to define, compare and construct figures and objects.n Students recognise and analyse data and draw inferences. They represent, summarise and interpret data and undertake purposeful investigations involving the collection and interpretation of data


Philosophy & ValuesScience allows students to experience the joy of scientific discovery and nurture their natural curiosity about the world around them. Science aims to understand a large number of observations in terms of a much smaller number of broad principles. Science knowledge is contestable and is revised, refined and extended as new evidence arises.

Subject SummaryStudents will:n Develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes.n Understand the practices used to develop scientific knowledge.n Understand science’s contribution to our culture and processes and its application in their lives.

Course DescriptionIn Year 7 Science students will:n Explore the diversity of life on Earth.n Use and develop models such as food chains, food webs and the water cycle to represent and analyse the flow of energy and matter through ecosystems and explore the impact of changing components within these systems.n Explore the notion of renewable and non-renewable resources.n Make accurate measurements and control variables to analyse relationships between system components.


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Philosophy and Values“The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it.” Health and Physical Education helps students explore the variety of ways they are able to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation, in varied and changing contexts.

Subject SummaryIn Health and Physical Education, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills to build and strengthen their own unique identity. Students will explore the influences on their own and others choices and investigate strategies to make decisions and build resilience.

Course DescriptionStudents will have the unique opportunity to be immersed in a dynamic curriculum. Students will be able to personalise their learning journey to meet their specific interests through units focusing on:n Identity and building relationshipsn Positive emotional and mental health development n Food and Nutrition, Drugs and AlcoholMovement and physical activity n Diversity and inclusivity

Throughout the course students will gain experience in a range of physical activities for example:n Touch n Indigenous gamesn Soccer n Team buildingn Oz tag n Softballn Athletics n Cricket

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a Food Technology

a Industrial Technology

a French

a Music

a Visual Art


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Philosophy & Values

Students studying subjects in Food Technology are encouraged to think critically and creatively to make social and ethically responsible decisions to enhance the wellbeing of their self, family and wider community.

Subject SummaryStudents will:n Design and manufacture products that meet nutritional and quality standards.n Implement practical and sustainable solutions to real world problems.n Develop critical thinking skills through researching and analysing practical and written projects.

Course Descriptionn Year 7 Food Technology is concerned with the theoretical concepts and practical applications of food preparation, safety, hygiene and nutrition with particular attention to food practices in other cultures.

Students will:n Immerse themselves in international cuisine and presentation.n Understand the principles of food preparation techniques from other cultures.


Philosophy & ValuesStudents create products to solve real world problems, satisfy human needs and wants, and to capitalise on opportunities. They develop an informed understanding of the characteristics of materials, and an ability to safely select and manipulate materials to meet design challenges ustilising high end technologies.

Subject SummaryStudents will:n Design and manufacture products to meet specific design briefs and specifications.n Developing practical and sustainable solutions to real world problemsn Develop critical thinking skills through researching and analysing practical projects.

Course Description Year 7 Industrial Technology Studies focuses on the introductory skills and knowledge used by industry. n Students will work with a range of materials including timber, metal and plastic to design and manufacture a series of projects that meet specific design briefs and specifications.

Students will:n Identify and apply properties of materials to a range of different situations and learn how to safely operate a broad range of tools and machinery.n Understand how to interpret working drawings and plans in order to manufacture products to specific specification as well as develop critical thinking skills through practical problem solving and CAD based programs.

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Philosophy & ValuesFrench is a major world language and French culture has contributed to the shaping of global movements and traditions associated with domains such as the arts, cinema, philosophy and cultural theory, as well as fashion, design, food and wine. Language learning strengthens students analytical, problem solving and communication capabilities which are all skillsets in high demand in the workplace.

Subject SummaryFor students learning French for the first time in a school language program, a key dimension of the curriculum involves understanding the culture that shapes and is shaped by the language. The curriculum is designed to participate meaningfully in intercultural experiences, to develop new ways of seeing and being in the world, and to understand more about themselves in the process.

Course DescriptionIn year 7 students will:n Use language to interact with each other and their teachers to exchange information, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings about themselves, their families and friends.n Explore the French-speaking world and make comparisons on cultural similarities and differences between it and Australia.n Approximate French sound patterns, intonation and rhythms.n Adjust language use to suit contexts and situations (for example, the formal and informal registers) and respond in culturally appropriate ways to interactions with French speakers or resources.


Philosophy & ValuesMusic exists distinctively in every culture and is a basic expression of the human experience. Music fosters student creativity and innovation. Active participation in music fosters understanding of other times, places, cultures and contexts and helps students to understand and express their emotions. Music is one of the few activities that activates multiple parts of the brain simultaneously such as the visual, auditory and motor cortices.

Subject SummaryStudents will use music to:n Explore and develop issues, ideas and themes. n Develop and refine their expressive skills.

Course DescriptionIn year 7 students will:n Be able to experience and appreciate the diversity of music from across the globe and its cultural and historical significance.n Deconstruct the role music plays in the media.

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Philosophy & ValuesVisual Art involves students developing their knowledge of how ideas and intentions are communicated in and through Visual Arts. They will build on and refine their knowledge, develop an understanding of the literacy and language associated with visual art and learn to use the elements and principles to create and add meaning to their work.

Subject SummaryStudents will take on the role of designer, artist, craftsperson and critic as part of understanding the contribution visual art makes to society. They will learn to identify and analyse how other artists use visual conventions and viewpoints to communicate ideas.

Course DescriptionIn year 7 students will:n Develop their own representations of themes, concepts and subject matter, experimenting with their own personal style.n They will develop and refine skills of interests.n Create visual representations that communicate, challenge and express their own and others’ ideas, feelings and opinions as artist and audience.n Keep a visual process journal and create finished artworks through a teacher directed focus.n Explore numeracy and scientific applications duringthe preparation of work and the use of media.n Plan their art making in response to the exploration of techniques and processes and record their research, development, resolution and reflection in their visual art process journal.

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