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Providing the world with

Superior Health Products

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ZradicalCombining the best of nature and science, this powerful

blend provides unmatched immune support, healthy

cardiovascular function, brain clarity, and joint=

maintenance. All in a great tasting liquid blend the

whole family will enjoy.

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Oradical Superior Antioxidant

Oradical has 161,000 orac score evaluated by Brunswick Labs.

Oradical combines centuries of herbal knowledge with intensive modern

scientific study resulting in a formula that will provide vital nutrients along with

stimulating and regulating factors from plants, all in a highly concentrated liquid

form. Oradical JUICE Supports the immune system's natural ability to fight

disease and infection.

Circulatory system, tissues, and cells: Oradical JUICE is a superior antioxidant

that helps rid the body of harmful free radicals.

Digestive system support: Oradical JUICE supports proper digestion and helps you

absorb more nutrients at the cellular level.

Promotes Anti-aging support: Oradical JUICE can help slow down aging to provide

greater physical performance levels and increased energy with lower stress.

Skin and hair benefits: Oradical JUICE contains components that are specifically

important to the skin and hair.

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Meal Replacement Formula

The safest and most effective program for losing weight and keeping the weight off permanently is here. Xymetri weight loss is on the cutting edge of wellness and will provide you with a meal replacement product that will allow you to lose as much weight as you want.

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Drops Of Balance Stimulates and functionally supports

the adrenal gland

Designed to stimulate the thyroid and adrenal glands, enhance immune function and increase energy. This formula stimulates and functionally supports the adrenal gland from damage due to excess caffeine, sugar, stimulant abuse and stress.

Drops of Balance can be used as an alternative to coffee or other caffeinated products. The proprietary formulation also has broad beneficial potential in relieving fatigue build-up due to overwork and stress.

Eleutherococcus senticosus: Increases Stamina Adaptogen Anti-allergenic Helps the Body Resist Infection Increases Concentration Immune Regulator

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Chewy Zoos

Gummy vitamin, mineral, and glycoceutical delivery system

The importance of vitamins, minerals, and GLYCOCEUTICALs in maintaining a healthy body is a key discovery of the 20th century.

After realizing many common diseases were caused by vitamin,

GLYCOCEUTICALs, and mineral deficiencies, the scientific community undertook research to determine the specific relationship between vitamins, health, and disease.

It is now generally accepted that several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in the ideal diet to supply the necessary vitamins, minerals,


GLYCOCEUTICALs required each day. Unfortunately, scientific evidence indicates that the typical diet does not provide children the nutritional support they need to keep their growing bodies strong and healthy.

Parents know how difficult it is to get their children to eat the fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods necessary to supply the RDI of vitamins and minerals. There is even evidence that the soil in which our fruits and vegetables are grown may be terribly depleted, diminishing the nutritional value. Natural vitamin,

GLYCOCEUTICALs, and mineral supplements offer a convenient way for parents to ensure their children receive the nutrition their growing bodies require every day.

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Dymetazyme Essential Enzyme Complex With our busy modern lifestyles, we all

tend to seek the convenience of packaged foods and quick meals. Unfortunately, all packaged, frozen, processed, and cooked foods are devoid of natural enzymes.

During digestion, your body tries to compensate by redirecting your energy and nutritional resources to produce these missing enzymes. This places tremendous stress on your body and results in incomplete digestion and the inability to absorb vital nutrients you need to maintain good health. If you let your enzyme deficiency reach chronic levels it will lead to a weakened immune system. This affects thousands of other processes directly related to aging as well.

Also, poor digestion (the lack of nutrient absorption) can lead to much more serious health problems, such as:

Diabetes and Hypoglycemia High Cholesterol Issues Colon problems - Colitis, IBS and

Crone's Disease Chronic Fatigue Over or Under Optimum Weight Severe bloating and Pain High Blood Pressure Circulatory Problems

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The solution is the highest-quality enzyme formulation Dymetazyme.

Dymetazyme works in 3 key ways:

•Promotes Food Digestion: Dymetazyme immediately goes to work to help you digest the foods you

eat. It starts relieving you of pain and discomfort immediately. Imagine your body getting the vital

nutrients critical to creating and sustaining optimum health. You have more energy and your body is

telling you to eat less.

•Promotes Waste Elimination: Of equal importance, Dymetazyme contains ingredients that

completely break down food to maximize waste elimination. Trapped waste left in the body for too

long is poisonous and weakens you. You will have regular healthy bowel movements again.

•Provides Nutrients to Organs: Dymetazyme promotes bio available factors that activate nutrients

and strengthens your key digestive organs: the liver, kidney, and pancreas. Your entire digestive

system will be at full strength. This means so will you!

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ResistulinHeavy Weight Loss while retuning your metabolism

Resistulin is the ONLY SOLUTION that attacks both weight gain and low metabolism from the

inside out and attacks the root causes from every direction.

In Just One Potent Formulation, Resistulin...

Maintains Insulin Sensitivity: Helps your body's cell receptors to better recognize insulin, which

helps maintain healthy insulin sensitivity. Most medical sources agree that insulin resistance is the

root cause of obesity. Cells are now much more successful at metabolizing glucose which further

keeps your weight under control.

Increases Energy Levels: Healthy cell receptors directly enhance uptake of insulin and increases

energy into your cells and your metabolism. This reduces your hunger cravings and increases your

sense of well-being.

Promotes Weight Loss: Healthy cell receptors promotes correct insulin usage to activate your fat

burning metabolism, so that you have more energy because you're finally burning the fat stores!

Losing weight and keeping it off is finally an attainable goal!

The Resistulin Test: Do any of the following sound familiar?

•Excess fat around the waist and buttocks

•Dieting just doesn't work long-term no matter how hard you try

•Lack of energy especially in the afternoon (and right after large meals)

•Lack of concentration or mental fatigue during the day

•Health problems with high blood sugar, high cholesterol or high blood pressure

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Slimergy Rebalance Hormones, Increase Energy levels, Lose weight and keep it off.

Xymetri would like to share with you a truly healthful weight loss solution that has helped

thousands of people lose stubborn fat pounds and inches by working along with the

body, naturally with safe and lasting results.

We realize how difficult it is to be overweight and have low energy levels. We know how

it can negatively affect your personal, social, and work life as well as increase your risk

of many degenerative diseases that are rampant in today's world.

We have all witnessed the sacrifices of other people who have tried to eat the right foods

and find time to exercise… even to the point of starving one's self, all for the sake of

trying to lose a few pounds. And how depressing it can be when the pounds just keep

coming back. .


Slimergy is a natural solution that not only works better than anything we have tested

before, but it is literally good for your whole body.

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Slimergy is a condition specific formulation that addresses the root cause

of the imbalance right at the cellular level. Slimergy is a unique and

natural formulation that has been tested for years in clinics with amazing

results, before now it was never available to the general public.

In Just One Potent Formulation, Slimergy...

•Rebalances Your Hormones: Slimergy repairs cell receptors to better

recognize hormones and balances hormonal levels. All your cells will now

be much more successful at burning fats and sugars which further keeps

your weight under control.

•Increases Energy Levels: Slimergy directly enhances uptake of fat and

increases energy into your cells and your metabolism. This reduces your

hunger cravings and increases your sense of well-being.

•Promotes Healthful Weight Loss: Slimergy activates your fat burning

metabolism, so that you have more energy because you're finally burning

the fat stores! Losing weight and keeping it off is finally an attainable goal!

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Jeff or Denise Uelman

[email protected]


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