

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) Comment

1 1 1960-96

International Center for Human Rights Research - Patrick Ball Guatemala One time

2 Afro Barometer - Popular Attitudes to Democracy 18 1999-2006

African countries Every three years

3 29 1998 -present

World Economic Forum Africa Irregular intervals

4 African Economic Outlook 35 1996-present

OECD Developmetn Centre Africa Annual

5 African Governance Report 28 2005

Africa Every 3 years

6 Americas Barometer Citizen surveys 22 2004-present

Vanderbilt University Latin America Every two years

7 13 2002-present

World Economic Forum Irregular intervals

Main Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

AAAS/CIIDH Database of Human Rights Violations in Guatemala

Information about acts of political violence

Data and information culled from direct testimonies and documentary and press


Social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa.

Perception based household surveys (sample designed as a representative

cross-section of all citizens of voting age in a given country)

Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), Michigan State

University (MSU) Department of Political Science

Africa Competitiveness Report: Global Competitiveness Report

Political, economic & social factors that affect country's competitiveness.

Countries ranked in following areas:openess, government, finance, infrastructure, labor and institutions.

Data from enterprise surveys (EOS) and analyses from economists and other in-

country experts

Surveys conducted in 1998, 2004 and 2007

The African Economic Outlook aims to provide policy makers, private sector operators, and researchers with an

objective analysis of economic and social developments on the African continent. The report consists of three main parts: an assessment of the position of African in the world economy, country studies on selected African countries & a statistical


Expert Assessment. Indicators based on the frequency of newspaper reports on incidents related to "hardening of the

regime" and "political troubles"

Progress towards good governance in Africa. 83 indicators covering three

categories : Political Representation, Institutional Effectiveness &

Accountability and Economic Management & Corporate Governance.

Opinions of national expert panels, household surveys and data and information from desk research.

Link to Synopsis in the 2005 AGR:"Striving for Good

Governance in Africa". Full report not yet released.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa - Kempe Ronald Hope

The AmericasBarometer is an effort by LAPOP to measure democratic values and behaviors in the Americas using

common questionnaires to households in Latin America with questions on areas

such as Democracy, Politics and Institutions, Social Policies, Civic Culture,

and other Current Issues.

Arab World Competitiveness Report: Global Competitiveness Report

Political, economic and social factors that affect each country's competitiveness.

Countries ranked in the following areas:openess, government, finance, infrastructure, labor and institutions.

Data from enterprise surveys (EOS) and analyses from economists and other in-

country experts


Surveys conducted in 2002, 2005 and 2007

Middle East and North Africa

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

8 Asia Intelligence 9 1969-present Subscription required.

Political & Economic Risk Consultancy Asia Monthly

9 6 1998

Center for International Economics and Australian Government One time

10 Bank Regulation and Supervision datasets Official data/surveys 107 1998-2000

Worldwide Other

11 Basic Workers' Rights 166 1985 to present

International Labour Organization/ Roger Bohning Worldwide Annual

12 Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) 125 2002-present

Bertelsmann Foundation/ Center for Applied Policy Research Worldwide Every three years

13 Bribe Payers Index (BPI) 30 1999-present

Transparency International and Gallup Irregular intervals

14 35

United Nations University (UNU)/ Julius Court Worldwide 1970-1998

Political and economic risks. Topics such as corruption, business costs,

nationalism, foreign investment trends, etc. are examined from the perspective of each individual country covered as well

as from a regional overview

Survey of expatriate business executives (qualitative assessment and quantitative


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Governance Capacity Building Survey

Scope for additional capacity building cooperation in economic governance in the areas of public sector governance,

corporate governance and financial systems.

Reports from international financial institutions and consultations with

stakeholders and officials.

Data published in the APEC Economic Governance Capacity

Building survey report. Link to survey report.

Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines,

Thailand, Vietnam

Existing regulations and supervision of banks, as well as selective features of bank structure and deposit insurance

schemes, for a broader cross-section of countries.


Link to "Regulation and Supervision of Banks Around the World - A New Database" paper.

World Bank (Financial Sector Operations & Policy Department) - Gerard Caprio, Ross Levine, James Barth

Actual progress or deterioration of workers' rights

Survey of governments, employers and workers' organizations

Data published in ILO working paper Declaration/WP/17/2003 "Normalised and disaggregated gaps in basic worker' rights" by

Roger Bohning

Index of democratic governance in 119 transition and developing countries, aggregated into two rankings: the Status Index (state of development achieved by a country on its way to a democracy based on the rule of law and a socially responsible market economy) and the Management Index (governance performance of a country’s political leadership).

Qualitative and quantitative assessment by country experts


The Transformation Atlas, an innovative online application,

provides an interactive visualization of the BTI results. The Transformation Atlas encourages independent research, intuitive

browsing and a self-directed composition of more than 6,900 separate scores within the BTI.

Measures the relative propensity to pay bribes by companies from leading exporting countries when they do

business abroad. Countries are ranked on a 10 point scale.

Questionnaires and surveys (interviews conducted with private sector leaders,

lawyers, bankers, chamber of commerce etc in the various countries)

Surveys conducted in 1999, 2002 and 2006

World's leading export economies

Bureaucratic Structure and Performance : African Bureaucratic Structure Survey

Bureaucracies and perceptions of corruption. Uses five summary

indicators : agency power, autonomy, career opportunities, private sector

career, relative wage.

Data from Evans-Rauch database, WDR 1997 report and UNU survey. Surveys of high-level bureaucrats conducted by local



Twenty of the fifty countries are African.

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

15 Business Competitiveness Index (BCI) Surveys of senior business leaders 131 1998-present

World Economic Forum Worldwide Annual

16 Firm surveys 27 1999-2005

Every three years

17 Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI) 50 1984-present

(Business Risk Service) Worldwide Thrice yearly

18 The Cingranelli and Richards (CIRI) Human Rights Data set 195 1981-present

David L. Cingranelli, David L. Richards Worldwide Annual

19 Civil Society Index Country reports. 61 2003-2005 Final report expected in late 2005.

CIVICUS Worldwide Annual

20 Commitment to Development Index 21 1993-present

Center for Global Development OECD countries Annual

21 30+ 1995 to present

Mexican Academic Institute and a NGO Irregular intervals

22 Comparative Study of Electoral Systems 50

Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan Worldwide Every 5 years

23 Comparative Dataset on Political Institutions 60-85 1960-1999


Examines the microeconomic basis of a nation's prosperity measured by its level of GDP per capita.Specifically measures the sophistication of company operations and strategy as well as the quality of the

overarching national business environment in which they are operating

The BCI replaces the Microeconomic Competitiveness Index and is part of the Global

Competitiveness Report.

Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS)

Quality of governance, investment climate & competitive environment.

Over 4,000 firms in 22 countries in FY 1999-00, 6000 in 2002 and

10,000 in 2005

World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - Joel Hellman,Daniel Kaufmann, James


Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Assessment of operating conditions, political risk and the foreign

exchange/external accounts position of countries. Components: the Political Risk

Index, the Operations Risk Index and Remittance/Repatriation Factor.

Aggregate measure from panels of professional opinions

BERI's rating system permits comparisons between countries for the past, the present, and for one-

and five-year forecast periods.

Standards-based quantitative information on government respect for 13

internationally recognized human rights

Country analyses from U.S.State Department and country reports from

Amnesty International

The data set contains measures of government human rights

practices, not human rights policies or conditions. Registration required

to access data.

Assesses the state of civil societies worldwide with a view to creating a

knowledge base and an impetus for civil society strengthening initiatives. Index

based on 74 different indicators which are grouped into 25 sub-dimensions and 4

overall dimensions.

Ranks 21 of the world's richest countries based on their dedication to policies that benefit the people living in poorer nations worldwide.Measures the impact of donor

policies on developing countries.

Data from UN, World Bank, OECD, academic sources and NGOs

OECD member countries except Luxembourg

Community Information, Empowerment and Transparency (CIET)

How resources are used for social objectives : "Social audits" of

accountability in Police, Customs, Primary Education, Health Service and

Justice Services.

Surveys (household questionnaires), reviews of institutional data, key informant

interviews, focus group discussion, geographic information systems (GIS)

and low-cost environmental measurement.

The impact of electoral institutions on citizens' political cognition & behavior, the nature of political & social cleavages, and

the evaluation of democratic institution and processes.

Surveys (data collected by a group of international scholars overseas)

Module:1 1996-2001 Module: 2 2001-2006

Registration is requested to access data

Democratic governance. Uses 38 institutional variables.

Data drawn from Freedom House, Polity, Seddon et al etc.

Center for Business and Policy Studies, Sweden/ Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

24 Comparative Political Data Set N/A 23 1960-present

OECD countries

25 Compendium of Sustainable Development Indicator Indices Data from experts( indicator practitioners) N/A 1995 to present

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Worldwide Irregular intervals

26 Contract Intensive Money (CIM) Contract enforcement and /or rule of law. 160 1948-2000


27 Correlates of War (COW and COW2) N/A 1816 - 2004

University of Michigan and Pennsylvania State University Worldwide

28 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 159 1995-present

Transparency International Worldwide Annual

29 Countries at the Crossroads 30 2002-present

Freedom House Worldwide Annual

30 Survey data N/A 2001

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Worldwide One time

31 Country Forecasts / Reports 200 1997 to present

Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Annual

32 Country Policy and Institutional Assessments Expert Assessments 50 1996-present

African Development Bank African countries Annual

A collection of political and institutional data which have been assembled in the

context of the research project „Die Handlungsspielräume des

Nationalstaates“,supplemented by demographic, socio- and economic




Klaus Armingeon, Philipp Leimgruber, Michelle Beyeler, Sarah Menegale - Insitute of Political Science, University of Bern

Progress towards sustainable development.

An extensive revision of the original compendium was carried

out in 2002.

Indicator practitioners submit and update their entries through a

convenient web interface.

Data from international organizations such as World Bank, FAO, IMF, UNDP


Data is for all the years that the World

Bank/IMF/UN/OECD/Commission of the European Communities

report money supply and currency held outside banks.

Christopher Clague, Philip Keefer, Stephen Knack, Mancur Olson

Study of the causes of war and the conditions for peace by collecting and

processing large quantities of historical information to identify and explain

regularities that lead to war.

Degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and


18 surveys of businesspeople and assessments by country analysts from 12

independent institutions.


Number of countries, surveys and expert assessments vary by year

Assesses government performance in the area of civil liberties, rules of law,

anticorruption and transparency, and accountability and public voice.

Surveys and data from the CIA World Factbook, World Bank Development

Indicator database, Internet World stats etc.


Country Assessment in Accountability and Transparency (CONTACT)

Governance. It is a set of generic and comprehensive guidelines to assist

governments in conducting self-assessments of their financial

management and anti-corruption systems.


Assess the attractiveness of national business environments.

Economic variables and country expert assessments

Provides five-year macroeconomic projections. 27 OECD plus major

emerging markets

Assesses the quality of African Development Bank borrowers' policy and

institutional performance in areas relevant to economic growth and poverty


Data is publicly disclosed only on a limited basis

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

33 Country Policy and Institutional Assessments Expert Assessments 26 1996-present

Asian Development Bank Asian countries Annual

34 Country Policy and Institutional Assessments Expert Assessments 136 1996-present

World Bank Worldwide Annual

35 Country Risk Review 117 1996 to present

Global Insight Worldwide Annual

36 Country Risk Services 156 1997 to present

Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Annual

37 Country Security Risk Ratings Expert Assessments 167 2004-present Subscription required.

IJET Worldwide Annual

38 Cross-national data on government employment and wages 80-100 1991-2000

Worldwide Other

39 Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990 1950-1990

Kenneth A. Bollen One time

40 Cross-National Time Series (CNTS) Data Archive Data from multiple sources 200+ 1815 to 1973

Worldwide Annual

41 Database on Electoral Institutions 199 1946 - 2000

New York University, Matt Golder - [email protected] Worldwide

42 Database of Electoral Systems N/A 200+ 2005

International IDEA Worldwide

43 Dataset of Labor Rights Violations 90 1985-2002

Assesses the quality of Asian Development Bank borrowers' policy and

instutitional performance in areas relevant to economic growth and poverty


Data is publicly disclosed only on a limited basis

Assesses the quality of African Development Bank borrowers' policy and

institutional performance in areas relevant to economic growth and poverty


Data is publicly disclosed only on a limited basis

Risk to the profitability of investments. Based on 51 risk attributes for each


Country risk assessments by country analysts and regional committees.

Assesses and provides ratings for the next two years in emerging


Political risk assessment (assessment of the pervasiveness of corruption among

politicians and civil servants). Uses up to 180 indicators.

Economic variables and country expert assessments

Assesses and provides ratings for the next two years in emerging


Analysis of changing risks around the world and allows organizations to

monitor, locate and communicate with travelling employees and expatriates.

Provides information regarding employment levels and wage adequacy

across countries.

Official data & documents/key informant interviews /surveys /published information

from other international organizations.


World Bank (Public Sector Group) - Amitabha Mukherjee, Giulio de Tommaso

Cross-national measures of political democracy. Uses over 800 variables.

Survey data from books, articles, serials and machine readable data files as well as from interviews and self-administered


Most of the world's independent countries

Data access for Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social

Research users only.

192 independent countries in the world.

Statistical information and facts on countries (international and national

country data facts). Based on 22 variables.


Also known as the Cross-Polity Survey.

State University of New York's (Binghamton) Center for Comparative Political Research/ Arthur Banks

Describes some of the more important electoral institutions used in all legislative

and presidential elections during democratic periods in 199 countries

between 1946 (or independence) and 2000.

Data from international and national electoral institutions

"Democratic Electoral Systems Around the World 1946-2000."

Forthcoming in Electoral Studies

Explains the various types of electoral systems and provides links to voter

turnout and quotas for women.

Labor's right to organize, bargain collectively and strike

Data from ICFTU, US State Department and International Labor Organization


"Dataset of Labor Rights Violations, 1981-2000," Notre Dame, In: University of Notre

Dame, 2002

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

University of North Carolina - Layna Mosley, Saika Uno Worldwide

44 Democracy and Development Data Set Impact of democracy on development 141 1950-1990


45 8 2003

African countries

50 Dictatorial Peace Regime Data 1946-1996


51 Doing Business Indicators 175 2003 - present

World Bank (Private Sector Development) - Simeon Djankov Worldwide Annual

52 Dow Jones Sustainability Index N/A 1999 to present

Dow Jones, STOXX Ltd, SAM Group Worldwide Quarterly

53 Easterly and Levine Data set N/A 160 1960-1994

William Easterly, Ross Levine Worldwide

54 East Asia Barometer Country-wide face-to-face surveys 13 2001

One time

Data from IMF, World Bank, Penn World Tables, Freedom House, The Economist


ACLP Political and Economic Database

Yale University and New York University/ Adam Przeworski, Michael E. Alvarez, Jose Antonio Cheibub,

Fernando Limongi

Adam Przeworski, Michael Alvarez, José Antonio Cheibub and

Fernando Limongi. Democracy & Development: Political Institutions

and Material Well-Being in the World, 1950-1990. Cambridge

Univ. Press

Developpement et insertion internationale (DIAL): Survey on Governance and Democracy

Opinion of the general populations about how good/bad governance and

democracy are in their country and how this affects their lives.

Household surveys and expert assessments

7 West African countries and Madagascar

Centre de recherche europeen en economie du developpement fonde par IRD-CESD, EUROSTAT,METAGORA

Data allows the user to distinguish between different types of authoritarian

regimes that would otherwise be lumped together as "non-democratic" in most analyses of regime type: personalist, military, and single-party authoritarian

regimes. Analyzes links between different authoritaria institutional

structures and the likelilhood and mode of transition to democracy.

Second Generation Indicator project is work in progress

Barbara Geddes Department of Political Science, University of CA (UCLA)

Measures of business regulations and their enforcement by creating new, quantitative indicators on business

regulations and their enforcement and by analyzing the relationship of these regulations to economic outcomes

Surveys/Key informant interviews/published & unpublished information from other international organizations and national laws and


Tracks the performance of companies that lead their field in terms of corporate

sustainability on a global basis.

Surveys of CEO and heads of investor relations of companies, company

documentation, media and stakeholder reports as well as other publicly available

information and personal contacts with companies.

Quantifies the relationship between long-run growth and a wider array of factors.

11 variables

Part of the Harvard CID-World Bank DataMart -Datavine.

Levels of popular support for democratic government and belief in its legitimacy

across the region.

Surveys implemented in eight countries and one region (Hong-Kong). Results of surveys not yet


National Taiwan University and Ministry of Education of the Republic of China

Hong-Kong, Indonesia, Japan, China, Mongolia,

Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand,.South Korea

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

55 Economic Freedom of the World Index (EFW) 141 1970-present

Worldwide Annual

56 Comprehensive multiple-choice survey 57 2003


57 Electoral Democracy Index 18 1990- 2002

UNDP Latin America Link to the report (in Spanish)

58 Electoral Systems Data Set Determinants of electoral change 158 1978-2001


59 Emerging Market Access Index (EMAI) 44 2000 to present

The Tuck School of Business (Dartmouth College) Worldwide Annual

60 End of Year Survey 70 2000-4

Gallup International Worldwide Annual

61 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) 142 2000-2005

Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy Worldwide Irregular intervals

62 Eurobarometer (EB) Mass opinion surveys. 15 1973 to present

European Commission European Union Twice yearly

63 Euromoney's Country Risk Rankings Surveys N/A N/A

Euromoney Worldwide Twice yearly

Consistency of a nation's policies and institutions with economic freedom. EFW incorporates 21 components within five

areas: size of government, expenditures, taxes & revenue; legal structure &

security of property rights, sound money & freedom to trade

Surveys and data from WEF Global Competitiveness Report and Political Risk

Services' International Country Risk Guide.

Data published in the Economic Freedom of the World annual


Fraser Institute, Vancouver - James Gwartney, Robert Lawson, Michael Walker, Walter Block, Stephen T. Easton

The Election Process Information Collection (EPIC) Project Database

Comparative and country-by-country data on election systems, laws, management

and administration

The EPIC project is still very much work in progress. Another 59 countries are under research.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), International Institute

for Democracy and Electoral Assistance(IDEA)

Measures the right to vote, free and fair elections and access to public office.

Values range between zero to one where zero indicates complete absence of

electoral democracy and one the maximum.

Data from interviews with Latin American leaders and intellectuals; and indicators and indices of political, civil and social


Data presented in the UNDP Democracy in Latin America:

"Towards a Citizens' Democracy" report.

Data from IPU's annual Chronicle of Parliamentary Elections and

Developments, Parlines database, IDEA's Handbook of Electoral System Design

and Manual de los Partidos Politicos de America Latina

"Political Particularism Around the World," World Bank Economic Review , February 2003. (With

Alejandro Gaviria, Ugo Panizza, and Ernesto Stein)

Inter-American Development Bank - Jessica S.Wallack, Alejandro Gaviria, Ugo Panizza, Ernesto Stein

Ranks the level of access that foreign goods and services and investment enjoy

in 44 emerging economies.

Expert assessments and information from various U.S., E.U., Japanese, and

Canadian government sources, and multilateral agency information, including documents published by the WTO, World

Bank, and IMF.


Full EMAI will be available shortly on the center's website free of charge, in both summary index

form and as an extensive database including descriptive summaries of

market barriers.

Measures the optimism about the prospects for the coming year (general and personal economic situation and

employment prospects).

Surveys face-to-face or telephone interviews with citizens and self

administered questionaires

Overall progress towards environmental sustainability (national levels of

environmental sustainability). ESI based on 20 core indicators measured using 68


Data from international organizations such as World Bank, UNEP, Freedom



Social, political and economic (culture and IT, social situation and health,

defence and security)

Trends and developments in international banking and capital markets (How

financial institutions across the globe measure up against the competition)

Surveys are published twice yearly (in the March and September

issues of this monthly magazine). Data available to subscribers only

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

64 European Protest and Coersion Data 25 1980-1995


65 131 1996-present

World Economic Forum Worldwide Annual

66 Failed States Index 148 2004-present

The Fund for Peace/Foreign Policy Magazine Worldwide Annual

67 FDI Confidence Index 65 1998-present

A.T.Kearney Worldwide Annual

68 Fiscal Decentralization Indicators Official data 100+ 1972-2000

World Bank (Public Sector Group) - Dana Weist Worldwide Annual

69 Expert assessments (surveys) 192 plus 18 territories 1972 - present

Freedom House Worldwide Annual

70 Gallup World Poll Surveys 140 2005-present

Gallup Organization Worldwide Annual

71 Gallup's 50th Anniversary Survey Surveys 44 1977

Gallup International One time

72 Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) UNDP data and data from ILO, IPU etc. 173 1995-2003

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Worldwide

73 The GenoDynamics Project 1 April - July 1994

Daily and subdaily coded data on protest and coercion. Data presented by date, day, action, type, location, protest grop and target, organizational strength of


Data coded from 500 sources including wire services, newspapers, and websites.

National Science Foundation/University of Kansas - Ronald Francisco

European countries + Burma (Myanmar) and some Latin American


Executive Opinion Survey of the Global Competitiveness Report

Perceptions of the leading investment and business decision-makers worldwide.

Perception based data. (Survey is sent to senior executives of major corporations in

countries covered in the Report).


Part of the annual The Global Competitiveness Report

It assesses violent internal conflicts and measures the impact of mitigating

strategies. In addition to rating indicators of state failure that drive conflict, offers

techniques for assessing the capacities of core state institutions and analyzing

trends in state instability.

The data are electronically gathered using Thomson Dialog, a powerful data

collection system that includes international and local media reports and other public documents, including U.S. State Department reports, independent studies, and even corporate financial


Impact of likely political, economic and regulatory changes on the foreign direct investment intentions and preferences of

the leaders of the world leading companies.

Survey of senior executives of the world's 1,000 largest corporations, international

organizations, government data and major newspapers and magazines.,4,1,130

Measures decentralization by assessing fiscal flows to, from and among different

levels of government


Data from IMF's Government Finance Statistics

Freedom in the World Country Ratings (Civil liberties index and Political rights index)

Political and Civil Rights. Countries ranked as either "Free," "Partly Free" or

"Not Free"

The Gallup World Poll surveys representative samples of households in

a large sample of countries. The core survey instrument asks a wide range of

questions, including some related to governance.

Corruption by politicians, public officials, police and judges.

Worldwide (Mostly developed countries)

Gender inequality in three basic dimensions of empowerment —economic participation and decision-making, political participation and decision-making and power over economic resources

Information on discrete actions undertaken during the Rwandan

genocide. To develop a more nuanced understanding of the processes by which mass killings in the Great Lakes region of

Central Africa occurred in the 1990s.

Data collected from NGOs within and outside Rwanda and government



Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

University of Maryland - Christian Davenport, Allan Stam Rwanda

74 Global Accountability Report 30 2003-6

One World Trust Worldwide Every three years

75 Global Barometer Surveys Qualitative assessments by experts 55 1991 to present

Global Barometer Survey Network Worldwide Annual

76 Global Competitiveness Report 131 1979-Present

World Economic Forum Annual

77 Global Corruption Barometer Survey Surveys of the general public 69 2003-present

Transparency International and Gallup International Worldwide Annual

78 Global Database of Quotas for Women The use of electoral quotas for women N/A 2003-2006

International IDEA and Stockholm University Worldwide Irregular intervals

79 Global E-Government 198 2001 - present

Darrell M. West, Center for Public Policy, Brown University Worldwide Annual

80 Global Governance Initiative Qualitative assessments by experts 189 2003

World Economic Forum Worldwide Annual

81 Global Integrity Report 66 2003-present

Center for Public Integrity Worldwide Annual

82 Global Peace Index 140 2006-present

Vision of Humanity Worldwide Annual

Compares the accountability of inter-governmental organizations (IGOs),

transnational companies (TNCs), and international non-governmental

organizations (NGOs).

Surveys (questionnaires sent to organizations and some personnel were interviewed) and Trusts' own research.

18 organizations and corporations are compared in this pilot report.

Contributions to good governance from the private sector and civil society as well

as from governmental and intergovernmental actions.

The website gives an overview of Barometer surveys in: Africa, Asia,

the New Europe and Latin America. Survey data results presented in the 4 individual

regional surveys.

Capacity of the national economy to achieve sustained economic growth over

the medium term.

Statistical sources such as UN, World Bank, WTO, and IMF.


Industrialized and emerging economies

Attitudes towards corruption and expectations of future corruption levels.


First TI Global Barometer Corruption Survey carried out in


Constitutions and electoral laws, parliamentary websites and political party


This project on Electoral Quotas for Women will be in effect for a period

of three years (2003-06). During this period, the database will be

continuously updated and should be considered a research tool for

verifying and expanding the information

A study of the features that are available online at national government websites. Measures the information and services that are online, chart the variations that exist across countries, and discuss how e-government sites vary by region of the


Surveys. Detailed analysis of 1,197 government websites. Email


Link to order raw e-government data:

Progress in implementation of social, economic and environmental goals set forth in the United Nations Millennium

Declaration and other documents. Rates governments from 0 to 10


The first annual report was released at the January 2004

meeting of WEF.

Measures the existence, effectiveness and accessibility of the institutions that

keep governments clean through its Public Integrity Index. Integrity

assessment is based on more than 290 discrete integrity indicators.

Surveys conducted by in-country experts (social scientist, researchers and


The index is composed of 24 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly

respected sources, which combine internal and external factors ranging from a nation's level of military expenditure to its relations with neighbouring countries

and the level of respect for human rights.

The Index is based on ratings from other agencies such as Economist Intelligence Unit, Political Terror Scale International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), UN Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC),

Uppsala Conflict Data Program and the International Peace Research Institute.

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

83 Globalization Index 62 2001-present

A.T.Kearney/ Foreign Policy Magazine Worldwide Annual

84 Grey Area Dynamics Surveys and expert assessments. 155 2002-present

Merchant International Group Worldwide Annual

85 Growth Competitive Index (GCI) 131 1988-present

World Economic Forum Worldwide Annual

86 Hadenius (1992) Democracy Index 132 1988 N/A

Axel Hadenius Worldwide One time

87 N/A 175 1998

United States Agency for International Development Worldwide One time

88 Hobbes Index 144 1972-1997


89 Human Development Indicators 175 1990 to present

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Worldwide Annual

90 Human Rights Datasets

91 Human Rights Indicators 150+ 2000

The Danish Institute for Human Rights Worldwide One time

Global integration ( political, economic, personal and technological). The index

has 14 variables grouped in four subjects : economic integration, personal contact, technological connectivity, and

political engagement.

Data from international organizations such as WTO, EU, ITU, UN and country

statistics and information.,4,1,116

62 advanced economies and key emerging markets.

Used by clients in their risk strategy to determine and assess the economic and political stability of a country, investment or project.


Capacity of national economy to achieve sustained economic growth over the

medium term, controlling for the current level of development. Based on three

variables : technology, public institutions and the macroeconomic environment.

Data from statistical sources such as UN,World bank, WTO and IMF and well as the Executive Opinion Survey of the

Global Competitiveness Report

Elections and political freedoms. Uses two equally weighted components of

elections and political freedoms.

Statistical publications, journal articles and newspapers.

Alex Hadenius, Democracy and Development (Cambridge, 1992)

Handbook of Democracy and Governance Program Indicators

Democratic Governance (rule of law, elections & political processes, civil

society, governance accountability and transparency)

Intended as a handbook for programmers and others to assess

components of governance. No data collected but provides

extensive generic indicators/questions, which can be

used to assess governance in a given country.

Quality of life in each country based on what Hobbes termed the miseries in the

state of nature. Based on 5 components :Solitary, Poor, Nasty,

Brutish, Short.

Data from databases such as Polity 4, World Bank Development Indicators, CNTS, Human Rights Abuse Data,

Freedom House etc.

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith, Randolph M. Siverson, James D. Morrow

Progress of nations on key social and economic indicators (quality of life in a


Data, ideas and best practice from experts (a worldwide advisory network of

leaders in academia, government and civil society).

Probes the violations of human rights to personal integrity in the 1980s

The findings in this study are reported in the 1994 December

issue of American Political Science Review and in the 1999

International Studies quarterly (Poe, Tate, and Kieth).

International Human Rights Studies Center, University of North Texas - Steven C. Poe, C. Neal Tate

Commitment of governments to respect and fulfill human rights

Country analyses from US State Department and country reports from

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.



Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

92 Ibrahim Index of African Governance Expert assessments 48 2000-present

Sub-Saharan Africa Irregular intervals

93 Index of Economic Freedom 162 1994-present

Heritage Foundation & Wall Street Journal Worldwide Annual

94 Index of Political Democracy (1950-1990) 153 1960-1980 N/A

Kenneth A.Bollen - [email protected] Worldwide Irregular intervals

95 Index of Malapportionment of Electoral Systems 78 1986-1999

David J. Samuels, Richard Snyder Worldwide One time Data presented in article.

96 Surveys 7 2001-2003

Open Society Institute, Budapest/Tocqueville Research Center Annual

97 Instability Measures: Probability of Government Change 96 1960-1995 N/A

Yi Feng Worldwide

98 Institutional Investor's Country Credit Ratings Country's default risk 136 1998 -2003

Institutional Investor Research Group Worldwide

The index assesses national progress in five key areas which together constitute a

holistic definition of good governance; Safety and Security; Rule of Law;

Transparency and Corruption; Participation and Human Rights;

Sustainable Economic Development and Human Development.


Study conducted in 2000, 2002, and 2005

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation - Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Openness of economies. Countries are scored on a list of 50 independent

variables divided into 10 broad factors of economic freedom.

Ratings from country's' statistical agencies and/or central bank and from

other statistics from EIU country reports, World Development Indicators, CIA World

Fact Book etc.

Political democracy. Uses an aggregate of subjective indicators from Nixon,

Taylor , Hudson and Banks to capture political liberties (press freedom, freedom

of group opposition and government sanction) and popular sovereignty

(fairness of elections, executive selection, legislative sanction)

Aggregate of various subjective indicators

Kenneth A.Bollen. "Issues in the Comparative Measurement of

Political Democracy," American Sociological Review, XLV (1980),

370-390; idem., "Political Democracy: Conceptual and Measurement Traps," in Alex Inkeles (ed), On Measuring

Democracy: Its Consequence and Concomitants ( New Brunswick,

NJ, 1991); idem. "Liberal Democracy: Validity and Method

Factors in Cross-national Measures," American Journal of Political Science,XXXVII (1993),


Malapportionment in different types of electoral systems.

Data from international and national reports and website sites


Link to article -"The Value of a Vote: Malapportionment in

Comparative Perspective," British Journal of Political Science Vol.31,

No.4 (October 2001):651-71

Indicators of Local Democratic Governance in Central and Eastern Europe Project

Quality of local democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

Romania, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Slovakia,

Estonia, Bulgaria

Probability of government change. Comprises of 3 variables: irregular

government change, major government change and minor government change.

Limited dependent variable estimation method used. Logit model of government

change based on similar models by Cukierman et al and Alesina et al.

Yi Feng, "Democracy, Political Stability and Economic Growth,"

British Journal of Political Science, XXVII (1997), 391-418; Alberto

Alesina, Sule Ozler, Nouriel Roubini, and Phillip Swagel,

"Political Instability and Economic Growth," Journal of Economic

Growth, I (1996), 189-212; Alex Cukierman, Sebastian Edwards,

and Guido Tabellini, "Seigniorage and Political Instability," American Economic Review, LXXXII (1992),


Survey of leading international banks. Responses are weighted to give more

importance to banks with larger financial exposure.


Subscription required to access data

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

99 Institutional Profiles Database Expert assessments 85 2006

Worldwide Every three years

100 INTERARTS Indicator Programme N/A NA 2000-2004

Interrarts Europe

101 International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) 140 1984 to present

PRS Political Risk Services Group Worldwide Monthly

102 International Crime Victims Survey 56 1989 to present

Worldwide Irregular intervals

103 Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) 36 2000-present

Worldwide Sector/firm specific

104 Journalists Killed Statistics Media reports and CPJ research data on journalists killed in the line of duty.NA 1992-Present

Committee to Protect Journalists Worldwide Annual

105 Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) Official data/surveys 128 2002-2008

World Bank (World Bank Institute)/ Worldwide Every two years

106 Latin American Index of Budget Transparency 8 2001, 2003 and 2005

Fundar, Center for Analysis and Research Latin America

107 N/A 18 1972 to present

Set of indicators on the institutional characteristics of 85 countries, covering a

broad spectrum of these institutional characteristics: functioning of political

institutions, public security, public governance, markets operating freedom,

security of transactions, market regulations & corporate governance, social dialogue, society openness &



French Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment and the Agence Francais de Developpement

Provides information on local and regional governance relating to

languages and education availability. Provides comparative indicators to

promote policy decisions relating to local and regional cultural systems.

Selected EU states. Work on the project is still under development.

Evaluates economic, financial and political risk. Ratings comprises 22

variables in three subcategories of risk: political (12 components), financial (5

components) and economic (6 components).

Qualitative assessments, worldwide network of experts, peer review process

Subscription required to access data

Households' experience of crime, policing, crime prevention and feelings of unsafety across countries and large cities

in both the developed and developing countries

Face-to-face and telephone interviews (random samples of the population)

Surveys conducted in 1989, 1992, 1996 and 2000

United Nations Interregional Crime & Justice Research Institution, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime & Law

Enforcement, Leiden University

Analyzes conditions for private investment and enterprise growth in

countries throughout the world.

Firm surveys/analysis with other expert analysis/ information drawn from other

studies and from discussions and meetings with key stakeholder groups in-



ICAs should be updated every 3 to 5 years.

World Bank (Private Sector Development)/Axel Peuker,Mehnaz Safavian


Violence against journalists. It is a proxy barometer of the state of press freedom and a narrow measure of press freedom.

How an economy compares with its neighbors, competitors or countries it

wishes to emulate.

A region-wide comparative report containing the results of a survey of the perceptions of individuals knowledgeable of the budget and budget process in each country. The study is based on 14 indicators

Expert (Legislators, Media, Academic experts, NGOs) assessments

Latin American Governance Network Information and Knowledge System

Provides a governance network information and knowledge system for all

Latin American countries.

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

Latin America

108 Latinobarometro 18 1995 to present

Corporacion Latinbarometro Latin American countries Annual

109 Legal Reform Survey Effectiveness of the legal framework Survey of local lawyers 26 1996-2008

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Annual

110 Living Standards Measurement Surveys 30 1985 - present

World Bank (Development Research Group)/ Peter Lanjouw Every 3-5 years

111 Media Sustainability Index (MSI) 38 2001-present

International Research & Exchange Board (IREX) Europe/Eurasia Annual

112 Microeconomic Competitiveness Index (MICI) Surveys of senior business leaders 75-80 1998-2002

World Economic Forum Worldwide Annual

113 Millennium Challenge Account All countries 2002-present

Millennium Challenge Corporation/ US State Department Worldwide Annual

114 Millenium Survey 60 2000

Gallup International Worldwide One time

115 Minorities at Risk Data Generation, The 285 1945 to present

Minorities at Risk - Ted Gurr and associate (1993) Worldwide Irregular intervals

116 Moody's Sovereign Ratings List Country risk ratings for investors N/A 100+ 1909 to present

Moody's Worldwide

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Generalitat de Catalunya/Institut Internacional de Governabilitat de


Political, economic and social (democracy, politics and institutions,

public policies and distribution of wealth, civic culture, social capital and

participation, current affairs

Perception based survey (mass public opinion)

The EBRD publishes an annual Transition Report which includes

governance variables in its Transition Indicator and Survey of

Legal Reforms.

Central & Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of

Independent States

Monitoring progress in raising levels of living to identify the consequences for households of current and proposed

government policies.

Official data & documents/key informant interviews/surveys.

Periodicity: between three to five years.

Worldwide (developing countries)

State of the independent media in 20 European and Eurasian countries

Expert assessments ( local and international journalists, media managers, and media development professionals)

First IREX MSI for Europe and Eurasia was published in 2001.

Examines the microeconomic basis of a nation's prosperity measured by its level

of GDP per capita.


Country commitments in ruling justly, investing in their people and establishing economic freedom. Uses 16 indicators of

just rule, investing in people and economic freedom.

Data from international organizations such as World Bank, IMF, Heritage

Foundation, Freedom House.

Global governance and democracy (women's rights, human rights).

Perception based survey (survey of public opinion).

Monitors and analyzes the status and conflicts of politically-active communal

groups in all countries in the world with a current population of at least 500,000.

Data from individual country census reports as well as other data from The Statesman's Yearbook, CIA: the World

Fact Book, Minority Rights Group reports etc.

The Minorities at Risk has developed over four distinct phases. Phase I covered 227 communal groups which met the criteria for classification as a minority at risk for the years 1945-1990. Phase II covered 275 groups from 1990-1996, Phase III covered 275 groups from 1996-1999 and Phase IV covered 285 groups from 1998-2001.

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

117 Surveys of disclosure laws by IFES 118 2003

United States Agency for International Development Worldwide One time

118 Nations in Transit 29 1995 to present

Freedom House Transition economies Annual

119 Questionnaires/Surveys 14 N/A


120 New Europe Barometer How grassroots respond to change 16 1991-2001

University of Strathclyde Irregular intervals

121 Official data and World Bank data 177 1975-present

Worldwide Annual

122 Opacity Index 35 2001

PricewaterhouseCoopers/ Kurtzman Group Worldwide

123 Open Budget Index Expert assessments 59 2005

Worldwide Every three years

124 Participatory Development and Good Government Expert assessments 11 2002-present

Japanese International Cooperation Agency Annual

Money in Politics Handbook: A Guide to Increasing Transparency in Emerging Democracies

Overview of campaign and party finance, examines the role money plays in the politics of a nation and how countries

attempt to regulate the flows of fund into political contests.


Progress and setbacks in political and economic reforms (levels of corruption)

Information from non-governmental organizations, multilateral lending institutions and other international

organizations, local newspapers and magazines and select government data.


Nationwide Study Monitoring Progress Toward Good Governance

Study aimed at mobilizing African expertise and stakeholders to access adequate information on progress in

governance in the various countries in the continent.,3,42986.jsp

Centre for Democratic Development-Ghana, Economic Commission for Africa

Surveys (nationally representative random samples with face-to-face

interviews by established social science research institutes)

Central and Eastern European Countries

New Tools and New Tests in Comparative Political Economy: The Database of Political Institutions (DPI)

Studies issues such as "determinants of democratic consolidation, the political conditions for economic reform, the

political and institutional roots of corruption, and the elements of

appropriate and institutionally sensitive design of economic policy.


Variables: elections, electoral rules, type of political system, party composition of the opposition and

government coalition, and the extent of military influence on the


World Bank - Development Research Group/ Thorsten Beck, George Clarke, Philip Keefer, Alberto Groff, Patrick Walsh

Cost of capital due to the lack of clear, accurate, formal and widely accepted


Surveys of CFOs of medium and large firms, equity analysts, bankers and PWC

employees resident in each country surveyed; publicly available statistics and

primary and secondary research

Surveys conducted in industrial and major developing countries.

Assesses the availability of key budget documents, the quality of information they

provide, and the timeliness of their dissemination to citizens in order to provide reliable information on each

country's commitment to open budgeting.

The International Budget Project - Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Issues and present conditions of the developing world in terms of



Cambodia, Cuba, China, Philippines, Southern Africa, Peru, Vietnam, Tanzania, Thailand,

Jordan, Mongolia

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

125 Political Constraint Index Dataset (POLCON) Institutional commitment 234 1800-present Published annually since 1960

University of Pennsylvania - Witold Henisz Worldwide Annual

126 Political Database of the Americas (PDBA) N/A 35 1995 to present

Latin American countries Ongoing

127 Political Regimes Index Impact of democracy on development 199 1946-2002

Worldwide One time

128 Political Terror Scale (PTS) 180 1980-present

Mark Gibney - University of North Carolina Worldwide Annual

129 Polity IV/ Democracy & Autocracy Indices Survey data 161 1800-present

Worldwide Annual

130 The Polyarchy Data set (Vanhanen's index of democracy) Democracy Survey data 187 1810-1998

International Peace Research Institute Worldwide

131 The Polyarchy Scale 1985 Surveys 170 1985-2000

Michael Coopedge, Wolfgang Reinicke Worldwide Irregular intervals

132 Surveys 27 2001

PASSIA, Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission Mostly OECD countries One time

Data from World Bank, Polity, cross-national time series.



Centralized information about institutions and political processes, national

constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies

and other subjects related to the strengthening of democracy in the region.It is a mechanism for the

"exchange of democratic experiences" in the region.

Center for Latin American Stuides, Georgetown University and Organisation of American States

Data from IMF, World Bank, Penn world Tables, Freedom House, The Economist


ACLP Political & Economic Database. Adam Przeworski, Michael Alvarez, José Antonio

Cheibub and Fernando Limongi. Democracy and Development:

Political Institutions and Material Well-Being in the World, 1950-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press

Yale University and New York University - Adam Przeworski, Michael E. Alvarez, Jose Antonio Cheibub, Fernando Limongi

Human rights: right to life and personal integrity (relationship between human

rights conditions in a country and levels of corruption)

Data for the coding comes from the U.S. State Department & Amnesty

International Reports.

Information on regime and authority characteristics for all independent states

(with greater than 500,000 total population) in the global state system.


Country reports are updated annually. The data covers

independent states.

University of Maryland (Center for International Development and Conflict Management)


Free and fair elections. The "scale score" is the sum of 4 components: fair elections

variable, freedom of organization, freedom of expression and alternative

sources of information.


"Measuring Polyarchy," Studies in Comparative International

Development,XXV (1990), 51-72;idem.,"Modernization and Thresholds of Democracy," in

Manus Midlarsky (ed), Inequality, Democracy, and Economic

Development (Cambridge, 1997), 177-201.

Preliminary Report on the EuroMesCo Report on Good Governance

Investigates the mechanisms that will be required to create the conditions for good governance in the Euro-Mediterranean


Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

133 Press Freedom Survey 192 plus 1 territory 1980 to present

Freedom House Worldwide Annual

134 Press Freedom Index 166 2002-present

Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Annual

135 Prosperity Index 50 2007

Legatum Worldwide Annual

136 Public Good Governance and Management Program Surveys and expert assessments 30 1994-1997

OECD member countries One time

137 Qualitative Decentralization Indicators Official data 75 N/A

World Bank (Public Sector Group)/ Dana Weist Worldwide

138 Regulatory Discretion and the Unofficial Economy 49 1994-1997

Worldwide One time

139 N/A 117 1960-2000


140 Religious Freedom in the World Surveys 75 2000

Freedom House - Paul Marshall Worldwide Annual

Legal environment, political influences, economic pressures that influence

reporting and economic factors that affect access to information.

Correspondents overseas, visitors, findings from human rights and press freedom organizations, specialists in geographic and geopolitical areas, reports of governments and multilateral bodies, a variety of domestic & international news media.

The press freedom index is based on a 50-question checklist on the incidence and severity of restrictions on reporters

and the media

Reporters, researchers, legal experts and press freedom advocates in assessed countries

The Legatum Prosperity Index is a study of the factors that drive and restrain

national prosperity across more than 50 countries, based on the analysis of 40

years worth of economic data.

The Index is based on the statistical testing of 40 years of data on economic growth and life satisfaction survey results for more than 50 countries worldwide

The goals of this study are "poverty reduction, promoting gender equality, raising the basic education and health

standards, and reversing environmental degradation - emergence of more

participatory, transparent and accountable societies".

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Final Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Participatory

Development and Good Governance

Measures decentralization based on four categories " expenditure assignment,

revenue assignment, regulatory framework for sub-national borrowing and

character of the transfer system.


Data from IMF's Government Finance Statistics and country

reports from the World Bank and other international organizations

like OECD, Inter-American Development Bank & USAID.


How regulation and taxation affect the share of the unofficial economy.

Official data and data from international organizations such as World Bank,

Heritage Foundation, World Economic Forum, TI



Countries from: Latin America, OECD, Transition economies

World Bank (Development Research Group)/ Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmann, Pablo Zoido-Lobaton

Relative Political Capacity (RPC), Politics of Fertility and Economic Development (POFED)

Relative Political Capacity (government's relative ability to extract resources from

its constituency compared to other governments at similar levels of socio-

economic development)

National Science Foundation and Claremont Graduate University

Situation of freedom of religion or belief at the beginning of the new millennium


Religious Freedom in the World: A Global Survey of Freedom and


Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

141 Risk Ratings (World Markets Online) 186 2002 to present

Global Insight Worldwide Daily

142 Rural Sector Performance Assessment Expert assessments 124 2004-present

International Fund for Agriculture Development Developing countries Annual

143 Social Indicators 206 2008

United Nations Statistics Division Worldwide Annual

144 Social Watch Indicator Booklet 166 1950-2004

Social Watch Worldwide

145 Standard and Poor's Sovereign Ratings List N/A 99 1975 to present

Standard and Poor Worldwide Weekly

146 State Capacity Survey 98 2000 & 2002 N/A

Columbia University - Marc Levy: [email protected] Worldwide

147 State Failure Problem Set 96 1955-2006

Worldwide Annual

148 State of Democracy Project 8 2000-2001

One time

Quality of conditions and level of stability encountered by investors in each country in terms of political, economic, legal, tax,

operational and security environment

Analysis conducted by the Political & Economic Forecasting Unit's in-house

team of economists, country analysts and editors each of whom are specialists on

their given region

Subscription required to access data. Analysis delivered to clients'

desktops every working day

Based on 12 indicators under the following 5 clusters: strengthening the

capacity of the rural poor and their organizations, improving equitable

access to producitve natural resources and technology, increasing access to

financial services and markets, gender issues, and public resources

management and accountability.

Social indicators proposed for follow-up and monitoring implementation of recent UN Conferences on children, population,

social development and women.

UN statistics data base. Data from national and international sources.

2000-2005 data represent estimates and trends.

Monitors national obligations to economic and social rights

Data from World Bank, UNESCO, OECD, UN etc

Provides a short-term and long-term ratings as well as a qualitative outlook on the sovereign issuers’ local and foreign


Registration required to access data

The survey focuses on five categories: political context, state legitimacy, human resources and organizations, institutions,

and overall capacity.

Survey of 164 US-resident country experts (policy analysts, academics and


Measurable characteristics of countries around the world that affect the risk of serious political instability (identify the

underlying or structural conditions associated with the occurrence of state

failure with the next two years)

Expert assessments and data from institutions like World Bank, UN, US

Census Bureau and other independent scholars.

The State Failure Task Force is now know as the Task Force on

Political Instability

State Failure Task Force, Science Application International Corporation, University of Maryland

Overview of democratic levers - such as power-sharing formulas, questions of federalism and autonomy, options for

minority rights, constitutional safeguards and many others.

International experts and experienced negotiators' assessment of case studies.

Handbook on Democracy Assessment. Handbook written by

international experts and experience negotiators. Analyzes actual negotiated settlements from places like Bosnia, Fiji, Northern Ireland, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and South


International IDEA - David Beetham, Stuart Weir, Sarah Bracking, Ian Kearton

Bangladesh, El Salvador, Italy, Kenya, Malawi, New

Zealand, Peru, South Korea

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

149 Trafficking in people Report 149 2000-present

US State Department Worldwide Annual

150 Transatlantic Trends 13 2002-2006


151 Transition Report (Indicators) Quantitative and qualitative assessments 27 1995 to present

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

152 82 1970-2000

United Nations Worldwide Irregular intervals

153 Uppsala Conflict Database 1989 - present

Worldwide Annual

154 Urban Governance Indicators 1000+ 1993, 1998 Data available for over 1000 cities.

UNHabitat Worldwide Irregular intervals

155 The Urban Governance Initiative Report Cards Perception based/questionnaire 22 1998-2001

UNDP-The Urban Governance Initiative (TUGI) Asia Pacific Region Irregular intervals

156 Violent International Conflict Data Project Study of violent intranational conflict 7 1955-1991

Department of Peace & Conflict Research, Uppsala Univ. Worldwide Annual

The report covers "severe forms of trafficking in persons" defined as: (a) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform

such act has not attained 18 years of age; or (b) the recruitment, harboring,

transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the

use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary

servitude, peonage, debt bondange or slavery.

Information from US embassies and consulates around the world and

UNICEF, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, media reports etc.

Survey of European and American public opinion. The survey explores how both

sides of the Atlantic (Europe and America) view the world and their

relationship to each other in the wake of the Iraq war

Surveys by telephone and face-to-face interviews

Data from the survey is compared to data from Worldviews 2002


German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Compagnia di San Paolo

United States and various European countries

Macroeconomic(social reform, corruption, democracy and agriculture)

The EBRD publishes an annual Transition Report which includes

governance variables in its Transition Indicator and Survey of

Legal Reforms.

Central and Eastern Europe

United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operation of Criminal Justice Systems

Incidence of reported crime and the operations of criminal justice systems

with  a view to improving the analysis and dissemination of that information 


Surveys (questionnaires submitted to governmental institutions)

Data on global intra- and interstate armed conflicts on three levels of analysis:

conflict-level, dyadic-level and warring party-level. Information same information

as in the Uppsala /Prio armed conflict dataset.

News articles from Factiva database and NGO reports

119 conflicts in 81 locations

Includes detailed information, conflict descriptions and short

annual updates for all variables. Numbers listed could refer to

geographic areas,ethnic groups or organisations

Uppsala Conflict Data Program(UCDP) - Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University

Decentralization and urban development (tenure types, evictions, access to water, crime rates, decentralization and citizen

participation, transparency and accountability)

Quantitative and qualitative assessments by experts.(Data collection is conducted

through local and national urban observatories as well as through selected

regional institutions)


Decentralization and urban development (performance of political and

administrative institutions, impact of local governance, democratic participation in

local governance)

10 out of the 16 issues-based report cards have been field tested

in 22 cities in the Asia Pacific region.

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

157 Voice of the People Survey 68 2002-present

Gallup International Worldwide Annual

158 Voter Turnout: Global Report 171 1945 to present

International IDEA Worldwide Annual

159 Waiting Time for Telephone Line 200+ 1990-1999

International Telecommunications Union Worldwide Annual

160 Weberian State State Data Set 35 1970-1990

One time

161 Women's Indicators & Statistic Database UN statistics data base. 206 1970 to present

United Nations Statistics Division Worldwide Irregular intervals

162 Women in National Parliaments Statistical Archive Surveys 181 1945 to present

Inter-Parliamentary Union Worldwide

163 World Business Environment Survey Firm surveys/Key informant interviews 80 1999-2000

World Bank - Daniel Kaufmann, Andrew Stone Worldwide One time

164 World Competitiveness Yearbook 60 1989 to present

International Institute for Management Development Worldwide Annual

165 World Democracy Audit 150 2002-present

World Audit Worldwide Thrice yearly

Citizens' perceptions about prosperity and security

Mass opinion surveys (interviews with citizens)

Electoral systems and processes ( parliamentary elections, presidential elections, total number of elections, compulsory voting, voter turnout by

gender). Also identifies political, institutional and socio-economic factors which correlate with differing voter turn

out rates.

Quantitative statistics (voter age population and registration rate)

Wait for key services generally provided through government

Surveys (questionnaires sent to telecommunications ministries, regulators

and operating companies)

of statistics 2001

Yearbook of statistics 2001:Chronological Time Series 1990-1999. Subscription required

The World Telecommunication Indicator Database contains time series data for 1960, 1965,1970 and annually from 1975 to 2002.

Impact of bureaucratic structures on bureaucratic and economic performance.

Surveys based on questionnaires filled out by 126 country experts and data from

CNTS, Penn-World Tables etc.

Papers: "Bureaucracy and Growth: A Cross-National Analysis of the

Effects of 'Weberain' State Structures in Economic Growth"

American Sociological Review 64 (October 1999) 748-765

University of California, San Diego - Peter B.Evans, James Rauch

Worldwide (developing countries)

It is a global database of statistics and indicators on gender, population and

social development

Database is organized into 9 subject areas which contain a number of topics. Within each

topic, data are available for at least one year or period. Most topics

have data for four periods --- 1970, 1980, 1990 and latest available


Number and percentage of seats held by women in national parliaments

IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) Women in Parliaments 1945-

1995:A Statistical Survey (Geneva: Inter-Parliamentary Union 1995);

and IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union)

Examines a wide range of interactions between firms and the state.

Survey conducted in 80 countries and one territory.

Analyzes and ranks the ability of a nation to create and maintain an environment which sustains the competitiveness of

enterprises. Includes 323 different criteria grouped into 4 Competitiveness Factors :

Economic Performance, Government Efficiency, Busin

Surveys (national or expatriates in local and foreign enterprises located in the country of region) and statistics from international, national and regional

organizations, private institutions and 57 partner institutions worldwide. Some

surveys data drawn


60 national and regional economies.

Examines the prevalence of public corruption, the state of human rights,

political rights and the rule of law in 149 nations (all those exceeding one million


Statistics and reports from highly respected agencies, each with their own developed specialties : Freedom House,

Transparency International, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.

Audits are updated every time a new report is published by a contributing agency.

Name of Data Set/Institution(s) or developer(s) Data source Data location (web link) CommentMain Content and Concept Measured/ Number of indicators

Number of countries or areas covered

Periodicity of data collection / Period

166 67 1996-1997

World Bank Worldwide Annual

167 World Factbook All countries 1962 to present

Central Intelligence Agency Worldwide Annual

168 World Governance Assessment 16 1996-2006

Overseas Development Institute Worldwide Every 5 years

169 World Press Freedom Index Respect for press freedom 166 2002-present First survey carried out in 2002.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Worldwide Annual

170 World Prison Brief 214 2000 to present

International Centre for Prison Studies Worldwide Monthly

171 World Refugee Survey Expert assessments 51 2005-present

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Worldwide Annual

172 World Values Survey Survey data 66 1981-present

University of Michigan Worldwide Every five years

173 Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Dataset 212 1996-present

World Bank - Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay, Massimo Mastruzzi Worldwide Annual

World Development Report 1997 Data set: Enterprise Survey

Constraints imposed by government action that hinder development of private


Firm surveys (interviews of private entrepreneurs)

Provides essential elements of basic intelligence in all areas of the world.

Information/data from US agencies and departments and other public and private



Determinants of good governance and relationships between governance

processes and development outcomes

Based on a survey questionnaire for each country, covers 30 indicators for 6 defined dimensions of governance. The number of experts consulted per country varies

from 33 to 41.

Surveys (questionnaires filled out by journalists, researchers, legal experts and

human rights activists)

Provides factual information about prison systems throughout the world.

Data from ministries of justice and other verifiable sources.

Updates on the status of refugees worldwide around 4 major pillars: right of refugees to earn a livelihood, refugees'

detention and access to justice, freedom of movement of refugees, and


Worldwide investigation of socio-cultural and political change

Perception-based governance indicators developed by the World Bank Institute for all countries, used to create awareness and debate globally and within countries on their performance on six dimensions of governance: control of corruption; rule

of law; voice and accountability; government effectiveness; political

stability; quality of regulation.

Official data & documents/Surveys of enterprises, citizens and

experts/published and unpublished information from other international


Data updated every two years from 1996 to 2004. Data updated annually from 2005 onwards.

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