Download - xe5


Hey there, this is how i made it work:1.- mount the .iso file and copy the content to a new folder.2.- install using this serial HNAK-S4CS67-ZXNE6E-F4QN3.- extract the "Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 Patch.7z" and the "bds.7z" with 7Zip (i think this is the key to avoid the crash of the patch and the message "not a win32 file" of the bds.exe patched)4.- replace the bsd.exe for the patched one5.- follow the instructions in this filei've disabled the firewall for other reason (i do not recomed) so i don't know if this is necessary.Architect Serials (with Mobile Dev):HNFK-BCN8NN-78N53D-H4RSQDF4-CTSDHV-RDFCFE-FEAN HNFJ-DPADCW-BDWCFU-FPNNArchitect Serial Number Plus "Mobile Enabled"3NAL-SPTKDR-WUV236-MFQP (confirmed works)JNFT-4YTZA6-YPQE3D-F4NSMNF6-NGA66R-REMBQT-H8QNYNDG-6XTYKS-V54J3T-LZQP5NDU-Q2SMAU-EGQEQE-M7PP3NDQ-DFPLKN-WPFLC4-HMNP

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