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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

Project Acronym: SMART-SPACE

Project title: ASP478


Transferability actions in Slovenia addressed to innovation stakeholders

WP n°: 4

Task n°: 4.5

Author(s): Aleš Pevc (Technology Park Ljubljana Slovenia)


Type: R

Dissemination level: PU

Revision: Final Version

Due Date: 2019.10

Date of submission: 2020.03

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

Executive Summary

The SmartSpace project has made it possible to support the digitalisation of the territories of the Alpine arc through actions targeting SMEs, intermediaries and public authorities. To concentrate resources and have maximum impact, three traditional industrial sectors were targeted (mechanical, textile, chemical). Economic, industrial and structural disparities among Alpine areas require local pilots to collect and harmonize as many elements and disparities as possible and reach an Alpine vision and beyond. Intermediaries, policy makers, have an ever-increasing decisive role in helping SMEs to succeed digital transformation of their business. Many of the observations and actions carried out through the project are true for all industrial and geographical sectors. To ensure that the project outputs are applicable and replicable by other organisations/regions/countries outside the current partnership, transferability actions have been addressed:

- To enlarge the number of actors (for the alpine DIHs services and competences available and new member of the strategic partnership) both at local and Alpine level

- To enlarge the industrial sectors to be addressed by the follow-up activities (SMEs from traditional industrial sectors; SMES from other sectors)

- To enlarge the network with actors interested to cooperate within the frame of the SMARTSPACE Strategy and the operative structures organized.

This document summarizes transferability actions conducted in Ljubljana (Slovenia). In particular, Technology park Ljubljana managed:

Increase the geographical coverage of DIH services by organizing workshops; Collaboration with new local partners (intermediaries and research organizations) to

address new sectors and to learn from each other Increase the general understanding of the DIH and its potential and opportunities; Further promote the Smart Space project and the strategic partnership amongst

regional policy makers, innovation stakeholders and SMEs Involve more intermediaries to demonstrate the benefits of the Smart Space DIH and

discuss possibilities to collaborate with SMEs. Show best practices from SME which implemented an digital strategy Provide SMEs, intermediaries and innovation stakeholders with the latest information,

best practise and challenges regarding digitalization, IoT, Industry revolution 4.0, blockchain etc. as well as raise awareness for these topics for a broad audience.

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

2. Transferability actions addressed to SMEs .......................................................................................... 5

a. Summary of the action ............................................................................................................................ 5

b. Learning and feedbacks .......................................................................................................................... 8

3. Transferability actions addressed to Intramediaries ........................................................................... 9

a. Summary of the action ............................................................................................................................ 9

b. Learning and feedbacks ........................................................................................................................ 10

4. Transferability actions addressed to Policy makers ........................................................................... 10

a. Summary of the action .......................................................................................................................... 10

b. Learning and feedbacks ........................................................................................................................ 11

5. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................ 12

6. Annexes .................................................................................................................................................. 14

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

1. Introduction

The purpose of the transferability actions is to Expand the actors involved with the project outputs (areas, industrial sectors like agro-food, green-tech and high-tech, etc.) to strengthen impact of project’s results. The objectives to achieve are specific:

- Expand knowledge of project objectives and results (expand results to new institutions, intermediaries, stakeholders)

- Increase the critical mass of users and beneficiaries (Involve additional stakeholders) - Promote the creation of an Alpine DIH and study the potential for engagement within

the network – Prepare Strategic partnership The actions were developed according to a methodology common to all partners described in the deliverable D.T.4.5.1:

This report summarizes the outputs of the Transferability actions conducted in Slovenia.

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

2. Transferability actions addressed to SMEs

a. Summary of the action

TPLJ together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and other partners organized the

conference on digital technologies and virtual reality/augmented reality in Slovenia. The

conference was designed as a workshop in first level on digital transformation and XR

technologies, part where was included Smart space project was connected also on industry

4.0. After the workshop there was also pitching made among B2B participants. It was

designed in the form of a full-day event with a focus on digitization and open innovation in

conjunction with virtual / augmented reality. The conference had around 200 participants

including 47 SMEs, representatives of faculties and research institutions, and representatives

of intermediary organizations and decision makers.

The transferability event XR Alpe Adria conference took place on 24th March 2020, originally

planned in Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia, but later on organized through group meeting

application Zoom due to Coronavirus prohibition of public gatherings in Slovenia. The goal of

this event was to introduce Industry of the future subjects, especially Virtual reality and

augmented reality technologies, the smart-space project and the regional tools to support

Industry of the future SMEs projects.

In this conference, there were presented pilot actions of Smart Space project, good practices,

future trends and also Smart Space Hub and Alpine Space DIH. There was really big number

of online participants, which were present some directly in Zoom meeting, other were

watching live streaming on Facebook account of Technology Park Ljubljana. Over 100 people

were present in live streaming.

Presented were results of Smart Space project for SMEs and broader society in Slovenia. There

were organized 2 workshops, on Smart manufacturing processes and fast prototyping in

SMEs, 1 B2B event for SMEs to cooperate and network with large companies on ICT solutions,

1 pitching event to empower SMEs on gaining new partners in their digitization process and

25 SMEs also gain individual couching, consulting and measurement services, which support

those 25 SMEs in their growth of digital competences. There were also presented cases of

actions which were supporting intermediaries for SMEs.

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

In next part of this transferability event were shown ways how SMEs could join, benefit and

include possibilities of Smart Space Hub and Alpine space DIH. It was seen that many

participants were already aware of this options, so they were putting deeper questions. On

the other side, some participants were not familiar with Smart Space actions, so they show

great interest to contact individual speaker in the conference for further collaboration and


Big contribution of this on-line XR conference was more intimate environment among

participants which brought more friendly, safe and open communication. There was way

more questions, debate and interaction with main speakers than in normal physical


Number of SME’s: 80 registered + 60 anonymous on Facebook live streaming

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

Furthermore, TPLJ organized an B2B gathering of small, micro companies with medium and large companies on ICT solutions, that happened at the TNT – Explosion of Technologies networking event. It was designed to bring awareness of digitalization to SMEs. To the participants, there was also a focus on the presentation of the best technologies with aim of direct transfer of good cases to present companies. During the process, Smart Space project was also included in transfer of experiences to the participants. After the B2B cross exchange, there was pitching part of the pilot action held at the same location, same day. Pick of the best companies, which are searching for new partners were pitching in front of all participants. More than 50 traditional and more than 30 digital SMEs were present. In networking part of this pilot action, it was designed in open lab system. Participants had a mission, to exchange as much as possible new contacts and to not spent more than 2 minutes with each new person. Estimation is, that there were made minimum 150 new matches among stakeholders present at location. At the end, there were good feedbacks concerning cooperation and the development of new digitalization opportunities, also through the use of SMART SPACE pilot actions receiving 1:1 assistance.

In this pilot action was also provided 1:1 support in the form of individual support/coaching for interested companies with the aim to increase their digital competences and accelerate digital transformation. There was 25 SMEs included in this 1:1 coaching session. 25 SMEs got workshop on Digital transformation, which included coaching and mentoring. Every company gain individual Digital Maturity Test (DMT), which showed the level and capacity of the company for future digital transformation. From this Digital Maturity Test, companies were given advices and directions for future actions for their development from Technology Park Ljubljana. This way companies got prepared to register and sign in for DIH (Digital Innovation Hub) vouchers, which would financially assist them in developing their Digital Strategy together with ICT companies specialized in Digital Transformation processes.

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

b. Learning and feedbacks

The SMEs present showed great interest into results and options which Smart Space project

brings to them through Smart Space HUB and Alpine space DIH. When there were individual

presenter of different supports and programs, there were direct questions and inquiries for

help, joining the program and positive support for the program. Practically, after the pilot

action was over, there were reports, that many participants individually contact presenter for

further steps.

It was surprising the number of participants and it was shown that on-line conference can

also be very effective by number of participants. Partial was reason of time-effectiveness and

freedom which brings online action to the participants; they don’t need to commute to event

location, having breaks, spending whole day. In online session they saved time and they could

also be offline, online and switch to their present needs at the desk. Additional reason was

also, that due to Corona virus in Europe, we were forced to make online gatherings, because

in live are not allowed anymore. Otherwise our event was planned to be held on 24th and 25th

March 2020.

It was clear, that HUB and DIH have crucial part in assistance to SMEs. SMEs are otherwise

not aware enough and do not know all the benefits which could help them. So for the future

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

recommendation is to have more this kind events and direct coaching to SMEs on their

individual challenges and request for digitization.

The companies evaluated the coaching 1:1 program as very good, and they were very

interesting to assess the SMART SPACE platform as a supportive environment for

internationalization and assistance in the digital transformation. This was seen also through

number of DIH vouchers being used by companies for their digitization.

It was shown also that policy makers and innovative stakeholders are also urgent in SMEs

digitization. It must whole environment included in process that SMEs can get good results.

3. Transferability actions addressed to Intramediaries

a. Summary of the action

Cross-fertilization action was focusing on creating new synergy effects among participants at

the Training Course. This action was important to strengthen the previous benefits of training

the participants. Participants will be able to help to each other and spread ideas and tools

available to them to support SMEs. Because it is going for partially new knowledge for

participants and new tools available to them, mutual exchange of ideas and help will support

this action to bring fruitful results on long term scale.

According to the ICT network in Slovenia, we are not taking advantage of the opportunities

offered by digital transformation projects, as there are not many such projects yet. In

addition, most organizations focus on technology and less on the business fundamentals. We

have strong reservations about understanding and exceedingly well meeting the needs of

digital users and innovating digital business models. The potential of real digital business is

undoubtedly extraordinary, and it would be a shame to exploit it, because it brings many


By properly implementing of the digital transformation and digital business projects,

companies are better able to meet the real needs of digital users. This enables them to deliver

superior products, services and solutions that deliver a superior customer experience and

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

value. In this way, companies raise their profile in the marketplace, increase their revenues

and maintain a sustainable competitive edge.

A deep understanding of the digital user and customer journey, the design of digital business

models, the innovative integration of digital technologies and the development of superior

products, services and solutions.

b. Learning and feedbacks

Cross-fertilizing action brought positive results to the participants. They showed great interest

to share knowhow and ideas with other participants. Learning is, that when there are people

at same level of understanding of programs, they are more likely to share and network among

each other.

Learning was that due to lack of connections, many stakeholders don’t know each other and

for each other’s work. So, there was potential among participants which was not used in the

past. With this event there are new connections to be explored and confirmed.

4. Transferability actions addressed to Policy makers

a. Summary of the action

There is plenty of knowledge in Slovenia in the field of digitalization, but it is not connected,

structured in organized way. There are too many individuals which do not know for each

other, plus there are very niche expertise and are not aware what are other organization

doing, researching, developing or implementing, on local and global level. With this pilot

action and assignments described in following part, the exchange of knowledge in

digitalization was activated among all participated stakeholders.

For success of Smart Space program there is big need also of support from Policy makers. As

in every modern economy, policy makers have major influence on development of the

environment of individual business ecosystem, especially towards conditions for SMEs.

Through their influence, the competitiveness of SMEs can get better or worse compering to

global competition level. Policy makers are different ministries, governmental agencies, local

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

and national governmental organizations etc. For success there must be regular

communication among policy makers and SMEs and other innovative stakeholders.

In beginning of this phase of pilot action towards policy makers, there was focus to educate,

inform and involve policy makers into Smart Space program. Policy makers must be well

enough informed, educated that they firstly support pilot actions and secondly, can support

SMEs in their processes.

For this reason, there was 1 national workshop, 1 national forum and 1 online enrolment

made. Through the process there was gradually reinforcement of awareness of benefits of

Smart Space project as for policy makers as for SMEs and innovative stakeholders in Slovenia.

National workshop was held on 3rd July 2019 in Technology Park Ljubljana. This was

representing new technologies of XR technologies, DIH Slovenia, Smart Space project and

rounded with open panel on transregional cooperation in smart manufacturing. Exchange of

ideas among SMEs and policy makers was already started.

National forum was held on 11th December 2019 in Technology Park Ljubljana. This was

prolonged step from national workshop. Here were already advance ideas developed and

more policy makers and SMEs were presented for cross exchange of ideas and action plans.

Here policy makers already presented ideas for assisting SMEs in their digitization and

development. Crucial was, that there was already potential for SMEs to reach towards Smart

Space HUB and Alpine space DIH Slovenia for assistance, support and consultancy.

Third operation was online forum where individual SMEs gain individual opportunity to have

contact with policy makers and intermediates. The action was mostly about DIH in Slovenia

and with that connected questions, ideas and proposals how to gain maximum out of this

pilot action opportunity.

b. Learning and feedbacks

Through action for policy makers, we came to conclusion that they must be included in

operations as soon as possible. They have their need of time for procedures and resources.

Additional challenge is also, that their job positions can be changed on every couple of years

and due to that, the transfer of knowledge is under question. Included this awareness, they

must be included fast and the steps must be easy to understand. That is why Smart Space

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

HUB and Alpine space DIH are crucial because they support long term policy support for SMEs.

It has been shown also, that is very beneficial cross exchange and debate between Policy

makers and SMEs needs. SMEs need a platform through which they can communicate their

needs and wants from the Policy maker support. In this action steps, there were focused

industries which can bring future competitive edge to Slovenian SMEs towards global


Very positive feedbacks were gain from all involved, as policy makers as other stakeholders.

Conversation, mutual awareness and respect shown was main reason that all participants

talked to each other, support each other, listen to each other and came to conclusions for

future steps. It was suggested that in the future there should be similar actions which are

support as SMEs as also policy makers and their contribution to development.

During pilot actions, old cooperation strengthens up and also new one was created. This is

crucial benefit for Slovenian environment, that people exchange experiences and ideas. This

way, digital transformation can be spread and implemented among SMEs faster and that

Policy makers will know how to support the process on the national level. Since there were

different stakeholders at the activities, from governmental institutions, academia, research,

companies etc. there was cross-connected cooperation going on all the time. Collaboration

was very good between organizers and government, especially with ministry for development

and EU politics and ministry for economics and technology. The main aim of the activities, to

bring bridge between Policy makers and stakeholders was very well established.

5. Conclusions

In Slovenia, SMART SPACE helped:

To introduce a new kind of support for SMEs and demonstrate its relevance,

To activate and present Smart Space HUB available to support SMEs,

Alpine space DIH which supports digitization and new technology development to the


Spreading awareness about digital transformation possibilities and SMART SPACE

project among broader national population, especially to intermediaries and Policy


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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

Establishing exchange of know-how and experiences among different stakeholders in

the field of digital transformation, virtual reality, blockchain technology and tourism.

Presenting and establishing position from stakeholders towards Policymakers, to have

them work in supportive and co-creating way politics.

Creating new collaborations among stakeholders, which did not know each other yet

or were not aware what new technologies and activities of SMART SPACE project could

bring to their work.

Focusing on cross-field connections of different industries and topics of pilot actions.

For example, that stakeholders from virtual reality get insight and search for potential

of collaboration within block chain technologies, tourism was impressed by virtual

reality usage, SMEs with digital transformation benefits etc.

New ideas, proposals and connections were made and all participants have potential

to benefit from them.

Raise of competitiveness of SMEs on global scale through supporting their digitization,

Cooperation level and communication channel between policy makers and innovative

stakeholders towards mutual future growth and help,

Developing new technologies among SMEs especially in Industry revolution 4.0, IoT,

Blockchain, Tourism, VR/AR/XR realities.

To improve common actions between various intermediaries on the industry of the

future project and enlarge their knowledge about this subject,

To contribute to the first steps of building of Alpine space DIH in Slovenia which

include also first connections with Alpine-space partners.

Support policy makers and SMEs in their communication, exchange of ideas and needs

for reaching higher level of global competitiveness

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

6. Annexes

Annex 1; Agenda(s) of the transferability action addressed to SMEs.

13:00– 13:05 Welcome speech: Jernej Pintar – director of Technology park Ljubljana

13:05 – 13:30 XR (VR/AR/MR) technologies – Trends and challenges

Marko Cafnik (technological) / Tomaž Korelc (entrepreneurial)

13:30 – 14:00 XR4ALL - Initiative of European commission for XR technologies

14:00 – 14:30 ARgumented reality: Aco Vidovic – IBM

14:30 – 15:30 Good practises of VR/AR/MR technology usage in Alpe Adria space

o Dino Eruption – Martin Kučer (first slovenian VR game) o Usage of hand movements for communication in AR/VR projects - Robi

Pritržnik - Foreach labs o XR presentation of pharmaceutical manufacture – David Kvaternik, XR lab TPLJ

- Tovarna Wrooom & Train o Presentation of AR/VR Lab in car industry - Erik Kapfer – Vzorčno mesto,SRIP

ACS+ in SIEVA o Ožuj brewery - Milan Gostimir, Legame studio (HR) o Group sessions in VR - Jernej Mirt - Viar o Northstar glasses – Darian Medved o XR as manual assistance in production lines – Bojan Lauko, Lek/Novartis

15:30 – 16:00 Digital technologies and innovative supporting environment

o Digitization in Alpine space (SMART-SPACE, Interreg Alpine Space) Aleš Pevc, TP LJ

o innovation centre inside of OIS-AIR innovation cluster - Peter Medica, TP LJ o Boosting innovations through Biotechnology station (TRAIN, Interreg Italia-

Slovenija) - Boštjan Čibej, TP LJ o XR technology in medical projects (COOP4HEALTHCARE, Interreg SI-AT) Mojca

Cvirn, TP LJ o XR for Start-up community (Startup AA, Interreg Slovenia-Austria) Gašper

Juvančič, TP LJ

16:00 – 17:00 XR – networking in VR including debate about VR meetings platforms

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

Agenda of the transferability actions addressed to policy makers

National workshop:

Strengthening the cooperation among Alpine policy makers and innovation stakeholders Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Technology park Ljubljana Tehnološki park 19, 1000 Ljubljana

09:00-9:30 Registration and welcome coffee

09:30-9:45 Welcome Speeches Jožka Hegler – TPLJ

10:05-10:25 Short presentation to give an overview of the SMART SPACE project – Aleš Pevc TPLJ

10:25-10:40 Smart-Space Strategy in connection to digital health and XR technologies - Marko Cafnik, Multiverzum

10:40-11:30 Present and Future of DIHs, Experiences and Best Practices Simona Kneževič Vernon, DIH Slovenija

11:30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00-13:30 Open panel about Transregional Cooperation in Smart Manufacturing Moderator: Aleš Pevc

13:30-14:30 Networking Lunch

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

National forum:

Program foruma

09.00 – 10.00 Registracija udeležencev

10.00 – 10.10 Pozdravni nagovori

Zdravko Počivalšek, minister, Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo

Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport (tbc)

Zoran Poznič, minister, Ministrstvo za kulturo

Ministrstvo za javno upravo (tba)

10:10 – 10:15 Predstavitev Smart Space projekt - Jernej Pintar, direktor, Tehnološki park Ljubljana

10.15 – 10.30 Predstavitev Evropskega Blockchain Partnerstva in pilotnih projektov prve generacije

mag. Nena Dokuzov, predstavnica Slovenije v Evropskem Blockchain Partnerstvu in vodja Projektne skupine za novo ekonomijo in blockchain tehnologije, MGRT

10.30 – 10.45 Predstavitev testne nacionalne blockchain infrastrukture

Tadej Slapnik, direktor, HashNet

Tomaž Kampuš, član uprave, Telemach

10.45 – 12.15 Panel: Integracija blockchain tehnoloških rešitev v tradicionalne poslovne modele

Predstavitev projektov Demo/Piloti II, ki za izvedbo projektov predvidevajo uporabo blockchain tehnologije in umetne inteligence:

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SMART-SPACE – D.T4.5.2 National transferability actions report in Slovenia

Energetska učinkovitost v sodelovanju z javnim sektorjem

Gregor Novak, in Viris, Milan Gabor Digitalne kompetence

Vlado Gobec, ECTA in Aleksander Zidanšek, IJS Trajnostna mobilnost

Tanja Mohorič, ACS in Boris Horvat, Abellium

Pametna mesta in skupnosti Peter Goltnik, Iskra d.d.

Krožno gospodarstvo Dragica Marinič, SRIP Krožno

Pameten dom Matej Gajzer, TECES (tbc)

Trajnostni turizem Toni Ijijaš, Arctur in Tomaž Furlan, Lucis

Pametne tovarne NIL (tba)

12.15 – 12.30 Odmor

12.30 – 14.00 Slovensko blockchain partnerstvo

Predstavitev stališč in iniciativ deležnikov:

Predstavniki blockchain organizacij in podjetij Peter Trček (Blockchain Think Tank), Tanja Bivic (Blockchain Alliance Europe), Jure Pirc (Slovenska Blockchain skupnost), Klemen Rupnik (Slovensko blockchain združenje)

Partnerji iz javnega sektorja: ministrstva in občine Ministrstva: Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, šolstvo on sport, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za javno upravo Občine: Maribor, Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenske Konjice, Podčetrtek, predstavniki mestnih občin

Predstavniki institucionalnega podpornega okolja Natalija Stošički ali Matej Zalar, SID banka

Predstavniki izobraževalnih in raziskovalnih institucij Inštitut Jožef Štefan, Univerza v Ljubljani, Univerza v Mariboru

Predstavniki ekonomsko socialnega sveta (tba) Predstavniki civilne družbe

14.00 – 15.00 Druženje s pogostitvijo

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