
Transforming lives through learning

Assessing Progress and Achievement

Professional Learning Resource:

Using the resources for moderation

Transforming lives through learning

Part of the suite of professional learning resources

Transforming lives through learning

Transforming lives through learning

Transforming lives through learning

Planning for progression in Food and Health

At early level children select a snack independently. As they move into first level, learners progress from tasting and trying out different foods to tasting and trying out foods that are unfamiliar to their daily diet. At second level, they progress through explaining their preferences to, at third level, evaluating a range of new foods using sensory descriptors and explaining the impact of food choice on health.

Transforming lives through learning

The Progression Framework:Taking a Closer Look…

Transforming lives through learning

What does it look like?

Transforming lives through learning

Annotation…[We need to] get inside the teacher’s head… - Louise Hayward

Assessment at Transition, 2012

What makes me think Joe has achieved Second Level, “on balance”?

What bits of my thinking capture my learning?

Transforming lives through learning


Annotated Exemplification>HWB>Food and Health

Teacher Voice

Progression Framework>HWB>Food and Health

Learning Statement Teacher Voice

Transforming lives through learning


Learner VoiceLearning Statement

Progression Framework>HWB>Food and Health>Second Level

Annotated Exemplification>HWB>Food and Health>SAL 1>Second Level

Transforming lives through learning


Use the three parts of the suite to quality assure the annotated exemplification.

Annotated exemplification

Progression frameworkCurriculum paper

Transforming lives through learning

Planning of learning

Do the Es&Os relate to the SAL?Do the learning statements relate to the SAL?Does the bundle of Es&Os relate to the learning statement?

Evidence of learning

Is there a range of evidence?Does it demonstrate a body of knowledge, understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities across the range of Es&Os? Are there challenging learning experiences directed towards learning at the next level?


Do the learner comments show reflection on learning related to the learning statements?Does the learner voice include self/peer assessment?


Does the practitioner annotation provide insight into the learning? (rather than describe what the learner has done)Does the practitioner annotation illustrate professional judgement about the achievement of a level?

Annotated exemplification - reflective questions

Transforming lives through learning

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