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– St. Bernardine of Sienna

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“Consider how love draws all the pains, all the torments, all the sufferings, all the sorrows, the wounds, the passion, the cross, and even the death of our Redeemer into the heart of His most Holy Mother.” – St. Francis de Sales =

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Eternal Father, look upon the Sa-cred Heart of Jesus which I offer to Thee as a Vase that it might receive the wine of Thy Justice, and in passing through this Holy Channel that it may be changed for us into the Wine of Thy Mercy!

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Joys and sorrows come these busy September days, not single file but in a crowd which seems to be-lie the promise of the calm quiet dawn, mist rising from the grass, young deer feeding in the distance. Au-tumn mornings.

If we start the day with prayer, all will be well, even should this day open to the day of eternity. An-other faithful usher has been called to do service before God. Mike Briggs died suddenly Thursday night. A quiet man, you could count on him for seemingly countless years watching at the doors, praying, helping and being faithful. May Heaven’s doors open to him.

One of our loyal 5:45 part-time ushers, Ralph Otis, is dying of cancer, and we pray for him, as for a man who fell away a long time ago, and lies silent and intubated in the ICU. We pray for him, too, to have a good death.

The first anniversary of Fr. Cekada’s death was duly marked on September 11 with Solemn Mass, the beautiful music he would have loved, a nice social breakfast, and a visit to his grave at St. Stephen’s Cem-etery to pray the Rosary. It was a good attendance throughout, and I noted all of the young people, fit-tingly, who rendered his memory this homage, and his soul this help. It was a quiet, peaceful and somehow very somber way to mark the day.

All of last week the seminarians were on retreat as they prepared for Subdiaconate. Yesterday’s long and so impressive ceremony of ordination to the first Ma-jor Order is also somewhat of a landmark. Since I’ve been a bishop, since Bishop Sanborn started his semi-nary, ordinations have come singly, one at a time. But for the first time, and in the midst of grief and revolu-tion, Almighty God has blessed us and our apostolate here at St. Gertrude the Great with the vocation of four young men in yesterday’s Pontifical Mass. May He bless them, and us, with perseverance. May He re-ward Bishop Sanborn and his priest professors for their dedicated service. Your interest, prayers, and support are so much appreciated.

Fr. Rodrigo da Silva is waiting to finish quaran-tine in Mexico City and making his retreat for Conse-cration. The Consecration of a Bishop is perhaps the richest and rarest of ceremonies. We pray it will help to ensure the Apostolic Succession in our midst, and for our faithful worldwide. You are invited to this his-toric ceremony on Wednesday, September 29, Mich-aelmas, at 10:00 AM. A dinner, of course, follows.

It’s nice to see so many bright and devout young children in our school this September. They sing now

at the 11:25 daily High Mass on school days. It is nice as well to be giving our tra-ditional blessings. Today we honor our Sorrowful Mother and bless our sick. Next Sunday we bless and dedicate our children to their Guardian Angel. And…after that, Rosary Sunday. At Breakfast, we will hear about the life of the new bishop.

Persevere with us in prayer, especially the prayer of prayers, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Joys will be doubled, and sorrows find their proper solace. The mysteries of the Rosary meld with those of the Mass, and life.

“Through the Virgin Mother, may God grant you peace and salvation.”

– Bishop Dolan

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# CALENDAR #=pqK=mefiljbk^Ûp=`lRkbR===

MON 9/20/21 SS. EUSTACE & COMPANIONS, MM VIGIL OF ST. MATTHEW 8:00 AM Low Mass †Ryan Greenwell (Colleen Greenwell) 11:25 AM High Mass †Fr. Anthony Cekada (Mr. & Mrs. William S. Oleyar)

TUE 9/21/21 ST. MATTHEW, APEV 8:00 AM Low Mass †John Metz – Happy Birthday (Judy) (from 9/20) 11:25 AM Requiem High Mass †Mike Briggs 5:00 PM Low Mass For all who cook for us and for our devoted drivers (The Fathers)

WED 9/22/21 ST. THOMAS OF VILLANOVA, BPC SS. MAURICE & COMPANIONS, MM 7:00 AM Low Mass Mr. & Mrs. John Hanna – Happy Anniversary July 8 (Mr. & Mrs. Bill Oleyar) 8:00 AM Low Mass †Thomas Way – died June 18 (Tom & Karen Simpson) 11:25 AM High Mass †Carl McClorey – beloved brother (Dean & Carolyn McClorey) 5:15 PM Low Mass Special Intention (Anne Marie Omlor)

THU 9/23/21 ST. LINUS, PM ! ST. THECLA, VM 7:00 AM Low Mass Luke Tierney (David Bayer) 8:00 AM Low Mass Special Intentions – deceased (Theresa Simpson) 11:25 AM Requiem High Mass Purgatorial Society

FRI 9/24/21 OUR LADY OF RANSOM 8:00 AM Low Mass †Mr. Steve Reen – 3rd anniversary of death (Cecilia Simpson) 11:06 AM Confessions 11:25 AM High Mass September Marian Mass 5:15 PM Confessions & Rosary 5:45 PM Low Mass Our Mother of Good Counsel – Thank you (Nathaniel Arnold) 6:30 PM Sacred Heart Novena & Benediction

SAT 9/25/21 OUR LADY’S SATURDAY 7:15 AM Confessions 7:30 AM Low Mass Steve, the nurse (Margaret Sutton) 8:05 AM Salve & Sermon 8:15 AM High Mass September Marian Mass

SUN 9/26/21 SS. ISAAC JOGUES & COMPANIONS, MM PENTECOST XVIII ! ANGEL SUNDAY SS. CYPRIAN, M & JUSTINA, VM 7:05 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Low Mass Judy, Thank you! (Patsy McConnell) 9:00 AM Solemn High Mass For the people of St. Gertrude the Great 10:40 AM Catechism Classes 11:05 AM Rosary 11:30 AM Low Mass †Dennis Hille – 1st year death anniversary (J. Hille & family) 4:45 PM Vespers & Benediction 5:45 PM Low Mass †Barbara Schmelzer – 13th anniversary (Mike Briggs Family)


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Servers TUE 9/21 11:25 AM FUNERAL: MCS: 1. C. Richesson 2. M. Simpson CROSS: A. McClorey TH: N. McClorey ACS: S. Richesson, A. McClorey TORCH: D. Simpson, 1 School Server SUN 9/26 7:30 AM LOW: Brueggemann Bros. 9:00 AM SOL.HIGH: MCS: 1. M. Simpson 2. P. Omlor CROSS: J. Stewart TH: T. Lawrence ACS: D. Simpson, C. Arlinghaus TORCH: T. England, J., B. & C. McGinnis 11:30 AM LOW: A. McClorey, N. Kolenich 4:45 PM VESPERS & BENEDICTION: G. Miller 5:45 PM LOW: Seminarian

The following is the third part of a long speech delivered by Archbishop Vigano. I am serializing it in the bulletin both for its analysis and its history. Please read it. It is excellent. – Bishop Dolan


Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World OrderNo one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer.

No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation.David Spangler

Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project (Reflections on The Christ, Findhorn, 1978)

Liaisons dangereusesAs Michael J. Matt has reported in a recent video at The Remnant, today we are beginning to put

together all the pieces of the mosaic, and we discover—by the very admission of one of the protagonists—that Msgr. Hélder Câmara, Archbishop of Olinda and Recife in Brazil, had a meeting in those years with the young Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and theorizer of the Great Reset. Once Schwab recognized Câmara for his opposition to the traditional Church and his revolutionary and pauperist theories, he invited him to the Davos Forum, considering his participation in this event as extremely important in view of the project of the New Order. We know that Hélder Câmara was among the organizers of the “Pact of the Catacombs,” which was signed by about forty ultra-progressivist Bishops on 16 November 1965, a few days before the closing of the Council. Among the heretical theses of that document, there is also collaboration in the establishment of “another, new social order” based on justice and equality. And we are not surprised to learn that among the signatories there was also Msgr. Enrique Angelelli, the auxiliary bishop of Cordoba in Argentina, “[a] point of reference for then-Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio”. Bergoglio himself declared right from the beginning of his Pontificate that he agreed with the demands of the Pact of the Catacombs. On 20 October 2019, during the Synod on the Amazon, the celebration of the pact between the conspirators was repeated in the Catacombs of Santa Domitilla, confirming that the plan begun at the Council had found fulfillment precisely in Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Far from distancing himself from the ultra-progressivists who support him and who determined his election at the last Conclave, Bergoglio never misses an opportunity to give proof of his perfect coherence with the plan of the New World Order, beginning with the collaboration of Vatican commissions and dicasteries with environmentalism of a Malthusian matrix and their participation in the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, a global alliance with the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller Foundation, and large banks. So on the one hand we have David Rockefeller with the Trilateral Commission, and on the other we have Klaus Schwab, who is related by marriage with the Rothschilds (here), with the World Economic Forum, and both of them are arm-in-arm with the head of the Catholic Church to establish the New Order by means of the Great Reset, as has been planned since the 1950’s.

The world depopulation plan Among the associates of this pactum sceleris there must also be counted some members of the

Pontifical Academy for Life, which recently had its organizational structure overturned by Bergoglio himself when he removed the members who were most faithful to the Magisterium, replacing them with supporters of depopulation, contraception, and abortion. There should be no surprise at the Holy See’s support for vaccines: in June 2011 the Sovereign Independent carried the headline on its front page: “Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution!” Beside the headline, a photograph of Bill Gates was accompanied by a quote from him: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services [abortion and contraception], we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” This is what Bill Gates said eleven years ago. Today he is one of the shareholders of the Black Rock group that finances the pharmaceutical companies that produce the vaccines, one of the main sponsors of the World Health Organization (WHO), and also of a myriad of public and private entities connected to health. At his side we curiously find George Soros, the “philanthropist” of the Open Society, which together with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently invested in a British company that produces swabs for Covid testing. And since we are talking about economic issues, I would like to recall that the Holy See has held shares worth about €20 million in two pharmaceutical companies that have produced a contraceptive drug, and more recently it invested in a fund that guaranteed very high profits

in the event of a geopolitical or pandemic crisis thanks to speculation on international currencies, the “Geo-Risk” fund managed by the Merrill Lynch investment bank, which had to close it because of its skyrocketing yields after the first few months of the pandemic. Other capital, coming from the “Peter’s Pence” collection, had been used to finance various other initiatives, even collaborating with [Italian businessman] Lapo Elkann, whose endeavors include Rocketman, the autobiographical film of Elton John. To say nothing of the real estate speculations and the purchase of the London building at 60 Sloane Avenue that the news coverage has amply informed us on, a purchase that I know, from a reliable source, was decided on by Bergoglio himself. And then there’s China: always in the name of “coherence” and the “church of the poor for the poor” that is so dear to Bergoglio’s heart, there are those who believe that the secret Accord prepared by the Jesuits and former-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick may have obtained substantial funding from the communist regime in Beijing in exchange for the Vatican’s silence over the persecution of Catholics and the violation of human rights.

Deep state interference There have been manifold examples of interference by the deep state in the life of the Church. We

cannot forget the emails of John Podesta and Hillary Clinton, which show the intention to oust Benedict XVI from the papacy and so to initiate a new “springtime of the Church” that would be progressivist and globalist, which later came about with the resignation of Benedict and the election of the Argentine. Nor can we overlook the interference of entities and institutions that are anything but close to religion, such as the B’nai B’rith, in dictating the direction of the “renewal” of the Church after Vatican II and most of all under this Pontificate. Finally, we should remember on the one hand the disdainful refusals to grant audiences to conservative political and institutional personalities, and on the other hand the passionate smiling encounters with leaders of the Left and of progressivism, along with expressions of enthusiastic satisfaction on the occasion of their election. Many of them owe their success to having attended universities run by the Society of Jesus or circles of Catholicism that in Italy would be called Dossettian, where the network of social and political relations constitutes a sort of progressive Freemasonry and ensures dazzling careers for so-called “adult Catholics,” those who use the name “Christian” without behaving consistently with Christian faith and morality in their service of public affairs: Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi; Romano Prodi, Mario Monti, Giuseppe Conte, and Mario Draghi; to name only a few. As we can see, the cooperation between the deep state and deep church is long-standing and has now produced the results hoped for by its supporters, with very serious damage to both the State and religion.

The closure of churches in early 2020, even before the civil authorities imposed the lockdowns; the prohibition of the celebration of Masses and the administration of the Sacraments during the pandemic emergency; the grotesque ceremony performed on 27 March 2020 in Saint Peter’s Square; the insistence on vaccines and their promotion as morally legitimate despite having been produced with cell lines originating with aborted fetuses; Bergoglio’s declarations that the genetic serum represents a “moral duty” for every Christian; the introduction of the “Green Pass” health passport in the Vatican and more recently in Catholic schools and in some seminaries; the Holy See prohibiting Bishops from announcing that they are against the vaccination obligation, promptly endorsed by certain Bishops’ Conferences—these are all elements that demonstrate the subordination of the deep church to the orders of the deep state, and the way in which the Bergoglian church is an integral part of the globalist plan. If we combine all this with the idolatrous cult of the pachamama right under the arches of Saint Peter’s Basilica; the insistence on irenicist ecumenism, pacifism, and pauperism; the endorsement of situation ethics and the substantial legitimization of adultery and concubinage in Amoris Laetitia; the declaration that the death penalty is morally illicit; the endorsement of left-wing politicians, revolutionary leaders, and abortion activists; the words of understanding for LGBT issues, homosexuals, and transsexuals; the silence over the legitimization of homosexual unions and the even more disconcerting silence over the blessing of sodomitical couples by German Bishops and priests; and the prohibition of the Tridentine Mass with the abolition of Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, we realize that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is carrying out the task entrusted to him by the globalist elite, which wants him to be the liquidator of the Catholic Church and the founder of a philanthropic and ecumenical sect of Masonic inspiration that is meant to constitute the Universal Religion in support of the New Order. Whether this action is being carried out with full awareness, out of fear, or under blackmail, nothing detracts from the gravity of what is happening, nor from the moral responsibility of those who promote it.

To be continued…

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