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“We must recognize the power of visual compositions to influence the thinking, behavior, and decision

making of individuals, groups, and whole societies.” —Pavel Zemliansky

Visual Analysis Assignment Sheet In this unit, we will consider questions surrounding visual literacy: What is visual literacy? Why does it matter? How do we enhance, deepen, complicate our understanding of and appreciation for visuals and visual arguments? How do visuals provoke responses? What are the ethical, social, and cultural implications of composing in/with visuals? For this assignment, you will each work with a New York Times Doc-Op—that is, a documentary short that addresses a current social issue. The five film options are listed on Blackboard; you will select one as the subject of your unit essay. This unit is largely about studying visual images, particularly moving images, and how they make arguments, both explicitly and implicitly. These are the things you’ll be expected to include in your essay: • Thoughtful, in-depth analysis of your doc-op that considers visual rhetoric and includes attention

to the context that surrounds it. • Explicit claims about what you are noticing—interpretations developed through your analysis. • A clear sense of purpose for the writing that takes into account what’s at stake and the “so what?”

question a reader is likely to have. • Attention to style and arrangement of words, images and ideas that invites your audience to see

something new through your analysis.

Your audience for this writing is your fellow students and others interested in visual literacy. For example, you might think of this writing as something that could be submitted to our own Syracuse University Writing Program journal, Intertext ( ) or an undergrad journal more specifically examining issues of representation and power, such as The University of Cincinnati’s Queen City Writers (, or an undergraduate journal focusing on rhetoric and composition, such as Young Scholars in Writing ( Your 1,500-word essay is due on Thursday, November 5. Please post your paper to Blackboard.

WRT 105: Practices of Academic Writing

Fall 2015, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-6:20 p.m., MSM 208A Patrick W. Berry, [email protected], office: HBC 235

office phone: 315-443-1912 office hours: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and by appointment

Page 2: WRT 105: Project 2

Your grade for this project is based on timely and successful completion of all components introduced throughout the unit. Consider the following questions:

ü Does the writer organize the essay effectively, starting with an explicitly interpretive thesis, analytical claims and supporting evidence, appropriate, thoughtful interpretations, and transitions that avoid simple chronological shifts? ü Is there a clear sense of purpose for the writing that takes into account what’s at stake and the “so what?” question a reader is likely to have?

ü Does the writer demonstrate an awareness of audience? For example, does the writer raise and answer questions readers are likely to have? Does the writer use a voice and style that is appropriate and effective?

ü Does the title provocatively focus the reader’s attention?

ü Does the writer use MLA in-text citation [if relevant] and a Works Cited page correctly?

ü Does the writer edit for grammar, style, and usage effectively?

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