
RFP No. 17-18-218

Development Services Software

Sec. 6. Proposal Submission PackageIn response to this solicitation, Proposer shall RETURN THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION PACKAGE as follows:

Form A – Proposal Signature Form, Cover Page of Proposal (PDF file)

Complete and sign the Proposal Signature Form (by Proposer or representative of the Proposer who is legally authorized to enter into a contractual relationship in the name of the Proposer) as required.

1. Affidavits/Acknowledgements

Complete and sign the following:

Form B – Representations and Disclosures (PDF file)

Form C – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility (PDF file)

Form D – Equal Benefits Certification (PDF file)

Form E – Statement of Small Business Participation (PDF file)

Form F – Non-Collusion Affidavit (PDF file)

Form G – Statement of No Proposal (PDF file)

Complete the following:

Proposer’s Acknowledgement of Minimum Criteria

Proposer’s Contract Terms and Conditions Compliance Checklist

Proposer’s Exceptions and Deviations

2. Proposer Information

Complete following requirements therein. Proposer information document is also provided in Word and all Attachments to Proposer information are provided in Excel format. The following attachments shall be included as proposer information:

Proposer Attachment 1 Use Cases, Functional, Technical, and Reporting Requirements

MS Excel

Proposer Attachment 2 Pricing Proposal MS Excel

Proposer Attachment 3 City of West Palm Beach and Proposer Staffing Resources by Project Phase

MS Excel

Proposer Attachment 4 Proposer’s Standard Licensing and Support Agreements

Proposer’s Format in MS Word

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Proposers should submit the documents in 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, as part of the proposal submission (in hard copy and electronic format). Proposers shall adhere to the formatting sequence and instructions outlined. Proposers must respond in full to all RFP sections and follow the proposal submission package format (section numbering, etc.) in their response. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a proposal being deemed non-responsive.

Proposers are instructed to use the MS Word template of the Proposal Submission Package to facilitate the formatting and expedite their proposal response. Emphasis should be concentrated on accuracy, completeness, and clarity of content. All parts, pages, figures, and tables should be referenced.

Costs for the Proposer’s proposed solution should be submitted on the proposal pricing forms provided in the included Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet. Costs should include the complete costs for the solution including travel and operating costs.

Submit to City of West Palm Beach:

Technical Proposal1 Signed original technical proposal (Section 6 – Proposal Submission Package)Any addenda (including signatures),5 copies of technical proposal,1 CD containing an electronic version of the technical proposal (Section 6) and the following attachments:

- Proposer Attachment 1 – Use Cases, Functional, Technical and Reporting Requirements.xlsm

- Proposer Attachment 3 – City of West Palm Beach and Proposer Staffing Resources by Project Phase.xlsx

- Proposer Attachment 4 – Proposer’s Standard Licensing and Support Agreements

Cost Proposal1 original Proposer Attachment 2 - Pricing proposal,5 copies of Proposer Attachment 2 – Pricing proposal, and1 CD containing an electronic version of the Pricing proposal (Proposer Attachment 2 – Pricing Proposal.xlsx)

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Form A – Proposal Signature Form

See PDF File

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Form B – Representations and Disclosures

See PDF File

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Form C – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility

See PDF File

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Form D – Equal Benefits Certification

See PDF File

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Form E – Statement of Small Business Participation

Procurement Division/Small Business Program

401 Clematis Street, 3rd FloorWest Palm Beach, FL 33401-4702Tel. (561) 822-2100Fax (561) 822-1564


See PDF File

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Form SB01

Statement of Small Business ParticipationInstructions: List all Small Businesses that will participate on this project/contract. Only City certified small businesses and Palm Beach City Office of Small Business Assistance (PBC-OSBA) certified Small Businesses can be used to meet the goal established for this project/contract. Submit this form with your bid/proposal.

SECTION I. General Information

Bidder or Proposer’s Name:

Preparer’s Name: Title

ITB or RFP Title: Development Services System Project Number:

ITB or RFP Number: 17-18-218SB Goal (if established): 15 %

Total Base Project/Contract Amount: $

SECTION II. Small Business Participation

The firm(s) listed below have agreed to participate in this project or contract.

Subcontractor Name

Item Description or

Work/Service to be




Percent of Dollar Value/Base Bid

Percent of

Dollar Value

Total Bid

1. $ % %

2. $ % %

3. $ % %

4. $ % %

5. $ % %

6. $ % %

TOTAL $ % %

Preparer’s Signature: Date:

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Form F – Non-Collusion Affidavit

See PDF File

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Form G – Statement of No Proposal

See PDF File

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6.1 Proposer’s Acknowledgement of Minimum CriteriaAs noted in section 4.2 of this RFP, proposed solutions MUST meet all of the following requirements. Proposals not meeting these requirements will be rejected. Proposers should acknowledge acceptance of these terms and include the following checklist in their RFP response.

Item Criteria Minimum Requirements Yes/No

1.Authorizations and License

Proposer must be a validly formed firm authorized to do business in the State of Florida at time of contract execution.

2. Representations & Disclosures

Proposer can provide all required representations and disclosures.

3. Signature Proposal is signed by an officer authorized to bind the firm.


Proposal received in the Procurement Division on or before the due date and time.

5. Response Completeness Proposer complied with all instructions in the RFP and provided a response to all items requested with sufficient detail, which provides for the proposal to be properly evaluated. Any deficiencies in this regard will be determined by the City of West Palm Beach’s Purchasing Director to be either a defect that the Director will waive or that the proposal can be sufficiently modified to meet the requirements of the RFP.

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6.2 Proposer’s Contract Terms and Conditions Compliance ChecklistProposal responders are to mark the Comply, Exception, or Not Comply column. Comply indicates the proposal responder understands and agrees to comply fully. Exceptions must be fully explained on the bottom portion of this page. The Client reserves the right to reject any proposal for non-compliance of the specifications.

Terms and Conditions Compliance Checklist

# Title Comply Exception Not Comply

General Terms and Conditions5.3.1 Advice of Omission or Misstatement

5.3.2 Lobbying Prohibited

5.3.3 Ethic Requirements

5.3.4 Small Business Program

5.3.5 Disclosure of Proposal Contents

5.3.6 System Design Costs

5.3.7 Additional Charges

5.3.8 Turnkey Solution

5.3.9 Purchase Quantities

5.3.10 Reserved Rights

5.3.11 Rights to Pertinent Materials

5.3.12 Standard Forms and Contracts

5.3.13 Use of City Name; Logos or Seal

5.3.14 Public Entity Crimes

5.3.15 Prohibited Persons

5.3.16 Convicted Vendor List

5.3.17 Discriminatory Vendor List

5.3.18 Scrutinized Companies List

5.3.19 City as Gatekeeper of Documents

5.3.20 News Releases / Publicity

5.3.21 Public Records; Confidential & Proprietary Information

5.3.22 Non-Discrimination

5.3.23 Right to Contract for Similar/Additional Services

5.3.24 Ownership of Documents

5.3.25 Proposal

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5.3.26 Proposal Costs

5.3.27 No Return of Proposals

5.3.28 Applicable Laws; Procurement Code

5.3.29 Inspector General

5.3.30 Equal Benefits Ordinance

5.3.31 Disclosure and Disclaimer

Contract Terms and Conditions

5.4.1 Insurance Requirements

5.4.2 Limitation of Liability

5.4.3 Indemnification

5.4.4 Coordination with the City

5.4.5 Identification of Parties to the Agreement

5.4.6 Scope of Agreement

5.4.7 Pricing

5.4.8 Florida Prompt Payment Act

5.4.9 Title and Property Rights

5.4.10 Offshore Limitation

5.4.11 Remote Access

5.4.12 Confidentiality

5.4.13 Vendor as Independent Contractor

5.4.14 Advertisement

5.4.15 Public Records Law

5.4.16 Right to Audit

5.4.17 Termination Clause

5.4.18 Termination by Owner for Convenience

5.4.19 Availability of Funds

5.4.20 Effect of Regulation

5.4.21 Right to Withhold Payment

5.4.22 Notices Clause

5.4.23 Conflict of Interest

5.4.24 Non-Collusion

5.4.25 Non-Discrimination

5.4.26 Discriminatory Vendor List

5.4.27 Public Entity Crimes

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5.4.28 Scrutinized Companies List

5.4.29 Unauthorized Aliens

5.4.30 Prohibited Persons

5.4.31 Small Business Requirements

5.4.32 Assignment

5.4.33 Vendor Merger or Acquisition

5.4.34 Agreement Extension and Modification

5.4.35 Severability

5.4.36 Waiver

5.4.37 Survival

5.4.38 Applicable and Governing Law

5.4.39 Attorney Fees

5.4.40 Wording Conflicts

5.4.41 Entire Agreement Clause


5.5.1 Grant of Right to Use Software

5.5.2 Documentation

5.5.3 Software Warranty

5.5.4 Patents, Copyrights, and Proprietary Rights Indemnification

5.5.5 Unlimited Liability for Software Vendor Infringement

5.5.6 Password Security

5.5.7 Software Interfaces

5.5.8 Source Code Escrow

5.5.9 Right to Outsource

5.5.10 Use of Software by Personnel Who Are Not Employees

5.5.11 Disaster Recovery & Disaster Recovery Testing

5.5.12 Disclaimers and Limitations of Remedies

Software License

5.6.1 Replication of Software

5.6.2 Risk During Software Installation

5.6.3 Warranty Pertaining to Hardware Recommendation

5.6.4 Payment Terms – Software License

Software Maintenance and Support

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5.7.1 Extended Services

5.7.2 Annual Fees

5.7.3 Resolution and Response Time Warranty

5.7.4 Termination of Annual Maintenance and Support

5.7.5 Federally Mandated Changes

5.7.6 Future Releases/Upgrades

5.7.7 Solution Longevity

5.7.8 Successor Software Products

5.7.9 Functionality Replacement

5.7.10 Continuity of Warranty

5.7.11 Payment Terms – Annual Fees

Professional Services

5.8.1 Intellectual Property

5.8.2 Contract Extension

5.8.3 Subcontractors

5.8.4 Control of Sub-Contractor, Project Team and Project Manager Designation

5.8.5 Project Schedule Acceptance

5.8.6 Programming Services

5.8.7 Acceptance Testing

5.8.8 Professional Services Warranty

5.8.9 Ineffective Training

5.8.10 Subcontracts

5.8.11 Non-Performance Escalation Procedures

5.8.12 Force Majeure Clause

5.8.13 Force Majeure Requisites

5.8.14 120 Day Maximum

5.8.15 Right of Cancellation

5.8.16 Liquidated Damages

5.8.17 Change Orders

5.8.18 Travel Expense Reimbursement

5.8.19 Video and Audio Recording

5.8.20 Payment Terms – Professional Services

Hosting Services

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5.9.1 Hosting Services

5.9.2 Service Audits

5.9.3 Disaster Recovery

5.9.4 Penetration Testing

5.9.5 Back-up and Recovery

5.9.6 Secure Date Transmission

5.9.7 Background Checks

5.9.8 Client Notification if Third-Party Request for Data

5.9.9 Provision of Client Data upon Termination

5.9.10 Transition Services

5.9.11 Annual Hosting Fees

5.9.12 Payment Terms – Annual Hosting Fees

Hosting Service Level Agreement

5.10.1 Service Level Agreement Overview

5.10.2 Definitions

5.10.3 Service Availability

5.10.4 Applicability

5.10.5 Force Majeure

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6.3 Proposer’s Exceptions and Deviations If the Proposer finds it impossible or impractical to adhere to any portion of the RFP including the Scope of Services, Proposer Response Requirements, Evaluation Process, Terms and Conditions, and/or requested details in the Proposer’s Proposal Submission Package (including all attachments), it shall be stated in the table below.

Objections or deviations expressed elsewhere in the Proposer’s proposal, either directly or by implication, will not be accepted as deviations, and the Proposer in submitting a proposal, will accept this stipulation without recourse.

For all items marked as “Exception” in the Agreement Terms and Conditions Compliance Checklist, a Proposer must fully explain the exception on the Exception Explanations form below.

Exception Explanations

# Title Detailed Explanation of Exception

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6.4 Proposer Information

6.4.1 Executive SummaryThis part of the response to the RFP should be limited to a brief narrative not to exceed two (2) pages describing the proposed solution. The company's background including a brief description (e.g., past history, present status, future plans, company size, etc.) and organization charts should be included. The summary should contain as little technical jargon as possible and should be oriented toward non-technical personnel. The executive summary should not include cost quotations.

6.5 Proposer’s Relevant Experience and Past Performance Proposers must provide information about their company so that the City of West Palm Beach can evaluate the Proposer's stability and ability to fulfill the commitments set forth in its proposal response to this RFP. Information that Proposers should provide in this section are as follows:

1. If the Proposer is proposing to use subcontractors on this project, please provide a separate response using the Company Background Form detailed below for each subcontractor. Please describe the relationship with that firm and the specific services and/or products that the subcontractor will be providing on the project. A complete list of subcontractors is required. The City of West Palm Beach has the right to approve all sub-contractors of the Proposer at any time.

Company Background FormProposer name:

Is Proposer prime contractor: Yes No

Proposer Website

Name of Parent Company (if applicable)

Headquarters Location

Number of field offices and nearest field office to City of West Palm Beach

Date business established and date it started selling to public sector organizations

Prior fiscal year gross revenue (in U.S. dollars)

Percentage of prior fiscal year gross revenue generated by licensing/support of proposed software

Prior fiscal year net income (in U.S. dollars)

Last three fiscal years investment in research and development (in U.S. dollars)

Dunn & Bradstreet #

Dunn & Bradstreet rating (within past year)

Describe any mergers or acquisitions completed by your company within the last

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Company Background Formthree years.

Describe any divestitures completed by your company within the last three years.

Total FTEs in:Customer and software support

Installation and training

Product development

Sales, marketing, and administrative support

Managed services (DBA’s, infrastructure technicians, support staff)

Other: Please describe

Total FTEs in the division of your company supporting solution

Software ProfileName and version of proposed software solution(s)

Date of next major version release and typical release schedule

Software version proposed (years in production):

1. What are the key differentiators of your company and its proposed solution?

2. What documentation is available from an independent source that positively promotes the capabilities of the Proposer’s solution offering?

3. What strategic alliance have you made to further strengthen your product and services?

4. What are your near-term and long-term goals, and the strategies to reach these goals?

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5. What is your niche in the marketplace and your preferred customer size?

6. Please describe the level of research and development investment you make in your products in terms of a percentage of gross sales for your solution and its services.

7. Please describe your commitment to providing solutions for the public sector marketplace.

8. How many fully operational customer installations of the version proposed in this RFP, currently in production, has the Proposer completed?

Florida NationallyLocal government

Other public sector

Other non-public sector


9. How many fully operational customer installations, in total, has the Proposer completed?

10. How many current system implementations of your solution are in-process within both the State of Florida and the region of the Country that includes the State of Florida?

Current in-process Implementations

State of Florida



11. Please list the Proposer’s sales in the previous three years:

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Year Sales




12. How many total employees does the Proposer have in each of the following categories:

Area Number



Help Desk Staff

Development Staff



13. What is the Proposer’s hourly rate for implementation assistance beyond that which is included in the Proposer bid by skill set?

Rates for Additional Implementation Assistance

Skill Set Hourly Rate

$ / hr.

$ / hr.

$ / hr.

14. Please indicate two separate potential visits of four consecutive days each in which the Proposer will commit to being available for an onsite demonstration and your preference.

Demonstration Date Options

Option Visit #1 Visit #2

<Demo Date>

<Demo Date>

<Demo Date>

15. What would be the Proposer’s preferred comparably sized, site visit location nearest the City of West 21 | P a g e

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Palm Beach?

Client ReferencesThe Proposer must provide at least (3) three references, preferably (1) one from the State of Florida, from public sector clients that are similar in size and complexity to the City of West Palm Beach. If possible, at least one of these references should be a Proposer-hosted solution. Proposer shall complete a separate Proposer reference form for each client reference.

In addition, the City of West Palm Beach requests a listing of all current public-sector clients with the year the client became a customer. Please include this client list immediately following the reference form template.

In addition, if the proposer will be using subcontractor for services please provide at least (3) three references in related services.

Reference # 1:

Proposer name:

Customer name:

Customer contact:

Customer phone number: ( )

Customer E-mail address

System which solution replaced

Customer go-live year:

Describe Nature of Project and Services Provided to This Client:

Configuration of Solution and Services Currently Received (Hardware, Software, Services):

Reference # 2:

Proposer name:

Customer name:

Customer contact:

Customer phone number: ( )

Customer E-mail address

System which solution replaced

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Customer go-live year:

Describe Nature of Project and Services Provided to This Client:

Configuration of Solution and Services Currently Received (Hardware, Software, Services):

Reference # 3:

Proposer name:

Customer name:

Customer contact:

Customer phone number: ( )

Customer E-mail address

System which solution replaced

Customer go-live year:

Describe Nature of Project and Services Provided to This Client:

Configuration of Solution and Services Currently Received (Hardware, Software, Services):

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6.6 Key Personnel and Subcontractors Relevant Experience Provide an organization chart showing all key personnel, including their titles, to be assigned to this project. This chart must clearly identify the Proposer’s employees and those of the subcontractors or sub-consultants and shall include the functions to be performed by the key personnel. Key personnel include the proposed project manager, technical lead, and functional leads, as well as other staff members with more than 15% of the total hours on the project. Please include additional lines as necessary. For each key staff member, complete the table “Key Staff Background and Information” on the following page.

Proposed Implementation Team

Name Company Job Title Project Role

# years implementing proposed software

Key staff?(Y/N)

Estimated Total hours Estimated Hours onsite

Total hours: < Total> <Total>

Note: After proposal submission, but prior to the award of any contract issued as a result of this Solicitation, the Proposer has a continuing obligation to advise the City of any changes, intended or otherwise, to the key personnel identified in its proposal.

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Key Staff Background and Information


Project role

Length of time at company | Total experience in profession

Relevant education, skills, qualifications, and certifications

Client References: <Client Name> <Client Name>

Client contact name



Client size (number of employees supported by the system)

Start date (MM/YY)

Scheduled end date (MM/YY)

Actual end date (MM/YY)

Average hours per week

Describe experience directly relevant to the position and responsibilities proposed for this project

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1. Identify the degree to which Proposer staff will be onsite versus off-site during the project.

2. Provide the resource and configuration requirements for the Proposer's staff during the implementation:

Number of workstations

Number of desks

Number and size of dedicated rooms for the project



Network accessibility needs

White boards

Flip charts

Power requirements

Other resource needs

6.7 Proposer’s Management and Financial Resources

Proposer Management and Financial FormDescribe the Proposer’s overall management and financial resources available in support of this project.

Type of business (e.g. C-corp, S-corp, LLP, sole proprietorship)

Provide audited financial information for the past TWO (2) completed fiscal years that includes income statements, balance sheets, and statement of cash flows.(Privately-held companies wishing to maintain confidential financial information must provide information detailing the company’s long-term stability. Please provide a current Dunn & Bradstreet report (D&B) as part of the Proposer proposal response)

Please attach within this section

Identify any pending lawsuits, past litigation relevant to subject matter of this RFP, providing a statement of any litigation or pending lawsuits that have been filed against the Company in the

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Proposer Management and Financial Formlast five years.

If an action has been filed, state and describe the litigation or lawsuit filed, and identify the court or agency before which the action was instituted, the applicable case or file number, and the status or disposition for such reported action. If no litigation or lawsuit has been filed against the company, provide a statement to that effect.

Please attach within this section

List and describe all bankruptcy petitions (voluntary or involuntary) which has been filed by or against the Proposer, its parent or subsidiaries, predecessor organization(s), or any wholly-owned subsidiary during the past three (3) years. Include in the description the disposition of each such petition.

Describe if Proposer, its principals, officers or predecessor organization(s) have been debarred or suspended from proposing by any government during the last five (5) years.

Identify your senior management team members including years with the company, current position, and position immediately prior to joining the company.

6.8 Proposer’s Functional ScopeAs the City of West Palm Beach is contemplating a City of West Palm Beach-hosted versus Proposer-hosted solution, aspects of the proposed solution to be provided should be clearly delineated where they vary between these two approaches throughout the Proposer’s proposal response.

1. Describe your overall proposed technology solution.

2. Describe the product direction for the company, including time frames.

3. Describe unique aspects of the Proposer's solution in the marketplace.

4. Describe components of the solution that are industry standards versus being proprietary to the Proposer.

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5. For third party products proposed that are integrated with the Proposer’s solution provide the following for each product: Reason that this product is a third-party product versus being part of the software Proposer’s

solution, Extent to which this third-party product is integrated with the Proposer’s solution.

Proposer Attachment 1 - Use Cases, Functional, Technical, and Reporting RequirementsUse the Microsoft Excel specification spreadsheet provided and attach added explanation pages as necessary. Please include any costs associated with modifications in the Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet.

Please note: The response to these requirements should be provided in the exact format as provided (e.g. no additional macros, formulas, additional columns, modifications, passwords, etc.). Failure to do so can result in disqualification of the entire proposal.

The instructions provided in this section represent how proposers should complete the Excel attachment provided.

These requirements are considered mandatory in implementing the complete solution as defined in section 3. Together they define a system that will operate efficiently in the proposed computer environment while providing a high level of flexibility in meeting the City of West Palm Beach’s current and future data needs. Proposers must replace cells A1:G1 in the first module (General and Technical Requirements) with the Proposer’s Company Name which will be repeated and printed for each subsequent module.

The Priority column includes one of the following entries to indicate the importance of the specification/report to the City of West Palm Beach:

“H” – High: This would be a feature that the City of West Palm Beach really wants or already has and uses in its current software or, alternatively, is available and/or tracked in a shadow system (i.e., spreadsheet, document, external database, etc.).

“M” – Medium: This is a feature that the City of West Palm Beach would like in the new system that is not currently being tracked or is not existing functionality.

“B” – Base: This would be a feature that is considered a base/minimal requirement of the application. This feature is already in use at the City of West Palm Beach and considered a step backwards if not present in proposed system. Proposer is encouraged to provide any modifications and associated costs to comply with this minimal requirement.

Each Proposer should review the specifications and reports listed in each subsection and respond as to their availability within the Proposer’s software system. The responses should be entered under the “Availability” column of each form as follows:

Y Functionality is provided out of the box through the completion of a task associated with a routine configurable area that includes, but is not limited to, user-defined fields, delivered or configurable workflows, alerts or notifications, standard import/export, table driven setups and standard reports with no changes. These configuration areas will not be affected by a future

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upgrade. The proposed services include implementation and training on this functionality, unless specifically excluded in the Statement of Work, as part of the deployment of the solution.

R Functionality is provided through reports generated using proposed Reporting Tools.

T Functionality is provided by proposed third party functionality (i.e., third party is defined as a separate software Proposer from the primary software Proposer). The pricing of all third party products that provide this functionality MUST be included in the cost proposal.

M Functionality is provided through customization to the application, including creation of a new workflow or development of a custom interface that may have an impact on future upgradability.

F Functionality is provided through a future general availability (GA) release that is scheduled to occur within 1 year of the proposal response.

N Functionality is not provided

Use the Cost column for “M” or “F” responses to estimate the cost to be incurred by the City of West Palm Beach to secure the specification/report. Use the Comment column to provide additional comments pertaining to your response for that item.

The Required Product(s) column is to be used to specify what product (e.g. product name / software module) is proposed. The cells D10:G10 in the form which currently read “Replace this text with the primary product name(s) which satisfy requirements” must be updated. This name will be automatically populated in the Required Product(s) column for each specification in the module. The automated values in this column must be updated for any exceptions where a different or additional product is required to satisfy the requirement.

Proposers proposing a multi-product solution should complete a General and Technical module specification response for each product.

6.9 Proposer’s Technical ScopeThe Proposer shall provide the information described in this section. The information will be used in the evaluation process. Proposers should identify where conflicts may exist between their solution and current technologies being used in the City of West Palm Beach as provided in sections 1.6 and 1.7.

As the City of West Palm Beach is contemplating a City of West Palm Beach-hosted versus Proposer-hosted solution, aspects of the proposed solution to be provided should be clearly delineated where they vary between these two approaches in the sections below.

Hardware and Data Management Architecture1. What is the primary source code language (e.g., C++, Java, 4GL) used to generate your application’s

executable modules?

2. Describe your system’s database architecture(s) and database management system(s), and if a commercial database(s) is used (e.g., Oracle, DB2, SQL-Server, etc.).

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3. Describe your approach and direction to integration across all system modules. Attach a logical diagram or graphical representation of how the modules of your proposed system are integrated or are interfaced, if necessary.

4. What tools and approaches (e.g., APIs, middleware) do you employ to facilitate information exchange between your system and others?

5. List all middleware product(s) (e.g., WebSphere) or languages (e.g., XML, Java EE) if required, by your proposed software solution.

6. Please indicate the last time the software was re-architected:a. Data Structure:b. Application Code:c. User Interface:

7. List all server operating system(s) required by your proposed software solution.

8. Attach a diagram of the recommended system architecture representing all necessary components for the following environments at a minimum: 1) development; 2) training; 3) production; and 4) disaster recovery.The diagram should show components such as the database server, applications server, reporting server, test/training server, firewall(s), web server(s), web browser, minimum workstation requirements, remote access, wireless connectivity, network connectivity to LANs and WAN, etc. Describe any potential use of virtual server technologies (e.g. VMware) and application accelerators and note what Proposers you partner with or recommend and/or support.

9. Do you certify your system will run on virtual servers (VMWARE) specify version?

10. Do you certify your system will run on for terminal server use?

11. In terms of hardware configuration, describe the recommended server configuration in your proposed solution using the table below. List the conditions in which the preferred hardware platform would

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change. A hardware configuration, which takes into account the size of the City of West Palm Beach, application modules, database size, and anticipated growth, must be provided.

Server Type

Hard Drive Space and Design(e.g., RAID)


Processor/and Speed # Processors Other Requirements

12. Identify the communication protocols and networking requirements that are required for implementation and operation of the proposed system. In the event that there are multiple communication systems and/or protocols available, list all options. Take into account the City of West Palm Beach’s current WAN and remote computing requirements and indicate what changes are required or recommended.

13. Describe the system administration tools that are used to manage the application including any data archival tools, tools for managing application updates, online help management tools, etc.

14. Describe the network management systems that either your system uses, interoperates/integrates with, or you recommend. Please specify.

15. Describe what, if any, footprint (e.g. local software artifacts such as DLLs) exists on the user’s client applications (e.g. desktop, browser, etc.).

16. Describe the minimum and optimal hardware, software, storage, memory, operating system and other requirements for desktop computers to access the application such that the City of West Palm Beach can determine the extent to which existing computers must be upgraded or replaced.

17. Please describe the physical and technical preferences for a user acceptance testing (UAT) environment?

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18. Describe your system’s ability to operate within a thin client environment?

19. Provide a complete description of the minimum laptop or desktop computer hardware specifications necessary to run the software.

20. Complete the following table to specify any third-party software products that are required (including plug-ins), other than database management software and operating systems. Add copies of the table as necessary.

Other Software Product InformationSoftware product:

Version number:

Reason for product:

21. Please complete the following table to specify any third-party hardware products that are required. Add copies of the table as necessary.

Other Software Product InformationManufacturer:

Hardware product:

Product model #:

Reason for product:

System Performance1. System response time must not impede the ability for departmental staff to perform their required job

functions using the system. Will your system be available 99.5% of the time, except for planned downtime?

2. Can you guarantee a 3-second maximum response time?

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3. What are your guarantees on system performance?

4. Is 100% of your product’s functionality available through a browser-based interface? If not, describe the components that are not browser-accessible.

Data Storage and Recovery1. Describe how your proposed solution supports data archiving.

2. Describe how your proposed solution facilitates high availability.

3. Describe any performance monitors built into your proposed solution.

4. How is backup accomplished with your proposed solution?

5. Please describe the services you provide around disaster recovery and business continuity planning in conjunction with your client.

Security1. Describe the identification and authorization capabilities of your proposed solution for users.

2. Describe how your system interoperates with Active Directory.

3. Describe the security audit capabilities of your proposed solution.

4. What functions does your proposed system have to protect the privacy of information designated

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“private” (e.g. personally identifiable, SSN, credit card, ACH, HIPAA, etc.) that it processes or stores?

5. What will you do to address vulnerabilities in your product discovered subsequent to us deploying your code? In what time interval will they be fixed (Critical & non-critical)? At what cost to the City of West Palm Beach?

6. What is your process for notifying the customer and fixing bugs once they have been identified?

7. Please describe your client support model including: cost structure for support calls during business and non-business hours.

8. Describe the use of Active Directory in controlling access within the application/single sign-on. Can access levels be controlled through Active Directory security groups or are they handled natively within the application?

For Hosted and SaaS Solutions Only1. Describe your Proposer hosted model, including: hosting, integration, user support help desk,

provisioning and desktop management capabilities, deployment model (dedicated servers, shared environment, etc.).

2. Will your company host the solution or will this be managed by a third party?

3. Where are the data center and storage facilities? Please include: locations, staffing, physical security, environmental controls (including redundant power), redundancy/load balancing capabilities, and data backups.

4. Describe your logical security of your hosted environment, including: firewall security, authentication controls, and data encryption capabilities.

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5. Describe your systems security administration/management capabilities including: monitoring of performance measures, intrusion detection, and error resolution.

6. Provide the total number of clients and corresponding number of end-users of hosted solutions currently supported by your proposed solution.

7. Does the system fully support a browser interface with or without the help of additional components?

8. Explain how hosted software applications are deployed for use by numerous customers (dedicated servers for each hosted customer, or is a single set of applications utilized for all customers)?

9. What system/application availability and response time will your proposed system meet? What are the City of West Palm Beach’s responsibilities to ensure this level of performance?

10. How do you track monthly usage for subscription-based services?

11. How much notification will you give the City of West Palm Beach in advance of any scheduled downtime?

12. Describe the disaster recovery site and methodology used to maintain availability.

13. Describe your requirements for data communications.

14. Where would local support be located for a client in West Palm Beach, FL in terms of time zone considerations? What support hour arrangements are provided for business and non-business hours

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(e.g. standard vs. premium support tiers)?

15. Are support calls included in annual maintenance fees, or charged on a per call basis? If on a per-call basis, please specify rates and billing method

16. Please describe the minimum commitment term (in years) for a Proposer-hosted option and note the term assumed for determining the proposed costs.

17. Describe your solutions systems administration/management capabilities including monitoring of performance measures, intrusion detection, and error resolution.

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18. Please describe your firewall security (technology, failover) and data encryption capabilities.

19. Please describe your data back-up, restore point objectives (data retention), and disaster recovery capabilities.

20. What steps are taken to ensure uptime per SLA for the application in the event of a hardware, system or power failure?

21. Describe how scheduled downtime/maintenance periods are managed and disruption to services is minimized.

22. Please describe your proposed service level agreement for uptime, including any tiered levels of service, response times, and standard metrics. Please summarize your standard SLA agreement terms.

23. Please list the connectivity options and carriers available at your hosting facility.

24. Estimate the bandwidth that your solution will require based upon users, application environment, and any other factors. How has this been validated?

25. Provide technology requirements for the client in support of proposed solution such as network topology and equipment, security, local storage, local virtual servers, etc. In this response, assume the client does not have any infrastructure.

26. Provide all peripheral technical specifications in support of solution proposed such as desktops, printers, and typically peripheral devices.

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27. Please discuss options and terms providing for an uncoupling plan where hosting services would be transitioned to an alternate hosting provider or be insourced back to the client. Describe how you will help the City of West Palm Beach move to a new operation at the end of the contract term or if the contract is terminated, including the process for notifying of termination.

28. Please provide a copy of your most recent SSAE 16 Type II audit.

*** End of Hosted and SaaS Solutions Only questions ***

6.9.1 Hardware, Software and Storage Design and Installation ConsultingThe City of West Palm Beach usually installs the required hardware and communications equipment for applications. We are open to other proposals to accomplish a successful deployment. The Proposer is expected to specify, furnish, deliver, install and support all application and system software that may include pre-installing or equipment staging.

1. What do you propose for the most effective deployment of hardware, communications, and related equipment?

2. In regards to software applications, the City places a great importance on software compliance for ADA accessibility. Describe your product's ability to meet minimum ADA accessibility requirements as stated in Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 guidelines?  If not, what is the roadmap (if any) to comply with ADA accessibility requirements.

3. The City of West Palm Beach expects the selected Proposer to conduct a test of the system backup and recovery solution prior to go-live. Describe your approach for backup and recovery testing prior to go-live.

Proposer shall provide a plan for the technical environments needed for implementation. Please consider both production and non-production, change management, and demo structures that will be required for your plan or approach.

4. List the number and type of environments and how the Proposer will make these environments available.

5. Does the system fully support a browser interface with or without the help of additional components?

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6.9.2 Configurations, Integrations and InterfacesIt is expected that information generally would need to be entered only once into the system. Modules or components within the system should be integrated in real-time with each other such that batch processes are not required to transfer information from one area of the system to another unless that is the preference of the City of West Palm Beach. Existing City of West Palm Beach interfaces between core modules that may currently exist or shadow systems that will likely be replaced are not included as they are assumed to be included in an integrated Development Services System. Review Scope Attachment A: Application Environment, Interfaces, Forms, Conversions and Technical Standards.

6. Describe your approach towards interfacing and integration with other solutions including use of specific tools, methods and standards.

7. Describe the extent to which the various modules are integrated together versus being purchased separately and interfaced

8. Describe data exchange standards (e.g. XML, Web Services, or EDI) supported or provided by your product.

9. As it pertains to the City of West Palm Beach’s current technical environment described previously, identify potential issues for integrating with specific technologies that are used within the City of West Palm Beach.

The Microsoft Excel workbook designated as Scope Attachment A - Application Environment, Interfaces, Forms, Conversions, and Technical Standards contains a listing of current and/or desired application interfaces. Please provide pricing for interface development in the associated Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet into Proposer Attachment 2 – Pricing Proposal.

6.9.3 Report, Workflow, and Form DevelopmentFor specific reporting requirements, it is anticipated that the Proposer will take the lead on developing any reports required as part of the initial deployment of the system. The Proposer is expected to provide specialized knowledge and information to the City of West Palm Beach staff during the development of needed reports, via technical training on the tools used for report development, database schema and architecture, etc.

1. Provide information on your reporting approach including:a. What is your definition of a reportb. Description of various methods of reportingc. What query tool is being proposedd. What report writer is being proposed, including any Business Intelligence tools

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2. Provide information on your workflow development approach.

3. Provide information on your form development approach.

4. Describe your pricing model for reports, workflows and forms that are not included in the base software.

5. Describe your process for determining additional reports, workflows and forms that will have to be developed (not out-of-the-box) and the effort needed to develop and test them? What is the Method for "certifying" developed reports?

6. Describe your pricing model for custom report, workflows and form development.

7. It is expected that the system will provide the ability for end-user querying and reporting to be performed without impacting the performance of the transactional system. It is also expected that the system will provide the ability to upload and download information ensuring integrity of uploaded information. Does your solution meet this expectation?

8. What reports are available out of the box? Provide a list and samples at the end of this section.

9. Are users able to create their own forms, workflows, and reports? Please describe.

6.9.4 Data Conversion PlanIt is anticipated that data conversion will occur when migrating to the new application. The Proposer is expected to assist the City of West Palm Beach in the conversion of both electronic and manual data to the new system as outlined in Scope Attachment A - Application Environment, Interfaces, Forms, Conversions, and Technical Standards. It is expected that the City of West Palm Beach will be responsible for data extraction from current systems and data scrubbing and data pre-processing and that the Proposer will be

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responsible for overall data conversion coordination, definition of file layouts, and data import and validation into the new Development Services. Please provide pricing for data conversions in the associated Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet Proposer Attachment 2 – Pricing Proposal.

1. Describe your general approach towards data conversion and how you would work with the City of West Palm Beach to conclude on what should be converted based upon business value

2. Please describe your organization’s recommended approach toward retention of legacy data.

3. Do you foresee any issues in migrating data from the current City of West Palm Beach databases (SQL, sequential file, etc.) into your system?

4. Provide your assumption for level of support and pricing for assisting the City of West Palm Beach with data conversion activity.

6.9.5 Testing1. Describe the process for System configuration testing and configuration decisions

2. Describe the approach for Integration/interface testing

3. Describe how you intend to Stress/performance test prior to go-live

4. User acceptance testing (UAT): Describe your process for transitioning from UAT to go-live considering the possibility of open issues that may require resolution.

5. Provide an overview of the Data conversion validation and testing process

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6. Describe how Workflow and security configuration is tested during implementation

6.9.6 System Documentation and ManualsThe Proposer is expected to provide customized user training manuals and online help for use by the City of West Palm Beach as part of the initial training and on-going operational support. Additionally, the Proposer is expected to provide technical documentation.

1. Describe what documentation (user guide, technical guide, training materials, etc.) is available on the system proposed and any related costs.

2. Describe what types of documentation you anticipate developing during the course of the project.

6.9.7 Proposer Support and Maintenance1. Please refer to the post-implementation support and documentation desired by the City of West Palm

Beach and complete the following table. If multiple providers are involved, please complete a table for each provider.

Proposer name:

Components supported:

Location of support staff:

Help desk support available (Yes/No):

Onsite Support Options (e.g. system tuning, application configuration, interface issues, report development, network optimization, user training and tips to optimize the user experience)

Telephone Support (Toll-free support line):

Support availability:(Indicate XX AM – XX PM, in City of West Palm Beach local time and days of the week)

Onsite support provided (Yes/No):(Briefly describe proposed onsite

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support plan)

Support fee structure: (e.g., flat-fee or per incident, after-hours charges)

Users Group: (Annual Frequency of Meetings, Locations, Average Number of Participants)

Online Users Knowledgebase:

2. Provide the minimum, maximum, and average response times (hours) provided as part of the basic support agreement and average response time for the past twelve (12) months. Would your company be willing to stipulate to set response times as part of a service-level agreement?

3. Describe your support model and problem escalation process, including initial problem identification, triage for priority and severity of problem, steps for resolving problem escalation when a solution is not forthcoming or an implemented solution is unsatisfactory.

a. Does the City of West Palm Beach have final authority regarding severity of assignments? (Yes/No)

b. Does the City of West Palm Beach have final authority regarding the acceptability of a solution? (Yes/No)

4. Indicate your response goals, and your actual SLA statistics regarding meeting those goals for your existing client base.

5. Describe your process for implementing new releases, upgrades, and or updates to the system. Explain how customizations are identified and migrated through the upgrade process.

6. How many prior software releases do you support at any given point in time?

7. Provide Help Desk services for technical support and end users. Specify days and hours and any escalation options and procedures.

8. Identify the party or business unit that is responsible for the support options provided above. The

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Proposer shall include information for a City of West Palm Beach-hosted versus a Proposer-hosted solution.

9. Provide the following regarding the number of business staff the City of West Palm Beach should expect to be committed to providing on-going application support: Role Responsibility Estimated time commitment in terms of FTE time

10. Do you limit the number of City of West Palm Beach staff who can call in for support? If yes, explain your model and how additional staff can be included and at what incremental cost? If there is no limitation, the maintenance agreement should clearly state this fact. Are you agreeable to include such language in our contract?

11. What is your policy regarding acceptance and incorporation of client enhancement requests into a future release? How are enhancement requests collected, reviewed, prioritized, and incorporated?

12. If proposing a user-based licensing model, provide detailed definitions of all user types utilized within that model. If not proposing a user-based licensing model (e.g., enterprise), define the components (e.g., employees, retirees, operating budget) upon which your pricing is based.

13. Will the Proposer contractually agree to:

Contractual Inquiry

Term / Condition Yes No

Provide on-site staff for training and implementation

Non-performance hold-backs?

Payment hold-backs until fully operational and formally accepted?

Allow the City of West Palm Beach

One year warranty, during which the annual support

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Contractual Inquiryconditions apply. The first, annual support payment would occur after the warranty period expires

14. Will the proposer provide support using a third party? If so, describe in detail the services, partnership, and value this approach provides to the City.

15. Describe how your software will be licensed to the City of West Palm Beach (e.g. site license, named users, concurrent users, etc.)

Sample license and maintenance agreements must be provided in this part of the Proposer's response for all components of the recommended solution (i.e., hardware, software, operating system, database, etc.). Indicate the basis on how licenses are determined. Please attach these in Proposer Attachment 4: Proposer’s Standard Licensing and Support Agreement.

Software Updates and Distribution1. It is anticipated that all system updates and release patches will be downloadable from the Proposer’s

web site. An accumulation patch process is desired. Provide information on how “server” and “client-side” software updates are received, processed and distributed to either the server and/or client environment, including but not limited to:

a. Backward version compatibility and support of back versions,b. Timeframe/policy on moving to new versions,c. Automatic product upgrades or on demand,d. Ease of implementation for City of West Palm Beach staff versus need to contract for services.e. Use of Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) and/or Microsoft Software Update

Services (SUS) to deploy new versions and patches to servers and clients.

2. Describe the product release cycle including:a. Frequency of upgrades/enhancements or new versions (major and minor version releases)b. Contents of release,c. How long release takes to implement, andd. Use of release notes.

Modifications / Customizations1. How does the Proposer define customization versus configuration?

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2. How can the City of West Palm Beach customize or configure the software directly without Proposer involvement?

3. How are local customizations or configurations maintained when installing new releases of the Proposer’s software?

City of West Palm Beach Support and Maintenance1. In the table below, describe the typical internal City of West Palm Beach staffing requirements

necessary to manage the system on an ongoing basis for the listed areas.

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Role Staff Skill SetHours/Year

Application Support

Database Management

Operating Systems Support

User Functional Support

System Technical Administrators

System Permissions/Roles Administrators


Proposer shall complete the following attachment:

Proposer Attachment 4: Proposer’s Standard Licensing and Support AgreementsProposer submits their standard licensing and support agreement here.

6.10Implementation Project PlanThe City of West Palm Beach expects the project to begin 30 days following contract signing. Proposers should establish projected timelines based upon this premise.

6.10.1 General Implementation Approach Provide a general overview of the implementation approach you plan to use for the City of West Palm Beach that includes addressing the following items:

1. Describe how you transition from the sales cycle to the implementation phase of the project.

2. Describe key differentiators of the approach as it relates to fulfilling the key success factors of this project. These include implementing a solution on time, within budget and with the ability to meet the needs of a diverse client like the City of West Palm Beach.

3. Describe how your team would represent the preferred implementation phasing of software modules. What is your recommended approach for this implementation?

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4. Describe your approach towards running parallel systems for a period of time.

6.10.2 City and Proposer Staff Roles and CommitmentCity of West Palm Beach Business Staff CommitmentAs outlined in the Scope of Services, the City of West Palm Beach has identified expected implementation roles and responsibilities for its implementation team. These roles shall be incorporated into a project organizational structure for City of West Palm Beach staff involvement during the project (for both a City of West Palm Beach-hosted and Proposer-hosted solution). Please provide any additional roles and/or responsibilities that should be incorporated into the project plan.

In conjunction with the development of the project plan in the Project Management Approach Section, complete Proposer Attachment 3 - City of West Palm Beach and Proposer Staffing Resources by Project Phase. This will provide the City of West Palm Beach with the expected hour’s commitment for each implementation role.

Project Role Additional Project Responsibilities for RoleImplementation Steering Committee

City of West Palm Beach Project Manager

Functional Business Leads

Subject Matter Experts

Business Integration Lead (Business Analyst)

Change Management / Training Lead

Other Roles

Other Roles

City Technical Staff CommitmentAs outlined in the Scope of Services, the City of West Palm Beach has identified expected implementation roles and responsibilities for its implementation team. These roles shall be incorporated into a project organizational structure for City of West Palm Beach staff involvement during the project (for both a City of West Palm Beach-hosted and Proposer-hosted solution). Please provide any additional roles and/or responsibilities that should be incorporated into the project plan.

In conjunction with the development of the project plan in the Project Management Approach Section, complete Proposer Attachment 3 - City of West Palm Beach and Proposer Staffing Resources by Project Phase. This will provide the City of West Palm Beach with the expected hour’s commitment for each implementation role.

Project Role Additional Project Responsibilities for RoleIT Service Management / Help Desk

System Technical Administrators

System Permissions / Roles

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System Security Administrator

Reporting and Analytics Lead

Database Administrator

Other Roles

Other Roles

Proposer shall complete the following attachment:

Proposer Attachment 3: City of West Palm Beach and Proposer Staffing Resources by Project Phase

See Excel spreadsheet for further instructions.

6.10.3 Project Management Approach The City of West Palm Beach expects the Proposer to provide project management resources leading to the successful deployment of the system. This project manager will work as a team member with the City of West Palm Beach’s project management office (“PMO”). It is expected that this project manager will be “on the ground” as appropriate to team with the City of West Palm Beach PMO. This project manager can be an employee of the Proposer or a partner of the Proposer. In either case, the costs for the project manager should be clearly denoted in the pricing section of this RFP.

As part of any significant engagement, the City of West Palm Beach employs a project management approach that is based on the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). The City of West Palm Beach would expect responding Proposers to adhere to such standards as part of the project. The project manager being proposed is required to be PMP certified.

Provide an overall description of the Proposer’s project management approach towards this type of engagement and projected timing for major phases.

In review of the Project Management Services identified in the Scope of Services Section of this RFP, please confirm that you have used and are familiar with the practices associated with the tools and resources to be integrated into your implementation approach including: project charter, technical charter, risk assessment and management, communication management, issues and action item management, meeting management, change order management, others.)

How does the Proposer plan to manage the vast amount of material that is produced during the project through potential solutions such as a collaboration environment?

Based on information provided in this Solicitation and experience in working with other large municipal entities, what is the Proposer's perspective on the most significant risks to this project and how do you plan to mitigate these risks?

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Describe your approach to project scope change management?

What is your process for monitoring, escalating and resolving issues that will arise during the project?

How will a clear delineation of project management responsibilities between the City of West Palm Beach and the Proposer be managed and represented.

Provide specific information on project close-out activities to transition support to the City of West Palm Beach.

How will project management be resourced?

Provide an activity-level work plan detailing estimated durations and hours for achieving the successful deployment of your proposed system identifying the specific tasks in order to create all interim and final deliverables. The plan should be prepared using Microsoft Project format detailing how the proposed solution is to be implemented with all intermediate and final deliverables listed for City of West Palm Beach’s acceptance. This implementation plan should address each of the implementation elements as detailed in Section 2: Scope of Services.

It is expected that the Proposer will lead the efforts in each of the implementation areas described below unless stated otherwise. Further details on what is to be provided as part of the Proposers proposed implementation plan are included in the following subsections.

As the City of West Palm Beach is contemplating a City of West Palm Beach-hosted versus Proposer-hosted solution, aspects of the services to be provided should be clearly delineated where they vary between these two approaches.

6.10.4 Training and Knowledge TransferThe Proposer should describe their process for ensuring that a transfer of knowledge occurs back to City of West Palm Beach staff such that staff is capable of supporting and maintaining the application in the most proficient manner once the Proposer implementation engagement is complete. The City of West Palm Beach intends to explore the advantages, disadvantages and related costs of two implementation training approaches:

1. End User Training Approach:  All end-user and technical training will be performed on-site through implementation and be performed by the Proposer.

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a. End user implementation training will be provided by the Proposer and include joint participation by the relevant City of West Palm Beach process owner team lead supporting the process area in the new software system.

b. Technical Implementation training will include training for City of West Palm Beach IT staff on the technologies required to support the new Development Services system.

2. Train the Trainer Approach: The Proposer will incorporate a “train the trainer” approach where only key City of West Palm Beach team leads will be trained through implementation on their modules and then they will train the remainder of the City of West Palm Beach staff in their respective areas.

a. This training would be provided at a City of West Palm Beach facility.b. Training materials supplied by the Proposer would be used by SME’s and team leads for

training their staff.c. Web conference or remote online tutorial sessions would be available to SME and team lead

staff to participate in after initial training was completed in their module.d. Technical implementation training will include training only key IT staff to support the new


User Training MatrixThe Proposer must list the nature, level, and amount of training to be provided for both options in each of the following areas:

Staff TypeNature Level Amount

(Hours)Technical staff:business analysts, security staff, system administrators, etc.

Core users and functional leads in process owning departments

Decentralized end-users

Executive level staff who need to understand how to review/approve workflows and extract information from the system

Help desk support staff

Staff responsible for user permissions and workflow development and maintenance

Other staff (e.g., executive level administrative staff)

1. What is your recommended approach to training (End-user vs. train the trainer), for this City of West Palm Beach, and why? Detail the types of training to be provided (classroom, online, VOD, etc.) and how staff can be capable of supporting and maintaining the application once the implementation is complete.

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2. Detail the foundational skills that will be required to support your solution. Include any required or suggested outside training that may be required.

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3. What types of documentation and training material will be provided to the City of West Palm Beach? How will this material be made available to users?

4. Describe the opportunities for ongoing training post-implementation.

5. Describe the Proposer’s ability to provide online training material versus classroom training.

6. Indicate whether or not there is an ability for staff to take and be tested on training.

6.10.5 Change Management ApproachThe City of West Palm Beach recognizes that a movement from the current environment to a new solution will present change management challenges. The Proposer should clearly identify their approach towards Change Management including any unique approaches or tools that will be used or offered as optional considerations.

6.10.6 Operational RedesignWith the deployment of a new application, the City of West Palm Beach may desire to take advantage of capabilities within the software that provide support for operational improvements.

1. Describe their approach towards operational redesign including discussion on the optimal time in which to conduct redesign as it relates to implementation of the new software.

6.10.7 Go-Live and Post-Implementation Support Approach1. Identify the cutover process for Go-Live support and transition plans for post-implementation support.

2. Describe your post-implementation support approach; and identify the number of staff expected to be committed to providing post-support including role, responsibility, and estimated time commitment in terms of hours.

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6.11Enterprise Offerings, Add-on modulesThe City would like to take consideration of proposer’s other offerings which could potentially complement the current scope or expand offerings in other areas at an enterprise level. The City has established weighted criteria in the evaluation process noted as Enterprise Offerings, Add-on modules in section 4.3 and section 4.4 and referenced in the Optional Services noted above as “Other Software and associated services”.

Proposer shall provide further information of these offerings in this section.

6.12Proposer Proposed PriceProposer shall complete the following attachment:

Proposer Attachment 2: Pricing Proposal

Costs for the Proposer’s proposed solution should be submitted on the proposal pricing forms provided in the associated Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet. Pricing forms should remain in the original Excel format.

The City of West Palm Beach will not consider time and materials pricing. Proposers shall provide firm and fixed pricing based on the functionality described. For each item, indicate if the cost is one-time, annual, or other.

The Proposer shall provide price information for each separate component of the proposed solution, as well as the costs of any modifications necessary to fully comply with the RFP specifications.

If any lump sum amounts are provided, Proposers should indicate in the comments sections what the lump sum consists of.

In the event the product or service is provided at no additional cost, the item should be noted as "no charge" or words to that effect.

In the event the product or service is not being included in the Proposer proposal, the item should be noted as "No Bid".

Proposers shall provide all pricing alternatives in these cost sheets. Proposer shall provide prices in U.S. dollars. Proposer shall make clear the rationale and basis of calculation for all fees. Proposers shall show separate subtotals for the required elements of the proposed solution, and for

any layers of optional elements. Please note: Pricing workbook should be provided in the exact format as provided (e.g. no additional

macros, formulas, additional columns, modifications, passwords, etc.). Failure to do so can result in disqualification of the entire proposal.

In presenting software license fees, the Proposer shall:

Explain all factors that could affect licensing fees; Make clear what type of license is offered for each price (named user, concurrent user, installed

copies, processor-based, etc.); Indicate which product versions, operating platform(s), and machine classes are included for each

price; Indicate whether a product is for “server” or “client,” as applicable; and, Make clear the extent of any implementation services that are included in the license fees (installation,

configuration, training, etc.)

To the extent possible, Proposers shall show any applicable discounts separately from the prices for products and services.

The City of West Palm Beach prefers that Proposers provide separate prices for each item in the proposed solution. However, the Proposer is also encouraged to present alternatives to itemized costs and discounts, such as bundled pricing, if such pricing would be advantageous to the City of West Palm Beach.

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City of West Palm BeachJune, 2018 Development Services System

The City of West Palm Beach reserves the right to pursue direct purchase of all items and services proposed, as well as to obtain independent financing.

The City of West Palm Beach is strongly considering both a Proposer-hosted solution through an ASP or SaaS licensing model and a traditional on-premise solution. As such, the City of West Palm Beach is requesting proposals to include detailed information regarding the Proposers hosting and licensing options. If multiple solutions are proposed, please include a separate pricing form for each hosting/licensing model.

Please complete the pricing forms that have been provided in the associated Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet as Proposer Attachment 2 - Pricing Proposal. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure the accuracy of the pricing provided as part of your response. Any errors in providing an accurate price response due to inaccuracies in the provided templates are the sole responsibility of the responding Proposer. If there is not enough space to describe the pricing on these forms, please attach a separate pricing page and provide the pricing information in the same type of format so that it is easy to understand. The City of West Palm Beach requests a firm, fixed price for each of the components described below that are included on the attached Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheet Proposer Attachment 2 – Pricing Proposal as separate tabs:

Proposer Checklist (including Hosting/Licensing Model, Travel & Lodging Costs, and Discount) Proposal Summary (no direct input required) Module Summary (no direct input required) Module Information Application Software Other Software Hardware Implementation Services Train-the-Trainer Training Data Conversion Services Optional End-User Training Interfaces Form Services Modifications Managed Services Other Implementation Services

See Excel spreadsheet for further instructions

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