Page 1: Worldly or Not? - Bishop Horace Ransom Jr

New Covenant Church International - Detroit, MI

Worldly or Not?Bishop H. Ransom Jr. - Life Enrichment Bible Study

Page 2: Worldly or Not? - Bishop Horace Ransom Jr

Love Not the World !

✤ 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

✤ 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

✤ 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

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We Must Define 'THE WORLD'

✤ Since John uses the term 'world' many times in his writing we must define the word or we will miss the message

✤ “World” (Greek = cosmos)

✤ The word came to mean 'order'. Or the universe.

✤ John 1:10 - He , (JESUS), was in the world.

✤ John 3:16; - 1 John 2:2 - Or the people in the world, (sins).

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✤ Isolation? - Simeon 5th century

✤ Lifestyle? - Amish, Mennonites

✤ German Beer? - U.S. Bowling?

✤ Filthy Five - smoking, drinking, dancing, movies, cards?

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What is Worldly?

✤ It is clear though that John uses this word in a different sense.

✤ (world) - The demonic SYSTEM(s) that are influenced by satan and operated by UNGODLY people.

✤ 1 John 5: 18 - 20

✤ Worldliness is the ungodly thoughts, attitudes, motives, values, and goals of un-regenerated people.

✤ Things that resist the Lordship of Christ.

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What is Worldly?

✤ On the other hand....

✤ There are Christians who are so actively attempting to be so much like the world that there is NO DIFFERENCE at all.

✤ In doing this they tend to COMPROMISE Godly values and principles, defeating their purpose.

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✤ 1 John 2:15 (NIV) Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.

✤ Note that John does not leave room for compromise here. So we need to know what worldliness really is!

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Christians relate to the world they live in just like JESUS DID!

✤ Jesus lived in the world among worldly people

✤ Luke 5:29-32 - Jesus went to parties ?

✤ Jesus chose Matthew to be one of His disciples ?

✤ Mt. 11: 18 - 19 - JESUS A friend of the sinner ?

✤ So...Monasticism is not holiness!

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Wait!...BEFORE you go off.....

✤ 1 Cor. 15: 33-34

✤ Don't go 'under cover' unless you are really saved yourself!!!

✤ Luke 6:39 - 'blind leading blind'

✤ We should not seek out unbelieving associates without a clear purpose like JESUS had.

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In the church it's different

✤ 1 Cor. 5: 9-13

✤ There SHOULD be a difference among believers!

✤ Let's not confuse the issue between 'the saints' and 'sinners'!

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Jesus had a mission

✤ John 18:37 To testify to the truth

✤ Luke 19:10 To seek and to save the lost

✤ Jesus was NEVER in the world for the sake of being worldly!

✤ He was sanctified, (set apart), for the purpose of saving others.

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Jesus Expected Opposition from the world.

✤ John 17: 14 - 19

✤ John 7: 7 - Hated because of the Truth

✤ One way to tell if you are being worldly or not is by whether or not people like everything you say and do.

✤ We are here to live as witnesses. Everyone won't be able to appreciate that

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In it, but not of it!

✤ John 17: 13 - 20

✤ Question: Is a lifestyle of holiness holding you back from having a good life? (JOY)?

✤ John 4:34 (My food) - John 8:29 (pleases Him)

✤ John 3: 1 - 8 - 'You are from somewhere else'!

✤ Seriously. Are you 'born again' ??????

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A Different Mindset

✤ It comes from the WORD and not the WORLD.

✤ John 17: 14 - 17 - Jesus' Prayer

✤ Eph. 5: 26 - Washed by the Word

✤ The Holy Spirit agrees with the WORD causing a change in the believer. (No list needed)!!

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The goal?Distinction from the world

✤ (Distinction) - not alike, different in nature or quality. Easy to perceive. Recognizable, marked.

✤ John 17: 15 - 'Don't remove them, make them distinct for your glory'.

✤ Make real life application using God's Word

✤ There must be a difference if you want to make change.

✤ We cannot be so separate from the world that there is no relationship

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